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Preview Bold diagrammatic Monte Carlo: A generic technique for polaron (and many-body?) problems

Bold diagrammatic Monte Carlo: A generic technique for polaron (and many-body?) problems N.V. Prokof’ev1,2,3 and B.V. Svistunov1,3 1Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA 2Theoretische Physik, ETH Zu¨rich, CH-8093 Zu¨rich, Switzerland 3Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182 Moscow, Russia We develop a Monte Carlo scheme for sampling series of Feynman diagrams for the proper self- energy which are self-consistently expressed in terms of renormalized particle propagators. This approach is used to solve the problem of a single spin-down fermion resonantly interacting with 8 the Fermi gas of spin-up particles. Though the original series based on bare propagators are sign- 0 alternating and divergent one can still determine the answer behind them by using two strategies 0 (separatelyortogether): (i)usingproperseriesre-summationtechniques,and(ii)introducingrenor- 2 malized propagators whicharedefinedintermsofthesimulated properself-energy, i.e. makingthe entire scheme self-consistent. Our solution is important for understanding the phase diagram and n properties of theBCS-BEC crossover in the strongly imbalanced regime. On thetechnical side, we a developagenericsign-problemtolerantmethodforexactnumericalsolutionofpolaron-typemodels, J and,possibly, of theinteracting many-body Hamiltonians. 7 PACSnumbers: 05.30.Fk,05.10.Ln,02.70.Ss ] l e - r I. INTRODUCTION coupling between the particle and bosonic environment, t but it can not be generalized to fermionic environment, s t. Modern science has radically changed our view of the sign-alternating coupling (as in the t-J model [11]), nor a physical vacuum. Instead of na¨ıve “empty space” we is it suitable for continuous-space models. m have to deal with a complex groundstate of an interact- In this article (which follows a short communication - ingsystem,and,strictlyspeaking,thereisnofundamen- [12]), we develop a Monte Carlo technique which sim- d n tal difference between the outer space, helium, or any ulates series of Feynman diagrams for the proper self- o other condensed matter system. With this point of view energy. ThediagrammaticMonteCarlo(Diag-MC)tech- c comesunderstandingthatthenotionofa“bare”particle nique was used previously to study electron-phonon po- [ is somewhat abstract since its coupling to vacuum fluc- larons [13, 14]. The essence of Diag-MC is in interpret- 1 tuations, orenvironment,maystrongly(sometimes radi- ing the sum of all Feynman diagrams as an ensemble v cally)changeparticlepropertiesatenergiesaddressedby averaging procedure over the corresponding configura- 1 the experimental probes. The polaron problem [1] is by tion space. It was consideredessentialfor the method to 1 now canonical across all of physics with the same ques- workthatthe seriesofdiagramsforthe Green’s function 9 tions about particle energy, effective mass, residue, etc., be convergent and sign-positive. Though the configura- 0 being askedfor differenttypes of particles,environments tion space of diagrams for polarons in Fermi systems is . 1 and coupling between them [2]. In a broader context, more complex, similar methods of generating and sam- 0 particles are not necessarily external objects unrelated pling the correspondingconfigurationspace canbe used. 8 to a given vacuum, but quasiparticle excitations of the ThecrucialdifferenceisthatintheFermisystemwehave 0 very same ground state. Thus, the solution of the po- to deal with the sign-alternating and divergent (at least : v laron problem paves the way to the effective low energy for strong coupling) series. Under these conditions a di- Xi theoryofagivensystem,and,tolargeextent,determines rectsummationofallrelevantFeynmandiagramsforthe basic properties of all condensed matter systems at low Green’s functions is not possible,and one has to develop r a temperature. additional tools for (i) reducing the number of diagrams Atthemoment,thereisnogenericanalyticornumeric bycalculatingself-energiesratherthanGreen’sfunctions, technique to study quasiparticle properties for arbitrary (ii) employing the “bold-line” trick in the form of the strongly interacting system. Analytic solutions are typi- Dyson equation which allows self-consistent summation cally(withfewexceptions,see,e.g.,[3])basedonpertur- of infinite geometric series and further reduces the num- bative corrections to certain limiting cases [1, 2, 4, 5, 6] berofself-energydiagrams,and,ifnecessary,(iii)extrap- or variational treatment [7]. Several numeric schemes olatingDiag-MCresultsto theinfinite diagramorderfor were suggested in the past, but all of them have limita- a divergentseries. At the moment we do notsee any ob- tions either in the system size, system dimension, inter- viouslimitationsofthe newmethodsince evendivergent action or environment type. Exact diagonalization and signalternatingseriescanbedealtwithtoobtainreliable variationalmethodsinthelow-energysubspace[8, 9]are results. We believe that our findings are important in a mostly restricted to one-dimensional models with short- muchbroadercontextsincetheDiag-MCapproachtothe range interactions. The continuous time path integral many-body problem has essentially the same structure. formulation [10] works for the lattice model with linear Asapracticalapplicationofthe methodweconsidera 2 particle coupled to the ideal Fermi sea via a short-range Monte Carlo simulations [19]. On the experimental side, potential with divergent s-wave scattering length. This MIT experiments [26] are in good agreement with the problemwasrecognizedasthekeyoneforunderstanding predictionsmadeinRef.