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BOLSHEVISM FROM MOSES TO L E N I N: A D I A L O G UE B E T W E EN A D O LF HITLER & ME by Dietrich Eckart Translated from the German by William L. Pierce EDITOR'S FOREWORD: The following ma sequence of the Munich putsch of November 9, terial has been translated from a pamphlet 1923, were followed shortly by his death. found in the NSDAP Hauptarchiv. Its German Second, it is instructive, as being representa title was Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Le tive of a certain category of propaganda. Eck nin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Adolf Hitler und art was a practical propagandist as well as an mir, and it was originally published in Munich idealist and a poet, and Der Bolschewismus is in March, 1924, from unfinished notes on which an excellent example of his style. Aimed at the Dietrich Eckart had been working in the au reader with the equivalent of a high-school ed tumn of 1923. ucation, it is skillfully contrived to avoid te Dietrich Eckart was born on March 23, 1868, diousness and maintain a relatively unsophis in the Bavarian town of Neumarkt, which is ticated audience's interest while making a rath about twenty miles southeast of Nürnberg, and er extensive, if not intensive, historical inves he died on December 26, 1923, in Berchtesga tigation of the Jewish question. It achieves this den. He was a poet, a playwright, a journalist, by relegating the great majority of documenta a scholar, and a philosopher, as well as a dedi ry evidence to footnotes and by liberally inter cated fighter for the National Socialist cause. spersing historically significant points with Among his better-known works are his play spicy or amusing tidbits. Lorenzaccio and his translation and adaptation Third, it is of considerable interest, even to to the German stage of Ibsen's Peer Gynt. He day, for its own sake. Although the last forty was for a while editor of the Völkischer Beo years have unfortunately provided us with con bachter, and he wrote the Party song, with the siderably more experience of Jewish-Bolshevist famous words "Deutschland erwache," which activities, Eckart did quite well with the mate later became a Party byword. rials available to him in 1923. Of particular in The reader interested in more details of Eck terest is his use of the Old Testament, as a his art's life, as well as a fairly extensive sampling tory of the Jews, to throw light onto more re of his poetry, is referred to Alfred Rosenberg's cent Jewish activities. book, Dietrich Eckart, Ein Vermächtnis (Mu Eckart's notes for Der Bolschewismus were nich, 1928 ff.). still in rather rough and unfinished form when Der Bolschewismus is of interest to today's he died, and this will be evident at a few places English-speaking National Socialists for three in the text which follows. The editor has slight reasons. First, it is the last earthly work of the ly condensed the original material during his man who, as the intimate companion of Adolf translation, omitting several of the more Hitler during those critical, early years in Mu ragged portions and such things as untranslat nich, helped prepare the spiritual foundations able puns, as well as a few sections which have of National Socialism. Eckart had been serious limited interest for present-day readers. Addi ly ill as he was writing the pamphlet, and his tional footnotes have been added by the editor arrest and temporary imprisonment, as a con in a few places, and these are so designated. 14 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD FALL, 1966 "Yes!" he cried. "We've been on the wrong for their mills.' Similarly, the influence of the track! Consider how an astronomer would han Jews with Augustus was so great that they dle a similar situation. Suppose that he has completely intimidated Pontius Pilate, who, as been carefully observing the motion of a cer deputy of the Roman Emperor, was certainly tain group of celestial bodies over a long period not a nobody. Thus he said, 'For God's sake, of time. Examining his records, he suddenly away with this sordid Jewish affair!' as he notices something amiss: 'Damn it!' he says. reached for the washbasin and condemned 'Something's wrong here. Normally, these Christ, whom he considered guiltless, to death.3 bodies would have to be situated differently Considering these things, my friend, every relative to one another; not this way. So there child knows—or, rather, could know—how late must be a hidden force somewhere which is re the hour already was at that time." sponsible for the deviation.' And, using his ob A reach for the Old Testament, a brief flip servations, he performs lengthy calculations ping of pages, and — "There," he cried, "the and accurately computes the location of a plan recipe from which the Jews always brew their et which no eye has yet seen, but which is there hellish broth! We anti-Semites are really some all the same, as he has just proved. But what thing. We manage to find out everything ex does the historian do, on the other hand? He cept that which is really important." Word for explains an anomaly of the same type solely in word, he emphatically read with a hard voice: terms of the conspicuous statesmen of the time. "And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyp It never occurs to him that there might have tians: and they shall fight every one against his been a hidden force which caused a certain turn brother and every one against his neighbor; city of events. But it was there, nevertheless; it has against city and kingdom against kingdom. And been there since the beginning