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Book of the Lawless: Essays on Anti-Cosmic Satanism PDF

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Preview Book of the Lawless: Essays on Anti-Cosmic Satanism

Book of the Lawless Essays on Anti-Cosmic Satanism Asha’Shedim Copyright 2015 John Putignano All Rights Reserved This work is written by John Putignano and gives permission to upload this material for free to use on the internet, however, to not change a word. Contents Joining the Lilin Society The Hardships of this Path The Basic Beliefs of the Lilin Society Understanding the Illusion Escaping Reincarnation The Hardships of this Path An Dangerous Law Reaching Gnosis through the Collective Ritual to Chavajoth Cain the Immortal My Path to Spiritual Satanism Joining the Lilin Society The neophyte looking to learn under the name of the Lilin Society has two paths they can take. The first path is that of a Sect and the second is that of the individual. Regardless of the path chosen the Grand Council must be contacted to obtain our hidden lore which is not publically released. Once you obtain this lore you will be considered initiated into the Society. Understanding of our goals is also of importance. We believe in the Azoth (Higher Spirit) and the Ego (Finite Spirit). Through our studies the neophyte will learn to kill his ego and elevate and evolve himself through gnosis (knowledge). Although a Chaos Gnostic Satanic group we do work in other dark arts to achieve gnosis such as Voodoo, Quimbanda and the Cult of La Santa Muerte to name a few. This path is not an easy one to walk for it is full of the esoteric knowledge which the neophyte must discover and understand. Evolution is not easy. Reaching the level of adept within the Society, although rewarding spiritually, may be detrimental to your ego and thus make physical existence harder to live. One must be strong to walk this path. Lucifer is strength and we must personify this trait if we wish to reach success. We are a blood sacrifice group which believes that the prana in blood helps us to reach success in our rituals and gnosis. Vampirism is practiced for it is believed within the society to drink the prana leads to enlightenment, to devour the life of that you sacrificed in the name of the great art. Our goal to achieve wisdom is to traverse past sentinel life and toward the acausal. We wish to strengthen the bond with the currents of the acausal and raise the Chavajoth to destroy cosmic order and sefirotic bondage. To achieve this state we must first end our ego’s stasis and awaken our Azoth. The boundaries of comfort will be tested and pushed. Many are uncomfortable holding the knife that ends a life but in the end the life you end is your own ego’s finite existence. Each cup of prana drank, the blood spilled and the hours spend in spiritual segregation pay off. A warning to those with an interest in the occult but no true follow through with it, stay away from the Lilin Society. Dead weight is not tolerated. We are evil and follow the path of evil in that evil is the opposition of good. What is good and what is evil? It is subjective morality which we do not believe in, however, if the demiurge cults say it is good to blindly follow, submit, remain ignorant and spend your life in sefirotic chains, then we oppose this and thus are evil. Understand, however, there is lawlessness in the origin and that is where we wish to return, thus we are lawless spirits who strive to reach the pinnacle of enlightenment and evolution. We believe in endogenic and exogenic sorcery to help our evolution and gnosis. Without the balance of both the neophyte will fail to ever progress past a wondering exhibitionist. We warn you, do not use our Society or symbols to proclaim something you are not. You walk this path or you don’t. We believe in brotherhood. You are either with us or you are against us and we will always support our kin. This means to support our esoteric secrets. To divulge our information to the public is to be an enemy, and our enemies will be made known. We do not seek members, members seek us. They wish to learn in our schools and understand our rituals and practices. If you wish to work within our society seek out the Grand Council. The Hardships of this Path The infernal path toward enlightenment is hardly a leisure stroll. The road is full of depression and an extreme sense of alienation. I often find myself detached from the rest of humanity the more I see past the illusion. Everything seems futile. Understanding is what will help you get through this. Depression is a symptom of spiritual evolution. It is the spirit’s eye seeing past the ego and understands that life is an unfulfilling void of distractions until death. This is why Satanists will more often that most harbor suicidal tendencies or idealization; as our understanding grows so does our desire to leave this world. The main problem with suicide is that the Satanist is not ready to die. He has not fully shed his ego and has not reached the proper state of gnosis. He has too many anchors in this world, and these anchors will drag the Satanist back through the vicious cycle of rebirth with a new ego to start over again. If takes more than one lifetime to fully reach the pinnacle of gnosis and break the cycle of rebirth, thus returning to chaos. I have grown envious of the incarcerated at times. They have been put in the perfect situation to kill their ego, in seclusion from the distractions of this world. The problem is that many misspend their time with the demiurge cults and mindless criminal activity. Segregation is a path towards enlightenment and thus we get to my suggestion. I feel that once a week, or once every two weeks, the Satanist should segregate himself from the world. No stimulation, no music, no television, no reading; nothing but his thoughts and mind. During this time the Satanist should fast to weaken the body and strengthen the mind. Learn to ignore your body, learn to ignore your ego. This will seem futile at first perhaps and the physical world will claw at your brain and try to pull you back in but don’t let it. This is a necessary abstinent which in time will help you reach gnosis. Truth be told, rituals exist mainly to satisfy mankind’s need for them, but what good are all the rituals when your ego still dominates? The