DS Hutton is back, and there's blood flowing. Faces bitten off, slashed throats, frenzied stabbing and severed heads. There's a killer abroad in Glasgow, and all Hell is let loose.
A low-level gangland villain gets out of prison, and goes seeking revenge on the man whose testimony put him away. The villain's body is found two days later; the intended victim, turned aggressor, goes missing, then embarks on an insane killing spree. One victim a night, a reign of terror, the police helpless in the face of uncommon brutality.
In the midst of it all, Hutton cannot help but be himself. Drinking too much, sleeping with the wrong women, interviewing the wrong people at the wrong time. And as the killer closes in on the police, the wasted, side-lined Hutton is all that stands between them and the harsh, vengeful carnage of madness.