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Boats with Open Mind - Boat Sailboat Steel Boat Ocean Rowing Boat Plan Plans PDF

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Preview Boats with Open Mind - Boat Sailboat Steel Boat Ocean Rowing Boat Plan Plans

Jil x Adobe Digital Editions - Boats with •n op•n mind File Edit Help 69 Advanced Sharpie 29 29'6"x7'10·x1·1· In 1980 ldc:.igncd ashore. high-sided. 25'h-fooc sharpie. hu~rralkJ k"ie Cooper. fur a singJc utan to live on hoard permanently. [ hn<l n1h.giving:-. :lhllt.11 the tlc:-.ign. \vhi<.:h \vas the n1ltithesis of v.•bat r·d be.en hrough1 up 10 think of ns. suilnble sh•1rpil! propor- tions. The con1111issio11ed one never got buil1, bu1sevl·n1I01her.) did. ancJ they tu1'11t.·l.I out tu be surprisingly govd s...'lilL·r~ and ea~y boals to like. Jessie Cooper \vas designed to have an oJd-f:ishionerl cmS.."-·1>IJnked ho1101n. lnid on the borcom-up lower panel of the pl)wood :.ides. The f("t of che e'~~sernttJ freebvaru was added as a rai""d deck afcer the lower hull had been turnc'<I rightsidc-up. After the fin.tone or t\vo boats. I \Va~ advi~ing huilders to U!-.e 3 thick plywood ho1101n 1hn1 could he sheathed perfectly tighc. the cost savins io lhecros<-planked bouom not justifyinJ: its irriu1tions. There "'Crc other "oeaknt."'S..~S. no1 as ea.Qly corrcc1ed: 1- Tiie deep daggerbo:lrd was good for sailing but very bad for ohool-..,ater u..c: 1t colk<'lcd "'«tl """ heavy to lifL and jannned in an act:idcntal ~n1undintt. 2. 1be heavy mast was sccpped through the de<:k. needing a crru1c to lift it out. J. The settee.$ in the 1nain cahin \\<ere too shon to sleep on: she had n fine doublt berth. but no place to bed gue>IS- 4. An ou1boarrl rudder sh.ired the transom \l/ilh an outOOard motnr, '"'hjch look.:>. and i<. a mokeshif1: the rudder is or risk of fouling the motor, and the motor is likely to pitch out of the wacer on one tack and get wa<hed on the other.111i' la>t wns exacerbated by the placement of her ma:.!> and daggerboard far ol I' center. with the result thai 'he haJ approciabl)' n1nre stnhilicy on one tack lhan she diJ on the 'Hhcr. 369 369f383/436) W ;; p D~·j ~ ,;;, nl C Mosaustu •' Mus at af " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J») ctl' TUR 2223 ~l ~ - -, 05.01.2019 Jil x Adobe Digital Editions -Boats with •n op•n mind File Edit Help l70 - - - - - Nine year' of :'\por.uJil'. run1ination.,. an<l son1c 1,,t1111ul:ttinn froni \\'Oul<l·bc O\\'n~r!'-. led 10 wha1 I l>o.1"ingly named 1h~ ,\d\ anced Sh:u11ie. ('11ie ch-,ign r~presenled final i"n,:1ocipation f roo1 HO\\<.u'd Ch~tpeJJe ·\tutelage :ind M>111l· 1u~tJfic:i1ion of the )!fC'91 pain' he took v.·ith JH)' educ.at ion. A lul uf Ray Huuf_, inOucUl'C :-.Uf\ i\ctl.1 'lllO:-i: l\VO. and FrJ.ni.:i~ Hcm.."""Shoff. 'hapcd n1y ...1 y1e. \\rhich i\ ironic 'i•'k.~ 1h~y ;ill <lc,pi't."<I each Olhcr. Hunt. ,,,.ho nt.~\-er loe'v 1h:1l I exi\1~1. h.:td '~ l0tl)!e:-.1·l:t"ing t·n·,......_ hy 1ht• c.•x:unple hi! <el (\fa 1...:hnical <>pell miud. Ad,·anccd Sharpie 29 i"lo 4 feet lon~r than JC',,k on abour the ... uuc nndM.