of history. You the spirit of Egypt shall fall in the midst thereof; know what that force is: the Jew." and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to "Yes, certainly," I replied, "but to prove it, them that have familiar spirits, and to the wiz to prove it! For the last fifty or hundred years, ards. 4 so far as I'm concerned, it's been obvious; in "Yes indeed," he laughed bitterly, "now the deed, a good deal further back, perhaps even in people will seek to Dr. Cuno, and Dr. Schweyer, pre-Christian times. . . ." and Dr. Heim,5 and whatever other charmers "My dear fellow," he replied to me, "we can and wizards they have. When asked why Ger read in Strabo1 that already in his time, short many has become a pigsty these gentlemen will ly after the birth of Christ, there was hardly a answer reproachfully, 'You yourselves are to place to be found on the whole earth which was blame. You have no more good breeding, no not then dominated by the Jews; dominated, he faith, only selfishness and conceit. Now you writes, not merely inhabited. Already decades will try to put the blame on the Jews. It's al earlier, Cicero2—at that time a great and pow ways been like that when you have needed a erful man, my friend!—suddenly lost his nerve scapegoat. Then everyone has jumped on the when, in his well-known defense plea in the Jews and persecuted them unmercifully. And Capitol, he was obliged to point out the great just because they had the money, and because influence and the cohesiveness of the Jews: they were defenseless. Is it any wonder that a 'Softly, softly! I want none but the judges to few individual Jews are behaving in a repre hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into hensible manner now? After all, one finds some a fine mess, as they have many another gentle black sheep in every group. As if there weren't man. I have no desire to furnish further grist a good number of decent Jews! Look at their 1 Strabo (Greek geographer and historian, ca. 63 3 John 19:12. B.C. — ca. 24 A.D.), Geographica. 4 Isaiah 19:2-3. 2 Marcus Tullius Cicero, Oratio pro. L. Flacco. In 5 Three figures prominent in German politics in 59 B.C. Cicero defended the proconsul Flaccus, who, 1923: the German Chancellor, the Bavarian Minister at the urging of Jews, was accused of corruption in of the Interior, and the founder and leader of the connection with his administrative activity in Syria. Bavarian People's Party, respectively. [Editor] FALL, 1966 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD 15 piety, their sense of family responsibility, their Egyptians were glad to be rid of them.8 The sober way of life, their readiness to make sac best, though, was the reward the Jews gave rifices, and, above all, their ability to stick to their stupid accomplices. Suddenly they began gether! And you? At one another like dogs and calling them 'rabble,'9 whereas formerly they cats: sheer insanity!' had called them 'comrade' and pretended to love "Thus will the charmers and wizards prattle them. Imagine the faces these deluded ones on and on, till one night the blood sign will ap must have made in the desert when they heard pear on all the Jewish houses, and the infu this." riated masses, led by the Jews, will swarm "The murder of seventy-five thousand Per forth to smite all the firstborn in the land sians, in the Book of Esther, no doubt had the again, as in Egypt."6 same Bolshevist background." I answered. "Remember how it was here in Munich dur "The Jews certainly didn't accomplish that all ing the Communist takeover?" I interjected. by themselves." "The houses of the Jews certainly weren't "No more," he confirmed, "than the dreadful marked with blood, but there must have been bloodbath over half the Roman Empire, which a secret arrangement, because among all those took place during the reign of Emperor Trajan. who suffered the misfortune of a house search Hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish nobles not one was a Jew. As a matter of fact, one of in Babylonia, in Cyrenaica, in Egypt, and on the stupid Red troopers who had me by the hair Cyprus butchered like cattle, most of them after answered my sarcastic question by explaining the most abominable torture!10 And today the that it was forbidden to search the Jewish Jews still rejoice over that. 'If only the various houses. centers of rebellion had cooperated,' triumphs "And in 1871, in Paris, the Jewish defense the Jew, Graetz, 'then perhaps they would have also ran according to plan. There the Commun already been able to give the Roman colossus its ists destroyed whatever they could, but the death blow at that time.' "11 many palaces and houses of the Rothschilds re "The Jews call our Sedan Day12 celebration mained completely intact.7 All this enables us barbarous," I remarked. "But they find entire to understand the place in Exodus according to ly in order the fact that, year in and year out, which 'a mixed multitude' also left Egypt with they still, after all this enormous time, celeb- the Jews." "In Egypt, the scoundrels' scheme succeeded 8 Exodus 12:35-36; Psalms 105:38. only about halfway," he finished. "The Egyp 9In the translation from the Hebrew of Exodus tians became masters of the situation at the 12:38, that word which is rendered in the King James version as "mixed multitude" appears in the last moment and sent the 'mixed multitude' to German Bible as "Pöbelvolk," meaning "rabble." the devil, together with the Jews. There must [Editor] have been a dreadful struggle. The slaughter 10In volume two, chapter 16 (page 384 of the 1783 of the firstborn reveals that clearly enough. London