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SIAMJ.SCI.COMPUT. (cid:2)c 2012SocietyforIndustrialandAppliedMathematics Vol.34,No.3,pp.C102–C121 BLOCK-STRUCTURED ADAPTIVE MESH REFINEMENT ON CURVILINEAR-ORTHOGONAL GRIDS∗ UDO ZIEGLER† Abstract. An adaptive mesh refinement scheme for the equations of magnetohydrodynamics oncurvilinear-orthogonalgridsispresented. Ablock-structuredrefinementapproachisusedsharing important properties with the hybrid central-upwind/constrained-transport single grid solver like angularmomentumconservationoncylindricalandsphericalgridsandthepreservationofmagnetic field solenoidality. The adaptive mesh framework is part of the astrophysical fluid dynamics code NIRVANAwhichiscontinuouslydevelopedandmaintainedbytheauthor. Thecodeisparallelizedon the basis of the MPI library, and dynamic load balancing inadaptive meshsimulations is achieved by space-filling curve domain decomposition techniques. For various two- and three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic problemsadaptivemeshfunctionalityandefficiencyaredemonstrated. Key words. adaptivemeshrefinement,magnetohydrodynamics, numerics: centralschemes AMS subject classifications. 65M08,65M50 DOI. 10.1137/110843940 1. Introduction. Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is a choice method for an efficient spatial discretization of multiscale computational problems. Among the va- rieties of existing refinement strategies a block-structured (or patch-structured) ap- proachhasshowntobeparticularlypopularforthenumericalsolutionoftheequations ofhydrodynamicsandmagnetohydrodynamics(MHD). Inblock-structuredAMRnu- merical cells are not individually divided into finer cells, but finer cells are created in terms of logically rectangular patches which are overlaid the coarser cells. This way a hierarchy of refinement levels made up of patches can be established in order to meetresolutionrequirements[3], [5], [4]. Inrecentyearsa couple ofMHD codeshave been released which follow the block-structured refinement methodology. To name a few, these arethe FLASH code [10], the SFUMATO code[22], the PLUTOcode [23], the ENZO code [25], and the AMRVAC code [15], [13]. Some codes like ENZO and AMRVAC have their own AMR implementation. Others are built on external AMR packages. For instance, the FLASH code uses the PARAMESH tool [21], whereas AMR in PLUTO relies on the Chombo library [8]. The use of self-similar blocks having a fixed number of grid points and a fixed refinement ratio of 2 is a famous realization of block-structured AMR resulting in a block-tree data structure. Such a strategyis exploitedby AMRVAC as well as in the astrophysicalfluid dynamics code NIRVANA presented in this work. Mostblock-structuredAMRapplicationspublishedintheliteratureareinCarte- siangeometryusingCartesiangrids. Applicationsbasedontheuseofcylindricalgrids or spherical grids are, by far, less frequently found especially for three-dimensional (3D) nonaxisymmetric problems. One reason might be because coding of algorithms suffersfromanincreasedcomplexityassociatedwiththosegeometries. Afurthercom- plication represents the intrinsic grid anisotropy caused by the converging grid lines ∗Submitted to thejournal’sSoftware andHigh-PerformanceComputing section August9, 2011; acceptedforpublication(inrevisedform)February23,2012;publishedelectronicallyJune12,2012. http://www.siam.org/journals/sisc/34-3/84394.html †Leibniz-Institutfu¨rAstrophysikPotsdam,D-14482Potsdam,Germany([email protected]). C102 ADAPTIVEMESHREFINEMENTONCURVILINEARGRIDS