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Preview Blueprints of the No-Scale Multiverse at the LHC

ACT-01-11, MIFPA-11-03 Blueprints of the No-Scale Multiverse at the LHC Tianjun Li,1,2 James A. Maxin,2 Dimitri V. Nanopoulos,2,3,4 and Joel W. Walker5 1Key Laboratory of Frontiers in Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China 2George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA 3Astroparticle Physics Group, Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC), Mitchell Campus, Woodlands, TX 77381, USA 4Academy of Athens, Division of Natural Sciences, 28 Panepistimiou Avenue, Athens 10679, Greece 5Department of Physics, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX 77341, USA We present a contemporary perspectiveon theString Landscape and theMultiverse of plausible string, M- and F-theory vacua. In contrast to traditional statistical classifications and capitulation 2 totheanthropicprinciple,weseekonlytodemonstratetheexistenceofanon-zeroprobabilityfora 1 universematchingourownobservedphysicswithinthesolution ensemble. Wearguefortheimpor- 0 tanceofNo-ScaleSupergravityasanessentialcommonunderpinningforthespontaneousemergence 2 ofacosmologically flatuniversefromthequantum“nothingness”. Concretely,wecontinuetoprobe n the phenomenology of a specific model which is testable at the LHC and Tevatron. Dubbed No- a Scale F-SU(5), it represents the intersection of the Flipped SU(5) Grand Unified Theory (GUT) J with extra TeV-Scale vector-like multiplets derived out of F-theory, and the dynamics of No-Scale 6 Supergravity,whichinturnimplyaveryrestrictedsetofhighenergyboundaryconditions. Bysec- 1 ondarilyminimizingtheminimumofthescalarHiggspotential,wedynamicallydeterminetheratio tanβ ≃15−20 of up-to down-typeHiggs vacuumexpectation values (VEVs),theuniversal gaug- ] h ino boundary mass M1/2 ≃450 GeV, and consequently also the total magnitude of the GUT-scale p HiggsVEVs,whileconstrainingthelowenergyStandardModelgaugecouplings. Inparticular,this - localminimumminimorumlieswithinthepreviouslydescribed“goldenstrip”,satisfyingallcurrent p experimentalconstraints. Weemphasize,however,thattheoverarchinggoalisnottoestablishwhy e ourownparticularuniversepossesses anynumberofspecificcharacteristics, butrathertoteaseout h what generic principles might govern thesuperset of all possible universes. [ 2 PACSnumbers: 11.10.Kk,11.25.Mj,11.25.-w,12.60.Jv v 7 9 I. INTRODUCTION Whether the Multiverse be reverie or reality, the con- 1 ceptual superset of our own physics which it embodies 2 Thenumberofconsistent,meta-stablevacuaofstring, must certainly representthe interference of all navigable 1. M- or (predominantly) F-theory flux compactifications universal histories. 0 which exhibit broadly plausible phenomenology, includ- Surely many times afore has mankind’s notion of the 1 ing moduli stabilization and broken supersymmetry [1– heavens expanded - the Earth dispatched from its cen- 1 6], is popularly estimated [7, 8] to be of order 10500. It tral pedestal in our solar system and the Sun rendered : v is moreover currently in vogue to suggest that degen- one among some hundred billionstars of the Milky Way, i eracy of commonfeatures acrossthese many “universes” itself reduced to one among some hundred billion galax- X mightstatisticallyisolatethephysicallyrealisticuniverse ies. Finally perhaps, we come to the completion of our ar fromthe vast“landscape”,muchasthe entropyfunction Odyssey,by realizing that our Universe is one of at least coaxes the singular order of macroscopic thermodynam- 10500 so possible, thus rendering the anthropic view of ics from the chaotic duplicity of the entangled quantum ourpositioninthe Universe(environmentalcoincidences microstate. Weargueherethoughthecounterpointthat explained away by the availability of 1011 ×1011 solar we are not obliged a priori to live in the likeliest of all systems)functionallyequivalenttothe anthropicviewof universes, but only in one which is possible. The exis- the origin of the Universe (coincidences in the form and tence merely of a non-zero probability for our existence contentof physicallaws explained awayby the availabil- is sufficient. ity, through dynamical phase transitions, of 10500 uni- Weindulgeforthiseffortthe fancifulimaginationthat verses). Nature’sbountyhasanywayinvariablytrumped the “Multiverse” of string vacua might exhibit some lit- our wildest anticipations,and though frugal and equani- eral realization beyond our own physical sphere. A sin- mous in law, she has spared no extravagance or whimsy gle electron may be said to wander all histories through in its manifestation. interferingapertures,thoughitsarrivalisultimatelyreg- Our perspective should not be misconstrued,however, isteredatalocalizedpointonthe target. Thejourneyto as complacent retreatinto the tautology of the weak an- that destination is steered by the full dynamics of the thropicprinciple. Itisindeedunassailabletruismthatan theory, although the isolated spontaneous solution re- observed universe must afford and sustain the life of the flects only faintly the richness of the solution ensemble. observer,including requisiteconstraints,forexample,on 2 the cosmological constant [9] and gauge hierarchy. Our 12,18,19]thatthefluctuationsofadynamicallyevolved point of view, though, is sharply different; we should be expandinguniversemightspontaneouslyproducetunnel- abletoresolvethecosmologicalconstantandgaugehier- ingfromafalsevacuumintoanadjacent(likelyalsofalse) archyproblemsthroughinvestigationofthefundamental meta-stable vacuum of lower energy, driving a local in- laws of our (or any single) Universe, its accidental and flationary phase, much as a crystal of ice or a bubble specific properties notwithstanding, without resorting to of steam may nucleate and expand in a super-cooled or theexistenceofobservers. Inourview,theobserveristhe super-heated fluid during first order transition. In this output of, not the raison d’ˆetre of, our Universe. Thus, “eternal inflation” scenario, such patches of space will our attention is advance from this base camp of our own volumetrically dominate by virtue of their exponential physics, as unlikely an appointment as it may be, to the expansion,recursivelygeneratinganinfinitefractalarray summit goalof the master theory and symmetries which