edition) of his History of the Decline and Just as they have done with us, the Jews had Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon reports: won the great lower stratum of the population "From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius, for themselves — 'Liberty, Equality, Frater the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the do minion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the nity!' — until one night they sent out the or most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity der, 'Down with the bourgeois! Kill them, the is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties dogs!' But things didn't turn out so well as they which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of had expected. That portion of the Egyptian na Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treach tion that had remained patriotic turned the erous friendship with the unsuspecting natives . . . tables and booted Moses, Cohn, and Levi out of In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, the country, followed by the inhabitants whom 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of they had incited. During this exodus, they car these unhappy victims were sawed asunder, accord ing to a precedent to which David had given the ried along as much stolen booty as they could sanction of his example. The victorious Jews de manage, the Bible reports with satisfaction. It voured the flesh, licked up the blood, and twisted also reports, in no uncertain terms, that the the entrails like a girdle round their bodies." [Ed.] 11 Heinrich Graetz, Geschichte der Juden von den Ältesten Zeiten (Breslau, 1853). 6 Exodus 12:7-13, 29-30. 12 September 2. Sedan was the site of the great 7 James K. Hosmer, The Jews (New York, 1885), Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian war, on p. 272. [Editor] this day in 1870. [Editor] 16 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD FALL, 1966 rate in the synagogues their heroic deed con passed away and was succeeded by another cerning the seventy-five thousand Persians, in Pharaoh, who 'knew not Joseph,' and, seeing the feast of Purim." the multitude of Jews, who meanwhile had "None of this evidence seems to make any grown very powerful, he became quite fright impression on us, however," he said dryly. "One ened. He feared lest: 'when there falleth out would think us deaf and blind. any war, they join also unto our enemies';16 "Before the first clash with the Egyptians, thus he was smarter than Wilhelm II,17 who the head scoundrel, the modest Joseph, had hoped for their support. The Jews must work, things pretty well prepared: The seven lean he decided. In all seriousness, work. 'Unmerci cows, all the granaries filled, the people raging ful,' wailed the Jewish chronicler. No wonder with hunger, the reigning Pharaoh a perfect that they breathed vengeance. After all, for flunky of the Jews, and Joseph, with a corner what did one have the Pöbelvolk, if not to do on the grain supply, 'ruler over all the land'!13 the work? All the lamentations of the Egyptians were in "By now, the Egyptians had forgotten dear vain; the Jew held the warehouse closed with Joseph, who was dead and gone; but there was an iron fist until they, in return for a bit of no lack of others on whom to blame the state bread, were obliged to give away first their of affairs, namely, the landowners, the indus money, then their cattle and their land, and trialists, the bourgeois. According to the Jews, finally their freedom. And suddenly the capital no one else was responsible. 'Proletarians of all was swarming with Jews; old Jacob was there, countries, unite!' And the masses believed it and 'his sons, and his sons' sons with him, his and turned on their own flesh and blood for the daughters, and his sons' daughters, and all his sake of the 'chosen people,' who had brought seed' — the entire hodgepodge.14 And Joseph on all their distress in the first place. But to us 'wept a good while' for joy. Afterward, he said they touchingly read aloud in school the beauti to his brothers: 'ye shall eat the fat of the land,' ful story of Joseph and his brothers. No doubt and 'the good of all the land of Egypt is many teachers 'wept a good while.' It's enough to drive one to despair." yours.'15 "But some time after this glorious Egyptian He paused with a dark look at the Book of citizen of the Jewish faith, one hundred and Hate. ten years old, had died, the old Pharaoh also 16 Exodus 1:6-10. 17 Emperor William II of Germany, who abdicated 13 Genesis 41:43. in 1918 after the Marxist-Jewish revolution in Ger 14 Genesis 46:7. many led to the crumbling of her war effort and the 15 Genesis 45:18, 20. loss of World War I. [Editor] II "And so it goes, through the entire Old Tes young nor old remained among the living; only tament," he began again. "Indeed, I'm telling the harlot was spared. She and her whole, noble you nothing new, but we must bring it home to family were rewarded with the privilege of liv ourselves as often as possible in order to be able ing in Israel.18 And what good-natured peoples to negate the constant hypocritical babble. they were who, one after another, were com Really, the Book of Joshua should suffice; such pletely exterminated! Delitzsch, who has thor a thing of uninterrupted genocide, of bestial oughly investigated that period, writes, for ex cruelty, of shameless rapacity and cold-blooded ample, about the Canaanites: on all the hills, cunning — Hell incarnate! And everything in under every shady tree, they rendered adora the name of Jehova, in fact, according to his tion and reverence