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BLOWUP BEHAVIOR OF THE KA¨HLER-RICCI FLOW ON FANO MANIFOLDS 3 1 VALENTINO TOSATTI 0 2 Abstract. Westudytheblowupbehavioratinfinityofthenormalized n K¨ahler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold which does not admit K¨ahler- a Einstein metrics. We prove an estimate for the K¨ahler potential away J from amultiplier idealsubscheme,which implies thatthevolumeforms 7 along the flow converge to zero locally uniformly away from the same 2 set. Similar results are also proved for Aubin’scontinuitymethod. ] G D . 1. introduction h t a Let X be a Fano manifold of complex dimension n, which is a compact m complex manifold with positive first Chern class c (X), and let ω be a 1 0 [ Ka¨hlermetriconX with[ω ] = c (X) > 0. ConsiderthenormalizedKa¨hler- 0 1 Ricci flow, which is a flow of Ka¨hler metrics ω in c (X) which evolve by 2 t 1 v ∂ω t 3 (1.1) = Ric(ω )+ω t t 6 ∂t − 7 with initial condition ω . Its fixed points are Ka¨hler-Einstein (KE) metrics 0 6 ω which satisfy Ric(ω ) = ω , and it is known [7, 16, 20, 28] that if X . KE KE KE 2 admits a KE metric then the flow (1.1) converges smoothly to a (possibly 1 different) KE metric. On the other hand not every Fano manifold admits a 2 1 KEmetric,andacelebratedconjectureofYau[31]predictsthatthishappens v: precisely when (X,KX−1) is stable in a suitable algebro-geometric sense. The i precise notion of stability is K-stability, introduced by Tian [25] and refined X by Donaldson [9]. Solutions of this conjecture by Chen-Donaldson-Sun [3] r a and Tian [26] have appeared very recently. We will also consider a different family of Ka¨hler metrics ω˜ in c (X) t 1 which solve Aubin’s continuity method [1] (1.2) Ric(ω˜ )= tω˜ +(1 t)ω , t t 0 − with t ranging in an interval inside [0,1]. We have that ω˜ = ω , and if (1.2) 0 0 issolvableuptot = 1, thenω˜ isKE.OntheotherhandifnoKEexiststhen 1 (1.2)hasasolution definedonamaximalinterval [0,R(X)) whereR(X) 6 1 Supported in part by a Sloan Research Fellowship and NSFgrant DMS-1236969. 1 2 VALENTINOTOSATTI is an invariant of X (independent of ω ) characterized by Sz´ekelyhidi [22] as 0 the greatest lower bound for the Ricci curvature of metrics in c (X). 1 In this note we consider a Fano manifold X which does not admit a KE metric,andinvestigatethequestionofthebehaviorinthiscaseoftheKa¨hler- Ricci flow (1.1) as t or of the continuity method (1.2) as t R(X). → ∞ → In several recent works this question has been studied by reparametrizing theevolving metricsbydiffeomorphismsandstudyingthegeometric limiting space[12,18,21,27,29]. Thekey pointof thisnote isthat wedonotmodify theevolving metrics by diffeomorphisms,butinstead we want tounderstand the way in which they degenerate as tensors on the fixed complex manifold X. To state our main result, let us introduce some notation. The Ka¨hler- Ricci flow (1.1) is equivalent to a flow of Ka¨hler potentials in the following way. We have that ω = ω +√ 1∂∂ϕ where the functions ϕ evolve by t 0 t t − ∂ϕ ωn (1.3) t = log t +ϕ h , ϕ = c , ∂t ωn t− 0 0 0 0 where c is a suitable constant (defined in [16, (2.10)]) and where h is 0 0 the Ricci potential of ω (i.e. it satisfies Ric(ω ) ω = √ 1∂∂h and 0 0 0 0 − − (eh0 1)ωn = 0). Let us rewrite (1.3) as the following complex Monge- X − 0 Amp`ere equation R (1.4) (ω +√ 1∂∂ϕ )n = eh0−ϕt+ϕ˙tωn, 0 − t 0 where here and henceforth, we’ll write ϕ˙ = ∂ϕt. The flow (1.3) has a global t ∂t solution ϕ forallt > 0[2], andsinceX doesnotadmitKEmetrics, wemust t have supX×[0,∞)ϕt = (see e.g. [16]). From now on we fix a sequence of ∞ times t such that i → ∞ (1.5) sup ϕ = supϕ . X×[0,ti] t X ti → ∞ For simplicity we’ll write ϕ = ϕ and ω = ω . i ti i ti On the other hand if we write ω˜ = ω +√ 1∂∂ϕ˜ , then the continuity t 0 t − method (1.2) is equivalent to the complex Monge-Amp`ere equation (1.6) (ω +√ 1∂∂ϕ˜ )n = eh0−tϕ˜tωn. 0 − t 0 If X does not admit KE metrics then a solution ϕ˜ exists for t [0,R(X)) t ∈ with 0 < R(X) 6 1, and sup ϕ˜ as t approaches R(X). We then fix X t → ∞ a sequence t [0,R(X)) with t R(X) and write ϕ˜ = ϕ˜ and ω˜ = ω˜ . i ∈ i → i ti i ti In [14], Nadel proved that there is a proper analytic subvariety S X (a ⊂ suitablemultiplier ideal subscheme[13])such thatthemeasures ω˜n converge i (as measures) to zero on compact subsets of X S. More recently, the same \ statement was proved for the measures ωn along the Ka¨hler-Ricci flow by i Clarke-Rubinstein [5, Lemma 6.5] (see also [15] for a weaker statement). It BLOWUP BEHAVIOR OF THE KA¨HLER-RICCI FLOW ON FANO MANIFOLDS 3 is natural to ask whether this convergence can be improved. In this note, we show that away from a possibly larger proper analytic subvariety the measures ωn and ω˜n converge to zero uniformly on compact sets. More i i precisely, we have: Theorem 1.1. Assume that X is a Fano manifold that does not admit a K¨ahler-Einstein metric, and let ϕ ,ω be defined as above. Then for any ε > i i 0 there is a proper nonempty analytic subvariety S X and a subsequence ε ⊂ of ϕ (still denoted by ϕ ) such that given any compact set K X S there i i ε ⊂ \ is a constant C that depends only on K,ε,ω such that for all x K and 0 ∈ for all i we have (1.7) ϕ (x)+(1 ε)supϕ 6 C. i i − − X In particular, ϕ goes to plus infinity locally uniformly outside S , and the i ε volume forms ωn converge to zero in the same sense. Finally, the same i properties hold for ϕ˜ and ω˜ which solve Aubin’s continuity method. i i Moreover we can identify the subvariety S as follows: from weak com- ε pactness of currents, there exists ψ an L1 function on X which is ω - 0 plurisubharmonic, such that a subsequence of ϕ sup ϕ converges to i − M i ψ in L1. Then we have that C S = V ψ , ε I ε (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) whereC is a constant that dependsonly on ω , and denotes the multiplier 0 I ideal sheaf. We note here that in the results of [14] and [5] the multiplier ideal sheaf that enters is (γψ), with n < γ < 1, which gives a smaller I n+1 subvariety. Finally letusremarkthatweexpectTheorem1.1toholdalsowhenε = 0, but our