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Body size, duration of embryonic development, growth rate, mother-offspring interaction, and diet in Sosippus floridanus Simon (Araneae: Lycosidae) PDF

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Preview Body size, duration of embryonic development, growth rate, mother-offspring interaction, and diet in Sosippus floridanus Simon (Araneae: Lycosidae)

Bull.Br.arachnol.Soc.(2006)13(9),365–371 365 Body size, duration of embryonic development, supplies to meet their metabolic requirements growth rate, mother–offspring interaction, and diet (Foelix,1996).Inaddition,thenewlyhatchedyoungare in Sosippus floridanus Simon (Araneae: Lycosidae) characterised by varying degrees of gregariousness which usually ceases after the first post-eclosion moult Fred Punzo* (Higashi & Rovner, 1975). In most wolf spiders (Lycosidae), a female usually Box5F—DepartmentofBiology, UniversityofTampa, carries her egg sac, which is attached to the spinnerets, Tampa,Florida33606,USA under the abdomen (Rovner et al., 1973). Immediately after hatching, spiderlings crawl up onto the dorsum of and their mother where they are carried about until the first post-eclosion moult (Punzo, 2003). Laura Haines Sosippus floridanus Simon (Lycosidae) is one of the P.O.Box0817, fewmembersofagroupofsedentarylycosidsknownas UniversityofTampa, funnel-web spiders (subfamily Hippasinae) (Brady, Tampa,Florida33606,USA 1962). Although they resemble vagrant wolf spiders in retaining the egg sac-carrying habit, Hippasinae are Summary unique among non-burrowing, New World lycosids in FieldandlaboratorystudieswereconductedonSosippus thattheyleadarathersedentarylifestyle.Theyconstruct floridanus(Araneae:Lycosidae)inascrubhabitat(Hopkins funnel-shaped sheet webs that resemble those con- Prairie)inFlorida.Inthefield,adultfemales,offspring,and structed by agelenids (Gertsch, 1979). Compared with eggsacson20websweremonitoredduring2003.Morpho- the more common vagrant lycosids, they exhibit a cer- metric measurements were recorded for total body length, taindegreeofsocialityinthatafemalesharesawebwith lengthoffemur,patella-tibia,metatarsus,andtarsus,aswell aslengthandwidthofthecarapaceandlabium.Sexualsize her young offspring. It should be mentioned that two dimorphism was observed: adult females had larger total Old World lycosid subfamilies share this web-building bodyandtarsallengths.Eggsacswereconstructedatnight trait with Hippasinae, although they construct sheet (between 2230 and 0345h) and were carried by females websratherthanfunnelwebs(Lehtinen&Hippa,1979). between3Juneand23July.Numbersofspiderlingsemerg- Webs are usually found on the ground in open, sandy ingfromeggsacsrangedfrom22–61(mean42.8)and14–57 (mean39.2),underfieldandlaboratoryconditions,respect- habitats,orabovegroundinshrubsandcacti,withskirts ively. Each web was characterised by a tube-like retreat of silk extending 10–30cm outward from the entrance to extendingintoafunnel-shapedstructureatthetop,withsilk thefunnel(Brach,1976).Thefunnelretreatscanbefound lines emanating outward for 12–40cm away from the extendingdownwardundersurfacedebris.Femalesoften funnel. Eight of 20 webs were constructed on the ground; sit at the mouth of the funnel surrounded by their off- the remaining 12 between 0.4–0.7m above the ground. Females seized entrapped prey and carried it into the spring in numbers that can range from 20–90 (Gertsch, retreat,followedbytheiroffspringwhichaggregatedaround 1979; Buskirk, 1981). Young may remain with their the prey item and began feeding while it was still in the motheronthewebforupto5months(Brach,1976). mother’sjaws.After18–21daysofage,youngwererarely This type of social interaction allows offspring to observed in the retreat, and fed on prey at the location remain in close proximity to their mother, where