Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge The Movie-Based Interactive Adventure "Bolted doors and vvindovvs barred Guard dogs provvling in the yard VVon't protect you in your bed Nothing vvilL..f"roITlPUITlpkinhead." - Fable of"Ferren VVoods 1 Thetormented spirit of Pumpkinhead hasbeenlet looseto seekvengeance horrified. Butdon't freezeup. Pickthings up,andcheckout thecharacters amongthe living. Unfortunately, for the poor soulsof FerrenWoods,they you'll see.Manyobjectsfrom the World of the Livingcanbebrought back havenothing better than you to stophim. through the Portalsto beusedin theNetherworld. Butbeware,someof those objectswould bebetter left alone.Theycould getyou in trouble. Bigtrouble. Congratulations! You'vejust beenmadeKeeperofthe Spirits.Yourjob: save (Didwemention thevery unfriendly Pumpkinhead fellow?) soulsandprotect the innocent. Alongtheway,you will haveto contend with currents ofenergy,seasof lava,andanendlessstreamofevil adversaries, Youwill beconstantly under attack,which makesIifeforceandfirepower drain aswell asthrobbing background musicthat mayremind you of your rapidly through you likeasieve.You hadbetter find thesecretsourcesfor recharging beatingheart. Buttheworst thing you'll haveto dealwith (orthe best, them. Fast.Also,your quest doesn'tjust involve oneworld of trouble. There depending on your stateof dementia) isthetormented spirit of Pumpkinhead. areTHREEworlds of trouble: ThePeriphery, Purgatory, and Purnpkinhead's He'svery, VERYugly,terrible, nasty- anddid wemention ugly.And heis Lair.Allvery different, all full of very badthings.Youhaveto getthrough the verywilling to sharehistorment with you.Tosavetheinnocent peopleof first two beforeyou meet Pumpkinhead. Atwhich time youwill probably die FerrenWoods,you've gotto dealwith him. in secondsanyway. But maybeyou're upto thechallenge.Maybe. So,divein, grabyour controls andsink into theNetherworld, ademon land Don't forget,you aretheone bright spotofhopefor thisdecrepit place,you're filled with - SURPRISE- demons.Everyoneandeverything hereisout to theone defender ofgoodin theNetherworld. Manyinnocent soulswill belost getyou. Here,the true sourceof power residesin thebeautiful blueTantanik anddoomed unlessyou rescueandprotect them. You mightevendiscover Crystals.Youcanharnesstheir power with theproper tools, but theycan that nastyMr.Pumpkinhead isn't totally nasty.Tosucceed,you'll needto alsodestroy you. understand thereasonsfor hisrage,aswell asfiguring out what's wrong with everybody else.Inshort, figure out everything, saveeveryone andtry NOWLISTENUP.Thesenext fewcluescould saveyour wretched life. First, know that there arePortalsthroughout theNetherworld. ThesePortalsallow to not getkilled too quickly. you to stepmomentarily into theWorld of theLiving.Actually, you're stepping into the movie that thisgameisbasedon. It'sahorror flick, soexpecttobe 3 Contents Installation Instructions Installation Instructl ns . ...3 Before installing BLOODWINGS, make sure that your mouse and/or joystick are working properly (even if the mouse works in Microsoft Windows'?' the Controls ... 5 driver may not be installed in DOS;make sure it is).The following memory HowtoSaveandLoadaGame. .8 requirements must be met before BLOODWINGS will run: GronlxStone(Interface) . ~ Conventional memory: 400K. Netherworld. ~ Extended memory: 6.3 MB. Periphery. .12 Purgatory. ~ Hard drive minimum: 2 MB. ...14 Lair .......................................... .17 ~ Hard drive recommended: 10MB. MinimumSystem Requirements ......... . 19 486/33 MHz machines have two graphic control options that will speed up the Problems with YourSoftware? ......... . 20 game. During game play, you can adjust the graphic detail of the floors and Creating aBoot Disk 21 ceilings on these machines by pressing the letter F, and adjust the depth TechnicalSupport . ... .. 25 cueing by pressing the letter D. Credits. . .28 I. Insert the BLOODWINGS CD-ROM (label facing up) into your CD-ROM drive . 2. If you are in Windows, exit out of it completely. At the DOSprompt, type the letter of your CD-ROM drive. For example, if your CD-ROM drive letter is D then you would type: D: and press ENTER.Your prompt should now display the drive letter you entered: (e.g.D:\» 3- Now type: Install and press ENTER.To abort installation, you may press ESe at any time. 4. The installation program will begin. Note: Follow the on-screen directions carefully. 