arguments below can only prove this when n = 1 (in which case the theorem is empty because there is just one Fano manifold, CP1, which does admitaKEmetric). Infactmoreshouldbetrue: Tian’sconjectural“partial C0 estimate” forthecontinuity method [26]roughly says that ϕ˜ +sup ϕ˜ − i X i should blow up at most logarithmically as we approach a subvariety. The partial C0 estimate was proved by Tian [24] for Ka¨hler-Einstein Fano sur- faces and more recently by Chen-Wang [4] for the Ka¨hler-Ricci flow on Fano surfaces. Very recently it was proved by Donaldson-Sun [10] for Ka¨hler- Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds, by Chen-Donaldson-Sun [3] and Tian [26] for conic Ka¨hler-Einstein metrics and by Phong-Song-Sturm [17] for shrinking Ka¨hler-Ricci solitons. Acknowledgements. Most of this work was carried out while the author wasvisitingtheMorningsideCenterofMathematicsinBeijingin2007,which 4 VALENTINOTOSATTI he would like to thank for the hospitality. He is also grateful to S.-T. Yau for many discussions, to D.H. Phong for support and encouragement, and to B. Weinkove for useful comments. 2. Proof of the main theorem Before we start the proof of the main theorem, we need to recall a few estimates which are known to hold along the Ka¨hler-Ricci flow on Fano manifolds. The first one is the bound (2.8) ϕ˙ 6 C, t | | which holds for all t > 0, and was proved by Perelman (see [20]). It uses crucially the choice of c in (1.3) given by [16, (2.10)]. We will also need the 0 following uniform Sobolev inequality [32, 33] n−1 (2.9) |f|n2−n1ωtn n 6 CS |∇f|2ωtωtn+ |f|2ωtn , (cid:18)ZX (cid:19) (cid:18)ZX ZX (cid:19) which holds for all t > 0 and for all f C∞(X), for a constant C that S ∈ depends only on ω . The following Harnack inequality [19] will also be used 0 (2.10) infϕ 6 C +nsupϕ , t t − X X whichagain holdsforallt > 0. Finally, wewillusethefollowing basicresult: Proposition 2.1 (Tian[23]). Let (X,ω) be a compact K¨ahler manifold. For any fixed λ > 0 and for any sequence ϕ of K¨ahler potentials for ω, there i exists a subsequence, still denoted by ϕ , and a proper subvariety S X such i ⊂ that for any p X S there exists r,C > 0 that depend only on λ,ω and p, ∈ \ such that (2.11) e−λ(ϕi−supXϕi)ωn 6 C. ZBω(p,r) Also, the constants r,C are uniform when p ranges in a compact set of X S. \ Proof of Theorem 1.1. The starting point is the parabolic analogue of the Aubin-Yau’s C2 estimate (see e.g. [2, 30]), which says that there exists a constant C that depend only on ω such that for all t > 0 we have 0 (2.12) tr ω 6 CeCϕt−(C+1)infX×[0,t]ϕs. ω0 t Here and in the following we will denote by C a uniform positive constant which might change from line to line. Combining (2.12) with (2.10) and (1.5) we get trω0ωi 6 CeCsupXϕi+CsupX×[0,ti]ϕs = CeCsupXϕi. BLOWUP BEHAVIOR OF THE KA¨HLER-RICCI FLOW ON FANO MANIFOLDS 5 Notice that for any two Ka¨hler metrics η,χ we always have that 1 χn tr χ 6 (tr η)n−1 , η (n 1)! χ ηn − and so in our case ωn trωiω0 6 CeCsupXϕiω0n. i Using the Monge-Amp`ere equation (1.4) and the