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BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page ii Epigraph Problems of the developmental physiology of bone have always had a great fascination for those who have studied them. That fascination is likewise easily understood when we reflect how notable an example is provided by bone of the way in which, from the apparently simple, more complex problems arise, and how the pursuit of these further problems leads the investigator, if [s]he be so minded, straight to fundamental problems of the nature of life itself. (Brash, 1934, p. 306) The facts to which I wish to call your attention, and which are confirmatory of the views here developed, have been brought to light by different observers, at different times. (Hubrecht, 1897, p. 37) BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xix Preface The skeleton has fascinated humankind ever since it wound repair, or regeneration. Bones modify themselves wasrealized that, aside from one or several sets of genes, in response to injury, disease or parasitic infection, in the bare bones are our only bequest to posterity. But the aftermath of surgery, as a defensive response to preda- skeleton is more than an articulated set of bones: its tors, as a consequence of domestication or hibernation, three-dimensional conformation establishes the basis of and through evolutionary adaptations. our physical appearance; its formation and rate of My previous book on the skeleton – Developmental differentiation determine our shape and size at birth; its and Cellular Skeletal Biology – was published in 1978. postnatal growth orders us among our contemporaries That book concerned itself with how bones and carti- and sets our final stature; while its decline in later life is lages are made and how these tissues, organs and sys- among the primary causes of loss of the swiftness and tems evolved. So too does the present book, which agility of youth. Not surprisingly, the skeleton is a central includes and updates the earlier treatment. With respect focus of many scientific and biomedical disciplines and to skeletal development, I address such questions as the investigations. following. For the developmental or cell biologist, the skeleton provides an excellent model for studies of gene action, cell ● Is bone always bone, no matter where and under what differentiation, morphogenesis, polarized growth, epithe- conditions it forms? lial–mesenchymal interactions, programmed cell death, ● Do bones that develop indirectlyby replacing another and the role of the extracellular matrix. The skeleton sup- tissue – be it cartilage, marrow, connective tissue, fat, plies the geneticist with a permanent record of the vicissi- tendon or ligament – differ from one another, and/or tudes of its growth, whereby the phenotypic expression of from bone that develops directly(intramembranously)? genetic abnormalities can be studied. The orthopaedic ● Is fast-growing the same as slow-growing bone? surgeon earns a livelihood from correcting abnormalities ● Is fish bone the same as human bone? and breaks, while the orthodontist corrects the position of ● Does bone form continuously or in cycles? teeth displaced consequent to alveolar bone dysfunction. ● Do bears make new bone during hibernation? Physiologists, biochemists and nutritionists are concerned ● Can sharks make bone? with the skeleton’s store of calcium and phosphorus and its ● If cartilage does not contain type II (cartilage-type) col- response to vitamins and hormones. Haematologists, on lagen, is it still cartilage? the other hand, find that the skeleton houses the progeni- ● Does the body contain cells that can differentiate as tors of the blood cells. Pathologists endeavour to under- chondrocytes or as osteocytes and, if so, what factors stand the disease states that result from abnormalities in allow cells to choose their fate? skeletal cellular differentiation or function; surgeons want ● Are progenitor (stem) cells for bone and cartilage only to prevent formation of skeletal tissues in the wounds that found within the skeleton? If not, how do we recognize bear witness to their work. Vertebrate palaeontologists such cells and activate them for skeletogenesis? make their living from the analysis of the skeletons of ● Why is aggregation (condensation) of cells so impor- extinct taxa. Veterinarians, physical anthropologists, radio- tant for the initiation of the skeleton? graphers, forensic scientists – the list goes on. ● Does the skeleton display daily or circadian rhythms? Bones come in all shapes and sizes. There are long ● Do similar genes/growth factors regulate the differenti- bones, flat bones, curved bones, bones of irregular and ation of osteoblasts and chondroblasts? geometrically indefinable shapes, large bones and small. ● Can mononucleated cells resorb bone? Bones exhibit bumps, ridges, grooves, holes and depres- ● How do joints form and remain patent? sions where they articulate with other bones, attach to ● How does activating FGF receptors cause cranial tendons and ligaments, and where nerves and blood ves- sutures to fuse? sels course through them. Some bones and cartilages ● What can mutants tell us about normal skeletogenesis? arise within the skeleton and are integral parts of it. ● Does Wolff’s law really