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Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin(cid:146) Techniques Livro1.p65 1 29/07/04, 17:42 Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin´ Techniques by FESTERING PUBLICATIONS Direct inquiries and/or orders to the above address and visit my website www.unclefesterbooks.com. All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Neither the authors nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of the information contained in this book. Photos: Pedro Cavalcanti Drawings: Ricardo Nakayama Models: Ricardo Nakayama and Alexandre Cruz Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin’ Techniques©2004 By Steve Preisler, Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin’ Techniques©2004 By Festering Publications All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Published by: Festering Publications 826 S. BairdGreen Bay, WI 54301 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 89-092677 ISBN 0-9701485-5-0 Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin’ Techniques By Uncle Fester, Rick “Kamakaze” Nakayama, Pedro “Fat” Cavalcanti and Mad Abe Published by Festering Publications 826 S. Baird St.Green Bay, WI 54301 Copyright@2004 by Festering Publications Printed in the United States of America Livro1.p65 2 29/07/04, 17:42 Rick (cid:147)Kamikaze(cid:148) Nakayama Pedro (cid:147)Fat(cid:148) Cavalcanti Mad Abe (J. R. R. Abrahªo) Uncle Fester (Steve Preisler) Foreword by Jim Benson Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin(cid:146) Techniques F ESTERING Publications Livro1.p65 3 29/07/04, 17:42 Foreword Knife fighting is a subject that has been There is in-depth discussion, accompa- covered in many books, articles and videos nied by high-quality illustrations, of knife- over the years. fighting techniques, training for these, types There are many different styles of this art of knives available for combat situations, and and science developed in countries and among the mental preparations required to be able to cultures around the world. react with the speed and effectiveness to stay I am certainly no expert on this subject. alive amid the vicious actions of knife com- Indeed, I don’t consider myself an authority bat. on knife fighting in any way. But I have been The book’s authoritative content is due to the victim of an attempted armed robbery in the combined, accumulated knowledge of its which I faced three assailants armed with a four authors’ long and varied training, studi- large butcher knife. es and experience. I have also studied Karate and other mar- Knowledge is drawn from both from wi- tial arts. thin Brazil, the main area of focus, and from And in my nearly two decades as an edi- other countries where knife fighting techni- tor of survival publications, I’ve seen quite a ques have been studied. few texts from books and articles on knife fi- “““““MMMMMaaaaaddddd AAAAAbbbbbeeeee”””””,,,,, as JJJJJ.....RRRRR.....RRRRR.....AAAAAbbbbbrrrrraaaaahhhhhãããããooooo is some- ghting, along with numerous training video times called, started Judo training when he was tapes on different martial arts styles employing just 4 years old. He began Karate training at techniques to defend against knife attacks. age 7. He has trained in several other martial Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin’ Techni- arts and combat sports, including Chi Kung, ques is unique among these, due to its com- Western-style boxing and Arnis. As a former prehensive approach to the subject, and its intelligence officer for his country he has eclectic method. worked on high-risk assignments in home and It’s an interesting read and highly infor- abroad. mative educational tool for anyone interested MMMMMaaaaasssssttttteeeeerrrrr RRRRRiiiiiccccckkkkk “““““KKKKKaaaaammmmmiiiiikkkkkaaaaazzzzzeeeee””””” NNNNNaaaaakkkkkaaaaayyyyyaaaaammmmmaaaaa in defending themselves against armed or created and developed the “SOTAI System” unarmed assailants. of personal defense and knife fighting, an ad- Livro1.p65 5 29/07/04, 17:42 Brazilian Knife Fighting vanced and revolutionary method whose main As is pointed out in the book, your mind- characteristics are the efficiency and simplici- set in a knife fight is everything: ty of the techniques and its emphasis on the “Some [knife fighting] methods, undoub- safety of the practitioner. tedly, are more efficient than others but with “““““FFFFFaaaaattttt PPPPPeeeeedddddrrrrrooooo””””” CCCCCaaaaavvvvvaaaaalllllcccccaaaaannnnnttttteeeee began Judo trai- any of them the most important element is the ning when he was just 7 years old. He has also mental preparation. trained in Kendo, Occidental boxing and There must be an internal change of the “Vale-Tudo.” His interests in knife fighting combatant, the development of an unflinching began when he served in a Brazilian Army spirit when facing death, the final destiny of paratrooper brigade. He has studied under every human being…which so few of us are Master Nakayama’s direct supervision and is really prepared to meet.” today himself a qualified master instructor of Having a good quality knife you can use the SOTAI System. to defend yourself, and having the capability “““““UUUUUnnnnncccccllllleeeee FFFFFeeeeesssssttttteeeeerrrrr”””””,,,,, founder of UncleFester of reacting effectively against a knife-wielding Books.com, was the first American student of attacker provides a great deal of peace of mind, the SOTAI System and is the publisher of this and self-assurance. book. This book is a powerful resource to help This book is not for the squeamish or fa- you gain that peace of mind and self-assu- int of heart. Its subject matter is deadly serious. rance. Survival is not a sport or a game. For those of us who have faced knife-wi- elding assailants, there is a defining moment, JJJJJiiiiimmmmm BBBBBeeeeennnnnsssssooooonnnnn