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Preview Bond order potential for FeSi

Bond order potential for FeSi P. Su¨le∗ Research Institute for Technical Physics and Material Science, Konkoly Thege u. 29-33, Budapest, Hungary, [email protected],www.mfa.kfki.hu/∼sule, (Dated: January 8, 2014) A new parameter set has been derived for FeSi using the Albe-Erhart-type bond order poten- tial (BOP) and the PONTIFIX code for fitting the parameters on a large training set of various 4 polymorphs. Ab initio calculations are also carried out to study the relative stability of various 1 polymorphs and to use the obtained data in the training set. The original BOP formalism was 0 unable to account for the correct energetic relationship between the B20 (ε-FeSi) and B2 (CsCl) 2 phasesandnotoriuslyslightlyfavorsincorrectlytheB2polymorph. Inordertocorrectthisimproper n behavior the BOP potential has been extended by a Columbic term (BOP+C) in order to account a for the partial ionic character of FeSi. Using this potential we are able to account for the correct J phase order between the most stable B20 and B2 (CsCl) polymorphs when the net atomic charges 7 are properly set. Although this brings in a new somewhat uncertain parameter (the net charges) onecan adjust properly theBOP+Cpotential for specificproblems. Todemonstratethiswestudy ] underhigh pressuretheB2phasewhich becomes morestablevs. B20 asit is foundexperimentally i c andexpectedtobetakenplaceintheEarthmantle. TheobtainedBOPhasalsobeentestedforthe s metallic and semiconducting disilicides (α-FeSi2 and β-FeSi2) and for the Si/β-FeSi2 heterostruc- - l ture. The obtained BOP, as many other BOP, overestimates the melting point (Tm) of the B20 r phase by ∼ 1000 K if the parameters in the radial part of the potential were obtained according t m to the Pauling relation (regular way). Hence a special attention is paid to the Tm porblem. It has . been realized that if the dimer parameters (D0 and r0) are adjusted irregulary (using shorter r0 at and a larger D0 than those of the dimer), a remarkable improvement can be reached on Tm while the other properties of the potential remains nearly unaltered (except the dimer properties). We m release a few sets of parameters in order to make a detailed comparative test and to demonstrate - that the use of the anisotropic parameter space a significant improvement can be achieved in the d melting properties with theBOP. n o PACSnumbers: 68.35.-p,79.20.Rf,81.65.Cf,61.82.Fk,96.35.Gt c [ 1 I. INTRODUCTION bond angles adequately (angular dependence), hence a v more appropriate choice for compounds with a consider- 0 able covalent characters. Unfortunately, the BOP lacks 1 Iron-silicides have been the subject of numerous stud- long range effects, such as Coulomb or van der Waals 3 ies invariousfields ofMaterialsScience. Earthscientists interactions. 1 consider ion-silicides as a main component of the Earth- 1. Mantleandassuchcouldplayanimportantroleinmany Recent interesting results urge the development of a new parameter set for FeSi. These experiments 0 processesoccurintheinnerregionofEarth1,2. Inpartic- on Fe-contamination driven nanopatterning on Si50, or 4 ular,thestabilizationofB2(CsCl)FeSihasbeenstudied recent speculations on the role of FeSi plays in the 1 in detail under high pressure vs. the B20 ε-FeSi at am- v: bient conditions48. sEtarurtchtumreas4n,tljeu2s,totonmneanntoiwonirfeesw3 eoxraomnplveas,riporuosveinttheerfiamce- Xi Computersimulationsarelimited to the ab initioden- portance of computer simulations in FeSi-related prob- sity functional theory level (DFT) which does not allow lems. Recentlypublishedresultsprovidedevidencesthat r a the simulation of large scale systems37. This is because nanowiresmadefromthesemiconductingβ-FeSi arepo- 2 an adequate empirical potential is missing in the litera- tentially applicable for spintronic nanodevices and ex- ture for FeSi. The main motivation of this work was to hibit photoluminescence5. Solar cell applications as well fulfill this gap. as the integration of nanodevices into the Si-technology ContrarytotheimportanceofFeSiasabasicmaterial, could also be feasible in the near future using β-FeSi 2 at best of our knowledge there is no reailable parameter nanowires6. set is available for any kind of a empirical potentials in- Recent success in the development of the Albe-type cludingeitherBuckingham-type(seee.g. ref.7)norbond bond order potentials (A-BOP)9,10 for various materi- order-type potential functions8 which are the basic can- als (either in covalent, metallic or ionic nature, such as didates for such a binary compound. While the previ- PtC9, GaN11, ZnO12, GaAs, WC, SiC13, etc.) provided ous one is a simple pair potential and does not account evidence for the accuracy and effectiveness of the BOP for many-body effects, the