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BOCHNER AND CONFORMAL FLATNESS OF NORMAL METRIC CONTACT PAIRS 5 GIANLUCABANDE,DAVIDE.BLAIR,ANDAMINEHADJAR 1 0 2 r a ABSTRACT. Weprovethatthenormalmetriccontactpairswithorthogonalcharacteristicfoliations, M whichareeitherBochner-flatorlocallyconformallyflat,arelocallyisometrictotheHopfmanifolds. Asa corollaryweobtaintheclassificationoflocallyconformallyflatandBochner-flatnon-Ka¨hler 0 Vaismanmanifolds. 3 ] 1. INTRODUCTION G D In 1949 S. Bochner [13] introduced in Ka¨hler geometry a new tensor field as a formal ana- . logue of the Weyl conformal curvature tensor. The Bochner tensor was extended from the Ka¨hler h t manifold setting to general almost Hermitian manifolds by Tricerri and Vanhecke [16]. Whilethe a m BochnertensorandBochner-flatnesshavebeenstudiedinKa¨hlergeometrybyanumberofauthors over the years, there have not been many applications to Hermitian manifolds that are not always [ Ka¨hler. In [12] V. Mart´ın-Molinaand the second author showed that there are no conformally flat 3 v normal complex contact metric manifolds but that a Bochner-flat normal complex contact metric 2 manifold must be Ka¨hler and locally isometric to CP2n+1(4). It should be remarked that the no- 0 tion ofnormality used is that due to Korkmaz[15]and includes such non-Ka¨hlernormal complex 6 6 contact metricmanifoldsas thecomplexHeisenberggroup. 0 A normal metric contact pair (with decomposable φ) carries two complex structures and hence . 1 two Bochner tensors. In the present paper we show that if either Bochner tensor vanishes the 0 manifoldis locally isometricto theHopfmanifold S2m+1(1)×S1. As a corollary we will see that 5 1 a conformally flat normal metric contact pair must also be locally isometric to a Hopf manifold. : v Moreover,asabypassresult,werecovertheclassificationoflocallyconformallyflatandBochner- i flat non-Ka¨hlerVaismanmanifolds. X r a 2. PRELIMINARIES Contact pairs were introduced by G. D. Ludden, K. Yano and the second author in [11] under the name bicontact and by the first and third authors in [1, 4] with the name contact pair. A pair of1-forms(α ,α ) onamanifoldM issaidto beacontactpairof type(m,n) if 1 2 α ∧(dα )m ∧α ∧(dα )n is avolumeform, 1 1 2 2 (dα )m+1 = 0and (dα )n+1 = 0. 1 2 Whileitispossibletoconsideracontactpairoftype(0,0),itseemsmostnaturaltorequireatleast oneoftheforms toresembleacontactform, sothat at leastoneofmornwillbepositive. Date:March31,2015;MSC2010classification:primary53C55;secondary53C25,53D10,53A30,53C15,53D15. Keywordsandphrases. Normalmetriccontactpairs,Bochner-flat,locallyconformallyflat,Vaismanmanifolds. ThefirstauthorissupportedbyP.R.I.N.2010/11–Varieta`realiecomplesse:geometria,topologiaeanalisiarmon- ica–Italy. 