they where it was entrapped. Sosippus floridanus fed on a wide varietyofarthropodpreyconsistingofinsectsandspiders. are frequently observed making physical contact with Thegestationperiodrangedfrom14–19daysforeggsunder her.Theyoungmakecontactbytouchingthelegs,palps naturalconditions,and11–14daysunderconstantclimatic andbodyofthefemalewiththeirlegsandpalps(Punzo, conditionsinthelaboratory.Mostspiderlingswereableto pers. obs.). When prey is captured the female typically emerge from the egg sac without maternal assistance. withdraws into the retreat carrying the prey with her. Immaturespidersshowedastrongtendencytowardmain- tainingacloseproximitywithoneanotherwhileontheweb. The young subsequently follow her and engage in com- munal feeding. In addition, the close proximity of motherstotheiryoungcreatesaconditionwhereyoung Introduction spiders on a web are subjected to a variety of visual Spiders are typically solitary arachnids. Out of over and chemical stimuli emanating from their mother or 30,000 known spider species, group-living behaviour siblings. has been reported for only 30+ species (Avilés, 1997). In this study we report on various aspects of the Depending on the species, the degree of social inter- natural history and ecology of S. floridanus, including actioncanrangefromextendedparentalcaretolivingin body size in adults, web construction, mother–offspring relatively permanent groups (Buskirk, 1981). The most interactions,interactionbetweenhatchlings,durationof commonformofparentalcareinspidersisexhibitedby embryonic development (gestation period), growth rate, those species in which the mother lacerates the egg sac, and diet composition. enabling the spiderlings to emerge, and/or passively or actively guards her spiderlings for a period of time that typically ranges from a few days to over a week Material and methods (D’Andrea, 1987). Typically, spiderlings do not capture Field studies and general description of study area prey during this period and utilise remaining yolk Sosippus floridanus was studied at Hopkins Prairie, *Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed. an inland scrub habitat (Big Scrub) within the Ocala 366 DevelopmentandbehaviourofSosippusfloridanus National Forest, located just off State Road 314, 15km andfemaleswerecomparedusingastudentt-test(Sokal north-east of Silver Springs, Florida (Marion County). & Rohlf, 1995). It is best characterised as Florida scrub habitat, with Webs in the field were also monitored carefully after well-drainedsandy,siliceousentisolsoilsthatareamong females deposited egg sacs, and the number of days thedriestandleastfertilesoilsinFlorida(Myers,1990). between deposition and emergence of spiderlings was Dominant shrub and tree layer species include saw recorded for 12 egg sacs. palmetto (Serenoa repens), sand pine (Pinus clausa), live oak (Quercus geminata), scrub oak (Q. inopona), rusty lyonia (Lyonia ferruginea), dwarf palm (Sabal etonia), Growth rate in the field and Florida rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides). Dominant Ten immature spiders from each of five additional ground cover vegetation includes beak rush (Rhyncho- webs were monitored at random approximately once spora megalocarpa), milk peas (Galactia spp.), gopher every 3 weeks, between 9 June and 18 July, in order to apple(Licaniamichauxii)andlichens(Cladonialeporina, determine rate of growth. Between 1 January and C. prostrata and Cladina evansii). The ground contains 31 December, spiders were also collected using pitfall areas with pronounced layers of litter, and scattered traps. Traps consisted of 300-ml plastic containers clumpsofvegetationinterspersedwithpatchesofbarren placed into the ground with the lip of the container at sand. ground level. Five rectangular grids (30(cid:1)20m), separ- Seventy-two webs containing adult females