5. The installation program will list available hard drives. Select the drive to which you want BLOODWINGS installed (you must have at least 2 MB available on that drive). Then select the directory to install BLOODWINGS and press ENTER. 5 Controls 6. Select Machine Speed. Ifyou havea486/50 MHzor fastercomputer. you will want toselectthe fastersetting. Forslower computers, such Movement as486/33MHz,selecttheslower setting. Usethearrow keysto moveforward, left, right andbackwards.Holddown 7- Ifyou don't know what sound cardyou havein your computer, you can theALT keyandyou canslidesidewayswhile using theleft andright arrows. chooseAUTO-DETECT.Your computer maylockup atthis point. Ifso, ENTER turns you 180 degreesinstantly. Youcanalsouseajoystick or mouse you will simply havetoreboot and reinstall BLOODWINGSafter you have to movebychoosingtheseoptions during setupor from theOptions screen learned what typeof sound cardisinstalled in your computer. Atthis ofyour Main Menu. point, thecomputer will display thesound cardalong with the Port, IRO,and DMAsettingsit hasdetected.Thesesettingsshould match Firing thesettings in your AUTOEXEC.BATfile.(TypeSETat the DOSprompt HittheSPACEBAR key,CONTROL kev.Iefr mouse button or the to seewhat thesettingsare.) joystick trigger to fire your weapon. NOTE: You may choose AUTO-DETECT several times if necessary to detect all sound devices in your computer. Hand TheHandhasmany functions, mostofwhich arerelated to picking things up 8. Onceyou haveselectedasound card,besureto chooseTESTSOUND. and putting themsomewhere;you will learn about all thesefunctions later. Youmayexperience a5to 10seconddelaybefore hearing thetestsound. Clickthe right mousebutton tocallforth theHand.Clicktheleft mousebutton Ifyou don't hearsound,checkto makesureyour sound cardisinstalled to grabor releaseanyobject. Clicktheright mousebutton againto dismissthe properly, speakersareon,and thecorrect Port, IRO,and DMAsettingsare Hand,although you canleavetheHandup for theentire gameif you want. specified.Ifsound isheard,then selectACCEPTSETIINGS. 9. Fromthe list,choosethedrive letter ofyour CD-ROM.During gameplay, Keyboard Controls BLOODWINGSneedsto accesstheaudio andvideo filesstored on your I orTAB callupthe inventory CD-ROM. Hcallsup thehand 10.Selectwhat combination ofprogram andresource filesyou want tocopyto your harddrive. Thegamewill run muchfaster if you choosetocopyboth M callsup themap program and resourcefiles(FULLINSTALLATION). SPACEBAR or CTRL firesyour weapon II. When installation iscomplete, thedirectory towhich you installed ENTER orW rotates theplayer 180 degrees BLOODWINGSwill appear(Default isC:\PUMPKIN)TheBLOODWINGS ,(comma)orq rotates theplayer 90degreesto the left diskmust bein theCD-ROMdrive in order toplay thegame.Tostart the game,type:PUMPKIN at thec:\pumpkin > prompt. •(period) ore rotates theplayer 90degreesto theright r togglesbetween rotational controls beingsetto float or not float f togglesfloors andceilingson oroff (33MHzmachinesonly) 7 d toggles depth cueing on or off (33MHz machines only) Gronix Stone (Interlace) ESC brings you back to the main menu and pauses the game, pressing ESCagain takes you back into the game. flame ofTruth How to Save and Load a Game Inventory scroll I. To save agame, press ESC during game play at the point you want to save; this will take you to the Main Menu. Al1ivallon 2. From the Main Menu, select SAVEGAME. The save game screen will squares appear with five slots for saved games. 3. Using the cursor keys, mouse or Joystick, select the slot you wish to save in and press ENTER. 4. Next, enter the name you want to give to the saved game and press Look! Astone tablet. Actually, it's the game interface. It stores all the ENTER. (The saved game name must be eight characters or less.) information and all the tools your need to succeed on your quest. 5. If you have already saved agame in the slot you selected, the program Lilelorce will ask you if you want to replace it. If you are sure, press Y. This pulsing red vial indicates your remaining lifeforce. Seehow fast it drains? 