ofcausallydisconnected“Russiandoll”universes,nesting governallpossibleuniverses. Insoseeking,ourfirsthalt- each within another, and each featuring its own unique ing foragemustbe thatofa concretestringmodelwhich physical parameters and physical laws. can describe Nature locally. Fromjustthespecificlocationonthesolution“target” where our own Universe landed, it may be impossible to directly reconstruct the full theory. Fundamentally, it may be impossible even in principle to specify why our II. THE ENSEMBLE MULTIVERSE particular Universe is precisely as it is. However, super- string theory and its generalizations may yet present to The greatest mystery of Nature is the origin of the usaloftierprize-thetheoryofthe ensembleMultiverse. Universe itself. Modern cosmology is relatively clear re- gardingtheoccurrenceofahotbigbang,andsubsequent Planck, grand unification, cosmic inflation, lepto- and III. THE INVARIANCE OF FLATNESS baryogenesis,andelectroweakepochs,followedby nucle- osynthesis, radiation decoupling, and large scale struc- More important than any differences between various ture formation. In particular, cosmic inflation can ad- possible vacua are the properties which might be invari- dress the flatness and monopole problems, explain ho- ant, protected by basic symmetries of the underlying mogeneity, and generate the fractional anisotropy of the mechanics. We suppose that one such basic property cosmic background radiation by quantum fluctuation of must be cosmological flatness, so that the seedling uni- the inflatonfield[10–14]. Akeyquestionthough,is from verse may transition dynamically across the boundary whence the energy of the Universe arose. Interestingly, of its own creation, maintaining a zero balance of some thegravitationalfieldinaninflationaryscenariocansup- suitably defined energy function. In practice, this im- plytherequiredpositivemass-kineticenergy,sinceitspo- pliesthatgravitymustbeubiquitous,itsnegativepoten- tentialenergybecomesnegativewithoutbound,allowing tialenergyallowingforpositive mass andkinetic energy. that the total energy could be exactly zero. Within such a universe, quantum fluctuations may not Perhaps the most striking revelation of the post- again cause isolated material objects to spring into ex- WMAP [15–17] era is the decisive determination that istence, as their net energy must necessarily be positive. our Universe is indeed globally flat, i.e. with the net Fortheexampleofaparticlewithmassmonthesurface energy contributions from baryonic matter ≃ 5%, dark of the Earth, the ratio of gravitationalto mass energy is matter ≃ 23%, and the cosmological constant (dark en- more than nine orders of magnitude too small ergy) ≃ 72% finely balanced against the gravitational potential. Not long ago, it was possible to imagine the G M m − N E ÷mc2 ≃7×10−10 , (1) Universe, with all of its physics intact, hosting any ar- (cid:12) R (cid:12) (cid:12) E (cid:12) bitrary mass-energy density, such that “k = +1” would (cid:12) (cid:12) representasuper-criticalcosmologyofpositivecurvature, where GN(cid:12)is the gravit(cid:12)ational constant, c is the speed and“k =−1”thesub-criticalcaseofnegativecurvature. of light, and ME and RE are the mass and radius of In hindsight, this may come to seem as na¨ıve as the no- the Earth, respectively. Even in the limiting case of a tion of an empty infinite Cartesian space. The observed SchwarzschildblackholeofmassMBH,aparticleofmass energybalanceishighlysuggestiveofafundamentalsym- m at the horizonRS =2GNMBH/c2 has a gravitational metry which protects the “k = 0” critical solution, such potential which is only half of that required. that the physical constants of our Universe may not be G M m 1 divorced from its net content. − N BH = mc2 (2) (cid:12) R (cid:12) 2 Thisnullenergyconditionlicensesthespeculativecon- (cid:12) S (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) nection ex nihilo of our present universe back to the pri- It is important to(cid:12) note that wh(cid:12)ile the energy density for mordial quantum fluctuation of an external system. In- the gravitational field is surely negative in Newtonian deed, there is nothing which quantum mechanics abhors mechanics, the global gravitational field energy is not more than nothingness. This being the case, an extra well defined in general relativity. Unique prescriptions universehereorthere mightrightlybe consideredno ex- for a stress-energy-momentum pseudotensor can be for- tratroubleatall! Specifically,ithasbeensuggested[10– mulated though, notably that of Landau and Lifshitz. 3 Any such stress-energy can, however, be made to vanish the brane stacking and intersection multiplicities. The locally by general coordinate transformation, and it is YukawacouplingsandHiggsstructureareinlikemanners notevenentirelyclearthatthepseudotensorsoappliedis also specified, leading after radiativesymmetry breaking an appropriate general relativistic object. Given though of the chiral gauge sector to low energy masses for the that Newtonian gravity is the classical limit of general chiralfermions and broken gauge generators,each mass- relativity,itisreasonabletosuspectthattheproperlyde- less in the symmetric limit. fined field energy density will be likewise also negative, From a top-down view, Supergravity (SUGRA) is an and that inflation is indeed consistent with a correctly ubiquitous infrared limit of string theory, and forms the generalized notion of constant, zero total energy. starting point of any two-dimensional world sheet or D- Auniversewouldthenbeinthissenseclosed,anisland dimensional target space action. The mandatory local- unto itself, from the moment of its inception from the ization of the Supersymmetry (SUSY) algebra,and thus quantumfroth;onlyauniverseintotomightsooriginate, the momentum-energy (space-time translation) opera- emerging as a critically bound structure possessing pro- tors, leads to general coordinate invariance of the action found density and minute proportion, each as accorded and an Einstein field theory limit. Any available fla- against intrinsically defined scales (the analogous New- vor of Supergravity will not however suffice. In general, ton and Planck parameters and the propagation speed extraneous fine tuning is required to avoid a cosmolog- ofmasslessfields), andexpandingorinflating