to the sun god and to the express wish! When the city of Jericho fell salutary goddess Aschera; and he compares victim to the Jews through the treachery of the harlot Rahab, neither man nor beast, neither 18 Joshua 6:25. FALL, 1966 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD 17 this beautiful, poetic custom with the pious way against non-Jewish royalty hadn't changed a of our Catholic villagers, serving the Almighty bit." in remote mountain chapels."19 "And in all eternity nothing will change," he "Joshua alone," I emphasized, "was respon proceeded, "so far as the attitude of the Jews sible for the massacre of thirty-one kings, with toward our kings and our leaders is concerned. all their people. Among those nations exter To destroy them is their eternal aim, and when minated in these predatory raids were several they can't accomplish this by force, then they who had yielded themselves trustingly to him. will use cunning. Whenever we have a strong Each time the sinister words, 'let none survive,' leadership, the Jews are obliged to keep their were heard. I am inclined to believe that the noses clean. Our leadership can be truly strong, Pöbelvolk, or at least their descendants, must however, only if it is based completely in our have still been the obedient shock troops of the people; only if it concerns itself with the wel Jews, not because the work was so atrocious, fare of the least among them just as much as but because the children of Israel have always with that of the wealthiest of them; only if, in let deluded gentiles do their dirty work, par the firm conviction of its own worth, it bars ticularly where danger was involved. Besides, every alien influence from the beginning; only they would not have been strong enough to sub if it is not merely national, but is also social, down to its very bones. No matter what others due' the peoples to whom they were opposed, may say, I assert this: a time will come when without the bellicose enthusiasm of their bru all the elite nations of the world will have such talized comrades. a leadership; and then everyone will be aston "Of particular interest is the evident satis ished to see that, instead of grating on one faction with which the Jews have deliberately another as has previously been the case, they enumerated each of the slain kings. One is re will treat one another with respect and consid minded of the prophet Isaiah. In one place, he eration. For then there will be no more whip raves as if possessed: 'The Lord is angry at all ping up of land greed, of an itching for power, the gentiles; he will deliver them to the slaugh of suspicion — sentiments which exist in un ter; their land will become burning pitch; it mixed form only in the isolated few, and not in will become a wasteland, soaked with their the more trusting general populace, anyhow. blood; there will be no nobles in the land; their There will be an end to the lying praise princes will die out.'20 Between Isaiah and of an indiscriminate human brotherhood, which Joshua were hundreds of years, but in that would be possible, if at all, only under the sup whole time the infernal rage of the Jews position that one had from the first excluded that eternal mischief-maker, the Jew. But had 19Friedrich Delitzsch, Die Grosse Täuschung: Kri tische Betrachtungen zu den alttestamentlichen Be this been done, there would be no need to push richten über Israels Eindringen in Kanaan, die Got the universal brotherhood idea; the various tesoffenbarung vom Sinai, und die Wirksamkeit der peoples would find themselves compatible of Propheten (Stuttgart, 1920). their own accord." 20 lsaiah 34. III "Tell me," I interrupted him; "strictly speak of the world toward themselves than with their ing, do you consider the Jew to be national, or own attitude toward the world. Internationalism international?" requires basically good intentions. But the Jew "Neither," was the answer. "One who really fundamentally and completely lacks these. He feels international has as much regard for the hasn't the remotest idea of classifying himself rest of the world as he does for his own nation. with the rest of humanity. His aim is to domi Were our so-called international swarms really nate others in order to extort from them at his like that—fine. But I fear that they are secret leisure. Were he really interested in comrade ly more concerned with the attitude of the rest ship, he has had the longest and most abundant 18 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD FALL, 1966 opportunity for it. Jehova's command to him er's Encyclopedia, however, a statement which to make no alliances with foreign peoples, but, calmly claims that the Jews, through their he on the contrary, to devour one after the other, roic spirit in the War of Liberation, proved went straight to his heart.21 Everywhere one themselves as worthy German citizens." greeted him with cordiality, at first: in ancient "Just as they did in the World War," he Egypt, in Persia, in Babylonia, in Europe; the winked expressively. "If I had my way, I'd re cloven hoof appeared everywhere. The early quire placards to be hung in all the schools, at Germanic conquerors found him with a number every street corner, and in every public room, of arrogated rights and made no move to dis on which would be printed nothing but Scho possess him of these. He was allowed to do bus penhauer's description of the Jews: 'Great iness wherever and however he wanted, even masters of the lie!27 There is no better descrip tion. And it applies without exception to every in the slave trade, toward which he has always Jew equally, whether high