Norn JDHL,E.T. 1840. tTubingae. 731, pp. EOKA,T. 1961. A. bic BOOK NOTICE New Connor, England (ISBN 1994. Natives. 0-674-61350-3, S. hbk.). MA Harvard University 79 Garden Cambridge, 02138- Press, Street, 274 9983. $39.95. pp. New plants of England by describing the'lvide'range oru.scITrmgTlfen^e'ras't! ... Chapter 3, "Trees in the Marketplace and in the Garden," considers uses and decorative And New value of trees. chapter 4, "The Yankee Forest," discusses ecology and more uses. white illustrations (mostly photographs but also reproductions of old illustrations related wood ing significance of in the history of the Republic" and "the use of the forest as more than mere would scenery." It be a fine addition to the list of "suggested readings" for any general botany or biology course or course on economic botany. And good reading for it is just about anybody interested in plants and peopie.^ohn W. Thieret.