-..:.1ion. lltc added length allO\\'ed sleeping-Jengrh ~nee' anti nlorc \10\\.l,SC' 'f>'ICC. ·rhe rudder '"a' brought inhoafd. cl~r of: 1 'hi1hhape c~nlctline-c1li-::inc in,fallouioo hut in :a f ree-Oooding ''ell co avoid the problt..."11b of nu.hk·r trunl,. . ·nlC 111:unn1u-.( ''·~ llhl\\.~ at°ll'. .·~MJ of Lhe cabin. to be cctucrcd in a tabcn1al·lc." ilh rhc ho\\' upcr\\..'tl out fur th!.·'" 111e the ,·oon- tef"\\-eighted heel of lhe n1a". Tbt· Jaggerboatd \\~tS r,~p1~1Cl'd b) a f)t\o'c.)(111~ hili..~h<K1r,J 111 :1 'inlil:sr hut '' itier tnu1k. l'lk:.g\.'OJ1tclr)' oftlK.· bil!!l·bo.;.1rd 111adc it too -.ltallo''· '"I duplicatt."tl 1t on the ocher side. The.,,e hoats are th0roughhrecl -:ailen: \\'ith ele)!•HU nt;1nru\\~ring rornt 'fh\'.~ ~an :-.l<.t) \\' ilh n1o"l au.xi li;:irie ... to \Vi n<l\\':l1\I. and outn .·. a<:h ;ind outl'un 1110,t. ~'cu \Vithoul e'ploit- 370f384/436) Jil x Adobe Digital Editions -Boats with •n op•n mind File Help AllV/IN((I) $11ARPIC )fl • l ~ i -· •T I I I, I ,. I II .---- I,1 -~ I I I it . , I I ~,f, II .---- I '" 371 f385/436) W ;; p D~·j ~ ,;;, nl C Mosaustu •' Mus at af " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ cl») ctl' TUR 2224 ~l ~ - -, 05.01.2019 Jil x Adobe Digital Editions -Boats with •n op•n mind File Edit Help J7:! RfJ\l C"Rlll'>ER~ r-- -- --, ...... _.-, I -, '-, ~.- r---. ...... -... )' " I l I : ' I I ' I ..... / ! " ' l ~ ....... ' I ' • ,,.,~.nr ~ ing shallO\~. . \1.:ater anLI lu\I/ bridg<.'.5.. 'flu.:-y n:tuvcr fn.)111 k11uckdovr11:) in 1x:t1~:-.uring H15.h- ion. Enthu~iasn1 usually begins 'Nith lhc c;lhin.1>ros:iic n~ ii l1)(1k~. le d~sn't ph(>tn.graph well. $01\le of its SiltisfactiOllS being due to a lack of COtlCcSSiOllS W phOlography. Every J'caturc of it \•.:as directed by u~c sccna1iu~. \\.'hen Bradford Story \\'ilS building 1hc i:nhin in \Vhich l'n1 \.Vritill!'. • I hatl spc.:ifiecl ho\v jt \.VtJS lf1 be. painted. He's no1 fond of painting. ~lnd one day he ~s"cd nlc \11h:l1 1h e paint 'vas for. t opt·uc<l u1y n1(>uth co ~u1sv.•t:r. nn<.I no 'vo1·<l:, c:-unc. No 111u1·e-vui111i11g \Vfl)) ever done on nl)' boat on any surfal·c ll1L' :-.u11· ~ rn<liatiun l"an, I nttuck. Oi.'.\.·orJtion is ~~v­ crJI hundred baHcrcd book .... and. lcrnponu·ily IJtckcd UJ), a loc:1I ch:u1. " pholo of 1he haunting l,...'Unhorghini Countorch ~tuon1ohile• •i nd :i pl'int rif :i Ro.::~ Sh:ircllv\V pninting of tbl! b..1rk Entletn:o"r in "·hich each cre,v111tr11bt:r·~ ind1vhhwl pers.on:ilily ~1pp1!a1'S. ·n1i~ last ha.~ bc:cn up for son1c tin1c, a~ it'.., hard to cxhnu~I. I have doubts :1bou1 inte1ior c1CC'Or.11ion :l~ ::a rn1fc,sicm. Su. ...i. n Pule<-., fClr instance. ;, an a11is1 of a high order. I apJ>lau.i her ~11i111<1c about dc,ipn :oncl I lo'c to <tuJy her ,,-CJl'k. But 1 \VOttl<l not ""u1t to live in a wort. of art Jay 10 and da) out any u1ore th1• • .n I \\1ant one of the Br.indcnburg Cont.~'ftt)!\ continu:tll)' playing. Sonic :l!iilcn..:c i~ lk.'t-<lcd. lbe vi~ual equi,·alent is spon1anci1y. In TI1e C1>111111()11 .St•11{r "/ Y1n·lu D1~:rign. L Francis HeJ'l"'e$hoff recounted lus. ni~hln\an· in the &1"·:11\liilll ,.er\ioo (.lf an interio.