govern the structure of bone? Others arise outside the skeleton, some as sesamoids or ● How do chondroid, chondroid bone, osteoid and bone ossifications within tendons or ligaments, others as differ from one another? pathological ossifications in what otherwise would be ● How do antlers, horns and knobs (ossicones) differ one benign soft tissues. Bones and cartilages may develop from the other? during embryonic or foetal life, in larval stages or in adult- ● Can we restart cell division in articular cartilage to hood – often late in adulthood – during normal ontogeny, effect repair? BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xx xx Preface With respect to the evolution of skeletal tissues, organs giraffes. Parts IV and V deal with the origin of skeletogenic and systems, I ask such questions as the following. cells, either as stem cells in embryos or adults (Chapters 10 and 11) or as more definitive skeletogenic cells (Part V). ● What are the evolutionary relationships between carti- Here the emphasis is on those cells that can differentiate lage and bone and between acellular and cellular either as chondro- or osteoblasts (Chapter 12), on dedif- bone? ferentiation as a source of skeletogenic cells in normally ● How did novel features such as tetrapod limbs arise developing long bones and jaws and in regenerating from fish fins? urodele limbs (Chapters 13 and 14), and on the relation- ● Can fossilized bone reveal patterns of growth, metabo- ship(s) between the cells that make and the cells that lism or physiology? break bone – osteoblasts and osteoclasts (Chapter 15). ● Why are so few aware of the extensive cartilaginous I move explicitly into embryonic development in the skeletons found in many invertebrates? three chapters in Part VI through examination of the ● Is five the canonical number of tetrapod digits? embryonic origins of skeletogenic cells in somitic meso- ● If tetrapods are vertebrates with limbs, then how can derm and the neural crest, and an evaluation of the roles limbless snakes be tetrapods? of epithelial–mesenchymal interactions in initiating skele- ● How did snakes lose their limbs? togenesis. The developmental processes that underpin ● How did whales lose their hind limbs and transform skeletal formation – differentiation, morphogenesis and their forelimbs into flippers? growth – are mediated through modification of cell divi- ● How do we recognize the diverse range of tissues in sion, movement, death (apoptosis) and/or specialization. fossilized skeletons that are intermediate between con- To our amazement, similar genes and gene networks or nective tissues and cartilage, cartilage and bone, bone pathways may be involved in all these developmental and dentine, or dentine and enamel? processes, and in vertebrates as diverse as sharks, salaman- ● Why can some vertebrates regenerate their limbs or ders, shrews and shore birds; pathways are conserved. In tails and others not? other instances, genetic pathways have diverged in differ- ● How does reduction in body size (miniaturization) affect ent taxa; development evolves. Consequently, constancy, the skeleton? variation, change and novelty all confound our analyses. A major challenge for the future is to understand how con- The answers to the above and many other questions servation and/or modification at molecular, cellular and may be found in this book. Sometimes the ‘answers’ are developmental levels produces and has produced the limited to descriptions. In other cases we have an exten- diversity of skeletal tissues, elements and systems seen in sive knowledge of the molecular, cellular, developmental bone, cartilage and chondroid (tissues), the clavicle, and evolutionary processes involved. Some transitions humerus and ribs (elements), and in the endo- and exo-, (fins → limbs, for example) are understood in consider- appendicular, axial and craniofacial skeletal systems. able detail, with paleontology, paleobiology, paleohistol- Skeletal development comprises a stepwise set of ogy, paleopathology, and the study of extant forms events, each depending on the step before, but each through molecular, cell and developmental biology con- involving different cellular processes – migration, adhe- tributing to our understanding. Other transitions – the sion, proliferation, growth – and each subject to different origin of the turtle shell, for example – are much less well genetic control. Condensation, the pivotal stage in the understood, with fossils contributing little and develop- development of skeletal and other mesenchymal tissues, mental information only beginning to appear. when a previously dispersed population of cells gathers Discussion of the mechanisms of skeletal development together to differentiate into a single cell/tissue type such and evolution is organized into 15 parts to enable you to as cartilage, bone, muscle, tendon, kidney or lung, is the select with ease a topic of special interest. The range of earliest stage during organ formation when tissue-specific skeletal tissues covered by the book is outlined in Part I. genes are up-regulated. Condensation itself is a multistep Although primarily devoted to bone and cartilage, Part I process, involving initiation, establishment of boundary introduces dentine and enamel and four skeletal tissues conditions, cell