6. Press any key to return to the Main Menu. Look for aspecial area that may help you replenish it. 7. To return to the game from the Main Menu, press ESC. Psychic Force How to Loada Previously Saved Game This green bubbling vial shows how much power you have to shoot Plasma I. From the Main Menu, select LOAD GAME. Bolts. To shoot, press your CONTROL (CTRL) key or SPACEBAR. or click your left mouse or joystick button. Just do it quick! 2. When the Load Game menu appears, use the cursor keys, mouse or joystick to select the saved game you wish to restore and press ENTER. Tantanik Crystals 3- Now the game will load; just wait for the fun to begin! Carved across the top of your Gronix Stone are ten empty settings which await Tantanik Crystal chips. These chips hold the true power of the Netherworld. You will have all sorts of chances to collect chips. And eventually, all sorts of demons to use them against. Dig up awhole crystal and you will be able to carry a limitless supply of chips. You can never have enough crystal chips. Never. Ever. 8 Netherworld Compass Lost?Gotdemons breathing down your neck?Tohelpyou navigatethe Containing three worlds of trouble. Netherworld, your Gronix Stonehasacompasswith analert signal.The Whirlwinds outer ring showsyou theproximity of thedemons.Asthedemonsget closer,theblipsgetbigger. Periodically, forcescollide in the Netherworld to createaswirling vortex of powerful energy.Thereare manywaysandplacesto find Whirlwinds, Map but theyappearconsistently in the Peripheryevery time you blow away Clickon thecompassor typeM for amapof theareasyou havealready aXenotrope. Jumpin andseewhere they takeyou. visited.You mayfind something in theWorld of the Livingthat helpsyou Derm Tunnels seeyour enemieson theMap.Beware,thecreatures don't stop hunting while you stop toseewhereyou are.So,seewhereyou are,thengo somewhereelse. Flame ofTruth Usetheflameof truth toanswer questions when theGatekeeperasksthem. TheVoicesof theWind will explain it to you, ifyou makeit that far. Inventory Scroll Everyobject you bring backfrom the World of the Livingwill beplacedinto your inventory. Viewthem bytouching the Inventory Scrollor bytyping I. Useyour hand tograbany item you wish to hold or move. Activation Squares Thesetunnels areascloseasyou everwant togetto theheart of the Placinganobject from your inventory into anActivation Squareactivatesthat Netherworld. You'll seeTantanik Crystalsbursting through theground object.Someobjects must beplaceddirectly into theNetherworld (themain atvarious points. Ifyou arequick, you maygrabachipoff thepassing screenarea)in theplaceyou want them to function. Ifyou placeanobject Crystals.ToleaveaDermTunnel early,hit theEse key. into anActivation Squarewhich already hassomething in it, theobject you replacewill automatically gobackinto your inventory. d' Interactive Movie Portals Zone Nothingness Ableakplacesurrounding theNetherworld, but it mightbeworth your while tocheckit out. Stepcarefully and fire ateverything. Recharge Zone Theseflashingtunnels hidden carefully throughout theNetherworld will replenish your PsychicForce.Butthere will alsobebeastsnearby todrain you ofyour newfound power. Gatekeeper Theseare thepassagesfrom the Netherworld into theWorld of the Living. SeePortal. SeeTantanik Crystalchip. PutTantanik Crystalchip into Portal. SeeWorld of the Living.Bescared. d' World the Living Hereyou will seethepeopleof Ferren Woodsand haveachanceto interact with them andtheir surroundings. Dependingon what World you arein, you maybeableto:pick upitemswhich will helpyou in theNetherworld, figure out which charactersareinnocent, or intervene and try tosavethem from Pumpkinhead's murderous rampage.Manycharactersarealreadydamned. If,after muchmayhemandwoe,you arestill alive,you will eventually find the Forthem, you canonly redeemtheir spirits, Prayyou will succeed. Gatekeeper.Thisguardian of the Netherworld keepsyou from moving from oneworld to another until you areprepared. Followhisinstructions carefully. Passthroughs Onceyou havepassed,you will not beallowed to return to theprevious Becauseyou areaspirit, you canpassthrough somewalls that appearquite world. Youcannevergohomeagain,theysay. solid. Butbeware,manyof the Passthroughswill takeyou placesyou really don't want to be.Ifyou spendtoo muchtime huggingthewalls,you'll learn this for yourself. Lookfor anobject thatwill helpyou keeptrack of Passthroughs. Periphery Tantanik Crystals Sonamed because