-dt*C'Ofi1toc0 r.. dreaot: A ··very~ obcr voin···: :,.aid. ~lo\\'ly. a<. he slcpl. ··vuu\ \'ill 1-.C\ c1 :t.g:.in see frai1k'S. nor deck bcan-.s. nor<.-arling~ You \\·ill ne'er a~ain \CC boll hc3\I ... nor '4."n:"' b:~. . nur rh'et:-.: no. n<>r the clan1p. nor 1he .;e3n1.; of 1hc planking. No. nc\·t:r." LF.H. \\a.-. the \VO.-St deli-ignc!r of cabins evc:r 10 n1ak:e a ll).1'fk dc. .. ignins bcxu .... hut he \\ :1, :1 great plUl(Xoi.Opher: the ch..iptcr on 1..--:tbin arran~'<'n1~1u b. unc of thl· l'lii.:'l in the onl) l?n.·at hook on boat <lc:-.ign. The ~\<l\.'a11ced Sharpie:-. suffer fron1 boon1ing ptlunding tu :.u11:hor. #l'hc :squ;tre bo'v lhrCl\VS Olll :'Ill intCller:tbJe :11uount of rr~)th in chopry \\'!11cr. They're con1plicatc<l <.uu.l e::xpeu,ive. I ha\·~ th<' glirn1nl!ring,; of 'onito: idto:a. .. f\'>r i111pro\·cn,~1H\. 372 p86!436) Jil x Adobe Digital Editions -Boats with •n op•n mind File Help MJVAN(l(J SIMJ<l'/L 313 A.ilvance4 Slta,.,,ic 29s: Australia (<op} And Chesapeake B&y (bot<qm} 373 387/436) W ;; p D~·j ~ ,;;, nl C Mosaustu •' Mus at af " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J») ctl' TUR 2225 ~l ~ - -, 05.01.2019 mJ ~be Digital Editions -Boats with an open mind x File "Edit Reading Help 71 Ataraxia 11 meters (36.0 feet) x 3 meters (9.84 feet) x .7 meter (27.5 inches) Ataraxit1 was huilt hy Story Roatbuilding of Essex. Mn<snchuseus. for r>nvi,I O'Neill of Hnrtford (he was living in Toromo while we were <lesigning her). Th< I'OI- lo\\1ing essay "•as \Vriucn as a contribution to an as yet unpublished book r1bou1h l'eak· do\vn~proofing long-distance cruising boat\. Atcmrxio was an illusll'ation of what could be done at the desii;n srngc. In Cl\.-ck, the nan1e signifies "calmness unlroobled by 1nen1aJ or c1notionnl excit:tlion.*' Her pn)portions are as compact as possihle \Vithnut hcing ~nuhbedl LO 1nake her undemanding in be1thing and co minimize imposed <tresses hy wa\'eS and by inking the ground. Discontimiities ""'re avoided in plan and profile, and as for ns possible in MX· lion. Excrescences beyond the main envelope \Vere kept to a minimu1n. The deck ill! a segmenc of a cylinder from bow to stem, with ~traight deck ~clingers replacing trans- verse bea1ru-. Among other advantages. t:his method of framing the deck fumi>hes O\'Cr- bcad grabr4ils. and head conlact is usually glancing. 1be ends are upright co 1ake all !he a•-ailable woterline length and co produce sbarp forebody sections for smoom action in head sea<. She is shallow-bodied and hi¢1·sided for initial and reserve stability with a minimum of b.11111.\t: has shallow drnfl for the obvi- ous. l"Onvcnience: and is straight·kccled to avoid misunderstandin,gs in docks nod lifts. Construction i< cirvel planking on <1eam·hcn1 frame..;. a quick method of realizing a complex shape with reliable quality control. The m;iny rrnnsvcrse frames accept a large number of closely spaoed fastenings (silicon-bron,.,, screws) to spre:id strc>.'IC• widely. The frJ.mes carry a cedar ~hcathing inside; in the bay~ bct\\o'CCn chc fntmcN~ air circulates continuously around the hull from the shaded side 10 the sunlic side at a race of a> much as one revolmion per cninure. The inner she.ithing