adhesion, proliferation, growth and cessa- that I call ‘intermediate’ because they display features of tion of growth. Chapters 19 and 20 in Part VII discuss con- two or more of cartilage, bone, dentine and enamel. The densation and the transition from condensation to overt four are chondroid, chondroid bone, cementum and differentiation of cartilage and bone, processes that are enameloid. Discussion of these intermediate tissues is elaborated and related to epithelial–mesenchymal inter- expanded in Part II in the context of what I refer to as ‘nat- actions in the context of a discussion of the development ural experiments,’ a category that includes invertebrate of the skull and optic and nasal capsules in Chapter 21. cartilages and an examination of the evolution of skeletal Because cartilage is not cartilage is not cartilage, and tissues. an osteoblast is not an osteoblast is not an osteoblast, Unusual tissues are followed in Part III by unusual modes Idevote Part VIII to an evaluation of similarity and diversity of skeletogenesis, namely, horns, antlers, intratendinous of cartilages and bones and of chondro- and osteogenic ossifications and sesamoids, and the ossicones (knobs) of cells. Included in these chapters are discussions of the BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xxi PArneftalecres xxi role of type X collagen, chondrocyte hypertrophy, vascularity reader may want to refer frequently – the major proteinsof and/or resistance to vascular invasion in different carti- bone, cartilage mineralization, Bmps and their receptors, lages, and gender-based differences in the skeleton. as three examples – along with unexpected findings Part IX takes us to how chondrocytes are maintained as (chondrocytes with cilia, cartilage inside the notochord, differentiated cells (Chapter 26), how chondrogenesis the evolutionary consequences of hunting big sheep, gone awry can lead to achondroplasia (Chapter 27), and cartilages and bones in the heart, how hibernation affects to discussions of restarting chondrogenesis in articular the skeleton, coal trimmers and shoemakers, fish with- cartilages or during bone repair and regeneration outtails) are placed in boxes, which can be read as part of (Chapters 28 and 29). the text or in isolation. To make the text as user friendly as Skeletal organs do not exist in isolation but are articu- possible I have placed references, comments, elabora- lated at joints or sutures to form skeletal systems. How tions, asides and tit(tid)bitsa in endnotes, gathered skeletal growth, especially long-bone growth, is initiated, together at the end of the text. how skeletal shape is maintained, and that perennial A device I have used to show how our understanding of topic, Wolff’s law and the response of bone (and cartilage) a topic has evolved and how research programmes to mechanical stimulation, are the topics of Part X; move- develop is to outline the research from a research group ment, maintenance of joints and abnormal fusion of in a single list in chronological sequence. Furthermore, sutures (craniosynostosis) are the topics of Part XI. individual studies often pertain with equal utility to sev- Although the search has been long, evolutionary devel- eral aspects of, or approaches to, skeletal biology. opmental mechanisms are more elusive. Almost a century Because of this, and because I want each section to be as and a half ago, Thomas Henry Huxley recognized but self-contained as possible, you will occasionally find that I three processes in the generation of animal morphology: have repeated an example, explanation or mechanism. (i) excess or (ii) suppression of one or more parts with This does not reflect sloppy copy-editing. Rather, it is a respect to other parts, and (iii) the coalescence of parts. In deliberate way of demonstrating how interrelated the essence, modification in a descendant of any of the devel- apparently separate topics are. opmental processes noted above and discussed in the Although I want you to read the book, you should be text could lead to evolutionary changes in the skeleton. able to access information readily through the index. Reduce the size of a limb bud and digit number falls below Consequently, I have provided a detailed index, which five. Expand the width of the limb bud and an extra digit serves as both subject and taxonomic index. The annotated (polydactyly) can result. Limblessness and taillessness list of abbreviations provided also can be used as aglossary often result, not from failure to initiate a limb or tail bud, of the many genes and growth factors discussed. but from the inability to maintain the bud for long enough Inclusion of a list of abbreviations raises the issue of for skeletal tissues/organs to form. A mutation that allows gene nomenclature. limb buds to persist in an individual limbless tetrapod can Because of the rampant confusion and variation in the result in the formation of an atavistic skeletal element. literature, a comment on the notation used for genes Add natural selection and a limbless taxon can result. and their products has become a standard element in The six chapters in Parts XII and XIII discuss is some the preface of many recent books – Weiss and Buchanan details limb buds, the limb skeleton, limbless tetrapods, (2004) for example, or been extended to an