BOOK NOTICES Ethnobolanical/Economic/Medicinal/Useful Plants/Toxic and Margaret Cannon. 2003. Dye Plants and Dying. (ISBN 0-88192-572-1, OR Timber Second 97204- pbk.). Press, Inc. 133 S.W. Ave, Suite 450, Portland, 3527, U.S.A. (Orders:, [email protected], 503- 227-2878, 1-800-327-5680, 503-227-3070 129 48 fax). $19.95, color pp., paintings, 7 3/16 x 9 3/4". Kunow Maya lANNA Appel 2003. Medicine: Traditional Healing Yucatan. in New (ISBN 0-8263-2864-4, University Mexico 1720 Lomas hbk.). of Press, NM New Blvd. NE, University of Mexico, Albuquerque, 87131-0001, U.S.A. 1 800-249-7737, 505-277-9270 (Orders: 160 fax, $29.95, pp., 36 line drawuTgs, 6 x 9". Compounds BoiK. 2001. Natural in Cancer Therapy: Promising Nontoxic & Antitumor Agents from Plants Other Natural Sources. (ISBN 9648280 MN Oregon Medical 10'^ Avenue 1-4, pbk.). Press, 315 N, Pruiceton, 55371, 800-610-0768, 612-395-5239 U.S.A. (Orders: [email protected], fax, 520 $32.00, 8 1/2 x 11". pp.,