[19],whileRiceexperiments[27] thephasediagramofthepopulationimbalancedresonant are not. The origin of discrepancy between the two ex- Fermigas [15, 16]. Inparticular,to constructthe energy periments is not understood. Our results for polaron functional describing dilute solutions of minority (spin energies are in excellent agreement with Ref. [19]. down)fermions resonantlycoupled to the majority(spin It is worth noting that the model (1) (in general, the up) fermions one has to know precisely the quasiparticle particle mass is different from that of the Fermi gas) is parameters of spin-down fermions since they determine also known as the Anderson orthogonality problem with the coefficientsin the energyexpansionin the spin-down recoil [28, 29]. It can be also considered as a specific concentration x↓: the linear term is controlled by the example of a particle coupled to the Ohmic dissipative polaron energy, and the x5/3 term is determined by the bath (see monograph [30] for numerous other examples ↓ and connections to realistic systems). polaron mass [16]. The general Hamiltonian we deal with in this article The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we dis- can be written as cuss the configuration space of Feynman diagrams for self-energyinmomentum–imaginary-timerepresentation H = H ∆ /2m + drV(r R)n(r), (1) (both in the particle and molecule channels), and ex- F R − − plain how polaron parameters can be obtained in this Z representation. In Sec. III we describe a Monte Carlo where H is the Hamiltonian of the ideal spin-up Fermi F algorithm for generating and sampling the correspond- gas with density n and Fermi momentum k , R is the F ing diagrammatic space. A small technical Section IV particle coordinate, and V(r R) is the interaction po- − deals with numerically evaluating the effective T-matrix tential of finite range r between the particle and the 0 bybolddiagrammaticMonteCarlo. Wepresentanddis- spin-up Fermi gas. In what follows we refer to (1) as the cussresultsinSec.V. Inparticular,weshowthatonecan Fermi-polaron problem. The specifics of the BCS-BEC use re-summation techniques for divergent series of dia- crossover physics in the strongly imbalanced regime is grams based on bare propagators to determine the final two-fold: one is that the particle and the Fermi gas have answer. In Sec. VI we further advance the algorithm by the same bare mass m (in what follows we will use units employingbold-line approachinwhichthe entirescheme such that m = 1/2 and k = 1), and the other is that F is self-consistently based on renormalized (“bold-line”) one has to take explicitly the so-called zero-range reso- propagators. We present our conclusions and perspec- nant limit when r 0, but the s-scattering length a 0 → tives for future work in Sec. VII. remains finite, i.e. k a remains fixed for k r 0. In F F 0 → this limit, the nature of the interactionpotential is irrel- evant, and the same results will be obtained e.g. for the neutron matter and Cesium atoms. We note, however, II. CONFIGURATION SPACE OF that the method we develop for the numeric solution of SELF-ENERGY DIAGRAMS the resonant Fermi-polaron problem is absolutely gen- eralandcanbe usedforanarbitrarymodeldescribedby As mentioned above, when coupling between spin- Eq. (1). down and spin-up fermions is strong enough they from It turns out that the structure of the phase diagram a composite boson, or molecule state. In what follows, is very sensitive to polaronparameters. If the state with we will be using the term “polaron” in a narrow sense, a dilute gas of spin-down fermions is stable at all val- i.e. only for the unbound fermionic spin-down excita- ues of kFa then the solution of the single-particle prob- tion. For the composite boson we will be using the lem would define the phase diagram in the vicinity of term “molecule”. Since our goal is to calculate parti- themulticriticalpointdiscussedrecentlybySachdevand cle properties for arbitrary coupling strength we have to Yang[17],wherefourdifferentphasesmeet. Atthispoint considerone-andtwo-particlechannelsonequalfooting. the spin-down fermion forms a bound state with a spin- In the rest of this section we render standard diagram- up fermion thus becoming a spin-zero composite boson matic rules for irreducible self-energy diagrams in both (“molecule”); i.e. quasi-particles radically change their channels,withanemphasisonspecificsofworkinginthe statistics. Themulticriticalpoint,however,maybether- imaginary-time representation. modynamicallyunstableifthe effective scatteringlength between the composite bosons and spin-up electrons is large enough, and the analysis of Refs. [18, 19] based on A. Polaron channel thefixed-nodeMonteCarlosimulationsfindsevidencein favor of this scenario. Phase separation was also found incalculationsbasedonmean-fieldandnarrow-resonance We start from the definition of the single-particle approaches(bothatfiniteandzerotemperature)seee.g. Green’s function (see e.g. [31]) Refs. [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], though with strong quan- titative deviations from