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Boeing B-29 Superfortress - Warbird Tech Vol. 14 PDF

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Preview Boeing B-29 Superfortress - Warbird Tech Vol. 14

/ ~ f1l11Dlll 5 E R I E 5 BOEING 0-29 I VOLUME14! • Prototypes and Experimentals • Korean War Combat I •Technical Manual Excerpts • Flying Gas Stations •World War II Combat • Survivors -- -~---~------------- VOLUME 14 BOEING B-29 M. By PETER BOWERS r Copyright © 7999PeterM.Bowers Publishedby SpecialtyPress Publishers andWholesalers 77487 KostDam Road North Branch,MN55056 UnitedStatesofAmerica (672)583-3239 Distributedin the UKandEuropeby AirlifePublishing Ltd. 707 Longden Road Shrewsbury SY39EB England ISBN0-933424-79-5 Allrights reserved. Nopartofthis bookmaybereproduced ortransmittedin anyform orbyanymeans,electronicor mechanicalincludingphotocopying,recording orbyany information storageandretrievalsystem, withoutpermission from thePublisherin writing. Materialcontainedin this bookis intendedforhistoricaland entertainmentvalueonly,andisnotto beconstruedas usable foraircraftorcomponentrestoration maintenanceoruse. DesignedbyDennisR.Jenkins CoverPhoto via theLarryDavis Collection Printedin the UnitedStates ofAmerica TABLE OF CONTENTS THE BOEING 8-29 SUPERFORTRESS PREFACE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ANDTHETHANKS GoTo ••• CHAPTER 1:ORIGINS Of THE DESIGN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 THEYWERE ALL ON PAPER CHAPTER 2: DETAILS OF THE 8-29 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 A COMPLEX GIANT CHAPTER 3: SERVICE TEST MODELS•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 29 AND SOME INTERESTING EXPERIMENTALS ••• CHAPTER 4: 8-29 PRODUCTION••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 A TECHNOLOGICAL MIRACLE CHAPTER 5:To WARTHE HARDWAY••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S1 DO-IT-YOURSELF AIR BASES SPECIAL FULL COLOR SECTION:THE SUPERFORT IN COLOR •••••••••••••••••• 6S COLORS AND MARKINGS OFTHE B-29 CHAPTER 6: 1946-1960 OPERATIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 69 AND ANOTHER WAR CHAPTER 7: FLYING GAS STATIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 81 CLANCY LOWERSTHE BOOM CHAPTER 8: 8-29 DERIVATIVES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 87 SWORDS INTO PLOUGHSHARES CHAPTER 9: SURVIVING 8-29s ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••• 9S AND WHERETO FINDTHEM SIGNIFICANT DATES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 99 KEY DATES INTHE HISTORYOFTHE B-29 SUPERFORTRESS ApPENDIX I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 B-29 SERIAL NUMBERS .. WARBIRDTECH - PREFACE . ANDTHETHANKS GoTo ••• T he B-29 Superfortress,Boe have the long-range, heavy- which the Air Corps assigned the . ing Model 345,can truly be bomber field to itself.The Boeing experimental designations XB-29 ... called the miracle aircraft Aircraft Company of Seattle,Wash- through XB-32 forfurther study. of World War II. No other major ington,had tried unsuccessfully for combat model, regardless of size, several years to sell the u.s. Army After the proposals were evaluated had as short an interval between Air Corps on new and advanced at the Air Corps'technical center at first flight and first appearance over bomber designs. The Air Corps Wright Field in Dayton,Ohio,two of enemy territory - 20 months. Once (U.s. Army Air Forces after 20 June the designs were eliminated. In the design was completed and 1941) realized the need for such a August 1940, Boeing with the ordered into production,newfacto design at the outbreak of war in XB-29, and Consolidated Aircraft ries were built.The first ofthe three Europe.The Air Corps called on the Corp. of San Diego, California, with .prototypes flew on 21 September u.s.aircraft industry,on 29 January the XB-32, were awarded contracts 1942.To accomplish this feat, the 1940, to submit proposals for a for two prototype aircraft each world's greatest subcontracting heavy bomber with atop speed of (later threeL plus 14 service test networkwas established to provide 400 