C103 at the coordinate singularities degrading solution efficiency and accuracy already on an uniform grid. Important properties of the MHD equations which are fulfilled in discrete form by the numerical scheme on a single grid must be guaranteed on an adaptive grid as well. Critical issues in this respect requiring extra care are the prolongation and restrictiontechniquesforsolutiontransferfromcoarse-to-finegridsandfine-to-coarse grids, and concern mesh synchronization tasks at coarse-fine grid interfaces. In the numerics of MHD equations the solenoidality constraint for the magnetic field, in addition, needs special attention. Parallelism of the AMR scheme is a further issue involving enhanced algorithmic complexity. Inthispaperablock-structuredmeshrefinementstrategyforcurvilinear-orthogo- nalgridsisdiscussedasithasbeenrecentlyrealizedintheNIRVANAcode[24]. NIR- VANA is a numerical code for the approximate solution of the time-dependent, com- pressible MHD equations. In orthogonal-curvilinear coordinates (x,y,z) the metric tensor has diagonal form, H = diag(h2,h2,h2). For cylindrical coordinates (z,R,φ) x y z and spherical coordinates (r,θ,φ) the metric scale factors are given by (hx,hy,hz)= (1,1,R) and by (hx,hy,hz)= (1,r,rsinθ), respectively. In the trivial case of Carte- siancoordinates the scale factors are (hx,hy,hz)=(1,1,1). The governingequations are 1 ∂tu=− [∂x(hyhzfx)+∂y(hzfy)+∂z(hyfz)]+S, hyhz 1 ∂tBx =− [∂y(hzEz)−∂z(hyEy)] , hyhz 1 ∂tBy =− [∂zEx−∂x(hzEz)] , hz 1 (1.1) ∂tBz =− [∂x(hyEy)−∂yEx] hy with flux functions fx,fy,fz, ⎛ ⎞ (cid:5)vx ⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ (cid:5)vx2+pt−Bx2/μ ⎟⎟ fx(u,B)=⎜⎜ (cid:5)vxvy −BxBy/μ ⎟⎟ , ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ hz((cid:5)vxvz −BxBz/μ) ⎠ (e+pt)vx−Bx(v·B)/μ ⎛ ⎞ (cid:5)vy ⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ (cid:5)vxvy −BxBy/μ ⎟⎟ fy(u,B)=⎜⎜ (cid:5)vy2+pt−By2/μ ⎟⎟ , ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ hz((cid:5)vyvz −ByBz/μ) ⎠ (e+pt)vy −By(v·B)/μ ⎛ ⎞ (cid:5)vz ⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ (cid:5)vxvz −BxBz/μ ⎟⎟ fz(u,B)=⎜⎜ (cid:5)vyvz −ByBz/μ ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ hz((cid:5)vz2+pt−Bz2/μ) ⎠ (e+pt)vz −Bz(v·B)/μ C104 UDOZIEGLER and geometric source term S: ⎛ ⎞ 0 ⎜ (cid:8) (cid:9) ⎟ ⎜ 1 ∂hy (cid:5)(v2+v2)+2p+B2/μ ⎟ ⎜⎜ hy (cid:10)∂x y z x (cid:11) ⎟⎟ S(u,B)=⎜⎜⎜ h1y h1z ∂∂hyz((cid:5)vz2+pt−Bz2/μ)− ∂∂hxy((cid:5)vxvy−BxBy/μ) ⎟⎟⎟ . ⎝ 0 ⎠ 0 Here, u = ((cid:5),(cid:5)vx,(cid:5)vy,hz(cid:5)vz,e) is the vector of primary hydrodynamical variables with (cid:5) the mass density, v = (vx,vy,vz) the fluid velocity, and e the total energy density. The magnetic field is denoted by B = (Bx,By,Bz), and the electric field E is defined by E = −v×B. The total pressure pt = p+B2/2μ is the sum of gas pressure p and magnetic pressure with μ the mag(cid:12)netic permeability. Th(cid:13)e equations are complemented by an ideal gas law p=(γ−1) e−(cid:5)|v|2/2−|B|2/2μ with adia- batic coefficient γ and by the solenoidality property of the magnetic field, ∇·B = 0. Note that the fourth component of the u-equation (for u = hz(cid:5)vz) has no source term expressing the conservation of angular momentum in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. The organization of the paper is as follows. First, in section 2 NIRVANA’s MHD solver is summed up. This is followed by the description of NIRVANA’s AMR paradigm in section 3. A verification of the AMR scheme is then given in section 4. Severalnumericalexamplesintwo-dimensional(2D)and3Dcylindricalandspherical geometry are presented. Finally, conclusions are drawn in section 5. 