1 2 GIANLUCABANDE,DAVIDE.BLAIR,ANDAMINEHADJAR Wecan naturallyassociatetoacontact pairtwosubbundlesofthetangentbundleTM: {X : α (X) = 0,dα (X,Y) = 0 ∀ Y}, i = 1,2 i i Thesesubbundlesareintegrable[1,4]anddeterminethecharacteristicfoliationsofM,denotedF 1 andF respectively. Thecharacteristicfoliationsaretransverseandcomplementaryandtheleaves 2 of F and F are contact manifolds of dimension 2n + 1 and 2m + 1 respectively, with contact 1 2 forms induced by α and α . We also define the (2m+2n)-dimensional horizontalsubbundle H 2 1 tobetheintersectionofthekernels ofα and α . 1 2 Theequations α (Z ) = α (Z ) = 1, α (Z ) = α (Z ) = 0, 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 i dα = i dα = i dα = i dα = 0 Z1 1 Z1 2 Z2 1 Z2 2 where i is the contraction with the vector field X, determine uniquely the two vector fields Z X 1 and Z , called Reeb vector fields. Since they commute, they give rise to a locally free R2-action, 2 called theReeb action. A contact pair structure [5] on a manifold M is a triple (α ,α ,φ), where (α ,α ) is a contact 1 2 1 2 pairand φatensorfield oftype(1,1)such that: φ2 = −Id+α ⊗Z +α ⊗Z , φZ = φZ = 0. 1 1 2 2 1 2 Therank ofφis dimM −2 and α ◦φ = 0 fori = 1,2. i The endomorphism φ is said to be decomposable if φ(TF ) ⊂ TF , for i = 1,2. When φ is i i decomposable,(α ,Z ,φ)(respectively(α ,Z ,φ))induces,oneveryleafofF (respectivelyF ), 1 1 2 2 2 1 a contact form and the restriction φ of φ to the leaf forms an almostcontact structure (α ,Z ,φ ). i i i i It is important to note that there exists contact pair structures with decomposable φ which are not locallyproducts[6]. In [6] the first and third authors introduced two natural almost complex structures on the mani- foldM by J = φ−α ⊗Z +α ⊗Z , T = φ+α ⊗Z −α ⊗Z . 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 The contact pair structure is said to be normal if both of these almost complex structures are integrable. Onmanifoldsendowedwithcontactpairstructuresitisnaturaltoconsiderthefollowingmetrics [5]. Let (α ,α ,φ) be a contact pair structure on M. A Riemannian metric g on M is said to be 1 2 associated if g(X,φY) = (dα +dα )(X,Y), 1 2 g(X,Z ) = α (X), i = 1,2. i i A metriccontact pair on a manifold M is a four-tuple (α ,α ,φ,g) where (α ,α ,φ) is a contact 1 2 1 2 pair structure and g an associated metric with respect to it. Such a manifold will also be called a metriccontactpair. Wenotethatonanormalmetriccontactpair,theReebvectorfieldsareKilling. For a metric contact pair, (α ,α ,φ,g), the endomorphism field φ is decomposable if and only 1 2 ifthecharacteristicfoliationsF ,F areorthogonal. Inthiscase(α ,φ,g)inducesacontactmetric 1 2 i structure (α ,φ ,g) on the leaves of F , for j 6= i . Thus we assume the decomposability of φ i i j throughout. By thenormalityeach (α ,φ ,g) is a Sasakian structure on each leaf ofthe character- i i isticfoliations. Moreovertheleavesareminimalsubmanifolds[7]. BOCHNERANDCONFORMALFLATNESSOFNORMALMETRICCONTACTPAIRS 3 In the course of our work we will need the following lemmas. Some formulas from [2, 5] can besummarizedas follows: Lemma 1. Ona normalmetriccontactpairwith decomposableφ,forevery X we have ∇ Z = −φ X, ∇ Z = −φ X. X 1 1 X 2 2 Usingthepreviouslemma,wecan restateCorollary 3.2of[3]as follows: Lemma2. Onanormalmetriccontactpairwithdecomposableφ,thecovariantderivativeofφis given by 2 g((∇Xφ)Y,V) = X(cid:0)dαi(φY,X)αi(V)−dαi(φV,X)αi(Y)(cid:1) i=1 andhence forthealmostcomplexstructureJ wehave 2 g((∇XJ)Y,V) =X(cid:0)dαi(φY,X)αi(V)−dαi(φV,X)αi(Y)(cid:1) i=1 −dα (X,Y)α (V)−dα (X,V)α (Y) 2 1 1 2 +dα (X,Y)α (V)+dα (X,V)α (Y). 