with their atedbyaminimumdistanceof50m,wereestablishedat egg sacs or young were monitored every other day thestudyarea.Trapsweresetalonglinearaxes,30min betweenthemonthsofMarchthroughSeptember2003. length, using a yellow rope laid on the ground. Each Only data obtained from webs in which the female lineararrayoftrapswasseparatedbyadistanceof4m, survived until the young left the web (n=20) were used and traps were set at intervals of 5m. Each trap for analyses on field data. The positions of the female contained about 4cm of a 50/50 mixture of ethylene andyoungwithinthefunnelwebwerealsorecorded.In glycolandwater.Trapswerecheckedonaweeklybasis, order to determine diet composition, undigested prey and the number of individuals/month (for immatures, within these 20 webs were identified on a weekly basis, adultmalesandfemales)overthecourseoftheyearwas between 1 June and 1 August (8 sample periods). Prey recorded.DifferenceswerecomparedusingaChi-square itemswereremovedfromthewebscarefullywiththeaid test (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). of iris microdissection scissors and forceps, placed in For immature spiders on webs, measurement of 70% ethanol, and returned to the laboratory for subse- carapace width began within 36h after the day (day 4) quent identification to order, superfamily, or family, whentheyhadlefttheirmother’sbackandcrawledonto depending on state of digestion. the web. Spiders were coaxed off the web with a fine camel-hairbrush,measured,andplacedinvialscontain- ing 70% ethanol. Similar measurements were taken for Morphometric data pitfall-trap specimens, with a dissecting microscope to the nearest 0.1mm using an ocular micrometer. The following measurements were recorded for each Carapace width has been shown to be a reliable estima- adultfemale(>18mm,n=20)locatedonaweb,andfor tor of post-embryonic developmental rate in spiders males (>12mm, n=100) collected in the same area (Hagstrum, 1971). Means were compared using an using pitfall traps (Model 2838A, BioQuip, Gardena, analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a Bonferroni- California): (1) total body length (TBL); (2) carapace adjusted alpha level of p=0.05 (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). length (CL); (3) carapace width (CW); (4) length (LL) and (5) width (LW) of labium; (6) femur length (FmL); (7) patella-tibia length (Pt-TbL); (8) metatarsus length Laboratory housing conditions and experiments (MtL); and (9) tarsus length (TsL). To take measure- ments,femalesweregentlyeasedofftheirwebwithafine Twenty males, and 15 females which had not yet camel-hair brush, and males were removed from pitfall deposited egg sacs, were collected from the field and traps with a flattened wooden tongue depressor. The broughtbacktothelaboratory.Malesandfemaleswere spiders were then placed individually in Drosophila placedindividuallyin10-lglassaquaria(holdingcages). vials (Carolina Biological Supply, Burlington, North The floor of each aquarium was covered with vermicu- Carolina). Each vial opening was fitted with a cork lite to a depth of 4cm. Several artificial plants were stopperwhichhadacentrally-locatedglasstubethrough placed in each aquarium to add structural complexity which carbon dioxide could be introduced into the vial to the habitat and to facilitate web construction. All from a portable CO cylinder. Spiders were anaesthe- females constructed funnel webs within their holding 2 tised with CO , and measurements were taken using a cages within 24 to 72h. Aquaria were housed in a 2 UnitronModel440dissectionmicroscope(BocaRaton, climate-controlled room (25(cid:2)0.2(C; 70–75% RH; Florida) fitted with an ocular micrometer. All measure- 12L:12D photoperiod regime). mentswererecordedbetween15–18July.Aftermeasure- All spiders were fed on a mixed diet of adult crickets ments were