mph, a range of 5,333 statute and 250 production models.This materials, equipment, and sub miles, capable of delivering a one- was in keeping with the Air Corps' assemblies. A massive civilian net ton bomb load at the half-way policy of having two sources for a work and military-training program point.Boeing and three other man- new design in case the first choice weredeveloped atthe sametime. ufacturers submitted proposals, to did not live up to expectations. The B-29s were initially based in China, unlike the American heavy bombers in the Euorpean Theatre which were placed at established air bases with in range ofenemyterritory. InChina,the B-29sflew out of bases created by hand using coolie labor. All fuel and bombs for raids on Japan were ferried from India in the B-29s them selves. Some made dozens of"Hump Runs" over the world's highest mountains, through terrible weather. Foroperations in the Pacif ic, Japanese-held islands had to be captured before B-29 bases could be built onthem. The 8-29's onlycompetition was the Consolidated 8-32.This is a 8-32-7-CF builtin Consolidated'sTexas factory.Thethreeprototypeswerepressurized,andtwohadtwin In its preliminary design tails. Production models were unpressurized and had the single tail shown. During stages the B-29 did not developmenton thesingletail,one8-32wasfittedwitha8-29verticaltail.(Convair) .. .. WARBIRDTECH 4 (One notable exception was the tographs, and drawings. I grateful Ray Wagner. Special thanks go Martin B-26 Marauder.)This was an ly acknowledge the direct assis to Mike Lombardy and Tom unprecedented gamble in ordering tance of the following individuals Lubbesmeyer of the Boeing aradically new design into produc in the preparation of this Warbird Archives, who went out of their tion so far in advance of the first Tech volume: John Amendola, way to find Boeing photographs flightofthe prototypes. Larry Davis,Marty Isham, Frederick and documents that were essen Johnsen, Donald Keller, Alwyn tial to this project. The Boeing proved to be the bet Lloyd, David Lucabaugh, Ernest ter of the two. Chronic troubles MacDowall, David Menard, Merle with the B-32, plus resulting low Olmstead, Boardman Reed, Stan PeterM.Bowers priority, resulted in reduced B-32 Staples, Warren Thompson, and Seattle,July 1998 production during the war. Count ing the three XB-32 prototypes, SectionI RESTRICTED AN Ol-20EJA-l only 115 B-32s were built. Just a handful got into action in the Pacific in the closing months of the war, and then only as recon naissance aircraft rather than 37,000 60,000 heavy bombers. In contrast, 3,965 4S0aH.P. 1."20Sq.Ft. B-29s were completed outof9,052 10...Ft. 73ft. ordered prior to the V-J Day can cellations.They were assembled by three separate manufacturers in fourwidely dispersed factories. Initial raids on Japan were from bases in China. After Pacific Islands nearer to the Japanese mainland were captured, large 12.000 120,000 and well-supplied bases were 8800H.P. 1,738Sq.ft. established on them. Raids on 141 Ft. 99Ft. Japan became a daily occurrence, with hundreds of B-29s involved. By August 1945, the B-29s had devastated Japan's industry and its military and naval facilities; the country was on the verge of sur render before the controversial atomic bombs were dropped. 37.400 60,000 ...eooH.P. With or without the A-bombs, the 1.050Sq.Ft. 110Ft. B-29 is the weapon that ended 66Ft. World War II in the Pacific. Acknowledgments Figure3-Comparison8-J7,8-29,and8..24 The compilation of a volume like iv RESTRICTED this is never a one-man operation; no single source can provide all of A comparison ofthe Boeing B-17Flying Fortress,Boeing B-29Superfortress, the necessary information, pho- andConsolidatedVulteeB-24Liberator.