it rests on the border between the living and the dead. >- Learnto negotiate thehallsof theNetherworld. >- Battlethecreaturesand forceswhich inhabit the Periphery. >- Travelto theWorld ofthe Livingto learn who among theresidents Becareful ofthecrystal forcesemitted bythesestrangeobjects,and learn of FerrenWoodsisgoodandwho isdamned. how to harnesstheir power. See"Tantanik Crystals,"on page7· >- Collecteverything useful within theportals.ThePeriphery istheonly world closeenough to theWorld of the Livingto allow items tobebrought back. World 01the Uving In the Periphery,you canpick upcertain objectsin theWorld of the Living >- Collecteverything useful within theNetherworld (thiscanbetricky). and bring thembackto the Netherworld. You must useyour Handto figure Xenotropes out what you canbring backby trying tograbtheobjectsyou want. Ifyou pick upanobject successfully,theHandwill bereplacedbytheobject until you clickthe mouseagain.TheHandwill then reappear for further captures and theobject will automatically gointo in your Inventory. Eachportal has atleastoneimportant item you should bring back.Clickfast,but beware, somethingsyou bring backcanreally messyou up. Chests Findthekeywhich open thechestsof the Periphery.Theyarefull of giftsyou needvery badly. TheXenotropes rushthrough theNetherworld firing and slashingatyou. You'll think theyaretheworst enemiesyoucould possibly face.Youare Glyphs wrong. Ifyou kill one,it createsaWhirlwind. Glyphsaresymbolsfrom along forgotten age.Manyof thechestshold glyphs. Soshould you. Crystal Gun Ifyou figure out how to capture awhole Tantanik Crystalit will appearon top of theGronix Stone.Touch it toactivate your CrystalGun.Thisisyour besthopeagainstother creatures in theNetherworld. ~Uf~~..t--- 14 )It6'!~~ Purgatory Pilliopods Refuge of souls who may still be saved. ~ Battlenewcreatures and lifeforms in theNetherworld. ~ Intervene in theaffairs of the Livingtoprotect the Innocent from Pumpkinhead, or you'll getwhat's coming to them.Youwill haveto fight Pumpkinhead off in theWorld ofthe Livingto protect the Innocents. Smallliving plants which seekto drain your lifeforce. Avoid them. ~ Allow the Damnedof FerrenWoodsto facetheir bloody fatesothat their soulsmayrestin peace. World 01the Living ~ Savethe lostsoulsof Pumpkinhead's previous victims who havebeen In Purgatory, you maychooseto Intervene and fight Pumpkinhead while damned to Purgatory. you're in theWorld ofthe Living.Nowwould beagoodtime toscream. When Pumpkinhead menacesahuman, touch that person andyou will ~ Prepareto facePumpkinhead in hisLair. faceoff againstPumpkinhead himself.Shoothim in theheadwhen hiseyes glow totemporarily stun him andallow the mortal to escape,or shoot his Mendregs clawstoavoidbeingslashedtobits. Remember,your duty isonly to protect the Innocent. Hell Room Reincarnatedmonsters of Purgatory aresentto theHellRoom.Thiswould beacademicexceptthat you will alsoend up in theHellRoombefore your time isthrough in Purgatory. Powerful, venomous creatures who will bashyou mightily backwards. Maybeinto another Mendreg. Lair Lost Souls Pumpkinhead hasbeenkilling longbeforeyou entered the fray.Manypeople Pumpkinhead's haven. Thedanger center of the Netherworld. havealready methim,and thus mettheir demise.Afew LostSoulsstill >- LearnthesecretofappeasingPumpkinhead's tortured soul. remain in Purgatory and must besavedfrom eternal suffering byyou. Thatis,ifyou don't end upjoining them. >- Avoid thelife-sucking SkullBats. >- Carefully movetowards Pumpkinhead's Lair. Hand 01Destiny >- Bewarethat Pumpkinhead movesthroughout theloopsin searchofyou. Pumpkinhead EachLostSoulresidesinoneof thesestonemonoliths. Freethem,then travel totheelectrified Hallof Purgatory and collect their spirits. Hall 01Purgatory Oncereleased,the LostSoulszipallaround this room, hoping desperately that you'll beableto catchandsavethem. Butdon't touch theelectrified borders running throughout. Collectall of the LostSoulsor you will not beableto proceed. Hereyou will finally meet Pumpkinhead in the Netherworld. Noticethe long teeth andclawsasyou rapidly die.Thiswill truly makeyou longfor acouple of Xenotropes. Skull.Bats Theseevil flying creatures will swarmyou ifgiven thechanceandquickly drain any remaining Iifeforce you mayhave.Whenyou lookatyour Compass,you'll probably feelalittle overwhelmed.