extensive fins, and the transformation of fins into limbs with the evo- appendix – Appendix 1 in Wilkins (2002) for example. lutionary origin of the tetrapods. Many are familiar with Gene, growth factor and receptor nomenclature are in the apical ectoderm ridge or AER. Fewer will know that considerable disarray – Older names have been sup- developing tails possess a ventral ectodermal ridge or planted by newer names. And, that’s a good thing; it VER. Part XIV is taken up with development of the verte- reflects the recognition of families of growth factors and brae, including those of the tail, and including a discus- genes and a consequent rationalization of nomenclature. sion of tailless vertebrates in which the VER fails to So GHox-4.6 and GHox-8 isolated from chick embryos function normally. Part XV – the last – explicitly treats evo- are now known to be a member of the Hoxd group lutionary skeletal biology with discussions of skeletal vari- (Hoxd-11) and an Msx gene (Msx-2), respectively. ation, heterochrony, miniaturization, the evolution of Independent and often contemporaneous discovery of novel skeletal elements (neomorphs) and atavisms. the same gene or gene product in different laboratories Skeletal biology is a vast field; the research of thousands introduced into the literature different names for the of individuals is included in the close to 6800 references same entity. Examples are osteogenin, Bmp2B and cited. Nonetheless, and although I have endeavoured to rhBmp2B (human recombinant Bmp2B) for what is now be comprehensive, I have not been inclusive. I would known as Bmp-3. Even so, one has to be on one’s guard; appreciate important references I have omitted being brought to my attention. a Tidbit, US variant of titbit. Titbit, a dainty morsel, a piquant item of news. ‘The book is chock-full of colorful titbits about theater and the- Important conclusions are highlighted in the text. Topics ater people’ (Alec Guinness) is an example of the use of the term that apply throughout the book and to which you the found on many web sites. BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xxii xxii Preface older names remain in use in recent literature. I have Although I hope it is not too obvious from the book, it endeavoured to provide current nomenclature through- is not possible for one person to be expert in all the out, including older names where appropriate.bGenes are areas of skeletal biology. Skeletal biology is a vast field; in italics (Fgf-4), gene products in plain typeface (Fgf-4). the research of thousands of individuals is included in Following convention, human genes or their products are the close to 6800 reference cited. I am grateful to a num- capitalized (FGF-4, FGF-4). ber of experts in specific areas who took the time and trouble to respond to my request to review individual My own interest in the skeleton was kindled by my Ph.D. chapters. With the chapter they reviewed in parentheses, supervisor, the late P. D. F. Murray, whose 1936 mono- my thanks to Mike Benjamin (9), George Bernard (2), graph Bones, A Study of the Development and Structure John Bertram (32), Bobo Christ (16), Nelly Farnum (31), of the Vertebrate Skeletonremains one of the most lucid Benedikt Hallgrímsson (44), Greg Handrigan (43), Tuomo and, paradoxically, most modern treatments of the devel- Kantomaa (33), Gillian Morriss-Kay (34), Lynne oping skeleton. The present book was meant to be a Opperman (34), Pertti Pirttiniemi (33), Robin Poole (3), post-retirement project, one that I could dawdle over into Cheryll Tickle (38) and Eckhard Witten (1–6). Tim Fedak, my declining years. Charles (Chuck) Crumly, then of Tamara Franz-Odendaal and Matt Vickaryous, three cur- Academic Press, convinced me that I should make an ear- rent members of my laboratory, each provided com- lier start on the project by providing a contract with a long ments on several chapters and engaged in a scavenger lead-time and then believed me when I said I was working hunt for elusive titbits. Allison Cole commented on on the book and not dawdling...My thanks Chuck, for Chapter 4. Annie Burke, Andy Horn and Marty Leonard, your faith, encouragement, and friendship. Completion Peggy Kirby, David Precious and Marvalee Wake pro- of the book was aided enormously by the granting of a vided information concerning somite organization, the Killam Research Fellowship by the Canada Council for the identification of the species in Figure 7.7, cells migrating Arts in 2003. Without the consequent release-time from from the ventral neural tube, nasal septal growth, and teaching and administration I would be even further chondroid in caecilians, respectively. Tom MacRae and behind the generous deadline given when I signed the Vett Lloyd kindly checked the list of abbreviations. It is a contract. pleasure to thank Priscilla Goldby for expert copy- I am grateful that Tim Fedak applied his considerable editing and Pauline Sones and Andy Richford of Elsevier artistic skills to the preparation of the figures, which for their professionalism in bringing the book into enhance the text enormously. My thanks to Hollie Knoll, production. June Hall read two drafts of the entire book – who prepared the majority of the tables (often from quite each of which I thought was the penultimate draft – and raw starting