(U.s.ArmyAirCorps) BOEING B-29 SUPERFORTRESS 5 ORIGINS 0 HE DESIGN ·.... .... THEYWERE ALL ON PAPER Y he design evolution of the tions and performance projections Model 333,333A Boeing B-29 combat air appears atthe end ofthis chapter. .......... craft took place largely on The initial study for Model 333 paper. Development therefore dif Model 316 was somewhat futuristic. Aerody fered markedlyfrom eitherthe Boe namic cleanliness was achieved by ing B-17 Flying Fortress orthe Con Boeing's Model 316 was in effect a burying four liquid-cooled, 12 solidated B-24Liberator.B-29 proto cleaned-up XB-15 with the wing cylinder, Allison V-1710 engines in types and production models were moved to the top of the fuselage, the wings; the engines drove tan so similar they were difficult to tell nearly double the power,and atri dem tractor and pusher propellers apart. Five separate designs (not cycle landing gear, the first on a through extension shafts. The counting A-variants) were studied Boeing design.The nose was the Model 333's push-pull arrange .by Boeing's Preliminary Design nonstepped type used on the ment was dropped in favor ofthe u.s. Groupand ArmyAirCorpsengi Model 307 Stratoliner and would four buried engines driving trac neers beforethe final configuration, be used on subsequent studies tor propellers in the more conven Model 345,waschosen. leading to the B-29. Model 316 did tional Model 333A.Minorrevisions not impress the Air Corps, which that did not affect the outward Two full-scale mockups and exten was overseeing work by Douglas appearance resulted in the Model sive testing in the Boeing wind Aircraft Company on the even 333B design. tunnel helped overcome Air Corps largerXB-19atthe time. misgivings concerning aerody Model 334,334A namics, bomb-load capacity, Model 322 range, and speed. Other design Model 334 refined Model 333A facets were produced pretty much The next Boeing design,the Model somewhat. The aircraft still dis astheywere committed to paper. 322, was more in line with Air played buried engines but now Corps interest in an improved featured two vertical tail surfaces Evolution of what was to become B-17.This, too, featured tricycle and a tail gunner's station.This the B-29 began in March 1938as a landing gear and the wing moved was quickly replaced bythe heavi Boeing study to improve the new from the B-17's low position to a ly revised Model 334A, which but underpowered XB-15 (Boeing mid-fuselage location. reverted to four radial engines in Model 294).The XB-15 was built as conventional nacelles.With a new a single research model of long The big news with the Model 322 wing, new fuselage, and a single range heavy bomber operations was the incorporation of a pres tail, the 334A was taking on the for evaluation bythe AirCorps. surized fuselage for crew comfort appearance of the eventual B-29. and efficiency at high altitudes. Boeing personnel liked the looks Air Corps thinking covered the Pressurized aircraft had been of the 334A so much that they spectrum. One office wanted built experimentally since the built apartial mockup at the com improved models of the existing early 1920s, but the Boeing pany's expense. B-17 (Boeing Model 299) and even Model 307 Stratoliner of 1938, a larger bombers,while another was derivative of the early B-17, was Model 341 reluctant to buy any B-17s, prefer the first production aircraft with ring a greater number of smaller pressurization. The experience Several Air Corps offices were bombers for the same money.The gave Boeing a head start in pres interested in the development of paper designs that culminated in surization design, yet this pro new and larger bombers, but Boe the B-29 are discussed and illus posed replacement for the B-17 ing was faced with an insurmount trated below. A table of specifica- was not accepted. able obstacle - no requirements .. WARBIRDTECH - 6 for such aircraft existed.This situa tion changed after General H. H. Model316 "Hap" Arnold, Air Corps Chief, real ized early in 1939 the imminence o of war in Europe. Arnold formed a study board under:~Ie direction of General Walter Kilner. The Kilner Board was charged with determin ing Air Corps needs. Among these was afast (400-mph) bomber with Model322 a range of 5,333 miles, capable of carrying a one-ton bomb load for c:>;----./ halfofthat distance. After requirements were drawn up in December 1939, they were mailed to qualified manufacturers with requests for proposals in Jan Model333 