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oÉÉåkÉÈ xÉÉU BODHA SARA The Essence of TEXT 00 Knowledge “THE SANDEEPANY EXPERIENCE” Reflections by TEXT SWAMI GURUBHAKTANANDA 10 Sandeepany’s Vedanta Course List of All the Course Texts in Chronological Sequence: Text Text TITLE OF TEXT TITLE OF TEXT No. No. 1 Sadhana Panchakam 24 Hanuman Chalisa 2 Tattwa Bodha 25 Vakya Vritti 3 Atma Bodha 26 Advaita Makaranda 4 Bhaja Govindam 27 Kaivalya Upanishad 5 Manisha Panchakam 28 Bhagavad Geeta (Discourse -- ) 6 Forgive Me 29 Mundaka Upanishad 7 Upadesha Sara 30 Amritabindu Upanishad 8 Prashna Upanishad 31 Mukunda Mala (Bhakti Text) 9 Dhanyashtakam 32 Tapovan Shatkam 10 Bodha Sara 33 The Mahavakyas, Panchadasi 5 11 Viveka Choodamani 34 Aitareya Upanishad 12 Jnana Sara 35 Narada Bhakti Sutras 13 Drig-Drishya Viveka 36 Taittiriya Upanishad 14 “Tat Twam Asi” – Chand Up 6 37 Jivan Sutrani (Tips for Happy Living) 15 Dhyana Swaroopam 38 Kena Upanishad 16 “Bhoomaiva Sukham” Chand Up 7 39 Aparoksha Anubhuti (Meditation) 17 Manah Shodhanam 40 108 Names of Pujya Gurudev 18 “Nataka Deepa” – Panchadasi 10 41 Mandukya Upanishad 19 Isavasya Upanishad 42 Dakshinamurty Ashtakam 20 Katha Upanishad 43 Shad Darshanaah 21 “Sara Sangrah” – Yoga Vasishtha 44 Brahma Sootras 22 Vedanta Sara 45 Jivanmuktananda Lahari 23 Mahabharata + Geeta Dhyanam 46 Chinmaya Pledge A NOTE ABOUT SANDEEPANY Sandeepany Sadhanalaya is an institution run by the Chinmaya Mission in Powai, Mumbai, teaching a 2-year Vedanta Course. It has a very balanced daily programme of basic Samskrit, Vedic chanting, Vedanta study, Bhagavatam, Ramacharitmanas, Bhajans, meditation, sports and fitness exercises, team-building outings, games and drama, celebration of all Hindu festivals, weekly Gayatri Havan and Guru Paduka Pooja, and Karma Yoga activities. This series is an effort to promote the learning of Vedanta; it does not replace Course, but hopes to inspire young people to spend two years of their life for an experience that is sure to make a far-reaching spiritual impact on their personal lives. Sandeepany is an all-round spiritual course that gives proper direction to the youth and to those approaching retirement. Hinduism is in dire need of a band of systematically trained teachers or Acharyas who can serve this Eternal Religion. – The Editor, 9th July 2017, the Holy Guru Purnima Day Om Namah Shivaaya! Text 10 oÉÉåkÉÈ xÉÉU BODHA SARA “The Essence of Knowledge” Composed by Swami Tejomayanandaji Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda on the 2 Lectures delivered by Swami Tejomayananda, Guruji, during the 15th Batch Vedanta Course at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai, Mumbai on March 6th, 2012 Adi Shankaracharya Swami Sivananda Swami Tapovanji Swami Chinmayananda SERVE  LOVE  GIVE  PURIFY  MEDITATE  REALISE Copyright & Author’s Details Author: Swami Gurubhaktananda, ex Krishna Chaitanya, born Bipin R. Kapitan of Durban, South Africa. Residence: Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India. Email: [email protected] © 2017 All Rights Reserved. Copyright held by Chinmaya International Foundation, Kerala. About This Edition: Web Edition: 9th July 2017, the Holy Guru Purnima Day Website: Chinmaya International Foundation: www.chinfo.org Series Title : The Sandeepany Experience Series Subject: Vedanta & supportive subsidiary texts. Declaration by the Author: The material in this series is under inspiration of the Sandeepany Vedanta Course, but largely consists of the Author’s reflections on the Course. He is deeply indebted to the Chinmaya Mission for its excellent presentation of the Course by their renowned and dedicated Acharyas. Personal Dedication 1. To my Parents, Smt Sharadaben & Sri Ratilalbhai Kapitan who inspired me to study in life, to stick to the