xMBBCas ^1 ! M IB *•*•. i&mzm. ' Hi ^iS § i &Z Pi V. 7>5 -„» - " - 3 ( . :>^-^y= Wtt&i>:*«*?*« art - -. f, ;: ,.<* «* QMMMMMMMMMMl OW G m Studeni Classes Tpfautyiwp ?ace4, 106 . . . Sports 210 Tpfcutye o£ P<zee . . . 290 W<vt6i*t? jo* &6**t$e . . . Greeks 326 ^tetueaU o£ tttUty . . . Gallery 354 ^xfitewie to- t6e Steatettfo . . . Closing qo*h> fa* &6&*t$e . . . 3$6 sr « > s4(lt6e> Like each individual member of the JMU commu- nity, the University offers activites and opportuni- ties that are unique and diversified. For some stu- dents, the academic aspects of college proved time consuming enough. For others, the challenge of balancing a rigorous academic load, a hectic extra- curricular schedule and a packed social calendar JMU made the years spent at all the more interest- ing and exciting. Whether students were involved in social groups, service groups, athletics or hands- on work experiences, James Madison University and the city of Harrisonburg presented students with opportunites that, when combined with the educa- tion, enhanced the overall college experience. ^OPENING 2 <lf//ithe flowers in full bloom, Wil- n/<itn<, Madison Universityisasfullof sonHalltowersovertherest oftheJMU happyflowersasitisofhappypeople.Stu- campus.Themost-recognizedbuilding dentstookadvantageofgoodweatheron atJMU,WilsonHallhousedtheadmin- oneofthelastdaysofthespringsemester istrativc offices, including President todrawsmileyfacesonthetulipsthatlined Carrier'soffice. campus. i teju^fC Lj ^ii, jw im r*1/,,,</,,;,-,ianJonthcfootball field duringhalftimeofthcfirsthomegame oftheseason.Studentsandadministra- tioneagerlyawaittheannualarrivalof the skydivers during the first game of everyseason. \ teme*tt&— > .^^SV^ij;^-^; ^OPENING 3 >• co the construction ofCISAT across181,studentshadtoadjusttothe construction vehicles and cranes on campus.Theearliestoftheconstruction isexpectedtobecompletednextfall. Iffaft waitingforfriendstomeethim ~tjafeijta time out oftheir busy day, fordinner,J.R. Snowtakesafewmin- thesestudentsenjoythepeacefulnessof utestothinkovertheday. Studentsof- thequadforaquicknap.Thequadwas tenusedwhateverfreetimetheyhadfor afavoriteplaceoncampusforrelaxing self-reflection. afteralongdayofclasses.