2. Single grid solver: Summary. In block-structuredAMR updating the nu- merical solution from a time level tn to a next time level tn+1 =tn+δt (where δt is the discrete time-step) consists of applying a single grid solver to each grid patch in the mesh hierarchy separately and then matching those individual solutions in space and, eventually, in time in case different time-steps are used for patch updates. In the following NIRVANA’s single grid MHD solver is reviewed insofar as nec- essary for an understanding of the applied AMR philosophy. The very details of the solverarenotrepeatedhere, andthe readerisreferredtoZiegler[33] foramorecom- prehensive discussion. In NIRVANA the set of equations (1.1) is solved by a hybrid method consisting of a finite-volume (FV) approximation of Godunov type for the u-update (Euler subsystem including the Lorentz force) and a constrained-transport (CT)schemefortheB-update(inductionequation). Byconstruction,theCTscheme guaranteesthatthe time derivativeofmagneticdivergencevanishes preciselyina FV sense [30], [20], [2], i.e., d∇·B/dt = 0, where the overbar denotes volume averaging overagridcell. TheintegralformofMaxwell’ssolenoidalityconditionisthereforeau- tomaticallyfulfilledcellwiseifsocellwiseinitially. Additionalgriddivergencecleaning procedures (see, e.g., [9], [6]) are redundant in CT schemes. The FV form of (1.1) reads componentwise as u˙i,j,k(t)=−[δAx.,j,kFx.,j,k]iipm +[δAyi,.,kFyi,.,k]jjpm +[δAzi,j,.Fzi,j,.]kkpm +Si,j,k δVi,j,k (2.1) and describes the time rate of change of volume-averages (cid:14) 1 ui,j,k = u(x,t)dV δVi,j,k C i,j,k ADAPTIVEMESHREFINEMENTONCURVILINEARGRIDS C105 in cells Ci,j,k = [xim,xip] × [yjm,yjp] × [zkm,zkp] of a uniform grid represented by running indices i,j, and k and grid spacings δx = xip −xim, δy = yjp −yjm, and δz =zkp−zkm. Halfindicesim =i−1/2,ip =i+1/2andanalogindicesfortheother directions mark cell nodes with coordinates(xim,yjm,zkm). The geometriccell center has coordinates (xi,yj,zk). The cell volume is denoted by δVi,j,k. The areas of the cell bounding x-faces aredenotedby δAxim,j,k forthe cell faceatxim andδAxip,j,k for the cellface atxip, respectively. Analogdefinitions applyforothercellfaces. Fx, Fy, andFz arethe face-averagedflux functions. Asubscriptedsquarebracketdenotesan index difference; e.g., [δAx.,j,kFx.,j,k]iipm = δAxip,j,kFxip,j,k −δAxim,j,kFxim,j,k means the flux difference betweenthe upper andlowerx-faces. The numerical fluxes areap- proximatedfromtheface-averagedfluxfunctionsby(i)computingthefacialintegrals with the help of a cubature formula of degree 2 and by (ii) utilizing central-upwind techniques for stability. Essentially, the method is an extension of the second-order version of the semidiscrete scheme developed in [18] to curvilinear-orthogonal grids (see also the work in [14], [17]). The resulting flux formulae are equivalent to HLL fluxes (see equation (12) in [33]). Point values of variables u needed in the flux computation process are obtained from reconstructing the solution based on the known set of averages {ui,j,k}. The reconstruction function u˜(x) in a cell Ci,j,k is given by (2.2) u˜(x)=ui,j,k+((cid:2)∂xu)i,j,k(x−xi)+((cid:2)∂yu)i,j,k(y−yj)+(cid:2)(∂zu)i,j,k(z−zk), where xi, yj are cell-volume-averaged coordinates. Explicit expressions for those in cylindrical and spherical coordinates are given in Table 1 in [33]. The numerical (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) derivatives (∂xu)i,j,k, (∂yu)i,j,k, (∂zu)i,j,k are approximations to the exact partial derivativessubjecttoalimiterfunctionforoscillationcontrolnearflowdiscontinuities. The harmonic mean limiter of [29] has been used in all of the test problems in this paper. The reconstruction is conservative, (cid:14) ui,j,kδVi,j,k = u˜(x)dV , C i,j,k and has the obvious property ui,j,k =u˜(xi,yj,zk); i.e., the cell-averageis identical to the point value at coordinates (xi, yj,zk). The CT scheme for the (staggered) magnetic field components reads as (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:3)B˙x(cid:4)xim,j,k(t)= δAxi1m,j,k (cid:15)−δz[hzim,.Ezim,.,k]jjpm +δyhyim[Eyim,j,(cid:16).]kkpm , (cid:3)B˙y(cid:4)yi,jm,k(t)= δAyi1,jm,k (cid:15)−δx[Exi,jm,.]kkpm +δz[hz.,jmEz.,jm,k](cid:16)iipm , (2.3) (cid:3)B˙z(cid:4)zi,j,km(t)= δAzi1,j,km −δy[hy.Ey.,j,km]iipm +δx[Exi,.,km]jjpm and describes the time rate of change of face-averages (cid:14) 1 (cid:3)Bx(cid:4)xim,j,k = δAxim,j,k (cid:14)δAxim,j,kBx(x,t)dA, (cid:3)By(cid:4)yi,jm,k = δAyi1,jm,k (cid:14)δAyi,jm,kBy(x,t)dA, 1 (cid:3)Bz(cid:4)zi,j,km = δAzi,j,km δAzi,j,km Bz(x,t)dA, C106 UDOZIEGLER where (cid:3).(cid:4)x(y,z) means face-averaging over δAx(y,z). The divergence-free condition in discrete form becomes ddt(cid:17)(cid:8)(cid:3)Bx(cid:4)x.,j,kδAx.,j,k(cid:9)iipm +(cid:10)(cid:3)By(cid:4)yi,.,kδAyi,.,k(cid:11)jjpm +(cid:8)(cid:3)Bz(cid:4)zi,j,.δAzi,j,.(cid:9)kkpm(cid:18)=0. The edge-averagedelectric field E appearing in equations (2.3) is approximated with the help of a semidiscrete evolution-projection method originally developed for dis- cretizingequationsofHamilton–Jacobitype[7], [18]. Theresultingformulaeareeach equivalent to a composition of one-dimensional (1D) HLL Riemann solvers in the re- spective 2D subspace reflecting the 2D nature of the individual components of the induction equation (see equations (20)–(22) in [33]). Also, this approach naturally reduces to a correct 1D upwinding for grid-aligned flows (see also [11], [12] for an alternative ansatz). The reconstruction functions for the magnetic field components are given by B˜x(x)= 21(cid:15)(cid:3)Bx(cid:4)xip,j,k+(cid:3)Bx(cid:4)xim,j,k(cid:16)+(cid:8)(cid:3)Bx(cid:4)x.,j,k(cid:9)iipm xΔ−xxi (cid:19)(cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:20) + ∂(cid:3)yBx x−xim + ∂(cid:3)yBx xip −x (y−(cid:3)y(cid:4)xj) ip,j,k Δx im,j,k Δx (cid:19)(cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:20) + ∂(cid:3)zBx x−xim + ∂(cid:3)zBx xip −x (z−zk), ip,j,k Δx im,j,k Δx (cid:19)(cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:20) B˜y(x)= ∂(cid:3)xBy y−yjm + ∂(cid:3)xBy yjp −y (x−(cid:3)x(cid:4)yi) i,jp,k Δy i,jm,k Δy (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:10) (cid:11) + 21 (cid:3)By(cid:4)yi,jp,k+(cid:3)By(cid:4)yi,jm,k + (cid:3)By(cid:4)yi,.,k jjpm yΔ−yyj (cid:19)(cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:20) + ∂(cid:3)zBy y−yjm + ∂(cid:3)zBy yjp −y (z−zk), i,jp,k Δy i,jm,k Δy (cid:19)(cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:20) B˜z(x)= ∂(cid:3)xBz z−zkm + ∂(cid:3)xBz zkp −z (x−(cid:3)x(cid:4)zi) i,j,kp Δz i,j,km Δz (cid:19)(cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:15) (cid:16) (cid:20) + ∂(cid:3)yBz z−zkm + ∂(cid:3)yBz zkp −z (y−(cid:3)y(cid:4)zj) i,j,kp Δz i,j,km Δz (2.4) + 21(cid:15)(cid:3)Bz(cid:4)zi,j,kp +(cid:3)Bz(cid:4)zi,j,km(cid:16)+(cid:8)(cid:3)Bz(cid:4)zi,j,.