Description:Without question, the Boeing 747 “Jumbo Jet” marked a turning point in commercial aviation. It was conceived in general terms by Juan Trippe, the founder of Pan American World Airways, and it was intended to boost the tourist trade. The goal was simple reduce the price of a ticket far below what had to be charged for a ride on a 707 or DC-8. If you got the price low enough, the “common man” could suddenly afford to fly to destinations he had only dreamed about. The theory worked.While it was being designed, the 747 was considered an interim aircraft, something to replace the 707s and DC-8s until the promised supersonic transport came along. They are still waiting. In the meantime, over 1,400 747s have been built in five distinct models. The four “classic” models are covered here the fifth (-400) is being saved for a future volume since it is sufficiently different from the early series, and it is still in production. There is currently no end in sight for the 747 and no truly viable competitors either, although the Airbus A3XX perpetually looms in the not-too-distant future.