results based on the fixed-node G(τ,r)= T ψ(τ,r)ψ¯(0) , (2) τ −h i 3 and its frequency-momentum representation -G = -G(0) + -G(0) -G G(ξ,p)= ei(ξτ−p·r)G(τ,r)drdτ . (3) -Σ Z FIG. 1: Dyson equation for the single-particle Green’s func- Here ψ(τ,r) is the fermion annihilation operator at the tion. space-time point (τ,r). For the ideal spin-up Fermi gas at T =0 we have Equation (11) allows one to solve for E provided 1 G (ξ,p)= . (4) Σ(τ,p,µ) is known. All we have to do is to calculate ↑ iξ p2/2m+ǫ F the the zero-frequency value of Σ for µ=E − The vacuum Green’s function for the spin-down po- ∞ E =p2/2m+ Σ(τ,p,µ)e(E−µ)τdτ . (13) laron is Z0 G(0)(τ,p,µ) = θ(τ)e−(p2/2m−µ)τ , (5) After E is found, the residue is obtained from Eq. (12) ↓ − using where θ is the step function, and µ is a free parameter. ∞ From Dyson’s equation for the polaron, see Fig. 1, one A(p,E)= τΣ(τ,p,µ)e(E−µ)τ dτ . (14) − finds Z0 Note alsothatthe dependence onµ dropsoutfromboth 1 G (ξ,p,µ) = , (6) (13) and (14). ↓ iξ p2/2m+µ Σ(ξ,p,µ) A comment is in order here. Strictly speaking, po- − − laron and molecule poles exist only for p = 0 because where self-energyΣ is givenby the sumofallirreducible the fermionic bath they couple to is gapless. However, diagrams (i.e. diagrams which can not be made discon- the spectrum E(p) is well-defined in the limit p 0, as nected but cutting through the G(0) line) taken with the decay width vanishes faster than [E(p) E(→0)]. To ↓ the negative sign. Taking into account that in the τ- have stable quasi-particles, one can use a tr−ick of intro- representationbothG andΣdependonµonlythrough ducing a gap ∆ in the environment spectrum, e.g. by ↓ exponential factors exp(µτ), one obtains G↓(ξ,p,µ) redefining the dispersion relation for spin-up fermions: ≡ G↓(ξ−iµ,p) and Σ(ξ,p,µ)≡Σ(ξ−iµ,p). εk → max(εk,∆). In the p → 0 limit, the system- If polaron is a well-defined quasi-particle, then its en- atic error vanishes faster than [E(p) E(0)], provided ergy E(p) and residue Z(p) can be extracted from the ∆ [E(p) E(0)]. It should be also−possible to work ∼ − asymptotic decay with∆’sessentiallylargerthan[E(p) E(0)]andextrap- − olate to ∆ 0. In particular, such an extrapolation is G↓(τ,p,µ) Ze−(E−µ)τ , τ . (7) possible(an→disimplicitlyimplied)attheanalyticallevel →− →∞ in the relation for the effective mass, which we consider This asymptotic behavior immediately implies that the below. function G (ξ iµ,p) has a pole singularity ↓ − Onewaytodeterminetheeffectivemassistocalculate the quasi-particle energy as a function of momentum for Z(p) G (ξ iµ,p)= +regular part. (8) a set of small but finite values of p and fit it with the ↓ − iξ+µ E(p) parabola. It is, however, possible to skip this procedure − and to write a direct estimator for the effective mass in Now setting µ = E(p) in (8) and comparing the result terms of the calculated self-energy. Acting with the op- to (6), we conclude that erator 2 onboth sides of Eq.(11) and taking the limit ∇P iξ/Z =iξ p2/2m+E Σ(0,p,E)+iξA(p,E), (9) p→0 we get − − 1+A 1 0 = +B , (15) where (we take into account that ∂Σ/∂ξ =i∂Σ/∂µ) m m 0 ∗ A(p,E)= ∂Σ(0,p,µ) . (10) B = 1 ∞dτe(E0−µ)τ [ 2 Σ(τ,p,µ)] , (16) − ∂µ (cid:12)(cid:12)µ=E 0 3Z0 ∇P p=0 This yields two important relations (s(cid:12)(cid:12)ee also [31]): where A0 A(p=0) and E0 E(p=0).(cid:12)(cid:12) ≡ ≡ E =p2/2m+Σ(0,p,E), (11) B. Molecule channel and In this case we start with the two-particle propagator 1 Z = . (12) 1+A(p,E) K(τ,p)=−hTτΦp(τ)Φ†p(0)i, (17) 4 dq/(2π)3 -K Π¯(η,p)= . (24) -Q q2/2m+(p q)2/2m η = + Zq≤kF − − Forfinitedensityofspin-upfermionsconvertingEq.(23) ~ to the imaginary time domain has to be done numeri- -K -Q -Γ cally. One possibility is to use the inverseLaplace trans- = + form. We employedthe bold diagrammatic Monte Carlo technology [32] to achieve this goal and further details are provided in Sec. IV. The two-dimensional function FIG.2: DefiningfunctionsQandK˜ inthetwo-particlechan- Γ(τ,p) is tabulated prior to the polaron simulation. nel. In Fig.2 we define function Q thatcan be viewedas a renormalized pair propagator related to Γ by the Dyson equation. Intheupperpanel,weshowthediagrammatic where structure for K, which includes dotted lines represent- dq Φp = ϕqψ↑(p q)ψ↓(q), (18) ingexternalfunctionsϕq,greysquaresrepresentingsums 2π − of all Γ-irreducible diagrams, and the renormalized pair Z propagatorQ. By Γ-irreduciblediagramswe understand andϕ isthepairwavefunction(inmomentumrepresen- q diagramswhichcannotbemadedisconnectedbycutting tation) that localizes the relative distance between two them through a single Γ-line. All Γ-reducible diagrams particles. If there is a bound state (molecule), then are absorbed in the Q function which is shown in the K(τ,p,µ) Z e−(Emol−µ)τ , τ , (19) lower panel in Fig. 2. The grey circle has nearly the mol →− →∞ samestructureasthegreysquare(the zerothorderterm and the pair propagator in the frequency representation is present in the crossed square, but not in the crossed has a pole: circle): since Γ is defined as the sum of ladder diagrams, all terms which include ladder-type structures based on Z (p) K(ξ iµ,p)= mol +regular part. (20) freeone-particlepropagatorshavetobeexcludedfromQ − iξ+µ E (p) − mol and K. With the replacements G Q, G(0) Γ, and ↓ → ↓ → Now we introduce yet another function, that features Σ K˜ we find an exact analogy between the one- and thesamemolecularpole,buthasasimplerdiagrammatic → two-particle