taken, females were allowed to recover fully (Acheta spp.), cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) and andreturnedtotheirwebs.Maleswereheldincaptivity fruitflies(Drosophilavirilis).Preywereplacedontheweb for future studies. Differences between means for males for females, and on the aquarium floor for males. F.Punzo&LauraHaines 367 Gestation period Parameter Males Females Experiments were conducted to compare the rate of TBL 12.81(2.12)a 18.2 (1.21)b CL 6.23(0.54)a 6.61(1.01)a embryonicdevelopmentforeggsacsexposedtonatural, CW 4.48(0.35)a 4.91(0.42)a fluctuating conditions of temperature, RH and photo- LL 0.88(0.13)a 0.94(0.14)a period in the field, with egg sacs maintained under LW 0.79(0.07)a 0.88(0.11)a controlled laboratory conditions. Fourteen egg sacs FmL 6.24(0.73)a 5.83(0.37)a were placed individually in plastic Drosophila vials Pt-TbL 7.22(0.62)a 6.78(0.44)a immediately after being constructed by females, and MtL 6.56(1.11)a 5.92(1.01)a TsL 3.94(0.43)a 2.69(0.26)b maintained under identical climatic conditions to those describedaboveinaPercivalModel85Aenvironmental Table1: Morphometric data for adult males (n=100) and females chamber (Boone, Iowa). The number of days between (n=20) of Sosippus floridanus. TBL=total body length; time of deposition and emergence of spiderlings was CL=carapace length; CW=carapace width; LL=labium recorded for each egg sac from which spiderlings were length; LW=labium width; FmL=femur length; Pt- TbL=patella-tibia length; MtL=metatarsus length; observed to emerge (n=10). TsL=tarsuslength.Allmeasurementsexpressedinmmfor spiders measured between 15–18 July, in Marion County, Florida. Data expressed as means ((cid:2)SE). Values in rows Maternal–younginteractionandemergenceofyoungfrom followed by a different letter are significantly different egg sac (t-test,p<0.05). Experiments were conducted to determine if young could emerge from egg sacs without assistance from their mother. Thirty unbreached egg sacs were placed individually in glass vials (50mm in height; 30cm in Standard Time). They were carried by females in webs diameter) and capped with perforated plastic stoppers. between3Juneand23July,andbetween18Juneand16 Egg sacs were observed on a daily basis to see whether July, under field and laboratory conditions, respectively or not young would emerge. (Table 2). The gestation period ranged from 14–19 days To determine whether or not interaction of the (mean 16.9(cid:2)1.73SE) for eggs in the field, and from mother with her offspring was important for their sur- 11–14 days (mean 12.8(cid:2)0.82) under laboratory con- vival, 20 pairs of unrelated middle-instar spiders were ditions. This difference between means was significant placed at opposite ends of 100mm glass petri dishes (t=12.96, p<0.05). containing no web material, one pair/dish. After 15min The number of spiderlings emerging from egg sacs their position within the dish was recorded. Recording ranged from 22–61 (mean 42.8(cid:2)6.85SE), and 14–57 was repeated at hourly intervals for 4h, and then after (39.2(cid:2)5.88), under field and laboratory conditions, 24h, 2 days, and 3 days. Distances separating the respectively (Table 2). These means were not signifi- spiders within each dish were modified from those cantly different (p>0.05). Emerging spiderlings, in the proposed by Downes (1994) in his study on the social field and in captivity, climbed onto the dorsum of the spiderPhryganoporuscandidus(L.Koch)(Desidae),and mother’s abdomen and remained there until their first defined as follows: (1) in physical contact with one moult, a period of 3–4 days. another (touching); (2) close (<10mm apart); (3) inter- mediate(16to40mmapart);(4)far(41to55mm);and (5) distant (>55mm). These distances were based on Fieldconditions Laboratoryconditions over80hofobservationofyoungonwebsinthefield.A Eggsac N DD DE Eggsac N DD DE Chi-square test was used to test for differences between 1 37 21June 07July 1 46 24June 05July the frequency distributions of various time intervals 2 54 23June 09July 2 31 21June 04July (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). 