material), and to Patricia (Paty) Avendaño provided much excellent advice, more of which, as for assistance with some of the tables and for providing always, Ishould have taken. Figures 40.6 to 40.8. A number of other friends and Since 1968 my research has been supported continu- colleagues kindly made figures available. My thanks to ously by the National Research Council (NRC) and then Michael Locke for Figure 2.3, Eckhard Witten for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Figure2.11, Tamara Franz-Odendaal and Andrew Gillis for (NSERC) of Canada (grants A5056 and 257447-02), with the figures of scleral ossicles in salmon (Fig. 21.1), David additional support from time to time from the Research Precious for Figure 33.2, and Ulrich Zeller for Figure44.1. Development Fund and Killam Trust of Dalhousie University and from funds associated with the George S. Campbell Chair in Biology and a University Research b M. P. Smith (1992) and S. Stein et al.(1996) provide guides and check- Professorship, the Victoria General Hospital (Halifax), the lists to the vertebrate homeobox (Hox) genes, Duboule (1994) a guide Medical Research Council (Canada), the Canadian to those homeobox genes known a decade ago. The rationale for Institutes of Health Research, the Killam Trust of the gene nomenclature outlined by Wilkins (2000, pp. 525–526) is emi- Canada Council for the Arts, and the US National nently sensible and rational; Wendy Olson and I followed this conven- Institutes of Health (NIH; grant 45344). To all these agen- tion for Keywords & Concepts inEvolutionary Developmental Biology (Hall and Olson, 2003, p. xvi) and I use it here. cies, my heartfelt thanks. BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xxiii Abbreviations Because acronyms and abbreviations abound, especially A-P, antero-posterior axis/polarity of organ in molecular biology, metabolic pathways and enzymo- rudiments (e.g. limb bud), organs (e.g. logy, I provide a list of the abbreviations used in the book, limbs) or organism including abbreviations used in tables but excluding ATCD-5, a chondrogenic murine embryonic carci- those used in figures; many of the latter pertain only to a noma cell line single figure legend. Where I felt it would be helpful I ATP, adenosine 5(cid:4)-triphosphate have annotated the explanation of an abbreviation. Entries marked * (e.g. *Fgf) represent families of mol- B ecules. In such entries, individual family members are not BAC library, a DNA library based on the cloning of large listed, but their identity in the text should be obvious. For fragments of genomic DNA into vectors example Fgf-1 and Fgf-2 – fibroblast growth factor one known as Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes and fibroblast growth factor two – are two members of BAG-75, bone acidic glycoprotein the Fgf family, BmpR-1B is a BmpR (bone morphogenetic BALB/c, an inbred strain of mice that develops protein receptor) and so forth. When only a single mem- numerous tumours in later life ber of a family is mentioned in the book I only list that Bapx-1, Bagpipe homeobox gene-, a member of member. Bapx-1and Gli-3are two examples. the Nkxfamily of transcription factors. Also Genes and gene products are listed under the same known as Nkx3.2 abbreviation with the gene name in italics and the gene Barx-1, BarH-like homeobox 1, a gene encoding a product in plain text as per convention, e.g. Fgf, Fgf.Gene mouse homeodomain transcription factor; names in humans are capitalized (FGF-2) in the text, but orthologue of the Bar subclass of homeo- not listed separately in these abbreviations. Gene names domain proteins of Drosophila for Hox genes were regularized a little over a decade ago. B&C score, Boone & Crockett score; official measure Nevertheless, and for ease of reference, I have included for the sizes of antlers and horns older names in this list and cross-listed them to the newer name, e.g. Hox 1.1 (cid:3)Hoxa-7, Quox 7 (cid:3)Msx-2. bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor, a synonym for Fgf-2 BGJ , a culture medium for skeletal tissues/cells A b devised by Biggers, Gwatkin and Judah in A23187, a monocarboxylic acid extracted from the the 1960s actinomycete Streptomyceschartreusensis; BGP, bone Gla-protein, a synonym for osteocalcin an ionophore that binds Ca++. Also known as *bHLH, basic helix-loop-helix gene family calcimycin Bm, Brachymorphic mutant mice which displays Ac, the achondroplasiamutant rabbit disproportionate dwarfism AEMF, apical ectodermal maintenance factor *Bmp, Bmp, bone morphogenetic protein gene and AER, apical ectodermal ridge of limb bud (should gene product more properly be termed the apical epithelial *BmpR, bone morphogenetic protein receptor, e.g. ridge, as it arises from epithelium long after BmpRIB the ectoderm has become epithelial) bpH, the symbol for the brachypodism mouse aFGF, acidic fibroblast growth factor, a synonym mutant for Fgf-1 Alk-6, activin receptor-like kinase ((cid:3)BmpRIB) Br, Brachyrrhinemouse mutant BrdU, bromodeoxyuridine, an analogue of Alx-3, a mouse paired, Aristaless-like homeobox thymidine gene BSP, bone sialoprotein *AmphiWnt, the Wnt gene family in amphioxus (Branchiostoma), e.g. AmphiWnt-3 6-AN, 6-aminonicotinamide (C H N O, MW C 6 7 3 137.14), a teratogenic vitamin antagonist C-1-1, a transcription factor