propagators. structure. The specifics of the resonant zero-range limit The analogycan be carriedout further by noting that is that the sum of all ladder diagrams for the interac- thestructureofdiagramsinFig.2impliesthatQhasthe tion potential V(r) has to be considered as a separate same pole as K, while the rest of the functions simply diagrammatic element. We denote this sum by Γ(τ,p) change the value of the quasi-particle residue. Thus, if and consider it as a “bare pair propagator”. Of course, molecule is a well-defined excitation we expect that the same approach can be taken in a general case to re- placethebareinteractionpotentialwiththescatteringT- matrix,but inthe zero-rangelimit we really do not have Z˜ (p) Q(ξ iµ,p)= mol +regular part. (25) any other alternative for the ultra-violet-divergence-free − iξ+µ E (p) mol formulation. Thesumofladderdiagramstakestheultra- − violet physics into account exactly and allows to express This explains why introducing the function Q is conve- Γ(τ,p) in terms of the s-scattering length a. The ladder nient: nowEqs.(12)-(16)areimmediatelygeneralizedto structure of diagrams absorbed in Γ(τ,p) also explains themoleculecase(uptoreplacementsmentionedabove). why we treat it as a “pair propagator” (we will depict it with a double-line, see Fig 2). The exact expression for Γ is readily obtained from the geometrical series (in frequency domain) III. WORM ALGORITHM FOR FEYNMAN Γ = U + ( U)2Π + ... , (21) DIAGRAMS − − − where the polarization operator is defined by InthisSectionwedescribehowtheconfigurationspace dq/(2π)3 of Feynman diagrams for Σ and K˜ is parameterizedand Π(η,p)= , (22) q2/2m+(p q)2/2m η updatedusingDiag-MCrules. Ouralgorithmisdesigned Zq>kF − − to treatpolaronand molecule channels on equalfooting. and η =ω+εF +µ. Using suitable ultra-violet regular- We achieve this goal by introducing auxiliary diagrams ization,onecancastthesameexpressionintheuniversal whichcontaintwo“loose”endscalled“worms”—thiswas form which depends only on the s-scattering length: proven to be an efficient strategy for reducing the MC m m autocorrelation time when simulations are performed in Γ−1(η,p)= p2 4mη Π¯(η,p), (23) the configuration space with complex topology [33, 34]. 4πa − 8π − − p 5 τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ a b c d e f c d e f a b FIG. 3: The backboneof thecyclic diagram. FIG.5: Backward connection. Thepairof Γ-endsbeingcon- nected is precisely the same as in Fig. 4, but the direction is opposite, and thearc represents −G↑(τ =−τf −τa−τb). τ τ τ τ τ τ a b c d e f I M FIG. 4: Forward connection. The arc represents −G↑(τ = τc+τd+τe). FIG. 6: A diagram with two worms, I and M. A. Cyclic diagrams manipulations with and . As it will become clear I M soon, of special importance for normalization of MC re- We start with the introduction of cyclic diagrams. sultsisthefirst-orderdiagramwiththeworm,seeFig.7. Though we work in the imaginary time representa- Itsweightconsistsofjusttwofactors,G(0)(τ )andΓ(τ ). tion at T = 0 when τ [0, ), it is still conve- ↓ a b ∈ ∞ nient not to specify the time origin and to consider di- agrams on the imaginary time circle. The backbone of each cyclic diagram is a pre-diagram illustrated in C. Parametrization of diagrams Fig. 3. It consists of a cyclic chain of the struc- ture G(0)(τ )Γ(τ )G(0)(τ )Γ(τ )G(0)(τ )Γ(τ ) ... (all Apartfrom the diagramorderand its topology,we se- ↓ a b ↓ c d ↓ e f thetimesarepositive). Wedonotexplicitlyshow“direc- lecttime intervals ofΓ’s andG(0)’s, andmomenta ofthe ↓ tions”ofthe propagators,sincethese areunambiguously spin-up propagators as independent variables. The mo- fixed by the global direction of all the backbone lines, menta of Γ’s and G(0)’s are then unambiguously defined ↓ which we select—without loss of generality—to be from by the momentum conservation law, while the time in- right to left. With this convention, the left (free) spin- terval of a spin-up propagator is obtained by summing up end of any Γ-line is outgoing, while the right end is up the time intervals of Γ’s and G(0)’s covered by this ↓ incoming. Aphysicaldiagramisobtainedbypairwisere- propagator. Technically,wefinditconvenienttoworkex- placingfreespin-upendswithpropagatorsG↑. Thereare plicitlyintheparticle-holerepresentationforthespin-up twowaystoconnectincomingandoutgoinglines: (i)for- propagatorswhenbackwardspin-uppropagatorisunder- ward, i.e., in the direction of the backbone propagators, stoodasaforwardholepropagatorwiththeoppositemo- and(ii) backward(opposite to forward). Forward(back- mentum. This is achievedby introducing a non-negative ward)connectionsresultinpropagatorsG↑ withpositive function, (negative)times,seeFigs.4and5forillustrations. They represent particle (hole) excitations in the fermionic en- G (τ,p), p p , vironment. It is important to emphasize that in cyclic G˜(τ,p)= G− (↑ τ, p), p≥<Fp , (26) ↑ F diagrams the only time-variables are the positive time- (cid:26) − − lengthsofG(0)’sandΓ’s. Thereisnoabsolutetime,and, whichisassignedtoallspin-uplines(theglobalfermionic ↓ correspondingly, all moments in time are equivalent. sign of the diagram is defined separately, by standard diagrammatic rules). All momenta assigned to the spin- uplinesareunderstoodasmomentaofthecorresponding B. Worms G˜-propagators;i.e. they are either momenta of particles (for forward propagators they are non-zero only for p ≥ To have a MC scheme which simulates