3 48 25June 11July 3 49 28June 10July 4 51 13June 29June 4 23 19June 02July 5 29 16June 03July 5 55 26June 08July Results 6 44 12June 27June 6 38 22June 02July 7 22 03June 19June 7 14 18June 29June Morphometric data 8 61 22June 05July 8 37 04July 16July 9 34 05July 23July 9 57 01July 14July The results for various measurements for males and 10 47 06July 22July 10 42 27June 08July females are listed in Table 1. Significant differences 11 35 24June 10July between the sexes (sexual dimorphism) were found only 12 52 26June 12July for total body length (t=10.87, p<0.05) and tarsus MGP 16.9((cid:2)1.73SE) 12.8((cid:2)0.82) length (t=14.26, p<0.05). Table2: Numbers of hatchling spiderlings that emerged from egg sacs deposited by females under laboratory conditions (25(cid:2)0.2(C;70–75%RH;12L:12Dphotoperiodregime)as Eggsacconstruction,numberofemergingspiderlings,and well as for eggs that hatched under field conditions. Data gestation period from 2003. N=number of emerging spiderlings; DD=date egg sac was deposited; DE=date spiderlings emerged; Alleggsacswereconstructedatnight,between3June MGP=meangestationperiod(indays);differencebetween and 6 July, and between 2230 and 0345h (Eastern laboratoryandfielddatawassignificant(p<0.05). 368 DevelopmentandbehaviourofSosippusfloridanus Construction of webs in the field Preycapture,dietcomposition,andlocationoffemaleand spiderlings Webswereconstructedeitherontheground(n=8)or from0.4–0.7mabovetheground(n=12).Groundwebs During early morning hours (0730–0930) females were occurred on the ground in sandy areas (n=5) or in usually observed resting at the mouth of the funnel clumps of decaying cactus (Opuntia) plants (n=3), and retreat. If young were present they typically positioned werecharacterisedbyatube-likesilkenretreatextending themselves in a circle or semicircle around her body. into a funnel-shaped structure at the top, with emanat- Between0930and1500h,femalesmovedbackandforth ing silk lines extending outward for 12–40cm. Webs betweentheouterboundariesofthewebandthemouthof built above the ground were located within fronds of the retreat. The young usually left the web and dispersed saw palmetto. whentheywere75–90daysold(>1.0cminlength). Prey N NW Prey N NW Insecta Ichneumonidae(A) 5 5 Coleoptera(A) Chalcididae(A) 12 10 Brachypteridae 4 3 Chrysididae(A) 2 2 Carabidae 9 7 Cynipidae(A) 1 1 Elateridae 5 5 Unidentified(A) 9 6 Lampyridae 22 20 Formicoidea(ants) Lycidae 3 3 Formicidae(A) 19 13 Scarabaeidae 4 4 Apoidea(bees) Unidentified 11 9 Apidae(A) 5 5 Dictyoptera Colletidae(A) 3 3 Blattaria(cockroaches)(N) 10 7 Halictidae(A) 5 3 Mantoidea(mantids)(N) 4 4 Isoptera(termites)(A) 28 17 Diptera(A) Lepidoptera Agromyzidae 5 5 Heterocera(moths) Asilidae 2 2 Geometridae(A) 1 1 Calliphoridae 7 6 Unidentified(A) 3 2 Culicidae(mosquitos) 32 20 (L) 3 3 Drosophilidae(vinegarflies) 29 18 Rhopalocera(butterflies) Muscidae 12 10 Hesperiidae(A) 2 2 Syrphidae 10 8 Lycaenidae(A) 3 2 Tabanidae 14 8 Nymphalidae(A) 5 5 Tephritidae(fruitflies) 22 15 2 2 Tipulidae 4 3 Pieridae(A) 11 9 Unidentified 12 9 Satyridae(A) 2 2 Ephemeroptera(A) Neuroptera Baetidae 13 11 Chrysopidae(A) 21 14 Heptageniidae 9 5 Unidentified(A) 7 5 Ephemeridae 6 6 Odonata Hemiptera Calopterygidae(A) 3 3 Coreidae(A) 2 2 Coenagrionidae(A) 1 1 (N) 4 4 Lestidae(A) 1 1 Lygaeidae(A) 14 10 Orthoptera (N) 2 2 Acrididae(grasshoppers)(N) 7 6 Miridae(A) 11 10 Gryllacrididae(leaf-rollingcrickets)(N) 4 4 Unidentified(A) 8 7 Gryllidae(crickets)(N) 8 5 (N) 7 4 Tettigoniidae(A) 2 2 Homoptera (N) 4 3 Aleyrodidae(whiteflies)(A) 25 16 Unidentified(N) 7 5 