estimate (2.8) we get (2.13) trωiω0 6 CeCsupXϕi+ϕi 6 C0eDsupXϕi, where C and D are uniform constants. An alternative derivation of (2.13) 0 can be obtained by evolving the quantity logtr ω Aϕ , with A large, to ωt 0− t obtain tr ω 6CeA(ϕt−infX×[0,t]ϕs), ωt 0 and using again (2.10). As an aside, note that when n = 1 we can actually choose D = 1. Let A > 0 be a constant, to be determined later, and compute (2.14) ∆ e−Aϕi > Ae−Aϕi∆ ϕ > nAe−Aϕi. ωi − ωi i − Proposition 2.2. For any x X and 0 < r < diam(X,ω )/2 there is a i ∈ constant C that depends only on A,ω such that 0 C (2.15) sup e−Aϕi 6 e−Aϕiωn, r2n i Bωi(x,r/2) ZBωi(x,r) holds for all i. Proof. We apply the method of Moser iteration to the inequality (2.14). The method is standard, except for the fact that r could be bigger than the injectivity radius of ω and so the balls B (x,r) need not be diffeomorphic i ωi to Euclidean balls, and in fact might not even be smooth domains. From now on let i be fixed, and fix two positive numbers ρ < R < diam(X,ω )/2. i Then let η be a cutoff function of the form η(y) = ψ(dist (y,x)) where ψ is ωi a smooth nonincreasing function from R to R such that ψ(y) = 1 for y 6 ρ, ψ(y) = 0 for y > (R+ρ)/2 and 4 ′ sup ψ 6 . R | | R ρ − Then η is Lipschitz, equal to 1 on B (x,ρ), supported inside B (x,R) and ωi ωi satisfies 4 η 6 |∇ |ωi R ρ − 6 VALENTINOTOSATTI almost everywhere. For simplicity of notation we will let f = e−Aϕi and suppress all references to the metric ω . So we can write (2.14) as i (2.16) ∆f > nAf. − Then for any p > 2 we compute p2 η2 (fp/2)2 = η2 (fp−1), f . |∇ | 4(p 1) h∇ ∇ i ZB(x,R) − ZB(x,R) At this point we want to integrate by parts, and we can do this because of thefollowingargument: wecanexhaustB(x,R)withanincreasingsequence of subdomains B , j = 1,2,..., that have smooth boundary. Then we can j apply Stokes’ Theorem to each B , and when j is sufficiently large η will j vanish on ∂B so we get j η2 (fp−1), f = 2 ηfp−1 η, f η2fp−1∆f. h∇ ∇ i − h∇ ∇ i− ZBj ZBj ZBj Then we can let j go to infinity and by dominated convergence the integrals on B converge to the same integrals on B(x,R). Thus j p2 η2 (fp/2)2 = ηfp−1(2 η, f +η∆f). |∇ | −4(p 1) h∇ ∇ i ZB(x,R) − ZB(x,R) Using (2.16) and the Cauchy-Schwarz and Young inequalities we have that η2 (fp/2)2 6 Cp η2fp+p fp η 2 |∇ | |∇ | (2.17) ZB(x,R) ZB(x,R) ZB(x,R) p + η2fp−2 f 2, 4 |∇ | ZB(x,R) where C depends only on A,n. The last term in (2.17) is equal to 1 η2 (fp/2)2 and so can be p B(x,R) |∇ | absorbed in the left hand side. We thus get R Cp η2 (fp/2)2 6 Cp η2fp+ fp |∇ | (R ρ)2 (2.18) ZB(x,R) ZB(x,R) − ZB(x,R) Cp 6 fp, (R ρ)2 − ZB(x,R) as long as R ρ is small. Now we use the Cauchy-Schwarz and Young − inequalities again to bound (ηfp/2)2 6 2 η2 (fp/2)2+2 fp η 2 |∇ | |∇ | |∇ | (2.19) ZB(x,R) ZB(x,R) ZB(x,R) C 6 2 η2 (fp/2)2+ fp. |∇ | (R ρ)2 ZB(x,R) − ZB(x,R) BLOWUP BEHAVIOR OF THE KA¨HLER-RICCI FLOW ON FANO MANIFOLDS 7 Combining (2.18) and (2.19) we have Cp (ηfp/2)2 6 fp. |∇ | (R ρ)2 ZB(x,R) − ZB(x,R) This together with the Sobolev inequality (2.9) gives 1/β η2βfpβ 6 C (ηfp/2)2 +C η2fp |∇ | (2.20) ZB(x,R) ! ZB(x,R) ZB(x,R) Cp 6 fp, (R ρ)2 − ZB(x,R) where we write β = n/(n 1) > 1. Raising this to the 1/p gives − 1/pβ 1/p C1/pp1/p (2.21) fpβ 6 fp . (R ρ)2/p ZB(x,ρ) ! − ZB(x,R) ! For each j > 0 we now set p = 2βj and R = ρ+ R−ρ. Setting p = p , R = j j 2j j R , ρ= R in(2.21)anditerating (noticethat(R R )= (R ρ)2−j−1 j j+1 j+1 j − − is small) we easily get 1/2 C sup f 6 f2 (R ρ)n B(x,ρ) − ZB(x,R) ! 