henceforth ical constant which scales like a dimensionally suitable and eternally. power of the Planck mass. Neglecting even the question ofwhethersuchauniversemightbepermittedtoappear spontaneously,it would then be doomed to curl upon it- self and collapse within the order of the Planck time, for IV. THE INVARIANCE OF NO-SCALE SUGRA comparisonabout10−43secondsinourUniverse. Expan- sion and inflation appear to uniquely require properties Inflation, driven by the scalar inflaton field is itself which arise naturally only in the No-Scale SUGRA for- inherently a quantum field theoretic subject. However, mulation [22–26]. thereistensionbetweenquantummechanicsandgeneral SUSY is in this case broken while the vacuum energy relativity. Currently,superstringtheoryisthebestcandi- densityvanishesautomaticallyattreelevelduetoasuit- dateforquantumgravity. Thefiveconsistenttendimen- able choice of the K¨ahler potential, the function which sionalsuperstringtheories,namelyheteroticE ×E ,het- 8 8 specifies the metric on superspace. At the minimum of erotic SO(32), Type I, Type IIA, Type IIB, can be uni- the null scalar potential, there are flat directions which fied by various duality transformations under an eleven- leave the compactification moduli VEVs undetermined dimensional M-theory [20], and the twelve-dimensional by the classical equations of motion. We thus receive F-theory can be considered as the strongly coupled for- without additional effort an answer to the deep ques- mulation of the Type IIB string theory with a varying tion of how these moduli are stabilized; they have been axion-dilatonfield [21]. Self consistency of the string (or transformedintodynamicalvariableswhicharetobede- M-, F-) algebra implies a ten (or eleven, twelve) dimen- termined by minimizing corrections to the scalar poten- sional master spacetime, some elements of which – six tial at loop order. In particular, the high energy grav- (or seven, eight) to match our observed four large di- itino mass M , and also the proportionally equivalent mensions–maybecompactifiedonamanifold(typically 3/2 universal gaugino mass M , will be established in this Calabi-Yau manifolds or G manifolds) which conserves 1/2 2 way. Subsequently, all gauge mediated SUSY breaking a requisite portion of supersymmetric charges. soft-terms will be dynamically evolved down from this Thestructureofthecurvaturewithintheextradimen- boundary under the renormalization group [27], estab- sions dictates in no small measure the particular phe- lishing in large measure the low energy phenomenology, nomenology of the unfolded dimensions, secreting away and solving also the Flavour Changing Neutral Current the“closetspace”toencodethesymmetriesofallgauged (FCNC) problem. Since the moduli are fixed at a false interactions. The physical volume of the internal spatial local minimum, phase transitions by quantum tunneling manifold is directly related to the effective Planck scale will naturally occur between discrete vacua. andbasicgaugecouplingstrengthsintheexternalspace. Weconjecture,forthereasonsgivenprior,thattheNo- Thecompactificationisinturndescribedbyfundamental ScaleSUGRAconstructioncouldpervadealluniversesin modulifieldswhichmustbestabilized,i.e.givensuitable the String Landscape with reasonable flux vacua. This vacuum expectation values (VEVs). The famous exam- beingthecase,intelligentcreatureselsewhereintheMul- ple of Kaluza and Klein prototypes the manner in which tiverse, though separated from us by a bridge too far, general covariance in five dimensions is transformed to might reasonablyso concur after parallelexaminationof gravity plus Maxwell theory in four dimensions when theirownphysics. Moreover,theymightleverageviathis the transverse fifth dimension is cycled around a cir- insightadeeperknowledgeofthe underlyingMultiverse- cle. The connection of geometry to particle physics is invariant master theory, of which our known string, M-, perhaps nowhere more intuitively clear than in the con- and F-theories may compose some coherently overlap- text of model building with D6-branes, where the gauge ping patch of the garment edge. Perhaps we yet share structure and family replication are related directly to 4 appreciation, across the cords which bind our 13.7 bil- emerges in turn as a suitable candidate scale only when lion years to their correspondingblink of history, for the substantiallydecoupledfromtheprimaryGUTscaleuni- common timeless principles under which we are but two fication of SU(3) ×SU(2) via the modification to the C L isolatedcondensationsupontwoparticularvacuumsolu- renormalization group equations (RGEs) from the extra tions among the physical ensemble. F-theory vector multiplets. In particular, we have systematically established the hyper-surfacewithinthetanβ,topquarkmassm ,gaug- t ino mass M , and vector-like particle mass M pa- V. AN ARCHETYPE MODEL UNIVERSE 1/2 V rameter volume which is compatible with the applica- tion of the simplest No-Scale SUGRA boundary condi- Though we engage in this work lofty and speculative tions [22–26], particularly the vanishing of the Higgs bi- questions of natural philosophy, we balance abstraction linear soft term B at the ultimate F-SU(5) unification againstthe measuredmaterialunderpinningsofconcrete µ scale [45, 46]. We have demonstrated that simultane- phenomenological models with direct and specific con- ous adherence to all current experimental constraints, nection to tested and testable particle physics. If the most importantly contributions to the muon anomalous suggestion is correct that eternal inflation and No-Scale magneticmoment(g−2) [49], the branchingratiolimit SUGRA models with string origins together describe µ on (b → sγ) [50, 51], and the 7-year WMAP relic den- whatis infactourMultiverse,thenwemustasaprereq- sity measurement [15–17], dramatically reduces the al- uisitesettletheissueofwhetherourownphenomenology lowed solutions to a highly non-trivial “golden strip” can be produced out of such a construction. with tanβ ≃ 15, m = 173.0 − 174.4 GeV, M = In the context of Type II intersecting D-brane mod- t 1/2 455−481 GeV, and M = 691−1020 GeV, effectively els,we haveindeed foundone realisticPati-Salammodel V eliminating all extraneously tunable model parameters, which might describe Nature as we observe it [28–30]. If