Achilidae(A) 2 2 Thysanoptera(A) 8 7 (N) 3 3 Arachnida Cicadellidae(A) 10 8 Araneae Cicadidae(A) 2 2 Araneidae(A) 12 10 Fulgoridae(A) 10 7 Gnaphosidae(A) 2 2 (N) 5 3 Lycosidae(A) 4 4 Membracidae(A) 11 9 (I) 3 3 Unidentified(A) 9 9 Unidentified(A) 7 7 Hymenoptera (I) 7 4 Symphyta(wasps) Opiliones(A) 3 3 Bethylidae(A) 2 2 Unidentified(A) 2 2 Braconidae(A) 5 4 (I) 4 4 Table3: Totalnumbers(N)ofpreyitemsidentifiedfromwebsofSosippusfloridanusundernaturalconditions.Datacompiledweeklyfrom20webs from1Juneto1August(8sampleperiods).LifecyclestageofpreydesignatedasA(adult),N(nymph),L(larva),orI(immature).The numberofwebs(outof20)containingaparticularpreyitemasdesignatedasNW. F.Punzo&LauraHaines 369 Immatures Adults flies (Drosophilidae), white flies (Aleyrodidae), alate 09June 30June 18July 06August 25August 16September termites (Isoptera), and lacewings (Chrysopidae). Half _ \ _ \ of the webs contained araneid spiders, chalcid wasps, n=41 n=62 n=55 n=38 n=29 n=64 n=34 n=57 lygaeidandmiridbugs,baetidmayflies,andmuscidflies. 1.66a 1.78a 2.91b 3.39b 4.46c 4.68c 4.44c 4.69c (0.19) (0.25) (0.36) (0.38) (0.42) (0.28) (0.48) (0.38) Phenology Table4: Carapacewidths(inmm)forspiderssampledfromfivewebs With the exception of December and January, (10spiders/web)aswellaspitfalltrapsoverthecourseofa immature spiders were found throughout the year and reproductive season. Data expressed as means ((cid:2)SE). Valuesinrowsfollowedbydifferentlettersaresignificantly were significantly more abundant than adults (Fig. 1; different (ANOVA, with Bonferroni-adjusted alpha level, (cid:1)2=27.81, p<0.01). Spiderlings that hatch in August p<0.05). overwinterasimmatures,findingshelterunderleaflitter, rocks, and other ground surface debris, in shallow Typically,whenpreywereobservedbeingensnaredin ground holes, and within bark crevices. Males and webs, the female moved quickly from the mouth of the females that hatched earlier in the year were found funnel to the struggling prey. She then seized it and overwinteringasadults.Therewerenosignificantdiffer- usually brought it back into the retreat. Early-instar ences between the numbers of adult males and females spiderlings,between4–18daysold,usuallywaitedinthe throughout the sampling period ((cid:1)2=2.07, p>0.05). retreat,wherefoodwascarriedtothembytheirmother. The young then aggregated around the prey item Growth rate secured in the mother’s jaws and began to feed. After 18–21 days, the young were rarely observed within the Mean body sizes under natural conditions, for imma- retreat and they fed on prey at the location within the ture stages of both sexes as well as adult males and web where the prey was entrapped, without assistance females at various sampling periods, are listed in from their mother. Table 4. There was an overall significant effect of time The prey items found in the webs of S. floridanus are (date) on body size (F=28.12, p<0.05). Immatures had listed in Table 3. This list indicates that S. floridanus attained a significantly larger size by 18 July, as com- feeds on a wide variety of insects and arachnids. Insects pared with spiders measured on 9 June and 30 June. andspiderscapturedbyS.floridanusincludespeciesthat Another significant increase in size was achieved by spend a significant amount of time on the ground, adult males and females by 25 August. including beetles (Coleoptera), cockroaches (Blattaria), ants (Formicidae), and crickets (Gryllidae and Maternal–younginteractionandemergenceofyoungfrom Gryllacrididae), as well as those commonly found egg sac crawling up on shrubs such as fireflies (Lampyridae), mantids (Mantoidea), hemipterans (plant bugs), hom- In 4 out of 30 unbreached egg sacs, without the opterans, caterpillars (Lepidoptera), and orthopterans presence of a maternal parent to provide assistance, (grasshoppersandkatydids).Inaddition,manykindsof