(cid:9)kimp zΔ−zzk , (cid:3) where ∂yBx and other cross derivative terms are slope-limited approximations to the exact derivatives. (cid:3)x(cid:4)y ((cid:3)x(cid:4)z,(cid:3)y(cid:4)x,(cid:3)y(cid:4)z) is the face-averaged x(x,y,y)-coordinate i i j j where averaging is over the cell face δAy (δAz,δAx,δAz). As can be shown by explicit ADAPTIVEMESHREFINEMENTONCURVILINEARGRIDS C107 calculation this B-reconstructionis flux-conserving in the sense that (cid:14) 1 δAxim,j,k (cid:14)δAxim,j,kB˜x(x)dA=(cid:3)Bx(cid:4)xim,j,k, δAyi1,jm,k (cid:14)δAyi,jm,kB˜y(x)dA=(cid:3)By(cid:4)yi,jm,k, 1 δAzi,j,km δAzi,j,km B˜z(x)dA=(cid:3)Bz(cid:4)zi,j,km and is consistent with the solenoidality property of the CT scheme, δVi,j,k(∇·B˜)i,j,k =(cid:8)(cid:3)Bx(cid:4)x.,j,kδAx.,j,k(cid:9)iipm +(cid:10)(cid:3)By(cid:4)yi,.,kδAyi,.,k(cid:11)jjpm +(cid:8)(cid:3)Bz(cid:4)zi,j,.δAzi,j,.(cid:9)kkpm . The semidiscrete scheme (2.1) and (2.3) is finally solved using a time-explicit Runge–Kutta integrator. NIRVANA has the choice between the standard second- orderaccurate Runge–Kutta method andthe more stable third-ordermethod of [27]. 3. AMRoncurvilinear-orthogonalgrids. Amajortechnicaltaskanyblock- structured AMR implementation has to master concerns the managementof the grid hierarchy which consists of a set of individual grid blocks with different resolutions. For efficiency reasons it is inevitable that such a block management system also pro- videsinformationontheconnectivityofablockwithneighboringblocks,childblocks, andparentblocks. Further problemsonehasto dealwith areassociatedwiththe FV framework for the MHD system of conservation laws. Important issues are (i) how to evolve the grid hierarchy one time-step within the Runge–Kutta multistage inte- grationprocess, (ii) how to match solutions at coarse-finegridinterfaces in a manner consistentwiththeFVapproach,and(iii)howtotransferthecoarsegridsolutiontoa generatedfiner grid. Intwo previouspapersby Ziegler[31], [32] all suchaspectshave already been discussed for AMR on Cartesian grids. Because they build upon the same principles, majorparts ofthe CartesianAMR implementationcarryoverto the more general case of AMR on curvilinear-orthogonal grids. A summary of the basic ideas is givenbelow. However,changesto the algorithmbecome necessaryinthe flux and electric field synchronization process at coarse-fine grid interfaces as well as in therestrictionandprolongationoperationsofsolutiontransfer. Infact,theprolonga- tion algorithm for the magnetic field used in Cartesian geometry failed in preserving the solenoidality property on general curvilinear-orthogonalgrids and, therefore, has been replaced by a new hierarchical prolongation approach. The failure is because the Cartesian algorithm relies on simpler interpolation violating flux conservationon generalcurvilinear-orthogonalgrids. Suchmodificationsaredescribedinmoredetail. 3.1. General strategy. Block-structured AMR in NIRVANA is based on the use of generic blocks having a fixed size of four cells per coordinate direction. In the beginningasetofbaselevelblocksspansthecomputationaldomain. Refinementsare then achieved by a hierarchical nesting of blocks assuming a fixed refinement ratio of 2 between adjacent refinement levels in all coordinate directions. A 2D (3D) finer block alwayscoversa quad(oct) of2×2 (2×2×2)underlying coarserblock cells. A system of nested blocks on each base level block is established building a block-tree structure. Block connectivity within such a tree as well as connectivity to spatially neighboring blocks is efficiently handled by pointers mediating instant data access. Load balancing in parallel simulations