1 2 2 1 OurconventionsforthecurvaturetensorofaRiemannian manifoldare R(X,Y)V = ∇ ∇ V −∇ ∇ V −∇ V, X Y Y X [X,Y] R(X,Y,V,W) = g(R(X,Y)V,W). Let Z = Z +Z ; from Theorem 2 of [8] or the proof of Lemma 2.1 of [2] one readily has the 1 2 followinglemma. Lemma 3. Ona normalmetriccontactpairwith decomposableφ, g(R Z,V) =dα (φV,X)α (Y)+dα (φV,X)α (Y) XY 1 1 2 2 −dα (φV,Y)α (X)−dα (φV,Y)α (X). 1 1 2 2 Lemma4. OnanormalmetriccontactpairwithdecomposableφletX bealocalunitvectorfield inTF ∩H. Then 2 R(X,Z ,Z ,X) = 1, R(X,Z ,Z ,X) = 0, R(X,Z ,Z ,X) = 0. 1 1 1 2 2 2 Proof. UsingLemmas1 and 2,wehave R(X,Z ,Z ,X) =g(−∇ ∇ Z −∇ Z ,X) 1 1 Z1 X 1 [X,Z1] 1 =g(∇ φ X +φ [X,Z ],X) Z1 1 1 1 =g((∇ φ )X +φ (∇ Z ),X) Z1 1 1 X 1 =g(−φ2X,X) 1 =1. Similarly R(X,Z ,Z ,X) = g(−∇ ∇ Z −∇ Z ,X) = 0. 1 2 Z1 X 2 [X,Z1] 2 4 GIANLUCABANDE,DAVIDE.BLAIR,ANDAMINEHADJAR Finally,sinceZ is Killing, 2 R(X,Z ,Z ,X) =g(−∇ Z ,X) 2 2 [X,Z2] 2 =g(∇ Z ,X) ∇Z2X 2 =−g(∇ Z ,∇ X) X 2 Z2 =0. (cid:3) We denote by ρ(R) or ρ(X,Y) or simplyρ the Ricci tensor of R and by τ the scalar curvature. For an almost Hermitian manifold with almost complex structure J, we recall the ∗-Ricci tensor defined by ρ (X,Y) = R(X,e ,Je ,JY) where {e } is an arbitrary orthonormal basis. In ∗ Pi i i i general ρ is not symmetric but it does satisfy ρ (X,Y) = ρ (JY,JX). The trace of ρ , denoted ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ τ , iscalled the∗-scalarcurvature. ∗ A normal metriccontact pair carries two Hermitian structures (g,J) and (g,T), with respect to thesamemetricg,givingriseto apairof∗-Ricci tensors. In thesequel,ρ willdenotethe∗-Ricci ∗ tensorof(g,J). Lemma 5. Ona normalmetriccontactpairwith decomposableφ, ρ (X,Y) =ρ(X,Y)−(2m−1)g(φ X,φ Y)−(2n−1)g(φ X,φ Y) ∗ 1 1 2 2 −2mα (X)α (Y)−2nα (X)α (Y). 1 1 2 2 Moreover ρ issymmetricand J-invariantand wehave ∗ τ −τ = 4(m2 +n2). ∗ Proof. On an almost Hermitian manifold we have the following relation between the Ricci tensor and ∗-Ricci tensor,[18, p. 195] (ρ −ρ )Jt = ∇ ∇ Jt −∇ ∇ Jt . jt ∗jt i t j i j t i From Lemmas1 and2 wehave ∇ Jt = −2m(α ) −2n(α ) t i 1 i 2 i and differentiating ∇ ∇ Jt = −2m(φ ) −2n(φ ) . j t i 1 ji 2 ji In likemanner, differentiationoftheformulaofLemma2 alsoyields ∇ ∇ Jt = −φ −2m(α ) (α ) +2n(α ) (α ) . t j i ji 2 i 1 j 1 i 2 j Usingthesewehave (ρ −ρ )Jt = (2m−1)(φ ) +(2n−1)(φ ) −2m(α ) (α ) +2n(α ) (α ) . jt ∗jt i 1 ji 2 ji 2 i 1 j 1 i 2 j Orinan invariantlanguage ρ (Y,JX)−ρ(Y,JX) =−(2m−1)dα (Y,X)−(2n−1)dα (Y,X) ∗ 1 2 +2mα (Y)α (X)−2nα (X)α (Y). 