spiderlings failed to emerge and starved. Successful aerialinsectsarecapturedincludingflies(Diptera),alate emergencewasobservedintheother26eggsacs.Spiders termites (Isoptera), moths and butterflies, mayflies spent most of their time in physical contact or close (Ephemeroptera),lacewings(Neuroptera),andbeesand proximity (Table 5). The percentage of time spent in wasps (Hymenoptera). closeproximityincreasedfrom25–35%overthefirst2h Thirteen to 20 (65–100%) of the webs examined of observation, to 55–60% at the 2 and 3-day intervals, contained ants (Formicidae), fireflies (Lampyridae), respectively. As time progressed fewer spiders were seen mosquitos (Culicidae), fruitflies (Tephritidae), vinegar at the furthest distances (far and distant). At 24h only Timeinterval Touching Close Intermediate Far Distant 15min 6(30) 7(35) 3(15) 1(5) 3(15) 1h 5(25) 5(25) 4(20) 4(20) 2(10) 2h 7(35) 7(35) 4(20) 1(5) 1(5) 3h 8(40) 9(45) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) 4h 7(35) 12(60) 1(5) 0(0) 0(0) 1day 6(30) 13(65) 0(0) 1(5) 0(0) 2days 7(35) 11(55) 2(10) 0(0) 0(0) 3days 6(30) 12(60) 2(10) 0(0) 0(0) Table5: Distancesmaintainedbetween20pairsofmiddle-instarSosippusfloridanus.Spiderswereplaced in pairs in 100-mm petri dishes and the distance between them recorded at various time intervals.Distancesdefinedas:touching(inphysicalcontact);close(<10mmapart);intermedi- ate (16–40mm apart); far (41–55mm); distant (>55mm). Observations were recorded at 15min after the spiders were initially placed in the petri dish, and at various time intervals afterwards. Data expressed as number of pairs followed by the percentage of 20 pairs (in parentheses)showingvariousdegreesofproximity. 370 DevelopmentandbehaviourofSosippusfloridanus predator like other web-building spiders. In addition, althoughwebswereneverfoundmorethan0.7mabove the ground, many aerial insects including flies, mayflies, damselflies, white flies, wasps, bees, moths and butter- flies, and lacewings were trapped, as well as arthropods that move over the ground surface (ants, beetles, cock- roaches, spiders) or crawl up into shrubs or trees (hemipterans,homopterans,orthopterans,arachnids).It is interesting to note that although present at this study site, walking stick insects (Phasmatodea), stink bugs (Pentatomidae), ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae), blister beetles(Meloidae),andvelvetants(Mutillidae)werenot identified from any of the webs. Pentatomids, meloids, coccinellids, and mutillids are well known for their Fig. 1: Total numbers of immature and adult Sosippus floridanus chemical defence. Perhaps, if these insects are caught, collected in pitfall traps set in a scrub habitat at Hopkins theyarenotattackedbyS.floridanuswhich,unlikesome Prairie, Florida, over the course of a year. Squares= orb-weavers, is not capable of wrapping the prey in a immatures;circles=adultmales;triangles=adultfemales. thicksilkcoveringtominimisetherepellantchemicalsor stinging defences. If entrapped, these insects may be removedfromthewebinstead.Phasmatidsaregenerally onepairwereseparatedbyadistanceof41–55mm.The palatable, and so their absence cannot be explained. frequencydistributionsfordistancecategoriesatthe1-h Although females did not lacerate the egg sac, as has and 3-day time intervals were significantly different beenreportedinotherspeciesoflycosids(Foelix,1996), ((cid:1)2=13.85, p<0.01). spiderlings emerged successfully from 87% of egg sacs without any maternal assistance. Females did not actively feed their young. There was no evidence of Discussion femalesseekingtoshareorregurgitatingfood.Preythat Sosippus floridanus was a common element of the hadbeenentrappedinthewebwereseizedbythefemale spiderfaunaoftheHopkinsPrairieinlandscrubhabitat. and dragged into the retreat. Young spiders (4–18 days Although immatures were found from