wheretheconsonanceofthetheoreticallyviablem range only the F-terms of three complex structure moduli are t with the experimentally established value [52] is an in- non-zero, we also automatically have vanishing vacuum dependently correlated “postdiction”. Finally, taking a energy, and obtain a generalized No-Scale SUGRA. It fixedZ-bosonmass,wehavedynamicallydeterminedthe seems to us that the string derivedGrand Unified Theo- universalgauginomassM andfixedtanβ viathe“Su- ries(GUTs),andparticularlytheFlippedSU(5)×U(1) 1/2 X per No-Scale” mechanism [47], that being the secondary models [31–33], are also candidate realistic string mod- minimization,orminimum minimorum, ofthe minimum els with promising predictions that can be tested at the V oftheHiggspotentialfortheelectroweaksymmetry min Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the Tevatron, and other breaking (EWSB) vacuum. future experiments. These models are moreover quite interesting from a In the latter case, the Flipped SU(5)×U(1) gauge X phenomenological point of view [43, 44]. The predicted symmetry can be broken down to the SM gauge sym- vector-likeparticlescanbeobservedattheLargeHadron metry by giving VEVs to one pair of the Higgs fields H Collider, and the partial lifetime for proton decay in and H with quantum numbers (10,1) and (10,−1), re- the leading (e|µ)+π0 channels falls around 5 × 1034 spectively. The doublet-triplet splitting problem can be years,testable at the future Hyper-Kamiokande[53]and solvednaturally via the missing partnermechanism[33]. Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Historically, Flipped SU(5)×U(1) models have been X (DUSEL)[54]experiments[48,55]. ThelightestCP-even constructed systematically in the free fermionic string Higgs boson mass can be increased [56], hybrid inflation constructions at Kac-Moody level one [33–37]. To ad- canbenaturallyrealized,andthecorrectcosmicprimor- dress the little hierarchy problem between the unifica- dial density fluctuations can be generated [57]. tion scale and the string scale, the Testable Flipped SU(5)×U(1) model class was proposed, which intro- X duces extra TeV-scale vector-like particles [38]. Mod- els of this type have been constructed locally as exam- VI. NO-SCALE FOUNDATIONS OF F-SU(5) ples of F-theory model building [39–44], and dubbed F- SU(5) [43, 44] within that context. Inthetraditionalframework,supersymmetryisbroken Most recently, we have studied No-Scale extensions of in the hidden sector, and then its breaking effects are the prior in detail[45–47], emphasizing the essentialrole mediated to the observable sector via gravity or gauge ofthetripodalfoundationformedbytheF-lippedSU(5) interactions. In GUTs with gravity mediated supersym- GUT [31–33], two pairs of TeV scale vector-like mul- metry breaking, also known as the minimal Supergrav- tiplets with origins in F-theory [38, 43, 44, 48] model ity (mSUGRA) model, the supersymmetry breakingsoft building, and the boundary conditions of No-Scale Su- terms can be parameterized by four universal parame- pergravity[22–26]. ItappearsthattheNo-Scalescenario, ters: the gaugino mass M , scalar mass M , trilinear 1/2 0 particularlyvanishingoftheHiggsbilinearsofttermB , soft term A, and the ratio of Higgs VEVs tanβ at low µ comesintoitsownonlywhenappliedatanelevatedscale, energy, plus the sign of the Higgs bilinear mass term µ. approaching the Planck mass. M ≃ 7 × 1017 GeV, The µ term andits bilinear soft termB are determined F µ the point ofthe secondstageSU(5)×U(1) unification, bytheZ-bosonmassM andtanβ aftertheelectroweak X Z 5 (EW) symmetry breaking. order. Likewise, the subsequently introduced KKLT [3] To solve the cosmological constant problem, No-Scale constructions also manifest a No-Scale SUGRA struc- Supergravity was proposed [22–26]. No-scale Supergrav- ture at the classical level. Indeed, the No-Scale features ity isdefinedasthe subsetofSupergravitymodelswhich are generically obtained at the tree-level in string the- satisfythefollowingthreeconstraints[22–26]: (i)thevac- ory compactifications due to the presence of three com- uum energy vanishes automatically due to the suitable plex extra dimensions. However, this classical level re- Ka¨hler potential; (ii) at the minimum of the scalar po- sult is rather precariously balanced, and may be spoiled tential,thereareflatdirectionswhichleavethegravitino by quantum corrections to the superpotential including mass M undetermined; (iii) the super-trace quantity flux contributions, instanton effects, gaugino condensa- 3/2 StrM2 is zero at the minimum. Without this, the large tion, and the next order α′ corrections. In this sense, we one-loopcorrectionswouldforceM tobeeitherzeroor considertheKKLTtypeSUGRAmodelsasageneraliza- 3/2 ofPlanckscale. AsimpleK¨ahlerpotentialwhichsatisfies tion or extension of the elemental No-Scale form. the first two conditions is The No-Scale F-SU(5) model under discussion has been constructed locally in F-theory [43, 44], although K = −3ln(T +T − Φ Φ ) , (3) themassoftheadditionalvector-likemultiplets,andeven i i Xi the fact of their existence, is not mandated by the F- theory, wherein it is also possible to realize models with whereT is amodulus fieldandΦ arematterfields. The i only the traditional Flipped (or Standard) SU(5) field third condition is model dependent and can always be content. We claim only an inherent consistency of their satisfied in principle [58]. conceptualoriginoutoftheF-theoreticconstruction,and ThescalarfieldsofEq.(3)parameterizethecosetspace take the manifest phenomenological benefits which ac- SU(N +1,1)/(SU(N +1)×U(1)), where N is the C C C company the natural elevation of the secondary GUT number of matter fields. Analogousstructures appear in unification phase to M ≃7×1017 GeV as justification F theN ≥5extendedSupergravitytheories[59],forexam- for the greater esteem which we hold for this particu- ple,N =4forN =5,whichcanberealizedinthecom- C lar model above other alternatives. There are, though, pactificationsofstring theory[60,61]. The non-compact alsodelicatequestionsofcompatibilitybetweenthe local structure of the symmetry implies that the potential is F-theoretic model building origins and the purely field- not only constant but actually identical to zero. For the theoretic RGE running which we employ up to the pre- simple example K¨ahler potential given above, one can sumed high scale. As one approaches the Planck mass readily check that the scalar potential is automatically M , consideration must be given to the role which will Pl positive semi-definite, and has a flat direction along the beplayedbyKaluzaKlein(KK)andstringmodeexcita- T field. Likewise, it may be verified that the simplest tions, and also to corrections of order α′ from stabiliza- No-ScaleboundaryconditionsM =A=B =0emerge 0 µ tion of the global volume of the six-dimensional internal dynamically, while M may be non-zeroat the unifica- 1/2 space in association with the establishment of the string tion scale, allowing for low energy SUSY breaking. scale M ∝(M /R3 ). The specific K¨ahlerpotentialofEq.