main problem I have with the modern Satanist is that he is too egotistical and hypocritical. He is self-absorbed in attaching himself to a community he wishes to relate to. On the outside he is rebellious and dominant but inside he strives for attention. He proclaims his devotion to chaos and Satan and then fills his spiritual matters with physical idols and symbols which he seems to worship more than the actual representation of them. If this is you, and you accept this as being true, than you are finally on the right path. Work within the realm of segregation and get to know your real spirit. You already know your ego. This path is not an easy one to walk. Enlightenment and evolution comes with hard work but the end payoff is well worth all the sacrifice. You shed blood in your rituals, you chant and you pray. You follow all the orders and steps but what good is it if you don’t understand yourself; and by that I mean your true self not you ego. The Basic Beliefs of the Lilin Society With so many definitions and a diverse world of beliefs, this word has become saturated. Anton LaVey exploited it with his mindless hedonistic cult void of a spiritualism while the Temple of Set, although acknowledged a spiritual Satan, aimed at making Satan a family friendly entity. The Lilin Society takes a Gnostic approach. We do not view Satan as a fallen angel, and reject the Christian concept of Satan. Before I divulge who Satan is let me explain the belief of Chaos Gnosticism. Outside our cosmos exists an infinite stretch of lawlessness and Chaos. We call this acausal world Ur-Chaos and it interpenetrates all. Here everything is conceivable and it is the womb of the Dragon we call Tiamat. It is the zero dimension which surrounds the essence of the Unknown God. Like was said, all is possible in Chaos, even the formation of Order. The Demiurge (Yahweh) is a lesser god who formed the Cosmic Order. The Demiurgic Light came down and formed the Tzimtzum, a concept of contraction and condensation which forced the Demiurgic Light down into the Void. The Tzimtzum was the cause of time, space and causality and when the Ain Sof came down it formed the ten emanations of the Demiurge until Malkuth (physical existence). When this happened the Ain Sof had a second, adverse emanation the formed. This is because of the new found law of cause and effect. Where the finite and cosmic exists, so shall the infinite and anti-cosmic. This adverse to the Sephiroth is called the Qliphoth. Two trees formed; the Tree of Life (Sepfriotic Bondadge) and the Tree of Dead (Qliphotic Liberation). This is also known as Dayside and Nightside. The Nightside we call Sitra Achra had become the antithesis of Cosmic Order. The purpose of this Sitra Achra is to seep and intrude into Dayside to help in the return of the divine sparks (Azoth) which have been trapped in Clayform (human form), back to the limitless chaos. It is important to know that Sitra Achra was not the left overs of creation, but a formation made according to the newfound laws of the Cosmic. The goal of the “demons” of Sitra Achra are to free the Azoth from their Cosmic prison. Lucifer or Satan is a part of the Chavajoth, who is the bringer of Black Light (Atazhoth). The Demiurge has blinded mankind with his Demiurgic Light and Satan will bring the truth to help us see again. Those who seek the unmanifested will be illuminated by Black Light. Those void of the essence of Sitra Achra will not understand it. Lucifer, the bringer of light, will bring the Black Light but it will always be darkness in the eyes of the blind. Lucifer’s light is Gnosis (knowledge) that is the gate to Sitra Achra. In Sitra Achra are the paths to Ur-Chaos, beyond the Crown of Satan. What is Satan’s goals? He is here to destroy the cosmic order, the emanations and the Demiurge and to return all to Chaos, including himself whereas the Demiurge seeks to separate. Satan is the liberator who wishes to unite all back to Ur-Chaos. I ask then, who is the real enemy here; Satan or the Great Cosmic Warden? Before Satan are three dark veils. These emanated from Cosmic Chaos before the formation of the Tree of Death. These Veils are Tohu, Bohu and Chasek. These veils are what made way the Black Light from the outer darkness and into Sitra Achra. At the throne sits Satan and Moloch. Satan looks up to Chaos while Moloch looks down at the Tree of Death. When Ascending the Tree of Death the final phase of Adeptship comes from passing through the Flames of Moloch. Only after this will the Adept confront Satan. It is important to know at this point that Satan is not the Unknown God, but he is our way to the Unknown God and thus he is our master. It must be understood that the ancient gods are nameless. The names we give to their essence are just that, names, but they are names that fit them as we get to know them. Other names for Satan include Apep, Angra Mainyu, Ahriman, Set, Samael and many more. He is the adversary to the Demiurge. The Chavajoth are the eleven anti-cosmic gods which will destroy cosmic order. Chavajoth is the name of the Demiurge in reverse (HVHI) and their names are Beelzebuth, Lucifuge Rofocale, Astaroth, Asmodeus, Belfegor, Baal, Adramelech, Lilith, Naamah, Moloch and Satan. The Chavajoth is described as a sleeping dragon and is the cumulative forces of Sitra Achra/Nightside. Now we must understand the acasual universe. A living being is able to change, grow and move without any external forces being applied. The force is internal unlike that of ordinary physical matter in the universe like stars, rocks, galaxies or chemical interacting with chemical. This leads us to believe there is a force within us that is not of this cosmos. This is the Azoth and the acausal spirit must descend from an acausal realm. This is interesting for it points us to acknowledge the fact that every human being is a nexion (gateway) to the acausal realm which cannot be explained in current mathematical equations. It is indescribable by three dimensions and one linear time dimension. In short, this is Chaos. This also explains our ability to use sorcery and other methods unnatural or “supernatural” in this cosmic order. We are a nexion, and thus we have the ability to pull forth from the acausal world and manipulate that around us in the physical.

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