is always dry and radiates al lhc internal temperature. The wood stn1cmre in general has good in"1l11ting proper- 319 379f393/436) •• p .,....,, • •• ~~·i ~ a.'I ,;-;, n-, l C Mosaustu ' M ust a f a " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J>l) ctl' TUR 05.20212.260 19 ~l Jil x Adobe Digital Editions -Boats with •n op•n mind File Edit Help JSQ RlAL CRUISERS 1i~. l\o paiot or fini~l cooting ot any kin<.I is u.;.cll i1l~idc 1hc hull The CC4:l.01r ~hc:ithing j, fa.~1eoed wilh roppcr nail'-. \Vhic-h show ~ plc-a~u1t ~line. The ccd3r-ph111kcd bouom is lam:d and 'l1<:athcd l'<thidc willl 16-<>um-,• ,·oppcr ~lC\..'t M.-curccl \Yith ring nail.;. (pcri.;.001 coppc!r <.'an l:k.· lorn t'n.1111 tit..-lh:.:.KI~ of cite nuiJ:-.. \\'hich are left io the \\'ood). The .;ol)pcr h;l' good nn1ifouling UfHl anti•:-hip'"·onn prop ertie" and futni .... he' 1nechaniral as 'vcll ,t:-1 rl1en1h:ul p1ocec1in11 rnr the ""'no,l-fn)n1 k:~, for in~l:111cc. It 'viii last a~ long :L\ 14 year:_.. if 1hc boat i!<. ~crched n1('1~l of Chi." 1in1e. half 380f394/436) Iii x Adobe Digital Editions -Boats with •n op•n mind Fil Help 381 ....... _ .~ ' •' I ' .r j --i ~q ': !' ·I !1 .11 ,l ~ ll • 381 f395/436) •• p .,....,, • •• ~~·i ~ a.'I ,;-;, n-, l C Mosaustu ' M ust a f a " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J>l) ctl' TUR 05.20212.280 19 ~l Iii x Adobe Digital Editions· Boats with •n op•n mind Edit Help 181 REAi. rRlfl$ERS Ih at lf 'he i; continually underway. The copper <h.!mh1n~ ean be cleaod >imply by di;·· ing it: fouling "ill drop off on rhe ne~t tide. Ele.-rrkal gmundin~ is V<"I')' effective. 'f·, (Ho,vcvcr. 1hc oopp.'T ,,jlJ rcacl ,,,ith lc:ad 10 lhc: lalh.. di~\Untagc: <lUL~ide balla..~t <h<x1ld nor be sheathed.) Tiie upp.:r<ide< orrai<;ed dect. where 1here'< oo ad,·onra~• in a ,·0111ple' ;hape. and \\here drying ou1 aod re-\\ettinp cre:i.te proble1nco in 1rnditional \\uod con,tnK."tioo. ~ plywood. a; is lhe deck. 10 be a smble 00,.,, for o libcrgla."·cpo•y 'hca1hing. Ex1emal angle; are rounded and inlcrnal angles co,·cd 10 clin1in:11c "~' poinc' and dirt traps. The whole ouisicle of1he hoo1 i< poin1ed whi1e for eood "'" reft,-.:1ion and ready rouchup as ond wbete netded. Atartt'Cia h..'lS 01\l: nl;,:-t. one s.'\il. no stnnt.ling rigging. 1ninhnu1n runnin¥ rigging. Her t'Titical co1nponcnts are an order of magnilud\! fc,. ..· cr 1hun in u conventional con- ten1por-.iry rig. The fe\v rhac she ha' nre 1nas~i\'e. ~uch n:-. the 1nn'l nnd ta~~rnacle. or readily "atched and r~placed. a> co!'dagc and blocks. It is assu1ncd thal she \\·ill Jo all rnantuvcring under pO\.\'t:r-~1llhough. \.\'ith the peak halyard rig sho\vn, dipping the lugs.ail i~ no1 n1uch 1nor\! lnhoriou' than c::rcking an overlapping jib. The peak halyard supports 1hc y:ird and most of 1he sail clear of th~ de.:k while the rack of the sail is brought bnck around 1hc llHL\f, The process ofrncking a <lipping lug docs nol in\'ol\·c uny part.\ s\.\•ccping t11,,TOS.~ the lk-ck, allo\11i11g tall sn1oke he.ads and other obstructions :.1long the ccn1crlinc. The lugsnil C(ln be con\•ertccl inco a nl'a1·~~qun1\"!~ilil for do\Vl\\.