(3)hasbeeninde- S Pl global Themostimportantquestioniswhetherourmodelcan pendentlyderivedinbothweaklycoupledheteroticstring infactbeembeddedintoagloballyconsistentframework. theory [60] and the leading order compactification of M- Without such, we do not know the concrete K¨ahler po- theoryonS1/Z [61]. Notethatinbothcases,theYang- 2 tentialoftheSMfermionsandHiggsfields,andcannotby Mills fields span a ten dimensional space-time. It is not thismeansexplicitlycalculatethesupersymmetrybreak- obtained directly out of F-theory, as represented for ex- ingscalarmassesandtrilinearsoftterms. Thisconstruc- amplebythestrongcouplingliftfromTypeIIBintersect- tion remains elusive though, and is beyond the reach of ingD-branemodelbuildingwithD7-andD3-branes[39– the current work. Regardless, one may anticipate that 42],wheretheYang-MillsfieldsontheD7-branesoccupy in such a globally consistent model, a string scale of or- an eight dimensional space-time. Nevertheless, it is cer- der 1017 GeV would indeed be realized, as in the weakly tainly possible in principle to calculate a gauge kinetic coupled heterotic string theory, tying in nicely with our function,Kahlerpotentialandsuperpotentialinthecon- na¨ıvely projected value for M . It seems additionally F textofTypeIIBinterectingD-branemodelbuilding,and that a field-theoretic application of the No-Scale bound- the F-theory could thus admit a more general definition ary conditions might prove to be validated in this case. of No-Scale Supergravity, as realized by a K¨ahler poten- Moreover,we would not necessarily require the presence tial like of instanton effects or gaugino condensation for stabi- lization of the modulus T as in the KKLT mechanism. K = −ln(S+S)−ln(T +T ) 1 1 Thisiscrucial,becausesucheffectscanhavethenegative −ln(T +T )−ln(T +T ), (4) 2 2 3 3 side effect of destroying the leading No-Scale structure. In fact, we could have no gaugino condensation at all, where only three of the moduli fields S andT mayyield i or the superpotential from gaugino condensation might non-zero F-terms. only depend on S, as again exemplified in the Type IIB In Ref. [2], No-Scale Supergravity was obtained in the intersecting D-brane models [62]. Type IIB and F-theory compactifications at the leading 6 Such considerations, coupled with the demonstrated uum. Since V depends on M , the gaugino mass min 1/2 testability and phenomenological success of the first or- M is consequently dynamically determined by the 1/2 deranalysisinthesimplestNo-ScaleSUGRAframework, equation dV /dM =0, aptly referredto as the “Su- min 1/2 argue for a continuing study of the generalized No-Scale per No-Scale” mechanism [47]. SUGRA picture. It is important to note that there ex- It could easily have been that in consideration of the ist several such generalizations, including the previously above technique, there were: A) too few undetermined mentioned Type II intersecting D-brane models [28–30], parameters, with the B = 0 condition forming an in- µ mirage mediation of flux compactifications [63, 64], and compatibleover-constraint,andthusdemonstrablyfalse, theextractionofSUSYbreakingsofttermsfromthelead- or B) so many undetermined parameters that the dy- ingordercompactificationofM-theoryonS1/Z [65–69]; namic determination possessed many distinct solutions, 2 inthelattercasewehavepreviouslyobtained(inadiffer- orwassofarseparatedfromexperimentthatitcouldnot ent model context) a generalization employing modulus possiblybe demonstratedto be true. The actualstateof dominated SUSY breaking [69]. affairs is much more propitious, being specifically as fol- Inthispaper,however,wemaintaina“firststepsfirst” lows. The three parameters M ,A,B are once again 0 µ perspective, concentrating on the simplest No-Scale Su- identically zero at the boundary because of the defining pergravity and reserving any such extensions for the fu- K¨ahler potential, and are thus known at all other scales ture. The potentialforstringy modificationsduly noted, as well by the RGEs. The minimization of the Higgs we then essentially aim to study an F-theory inspired scalar potential with respect to the neutral elements of variety of low energy SUSY phenomenology, remaining bothSUSYHiggsdoubletsgivestwoconditions,thefirst agnosticastothe detailsofthe K¨ahlerstructure. Never- ofwhichfixesthemagnitudeofµ. Thesecondcondition, theless, by studying the simplest No-Scale Supergravity, whichwouldtraditionallybeusedtofixB ,insteadhere µ we may still expect to encapsulate the correct leading enforces a consistency relationship on the remaining pa- order behavior. We likewise maintain the simplicity of a rameters, being that B is already constrained. µ leading order approximation by neglecting consideration In general, the B = 0 condition gives a hypersurface µ of any stringy threshold corrections, the substantive on- of solutions cut out from a very large parameter space. set of which is anyway expected to be deferred to M , If we lock all but one parameter, it will give the final F the true GUT scale of this model. It should be added value. If we take a slice of two dimensional space, as thatsince the running ofthe gaugecouplingsis logarith- has been described, it will give a relation between two micallydependentuponthemassscale,thecontributions parameters for all others fixed. In a three-dimensional to the RGEs from the string and KK mode excitations view with B on the vertical axis, this curve is the “flat µ are quite small. direction” line along the bottom of the trench of B =0 µ solutions. In general,we must vary