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Bloch Oscillations of an Exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein Condensate H. Flayac, D.D. Solnyshkov, and G. Malpuech Clermont Universit´e, Universit´e Blaise Pascal, LASMEA, BP10448, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France and CNRS, UMR6602, LASMEA, 63177 Aubi`ere, France We study theoretically Bloch oscillations of half-matter, half-light quasi-particles: exciton- polaritons. We propose an original structure for the observation of this phenomenon despite the constraints imposed by the relatively short lifetime of the particles and the limitations on the en- gineered periodic potential. First, we focus on the linear regime in a perfect lattice where regular 1 1 oscillations are obtained. Second, we take into account a realistic structural disorder known to 0 localize non-interacting particles, which is quite dramatic for propagation-related phenomena. In 2 thenon-linearcondensedregimetherenormalizationoftheenergyprovidedbyinteractionsbetween particles allows us to screen efficiently the disorder and to recover oscillations. This effect is useful n only in a precise range of parameters outside of which the system becomes dynamically unstable. a For a large chemical potential of the order of the potential’s amplitude, a strong Landau-Zener J tunnelingtendsto completely delocalize particles. 1 1 PACSnumbers: 71.36.+c,71.35.Lk,03.75.Mn ] l l I. INTRODUCTION BOsinbulk semiconductorsimpossible. Ittook 60years a h andrequiredthefabricationofartificialcrystalstofinally - observe this phenomenon16,17. s Cavity exciton-polaritons (polaritons) are mixed e exciton-photon quasi-particles. A fundamental differ- BOs have been described and observed in three alter- m ence with respect to simple photons is that polari- nativesystemsshowingextendedspatialandlongtempo- . tons are interacting both with themselves and with ral coherence, namely, coherent light waves propagating t a other excitations of the surrounding media. As a re- in photonic crystals18,19, ultracold atoms20, and atomic m sult, they can exhibit Bose-Einstein condensation1 and Bose-Einsteincondensates(BECs)inopticallattices21,22. - other related fascinating effects, such as superfluidity2, Inthelinearregime,theelectronic,photonic,andatomic d vortex formation3,4, and Josephson oscillations5,6. A systemsshowverysimilarsingle-particlebehavior. How- n strong specificity of polariton condensates with respect ever, they differ strongly in their specific non-linear re- o c to atomic ones is the possibility of performing reso- sponse. In electronic systems, electron-electron interac- [ nant excitation experiments that allow us to achieve a tion induces some dephasing, leading to the destruction very high degree of control on phenomena such as para- of coherent BOs. On the other hand, photons are non- 2 metric instabilities7,8 or bistability9. A second speci- interacting particles, and of course, if they propagate in v 5 ficity lies in the specific spin dynamics and spin struc- a linear media, no peculiar non-linear behavior is ex- 0 ture of polaritons10 which has allowed the demonstra- pected. The situation is radically different for atomic 5 tion of interesting phenomena, such as the formation of BECs in optical lattices where the transport properties 3 half vortices11 or the demonstration of multistability12. arestronglyaffectedbythenon-lineareffectslinkedwith 9. However, polaritons typically suffer both from a short thedensityofcondensedparticles. Thelattertopicisstill 0 life time (in the ps range) and from localization induced widely under discussion, as rich physics emerges out of 0 by the presence of structural disorder, which tends to it23–25. Indeed,whileanopticallatticeconstitutesaper- 1 limit the observability of propagation effects. Recent fect periodic optical crystal that can lead to long living v: progressingrowthandtechnologyenablesthefabrication BOs of dilute (ultra)cold atoms26, a BEC can experi- i of very high quality samples in which polaritons can live ence decoherence27 and dynamical instabilities28,29 due X up to 50 ps. Such large values have allowed the genera- to non negligible interactions. Moreover, the account ar tionofextendedcondensateswithcoherencelengthlarger of disorder leads to phenomena such as Anderson-like than the size of the sample13. These characteristics are localization30,31 or the breakdown of superfluidity32,33. opening a new research field where it will be possible to The non-uniformity of the potential tends to prevent study propagation phenomena of polariton condensates wave function’s spreading, while interactions drive the in detail. One of these phenomena is Bloch oscillations system toward superfluidity. This