uary 1940. No longer did Boeing have to tell the Air Corps what it should have. Now the Air Corps was telling industry what it want ed and indicated that it would buy the best product offered. Boeing and three other manufacturers Consolidated, Douglas, and Lock Model333A heed - submitted bids at the end ofFebruary 1940. a The Boeing entrywas Model 341,a further refinement of Model 334A, based on earlier discussions between Boeing engineers and rT\ the Air Corps Bombardment Model334 Office. However, as with any pro ~~aE--~' posal on paper, there were imme diate changes. In view of early World War II experience in Europe, the Air Corps now wanted armor, increased defensive firepower, and self-sealing fuel tanks.The propos als were sent back to the bidders for revisions. Model341,345 Model 345 Boeing's response was to applythe required upgrades to an improved Model 345 thatdiffered littlein out- ward appearance from Model 341. Procurement of at least one ofthe (All from the Peter M.Bowers Collection) BOEING B-29 SUPERFORTRESS 7 BOEING DESIGN STUDIES LEADING TO MODEL345 AND THE B-29 Model Span length WingAr•• Gro..Wgt.(lb•.) Engin.s Maximumsp••d Range Remarks ServiceCeiling (Sq.Ft.1 (AlternateGross) (mph.! (milo.1 Ifoetl 316 157'10" 109'2" 2920 S9.000 WrightGR·2600A73 25Sat 4000 4200lb.bomb. 31.200 1650hp.at2500rpm 25.000ft. 4.50cal.guns hakeoff) 3.30cal.gun. crew:nine designed3.4.3S 322 lOST' 75'5" 1530 40.000 P&WR·21S0G 307at 4000 2500lb.bombs 3S.7OO 153.000) It~e~~ftiat2500rpm 25.000ft. 4.50cal.gun. crew:six dosigned1.26.3S 333 109' SO'S" 1420 41.000 AllisonV-1710FI 307at 4220 2000lb.bomb. 33.200 14S.600) (twotandempairs) 15.000ft. 5.50cal"1.30cal. 1150hp.at3000rpm crew:six1sttailgun (military) designod1.26.39 333A 10S'6" SO·S". 1420 40.500 AllisonV-1710FI 32Sat 3000 paralleldesignto333 146.8001 (conventional) 15.000ft. withtractorengines 1400hp.at2500rpm bur,iedinwing 333B Ill' SO'S" 1522 4S.000 WrightX-1SOO 364at 2500 2000lb.bombs 152.1S01 cubicinchliquid·cooled 20.000ft. improved333A flatenginesturied dosigned2.21.39 inwing.1850hp. (takeoff) 334 (1) 120' S4'3" 1844 49.750 P&WX-1S00SlAG 390at 2990at 4,400lb.bombs 37.900 (66.0001 (flat) 20.000ft. 325mph. 3.50cal.5.30cal. IS50hp.at10S0 4500with crew:nine- twintail hakeoff) 2000lb.bombs designed3.4.39 334A (21 135' SO' 1400 55.000 WrightR-3350B 390at 5333 2000lb.bombs 36.000 185.S871 2200hp.0\2600'pm 16.000ft. 5.30cal.3.50cal. (takeoff&.military) designedJuly1939 341 131 124'7" S5'6" 1332 76.000 P&WR-2S00·AG 405at 5333at 2000lb.bombs 35.420 IS5.672) 2000hp.at2700'pm 25.000ft. 25.00011. 6.50cal.guns hakeoff&militaryl crew:twelve designedMarch1940 1. Enlarged and improvedtwin-tail version of3338 2. First studytoresemble eventual 8-29 configuration Note: All modelscapable ofgreaterbombloads atreduced range. 3. Lessspan. more lengththan334A; similartofinal 8-29 new designs was now assured and official Air Corps designations were assigned to the four studies - Boe ing XB-29, Lockheed XB-30, Dou glas XB-31, and Consolidated XB-32. After the resubmitted pro posals were evaluated, Lockheed and Douglas dropped out, leaving Boeing and Consolidated in the running. In July 1940, Boeing was given the sum of $85,000 for fur ther study and the building of wind-tunnel models. On 6 September 1940 Boeing was awarded a $3,615,095 contract for the building of two XB-29 flying prototypes and one static test arti cle. In December,the contract was amended to add a third flyable prototype. The B-29 program, THe which would become unprece Full-scale mockup ofthe XB-29 as it appeared on 25 February 7947. dented in aviation history,was offi triple-gun (two machine guns and one cannon) tail turret is noteworthy. cially underway. (PeterM.Bowers Collection) .. .. WARBIRDTECH 8

The WarbirdTech series is the first new, innovative look at military aircraft to arrive in the marketplace in the last fifteen years. Individual volumes in this series provide a first-ever «laymans technical» analysis and review of the worlds most exciting combat aircraft. Included are photos, dra
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