path of Dharma and pursue the highest ideals; and swamped me with their abundant Love; 2. To Pujya Sri Swami Vimalanandaji Maharaj the President of the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India, who constantly encouraged and supported this effort; 3. To Pujya Sri Swami Tejomayanandaji (Guruji) for his boundless vision and inspiration to create a vibrant organisation; 4. To Sri Swami Advayanandaji and Sri Swami Sharadanandaji my Acharyaji and Upa-Acharyaji at Sandeepany, who imparted their bountiful knowledge and wisdom with rare selfless Divine Love, just as the Rishis of yore would wish to see them do. ***** oÉÉåkÉÈ xÉÉU BODHA SARA “The Essence of Knowledge” FOR SAMSKRIT TEXT WITH SANDHEES Guide to Splitting Sandhees Conventional Samskrit Format is used in the body of the book. Split-Sandhee Samskrit Format is given at the end of the book, for the benefit of beginners. Word-combinations (Sandhees) are highlighted in bold underline (as shown in the table below) to help indicate the splitting of words. This is an original feature. Purpose: To assist new students who are just finding their way in Samskrit to break up the words (Pada Chheda). It is not intended for those already proficient in Samskrit. How it Works: 1. Enables normal chanting. The bold underlined letters are Sandhees, not words, and are needed only to join words for correct chanting. 2. Indicates splitting of words. To determine the words on either side of the Sandhee, the following table may be used. [The table has been applied in the transliteration within the body of the book, where individual words are used.] Add to End Add to Front SANDHEE of Prior Word of Posterior Word A (a) -AÉ- (aa) A (a) C (i) -D- (ee) C (i) E (u) -F- (oo) E (u) elongated vowel -"x- short vowel short vowel -x"- elongated vowel elongated vowel -"x" - elongated vowel A (a) -L- (e) C (i) A (a) -Lå- (ai) L (e) A (a) -AÉå- (o) E (u) A (a) -AÉæ- (au) Lå (ai) AÈ (ah) -AÉå (o) unaffected C (i) -rÉç (y) unaffected E (u) -uÉç (v) unaffected È (h) -xÉç, -Uç, -zÉç unaffected ***** oÉÉåkÉÈ xÉÉU Bodha Sara LMüqÉåuÉÉÌuÉiÉÏrÉqÉç ÌWû oÉë¼; ÌlÉaÉÑïhÉ ÌlÉxcÉsÉÎqlÉÌuÉïMüÉUqÉç. || Refrain || A§É uÉåSÉliÉqÉåuÉmÉëqÉÉhÉqÉç; oÉÉåkÉMüxxɪÒÂxiɨuÉ ÌlɸÈ; DµÉUÉlÉÑaÉëWûÏiÉålÉ uÉå±qÉç. || 1 || ¥ÉÉlÉaÉqrÉÇ iÉÑUÏrÉÇ ™ÌSxjÉqÉç; AÉiqÉÃmÉÇ ÌWû iɱålÉ ¥ÉÉiÉqÉç; xÉÉåÅkuÉlÉÈ mÉÉUqÉÉmlÉÉåÌiÉ xÉirÉqÉç. || 2 || oÉë¼¥ÉxrÉ iÉÑ oÉë¼æuÉ xÉuÉïqÉç; lÉÉÎxiÉ qÉÉåWûÉåpÉrÉqÉç lÉæuÉ SÒÈZÉqÉç; iÉxrÉ xuÉÉÅlÉlSqÉalÉÎqWûÍcɨÉqÉç. || 3 || ***** 1 BODHA – SARA by Swami Tejomayanandaji “ The Essence of Knowledge” English Transliteration  Meaning  CONTENTS ___________________________________________________________________________ Refrain: Who is this Brahman? 3 Line 1 Ekam eva adviteeyam hi brahma; The One who is without a second is indeed Brahman; Line 2 Nirguna nischalam nirvikaaram. He is attributeless, without any movement, without modifications. Verse 1: How do we get to know Him? 4 Line 3 Atra vedaantam eva pramaanam; The means to know Him is by inference from the Vedas; Line 4 Bodhakah sadguruh tattva nishthah; That knowledge comes through the Guru lineage; Line 5 Eeshwara anugraheetena vedyam. It comes by the Grace of the Lord and merits earned. Verse 2: Where is It, and in what Form do we recognize It? 5 Line 6 Jnaana gamyam tureeyam hridistham; The knowledge of one’s identity takes one to the 4th State, the very core of our Being; Line 7 Aatma roopam hi tadyena jnaatam; One recognizes this Atman as his own true Self; Line 8 Sah adhwanah paaram aapnoti satyam. And certainly he reaches the other shore beyond Bondage. Verse 3: What is the Result of knowing Him? 7 Line 9 Brahma jnasya tu brahma eva sarvam; Wherever the mind turns it sees Brahman alone; Line 10 Na asti mohah bhayam na eva duhkham; There is no more delusion, no fear and no