Tersoff-Brenner formulation formulationof empirical potentials in the prediction and ofbond orderpotentials (BOP) treat3-body effects, e.g. reproduction of various materials properties15,16. The 2 Albe-Erhart-type BOP is based the original Brenner- formulation of BOP, however, provides more flexibility c2 c2 in the potential introducing further parameters. The A- g(Θ)=γ 1+ (6) typeBOPcanbeconvertedintoTersoff-formalismhence (cid:18) d2 − d2+(h+cosΘ)2 (cid:19) any code which can handle the latter BOP can make use ofA-BOP.The advantageofA-BOPis the increased flexibility of the formalism over the standard Tersoff- 1 r R D c c ffoorrmmualliasmin.toMthoereBovreenr,ntehr-etyinpteerBcOonPve(rssuicohnaosftthheeAT-eBrOsoPff)- fij(rij)= 21 − 21sin[π2(0r−Rc)/Dc] |rr−≤RRc|−+≤DDc c c ≥ is straightforward.  We use in this paper the PONTIFIX code developed where Rc is the short range cutoff distance. for fitting the Albe-type BOP15 for various binary com- The long range part E has been neglected in the long pounds. The obtained new parameter set has been original formulation of the bond order formalism9,10. testedbyvariousmoleculardynamicscodes(PARCAS25, LAMMPS26). We find that although the new BOP for 1 q q Cij E =E +E = i j+ Vdw FeSi gives satisfactory results, however, the stability of long Coul Vdw (cid:20) 4πε r r6 (cid:21) the B2phaseisnotoriouslyoverestimatedabovethe B20 ijX,i>j 0 ij ij rij<rcut (7) phasewhichisthemoststableformofFeSiinnatureun- where q , q , R , r and Cij are net atomic charges, der ambient conditions. Therefore, we added a Coulom- i j c cut Vdw cutoff distances and van der Waals parameter for the bic term to the BOP in order to provide a further flex- BOP, Coulomb and van der Waals interactions, respec- ibility in the potential and physically to account for the tively. The long range part allow us to extend the BOP partial ionic behaviour in this material which could sta- for systems with partialionic characterand also one can bilizethe B20phasevs. theB2one. Similarextensionof the BOP has been done recently for GaN17. The appli- account for long range effects excluded in the original BOP which cuts off interactions at the first neighbors. cationofthederivednewempiricalpotentialcouldprove We also study the effect of direct Coulomb interac- valuable,since atbestofourknowledgethereisnoother tion (BOP+C) when the Van der Waals long range part empirical potential is available for FeSi. E =0, Vdw II. THE GENERALIZED ALBE-ERHART-TYPE EBOP+C = fij(rij)[ViRj −bijViAj(rij)]rij<Rc (8) BOND ORDER POTENTIAL ijX,i>j +E . Coul We give the generalized functional form of the Albe- Erhart-typebondorderpotential9,10whichincludesshort The net point charges obtained from Bader’s popula- and long range terms, tion analysis27,28 using ab initio DFT calculations22. In- stead of the diverging direct Coulomb sum in Eq. 9 the E = f (r )[VR b VA(r )]+E , (1) dampedshiftforcedcoulomb(DSFC) summethod20 has ij ij ij − ij ij ij long ijX,i>j been used which has been implemented by the author into the recent version of LAMMPS: where for the short range repulsive and attractive pair interactions are the following, respectively, 1 q q q q 1 r 2 i j i j ij + , (9) VR = D0 exp( β√2S(r r )) (2) 4πε0 rij ≈ 4πε0 (cid:18) rij rc2ut − rcut (cid:19) ij S 1 − − 0 − where rcut is the applied cutoff distance for long range interactions. The DSFC approach allows the treatment SD ofperiodicandnon-periodicsystems while the originally VA = 0 exp( β 2/S(r r )) (3) ij S 1 − − 0 implemented Ewald and pppm approaches can be used − p forperiodicsystemsonly26. Thisextensionoftheoriginal BOP allows us to account for the partial ionic nature bij =(1+χnij)21n (4) present in most of the binary compounds. Although, it isratherdifficulttoobtainunambigouslythenetcharges q . ThetraditionallyusedMullikenchargesareknownto i χ= fc (r )g (Θ )exp[2µ (r r )] (5) be exaggerated. It is widely accepted now that the net k(X6=i,j) ik ik ik ijk ik ij − ik atomic charges obtained by the Bader’s decomposition scheme(atominmolecules,AIM)27 aremorerelaibleand is more or less free from spurious basis set dependence. We calculate in the present paper the net charges using 1 Thedetailsoftheinterconversioncanalsobefoundinanexample theSIESTAcode22 andpostcalculationswhichgenerate potentialfilegivenintherecentreleasesofthecodeLAMMPS26 Bader’s charges. 