at least two parame- ters rather than just one in isolation, in order that their mutual compensation may transport the solution along VII. THE SUPER NO-SCALE MECHANISM thiscurve. The mostnaturalfirstchoiceisinsomesense the pair of prominent unknown inputs M and tanβ, The single relevant modulus field in the simplest 1/2 as was demonstrated in Ref. [47]. stringy No-Scale Supergravity is the K¨ahler modulus T, Havingcometothispoint,itisbynomeansguaranteed a characteristic of the Calabi-Yau manifold, the dilaton that the potential will form a stable minimum. It must coupling being irrelevant. We consider the gauginomass be emphasized that the B =0 No-Scale boundary con- M as a useful modulus related to the F-term of T, µ 1/2 ditionisthecentralagentaffordingthisdetermination,as stipulating, in other words, that the gauge kinetic func- it is the extraction of the parameterized parabolic curve tion must depend on T. This is realized, for example, of solutions in the two compensating variables which al- in the Type IIB intersecting D-brane models [62] where lows for a localized, bound nadir point to be isolated by gauge kinetic functions explicitly depend on both S and the Super No-Scale condition, dynamically determining T , as in Eq. (4). Again, since the F-theory may be con- i bothparameters. The backgroundsurfaceofV for the min sideredasastronglycoupledformulationoftheTypeIIB full parameter space outside the viable B =0 subset is, string theory, it is natural to believe that the gauge ki- µ in contrast, a steadily inclined and uninteresting func- neticfunctionunderthisliftdependsonT aswell. While tion. In our prior study, the local minimum minimorum the limitisquite suggestive,lackingstillaconcreteglob- of V for the choices M =1000 GeV and m =173.1 ally consistent embedding, we cannot definitively prove min V t GeV dynamically established M ≃ 450 GeV, and that the superpotential remains unperturbed by T. 1/2 tanβ ≃ 15 − 20. Although we have remarked that Proceeding tentatively as such, the F-term of T gen- M andtanβ havenodirectlyestablishedexperimental erates the gravitino mass M , which is proportionally 1/2 3/2 values, they are severely indirectly constrained by phe- equivalent to M . Exploiting the simplest No-Scale 1/2 nomenology in the context of this model [45, 46]. It is boundary condition at M and running from high en- F highly non-trivial that there should be accord between ergy to low energy under the RGEs, there can be a sec- thetop-downandbottom-upperspectives,butthisisin- ondary minimization, or minimum minimorum, of the deed precisely what has been observed [47]. minimumofthe Higgspotential V forthe EWSB vac- min 7 VIII. THE GUT HIGGS MODULUS An alternatepair ofparametersforwhichone may at- tempt to isolate a B = 0 curve, which we consider for µ the first time in this work,is that of M and the GUT 1/2 scale M , at which the SU(3) and SU(2) couplings 32 C L initially meet. Fundamentally, the latter corresponds to the modulus which sets the total magnitude of the GUT Higgs field’s VEVs. M could of course in some sense 32 be considereda“known”quantity,takingthelowenergy couplings as input. Indeed, starting from the measured SM gauge couplings and fermion Yukawa couplings at the standard 91.187 GeV electroweak scale, we may cal- culate both M and the final unification scale M , and 32 F subsequently the unifiedgaugecoupling andSM fermion YukawacouplingsatM ,viarunningoftheRGEs. How- F ever, since the VEVs of the GUT Higgs fields H and H are considered here as free parameters, the GUT scale FIG.1: Theinterrelatedvariationofsin2(θW),theGUTscale M32 must notbe fixed either. As a consequence,the low M32 (logarithmic axis),andtheZ-boson massMZ isdemon- strated for the parameter strips which preserve B = 0 and energySMgaugecouplings,andinparticulartheSU(2) µ L gauge coupling g , will also run freely via this feedback µ = 460 GeV at MF. The variation in MZ is linked dom- from M . 2 inantly to motion of the EW couplings via sin2(θW). Also 32 shown is the corresponding predicted proton lifetime in the We consider this conceptual release of a known quan- leading(e|µ)+π0channels,inunitsof1034years,withthecur- tity, in order to establish the nature of the model’s de- rent lower bound of 1.0×1034 years indicated bythedashed pendence upon it, to be a valid and valuable technique, horizontal purple line. and have employed it previously with specific regards to “postdiction” of the top quark mass value [46]. Indeed, forcingthe theoreticaloutputofsuchaparameterisonly The parameter ranges for the variation depicted in possible in a model with highly constrainedphysics, and Fig. 1 are M = 91.18− 92.64, sin2(θ ) = 0.2262− Z W it may be expected to meet success only by intervention 0.2357, and M = 1.5×1015 −1.04×1016 GeV, and 32 of either grand coincidence or grand conspiracy of Na- likewise also the same for Figs. (2-8), which will fea- ture. Simultaneous to the recognition of the presence ture subsequently. The minimum minimorum falls at of a second dynamic modulus, we lock down the value the boundary of the prior list, dynamically fixing M ≃ 32 of µ, which by contrast is a simple numerical parame- 1.0×1016 GeV and placing M againin the vicinity of 1/2 ter, and ought then to be treated in a manner consis- 450GeV. The low energySM gaugecouplings are simul- tent with the top quark and vector-like mass parame- taneously constrained by means of the associated Wein- ters. For this study, we choose a vector-like particle berg angle, with sin2(θ ) ≃ 0.236, in excellent agree- W mass M = 1000 GeV, and use the experimental top V ment with experiment. The corresponding range of pre- quark mass input mt = 173.1 GeV. We emphasize that dicted proton lifetimes in the leading (e|µ)+π0 modes is the choice of MV = 1000 GeV is not an arbitrary one, 2.5×1031−5.7×1034years[48]. IftheGUTscaleM be- 32 sinceaprioranalysis[46]hasshownthata1TeVvector- comes excessively light, below about 7×1015 GeV, then like mass is in compliance with all current experimental proton decay would be more rapid than allowed by the data and the No-Scale Bµ=0 requirement. The constant recently updated lower bound of 1.0×1034 years from parameter µ is set consistent with its value prior to the Super-Kamiokande [70]. variation of the GUT modulus. We are cautious against making