diagrams in pF),ormomentaofholes(forbackwardpropagatorsthey one- and two-particle channels on equal footing we ex- are non-zero only for p<pF). An explicit formula for G˜ tendthespaceofphysicaldiagramsbyallowingdiagrams (subject to the above conditions) is with two special end-points, or “worms”. They will be denoted and andstandfor the unconnectedincom- G˜(τ,p)=θ(τ)e−|p2/2m−εF|τ . (27) I M ing(outgoing)spin-upends,seeFig.6foranillustration. Correspondingly,the entire updating scheme is based on 6 as a parameter. The acceptance ratio for this update is M I Γ(τ ,p)G(0)(τ ,p) τ τ P =NC 1 ↓ 2 , (28) ins N+1 b a W (τ )W (τ ) Γ 1 ↓ 2 where C is an artificial weighing factor ascribed to all N worm diagrams of order N (it can be used for optimiza- FIG.7: “Normalization” diagram. Itisthesimplest diagram with theworm; itsweight isaproduct of G(↓0)(τa)and Γ(τb). tion purposes and depend on p too). A natural choice for W-functions is to make them proportional to BBL, i.e. To simplify the description of updates below we will genericallyrefer to G(0)- andΓ-propagatorsas backbone W (τ)= Γ(τ,p) , W (τ)= G(↓0)(τ,p) . lines (BBLs) and den↓ote them as D. The diagram order Γ Γ(τ′,p)dτ′ ↓ G(↓0)(τ′,p)dτ′ N isgivenbythetotalnumberofspin-downpropagators. R R (29) Wealsousespecialcounterstocharacterizethe topology Then, to have an acceptance ratio of order unity and of the diagram. For each BBL we define a cover num- independent of p we choose ber, N , equal to the total number of G˜-lines covering a c 1 gcoivveenreBd.BLF.inAalblya,ckpbhoynsiecallindeiawgirtahmNs—c t=he0oinsecsalwleidthuount- CN = NΛ, Λ= Γ(τ1,p)dτ1 G(↓0)(τ2,p)dτ2. (30) Z Z worms—are divided into polaron (0) and molecule (1) In the rest of the paper, we will refer to this choice of sectors; the diagram sector is defined by the difference W andC as “optimized”,though we do notmean that between the number of particle and hole spin-up propa- N it is the best one possible for the entire scheme. For the gators covering any of the G(0)-lines (the same result is ↓ “optimized” choice obtained by analyzing propagatorscovering Γ-lines after adding unity for the spin-upparticle participatingin the P =N/(N +1). (31) ins ladder diagrams). In the molecule sector, we essentially repeat all steps, up to minor modifications. Now the propagator being D. Updates selectedisΓ (once again,the update isrejectedif the se- lected propagatoris covered.) Then, a pair of new prop- The cyclic structure of diagrams in combination with agators, G(0)(τ ,p) and Γ(τ ,p), is inserted in front of the possibility of considering non-physical diagrams al- ↓ 1 2 the selected uncovered propagator. The new propagator lowsonetoconstructaverysimpleergodicsetofupdates. Γ(τ ,p)inheritstheoutgoingspin-uplinepreviouslycon- 2 Theminimalsetconsistsoftwocomplementarypairs,In- nected to the selected Γ; the latter gets instead the - sert/DeleteandOpen/Close,andoneself-complementary M end of the worm while the -end is attached to the new update Reconnect. The description that follows aims at I Γ. The acceptance ratio is identical to (28) [for the opti- the most transparent and straightforward realization of mizedchoiceitisN/(N+1)]. The polaronandmolecule updates. Standard performance enhancement tricks and sectors are mutually exclusive due to particle conserva- optimization protocols are not mentioned. In particular, tion,thusonlyonetypeoftheInsertupdateisapplicable webaseourconsiderationsontheupdatingschemewhich to a given diagram. may propose a change leading to a forbidden configura- Delete: Thisupdateconvertswormdiagramstophys- tion. Such proposalsare rejectedas if they resultin zero ical ones while reducing the diagram order. It applies acceptance ratio. only to diagrams of order N > 1 with worms being sep- Insert: This update applies only to physical—no arated by one uncovered BBL. Otherwise, the update is worms—diagrams and is rejected otherwise. First, con- rejected. If worms are separated by an uncovered BBL, siderthepolaronsector. SelectatrandomoneoftheG(0) thentheleftandrightneighborBBLsarealsouncovered, ↓ propagators;if it is covered,the update is automatically and an update opposite to Insert is possible. In Delete rejected. If the selected propagator is uncovered, insert we simply remove two consecutive BBL and worms from a pairofnew propagators,Γ(τ ,p)andG(0)(τ ,p), right the diagram. Its acceptance probability is the inverse of 1 ↓ 2 after the selected one. The new Γ(τ ,p)-propagator is Eq. (28), 1 supposed to contain and at its ends. Worms radi- I M 1 W (τ )W (τ ) cally simplify this diagram-orderincreasingupdate since Γ 1 ↓ 2 P = . (32) due to conservation laws the momenta of new BBLs are del (N −1)CN Γ(τ1,p)G(↓0)(τ2,p) equal to the global momentum of the diagram p. The times τ1 and τ2 are drawn from normalized probabil- With Eqs. (29), (30), we have ity distributions W (τ ) and W (τ ) (arbitrary at this Γ 1 ↓ 2 point). Note that W (τ ) and W (τ ) can depend on p P =N/(N 1). (optimized) (33) Γ 1 ↓ 2 del − 7 Close: The update applies only to diagrams with the the selected spin-up propagator. Primes indicate new worms. The proposal is to connect and with a line values of the BBL momenta: G˜(τ,q)andeliminatewormsfromthIediagMram. Themo- mentum variable q is drawn from the probability distri- p′ν =pν +q. (40) butionW (q),whileτ isthetimeintervalbetween and ↑ I In the optimized version, we have to be covered by the new propagator. There