3 Itcouldbeusefulltonotethattheobtainedparameter TABLE I: The fitted parameters used in the Albe-Erhart setiscompatiblewiththeoriginalTersoff-formalismbuilt typebondorderinteratomicpotentialfortheFe-Siinteraction in e.g. widely available MD codes, such as LAMMPS26, The 2nd set of parameters with the no use of Eqs (15)-(16) we give the formulas for transforming the parameters. at the fitting prcodure. Dimer properties were allowed to be Note, that hereby we use the original symbols used by reproduced badly. NoPauling plot has been used for getting Tersoff8. The radial part of the Tersoff potential is com- an initial guess. posedofthe followingrepulsiveandattractivefunctions, Fe-Si BOP BOP+C VR =A exp( λ (r r )), (10) BOP-I ij × − 1 − 0 D0 (eV) 6.5588884 7.7457346 r0 (˚A) 1.5889110 1.5110803 S 1.9038691 1.6619156 ViAj =B×exp(−λ2(r−r0)). (11) β (˚A−1) 1.0835049 1.2001554 γ 0.0809365 0.0798811 The required parameters A,B,λ and λ can be ex- 1 2 c 0.328786831 0.3327120 pressed using the Alber-Erhart parameters as follows: d 0.153064119 0.1570405 h -0.634457610 -0.586481 λ1 =β√2S,λ2 =β 2/S,λ3 =2µ=0. (12) Rc (˚A) 2.99671618 3.097295 p Dc (˚A) 0.2 0.2 n 1.0 1.0 A=D /(S 1) exp(λ r ), (13) 0 1 0 µ 1.0 1.0 − ∗ ∗ B =S D /(S 1) exp(λ r ), (14) BOP-II 0 2 0 ∗ − ∗ ∗ D0 (eV) 3.0606066 3.1717432 The parameters in the angular part are identical. This r0 (˚A) 2.0493522 2.0174542 conversionmustbedonewhene.g. theLAMMPScodeis S 3.9625636 3.7495785 used. Examplefilecanbe foundinthe releasedpackages β (˚A−1) 0.7292032 0.9780126 of LAMMPS. Moreover, the addition of the Coulomb γ 0.0780215 0.0716019 part to the BOP core is also straightforward using the c 0.3142206 0.3097108 d 0.1546207 0.1560145 ”hybrid/overlay”option in the code LAMMPS. h -0.6230591 -0.8560120 Rc (˚A) 3.0169527 3.1056216 BOP-IIb III. THE PARAMETER FITTING PROCEDURE D0 (eV) 2.4282727 2.33410201 r0 (˚A) 2.0330640 2.07023841 A. The preparation of the initial guess S 3.8251348 4.13277821 β (˚A−1) 0.8244547 0.89583103 The selection of the initial guess for the parametriza- γ 0.068166344 0.069052916 tionprocedureiscarriedoutasfollows: Thegroundstate c 0.300448478 0.30345365 oscillation frequency of the dimer, d 0.159001935 0.157617464 h -0.92396567 -1.019548197 β = 1ω 2µ/D , (15) Rc (˚A) 3.170028434 3.143001937 2 0 0 BOP-III p D0 (eV) 6.4544830 5.2257579 where ω0, µ and D0 are the zero point vibration fre- r0 (˚A) 1.4586364 1.6094938 quency, reduced mass and dissociation energy of the S 1.6830565 1.5510515 dimer, respectively. The values shown in Table III. β (˚A−1) 1.1313769 1.2645078 have been used to calculate the initial guess β for the γ 0.076970476 0.066245953 radial part of the BOP. The adjustment of parameter c 0.33214478 0.30394206 S has been done by tuning the Pauling relation for d 0.15342928 0.16913177 bond order (following the method proposed in recent h -0.6523133 -0.67888934 publications12,15), Rc (˚A) 3.02677686 3.00072535 E =D exp[ β√2S(r r )], (16) b 0 b 0 − − where r is the first neighbor distance in various poly- DFT dataisnotfully consistentwiththe BOP.Unfortu- b morphs, and r is the dimer interatomic distance. natelly,experimentaldataisnotavailableforthecohesive 0 TheobtainedPaulingplot(semi-logarithmicplot)and propertiesofthevariouspolymorphs,hence,itishardto the initial guess for the radial parameters are shown in consider the accuracy of the obtained DFT results. The Fig. 1. Ascanbeseen,thefittotheDFTdataresultsin fit of the Pauling relation given by Eq. (16) results in asomewhatdifferentcurvethanthe one obtainedby the the fitvalues showninFig. 1. Thesevalues wereusedas final parametrized BOP. The reason could be that the an initial guess for the parametrizationprocedure. 4 TABLE II: The summary of the basic results obtained for the dimer FeSi. Experimental data is from ref.29, theoretical 3 dimer BPaOuPling fit data is taken from ref.30. B4 (wurtzite) DFT Expt. Theory BOP nd) B3 (ZnS) o BE 3.037 ± 0.259 2.236, 2.743a, 3.217b V/b r0 2.19-2.23c, 2.011-2.091a y (e ω0 315.6d, 248.9d erg n aco*dper5e1seanntdwPoBrkE: eDxFchTancgaelc-ucolartrieolnatiuosninfgunthcieonmaolleocruhlayrbrGid03 bond e2 Dβ=0=02.8.67396 B1 (NaCl) β -FeSi2 functionals such as B3LYP. b Obtained by theQuantum rS==02..902305 B20 (ε -FeSi) Espresso suit plane-waveDFT code (PW)23 using theHSE 0 functional with Hartree-Fock exchange. BE: bondingenergy B2 (CsCl) (eV),r0: equilibrium distance (˚A), ω0: ground state oscillation frequency (cm−1). b ref.30, c present work: 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 r (first neighbor distance, Å) QCISD(T)/LanL2DZ, B3LYP/LanL2DZ, using G03. b FIG. 1: Pauling plot (Eq. (16)) for BOP-II comparing data obtainedfromtheanalyticbondorderpotential(firstparam- TABLEIII: Thefittedparametersusedinthebondorderin- eter set) for various polymorphs. Few DFT results are also teratomicpotentialfortheFe-Siinteractiontransformedinto shown obtained by the author. The obtained fitted values of the Tersoff’s formula. The radial part is different only. The the Pauling bond order expression are also given. These val- angular parameters are the same haveshown in Table I. ues were used as initial guess for the radial part during the Fe-Si Tersoff Tersoff+C parametrization of the BOP. BOP-I a A (eV) 208.785964 319.282671 The Pauling bond order expression has been fitted to the B (eV) 80.664727 