or low, stock ex been peculiarly inclined. Like everyone else, he change tycoon or rabbi, baptized or circum could hold public office, including the magis cised. Our servile people! Provoked for thou tracy; and his so-called religion was protected sands of years! And the innocents are taken in by the state. Thus wrote Otto Hauser, who is again and again by this blatant swindle. It is an excellent source of fascinating illuminations understandable that they become surly with regarding the Jews."22 the Jews, but only after the latter have shame "I should say so!" I nodded. "One must par lessly abused their naive good nature and plun take of him with caution though, otherwise one dered them to the skin with their usury and may not see the black forest for the 'blond' fraud. And that has been the case everywhere: trees.23 On the whole, I prefer Werner Sombart, in the old Roman Empire, in Egypt, in Asia, even though his Berlin lectures swarm with later in England, Italy, France, Poland, Hol Jews." land, Germany, and even, as Sombart writes, "Now, he says the same thing!" he cried. 'in the Iberian peninsula, where the Jews have "According to him the Jews were by no means experienced so many blessings'! always second-class citizens. In antiquity one even found them often with special privileges "And the game they're playing today, they which absolved them from certain duties, such have been at for two thousand years," he con as military service.24 It was never their strong tinued. "I think that suffices to characterize the nature of Jewish internationalism. Now we side to risk armed conflict. In the War of Lib still have left to consider the national feeling of eration,25 the Jews of Deutsch-Krone, in Pom the Jews. Naturally not that of the one for Ger erania, sent a petition to the king, requesting many, of the other for England, and so on. Not permission to remain home from the campaign many mice are to be caught with that bait any in return for money. In this petition they ar longer. 'Send me a box full of German soil, so gued that ten thousand talers would be of much that I can at least symbolically defile the more use in the war effort than the frankly accursed country,' wrote the German Jew questionable fighting ability of a Jew. The peti Börne;28 and Heinrich Heine sniffed out Ger tion was accepted, not only from them but also many's future from a toilet bowl.29 The physi from the Jews of five more of the seven Prus cist, Einstein, whom the Jewish publicity sian districts."26 agents celebrate as a second Kepler, explained "Yes, I know that place in Hauser," I added; he would have nothing to do with German na "it is authentic. He also quotes there from May- tionalism. He considered 'deceitful' the custom of the Central Association of German Citizens 21 Exodus 34:12; Deuteronomy 7:16. of Jewish Faith30 of concerning themselves only 22 Otto Hauser, Geschichte des Judentums (Wei with the religious interests of the Jews and not mar, 1921), p. 251. 23 Hauser distinguishes "light" or "blond" men, or, as he says, men of noble race, from "dark" or 27 Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipo "black" men of inferior race. Wherever he has occa sion to mention a blond Jew in his book, he praises mena II, § 174. him to the sky. For my part, I have met some of the 28 Ludwig Börne (alias Löb Baruch), Briefe aus greatest rascals among blond Jews. Paris (Hamburg, 1832), I. 24 Werner Sombart, Die Juden und das Wirtschaft 29 Heinrich (alias Chaim) Heine, Deutschland, ein sleben (Leipzig, 1911), p. 356. Wintermärchen (1844). 25 Against Napoleon Bonaparte, 1813-1815. [Editor] 30 Zentralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen 26 Hauser, op. cit., p. 376. Glaubens. [Editor] FALL, 1966 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD 19 with their racial community also. A rare bird? man' Jews toward the country where they live, No, only one who believed his people already of the fact that they have united themselves safely in control, and thus considered it no with the rest of the world's Jews toward the longer necessary to keep up pretenses. In the ruin of Germany. 'Why?' jeers the Jew. 'Be Central Association itself, the mask has already cause the German is a vulgar scoundrel, a back fallen. A Dr. Brünn frankly admitted there ward, medieval creature, who hasn't the faint that the Jews could have no German national est idea of our worth. And we should help such spirit.31 We always mistake their unprincipled rabble? No, he has the Jews he deserves!' Such exertions to accomodate themselves to all and arrogance is indeed staggering to behold." everyone for impulses of the heart. Whenever I reminded him of Russia. "Before the revo they see an advantage to be gained by adopting lution, the Jews condemned her as a downright a certain pose, they never hesitate, and certain sewer of vileness, even though they were the ly wouldn't let ethical considerations stand in evident vermin in that sewer; now, the same their way. How many Galician Jews have first Jews are at the helm, and, wuppdiwupp, the become Germans, then Englishmen, and final same Russia is a great nation." ly Americans! And every time in the twinkling "In the year 1870," he rejoined, "we Ger of an eye. With startling rapidity they change mans had the privilege of being a great people. their nationality back and forth, and wherever The Jews considered that the time had arrived their feet touch, there resounds either the for replacing the French emperor, who had be 'Watch on the Rhine,' or the 'Marseillaise,' or come undependable, with a pliable president. 