variant of the ets 6-AN-NAD, 6-aminonicotinamide adenine dinucleotide DNA-binding transcription factor ch-egr, ANZ, anterior necrotic zone of limb buds; a zone expressed in articular chondrocytes of apoptosis C1–C7, cervical vertebrae one to seven BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xxiv xxiv Abbreviations C342Y, a cysteine to tyrosine mutation of the Ck-erg, the chicken erg gene, an Ets transcription human FGFR-2 gene resulting in Crouzon factor syndrome Clim-2, the gene for carboxyl-terminal lim domain C3H10T1/2, a murine multipotential mesenchymal cell protein-2 line Cmd, the cartilage matrix deficient chondrodys- C-4-S, C-6-S, chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulphates trophic mouse mutant C57BL/6, an inbred strain of mice derived in 1921 Cn, an achondroplasiamutant mouse and widely used in research; often short- CNC, cranial neural crest or cranial neural crest ened to C57 cells CaCl calcium chloride Col1a1, the gene for the procollagen type I alpha 1 2, CAM, chorioallantoic membrane; one of the chain extraembryonic membranes of amniote Col2a1, the gene for the procollagen type II alpha 1 embryos, formed by the fusion of the chain. Older symbols were COLLII and chorion and allantois CG2A1A cAMP, cyclic adenosine 3(cid:4),5(cid:4)-monophosphate, a COS-7, an SV40 transformed cell line from the kidney second messenger of the African green (velvet) monkey, Can, the Cartilage anomaly achondroplastic Cercopithecusaethiops mouse mutant CP22-/1, a G-protein-coupled extracellular matrix Cart-1, the gene for cartilage homeo protein-1, a receptor for ATP 326-amino acid homeoprotein containing CPCs, chondroprogenitor cells a paired-like domain CPZ, carboxypeptidase Z, a zinc-dependent CBA/Ca an inbred strain of mice with low sponta- enzyme involved in Wntsignaling neous but high inducible incidence of *CRABP, cellular retinoic acid binding protein leukemia CS, chondroitin sulfate Cbfa-1, core binding factor alpha 1; also known as CSF-1, colony stimulating factor-1 osf-2; see Runx-2 CTgf, connective tissue growth factor, a secreted *CD-44, a family of cell surface transmembrane protein that interacts with other growth factors glycoproteins CD-57, seeHNK-1 D Cdmp-1, the gene for cartilage-derived morpho- dak, dackel, a gene in zebrafish that acts with Shh genetic protein-1, a synonym for Bmp-14 to activate Fgf-4and Fgf-8 Cdx-1, a homeobox gene encoding a transcrip- Dbf, doublefoot, a polydactylous mouse limb tion factor related to caudalin Drosophila mutant Cfkh-1, chicken forkhead (winged)-Helix tran- Dh, dominanthemimelia, a mouse limb mutant scription factor gene; regulates TGF(cid:2) Diam, diameter and interacts with Smad transcription DiI, 1,1-Didodecyl-3,3,3’,3’-tetramethyl indocar- factors bocyanine; a lipophylic dye used as a cell C-fms, receptor protein of the CSF-1 proto- tracer oncogene *Dl, a family of genes (e.g. Dl-1) that encode CFUs, colony-forming units Delta proteins, which are type-1 cytokine cGMP, guanosine 3(cid:4),5(cid:4)-cyclic monophosphate, a receptor family protein second messenger for peptide hormones Dll, the distallessgene in Drosophila and nitric oxide that activates cGMP- *Dlx, distallessgene family in vertebrates, e.g.Dlx-1 dependent protein kinases DMEM, Dulbecco-Vogt minimal essential medium for Ch, the congenital hydrocephalus mutant cell culture mouse Dmm, the symbol for Disproportionatemicromelia, a CHL, chordin-like protein chondrodysplasia mouse mutant Cho, Chondrodysplasia, a recessive lethal DON, 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine, an amino acid mutant in C57 inbred mice resulting from a that interferes with glutamine metabolism cysteine deletion in the gene for collagen DPNH, reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide; also type X known as reduced nicotinamide adenine di- CHO, Chinese hamster ovarian established cell nucleotide (NADH) line Dpp, Dpp decapentaplegic gene and protein in CHox-4.6, older name for Hoxd-11 Drosophila *CIC-7, member of a family of chloride-channel DRG, dorsal root ganglia proteins found in the ruffled border of Ds, the Disorganization polydactylous mouse osteoclasts; mutated in osteopetrotic mice mutant BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xxv Abbreviations xxv D-V, dorso-ventral axis/polarity of organ rudi- GCMJ, growth cartilage-metaphyseal junction ments (e.g. limb bud), organs (e.g. limbs) or *Gdf, Gdf, a family of growth and differentiation factor organism genes and products, e.g. Gdf-5, Gdf-5 Dy, Dy25, symbol for a mouse muscular dystrophy mutant GFP, green fluorescent protein Ghox-4.6, older name for Hoxd-11 E GHox-8, older name for Msx-2 ECM, extracellular matrix Gli-3, one of a family of mouse genes whose mem- Edn-1, seeSuc bers share a zinc-finger domain with the EDTA, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, a chelating Drosophilagene cubitusinterruptus agent used in decalcification of mineralized GMP, guanosine 5(cid:4)-monophosphate tissues GPC-3, glypican-linked heparan sulphate modified eHand a basic helix-loop-helix protein proteoglycan (Glypican) *Egf, Egf, epithelial growth factor proteins, genes, e.g. GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol, a cell surface Egf-1, Egf-1 lipid involved in linking proteins to cell EGTA, ethylenebis (oxyethylenenitrilo) tetraacetic