interplay has serious (BOs). A periodic motion of electrons within the first consequences for the phase diagram of the system34,35 Brillouin zone (FBZ) of a semiconductor biased by an andmostimportantly,thedisorderinducesextradephas- electric field was predicted to occur about 80 years ago ing which is revealedby a damping of the matter wave’s by F. Bloch14. This phenomenon has been widely theo- BOs36,37. retically discussed during the twentieth century15. How- Currently, several works have already been devoted ever, its experimental observation requires the coherent to the behavior of polariton condensates in periodic propagationdistancetobelargerthantheoscillationpe- lattices38–42,andthistopichasstartedtoattractalotof riod. This constraint made the observation of electronic attention. Inthis paper we theoreticallydescribe BOsof 2 polaritons in a patterned one-dimensional microwire. In bothatomicandopticalsystems,itispossibletodesigna potential that allows short period oscillations (less than 1 ps for instance in Ref.18). This cannot short period cannot occur in polaritonic systems, where oscillations musttakeplaceinthe stronglycoupledpartofthe lower polariton branch. In total, the width of the first Bril- louin zone has to be smaller than one fourth of the Rabi splitting. Thisgivesvaluesoftheorderof1 5meV and − implies some lower bound for the BO period that should be smaller than the polariton lifetime. FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) The structure: laterally narrowed wire shaped microcavity with periodic metallic depositions In the first part of this work, we propose a realistic andtheresultingtotalpotential(Onlythecentralpartwhere structure in which polariton BOs could be realistically oscillations take place is represented for clarity). (b) The observed and show numerical simulations in the linear associated initial dispersion of the particles modified by the regime. In the second part of the paper, we therefore periodic potential Uex(x) created by themetal. study the effect of structural disorder on BOs of a po- lariton condensate. Indeed, an important peculiarity of the polariton system is that it is affected by intrinsic II. STRUCTURE AND LINEAR BLOCH sample disorder which can be absent in atomic systems OSCILLATIONS andwhichperturbsmuchlesspurephotons’propagation. As a result, polaritons are often found to be localized1,6, which evidently can make the observation of propaga- The structure proposed is schematically shown in tion effects like BOs difficult. In the non-interacting Fig.1(a). ItisbasedonaL =100µmlongGaAsmicro- x regime, we can expect that the polaritons’ motion will cavity etched in the y-directionin orderto realize a wire be blurred (dephased) with increasing disorder poten- having a lateral size in the µm range. The confinement tial. So, strictly speaking, an uncondensed thermal gas energy provided by the lateral etching is approximately of polaritons cannot undergo BOs if the disorder is too E =~2π2/2m∗L2,wherem∗ 2m (atzerodetuning) c y ∼ ph important. Nevertheless, the formationof an interacting is the effective mass of the polariton. The linear po- polaritonBECshouldpermitustorecoveranoscillatory tential ramp needed in order to mimic the electric field behaviorasaresultofapartialscreeningofthedisorder. acting on electrons can be realized by changing the lat- The growth of interactionenergy leads the polariton gas eral size of the wire along its main axis x with a square toward superfluidity43 at low velocities, where the influ- root dependency L (x) L /√x in the region where y 0 ∼ ence of disorder is the strongest. BOs are expected. In principle, any type of accelerating potential can be designed thanks to modern lithography technics but of course, there are some limitations due to the confinement energy dependance. It is also possi- ble to make use of the wedge character of microcavities Ingeneral,theoscillationsarefoundtobedampedbe- along the growth z-direction44. It should be noted that cause of both the residual scattering by disorder when this potential ramp will be acting on the photonic part polaritons are moving at a supersonic velocity, and the of the quasi-particle. The periodic potential required to occurrence of specific parametric instabilities, discussed open a gap in the polariton dispersion can be obtained in Ref.42 and well known in the atomic BEC field, when either by depositing a metallic pattern along the wire40, polaritons are accelerated to the inflexion point in the byexcitationofasurfaceacousticwave41,45,byasquare- first Bloch band of the dispersion. The most interest- wave-likelateraletching,byachainofcoupledJosephson ing result is that one of these effects cancompensate the junctions or even by means of