'Yankee Doodle.' Dr. Heim does not once ques This also seemed an excellent opportunity to es tion the fact that our Warburgs, our Bleichrö- tablish the Commune;33 thus the 'heroic Ger ders, or our Mendelssohns are able to transfer man people.' No wonder that right behind our their patriotism as well as their residence of princes and generals, a pack of gesticulating today to London or to New York on the mor Jewish financiers rode into Paris. Meanwhile, row. 'On the sands of Brandenburg an Asiatic though, we have sunk back down into the pack horde!' Walther Rathenau once blurted out again. The press, 'that select tool of the Anti about the Berlin Jews.32 He forgot to add that christ,' as Bismarck called it, has designated us the same horde is on the Isar, the Elbe, the as 'Boches' and as 'Huns.' But have patience! Main, the Thames, the Seine, the Hudson, the The more quickly we approach Bolshevism, the Neva, and the Volga. And all of them with more glorious we will become again. And one the same deceit toward their neighbors. Our fine day it will be the English and the French charmers and wizards, however, distinguish who are the scoundrels. One doesn't need spec between respectable and not-so-respectable, be tween settled and newly immigrated, between tacles to see that. 'I am a British subject but, western and eastern Jews; and if worse comes first and foremost, a Jew,' screamed a Hebrew to worst, they shrug their shoulders and mut years ago in a large English-Jewish news ter, 'Every country has the Jews it deserves.' paper.34 And another: 'Whoever has to choose It means nothing to them that it was a Jew between his duties as an Englishman and as a who coined this fine-sounding phrase. Nor that Jew must choose the latter.'35 And a third: in the case of Germany, considering the quality 'Jews who want to be both patriotic English of the Jews we have 'deserved,' it becomes a re men and good Jews are simply living lies.'36 sounding slap in the face. 'All Israel stands That they could venture things of that sort so openly in the British camp!' announced the openly indicates how overrun with Jews Eng American union leader, Samuel Gompers, in land already was then." 1916. And that includes the German Jews too, "The stronghold of European Jewry had its as the American, Ford, well knew. He has writ origin in the period between Cromwell and Ed ten of the faithlessness of the so-called 'Ger- ward VII," I emphasized. "Since then, however, 33A Jew-controlled, socialist government of Paris which lasted only from March 18 to May 27, 1871, 31 Artur Brünn, Im Deutschen Reich (the periodi but which was responsible for thousands of horribly cal of the Zentralverein) 1913, No. 8. atrocious murders during this brief period. [Editor] 32 Walther Rathenau, Berliner Kulturzentren, 1913. 34 M. J. Wodeslowsky, Jewish World, January 1, Rathenau was a Jewish war profiteer in World War 1909. I and later a minister in the Weimar government. 35 Joseph Cohen, Jewish World, November 4, 1913. He was executed by German patriots in 1922. [Ed.] 36 Jewish Chronicle, December 10, 1911. 20 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD FALL, 1966 the center of Jewish activity seems to have been secret advisory committee met with President transferred to America. They have had a good Wilson for the sole purpose of preparing the footing there for a long time. Sombart main country for war against Germany.39 And who tains that it was Jewish money which made the was the chief wire-puller in these nefarious ac first two voyages of Columbus possible.37 A Jew, tivities, which were set into motion a full two Luis de Torres, is supposed to have been the years before the engagement of the United first European to step on American soil. And, States in the war? The previously unknown topping everything else, the Jews have recent Jew, Bernard Baruch. 'I believed that the war ly claimed Columbus himself as one of them." would come, long before it came,' he later calm ly explained to the special committee of Con "That's not surprising," he laughed. "Every gress which confirmed all this. And no one got one who has somehow played a role in the up and beat the crafty scoundrel to a pulp." world, the dear Lord included, is a Jew. They even have Goethe and Schopenhauer on their "The resolution of the Jewish high command list. And blessed be he who believes it. For my many years ago to unleash the World War is part, I contest them Columbus as well as Tor well authenticated," he said. "At the sixth Zion res; ocean travel was much more hazardous ist Congress in Basel, in 1903, the president, then than now." Max Nordau, proclaimed: 'Herzl knows that "According to Hauser," I replied, "Columbus we stand before a tremendous upheaval of the was an Aryan, perhaps even of German de whole world.'40 Good old Herzl! What an ideal scent." ist! Our charmers and wizards were filled with awe at the thought of this noble patriarch. The "It's all the same to me," he responded. "As scoundrel knew, however, what his filthy peo far as I'm concerned, he could have been a Zulu. ple had in mind for us!" I'd sooner attribute his deed to a Negro than to a Jew." "But Herzl was a Zionist," I interjected. "Completely aside from that, it's clear that "He was a Jew!" he said, striking the table they have had America by the throat for quite with his fist. "The word Jew says everything. a while," I continued. "No country, writes Som There is no need for any further distinction! bart, displays more of a Jewish character than 'God's chosen people' want to have their own the United States.38 We have already seen a 'God's country' again. Catch that: 'again'! consequence of this in the World War. In 1915, God's people and God's country, neither of at a time when the true Americans hadn't the which, in reality, ever existed! Every portray slightest thought of a war against us and, in al ridicules for its depravity that general state fact, were so disposed toward us that any in of affairs which existed for some six hundred dication of a possible conflict of interest could years in Palestine, till the Assyrians put an end have been smoothly and amicably settled, a to the mischief. Can you call that a country? 