1/2 1/2 C 6 sup f f . (R ρ)n − B(x,R) ! ZB(x,R) ! Using Young’s inequality we see that 1 C sup f 6 sup f + f. 2 (R ρ)2n B(x,ρ) B(x,R) − ZB(x,R) From here a standard iteration argument (see e.g. [11, Lemma 3.4]) implies that C sup f 6 f, (R ρ)2n B(x,ρ) − ZB(x,R) and finally setting ρ= r/2, R = r we get (2.15). (cid:3) We now apply Proposition 2.1 with λ = A+1 and get an analytic subva- riety S with the property that given any compact set K X S there exists ⊂ \ r > 0 such that for any x K we have that B (x,r ) ⋐ X S and 0 ∈ ω0 0 \ (2.22) e−(A+1)(ϕi−supXϕi)ωn 6 C 0 ZBω0(x,r0) 8 VALENTINOTOSATTI holds for all i. We now let ri = r0(C0eDsupXϕi)−1/2, so that (2.13) implies that (2.23) B (x,r ) B (x,r ), ωi i ⊂ ω0 0 soin particular r < diam(X,ω )/2. Thereforewecan apply Proposition2.2, i i and combining (2.15), (2.22) and (2.23) we obtain e−Aϕi(x) 6 sup e−Aϕi Bωi(x,ri/2) C 6 e−Aϕiωn r2n i i ZBωi(x,ri) 6 CenDsupXϕi e−(A+1)ϕiωn 0 ZBω0(x,r0) = Ce(nD−A−1)supXϕi e−(A+1)(ϕi−supXϕi)ωn 0 ZBω0(x,r0) 6 Ce(nD−A−1)supXϕi, where C depends only on given data and A. Taking log gives Aϕ (x)+(A nD+1)supϕ 6 C. i i − − X We now let A = nD and divide by A (keeping in mind that sup ϕ > 0), ε X i and obtain the desired bound ϕ (x)+(1 ε)supϕ 6 C, i i − − X whereC doesnotdependonioronx K X S, andwherethesubvariety ∈ ⊂ \ S = S now depends on ε. This, together with (2.8), immediately implies ε that the volume form ωin = ω0neh0−ϕi+ϕ˙ti goes to zero locally uniformly on X S. (cid:3) \ Wenowidentify thesubvariety S : fromits definition,thatisfromPropo- ε sition 2.1, we see that S is equal to the multiplier ideal subscheme of the ε sequence ϕ with exponent (nD/ε+1) as defined by Nadel in [13]. But the i main Theorem in [8] then shows that this is the same as the multiplier ideal subscheme defined by (nD/ε+1)ψ where ψ is a weak limit of ϕ sup ϕ . i M i − The same proof as above goes through with minimal changes in the case of Aubin’s continuity method, that is for the functions ϕ˜ and the metrics i ω˜ . We just need to justify why estimates analogous to (2.9) and (2.10) i hold. To see these, note that the metrics ω˜ satisfy Ric(ω˜ ) > C−1ω˜ > 0, i i i so the Bonnet-Myers theorem gives us the estimate diam(X,ω˜ )6 C, which i together with the fact that their volume is fixed allows us to apply a result BLOWUP BEHAVIOR OF THE KA¨HLER-RICCI FLOW ON FANO MANIFOLDS 9 of Croke [6] which gives a uniform Sobolev inequality of the form (2.9) for the metrics ω˜ . The Harnack inequality (2.10) in this case is proved in [23]. i References [1] Aubin, T. 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