are two M ways of connecting and , forwards and backwards. The ambiguity is auItomaticMally resolved by the absolute P = (2π)3 Dν(τν,p′ν) . (41) op 2ΛΩ(τ) D (τ ,p ) value of the momentum variable q: if q ≥ pF (q < pF), Yν ν ν ν the propagator is supposed to go forwards (backwards). Reconnect: The purpose of this update is to change Inpractice,wefirstselectthedirection(withequalprob- thetopologyofdiagramswiththeworm. Theproposalis abilities), and then generate the momentum variable q toselectatrandomoneoftheG˜-propagatorsandswapits accordingly: either q p or q <p . F F ≥ outgoing end with ; the momentum of the propagator The acceptance ratio for this update is M remains the same,only its time variable changesfrom τ 0 P = 2 G˜(τ,q) Dν(τν,p′ν) , (34) to τ0′. The acceptance ratio is given by: cl (2π)3NCN W↑(q) Yν Dν(τν,pν) P = G˜(τ0′,q) Dν(τν,p′ν) . (42) where the subscript ν runs through all BBLs to be cov- rec G˜(τ0,q) ν Dν(τν,pν) Y eredbythenewpropagator(clearly,τ = τ ). Primes ν ν The subscript ν runs through all BBLs that will change indicate new values of the corresponding momenta: P their momenta (and cover numbers Nc’s) as a result of p′ =p q. (35) the update. Topologically, there are two different situa- ν ν − tions (the two a complementary to each other in terms Asusual,the distributionfunctionW (q)candependon of the update): (i) is covered by the propagator in ↑ M τ andthedirectionofthepropagator. Thenaturalchoice question, and (ii) is not covered by the propagator. M for this function would be Correspondingly,thenewvaluesofthediagramvariables are calculated as G˜(τ,q) W (q)= , (36) ↑ Ω(τ) (τ′,p′)= (τ0−τ, pν +q) (i), (43) 0 ν (τ +τ, p q) (ii), 0 ν (cid:26) − Ω(τ)= q≥pF GG˜˜↑((ττ,,qq))ddqq ((bfoarcwkawradr)d,), (37) witThhτe =abovνeτsνe.t of updates is ergodic. It can be sup- ( Rq<pF ↑ plementedPby additional updates that may improve the R algorithm performance by more efficient sampling of the leading to the optimized acceptance ratio diagram variables and topologies. Over-complete sets of 2ΛΩ(τ) D (τ ,p′) updates are also useful for meaningful tests of the de- P = ν ν ν . (38) cl (2π)3 D (τ ,p ) tailedbalance. The possibilities are endless,andhere we ν ν ν Yν simply mention two updates we have been using. Time shift: Weproposenewtime variables,τ τ′, In this Section we deal with diagrams based on bare ν → ν for all uncovered BBLs (labeled here with the subscript propagators. To avoid double-counting, we have to ex- ν). The acceptance probability is clude all cases which can be reduced to ladders already summed in Γ’s. When and are on the nearest- neighbor BBL the propoMsal to coInnect them with the P = Wν(τν,p)Dν(τν′,p) . (44) sh W (τ′,p)D (τ ,p) spin-up particle propagator is rejected. The last rule to ν ν ν ν ν Y be monitored it to restrict all physical diagrams to be All uncovered propagators have the same momentum p. either in the polaronor molecule sectors,i.e. sectors dif- Withthe optimizedchoiceforW (τ ,p) D (τ ,p)the ferent from 0 and 1 are not allowed. ν ν ν ν ∝ acceptance ratio becomes unity. Open: The update applies only to physical diagrams Redirect: Here we propose to select at random one and proposes to create a worm by selecting at random of the G˜-propagatorsand change its direction to the op- and removing one of the spin-up propagators. The ac- posite. Simultaneously, we change the momentum of the ceptance ratio is given by the inverse of (34), (38) selected propagator (resulting in new momenta for all (2π)3NC W (q) D (τ ,p′) BBLitcoversorwillcoverasaresultoftheupdate). Let Pop = 2 N G˜↑(↑τ,q) Yν Dνν(τνν,pνν) , (39) Gt˜h(eτ′s,eqle′c)twedithprτop=agatνoτrνb,eanG˜d(ττ,′q=), anλdτλth,ewnheewreoνnreubnes where the subscript ν runs through all BBLs covered by throughallBBLscoveredbythepropagatorG˜ (τ,q)and P P ↑ the propagator, τ = τ , and q is the momentum of λrunsthroughallBBLstobecoveredbythepropagator ν ν P 8 τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ a b c d e f b c d e FIG. 8: A GΣ-diagram contributing to the polaron self- FIG. 9: A ΓK˜-diagram contributing to the molecule self- energy. It factorizes into a product of G(↓0)(τa) and Σ(τ = energy. It factorizes into a product of Γ(τb) and K˜(τ = τb+τc+τd+τe+τf). τc +τd + τe). The vertical dashed lines cut (for the sake of better visual perception) thesame Γ(τ )-line. b G˜ (τ′,q′). We assume that q′ is drawn from the distri- ↑ either filtered out at the time when the contribution to butionW introducedabove. Inthiscase,theacceptance ↑ the self-energy histogram is made, or, are not produced ratio is given by inthesimulationatall.] Theyfactorizeintoaproductof W (τ,q)G˜(τ′,q′) G(0) andsomediagramcontributingtotheself-energyΣ. P = ↑ ↓ rdr W (τ′,q′)G˜(τ,q) × The utility of cyclic representationis that the uncovered ↑ propagator can be anywhere on the backbone. In view Dν(τν,p′ν) Dλ(τλ,p′λ) , (45) of factorization, it is easy to write the MC estimator for D (τ ,p ) D (τ ,p ) the integral (to simplify notations we omit irrelevant to " ν ν ν #" λ λ λ # ν λ Y Y the discussion momentum p) p′ =p +q, p′ =p q′ . (46) ∞ ν ν λ λ− I = f(τ)Σ(τ)dτ , (48) Z0 For the optimized choice of W , see Eq. (36), ↑ where f(τ) is some function [see, e.g., Eqs. (13), (14)]. W (τ,q)G˜(τ′,q′) Ω(τ′) Indeed, consider the estimator ↑ . (47) W (τ′,q′)G˜(τ,q) → Ω(τ) ↑ = δ f(τ). (49) I GΣ E Diagram sign: The sign of a diagram with worms which counts all instances of GΣ-diagrams with an ad- is