142.193959 DFTpoints shown. The obtained D0,β and S parameters λλ21 ((˚A˚A−−11)) 21..111140258292 21..1381860548827353 BfoOwuPenr.derub0ysheadDsFabsTeiencnaitlkicaeulplagttufiieoxsnessdfoianrtttrhh0ee=ppra2er.sa0em9nte˚Atwrwiozrhaktici(ohsneheoafTstabhbeeleen BOP-II III.). A (eV) 69.3743499 256.229868 B (eV) 11.8357598 18.2744415 λ1 (˚A−1) 2.0528238 2.67824732 Thebasicdifferencebetweenthetwoparameterfitting λ2 (˚A−1) 0.51805447 0.714279566 procedure is, however, in the following. In the case of BOP-IIb lammps-bop-vi BOP-II one can simply generate the parameters with a A (eV) 88.6557396 154.101787 singleiterationrunwiththePONTIFIXcode. ForBOP- B (eV) 11.0478628 11.1876165 λλ21 ((˚A˚A−−11)) 02..52986013563992794 02..65273515809335838 Itp,irlaoacseesdraiuteirssefoafmcittooevrreyastritoehsneuslphtaaorvbaetmabieenteeendrse.mtIotpwltouayrrenddesdrleaocruugtresrtivhDealtytauhnnids- 0 BOP-III lammps-bop-v shorter r than the equilibrium dimer values. Typically A (eV) 195.135348 341.761224 0 weusefewtens ofreiterationsofintermediateparameter B (eV) 96.1123514 148.343114 λλ21 ((˚A˚A−−11)) 21..0273537331317947 21..2423751859077398 sfi(Letttesivneugnnbpteirlrogcc-oeMndvuaerrqreg.ueanrAcdettlreteahasecth-esenqdduainroefstheaaelgcho”rsiuittpheemrra2-ti4itv)eetrhastetiveopeb”s- aThisTablegivestheparametersinthoseformwhichcanbeused tainedtemporalparametershavebeenfedbacktotheal- intersoffpotential filesusedbye.g. LAMMPS. gorythmuntil final convergenceis reached. Hence, using a series of iterative steps instead of a single one, one can scan the parameter space for a global minimum. While In fact, we obtained two sets of parameters, BOP-I BOP-II gives too large melting point (T 2300 100 m ≈ ± and BOP-II. The overall performance of the two force K), the second set gives a rather satisfactory one for the fields, as it has been shownin Table (4) is rather similar B20phase(T 1550 100K).Theoverestimatedmelt- m ≈ ± except for the melting point which used to be critical ing point is a wellknownproblemof BOPfromprevious for the BOP9. BOP-II has been generated in a standard publications (see. e.g. ref.9). This problem was mostly way hence we include this potential just for comparison known for semiconductors9. Since this is an important and for the analysis of the results. We started from the issue,itcouldbeusefultofigureoutwhileBOP-Iparam- Pauling curve in this case (BOP-II). However, we also eter set gives much lower T than BOP-II. Our guess is m derived another set of parameters for BOP. In this case that the initial Pauling-constraintson the initial param- (BOP-I) we did not stick the initial parameters to the eter set (initial guess) put by the Pauling relation will dimerandwelettheBOPtobefittedtothetrainingset scanthosepartofthecomplicatedparameterspacewhich only which, however,also inlcudes the dimer. prefers notorouisly the overbinding of various phases. 5 than the experimental one together with a much shorter dimer BOP (I) r . Hence, the selection of unphysical D and r leads 0 0 0 Pauling fit to a more relaible BOP which performs also well for the DFT dimer (see Fig. 2). In particular, BOP-I gives bonding 4 energy (E ) around the physical (experimental, E 3 b b V/bond) dimer (exp) B3 tehVe/bsoolnidd)lionneeotfotgheethPearuwliintghfiatr)e.asonablerb ≈2.1˚A(≈see e E (b B4 B. The parametrization and the training set 2 B1 B2 B20 The BOP potential has been parametrized using an β -FeSi2 extended training set of various structures (dimer, B1 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 (NaCl), B2 (CsCl), B3 (ZnS), B20 (eps-FeSi), Fe Si r (Å) 3 b (L12a),FeSi (L12b)phasesforFeSi). Theparametriza- 3 tionprocedurehasbeencarriedoutusingthePONTIFIX FIG. 2: The Pauling plot (Eq. (16)) for FeSi for the BOP- codedevelopedbyP.ErhartandK.Albe15,21. Fortheel- I parameter set comparing data obtained from the analytic ementssimilardatabasehasbeenusedgivenbyAlbeand bond order potential (first parameter set) for various poly- morphs. Few DFT results are also shown obtained by the Erhart15. ab initio SIESTA22 calculations were used to author. The obtained Pauling fit parameters were not used determine the cohesive energies of various structures. A for BOP-I as initial guess and is shown here just for guiding Levenberg-Marquardtleast-squaresalgorithm24hasbeen the eye. Instead, the initial guess parameters have been ob- implementedin Pontifixtofind acombinationofparam- tained on a trial-and-error basis and set in manually. This eterswhich minimizes the deviationbetweenthe proper- way of parametrization is, however, leads to a somewhat te- ties in the fitting database and the properties predicted diousprocedurewithrepeatedsamplingsoftheconfiguration by the potential. Parametersets for different interaction space of the parameters. Typically few tens of a trials with types can be fitted simultaneously. The