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Bone and Joint Disorders 2nd ed. - F. Burgener, et. al., (Thieme, 2006) WW PDF

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Preview Bone and Joint Disorders 2nd ed. - F. Burgener, et. al., (Thieme, 2006) WW

Bone and Joint Disorders Differential Diagnosis in Conventional Radiology Francis A, Burgenert, M.D, Martti Kormano, MD, Tori Pudas, MD. Profssur of Ral Former Professor and Caairmas, —_Dezaslment uf Radiology niversiy of Rachescer Department af Radinlogy University of Turku Modical Center University of Turke: Tusk, Bland Woches:et. 9, USA, Turley Finland “and cessed eto 1108 illustativus Thieme Stultgart - New York v ry af Congres atetegingin-ublicaton bea ‘Gull the posh 2006 org Theme vert sudiersteae 14, U1C46! Stuttgart, Sermary ‘nine Ne dork, 229 Sever venue, Ne Mov MY BAL LISA nse dssgn: Matin Berge Erkack Sst iy my nen Col, itn Vrange une in Gorman by Grams, Pezhausen Iss Tage cry mega ISHS, 1 SSK 5A Na York ras Importan Note: Rcedicive « an everechaning Seen wn dergeing continsal develoneist asearea and clncal 2 fern are etal exp nt knee. par Insofar a: this ole mesons any Sassen agp readers may rest asuted tna the aut, ios ane pub Ther ne mde nor let ine that seh eens die mancondam eth slate fled a hee Nevertiles this does nor vale, may, ag express ary Sulrate or espa on he per fee pulses Fespect af any dosage insvetions and forma of patcaion Fully me manuracursre lakers een sang ee and check ifecossary in cnrscracon ih apstean at Specs shecher the dosage sheaulesmendoneeersin rete crear stated bythe menolncones eer From the steamers made 1 e praca uve Such ean ration fs parucularly portant wh drugs tat are ceher Farely vied 9 ave Geen mesylate on the lk fncely at che users etm ek aod feazonalbly Te thors and publisses request ewory user t reptt rhe pubsichers ery dserepanis or nacureciss nett Sone of the product nares. pater an registezzd designs sefesed 2 tes too ate ae eit tele ak uF Potty eels steer hae [Enotsbvaemadein the test therefore, theappeatance ef ame without designation 2s prorietsy stat Be eo Doble danas this book incdng al pa thercog, x galy potted by ‘de the acto Hs set by copy ih lepton, tout the publisners conser is lga and lake t= prosscuts, “Thisabmies pricy to pays pects. copy, Seog gor dupliston af any kad casi ie Srtion of ristfime, and alacrome da processing 2nd og Preface {omennonal faiogtaghy meine the hacker 6 Isztaseea adolog aespe the advear of nave and sx excg image gs ue np toe Ptnedn ero. rmgrapy eras Gn any af ese Fewer mesrods. caneatona 3aigaphy 6 31 et bol rdiolgests ut ao by lage arb feimcans Sa soem sith each eeamiacon, ere coon deal dig Hinge at see epee i to arrwe aca general dagnese-npresinn and veazanable Ares lager. re assis the fim ceade:n attaling Hh ht i sed cae Ss lie inet eta seitbonks i sadivagy that se dean tviemod Since many dizaces presen adographicall 3 "aety of manifestation. some xeriap in the txt is Ure ‘ailable To mie mize sevatfon the dierent] Ziagnosis “zene: that ny prscen acologicn ys 2 9 ace pt tem. bur alee deeribe in aucenc form ether charset frp ssoceed -a uae ngs and pestnent cial Skea nigrapiedlnsatinsearnchasingy se be emance ate sully he rage elses wat he “he Iai Ir kn to itl ahiymar i alee ater at on enveatinal wales sce lice tio of che laseedicon ls change, Lace tid a et thwayeaologi disgescs are second. Sine tne Pa chaaged (e.g. Ncecytos % ta -angrahase cel hanes Ei and aio cleease ae newly rexgmied es, lemonneetabal ingingemere ‘There Fas were taken fn ora it Lie net eon, The apes “Luvaze ope Lesions” and Yeu saan nie cmely ree ten ane newly Flueatad sce | tack them ar fea Novara, Tae cheper “Trane and Fractures” abo under neo 3 anxo sshoutBy the ae HH spec Hate fies Inens rersiningchapers ee mene he rex 3 IP Sate, any Mustatons replaced, and large numbers 0 hese heceatons vl or enn press enaevare nn fager Ine hats cinicalfadhoogy, he flt no onge> up the task Ut {ste his oniznalconstbutans ro the et. He was however {ang fader ts abe der the reteson of the chap uginaly roped ty hi Tope sew eli il be as wel veceue al el seuss the et ht te hans fee Se ienguages "The concep ef 2a imaging pate:n appre ‘ler fom rather shan a deaia clente tee War into dloced in 1983 yt. orginal edition ferent Ciznass fe Copuesieg Poona Ig sce een ated Tish unset fo Bay This book s-eant Fr pica with sore experience in sangeet rainy iow to sree i Snuwstie seumer, I 6 cumnprevegwe uullre 31 1elo ‘rape ai pend Wa Slogy casidests prepa-ag forthe specialist amaato ‘specially since the eaposire fe conventions radiegr pny String unrwousty decease Ue pe fen elit ina ng urns Ay pean ede the intepretation of onvestonal bre radiographic esasi- ‘avons shel ind his book elpuTin erect prereion Tetsu hope that ns new ear willbe as wll civ astae previogsenes ot medal tudene resident, nt} {Balsa plvsins cmuled inthe ileresalon on Prens 4 genor 0. wl Acknowledgements ‘vis raposiblew dhank idl al those whe Fels to repute hid eit cl thinset ous tvacknen Ecgehe stator usher In on, pavers ford wengman and ie Ger 9 ager Tome indebted tbr. eru Gollman Stina em inte Larmor. and suggested rary atesations and cavree ls. which ave been incorporated ite tis new eaan Wy ut de nalts Seopen tise ade cease dhustaste came to counpne the ‘ginal allecon c= to repos older lutianons. 3 {bend Dr Saran P Meyers ofa UM an Cop Sub Seu all aft menses of ihe Ubisenity of Roeser ein Dern aa eerste ih Ta Fagor nd Wal Ek Sua fy ling ele 1 woud ew expsess may decpsseaattude t> tonorrs ‘roessor Mari Kocmane Yeh snsized me c sasry on bit ‘Wore caste and Ur urgonerarivlly put iat the pect Jnthe ear inet eighties. 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