membranes acid; a chelating agent used to decalcify min- Gy, gray unit, the unit of absorbed radiation eralized tissues (named after a British physician, Hal Gray), EMILIN-5, elastin microfibril interface protein-5 one Gy depositing one joule of energy in a EMSP-1, enamel matrix serine proteinase-1, a proteo- kilogram of irradiated tissue. One Gy (equal lytic enzyme found in enamel to 100 rad) of ionizing radiation is sufficient *En, engrailedgene family, e.g. En-1 to sterilize an individual human Eph-A4, eph receptor tyrosine kinase-A4, a member of a large subfamily of receptor protein-tyro- H sine kinases consisting of receptors related to HA, hyaluronate Eph, a receptor expressed in an erythropoi- Ham’s F12, a culture medium for vertebrate cells, tissues etin-producing human hepatocellular carci- or organs devised by R. G. Ham in 1975 noma cell line HCCs, hypertrophic chondrocytes E.R., endoplasmic reticulum Hd, hypodactyly, a mutant chick with defective Et-1, endothelin-1, a vasoactive peptide regulating limb development blood pressure and craniofacial development HGF/SC, hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor EphA-7, the gene for the receptor for members of the H.H., Hamilton-Hamburger stage of chick embry- ephrin-A subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases onic development *Ext, a family of genes (Ext-1, Ext-2, Ext-3) that *Hh, Hedgehog gene family, e.g. Indian hedge- code for glycosyltransferases (heparan sul- hog(Ihh) phate co-polymerases) Hmx, the mouse mutant Hemimelia-extratoes.Also known as Hx F HNK-1, a cell surface carbohydrate (known as CD-57 F12, seeHam’s F12 in immunology) used as a marker for neural Far, firstarchmurine craniofacial mutation crest cells FBJ virus, Finkel, Biskis, and Jinkins murine osteosar- *Hox, homeotic gene classes in vertebrate, e.g. coma virus Hoxd-10 FCFU, fibroblast colony-forming unit Hox1.1, older name for Hoxa-7 *Fgf, Fgf, fibroblast growth factor protein, gene, e.g. Hox1.6, older name for Hoxa-1 Fgf-2, Fgf-2 Hox3.3, older name for Hoxc-6 *FgfR, fibroblast growth factor receptor Hox3.6, older name for Hoxc-10 *Fhf-1, -2, fibroblast growth factor homologous factor-1 Hox4.2, older name for Hoxd-4 and -2 genes (synonyms for Fgf-12and Fgf-13) Hox4.5, older name for Hoxd-10 Frzb-1, frizzled-related protein precursor-1 gene, a Hox4.6, older name for Hoxd-11 secreted antagonist of Wnt signaling Hox7.1, older name for Msx-1 Ft, fused toes; a mouse mutant which displays HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography fusion of distal phalanges Hx, seeHmx G I GAG, glycosaminoglycan ia, symbol for incisor absent osteopetrotic gas-2, growth-arrest-specific-2, a gene that acts mutant mice as a substrate for caspase enzymes and *Igf, Igf, insulin-like growth factor genes and products regulates apoptosis Ihh, Indianhedgehoggene BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xxvi xxvi Abbreviations *IL, interleukins (e.g. IL-1), a family of Mrf-5, a gene in the MyoDgene family encoding cytokines discovered by their mediation a muscle-specific basic helix-loop-helix of interactions between leukocytes transcription factor int-2, murine mammary tumor virus integration Ms-1, myocytestress-1, a stress-responsive gene site oncogene; synonym for Fgf-3 involved in response of muscle cells to Islet-1, a homeobox gene expressed during pressure mouse tooth development Msh, the gene for melanocyte stimulating hormone in Drosophila K *Msx, homeobox genes (e.g. Msx-1, Msx-2) of KB cells, human laryngeal carcinoma cell line vertebrates; orthologue of the Drosophila KC cells, a human tumour cell line derived from msh (muscle segment homeobox) gene keratinocytes family kDa, kilo daltons Mtsh-1 mouse orthologue of Drosophilateashirt Knox-1, knotted-likehomeoboxgene-1 (tsh) gene Krox-1, gene encoding a zinc-finger transcription mya, million years ago factor Myf-6, seeMrf-4 MyoD, the myogenic differentiation gene for a L muscle-determining transcription factor LACA, L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, a proline analogue that disrupt collagen synthesis N LAG, lines of arrested growth (in bone) N-2, the receptor for the Dl-1gene LDH, lactate (lactic acid) dehydrogenase, an NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide enzyme that catalyzes the interconver- NADH, reduced form of nicotinamide adenine sion of pyruvate and lactate dinucleotide LDL, low-density lipoproteins NaF, sodium fluoride *Lef, lymphoid enhancer-binding factor gene, N-CAM, neural cell adhesion molecule a family of transcription factor genes (e.g. NCC, neural crest cells Lef-1)for members of the Wnt gene family NDST-2, N-deacetylase N-sulfotransferase-2; lof, longfin, a zebrafish mutant aheparan sulphate modifying enzyme Lp, the Loop-tail mutant mouse, in which NEM, nutrient-enriched medium, used in cell hindbrain and spinal cord fail to close culture and so neural crest cells fail to migrate Nkx3.2, seeBapx-1 LM, light microscopy NLK, neuroleukin (also known as phosphoglu- LPM, lateral plate mesoderm cose isomerase) Nm, the nanomelia chick mutant resulting M from marked depression of chondroitin M1, M2, the first and second molar teeth of mammals sulphate synthesis MAP kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase, an enzyme involved in the phosphorylation O of target