fitting database settinginreasonablevaluesfortheradialparametersandwith encompassed the bond lengths and energies of various the recycling of the output parameters (when we find better structures as well as elastic constants. Subsequent fit- and better values). In the case of convergence one can refine ting trials and refinements are exploited (time to time in thisway theobtained parameter set. on a trial and error basis) until a satisfactory parame- a ter set has been obtained for the most stable B20 phase. The long-rangetermshavealsobeenimplemented inthe modified version of the PONTIFIX code which allows 2500 BOP the explicit parametrizationof the generalizedBOP.Re- exp. T m sults will be shown for the BOP and BOP+C parameter sets. The parameter sets have been tested for the var- K) ious polymorhps of FeSi (B1, B2, B3, B20, β FeSi2, point (2000 naBtuOraPl- dIIimer γco−deF25eSani2d) tuhseingLAthMeMmPoSdicfioeddev26e.rsiTonheofDtShCeFP−AmReCthAoSd g meltin1500 intBerOmPe-dIViate BOP-I hthaesPalOsoNbTeIeFnIXimcpoledmese.nTtehdeimnathineaLdAvaMnMtaPgeSoafstwheelDlaSsCiFn approachbeyonditssimplicityisthatitcanalsobeused BOP-III for non-periodic systems. "bad" dimer 1000 1 2 3 4 5 C. Multiple set of parameters for various D0/r0 (Å) application fields FIG. 3: The melting point against thedimer ratio D0/r0. Werealizedthatinsteadofdevelopingonlyauniversal a potential with a relatively weak accuracy it is better to develop a few sets of parameters which optimized to differentpropertiesofthetrainingset. Inparticular,itis When this constraint is released, we allow the explo- hardto achieve the dimer properties accurately together ration of further ”hidden” parts of the parameter space. with the solid state. It turned out that keeping the In particular, if we allow shorter dimer equilibrium dis- radialpart accurately fitted to the dimer (as it has been tance r , the BOP will provide melting at around the proposed for the parametrization of the Alber-Erhart- 0 experimentaltemperature. Wefindthatthepropermelt- type BOP) leads to the serious overestimation of the ingbehavioroccurswhenD ischosentobemuchhigher melting point while other properties remain acceptable. 0 6 Since in the case of FeSi it is important to simulate 6 10 accuratelyTm due to specialapplicationfields relatedto RDF 01 4K50 K 11445000 KK this quantity (high pressure phases of FeSi and melting 5 1300 K see e.g. ref.37). Keeping this in mind we release in this 5 paper few sets which were parametrized independently: 4 BOP-I: The cohesive energies are fitted to the ab initio 2Å) t˚Ar,ainDing set3.w0itehV)shuosritngr0scaanledd ldaorgwenDa0b (inr0itio≪DF2.T0 SD (3 0 2 4 6 8 0 ≫ M cohesive energies. Poor dimer property, good melting 2 point and lattice constant, acceptable elastic properties, proper phase order of the B20 and B2 polymorphs for the BOP+C variant. The improvement of T is also 1 m significant for the BOP+C variant over the BOP. BOP-II:Fitted tothe abinitio trainingset(BOP-IIa)or 0 0 50000 1e+05 to experimental heat of formation (BOP-IIb) with natu- time steps ralr andD . (r 2.1 0.1˚A,D 3.0 0.5eV).This 0 0 0 0 potential provides≈too la±rge melting≈point±of T > 2200 FIG. 4: The mean square of displacements (MSD) vs. time m K instead of the experimental T 1450 50 K. T stepsfortheB20systemusingtheBOP-III+Cparameterset m,exp m ≈ ± at various temperatures. Inset: The radial density function remainshighforBOP-IIb,althoughthecohesiveenergies (RDF)isalsoshownfor0Kandataroundthemeltingpoint. are lowered significantly as for BOP-III. It can be taken for granted that good dimer properties keeps Tm too a high. There seems to be no solution for this paradoxon. The overall performance is the following: Good at the dimer, overestimated cohesive energies (BOP-IIa), eter sets. One might think it is more than reasonable, acceptable elastic properties. Bad phase order in sign however,we argue that this ”zoo” of force fields make it forB20vs. B1polymorphs(∆HB20−B2 0.15eV/atom possible to select the most appropriate one for the prob- instead of ∆HB20−B2,exp 0.25 eV/a≈tom)46. We do lemtobestudied. Onehastokeepinmindthatempirical ≈ − not reccomend this parameter set for applications and force fields are not unique and the parameter space con- we include it just for demonstrative purpose. tains unexplored optimal regions which could be similar BOP-III:Fittedtoexperimentalheatofformation(∆H) to each other in performance. with short r and large D (∆H 0.5 0.2 eV/atom) 0 0 ≈ ± in such a way that the ab initio cohesive energies are scaled down by 0.95 eV/atom in order to reproduce D. ab initio DFT results for the polymorphs ∼ experimental ∆H47. BOP-III is not recommended for the dimer (bad dimer regime). Melting occurs Since the availability of experimental results for the at somewhat low temperature of T 1250 50 K, m ≈ ± cohesive properties of FeSi is rather limited we calcu- although it is not far from T 1410 K. Cohesive m,exp ≈ lated the cohesive energy (binding energy per atom) of energies and ∆H are realistic as being fitted to them. various polymorphs using the SIESTA code22. The unit Phase order for B20 vs. B1 polymorphs is also in cells were optimized by the variable cell approach using the right side (∆H 0.05 eV/atom). The B20−B2 ≈ − standard DZP basis for Fe and an optimized TZP qual- improvement of ∆H is also remarkable for the B20−B2 ity basis for Si together with standard pseudopotentials BOP+C variant (∆H 0.13 eV/atom). As an B20−B2 ≈ − availablefromthehomepageofSIESTA.3 3Monkhorst overall conclusion we find that BOP-III performs rather × k-grid has been used. The obtained results are summa- well and is suitable for various application fields related rized in Table IV. to FeSi. One has to keep in mind, however, that the ab initio BOP-IV: Search for middle range parameters DFTcohesiveenergiesmightbeexagerated,whichisdue (1.7 < r < 2.0 ˚A, D > 3.0 eV). The combina- 0 0 to the notorious overbinding behavior of LDA and GGA tion of properties produced by BOP-I, BOP-II and exchange-correlation functionals49. Therefore, we cor- BOP-III. This leads to intermediate values for r and 0 rect the obtained EDFT values by ∆E ∆H . One D0. ∆H also becomes larger than the upper limit of can estimate the ”ecxperimental” E ocf≈the Be2x0pphase the measured values. Unfortunatelly, it has been found c using the measured formation energy of ε-FeSi, which that in this parameter regime T remains still too high m is in the range of ∆H 0.2 0.65 eV/atom47: at around Tm 2000 100 K. This parameter regime | exp |≈ − provedtobeun≈successf±ull,hence,wedonotshowresults Ec,est ≈ (∆Hexp +Ec,Fe +Ec,Si)/2 ≈ 4.995 eV/atom, where E = 4.28 eV/atom and E = 4.63 in the rest of the paper. c,Fe − c,Si − eV/atom are the measured cohesive energies of the con- stituents, respectively. We find than that the DFT Morever, each set is released with BOP and BOP+C GGA model overestimates the cohesive energy by some variants. Theferfore, finally we end up with 8 param- ∆E EDFT E 5.928 4.995=0.933eV/atom. c ≈| c − c,est |≈ − 7 ∆E is used than to correct the ab initio DFT cohesive overall performance of the BOP-III set as it has been c energies for fitting purpose. Hence in the fitting data shown in Table (II) does not show serious change in the base we decreased the EDFT values by ∆E . test results. c c IV. RESULTS B. Phase order problem: BOP+C A. Melting properties BOP fails to reproduce correctly the energetic rela- The melting simulations have been run under NPT tionship(phaseorder)betweenthetwomoststablepoly- conditionsuntil1 nsusing Nose-Hooverthermostat(and morphs (B20 and B2) of FeSi and the B2 phase is more prestostat)asimplementedintheLAMMPScode25. The stableby 0.1eV(seeTable3). Table 2reportsus that meansquareofatomicdisplacementsandtherdffilehave ∼ ab initio calculations slightly favors B20 over B2, and beenanalysedandcomparedtogetherwiththe visualin- theenergeticdifferenceisrathersmall,lessthan0.01eV, spection of movie (animation) files which provide suffi- which is within the accuracy of present day exchange- cient information on melting. The sharp melting tran- correlationfunctionalsforcohesiveenergy. Althoughthe sition can be seen in Fig. 3 together with the radical difference is not negligible between the phases, one can change in the rdf (Inset Fig. 4). conclude that it should be accounted for by any reliable As mentioned earlier, each variants of BOP-II give approach(empirical, or ab initio). Therefore we decided rather large melting point of T 2500 100 K which m ≈ ± to improve the performance of the BOP emprirical po- is attributed to the overbinding of the potential at short tential by adding a simple Coulomb term to it as it has interatomic distances. This is the typical consequence been shown in Eq ( 9). of the D /r < 3.0 ratio. Using BOP-I T has been 0 0 m However,itisratherdifficulttogivereliablenetatomic lowered effectively, especially with the BOP+C variant charges q required by the Coulomb term. As it is which gives T nearly in perfect agreement with experi- i m well known Mulliken charges are exaggerated. Instead ment. BOP-III underestimates T by 150 K due to the m we use Bader charges based on the atom in molecule too large D /r ratio. 0 0 framework27. The obtainedpartialchargesfor Si and Fe Inordertogetmoreinsightintothe adjustmentofT m ( 0.15) both in B20 and B2 FeSi are shown in Table II. we have studied the variation of it as a function of the ± The net charges are calculated using the self-consistent dimerparametersD andr . InFig. 