that split second in which you realize you are EEEEEdddddiiiiitttttooooorrrrr &&&&& PPPPPuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiissssshhhhheeeeerrrrr facing ghastly wounding or death and you MMMMMooooodddddeeeeerrrrrnnnnnSSSSSuuuuurrrrrvvvvviiiiivvvvvaaaaalllll.....nnnnneeeeettttt MUST act and act decisively. JJJJJuuuuunnnnneeeee 22222000000000044444 JJJJJiiiiimmmmm BBBBBeeeeennnnnsssssooooonnnnn is one of the foremost experts in Survival & Survivalism and surelly the most seasoned publisher on this topic. He is the former editor of the historic “AAAAASSSSSGGGGG ----- AAAAAmmmmmeeeeerrrrriiiiicccccaaaaannnnn SSSSSuuuuurrrrrvvvvviiiiivvvvvaaaaalllll GGGGGuuuuuiiiiidddddeeeee” and now, once again on the first line, he is publishing a Survival Magazine on the “last frontier”: the Internet. See his virtual magazine “MMMMMooooodddddeeeeerrrrrnnnnn SSSSSuuuuurrrrrvvvvviiiiivvvvvaaaaalllll”, a heir to his tradition, at wwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....mmmmmooooodddddeeeeerrrrrnnnnnsssssuuuuurrrrrvvvvviiiiivvvvvaaaaalllll.....nnnnneeeeettttt 66 Livro1.p65 6 29/07/04, 17:42 Brazilian Knife Fighting Why is it any different from the dozens of the tough Gun Laws became even tougher. Knife Fighting methods out there? It seems that Brazilian rulers fear armed ci- Ah... if you asked this question, you don’t tizens... know anything about the Brazilian way of life After just a few years, there was a brutal and the brutal reality of the streets there! Military Coup D’Etat. The Military ditactorship A former Portuguese colony, Brazil was lasted from 1964 through 1984, when a transi- run by a political élite since it was discovered tion Government was placed in power pen- in the 1500’s. Although Brazilians have a love ding the election of a President by the people affair with firearms, they were always much - the first time in 40 years. too expensive for the common citizens. All during those Military dictatorship ye- Hence, Blades become the survival tools ars, the Gun Laws became even tougher. The of choice. dirty-war against the communist guerrillas in Ruled by tyrants most the time, one of the the ‘70’s provided the pretext needed to beat most brutal rulers was Getulio Vargas, who cre- up on the common people still more. This gun ated some of the most draconian Gun Laws in control was ineffective in its stated aim of the World. Left with little else, Brazilian citizens denying weaponry to the rebels, but it did resorted to Blades to defend themselves. make the already beleaguered law abiding It was during the Vargas ditactorship that populace even more defenseless. Brazil was involved in WW II, joining the Allies. When democracy became the ruling sys- Fighting in the European war theater, they beco- tem again, things became even worse for the me more feared for their Knife and Razor Blade firearms-loving citizen. Much of the populati- skills than for any other fighting instrument at on is made up of people who Mohatma Gandi their disposal. When the German and Italian sol- described as “savages, hardly one step remo- diers heard the screams of their unfortunate ved from the animal”. With the chrushing heel comrades who got caught by Brazilian Comman- of the military removed, common and organi- dos, they surrendered - but demanded that the zed crime rose to unseen levels, and new laws Knife-toothing soldiers be kept at bay! against civilian ownership of firearms became With Vargas’ death in the middle-50’s, Bra- the reality. With 170 million inhabitants, Bra- zil experienced a few years of democracy - but, zil has less than 5 million firearms on the han- Livro1.p65 7 29/07/04, 17:42 Brazilian Knife Fighting ds of common citizens. Most of these guns are Now some of Brazil’s top experts on this old rusty revolvers or derringers and nearly lethal art have decided to bring to the USA their useless. failsafe, foolproof Fighting and Killing System So how can Brazilian citizens survive in a and share their secrets with us. I have no dou- Nation with the highest violent crime rate in bt it will prove very useful in these violent, the world, with more killings and kidnappin- terrorist plagued times, where Big Brother’s gs than in Colombia, Iraq, Afganistan, Israel, knee jerk response is to disarm the common and Palestine combined? folks as they have in Brazil. The Brazilians become masters in the fine No matter if you carry a big Bowie, a thi- art of Steet Fighting, especially the Brutal Art ck Tanto, a thin Military Dagger, or a small of Knife Fighting. Tactical Folder, you’ll become a dangerous fi- Although Brazilians have no access to fine ghter in a weekend if you follow the simple, cutlery (the common Knife Fighter uses US$ clear, illustrated instructions in this book - the 10 knives as weapons), they are second to none same instructions that keep millions of Brazi- on the Brutal Arts of Fighting - and Killing - lians alive in one of the World’s most dange- with Knives. rous places! Figure 1 99 Livro1.p65 8 29/07/04, 17:42 Introduction In a real life or death battle, your oppo- ves are very popular with criminals, psycho- nent is unpredictable and violent. His only paths and even terrorists because they are ea- purpose is, in the best case, to hurt you badly, sily concealable, its use is quiet other than scre- although you must always assume he wants ams or howls or other commotion from the to kill you. He will never make it easy for you, object of attack, and they do not present me- and only then do you realize that all those chanical problems as guns do. Furthermore, defensive movements you trained at the dojo knives are easy to use, easy to find and carry, are extremely difficult to perform with any and they’re cheap and easily built. Be mindful degree of success. that they are found in nearly every search po- We must consider training a technique lice do