1 2 1 2 BOCHNERANDCONFORMALFLATNESSOFNORMALMETRICCONTACTPAIRS 5 Replacing X byJX wehave ρ(Y,X)−ρ (Y,X) =(2m−1)g(φ Y,φ X)+(2n−1)g(φ Y,φ X) ∗ 1 1 2 2 +2mα (X)α (Y)+2nα (X)α (Y) 1 1 2 2 as desired. By the previous relation and the symmetry of ρ we get the symmetry of ρ . Next, by ∗ the fact that ρ (X,Y) = ρ (JY,JX), we obtain the J-invariance of ρ . Contracting in the same ∗ ∗ ∗ relation,wehaveforthescalar curvatureτ −τ = 4(m2 +n2). (cid:3) ∗ Nowconsideralocal orthonormalbasis {E ,...,E ,E ,...,E ,Z ,Z } wherethefirst 1 m m+1 m+n 1 2 m vector fields are tangent to the leaves of F and the next n tangent to the leaves of F . From 2 1 Lemma3 wehavethefollowing. m ρ(Z1,Z1 +Z2) = Xdα1(φEi,Ei) = 2m. i=1 Similarlyρ(Z ,Z +Z ) = 2n. Forsimplicityweabbreviateρ(Z ,Z )byρ andthesameforρ . 2 1 2 i j ij ∗ Wethen havethefollowinglemma. Lemma 6. On a normal metric contact pair with decomposableφ, ρ is J-invariant on horizontal vectors, i.e. ρ(JX,JY) = ρ(X,Y), and ρ = 2m, ρ = 2n, ρ = 0, ρ = ρ = ρ = 0. 11 22 12 ∗11 ∗22 ∗12 Proof. From the symmetry of ρ and the formula of Lemma 5, the J-invariance of ρ restricted to ∗ H is immediate. By the J-invariance of ρ we have ρ (Z,Z) = ρ (Z − Z ,Z − Z ) giving ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 1 2 1 ρ = 0. The formula of Lemma 5 then gives ρ = 0. We noted above that ρ(Z ,Z) = 2m and ∗12 12 1 ρ(Z ,Z) = 2nand thereforeρ = 2mandρ = 2n. Finally Lemma5 givesρ = ρ = 0. (cid:3) 2 11 22 ∗11 ∗22 3. THE BOCHNER CURVATURE TENSOR In [16] F. Tricerri and L. Vanhecke gave a complete decomposition of the space of curvature tensorsoveraHermitianvectorspaceintoirreduciblefactorsundertheactionoftheunitarygroup similar to the well known decompostion of curvature tensors in the Riemannian setting with the action of the orthogonal group. In the real case the Weyl conformal curvature tensor emerges in a natural manner and correspondingly the Bochner tensor for an almost Hermitian manifold emerges as one factor ofthe decomposition. The Bochner tensor in almost Hermitiangeometry is considerably more complicated than that in Ka¨hler geometry and as a result has not been studied extensively. Define(0,4)-tensorsπ , π and L R by: 1 2 3 π (X,Y,Z,W) = g(X,Z)g(Y,W)−g(Y,Z)g(X,W), 1 π (X,Y,Z,W) = 2g(JX,Y)g(JZ,W)+g(JX,Z)g(JY,W)−g(JY,Z)g(JX,W), 2 L R(X,Y,Z,W) = R(JX,JY,JZ,JW). 3 6 GIANLUCABANDE,DAVIDE.BLAIR,ANDAMINEHADJAR Givena(0,2)-tensorS,we denoteby ϕ(S)and ψ(S): ϕ(S)(X,Y,Z,W) =g(X,Z)S(Y,W)+g(Y,W)S(X,Z) −g(X,W)S(Y,Z)−g(Y,Z)S(X,W), ψ(S)(X,Y,Z,W) =2g(X,JY)S(Z,JW)+2g(Z,JW)S(X,JY) +g(X,JZ)S(Y,JW)+g(Y,JW)S(X,JZ) −g(X,JW)S(Y,JZ)−g(Y,JZ)S(X,JW). Takingintoaccount oursignconventionfor thecurvaturetensorand complexdimensionofour complexmanifold,thenormalmetriccontactpairM,theBochnertensorofTricerriandVanhecke is given by the following. Given a metric contact pair of complex dimension m+n+1 > 2, the BochnertensorcorrespondingtothecomplexstructureJ isdefined as 1 1 B =R+ ψ(ρ )(R−L R)+ ϕ(ρ)(R−L R) ∗ 3 3 4(m+n+2) 4(m+n) 1 + (ϕ+ψ)(ρ+3ρ )(R+L R) ∗ 3 16(m+n+3) 1 + (3ϕ−ψ)(ρ−ρ )(R+L R) 16(m+n−1) ∗ 3 τ +3τ τ −τ ∗ ∗ − (π +π )− (3π −π ). 