37 Sombart, op. cit., pp. 32-33. the Jews. He says that, once the negotiations were 38 Ibid., p. 39. complete, "the change in official and public opin 39 Five years after Der Bolschewismus was written ion as reflected in the American press in favor of —on June 2, 1928—an article appeared in Liberty joining the Allies in the War was as gratifying as magazine, by the former head of the United States it was surprisingly rapid." (A photocopy of the orig Secret Service, William J. Flynn, detailing the pre inal is available upon request.) viously secret intrigues of Wilson, Baruch, et al. in Eckart, of course, did not know the full story of 1915 to engage the United States in the World War. these arrangements in 1923. [Editor] But these treacherous proceedings pale into insig 40 Litman Rosenthal, American Jewish News, Sep nificance when compared to the activities of the tember 19, 1919. Rosenthal, writing in reminiscence Zionist Jews in 1916, following the negotiations be of his attendance at the 1903 conference, blatantly tween the British Government and world Jewry lays bare the eager Jewish anticipation of a world which led to the Balfour Declaration of 1917. war, eleven years before the fact. Nordau's speech continues ". . . let me tell you the following words In a pamphlet published in London, in March, as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder lead 1936, by the New Zion Press and entitled Great Brit ing upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionistic Con ain, The Jews, and Palestine, Samuel Landman, the gress, the English Uganda proposition, the future well-known Zionist, states that these negotiations world war, the peace conference where with the help led to a "quid pro quo contract" in which world Jew of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be cre ry agreed to use its influence to bring America into ated." (A photocopy of the original is available upon the war on Britain's side in return for Britain's request.) [Editor] guarantee that Palestine would be handed over to FALL, 1966 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD 21 Can't one accept the Old Testament as the au time they have complete rights of citizenship thority on the matter? First we read of the un of whatever countries they choose to live in.' interrupted murders and plunderings of the One must read that non plus ultra of arrogance other peoples of Palestine, which, naturally, twice, indeed, a hundred times, in order to be took many years. Then right up to the last, with sure one isn't dreaming. Imagine instead: 'The the most abominable vileness, one state of an English are citizens of Great Britain. Each archy followed another. The pinnacle, the flow Englishman who chooses to live in Germany or ering, the glory of Jewish statesmanship, name France or Italy retains all his rights of Eng ly, King David, was such a rascal that even the lish citizenship, but at the same time he has the unprecedented villainy of the letter condemn complete rights of citizenship of the country in ing Uriah was not enough for him; on his which he is living.' Now ask yourself what a deathbed he urged his son to murder his old scream of indignation, not we or the French or war comrade, Joab. the Italians, but the Jews themselves would "When Cyrus gave the Jews permission to raise if the English people had actually made return to Palestine [from their Babylonian such a resolution! The Pan-Jewish Congress, 'captivity'] the overwhelming majority ignored however, issued its resolution as categorically Zion and remained in immeasurably rich Baby as a command. lonia. Completely content there, they continued "This assembly comprised representatives of their financial speculations and other activ all the Jews of the world, including the Zionists. ities." Their intentions were, in short, that the Jews "In the year 1267," I informed him, "there should stay where they were and that the new were only two Jewish residents in Jerusalem. Zion should simply have the purpose, first, to Up to the World War, the number of Jews in strengthen their political backbone, second, to all Palestine had grown to only 120,000,41 even gratify their arrogance, and last but most im though they had been free to return there since portant, to provide them a state where they ancient times and certainly weren't lacking could carry on their dirty business without fear travel expenses. The remaining twenty or so of detection. millions — exactly how many is difficult to as "I think we can form a pretty good idea of certain, since the Jews themselves do the count Jewish nationalism from this." ing — fatten themselves upon the sweat of "Okay. So they are neither national nor inter others all over the world. It is hard to under national," I acknowledged. "What, then?" stand how tiny Palestine can hope to accomo "In terms of our customary concepts," he date this enormous crowd." shrugged, "it really can't be defined. It is a "That's not necessary," he retorted. "The rank growth over the whole earth, sometimes point is that it is now official. Israel has re advancing slowly, sometimes leaping ahead in membered itself. Its chains are cast aside. The great bounds. Everywhere it sucks voraciously sun of a new God's state rises over Zion. What at the lifeblood of the planet. What was in the an act! Finally liberated from bondage! Every beginning a swollen abundance will become in one is numbed with awe. The Jews grin." the end nothing but dried-up sap. Zionism is "They have already issued a resolution ...," the visible, surface aspect. It is connected un I wanted to continue. derground to the rest of the monstrous growth. "Yes indeed," he cried, "if anywhere, this is "And nowhere is there to be found a trace of where the cat jumps out of the bag! The reso opposition to this thing." lution of the Pan-Jewish Conference of 1919, "One might say," I laughed, "that the wolves in Philadelphia! 