somewhat arbitrary since it is not physical. The am- ditional weight f(τ). Here δ is unity for each GΣ- biguity is resolved by assuming that is always con- GΣ M diagram and zero otherwise, and τ is the total duration nected to in the backward direction by an auxiliary I in time of the Σ-part of the GΣ-diagram. The Monte unity propagator. Then, to comply with the diagram- Carlo average of this estimator is matic rules, we change the configuration sign each time anyofthefollowingupdatesareaccepted: (i)Reconnect, ∞ ∞ (ii) Open/Close updates dealing with spin-up propaga- hEIiMC ∝ G(↓0)(τ′)dτ′ f(τ)Σ(τ)dτ . (50) tors in the forward direction, (iii) Insert/Delete in the Z0 Z0 molecule sector, and (iv) Redirect. For Open/Close up- Similarly,withinthesamescheme,wecollectstatisticsof dates dealing with spin-up propagators in the backward all“normalization”diagrams,seeFig.7,usinganestima- direction the sign remains the same, because here the tor projecting to the first-order diagram with the worm, sign coming from changing the number of closedspin-up δ . Then, norm loopsiscompensatedbythe signinEq.(26); the sameis ∞ ∞ also true for Insert/Delete updates in the polaron sector δ C G(0)(τ′)dτ′ Γ(τ)dτ . (51) (due to our choice of the auxiliary propagatorsign). For h normiMC ∝ 1 ↓ Z0 Z0 precisely the same sign compensation reason, the Redi- rect update does change the sign despite the fact that it The proportionalitycoefficientcancelsinthe ratioofthe preserves the number of loops. two averages,leading to ∞ I MC I = C hE i Γ(τ)dτ . (52) 1 E. Estimators hδnormiMC Z0 In particular, for the optimal choice of C , we have OnlyphysicaldiagramswithoneuncoveredG(0) prop- N ↓ agator contribute to the polaron self-energy. We will ∞ −1 call them GΣ-diagrams. An example is shown in Fig. 8. I = hEIiMC G(0)(τ)dτ . (53) δ ↓ [Depending on restrictions imposed on the configuration h normiMC (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) space (easy to implement in any scheme) physical dia- Imaginary-time integrals for the product of Σ(τ) and gramswithmorethanoneuncoveredG(0) propagatorare exponentials, see Eqs. (13) and (14), is all we need to ↓ 9 determine the polaronenergy and residue. For the bold- -Γ -Γ line generalization of the scheme described in the next = 0 - Section we need the entire dependence of self-energy on time and momentum. This is achieved by differentiating partial contributions of GΣ-diagrams. For example, FIG. 10: Diagrammatic equation for the T-matrix Γ(τ,p). Thearcisthevacuumspin-uppropagatorwiththeconstraint EΣ,i = δGΣ δτ∈bini , (54) qno<thkinFgobnuittscomrroemcteinntgumtheq.vaTchueummeraensiunlgt oΓf tbhyisseuqbutartaicotninigs 0 is an estimator counting contributions with τ within the contributions from the spin-up fermions with momenta q < i-th imaginary-time bin of width ∆τ centered at the kF. i point τ . Due to linear relation between I and Σ(τ) we i immediately realize that (for optimized choice) Equation(58) is one of the simplest examples ofprob- ∞ −1 lems solvable by bold diagrammatic Monte Carlo [32]. Σ(τ ) = hEΣ,iiMC ∆τ G(0)(τ)dτ . (55) We refer the reader to Ref. [32], where the algorithm of i δ i ↓ h normiMC (cid:20) Z0 (cid:21) solvingsuchequationsisdescribedindetail. Herewejust mention some specific details. We find it helpful to start Incompleteanalogywiththepolaroncase,weconsider from a good trial function for obtaining high-accuracy ΓK˜-diagrams that contain one, and only one, uncovered results in a short simulation time. We achieve this goal Γ-propagator, see Fig. 9, and use them to collect statis- using the following protocol. We start the simulation by tics for the molecule self-energy. Up to straightforward restricting imaginary time to be smaller than τ and replacements G(0) Γ, Σ K˜ all relations of this sub- max ↓ ↔ ↔ select relatively short τmax. When the result is accurate section hold true. enough, we extrapolate it to longer times, increase τ , max and restart the simulation with the extrapolated func- tion, Γ serving as the trial function, i.e. we substitute ext IV. SIMULATING T-MATRIX Γ(τ,p) BY BOLD Γ=Γ +δΓ to Eq. (58) and solve for δΓ. If necessary, ext DIAGRAMMATIC MONTE CARLO this procedure can be repeated several times. Despite relatively simple form of Eqs. (23) and (24), tabulatingthetwo-dimensionalfunctionΓ(τ,p)withhigh V. SIMULATION RESULTS AND SERIES accuracy using the inverse Laplace transform of Γ(ω,p) CONVERGENCE PROPERTIES turns out to be a time consuming job. In this work we have used an alternative route based on the bold dia- Nearlyallresults inthis paper wereobtainedby simu- grammatic Monte Carlo technology introduced recently latingdiagramsbuiltonbareone-andtwo-particleprop- inRef.[32]. ThecrucialobservationisthattheT-matrix agators G(0) and Γ. We observed that the correspond- Γ(τ,p) can be diagrammatically related to its vacuum ↓ ing series are likely to be divergent. This, however, does counterpartΓ (τ,p),seeFig.10,withthelatterisknown 0 notmeanthattheentireideaofcalculatingcontributions analytically: fromdiagramsofhigherandhigherorderandextrapolat- Γ (τ,p) = 4π e(ǫF+µ−p2/4m)τg (τ), (56) ing results to the infinite order is useless and ill-defined. 0 m3/2 ∓ On the contrary, it was recognized long ago that appro- priate re-summation techniques allow one to determine were reliablythefunctionstandingbehindthedivergentseries. 