16(m+n+2)(m+n+3) 1 2 16(m+n−1)(m+n) 1 2 We will work almost exclusively with this complex structure. When discussing both J and T we willdenotethecorrespondingBochnertensors byB and B respectively. J T Whenthecomplexdimensionis2,theformulafortheBochnertensorissomewhatdifferentand theformulagivenin [16] isinerror; thecorrect formulaisthefollowing. 1 1 B =R+ ψ(ρ )(R−L R)+ ϕ(ρ)(R−L R) ∗ 3 3 12 4 1 τ +3τ τ −τ ∗ ∗ + (ϕ+ψ)(ρ+3ρ )(R+L R)− (π +π )+ (3π −π ). ∗ 3 1 2 1 2 64 192 32 4. MAIN RESULTS We now turn to our main result on Bochner-flatness and then discuss thequestion of conformal flatness as acorollary. Theorem 7. Let (M,α ,α ,φ,g) be a normalmetric contact pair with decomposableφ. If either 1 2 of the two Bochner tensors, B or B , vanishes, then M is locallyisometricto the Hopf manifold J T S2m+1(1)×S1. The proof will be given in three stages. We will first prove the theorem for the Bochner tensor B to be denoted simply by B for complex dimension m + n + 1 > 2 (Stage 1). Then we will J provethetheoremforthecaseofcomplexdimension2(Stage2). Finallyweindicatetheprooffor theBochnertensorB (Stage3). T Proof. Stage 1,Step 1: We begin by evaluatingB on the Reeb vector fields, in particular we have 0 = B(Z ,Z ,Z ,Z ). 1 2 2 1 We proceed term by term in the definition of B. That R(Z ,Z ,Z ,Z ) = 0 is immediate since 1 2 2 1 ∇ Z = 0. Thenext termin thedefinitionvanishesby virtueofρ beingJ-invariant(Lemma5). Zi j ∗ BOCHNERANDCONFORMALFLATNESSOFNORMALMETRICCONTACTPAIRS 7 In the third term the Ricci tensors in ϕ(ρ)(R−L R) all cancel. We separate the fourth term into 3 twopartscorrespondingtotheactionof(ϕ+ψ)onρandon3ρ . Inthefifthtermweseparateinto ∗ the parts corresponding to 3ϕ(ρ − ρ ) and −ψ(ρ − ρ ) and these contribution cancel each other. ∗ ∗ Recallingthatτ−τ = 4(m2+n2)thesixthandseventhtermsareeasilyevaluated. Thuswehave ∗ 1 τ −3(m2 +n2) 0 = B(Z ,Z ,Z ,Z ) = (−16m−16n)+ . 1 2 2 1 16(m+n+3) (m+n+2)(m+n+3) Solvingforτ weobtain (1) τ = 2m(2m+1)+2n(2n+1)+2mn. Stage1, Step 2: Since metric contact pairs of type (0,0) are not of interest, we suppose that m > 0. Then we may choose the unit vector X in TF ∩H. Calculating as above using the results of Lemmas 4 and 6 2 wehavethefollowing. 1 0 =B(X,Z ,Z ,X) = 1+ (−(2m−2n)) 1 1 4(m+n) 1 3 + (−(2m+2n)−2ρ(X,X))+ (−2ρ (X,X)) ∗ 16(m+n+3) 16(m+n+3) 3 + (−(2m+2n)−2ρ(X,X)+2ρ (X,X)) ∗ 16(m+n−1) τ −3(m2 +n2) 3(m2 +n2) + + 4(m+n+2)(m+n+3) 4(m+n−1)(m+n) m−n (2) =1− +the additional terms. 2(m+n) Similarly 0 =B(X,Z ,Z ,X) 2 2 1 = (−(2n−2m))+the same additional terms. 4(m+n) Subtractingthesetwoequationswehave m−n 2n 0 = 1− = m+n m+n givingn = 0and, from(1),τ = 2m(2m+1). Stage1, Step 3: Returningto equation(2)withn = 0 and usingLemma5 wehave 1 1 0 =B(X,Z ,Z ,X) = + (−2m−2ρ(X,X)) 1 1 2 16(m+3) 3 3 + (−2ρ(X,X)+4m−2)+ (−6m+2) 16(m+3) 16(m−1) τ −3m2 3m2 + + . (m+2)(m+3) 4m(m−1) 8 GIANLUCABANDE,DAVIDE.BLAIR,ANDAMINEHADJAR Withτ = 2m(2m+1) wemaysolveforρ(X,X) and wehave ρ(X,X) = 2m and ρ (X,X) = 1. ∗ Stage1, Step 4: ThevectorfieldZ restrictedtoaleafofF isthenormaltotheleafasasubmanifold. By Lemma 2 2 1, Z is parallel along the submanifold giving that the leaves are totally geodesic submanifolds. 