a claim in precisely In actual practice, the variation of M is achieved in 32 the same vein for the dynamic determination of M ≃ Z the reverse by programmatic variation of the Weinberg 91.2GeV,sinceagainthecrucialelectroweakHiggsVEV angle, holding the strong and electromagnetic couplings is not a substantial element of the variation. However, at their physically measured values. Figure 1 demon- in conjunction with the radiative electroweak symmetry strates the scaling between sin2(θ ), M (logarithmic W 32 breaking [71, 72] numerically implemented within the axis), and the Z-bosonmass. The variationof M is at- Z SuSpect 2.34 code base [73], the fixing of the Higgs tributed primarily to the motion of the electroweak cou- VEVandthedeterminationoftheelectroweakscalemay plings, the magnitude of the Higgs VEV being held es- also plausibly be considered legitimate dynamic output, sentiallyconstant. We ensurealsothatthe unifiedgauge if one posits the M scale input to be available a priori. F coupling,SM fermionYukawacouplings,andspecifically By extracting a constant µ slice of the V hyper- min also the Higgs bilinear term µ≃460 GeV, are each held surface, the secondary minimization condition on tanβ stable at the scale M to correctly mimic the previously F is effectively rotated, albeit quite moderately, relative to described procedure. the procedure of Ref. ([47]). The present minimization, 8 referencing M , M and tanβ, is again dependent 1/2 32 upon M and m , while the previously described [47] V t 790 determination of tanβ was, by contrast, M and m in- V t variant. Recognizing that a minimization with all three parameters simultaneously active is required to declare 780 allthreeparameterstohavebeensimultaneouslydynam- ically determined, we emphasize the mutual consistency 770 of the results. We again stress that the new minimum Vmin(h) minimorum is also consistent with the previously adver- 760 tised golden strip, satisfying all presently known experi- mental constraints to our available resolution. It more- 750 over also addresses the problems of the SUSY breaking scale and gauge hierarchy [47], insomuch as M1/2 is de- 93.00 460 92.75 termined dynamically. 458 92.2592.50 456 92.00 M1/2 454 452 91.2591.5091.75 MZ 790 450 91.00 Minimum Minimorum EWSB Vacua FIG. 3: Three-dimensional graph of (M ,M ,∆V (h)) 780 Z 1/2 min space(greencurve). Theprojectionsontothethreemutually perpendicular planes (red curves) are likewise shown. M , Z 770 M , and ∆V (h) are in units of GeV. The dynamically 1/2 min preferred region, allowing for plausible variation, is circled 760 Vmin(h) and tipped in gold. 750 790 93.00 92.75 92.50 92.25 780 35 92.00 30 25 20 91.5901.75 MZ tan 15 91.25 770 10 91.00 Minimum Minimorum Vmin(h) 760 FIG. 2: Three-dimensional graph of (M ,tanβ,∆V (h)) Z min space(greencurve). Theprojectionsontothethreemutually perpendicular planes (red curves) are likewise shown. M 750 Z and∆V (h)areinunitsofGeV.Thedynamicallypreferred min region, allowing for plausible variation, is circled and tipped 460 in gold. 35 458 30 456 25 454 20 tan 15 452 M1/2 10 450 Minimum Minimorum IX. THE MINIMUM MINIMORUM OF THE FIG. 4: Three-dimensional graph of (M ,tanβ,∆V (h)) ELECTROWEAK HIGGS POTENTIAL 1/2 min space(greencurve). Theprojectionsontothethreemutually perpendicular planes (red curves) are likewise shown. M 1/2 In supersymmetric SMs, there is a pair of Higgs and∆V (h)areinunitsofGeV.Thedynamicallypreferred min doublets H and H which give mass to the up-type region, allowing for plausible variation, is circled and tipped u d quarks and down-type quarks/charged leptons, respec- in gold. tively. The one-loop effective Higgs potential in the ’t Hooft-Landau gauge and in the DR scheme is given by n m2(φ) 3 V = i m4(φ) ln i − , (7) V = V (H0, H0)+V (H0, H0) , (5) 1 64π2 i (cid:18) Q2 2(cid:19) eff 0 u d 1 u d Xi where where m2 and m2 are the supersymmetry breaking Hu Hd soft masses, g and g are respectively the gauge cou- 2 Y V0 = (µ2+m2Hu)(Hu0)2+(µ2+m2Hd)(Hd0)2 plings of SU(2)L and U(1)Y, ni and m2i(φ) are respec- −2BµµHu0Hd0+ g22+8gY2 (Hu0)2−(Hd0)2 2 ,(6) ttihveelryenthoermdaelgizraeetioonf fsrceaeldeo.mInanodurmnaussmfeorricφail,raensudltQs iins (cid:2) (cid:3) 9 176.6 790 780 176.5 770 176.4 Vmin(h) v = (v2u + v2d )1/2 760 176.3 750 176.2 460 460 92.75 458 176.6 92.50 458 92.25 456 176.5 456 92.00 454 176.4 454 91.75 M1/2 452 176.3 v = (v2u + v2d )1/2 M1/2 452 91.2591.50 MZ 450 176.2 Minimum Minimorum 450 91.00 FIG. 5: Three-dimensional graph of (v,M ,∆V (h)) FIG.7: Three-dimensionalgraphof(M ,M ,v)space(pur- 1/2 min Z 1/2 space(greencurve). Theprojectionsontothethreemutually ple curve). The projections onto the three mutually perpen- perpendicular planes (red curves) are likewise shown. M , dicular planes (red curves) are likewise shown. M , M , 1/2 Z 1/2 v, and ∆V (h) are in units of GeV. The dynamically pre- and v are in units of GeV. min ferred region, allowing for plausible variation, is circled and tipped in gold. 0.742 891xx01110601155 0.740 7x1015 6x1015 0.738 5x1015 4x1015 0.736 3x1015 M32 g = (g22 + g2Y )1/2 0.734 2x1015 0.732 93.00 1015 460 92.5092.75 92.75 458 92.25 92.50 456 92.00 460 458 91.7952.0902.25 M1/2 454 452 91.2591.5091.75 MZ 456 91.50 MZ 450 91.00 454 M1/2 452 91.25 450 91.00 FIG. 8: Three-dimensional graph of (MZ,M1/2,g) space (royal blue curve). The projections onto the three mutually FIG. 6: Three-dimensional graph of (MZ,M1/2,M32) space perpendicular planes (red curves) are likewise shown. MZ (blue curve). The projections onto the three mutually per- and M are in unitsof GeV. 1/2 pendicularplanes(redcurves)arelikewiseshown. M ,M , Z 1/2 and M32 are in unitsof GeV. M = 1000 GeV, m = 173.1 GeV, and µ(M ) ≃ 460 V t F the figures, we shall designate differences in the fourth- GeV, we present the one-loop effective Higgs potential rootoftheeffectiveHiggspotentialas∆Vmin(h)≡Ve1ff/4, ∆Vmin(h) in terms of MZ and tanβ in Fig. 2, in terms measuredin units ofGeV relativeto anarbitraryoverall of MZ and M1/2 in Fig. 3, in terms of M1/2 and tanβ zero-offset. in Fig. 4, and in terms of v and M1/2 in Fig. 5, where WehaverevisedtheSuSpect 2.34codebase[73]toin- v = v2 +v2, v = hH0i, and v = hH0i. These fig- u d u u d d corporateourspecializedNo-ScaleF-SU(5)withvector- ures pclearly demonstrate the localization of the mini- like mass algorithm, and accordingly employ two-loop mum minimorum of the Higgs potential, corroborating RGE running for the SM gauge couplings, and one-loop the dynamical determination of tanβ ≃ 15 − 20 and RGE running for the SM fermion Yukawa couplings, µ M ≃450 GeV in [47]. 