3oneseethatT is 0 0 m density files obtained by SIESTA22. Note that the net nearly not sensitive to D /r within the regime of natu- 0 0 ralvalues (D <4 eV/atom, r >1.8 ˚A) and remains at Mulliken charges and those obtained by the Bader’s are 0 0 ratherdifferent. TheMulliken’sapproachprovideslarger aroundT 2200 200 K. However,when D /r >4.0 m 0 0 ≈ ± net charges in B20 while Bader estimates smaller q in T starts to drop. This is not surprising, if we consider m B20. What is for sure that the Mulliken charges are too thatinthiswayweintroduceastructuralanisotropyinto large, however, it is far not trivial whether the Bader the system. The BOP tries to shorten first neighbor dis- tances to the unphysical r < 1.6 ˚A, which is hindered, AIM charges are in the correct order. One has to keep 0 in mind that the decomposition of the space in the sys- however, by the repulsive potential in the solid environ- tem could result in small variations in the magnitude of ment put by the first neighbors on a central atom. The q which couldreverse the orderof the chargessystemby reasonofthe sensitivityofT to D /r is somewhatun- m 0 0 system. Hence we take with some caution the obtained clear. Nevertheless,thestresswhatisputbytheshortr 0 charges,especially their relationship to each other. whichtriestoshortenthefirstneighbordistancesreduces T effectivelywhen comparedwith BOP-IIwithnatural Therefore, in this way, we get still the B2 phase more m dimer properties (r 2.1 ˚A, D 3.0 eV/atom). Since stable since SIESTA provided somewhat larger q for B2. 0 0 ≈ ≈ in the solid state the first neighbor distance can not be Wealsoobserve,however,thattherelativestabilityofB2 shorten seriously due to the strong repulsion of the first FeSi is lost when the net charges are slightly increased neighbors the lattice constant remains nearly unaffected to 0.23 in the B20 phase. Also, the net difference of ± tothosecaseswhereD /r <3.0(naturaldimerregime). ∆q < 0.05 between the net charges of the B2 and B20 0 0 Hence,introducinganartificialanisotropyintotheradial phases(e.g. q 0.21andq 0.25)willslightlysta- B2 B20 ≈ ≈ parameter set pushes T in the right direction. Using bilize the B20 phase by 0.015 eV/atom. In other words, m thenanappropriatelychosenD ;r paironecantuneT the problem is slightly sensitive to the choice of q . Un- 0 0 m i effectively. The price what we pay is that the dimer is fortunately the choice of the appropriate q is somewhat i incorrectly described with this parameter set. However, arbitrary, since the obtained Bader charges seems to be our aim is to develop a BOP which describes correctly understimated while the Mulliken charges are overtesti- solid state with various polymorphs and not molecules. mated. We find in other compounds, such as ZnO e.g., Hence, the drop of the constraint put by the Pauling re- thatsomewhatalargerpointchargeisrequiredthanpro- lationon the initial guess parameterscouldlead to more vided by SIESTA by 10 20% to obtain consistent ∼ − effective BOP force fields in the soild state. At least the propertieswithexperimentalandabinitioonesusinge.g. 8 TABLEIV: abinitioresultsforvariouspolymorphsofFeSi(spinpolarizedPBE)obtainedforcohesiveenergyE (eV/atom), cohes equilibrium lattice constant (alatt) and net atomic charges/Si atom (Mulliken charges qSi,M and Bader’s charges using the Voronoi analysis, qSi,B). polymorph symbol Ecohes (eV)a alatt (˚A) qSi,M qSi,B b dimer -2.668 2.106 -0.24 -0.180 c dimer -2.745 2.11 -0.273 dimer d 2.00 -0.24 B20 ε-FeSi -5.928 (-8.370) 4.467 -0.563 -0.15 B2 CsCl -5.920 (-7.415) 2.751 -0.338 -0.231 B1 NaCl -5.181 4.950 -0.705 -0.134 B3 ZnS ? -5.918 2.758 -0.344 Fe3Si, L12a -5.991 3.595 -0.923 -0.359 Fe3Si DO3,AlFe3 -3.580 4.412 -0.153 FeSi3 L12b,CuAu3 -4.745 3.635 -0.120 -0.09 γ-FeSi2 C1, CaF2 -3.062 5.3 -0.295 β-FeSi2 oC48 -5.571 9.816, 7.745, 7.813 The cohesive energy of FenSim is Ecohes= n+1m (cid:18)Etno,tm−nEFe−mESi(cid:19), where Etno,tm is thecalculated total energy of the FenSim system and EFe and ESi are thecorresponding single atomic energies. Obtained by thefully periodic code SIESTA22. The results obtained by thefully periodic SIESTA code using spinpolarized and spin-unpolarized DFT calculations with the PBE xc-functional using 3×3 Monkhorst k-grid and TZTPF long basis, optimized for bulkSi40 and a standard built-in DZPbasis set for Fe. Wealso give cohesive energies for the B2 and B20 polymorphs in parentheses obtained bythe fully periodic plane-wave QUANTUMESPRESSO code23 using theHSE functional with Hartree-Fock exchange(3×3 Monkhorst k-grid, 55 Ry planewave cutoff, spin restricted). Obtained using themolecular code Gaussian (G03)51 using PBE/6-311G(d) xc-functional and basis set. Also with G03 using UB3LYP/6-311G(d). 