2 MoreoveritsownintegralcurvesonM aregeodesics. ThereforeM isalocalRiemannianproduct. FinallywithX as above,wecompute0 = B(X,φX,φX,X) obtaining 0 = B(X,φX,φX,X) = R(X,φX,φX,X)−1. Therefore the leaves of F are Sasakian manifolds of constant φ-sectional curvature +1. With 2 n = 0 and m+n+1 > 2, the leaves are of dimension ≥ 5; but a Sasakian manifold of constant φ-sectional curvature +1 and dimension ≥ 5 must be of constant curvature +1 (see e.g. [10, p. 139]). Asaresult theuniversalcoverofM is S2m+1(1)×R, completingStage 1oftheproof. Stage2: The proof of the theorem in dimension 4 is very similar but using the formula for the Bochner tensor in this dimension. Since m+n+1 = 2, one of m or n vanishes and we take n = 0 at the outset. Thecomputationof0 = B(Z ,Z ,Z ,Z )isstraightforwardandgives,asinthederivation 1 2 2 1 ofequation(1), τ ρ +ρ = 1+ . 11 22 6 From Lemma 6, ρ = 2 and ρ = 0, therefore τ = 6. We also have for X unit and horizon- 11 22 tal ρ(X,X) = ρ(JX,JX) and we then obtain ρ(X,X) = 2. Since X was arbitrary as a unit horizontalvectorwealso haveρ(X+JX, X+JX) = 2 and henceρ(X,JX) = 0. √2 √2 As in Stage 1, Step 4, M is locally the Riemannian product of a Sasakian manifold N3 of R. Since Z is the Reeb vector field of a Sasakian manifold, Z is pointwise an eigenvector of the 1 1 Ricci operator(see e.g. [10, p. 113]), whichgivesus ρ(Z ,X) = ρ(Z ,JX) = 0. Therefore, with 1 1 ρ(X,JX) = 0 and ρ = ρ(X,X) = ρ(JX,JX) = 2 we have that N3 is Einstein and in turn of 11 constantcurvature+1. Stage3: RecallingthatJ = φ−α ⊗Z +α ⊗Z andT = φ+α ⊗Z −α ⊗Z ,notethatonhorizontal 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 vectors these are the same and that they act with opposite signs on vertical vectors. In particular this means that interchanging the roles of the type numbers m and n, we have that the Bochner tensorsB andB areinterchanged. ThustoshowthatB = 0impliesthatM islocallyisometric J T T to the Hopf manifold, it is enough to return to Stage 1, Step 2 and work through the rest of the proof starting with n > 0 instead of m > 0 and X ∈ TF ∩ H. This proceeds in the same way 1 givingm = 0,etc. In the4-dimensionalcase, work withm = 0 tobeginwith. (cid:3) Remark 8. Observe that a priori the two Bochner tensors are not the same. For example on a, not necessarily Bochner-flat, normal metric contact pair B (X,JX,Z ,Z ) is the negative of T 1 2 B (X,JX,Z ,Z ) forahorizontalX. J 1 2 IntheStage2oftheproofofTheorem7,weonlyusethenormalityconditionandtheassumption B(Z ,Z ,Z ,Z ) = 0. Hence: 1 2 2 1 BOCHNERANDCONFORMALFLATNESSOFNORMALMETRICCONTACTPAIRS 9 Theorem 9. A normal metric contact pair of dimension 4 on which either B (Z ,Z ,Z ,Z ) or J 1 2 2 1 B (Z ,Z ,Z ,Z ) vanishes,islocallyisometrictotheHopfmanifoldS3(1)×S1. T 