\1ind p~•~snges by brin~jng fh(' tack to tht· dcrk edge abreast of the 111rt~l :)nd poli11g 0111 tl1c ~It'\¥. Chafe is slight, and the \'esscl c~tn he broughl to the \Vin<l quh.:kly in a nutn·ovcl'hoar<l :-.ill1ation. The s1nall trysnil is for o.;tendying. ;:'sit can he ~hrcccd Jlnt, 1hcri>hy 1h~l:din~ no :it1enti<ln; she 'vould be underpo\\·ered in stroH~ ,,.,ind """iU1out it. ·rhe ~"Iii ~u·en i~ only ~3 square 111ctcrs. but all of il is effective at nil tin1c:-.. \\'ith no tirca \\10:-.lt"<l in acute angle~. over- laps, or inLcl'fercncc bct\\•ccn 111111Liplc sails .and 'pnrs. The short Lnas\ is fully counterv.·l!ighted 10 S\vin~ up nnd do\\ n nt ''touch for hridge clearance. but it will nonnally be carried erect 10 elem· rile deck. TI1c deck ,Jot for Ille heel is placed 10 drip clc.ar of tnatlrc..·s~c:-.. The \IOI CO\'Cr i" utili1..cJ U\ a !!tkylighl and as a ha'-C for grabrails. besides being a u"eful tOCl""Jil. Two small eogio~s allow each to be hand-srnned. <avin~ l-Onccrn aboul 1>n11ery capacity. llch dri ..· e~ Jocatc the l"n.gin~s in a tlry und <k'Cl'"-~iblc po~i1ivn: their ljghl \\'eight makes the high place1nent harntles.;. Tnc propcllc~ :•re lo\V anJ cl<>M; lo the o:n- 1erlioe: lhe lee-<icle one should o)\\3)1' he free of oir inge<1inn. TI1c kocl-moun1cd rudder i; blo"o by 1he stream of ~i1her propeller. <he '""" he held back by re,-crsin~ ei1her engine as the $lcm is :)\\'Ung by 1hc ocher. 3llo" ing u.~ of 1hc n.orc fa\'Ol'3blc rot:ilion. The small propellers ore «>lid 1hree-hladcs, :icccpcing 1hc drJg for propubi' c cOit;cocy and elin1ill31ion of n1oving pans. l1l¢ d~sels-are air-cook."<I. elhninating s.ea con1k..~'1ions. 11-.e Op.!n 'rem pro'·ide:-. f:bt lumo\'cr ofc ngiocroorn :air ~•rxl <li,~ipatcs nuiM.·. Spray balllc~ a11J ht.':\\)-\\e:llh~r co\·e.r~ are pro\'ided. r\on1inal cruising rnngc und~r pO\\'Cf i!oo 1.600 naullco.11 111ila. at 6 knot>, but she is sup~ to use ~ail :.nd ~lO\\Cf in eonj unction 10 n1ain1ain a :-.chcdulc in li.g;t1l-\\'ea1her zone::). 'l'ht: ~nil plnn i~ j>O\'fcrful e:nouth ro di~p..!n'~ \\ith <Uher roll .. J:unping tlcvicc$. The propeller:-. can be r~<lchcd by crouching')" the bo110111 c,:n<.I plate of the rudder (ll'\f ('()tllhlll(''' OH page JN5) 3821396/436) l!l x Adobe Digital Editions· Boats with •n op•n mind Fi~ Edit Reading Help 181 REAi. rRlfl$ERS Ih at lf 'he i; continually underway. The copper <h.!mh1n~ ean be cleaod >imply by di;·· ing it: fouling "ill drop off on rhe ne~t tide. Ele.-rrkal gmundin~ is V<"I')' effective. 'f·, (Ho,vcvcr. 1hc oopp.'T ,,jlJ rcacl ,,,ith lc:ad 10 lhc: lalh.. di~\Untagc: <lUL~ide balla..~t <h<x1ld nor be sheathed.) Tiie upp.:r<ide< orrai<;ed dect. where 1here'< oo ad,·onra~• in a ,·0111ple' ;hape. and \\here drying ou1 aod re-\\ettinp cre:i.te proble1nco in 1rnditional \\uod con,tnK."tioo. ~ plywood. a; is lhe deck. 10 be a smble 00,.,, for o libcrgla."·cpo•y 'hca1hing. Ex1emal angle; are rounded and inlcrnal angles co,·cd 10 clin1in:11c "~' poinc' and dirt traps. The whole ouisicle of1he hoo1 i< poin1ed whi1e for eood "'" reft,-.:1ion and ready rouchup as ond wbete netded. Atartt'Cia h..'lS 01\l: nl;,:-t. one s.'\il. no stnnt.ling rigging. 