February to old)followedtheirmotherintotheretreatandfedupon November, their peak period of occurrence was from the prey while it was in the female’s chelicerae. Females MaythroughAugust.Theearliestthatadultmaleswere typicallyfedwiththeiryounguntilonlytheoutercuticle collected was in March, and they were most abundant of the prey remained. In some cases, the young contin- from May through August. Adult females were not ued to feed upon what remained of the macerated prey collected until early April, and their period of peak after it had been dropped by the female. Frequently, in abundance was similar to that of males. In addition, these communal feeding bouts, the digestive juices and bodysizesincreasedsignificantlybymid-July,andagain partially-digested prey surrounded the prey item, form- by late August. ing a somewhat continuous mixture from which all of The length of the gestation period was significantly the spiders fed. reduced for eggs housed in the laboratory compared After 18–21 days of age, immatures seldom entered with those in the field. This may be attributed to the thewebretreatbutfedonpreyatthosesiteswhereprey controlledenvironmentalconditionsoftemperatureand became entrapped. Typically, those individuals closest relative humidity in the laboratory. Naturally-occurring to the prey would attack first. This is in agreement with fluctuations in temperature and RH have been reported a previous study by Downes (1994) on the social spider to affect the rate of embryonic development in a variety Phryganoporus candidus, which showed that out of 20 of terrestrial arthropods, including insects (May, immaturespiderstomakefirstcontactwithapreyitem, 1985; Punzo, 2000), centipedes and millipedes 85%wereamongthosenearesttoit.Similarresultshave (Cloudsley-Thompson, 1961), solifugids (Punzo, 1998) been reported for other social spiders including and other species of spiders (Pulz, 1987). Anelosimus eximius (Keyserling) (Brach, 1975) and The fact that webs were constructed both on and off StegodyphusmimosarumPavesi(Crouch&Lubin,2000). thegroundsuggeststhatwebplacementmaydependon Growth rate as measured by carapace width showed specific features of the microhabitat, including soil type an increase as the reproductive season progressed, from and vegetation structure, as well as availability of suit- earlyJunetolateAugust.Immaturesshowednosignifi- able sites that are not already occupied by other web- cant change during June, but there was a significant building spiders. These general features of the increase in size by 18 July, and again by 25 August, environment have been known to affect microhabitat when most spiders attained adult size. selection in many terrestrial arthropods (Polis, 1991; Immatures and adults were active at the ground Punzo, 2000) as well as web site location in araneid surface in all months except December and January. spiders (Wise, 1993). Peak abundance for all life cycle stages was observed ThepreyitemscollectedfromthewebsofS.floridanus from May through August. This corresponds to peak in the field indicate that this spider is a generalist periods of abundance reported for other species of F.Punzo&LauraHaines 371 vagrant lycosids in the south-eastern United States CROUCH, T. E. & LUBIN, Y. 2000: Effects of climate and prey (Kuenzler, 1958; Draney, 1997). availability on foraging in a social spider, Stegodyphus mimosarum(Araneae:Eresidae).J.Arachnol.28:158–168. Immature spiders showed a tendency to stay in close D’ANDREA, M. 1987: Social behaviour in spiders (Arachnida, proximity with their siblings in laboratory tests. This Araneae).Monitorezool.ital.(N.S.Monogr.)3:1–156. may be influenced by chemical cues associated with the DOWNES,M.F.1994:Tolerance,interattractionandco-operationin integument or that occur on the silk. 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