1 2 2 1 Turning to the conformally flat question, we have the following theorem as a corollary of our Theorem 7. Theorem 10. Let (M,α ,α ,φ,g)be anormalmetriccontactpair withdecomposableφ. If M is 1 2 conformallyflat, thenitis locallyisometricto theHopfmanifoldS2n+1(1)×S1. Proof. As a complex manifold, if a normal metric contact pair is conformally flat, it is locally conformal to Cn+1 and Cn+1 is Bochner-flat. Since the Bochner tensor is a conformal invariant [16, Theorem11.1]themanifoldisBochner-flat and hencelocallyisometricto theHopfmanifold by Theorem7. (cid:3) Weend thepaperwithanapplicationtoVaismanmanifolds. Recall thatonaVaismanmanifold the Lee form is parallel, then it has constant length c. The manifold is non-Ka¨hler if and only if c 6= 0 and after a constant rescaling of the metric we can achieve that c = 1. In [9] it was shownthat,uptoconstantrescalingofthemetric,thereisabijectionbetweennon-Ka¨hlerVaisman manifoldsand normalmetriccontactpairs oftype(n,0) (thelattercorrespondingto c = 1). Therefore we can apply our previous results to give a classification of locally conformally flat and Bochner-flat non-Ka¨hlerVaismanmanifolds: Corollary 11. Let M be a (2n + 2)-dimensional non-Ka¨hler Vaisman manifold. If M is either Bochner-flat or locally conformally flat then, after a rescaling of the metric by the inverse of the lengthoftheLee form,itislocallyisometricto theHopfmanifoldS2n+1(1)×S1. For the locally conformally flat case, the result was already proven by Vaisman [17, Theorem 3.8]. TheBochner-flat casewasprovenbyKashiwada[14]whichshowedanequivalencebetween locallyconformallyflatness and Bochner-flatness forVaismanmanifolds. REFERENCES [1] G.Bande, Formesdecontactge´ne´ralise´,couplesdecontactetcouplescontacto-symplectiques,The`sedeDoc- torat,Universite´deHauteAlsace,Mulhouse,2000. [2] G. Bande and D. E. Blair, Symmetryin the geometryof metric contactpairs, Math. Nachr. 286(2013),1701- 1709. [3] G. Bande, D. E. Blair and A. Hadjar, On the curvature of metric contact pairs, Mediterr. J. Math. 10 (2013), 989-1009. [4] G.BandeandA.Hadjar,Contactpairs,ToˆhokuMath.J.57(2005),247-260. [5] G.BandeandA.Hadjar,Contactpairstructuresandassociatedmetrics,DifferentialGeometry-Proceedingsof the8thInternationalColloquium,WorldSci.Publ.(2009),266-275. [6] G.BandeandA.Hadjar,Onnormalcontactpairs,Internat.J.Math.21(2010),737-754. 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DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICAE INFORMATICA, UNIVERSITA` DEGLISTUDI DI CAGLIARI, VIA OSPEDALE 72,09124CAGLIARI, ITALY E-mailaddress:[email protected] DEPARTMENTOF MATHEMATICS,MICHIGAN STATEUNIVERSITY, EAST LANSING, MI48824–1027,USA E-mailaddress:[email protected] LABORATOIRE DE MATHE´MATIQUES, INFORMATIQUE ET APPLICATIONS, UNIVERSITE´ DE HAUTE ALSACE - 4,RUE DES FRE`RES LUMIE`RE, 68093MULHOUSECE´DEX, FRANCE E-mailaddress:[email protected]

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