igonaogoiniio Foriimenacia. ger RBI me COL, osrars Avivo House of Representatives Phooris, Arizona 85007 ‘The Llomreble Thomas "7.1." Shope Chairman, Hause Brhiss Commiise Dear Ch ‘aman Shope, ‘Tam waiting In subunit a Jornal ethics somnpluent agsinst Representative David Stringer for ‘emer inpugting the ‘meprity ofthe Adizau UIs: af Representatives, Statement of Fess Basod on my personal knowiedge fiom media resents, it appunne Crt Represelative Strayer Is {engiged in a puller af conduct thal demnonsteates that he is unfit so serve inthis august body Jan sumer, Representative Stinger was reooided wn viveu asserting tat itamigration isan “nistenseltnveat” to our eaunny, He said, "Trwe don't de seunetbing abaut mm: zeation very, ‘ery a0at, le cernoyrapleesol'ou county wil: be imewocably shaaged and ve mill 308 HOF) slfferent comntey.” Represcaative St-inuer sourianed his u-Rensive eammuents by claiming teat "here ural enough shile ids to go artunel in one public schools, Th aanthor news account of Representative Stringers canmen’s, he wes texarde telling university stdents that “Adrican-Ametigans ard ake: real grup dow? blend in afer aursviry in the Lnited Statce and thot these imumigrunts ‘always luk diffevent." ‘Most recently. the Phsentx New Tes kaw meovezed aunt dveumneutsfham Marslaed that show Hint Represeinative Stringer wus chargod sth several sex crimes wlaen he live in Rattimase in 1983. According to that news report, Ropreseetalive Sizingct pled guily to three Wea eximos and ‘wos senlsnced to tive yoars at prahulion as well as reulmea ata elini thet is known foc iating, sexual diserdars, Represeurative Shringa’s pattern of caduct is dishanoable and undegorning af a meenbor of Arizona Honsc af Repvescutatives. [lis eomauer waders the publie's coutideace in this institution und violates the order aud decorum recessary W compiste the people's week 3n this sate Violations of Laws ‘the Lthies Comunirtoe ix empowered to investigate eormplnints and churges agalast etnbers, ARS. § 38-819, as well ae vlaims of disorderly gondue, Ariz. Const ae 4p, 11, Violations of state or federal lars, coustuotvieluliry tt pxdlie crust or adversely -eeuting upon, ‘the Thouse, and uneltfest or unprofessional conduct, such ns dedicied in ARS, §33-11 21 ‘The Hlunorale Thomas I." Shape Sonuary 28,2030 Page 2 Supporting Dosum Attached to this Complaint ars copies of atieles from Une Phoent New Times, whiel the st documents frora Marslaud as wel as quotes Bom the various videos of Representative Springs espouses Tix views on imigranus seal wiher poaple af calor Raed on the foreguing, | reques! that the Etkies Contnitiee immediately eonvers: and inwetigate Ox alloged unsthival conicul of Representative Stringer. ¥Tuntacr request hut ifthe Hchies Committee investigation deterinvex tha Ge allegations againel Represaniative Stinger rogesd.ng alleged criminal conluet 29 Morylund are iru, the comméttee recommncnd [Reproseutative Stzinger's expulsica as provides in ‘ho Arizuna Constiniton, alice 4, pair 2 seation 11 Submit by, Kaul Be. g ap, Reginald Bolding Diet 27 Sate of Arizoun > des Coury eftaricaa Swoon to und subsctibedl belare ine on day of Ia 192019 by egal Cpe In sb ela Malay Public Signatur