1ninhnu1n runnin¥ rigging. Her t'Titical co1nponcnts are an order of magnilud\! fc,. ..· cr 1hun in u conventional con- ten1por-.iry rig. The fe\v rhac she ha' nre 1nas~i\'e. ~uch n:-. the 1nn'l nnd ta~~rnacle. or readily "atched and r~placed. a> co!'dagc and blocks. It is assu1ncd thal she \\·ill Jo all rnantuvcring under pO\.\'t:r-~1llhough. 'A'ith the peak halyard rig sho\vn, dipping the lugs.ail i~ no1 n1uch 1nor\! lnhoriou' than c::rcking an overlapping jib. The peak halyard supports 1hc y:ird and most of 1he sail clear of th~ de.:k while the rack of the sail is brought bnck around 1hc llHL\f, The process ofrncking a <lipping lug docs nol in\'ol\·c uny part.\ sv.•ccping t11,,TOS.~ the lk-ck, allo\11i11g tall sn1oke he.ads and other obstructions :.1long the ccn1crlinc. The lugsnil C(ln be con\•ertccl inco a nl'a1·-~qun1\"!~ilil for do,vn~1ind p~•~snges by brin~jng fh(' tack to tht· dcrk edge abreast of the 111rt~l :)nd poli11g 0111 tl1c ~It'\¥. Chafe is slight, and the \'esscl c~tn he broughl to the \Vin<l quh.:kly in a nutn·ovcl'hoar<l :-.ill1ation. The s1nall trysnil is for o.;tendying. ;:'sit can he ~hrcccd Jlnt, 1hcri>hy 1h~l:din~ no :it1enti<ln; she 'vould be underpo'A·ered in stroH~ v.1ind """iU1out it. ·rhe ~"Iii ~u·en i~ only ~3 square 111eters. but all of il is effective at nil tin1c:-.. v.·ith no tirca \\10:-.lt"<l in acute angle~. over- laps, or inLcl'fercncc bct\\•ccn 111111Liplc sails .and 'pnrs. The short Lnas\ is fully counterv.·l!ighted 10 S\vin~ up nnd do'' n nt ''touch for hridge clearance. but it will nonnally be carried erect 10 elem· rile deck. TI1c deck ,Jot for Ille heel is placed 10 drip clc.ar of tnatlrcs~c:-.. The \IOI CO\'Cr i" utili1..cJ U\ a !!tkylighl and as a ha'-C for grabrails. besides being a u"eful tOCl""Jil. Two small eogio~s allow each to be hand-srnned. <avin~ l-Onccrn aboul 1>n11ery capacity. llch dri ..· e~ Jocatc the l"n.gin~s in a tlry und <k'Cl'"-~iblc po~i1ivn: their ljght \\'eight makes the high place1nent harntles.;. Tnc propcllc~ :•re lo\V anJ cl<>M; lo the o:n- 1erlioe: lhe lee-<icle one should o)\\3)1' he free of oir inge<1inn. TI1c kocl-moun1cd rudder i; blo"o by 1he stream of ~i1her propeller: <he '""" he held back by re,-crsin~ ei1her engine as the $lcm is :)\\'Ung by 1hc ocher. 3llo" ing u.~ of 1hc n.orc fa\'Ol'3blc rot:ilion. The small propellers ore «>lid 1hree-hladcs, :icccpcing 1hc drJg for propubi' c cOit;cocy and elin1ill31ion of n1oving pans. l1l¢ d~sels-are air-coolt.-d. elhninating s.ea con1k..~'1ions. 11-.e Op.!n 'rem pro\·ide:-. f:bt lumo\'cr ofc ngincroorn :air ~•rxl <li,~ipatcs nuiM.'. Spray balllc:. a11J ht.':\\)-\\e:llh~r co\·e.r~ are pro\'ided. r\on1inal cruising rnngc und~r pO\\'Cf i!oo 1.600 naullco.11 111ila. at 6 knot>, but she is sup~ to use ~ail :.nd ~lO\\Cf in eonj unction 10 n1ain1ain a :-.chcdulc in li.g;t1l-\\'ea1her zone::). 'l'ht: ~nil pl.an i~ j>O\'fcrful e:nouth ro di~p..!n'~ ''ith <Uher roll .. t.l:unping tlcviCc$. The propeller:-. can be r~<lchcd by crouching')" the bo110111 c,:n<.I plate of the rudder (ll'\f ('()tllhlll(''' OH page JN5) 3821396/436)

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