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ELLER BBSTSB NAL NAT lG B JLnm MYUfEASA "Likable,readable,andfunny. .She's aformerspy . (and formerromantic) who takes the romance out ofspyingandbrings some much-neededintelligence to the Central IntelligenceAgency."—r-Pj^ O'Roi —"Fascinating." USA Today MORA LINDSAY Digitized by the Internet Archive 2012 in http://archive.org/details/blowingmycoverOOIind "Conservatives worry about government bureaucracy. Liberals worryaboutgovernmentspyagencies. Butthe redtapeandthe blackops got together and had a bastard child, the CIA. Lind- — say Moran's book will worry everyone but in the most lik- able, readable, and funnyway. . . . BlowingMy Coveris better than Top Secret, it's true." P.J. O'Rourke, authorof PeaceKillsand GiveWara Chance "We've all read ofthe follies ofwar. Now, thanks to the sharp and fun BlowingMy Cover, we're privy to the follies ofreal-life American espionage. As they shadow, buck, and fight for one another, Lindsay Moran and her fellow CIA recruits explode not only bombs and cars, but myths, for, unlikeJames Bond, thespiesherearebyturnsweepy, cool, klutzy, andnoble. Don't miss the finale, where Moran herselfacts (as shewrites) in that mostAmerican ofways: with fierce, inspiring independence." — DavidSchickler, authorof SweetandViciousand KissinginManhattan "Inthisfascinatingbook, LindsayMorandropshercloaktoof- fer a rare first-person account ofthe life ofa street-level CIA clandestine officer. From her secret training at 'The Farm' to undercover assignments overseas, she uses a great amount of wit, candor, and keen insight to show that the 'real' life ofa CIAspy is far from that portrayed by Hollywood." — James Bamford, bestsellingauthorof BodyofSecrets, ThePuzzlePalace, andA PretextforWar:9/11, Iraq, andtheAbuseofAmericasIntelligenceAgencies Blowing My Cover MY LIFE AS A CIA SPY Lindsay Mo ran i: ERKLEY BOOKS NewYork THEBERKLEYPUBLISHINGGROUP PublishedbythePenguinGroup PenguinGroup(USA)Inc. 375HudsonStreet,NewYork,NewYork10014,USA PenguinGroup (Canada), 90EglintonAvenueEast, Suite700,Toronto, Ontario M4P2Y3,Canada (adivisionofPearsonPenguinCanadaInc.) PenguinBooksLtd.,80Strand,LondonWC2R0RL,England PenguinGroupIreland,25St.Stephen'sGreen,Dublin2,Ireland(adivisionofPenguinBooksLtd.) PenguinGroup(Australia),250CamberwellRoad,Camberwell,Victoria3124,Australia (adivisionofPearsonAustraliaGroupPty.Ltd.) — PenguinBooksIndiaPvt.Ltd.,11CommunityCentre,PanchsheelPark,NewDelhi 110017,India PenguinGroup(NZ),Cnr.AirborneandRosedaleRoads,Albany,Auckland1310NewZealand (adivisionofPearsonNewZealandLtd.) PenguinBooks(SouthAfrica)(Pty.)Ltd.,24SturdeeAvenue,Rosebank,Johannesburg2196, SouthAfrica PenguinBooksLtd.,RegisteredOffices:80Strand,LondonWC2R0RL,England ThematerialinthisbookhasbeenreviewedandapprovedbytheCIA.Thatreviewneitherconstitutes CIAauthenticationofinformationnorimpliesCIAendorsementoftheauthor'sviews. Somenamesofindividualshavebeenchangedbytheauthor. Copyright©2005byLindsayMoranKegley Coverdesign©2004RaquelJaramillo Authorphoto©JamesKegley BookdesignbyAmandaDewey Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,scanned,ordistributedinanyprintedorelectronicformwithout permission.Pleasedonotparticipateinorencouragepiracyofcopyrightedmaterialsinviolationofthe author'srights.Purchaseonlyauthorizededitions. BERKLEYisaregisteredtrademarkofPenguinGroup(USA)Inc. The"B"designisatrademarkbelongingtoPenguinGroup(USA)Inc. PRINTINGHISTORY G.P.Putnam'sSonshardcoveredition/January2005 Berkleytradepaperbackedition/November2005 BerkleytradepaperbackISBN:0-425-20562-2 TheLibraryofCongresshascataloguedtheG.P.Putnam'sSonshardcovereditionasfollows: Moran,Lindsay. Blowingmycover:mylifeasaC.I.A.spy/LindsayMoran. p. cm. ISBN0-399-15239-3 — — 1.Moran,Lindsay. 2.Intelligenceagents UnitedStates Biography. 3.UnitedStates.CentralIntelligenceAgency. I.Title. UB271.U52M67 2005 2004054461 327.1273'0092—dc22 [B] PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 Forallthe men andwomen ofthe CIA, who continue tostriveforexcellenceandtoserveourcountry, despitetheobstaclesplacedin theirway ONE /am in a medicallaboratoryatthe CentralIntelligenceAgency, — waiting topee in a—cup. The sterility ofthe atmosphere here everythingis white chills me to the bone. Iam slightlyhumili- ated by the prospect ofa drug test, but I want thisjob badly enough thatI'm willingtosubmitto it. I'vejustfinishedanothertestin asoundproofchamber, raising my righthandevery timeIhearashrillhigh-pitchedsound, not unlike a dog whistle. One among the many things Imustprove overthe nextfewdays is thatIam notdeaf Thesightandhear- — ingexamsprovide measurgingsenseofpride perhaps, likeone ofthepioneer astronauts, Ipossess "The Right Stuff." The drug test, on theotherhand,justmakes mefeellikea derelict. "Whywouldyou wantto workforan organization thatdoesn't — LINDSAY MORAN trustyoufrom theget-go?"my boyfriendhadaskedmeaboutthe weekofscreeningrequiredin myquestto behiredbythe CIA. "Drugtestsare normalforany numberofjobs,"Ipointedout. "Yeah, but a lie-detector test is not,"he said, referring to the polygraph, which willfollow in thecomingdays. " "Besuretoprovideenough urineto reach thedesignatedspot. A Nurse Ratchetlook-alike with eyes the color ofa corpse hands meaplastic cup whoseside has been markedhalfway up with a thick blackslash. Itake thecup andheadinto the restroom. Myeyesdartabout the tiny chamberas Iwonder ifthe mirror is made oftwo-way glass. Ifnot, whereisthehidden camera?Isiton thetoilet,plastic cup in hand, andthinkabouthowIgotherein thefirstplace. rive years earlier, I'd given the commencement speech at — my college graduation. I had concluded my in retrospect sanctimonious talk by saying, "It is my hope that each ofus will influence a particular community, and thatwe will do so notby shouldering the expectations ofothers but by remain- ing faithful, foremost, to ourselves." The day after I made this speech, I sent my resume to the Central Intelligence Agency. At the age of twenty-one, this was mypersonal act offaithfulness. Myfather, whoworkedfortheDefenseDepartmenthisen- tire life, was certain the CIAwould nevertake me. "You're not their type," he said. "They look for people who've been the president oftheYoung Republicans Club."

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