more sorrow; Line 11 Tasya swaanandam agnam hi chittam. Indeed his mind is immersed in the joy of his own Self. ***** 2 BODHA – SARA COMMENTARY “ The Essence of Knowledge” Refrain: Who is this Brahman? Line 1 The One who is without a second is indeed Brahman; It is the One that is not followed by two. The One is called Kevalam in Vedanta. The state of being at oneness with all is called Kaivalyam. When we see One, we do not think of any other number; there is no need to. But when we think of any other number, we need to relate it to one to imagine its size. When we say “I know this” duality is automatically assumed. The Ocean is one, although its waves are many. We are the same. There are many externals to us, but essentially we are one supreme Self. Line 2 He is attributeless, without any movement, without modifications. This Brahman is without any attributes, and without any classifications. Classification implies parts or differences, and there are none in Brahman. Usually there are three kinds of Bheda or differences: a) Sajatiya Bheda: Differences in category, e.g. between minerals and plants. b) Vijatiya Bheda: Differences within the same category, e.g. between two different types of animals. c) Swajatiya Bheda: Differences within the same being, e.g. between the eyes and the nose of the same person. Since He is One without a second, there can be none of these three types of differences in Him. There are no different varieties of Brahman! The reason is that Brahman is not at the gross body level. Attributes belong to the physical or psychological level. When it is said He has no movements, it does not mean He is paralysed; when it is said He has no qualities, it does not mean He is a piece of stone; and when it is said that He is without modifications, it does not mean that He is a statue that does not change. It simply means that everything that is gross, subtle or even the unmanifested in seed form, is to be negated from our being, and what is left would be the Self. ***** 3 Verse 1: How do we get to know of Him? I S IT GUESSWORK to imagine that such a Being exists? Where is the proof that He exists? This is explained in the first verse.  Line 3 The means to know Him is by inference from the Vedas; We infer the existence of Brahman from the Vedas, which are a revealed source of knowledge coming directly from God. It is eternal knowledge. One is drawn to it when one is strongly yearning to be liberated from this Samsaric cycle. When one is convinced of the hollowness of worldly pleasures, one is naturally drawn to a Satguru who is God’s representative to teach us the knowledge of the Self.  Line 4 That knowledge comes through the Guru lineage; For this to happen there has to be faith in God, faith in the scriptures, and faith in the Guru. The subtle truths imparted by the Guru have to be absorbed with deep concentration, openness of intellect, and with a feeling of reverence for it. We can learn it from the scriptures directly, but the correct interpretation can be given only by a Guru who has realized the Truth himself.  Line 5 It comes by the Grace of the Lord and merits earned. As a result of the merits earned in many lives, we get the desire to tread the spiritual life, and all the circumstances to make it happen are arranged by God Himself. If a seeker has made the necessary effort, and if he has the blessings of his Guru, the knowledge of the Self has to take place. That is a certainty. ***** 4

1 Sadhana Panchakam. 24 Hanuman Chalisa. 2 Tattwa Bodha. 25 Vakya Vritti. 3 Atma Bodha. 26 Advaita Makaranda. 4 Bhaja Govindam. 27 Kaivalya Upanishad. 5 Manisha Panchakam. 28 Bhagavad Geeta (Discourse -- ) .. The complete overhauling of our personality is required. Therefore, it can
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