molecules such as transcription 1,25 (OH) -D , 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D 2 3 3 factors and other kinases in the cyto- OAF, osteoclast activating factor plasm and nucleus OB1, a murine osteoblastic cell line MDH, malate dehydrogenase, an enzyme that OB 7.3, a monoclonal antibody against chicken catalyzes the conversion of (S)-malate (Gallusdomesticus) osteocytes and NAD+ to oxaloacetate and NADH obk, the obakemutation in Drosophila, which Meis-1, Meis-2, hox-DNA-binding co-factor genes results in the formation of multiple antenna *Mfh, mesenchymeforkheadtranscription factor morphogenetic fields genes (e.g. Mfh-1) OIP, osteogenic inhibitory protein Mhox, older name for the gene Prx-1 op, symbol for osteopetroticmutant mice *MMP, a family of matrix metalloproteinases OP-1, osteogenin protein-1, a synonym for (e.g. MMP-20), of which collagenases are Bmp-7 major members OPCs, osteoprogenitor cells MW, molecular weight osf-2, synonym for cbfa-1 Mrf-4, a gene in the MyoDgene family encoding *Otx, orthodenticle family of genes in verte- a muscle-specific basic helix-loop-helix brates,e.g. otx-1 transcription factor. Also known as Myf-6 ozd, oligozeugodactyly, a mutant chick with (myogenic factor-6 or Herculin) defective limbs BOCA-FM.qxd 03/24/2005 18:23 Page xxvii Abbreviations xxvii P RA-2, retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 gene p53, a protein involved in transcription of DNA *RAR, retinoic acid receptor family, e.g. RAR-(cid:5) and in cell proliferation RAW 264.7, a cell line derived from ascites fluid of P-107, P-130, proteins in the retinoblastoma family of leukemic mice and related to the mono- pRB genes involved in regulation of the cytes-macrophage lineage cell cycle RCJ3.1, a cell line derived from foetal rat calvariae PAS, periodic acid Schiff reagent; used in histo- Runx-2, runt-relatedtranscriptionalfactor-2 gene, a logy especially to visualize glycogen transcriptional activator of osteoblast differ- *Pax a family of nine mammalian genes con- entiation; other names are cbfa-1andosf-2 taining a paired-type homeodomain as a S DNA-binding motif; e.g. Pax-1, Pax-9 S1, sacral vertebra number one P-D, proximo-distal axis/polarity of organ rudi- S252W, a mutation of the human FGFR-2 gene ments (e.g. limb bud) or organs (e.g. limbs) resulting in Apert syndrome PDL, periodontal ligament SAOS-2, human osteosarcoma-derived cell line *Pdgf, Pdgf, platelet-derived growth factor genes and SEM, scanning electron microscopy gene products, e.g. Pdgf-1, Pdgf-1 SF/HGF, scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor, a PEMF, pulsed electromagnetic field large polypeptide involved in patterning *PGE, prostaglandins, e.g. PGE-1, PGE-2 limb buds PG-Lb, proteoglycan-LB (also known as epiphycan), SGBD, Simpson-Golabi-Benmel dysmorphia syn- a small chondroitin/dermatan sulphate drome in humans proteoglycan expressed in epiphyseal Shh, Sonichedgehoggene cartilage Six-2, a gene that produces a homeodomain pro- *Pitx, pituitary homeobox gene in mouse tein containing the Six domain; orthologue (e.g.Pitx-1), related to bicoidin Drosophila. of sineoculisin Drosophlia Also known as Ptx *Slit, a family of genes that encode large glyco- PKA, a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase proteins found in cell membranes or extra- PKC, protein kinase-C, an 80 kDa enzyme acti- cellular matrix vated as a result of membrane lipid hydro- smc, Spondylometaphyseal chondrodysplasia, a lysisof lipids and involved in the regulation mouse mutant resulting from a mutation in of N-cadherin the gene for collagen type X, in which PNA, peanut agglutinin lectin; visualizes skele- columns fail to form in the growth plates of togenic cells at the condensation stage long bones PNZ, posterior necrotic zone of limb buds; a sof, shortfin, a zebrafish mutant zone of apoptosis *Sox, a multi-gene family (e.g. Sox-9) that encode pRB, seeP-107 proteins with high mobility group DNA- PRE, pigmented retinal epithelium binding domains *Prx-1, a family of paired Aristaless-like home- S phase, the phase of the cell cycle during which obox genes, e.g. Prx-1, the older name for DNA is synthesized which was Mhox Spp-1, the gene for secreted phosphoprotein-1; Ptc-1, patched one, a binding protein for hedge- also known as bone sialoprotein and osteo- hog gene products pontin PTH, parathyroid hormone Stm, Stumpy, a chondrodystrophic mouse mutant PTHrP, parathyroid hormone related protein Suc, the gene sucker in zebrafish, Danio rerio, *Ptx, seePitx which disrupts Endothelin-1. Also known as Endothelin-1, Edn-1 Q SVL, snout-vent length, a standard measure of QJ, quadratojugal, a bone of the upper jaw length of tetrapods QTL, quantitative trait loci; a region of a chro- mosome that carries many genes and T influences quantitative characters such as T3, T4, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4); two shape and size thyroid hormones, T3 being the active hor- mone R T6, T13 the sixth and thirteenth thoracic vertebrae r-1 to r-7, rhombomeres 1–7 in the vertebrate hind- *ta, the symbol for the Talpid gene family in brain domestic fowl, e.g. talpid2, talpid3 RA, retinoic acid, a biologically active form of *T-box, a family of genes encoding transcription vitamin A factors; e.g. Brachyury, Tbx-5

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