1 Moreover, all re-summation techniques (formally, there g∓(τ) = √E eEτerfc( √Eτ), (57) are infinitely many!), if applicable, have to agree with −√πτ ± ± each other on the final result. This important observa- tionvastlyincreasestheutilityoftheDiag-MCtechnique fornegative/positivevaluesofthescatteringlength,E = 1/ma2, and erfc(x) is the error-function. [The Fermi- we are developing here. In the next Section we demon- strate that making the series for Σ self-consistent with energyandthe chemicalpotentialinEq.(56) come from the use of Dyson equation—bold-line technique—is an- the globalenergyshiftnecessaryforcompliancewiththe other way to improve series convergence properties. Dyson equation shown in Fig. 10.] Withtheexplicitexpressionfortheproductoftwovac- For the resonant Fermi-polaron considered here the uumpropagatorstherelationshowninFig.10reads(the Ces`aro-Riesz summation method solves the convergence momentum argumentof Γ(τ,p) is suppressedfor clarity) problem. In general,for any quantity of interest—in our case they are polaron or molecule self-energy—one con- τ τ structs partial sums Γ(τ) = Γ (τ) + ds ds′Γ (s)Γ(τ s′) 0 0 − − − Z0 Zs N∗ dq e−[(p−q)2+q2](s′−s)/2m . (58) Σ(N∗) = DNFN(N∗) , (59) × (2π)3 − Zq<kF (cid:16) (cid:17) NX=1 10 -2.44 E Em -2.46 a- 1 = 0 -2.48 kFa = 1.0 -0.608 -2.50 -0.61 -2.52 -2.54 -0.612 -2.56 -0.614 -2.58 -0.616 -2.60 -2.62 -0.618 -2.64 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1/N * 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1/N* FIG. 11: The molecule energy (at kFa = 1) as a function FIG. 12: (Color online) The polaron energy (at the uni- of the maximum diagram order N∗ for different summation tarity point a−1 = 0) as a function of the maximum dia- techniques: Ces`aro (open squares), Riesz δ=2 (filled circles, gram order N∗ using Eq. (61). The data are fitted using fittedwiththeparabolay=−2.6164+0.28013x+0.01638x2), linear −0.618+0.033/N∗ (red) and exponential −0.6151+ Riesz δ = 4 (open circles, fitted with the parabola y = 0.026e−0.39N∗ (black) functions to have an estimate of sys- −2.6190+0.61635x −0.3515x2), and Eq. (61) (stars fitted tematic errors introduced by theextrapolation procedure. with thehorizontal dashed line). Reproduced from Ref. [12]. in Fig. (11)]: defined as sums of all terms up to order N with the N- ∗ th order terms being multiplied by the factor FN(N∗). In F(N∗) = C(N∗) N∗ exp (N∗+1)2 , (61) thelimitoflargeN andN N themultiplicationfac- N −m(N m+1) ∗ ≪ ∗ m=N (cid:20) ∗− (cid:21) tors F approach unity while for N N they suppress X ∗ → higher-ordercontributions in sucha waythat Σ(N∗) has where C(N∗) is such that F(N∗) = 1. The most impor- 1 a well-defined N∗ limit. There are infinitely many tant conclusion we draw from Fig. 11 is that in our case →∞ ways to construct multiplication factors satisfying these the series are subject to re-summation methods and the conditions. This immediately leadstoanimportantcon- result of extrapolation is method independent. We con- sistency check: Final results have to be independent of sider small variations in the final answer due to different the choice of F. In the Ces`aro-Rieszsummation method re-summation techniques and extrapolation methods as we have our systematic errors. An example is shown in Fig. 12. In the next section we will present evidence that the ac- F(N∗) =[(N N +1)/N ]δ , (Cesa`ro-Riesz). (60) N ∗− ∗ tual answer is closer to the upper bound of 0.615. We − seethatinthe absenceofadditionalinformationone has Here δ >0 is an arbitrary parameter (δ =1 corresponds to allow for different ways of extrapolating the answer. to the Ces`aro method). The freedom of choosing the Apart from consistency checks, one can test numeri- value of Riesz’s exponent δ can be used to optimize the cal results against an analytic prediction for the strong convergence properties of Σ(N ). ∗ coupling limit k a 0 corresponding to a compact We proceed as follows. For the series truncated at or- F → molecule scattering off majority spins. In this limit the derN wefirstdeterminethepolaronandmoleculeener- ∗ molecule energy is given by the expression giesandthenstudytheirdependenceonN asN . ∗ ∗ →∞ In Fig. 11 we show results for the molecule energy at 1 2πa˜ kF a = 1. Without re-summation factors the data are Em =−ma2 −εF + (2/3)mn↑ (kFa →0), (62) oscillating so strongly that any extrapolationto the infi- nite diagramorderwouldbeimpossible;weconsiderthis wherethefirsttermisthemoleculebindingenergyinvac- asanindicationthattheoriginalseriesaredivergent. Os- uum,thesecondtermreflectsfinitechemicalpotentialof cillations remain pronounced for δ = 1, but are strongly spin-up fermions, and the last term comes from the in- suppressedforlargervaluesofδ,sothatforδ =4wewere teractionbetweenthecompositemoleculewiththeFermi notable to resolveodd-evenoscillationsanymore. How- gas. The molecule-fermion s-scattering length a˜ 1.18a ever, the smoothness of the curve for large δ = 4 comes [35,36]isobtainedfromthenon-perturbativesol≈utionof at the expense of increasedcurvature, which renders the the three-body problem. Agreement with Eq. (62) pro- extrapolation to the 1/N∗ 0 limit more vulnerable to vides a robust test for the entire numerical procedure of → systematic errors. Empirically, we constructed a factor sampling asymptotic diagrammatic series. Our data are F(N∗)whichleadstoafasterconvergence[seeanexample in a perfect agreement with the a˜ 1.18a result within N ≈

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