'The Jews are citizens of the have split themselves into two packs. It has new Jewish state of Palestine, but at the same been agreed that one of these shall abandon the land of the sheep in order to go live somewhere, 41 Hauser, op. cit., pp. 484, 491. quite among themselves, as pure vegetarians." 22 NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD FALL, 1966 IV "There is one thing above all others which Lord to his beloved people of Israel," I under we must always keep in mind," he thundered, scored his irony. "one thing of which we must always remind "Christ," he continued with a raised voice, ourselves: 'Great masters of the lie'! One need "was never other than perfectly straightfor only forget Schopenhauer's words for an in ward and frank. God, not to feel the fact that stant in order to begin slipping under the in there two fundamentally different worlds op fluence of their deceptions. To be sure, we also posed one another! In Palestine after the Baby lie but, in the first place, not as a matter of lonian captivity there was a great lower stra habit and, in the second place, clumsily. Any tum of non-Jews ruled over by Jewish money really experienced judge of human nature is lenders, powerful through their usury. One can able to detect the lie of an Aryan, even a very read that in the Book of Nehemiah [especially shrewd one. Sherlock Holmes himself, however, in chapter five—Ed.]. Sombart says that it would be at a loss when confronted with the leaves absolutely nothing to be desired in the Jewish cold-bloodedness in deception. A Jew is way of clarity.44 The outstanding point is that only embarrassed when he inadvertently blurts the real population, composed of oppressed out the truth. If he should happen to deliberate peasants, was of an entirely different race than ly tell the truth, it is always with a mental res the Hebrews. Gradually the Jews forced their ervation, thus making a lie even of the truth." religion on them. Christ himself growled about that: 'Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, "Indeed, Luther," I replied, "said to the hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to Jews: 'You are not German, but a deceiver; not make one proselyte . . . .'45 To the Jews, Galilee a Frenchman, but a faker.'42 His synonym for was the land of gentiles, whose population 'sat Jew was 'liar'!" in darkness,' as they impudently imagined.46 "That's what everyone who knows them says They said: 'Can there any good thing come out of them," he rejoined, "from the Pharaohs up of Nazareth?' and 'Art thou also of Galilee? to Goethe and our time. It has been said in ev Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no ery dead and living language: in Greek, Latin, prophet.'47 The Hebrews were so firmly con Persian, Turkish, German, English, French, or vinced of the non-Jewish ancestry of Christ what have you. One would hope that these uni that they counted him among the especially versal condemnations, throughout the whole hated Samaritans.48 We live and learn! There world, would give our charmers and wizards at are many more such examples." least a little to think about. God forbid! Not even Christ was able to reach them. He stood "One could hardly recommend a better policy there among the cringing Jewish rabble, his than that which lets each man find salvation in eyes flashing, the very image of scorn, and his his own fashion," I stressed. "The tacit assump words fell among them like whiplashes: tion in that policy, though, is that each man's Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of fashion should involve some sort of decent sen your father ye will do. He was a murderer from timent, some genuine belief, and not just a con the beginning and abode not in the truth, because temptible Phariseeism. This distinction should there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, have been expressly emphasized, long ago. It he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the wasn't, and the religion of the moneychanger father of it.43 has received the benefit of this misguided tol But to our charmers and wizards that means erance. Christ was not so tolerant. With a whip no more than the unintelligible stammering of he put a stop to the business of the children of a child." the devil, even though he had said, 'Love your "They delude themselves by believing that to enemy'!" be only a stern but well-meaning lecture of the 44 Sombart, op. cit., p. 371. 42 Martin Luther, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen. 45 Matthew 23:15. Luther's words are more poetic in German: "Du bist 46 Matthew 4:15-16. nicht ein Deutscher, sondern ein Täuscher; nicht 47 John 1:46; 7:52. ein Welscher, sondern ein Fälscher." [Editor] 48 John 8:48. 43 John 8:44.

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