is achieved by an equal distribution of blocks among threads following space-filling curve techniques [26]. A space-filling curve of C108 UDOZIEGLER Hilbert type serves for ordering base level blocks and an adapted curve of Morton type for the order of blocks within a base block’s tree. A finer block is generatedaccording to some mesh refinement criteria. The stan- dard criterion in the NIRVANA code is a convex combination of criteria based on the relative strengths of first (respectively, second) derivatives of certain variables u. The expression for Cartesian AMR is detailed in [32]. It needs only slight adapta- tionforcurvilinearAMR.Accordingtothisstandardcriterion,meshrefinementtakes place if a prescribed thresholdis exceeded. Those u-thresholdsare usually somewhat problem-dependent parameters. In addition to the derivatives-based criterion, mesh refinement in NIRVANA may also be controlled by a Jeans-length-based criterion in case of self-gravitational flows or a Field-length-based criterion for flows containing thermally unstable gas. Here, in the test problems the standard criterion is used with the density, velocity, and magnetic field components being refinementtriggering variables as the default. Althoughtheuseofsmall-sized,self-similarblockshasclearadvantagesintermsof grid adaptivity, mesh organization, and load balancing issues, advancing the solution onalargenumberofsmallblocksreducescomputationalefficiencyduetotheincreased synchronizationoverheadatblockinterfaces. Inorderto speedupintegration,blocks ofa givenrefinementlevelaretherefore temporarilyclusteredto larger-sizedpatches. In parallel simulations the clustering is done separately for each domain partition. Ghostcellsareaddedforpatchesinplaceofgenericblocks. Thediscretizedequations are then solved on these patches. The solution is copied back to generic blocks after a time-step is complete, and patches are then deallocated. Note that the additional overhead due to clustering is usually substantially overcompensated by the gain in computational speed. The adaptive grid is advanced with a single time-step given by the minimum of CFL-related time-steps computed over the full patch hierarchy; hence,thereisnorefinementintime. WithinthemultistageRunge–Kuttaintegration scheme the full patch hierarchy is updated stage-by-stage. Each patch is treated as a separate initial value problem with given boundary conditions obtained from grid neighbors (either copied from equal level grids or interpolated from coarser grids) or defined at physical boundaries. After each Runge–Kutta stage a synchronization of ghostcellstakesplaceatintralevelpatchinterfacestoretrievesolutionconsistency. In particular, because of the staggering of magnetic field components those components atpatchinterfaceslivingondifferentpatches,localorremote,musthaveuniquevalues without ambiguity. In a restriction operation the less accurate coarse grid solution is replaced by the fine grid solution in overlapping regions. A flux and electric field correction step is necessary at fine-coarse grid interfaces to recover conservation and to maintain the magnetic field solenoidality constraint. 