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Blue winged Parakeet Psittacula Columboides, Family Psittacidae, Feeding on Loranthus Leaves PDF

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Preview Blue winged Parakeet Psittacula Columboides, Family Psittacidae, Feeding on Loranthus Leaves

. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES MARSH HARRIER CIRCUSAERUGINOSUSPRE-ROOSTING 7. ON TREES rN KEOLADEONATIONALPARK, BHARATPUR, RAJASTHAN The Keoladeo National Park (27° 7.6' to avoidthe mammalian predators lurkingaround, such as 27° 12.2' N, 77° 29.5' to 77° 33.2' E) in Rajasthan is a the Jungle Cat Felis chans. Jackal Cams aureus, and known roost of Marsh Harriers (Samant el al. 1995). Striped Hyena Hyaena hyaena, that are frequently Duringthepresentstudy(1997-99)morethan 150Marsh sighted inthe grassland. Harriers were recorded roosting in the grasslands of Duringthe winters of 1997-98 and 1998-99, 74% the Park. ofthe pre-roosting (n = 3753) was recorded on trees. The harriers roost communally on the ground outsidethebreedingseason (Newton 1979). TheMarsh ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Harriers were observed roosting communally in the southeast corner ofthe Park on the ground among tall I thank the Rajasthan Forest Department for grasses in Block-G (locally called Koladehar). They permission to work in the Park, Ms. Shruti Sharma, started arriving at the roost area about an hour before Director, KeoladeoNational Park forkindlyextending sunset and pre-roosted on trees lining the roost area. facilitiesandtheUSFishandWildlifeServiceforfunding This behaviour is unusual, as they have never been the project, especially Mr. David Ferguson forhelpand recorded pre-roosting on trees elsewhere. They encouragement. I thank Mr. J.C. Daniel, Honorary generallypre-rooston bareground beforesettling inthe Secretary, BNHS, Dr. A.R. Rahmani, Director, BNHS actual roostingsite(Clarke 1996, Donald 1905). and Dr. Vibhu Prakash for encouragement and critical By pre-roosting in the open, harriers probably comments on the manuscript. attracttheirroostingalliestoaparticularroostto increase theroost size,ashas been seen in otherspecies(Zahavi November7, 2001 ASHOK VERMA 1971). Roosting communally in big flocks has its own BombayNatural History Society, advantages (Ward and Zahavi 1973). Pre-roosting on Hornbill House, S.B. Singh Road, tree-tops by Marsh Harriers in the Park may be forthe Mumbai 400 023, Maharashtra, India. same reason, as the grass here is very tall (about 2.5 m). Present Address: Sarafa Bazaar, Pre-roosting on the ground would not be beneficial, as Rekha Naanga Street, theywouldnot bevisibletotheirconspecifics. Another Bharatpur321 001, Rajasthan, India. possible reason for pre-roosting on trees could be to Email: [email protected] REFERENCES Clarke,R.(1996): Preliminaryobservationsontheimportanceofa Samant, J.S., V. Prakash & RjshadNaoroji (1995): Ecology and largecommunal roostofwinteringharriersinGujarat(N.W. Behaviour of Resident Raptors with special reference to India) and comparison with a roost in Senegal (W. Africa). EndangeredSpecies. Final Report 1990-93. BombayNatural J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc. 93:44-50. History Society, Bombay. Pp. 92. Donald, C.H. (1905): A congregation ofharriers. J. Bombay nat. Ward.P.&A.Zahavi(1973):Theimportanceofcertainassemblages Hist. Soc. 16: 504-505. as“informationcenters”forfoodfinding.Ibis 115: 517-534. Newton,I.(1979): Populationecologyofraptors.T.&A.D. Poyser Zahavi, A. (1971): The function of pre-roost gatherings and Ltd.,England. communal roosts. Ibis 113: 106-109. BLUE-WINGED PARAKEETPSITTACULA COLUMBOIDES, 8. FAMILY PSITTACIDAE, FEEDING ONLORANTHUSLEAVES On March 5, 2001, I was birding near Doodha 6,2001, the sameactivitywasobserved in Castle Rock Sagarin MahaveerWildlife Sanctuary, Goawhen I saw village on the Goa - Karnataka border, Joyda taluka, a Blue-winged Parakeet (Psittacula columboides) and Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka. Indian Hanging-parrot Loriculus vernalis on an ( ) Arjuna tree (Terminalia arjuna). August20, 2001 SHARAD APTE On closeobservation, I foundthatboth thespecies 1766, Ushahakal, GaneshNagar, werefeedingon the green leaves ofa parasitic planton Dr. Ambedkar Road, theArjunatree. The halfchewed leaveswerecollected Sangli416416, and later identified asLoranthuslongiflorus On March Maharashtra, India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 101 (1), Jan.-Apr. 2004 155

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