1/2 term, and SUSY breaking soft terms. For our choice of Additionally, we exhibit the (M ,M ,M ) space Z 1/2 32 10 in Fig. 6, the (M ,M ,v) space in Fig. 7, and the canbe reconstructedfromimpending LHCeventsbyde- Z 1/2 (MZ,M1/2,g) space in Fig. 8, where g = g22+gY2. termining the gauginos M1, M2, and M3 at the elec- Fig. 6 demonstrates that M ≃ 1.0 × 101p6 GeV at troweak scale, which will in turn require knowledge of 32 themassesfortheneutralinos,charginos,andthegluino. the minimum minimorum, which correlates to M ≃ Z 91.2 GeV, or more directly, sin2(θ )≃0.236. Together, Likewise, tanβ can be ascertained in principle from a W distinctiveexperimentalobservable,aswasaccomplished the alternate perspectives of Figs. 6, 7, and 8 complete for mSUGRA in [74]. We will not undertake a compre- the view given in Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5 to visually tell hensive analysis here of the reconstruction of M and the story of the dynamic interrelation between the M , 1/2 Z tanβ,butwillofferfornowacursoryexaminationoftyp- M , and M scales, as well as the electroweak gauge 1/2 32 ical events expected at the LHC. We leave the detailed couplings, and the Higgs VEVs. The curves in each of compilationoftheexperimentalobservablesnecessaryfor these figures represent only those points that satisfy the validation of the No-Scale F-SU(5) at the LHC for the B = 0 requirement,asdictated by No-Scale Supergrav- µ future, and we especially encourage those specializing in ity, serving as a crucial constraint on the dynamically such research to investigate the No-Scale F-SU(5). determined parameter space. Ultimately, it is the signif- For the benchmark SUSY spectrum presented in Ta- icance of the B =0 requirementthat separates the No- µ ble I, we have adopted the specific values M = 453, Scale F-SU(5) with vector-like particles from the entire 1/2 tanβ = 15 and M = 91.187. We expect that higher compilation of prospective string theory derived models. Z order corrections will shift the precise location of the By means of the B = 0 vehicle, No-Scale F-SU(5) has µ minimum minimorum a little bit, for example, within surmounted the paramountchallenge of phenomenology, the encircled gold-tipped regions of the diagrams in the that of dynamically determining the electroweak scale, prior section. We have selected a ratio for tanβ at the the scale of fundamental prominence in particle physics. lowerend ofthis rangefor consistencywith our previous We wish to note that recent progress has been made study [47], and to avoid stau dark matter. inincorporatingmoreprecisenumericalcalculationsinto ourbaselinealgorithmforNo-ScaleF-SU(5)withvector- like particles. Initially, when we commenced the task of TABLEI:Spectrum(inGeV)forthebenchmarkpoint. Here, fullydevelopingthephenomenologyofthismodel,theex- M =453 GeV,M =1000 GeV,m =173.1 GeV,M = 1/2 V t Z treme complexity of properly numerically implementing 91.187 GeV,µ(MF)=460.3 GeV,∆Vmin(h)=748GeV,Ωχ No-Scale F-SU(5)with vector-like particles compelled a =0.113,σ =2×10−10pb,andhσvi =1.8×10−28cm3/s. SI γγ gradualstrategyforconstructionandpersistentenhance- The central prediction for the p→(e|µ)+π0 proton lifetime is mentofthealgorithm. Preliminaryfindingsofaprecision around4.9×1034years. Thelightestneutralinois99.8%Bino. iymeaprroWveMdAalPgorrietlhicmdienndsiictaytecothnasttrcaoinmtspliraenqcueirwesitha tshliegh7t- χe01 94 χe±1 184 eeR 150 et1 486 ueR 947 mh 120.1 upward shift to tanβ ≃ 19 − 20 from the value com- χe02 184 χe±2 822 eeL 504 et2 906 ueL 1032 mA,H 916 puted in Ref. [45], suggesting a potential convergence to χe03 817 νee/µ 498 τe1 104 eb1 855 deR 988 mH± 921 even finer resolution of the dynamical determination of χe04 821 νeτ 491 τe2 499 eb2 963 deL 1035 eg 617 tanβ given by the Super No-Scale mechanism, and the value demanded by the experimental relic density mea- At the benchmark point, we calculate Ω = 0.113 for χ surements. We shall furnish a comprehensive analysis of the cold dark matter relic density. The phenomenology the precision improved algorithm at a later date. ismoreoverconsistentwiththe LEPlimitonthelightest CP-even Higgs boson mass, m ≥114 GeV [75, 75], the h CDMSII[76]andXenon100[77]upperlimitsonthespin- X. PROBING THE BLUEPRINTS OF THE independentcrosssectionσ , andthe Fermi-LAT space SI NO-SCALE MULTIVERSE AT THE COLLIDERS telescopeconstraints[78]onthephoton-photonannihila- tion cross section hσvi . The differential cross-sections γγ We offer in closing a brief summary of direct collider, andbranchingratioshavebeencalculatedwithPGS4[79] detector, and telescope level tests which may probe the executing a call to PYTHIA 6.411 [80], using our spe- blueprints ofthe No-ScaleMultiversewhichwehavelaid cialized No-Scale algorithm integrated into the SuSpect out. As to the deepquestionofwhether the ensemble be 2.34codeforinitialcomputationofthesparticlemasses. literal in manifestation, or merely the conceptual super- The benchmark point resides in the region of the set of unrealized possibilities of a single island Universe, experimentally allowed parameter space that generates we pretend no definitive answer. However, we have ar- the relic density through stau-neutralino coannihilation. gued that the emergence ex nihilo of seedling universes Hence, the five lightest sparticles for this benchmark whichfuelaneternalchaoticinflationscenarioisparticu- point are χ0 < τ± < e < χ0 ∼ χ±. Here, the 1 1 R 2 1 larlyplausible,andevennatural,withinNo-ScaleSuper- gluino is lighter than all the squarks with the exception gravity, and our goal of probing the specific features of of the lighteest stoep, so aell squareks willepredominantly ourownUniversewhichmightimplicateitsoriginsinthis decay to a gluino and hadronic jet, with a small per- construction are immediately realizable and practicable. centage of squarks producing a jet and either a χ± or 1 The unified gaugino M at the unification scale M χ0. The gluinos will decay via virtual (off-shell) squarks 1/2 F 2 e e

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