in the jails. that can be used by most people, independen- If the criminals (and their friends) have tly of physical limitations, preparing us to this advantage, the common citizen should at adapt our reactions to any particular method least balance the situation. Knives should lose our opponent uses, employing only the cor- their image of being a “criminals-only” wea- rect moves and tactics in the confrontation. pon and start being seen and understood as a Therefore any efficient method must be cons- legitimate self defense tool. Besides, in con- tantly put in practice in order to find soluti- trast to a gun, they are very useful for every- ons to the new violent situations and threats day tasks such as opening letters, boxes, shar- present to our everyday life. pening pencils, etc. Changing this perception Many martial arts are attached to their tra- is especially important these days, as gun ditions too strongly, and thereby stop the de- buyers and owners are suffering pressure by velopment of their methods. When performing all sides to disarm themselves, being “politi- formal exercises and moves, they attend their cally correct” and respecting the human rights goal of preserving the essence of their style but of the criminals. The knife has become an ex- that does not mean they are enabling their stu- cellent option. dents to best defend themselves from a crimi- It is certainly your best CQC (close quar- nal on the streets. The dynamism and versati- ters combat) self-defense tool. The use of kni- lity of the chosen method can be the differen- ves for self-defense, the main focus of this ce between life and death! book, should be studied for two main reasons: The DE-SU (Defense and Survival) method Knowing the risks the weapon presents allo- analyzes situations and offers answers. Kni- ws you to better defend yourself against a kni- Livro1.p65 9 29/07/04, 17:42 Bloody Brazilian Knife Fighting(cid:146) Techniques fe attack, and to balance forces . With a knife as easy Photokings. In the US, 50% of black one can confront a stronger opponent or many males end up doing time in their lives. From opponents simultaneously - either against this number comes the discrepancy in inter- unarmed or armed attacks. racial attacks. Let’s now suppose that when attacked, a woman manages to draw a knife, either to thre- aten him or to immediately cut his flesh. He Knives uses will then realize that he might have chosen a not so defenseless victim. The look in her eyes A knife is a tool used by man since the changed from fear to anger, her survival ins- very beginning of humanity and civilization. tinct takes charge and there is no option. Ei- It’s been found among cutting and perforating ther she will do whatever is necessary to sur- tools constructed of bones, stones and wood vive the attack or she will succumb. He then thousands of years old. Its usefulness in a sur- recovers from the initial surprise and decides vival situation cannot be overstated. After a to go on with his attack, but she is faster and plane crash or a ship sinking, a person might slashes his throat and punctures his eyes. The take a long time to be rescued, if ever. A knife battle is over. The intended victim is alive and is the most useful tool to have around making has preserved her moral and physical integri- tasks such as shelter building, for instance, a ty. Violence exists, it’s a fact!! In real situati- lot easier. ons, most women give up fighting and sub- When we compare the biotype in betwe- mit to the attackers for fear of getting killed, en sexes, it’s easy to see that men, in general, but that alone cannot guarantee anything. Af- have more muscle mass than women, therefo- ter raping them the Park Maniac strangled all re men are physically stronger than women. his victims to death! At the fictitious encoun- Superior strength along with surprise and in- ter described above, the most important ele- timidation of the victim is what most sex atta- ment is not the knife, but the training, which ckers rely on. To illustrate we can mention that prepared her to use the knife (or any improvi- the Park Maniac never used any kind of wea- sed weapon for that matter) correctly as well pon to dominate, rape and kill his victims. as her mental attitude. A basic rule followed by most criminals The mental aspects of preparation for knife is to choose those they think will be easy prey, fighting can’t be stressed enough. Most peo- normally being represented by the frail and ple growing up in a civilized society have distracted. Women are seen as an easier tar- been trained from birth not to slash and disen- get due to their relative frailty. Even if they bowel their playmates. The very thought of react with punches and kicks their chances of using a blade in self defense, therefore, is fighting an attacker off are quite reduced. The odious to the common person. It should not racial component of criminal attack should be! The situations described and taught in this not be ignored either, even if media brainwa- book are for situations in which the use of a shing has made white people uncomfortable gun would be equally justified. Training with with confronting the facts of life. Black upon rubber or hard foam replicas of knives in com- white crime is many times more common bat situations is the first step to removing the than white upon black crime. The reason for mental block or stigma which would prevent that is exactly the same. A criminal will view you from defending yourself justifiably in a a white victim, especially a white woman, as life or death situation. While we train, we re- being less likely to respond with a threate- tain our values. We just expand the list of we- ning level of force. That is, they are viewed apons which we can use. 1100 Livro1.p65 10 29/07/04, 17:42

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