33, Net atomic charges obtained by theMulliken analysis (SIESTA,G03) and by natural population analysis built in G03. a b * * * * * Buckingham and Coulomb potential. C. Results on the B20 → B2 phase transformation Moreover, the charge distribution as being nonlocal, the point charge model can only be relaible if the net D. Results on disilicides chargeis properlyadjusted. Thereis no standardwayof settinginpointchargesinCoulombicmodelsandoftenit Iron disilicide exists in two stable modifications, the can be done only ona trial and errorbasis. We also find room temperature phase β-FeSi which is orthorhombic 2 that the choice of q 0.25e in B20 FeSi and q 0.15e andthe hightemperature phaseα-FeSi2 whichis tetrag- ≈ ≈ in the B2 phase gives satisfactory results. In this way onal. Both phases show very interesting properties for the B20 polymorphbecomes slightly more stable. Hence potential applications in thermoelectrics, photovoltaics the proper choice of the net charges around the value and optoelectronics44. obtained by ab initio calculations could account for the required stability relationship between the various poly- morphs. Nevertheless, it would be fruitfull to look for a more adequate physical modell which can capture the E. Si-β-FeSi2 heterostructures: simulated annealing main essence of the polymorphs without the adjustment V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of net charges. A possible choice could be the fitting of theCOMBmodelltoFeSi52. Thismodellisbasedonthe TersoffBOPmodell,andthelongrangepartshouldonly The kind help of P. Erhart (Darmstadt) is greatly ac- be adjusted. This definitly goes beyond the scope of the knowledged. WewishtothanktoK.Nordlund(Helsinki) present paper. forhelpfuldiscussionsandconstanthelpintheuseofthe PARCAScodeandto S.Plimpton(Sandia)inthe useof the LAMMPS code. The calculations (simulations)have been done mostly on the supercomputers of the NIIF 2 Unpublishedresults(2011) center (Budapest). The help of the staff is also greatly 9 TABLE V: The comparison of BOP-I and BOP-II force fields with each other and with density functional (DFT) and experimental results for the B20 (ε-FeSi) and B2 (CsCl) polymorphs. In both cases the short-range only (BOP) and the short+longrangeBOPs(BOP+C)arecompared. BOP-Icorrespondstotheparametersetsobtainedforthe”bad-dimer”case. BOP-II has been determined byusing the standard Pauling process for fittingthe radial part. dim BOP-I BOP-I+C BOP-II BOP-II+C DFT EXP B20 (ε-FeSi) a ˚A 4.465 4.468 4.490 4.491 4.75 4.489a latt V ˚A3 90.19 E eV/atom -4.933 -4.892 -4.841 -4.747 -5.928 -4.995 (est) cohes |∆H| eV/atom 0.239 0.219 0.687 0.28-0.64b γ eV/atom 0.54 0.53 0.54 0.54 n.a. n.a. T K 1650±50 1600±50 2800±100 >2000 n/a 1410b, 1473c melt B GPa 193.4 232.7 224.9 232.7 180 160-209c c11 GPa 281.1 346.5 296.8 316.1 488d 316.7e, 346.3f c12 GPa 149.6 175.8 178.1 182.8 213 112.9, 139.2 c44 GPa 90.2 82.9 106.7 112.2 125 125.2, 105.8 B2 (CsCl) a (˚A) 2.801 2.803 2.798 2.801 2.751 2.83 latt E eV -5.006 -4.906 -4.999 -4.902 -5.92 n/a cohes T K 1850±50 1800±50 3000±100 3200±100 n/a 1650g melt B GPa 257.4 267.0 223-226h 222i c11 GPa 513.1 399.2 513.6 537.2 420i, 364.0j c12 GPa 129.5 201.0 125.5 129.9 210, 92.0 c44 GPa 43.3 73.7 45.1 52.0 95, 80.0 ∆HB20−B2 eV/atom 0.128 -0.13 ∼−0.25k denotes data which is not available from the literature or we could not deriveby DFTcalculations (e.g. Tm),DFT results obtained in the present work using theSIESTA package22. Details of the calculations are given in Table III.The net charges on Si: nq =−0.25e and nq =−0.21e for theB20 and B2 polymorphs, respectively. The formation energy of FenSim is ∆H = n+1m (cid:18)Etno,tm−nEc,Fe−mEc,Si(cid:19), where Etno,tm is the calculated total free energy of the FenSim system and Ec,Fe=−5.933 and Ec,Si=−4.5495 are thecorresponding atomic cohesive energies in theirbcc and diamond phases as obtained bythe spinpolarized PBE DFT calculations. If we takethe mean experimental∆H ≈0.5 eV/atom, hencethe estimated (”experimental”) cohesive energy per atom of theB20 phase is Ec ≈(2×0.5−4.63−4.28)/2=−4.995 eV/atom for FeSi. The experimental cohesive energies of Si (-4.63) and Fe (-4.28) havebeen used,respectively. ∆HB20−B2: the enthalpy differencein eV/atom between theB20 and B2 phases at ambient conditions46, γ is the surface energy (eV/atom), γ =Ec,s−Ec,b, where Ec,s and Ec,b are the average cohesive energy on the surface and in the bulk,respectively. b: The experimental heat of formation is taken from ref.47, c: A different melting temperature is given in ref.2, e refs.38, f ref.43, g48, h: refs.33 and37, i, j, k ref.46, m: For B2 FeSinq =−0.1e, * appreciated, mostly the constant help of P. Stefan. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] Hernlund, S. Muto, H. Ishii, Nature, 473, 199. (2011), L. 1 R.Boehler,Nature363,534.(1993),R.BastianGeorg,A. Vo˘cadlo, Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett., 254 227. (2007). N. Halliday, E. A. Schauble, B. C. Reynolds, Nature447, 3 A. L. Schmitt, M. J. Bierman, D. Schmeisser, F. J. 1102 (2007). 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