3.2. Prolongation operation. Forcell-averagedquantitiesa conservativepro- longation of the coarse grid solution onto the cells of a newly generated finer block canbe constructedentirelyonthe basisofthe reconstructionformula(2.2)forcoarse cells. For a coarse cell Cc covered by the oct (in three dimensions) of finer cells i,j,k Cf with running indices l,m,n, conservation is expressed by l,m,n (cid:21) c c f f (3.1) u δV = u δV , i,j,k i,j,k l,m,n l,m,n l,m,n (cid:22) whereasuperscriptc(f)marksacoarse(fine)cellquantityandδVc = δVf . i,j,k l,m,n l,m,n f f Fine grid cell-averaged values u obeying (3.1) are simply given by u = l,m,n l,m,n ADAPTIVEMESHREFINEMENTONCURVILINEARGRIDS C109 u˜c(xl,ym,zn),where(xl,ym,zn)arethecoordinatesofthevolumetriccenterofClf,m,n. The proof is straightforward: (cid:21) (cid:21) f f c f ul,m,nδVl,m,n = u˜ (xl,ym,zn)δVl,m,n l,m,n l,m,n (cid:23) (cid:24) (cid:21) c =uci,j,kδVic,j,k+((cid:2)∂xu)i,j,k xlδVlf,m,n−xiδVic,j,k l,m,n (cid:23) (cid:24) (cid:21) c +((cid:2)∂yu)i,j,k ymδVlf,m,n−yjδVic,j,k l,m,n (cid:23) (cid:24) (cid:21) c +(cid:2)(∂zu)i,j,k znδVlf,m,n−zkδVic,j,k =uci,j,kδVic,j,k l,m,n since the terms in brackets vanish. For example, (cid:14) (cid:21) (cid:21) xlδVlf,m,n−xiδVic,j,k = xlδVlf,m,n− xdV l,m,n l,m,n Cic,j,k(cid:14) (cid:21) (cid:21) = xlδVlf,m,n− xdV l(cid:21),m,n l(cid:21),m,n Clf,m,n = xlδVlf,m,n− xlδVlf,m,n =0. l,m,n l,m,n The prolongation procedure for the staggered magnetic field components is a bit more complex. Here, in order to ensure magnetic field solenoidality in each new fine cell of the oct it is not sufficient to solely take point values from the coarse grid reconstruction at the proper fine cell positions. However, the formulae (2.4) are used to compute fine cell values at a coarse cell’s faces wherever there is no neighboring fine grid from which values are naturally copied. Accordingly, flux-conserving new fine values at the coarse cell faces are given by the point values of B-reconstruction at proper positions, i.e., (cid:3)Bxf(cid:4)xlm,m,n =B˜xc(xlm,(cid:3)y(cid:4)xm,zn), (cid:3)Byf(cid:4)yl,mm,n =B˜yc((cid:3)x(cid:4)yl,ymm,zn), (cid:3)Bzf(cid:4)zl,m,nm =B˜zc((cid:3)x(cid:4)zl,(cid:3)y(cid:4)zm,znm). The situation is illustrated in Figure 3.1(a). It remains to compute the 12 magnetic field values at the inner fine cell faces. This is done using a hierarchical prolongation procedureasfollows. Inafirststepthecoarsecellisvirtuallydividedintotwosubcells with the cutting plane x = xi through the geometrical cell center (Figure 3.1(b)). With the assumption that each of the two x-halves is divergence-free in an FV sense an intermediate (superscript I) face-averaged value (cid:3)BxI(cid:4)xi,j,k at xi can be calculated from the divergence condition applied to any half. Taking, for instance, the x-lower half the condition reads as (cid:3)BI(cid:4)x δAI −(cid:3)Bc(cid:4)x δAc x i,j,(cid:23)k xi,j,k x im,j,(cid:24)k xim(cid:23),j,k (cid:24) (cid:21) jp (cid:21) kp + (cid:3)Bf(cid:4)y δAf + (cid:3)Bf(cid:4)z δAf =0, y l,.,n yl,.,n z l,m,. zl,m,. n jm m km where the bracketscontain the previously computed fine cell values at the coarsecell C110 UDOZIEGLER z y f Bz x f Bx (a) f By f I Bx (b) Bx f By I By (c) f Bz (d) Fig. 3.1. Magnetic field prolongation strategy: (a) fine cell values at coarse cell faces, (b) prolongation of interior fine cell x-component, (c) prolongation of interior fine cell y-component, (d) prolongation of fine cellz-component. faces. Then, the four fine cell x-components of the magnetic field at xi are given by (cid:3)Bxf(cid:4)x.,m,n =B˜xI((cid:3)y(cid:4)xm,zn), where B˜xI(y,z) is a flux-conservative 2D Bx-reconstruction in the plane x= xi. It is determined from the set {(cid:3)BI(cid:4)x } and, by construction, is equipped with the prop- x i,j,k (cid:22) erty (cid:3)BxI(cid:4)xi,j,k =B˜xI((cid:3)y(cid:4)xj,zk). Indeed, it can be shown that m,n(cid:3)Bxf(cid:4)x.,m,nδAfx.,m,n = ADAPTIVEMESHREFINEMENTONCURVILINEARGRIDS C111 (cid:3)BI(cid:4)x δAI , expressing flux conservation at the intermediate x-face. In the next x i,j,k xi,j,k step the coarse cell is further divided with the cutting plane this time at y = yj, resulting in four subcells (Figure 3.1(c)). Again, applying the divergence condition to any quarter of the previous halves gives the two intermediate values (cid:3)BI(cid:4)y . y i±1,j,k 4 Taking, for instance, the y-lower subcell in the x-lower half the condition reads as (cid:23) (cid:24) (cid:21) i (cid:3)Bf(cid:4)x δAf +(cid:3)BI(cid:4)y δAI x .,m,n x.,m,n y i−1,j,k yi−1,j,k n (cid:21) im (cid:10) 4 4 (cid:11) − (cid:3)Bf(cid:4)y δAf + (cid:3)Bf(cid:4)z δAf kp =0, n y l,mm,n yl,mm,n z l,m,. zl,m,. km where in (cid:3)BI(cid:4)y the average is taken over the area δAI with half x-range y i−1,j,k yi−1,j,k 4 4 [xim,xi]. Note that this step needs the previously computed fine values (cid:3)Bxf(cid:4)x.,m,n. With the help of the computed sets {(cid:3)BI(cid:4)y }, flux-conservative 1D reconstruc- y i±1,j,k tion functions B˜yI±(z)along the z-directionan4d throughpoints ((cid:3)x(cid:4)yl,yj) can be con- structed equipped with the property (cid:3)ByI(cid:4)yi±1,j,k = B˜yI±(zk). Then, the four fine cell 4 y-components of the magnetic field at yj are simply given by taking point values of the respective reconstruction function: (cid:3)Byf(cid:4)yl,mm,n =B˜yI±(zn). Finally, cutting the coarse cell additionally at z = zk the oct of fine cells results (Figure 3.1(d)). The remaining four fine cell z-components of the magnetic field at zk are obtained directly by an application of the divergence condition in each of the four octants in either the z-lower half or z-upper half of the coarse cell. This completes the prolongation operation which, by construction, is a divergence-free transfer of the coarse grid magnetic field solution onto the fine grid. Note that the presented prolongationstrategy is similar to the one described in [19], although both approachesmaydifferindesigndetails. Acompletelydifferentansatzforadivergence- free reconstruction is used in the polynomial methods of [28], [1]. 3.3. Flux and electric field correction. A conservativerestriction operation is applied when transferring the more accurate fine grid solution in a hierarchical manner onto the coarser grid. For cell-averaged quantities the formula is given by (3.1). As a consequence the computed coarse grid flux and electric field components lyingdirectlyatcoarse-finegridinterfacesarenolongerconsistentwiththecopiedso- lution. Inordertoensureconsistencyand,thus,torecoverconservationandmagnetic field solenoidality a correction step is necessary. Obviously, the coarse grid fluxes at those interfacesmust be replacedby the sum offine gridfluxes for the quad(in three dimensions) of fine cell faces covering a coarse cell face: (cid:21) Fc −→Fc,corr , δAc Fc,corr = δAf Ff , xim,j,k xim,j,k xim,j,k xim,j,k xlm,m,n xlm,m,n m,n (cid:21) Fc −→Fc,corr , δAc Fc,corr = δAf Ff , yi,jm,k yi,jm,k yi,jm,k yi,jm,k yl,mm,n yl,mm,n l,n (cid:21) Fc −→Fc,corr , δAc Fc,corr = δAf Ff . zi,j,km zi,j,km zi,j,km zi,j,km zl,m,nm zl,m,nm l,m In analogy, the edge-centered coarse grid electric field components must be replaced by the sum of fine grid values for the double of fine cell edges covering a coarse cell

1. Introduction. Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is a choice method for an For instance, the FLASH code uses the PARAMESH tool [21], whereas. AMR in
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