Tamm plasmons46. The other: The interactions protect (at least partially) the first two techniques allow the creation of a periodic po- BOsfromthe dampinglinkedwithdisorder. Theprecise tential acting on the excitonic part of the polariton, and characterization of these non-linear scattering processes in this work we will focus on the first one. is not in the scope of the present work. However, we would like to point out a key specificity of the polariton To describe the dynamics of the system we use a system with respect to the atomic one: the possibility set of one-dimensional time dependent Scro¨dinger and toperformresonantexcitationexperiments(withspatial Gross-Pitaevskiiequationsforthephotonicψ (x,t)and ph andfrequencyresolution)thatallowustoaddressspecif- excitonic fields ψ (x,t), coupled by the light-matter ex ically the variousnon-linearscatteringprocessesthatin- interaction47 Ω = 14 meV (Rabi splitting of realistic R teracting particles accelerated in a disordered periodic samples),takingintoaccountthefinitelifetimesτ =40 ph potential can undergo. psandτ =150psofphotonsandexcitons,andaquasi- ex 3 resonant Gaussian photonic (laser) pump P (t): ∂ψ ~2 ∂2ψ i~ ph = ph +U ψ (1) ∂t − 2m ∂x2 ph ph ph Ω i~ R + ψ ψ +P(t) ex ph 2 − 2τ ph ∂ψ ~2 ∂2ψ i~ ex = ex +U ψ (2) ∂t − 2m ∂x2 ex ex ex Ω i~ R 2 + ψ +αψ ψ ψ ph Ex Ex ex 2 | | − 2τ ex wherem =5 10−5m ,m =0.4m andm arethe ph el ex el el × photon, exciton, and free electron masses, respectively. The nonlinear term with α=6E a2/S, where E is the FIG. 2. (Color online) Propagation of a photonic Gaussian b B b exciton binding energy, a its Bohr radius, and S is a pulse in the biased square-wave potential. (a) The density B normalization area, accounts for the polariton-polariton probability versus time and space reveals clear BOs with a coherentrepulsiveinteractions48. Finally,U (x)= Fx periodof25.3psandanamplitudeof11.7µm,andb)density ph − vs time and momentum shows the characteristic reflections andU (x)aretheacceleratingramppotentialproducing ex on theedges of theFBZ where theparticles are localized. In a constant force F = 0.2 meV/µm and the squarewave bothplotsaLZTisvisibleasafractionofthenon-oscillating potential of period d = 1.56 µm and amplitude A = 2 particles that escape at each period. meV, respectively . Here we make the following remark: Thebarrierheightisanotherimportantlimitationtoour structure. Indeed, contrary to optical potential where it III. BLOCH OSCILLATIONS OF THE can be easily tuned in wide ranges,for polaritons metal- POLARITON BEC lic depositions will tend to absorb photons, which can shorten the polariton lifetime even more. Thus, we can In the second part of this work, we consider the real hardlyconsiderlargeenoughbandgapstoallowustoem- specificity of the polariton condensate with respect to ploy the tightbinding approximation,which justifies the the coherent photonic wave, namely, the role played by numerical considerations below. Figure 1(b) shows the interactions. Thisroleisactuallybetterrevealedbycon- modified dispersionof exciton-polaritonswith gaps both sidering the impact of a realistic structural disorder on in the upper and lower polariton branch (LPB), opened polariton BOs. This disorder can have several origins, byU . Inthefollowing,wewillconcentrateontheLPB, ex which could be the intrinsic sample imperfections, the wherethecondensationusuallytakesplace. Thegapand non-ideallateraletching,orsomenatural(artificial)fluc- thefirstbandwhereoscillationsareexpectedhavewidth tuations of the wells’ depths and widths in the periodic of ∆ =0.75 meV and ∆ =1 meV, respectively. g 1 potential. We assume that initially, before the potential To begin our analysis and demonstrate the possibility rampisapplied,theresonantlycreatedpolaritonconden- of obtaining regular single-particle BOs in such a sys- sate is at thermodynamic equilibrium at T = 0 K, and tem, we show in Fig.2(a) the propagation of a 2-ps-long is therefore in its lowest energy state. The ground state and 20-µm-largephotonic Gaussian pulse tuned close to is found by minimizing at fixed density the free energy the energy of the LPB at k = 0, with an amplitude low of the coupled exciton-photon system43: enough to assume a linear regime. Under the action of ATtthebmoefuc≈reotxnh2hse5itrbapiinsntt;sctrfBohearOecsleseaaiotntnfedFarmf,ioswprclotliuothuslededpeetaonArhalbiamfoenet≈citeme1tre2hseowµfLemtauhnsaedenp,adaourup-tZreicerslniyeoessdr-. E =Z0Lxdx +j=Ω{2PpRh,(cid:16)exψ}e∗(cid:16)xψ2~mp2hj|+∇ψψp∗jh|2ψ+exU(cid:17)j+|ψα2j||2ψ(cid:17)ex|4  tunneling (LZT) probability [visible in Fig.2(a)] given  (3) by P exp A2m∗π/2F , and induce a significant Nextwesolvethe time-dependentEqs.(1)and(2),start- LZT ≃ − splitting of the(cid:0)wave function(cid:1)at each period of oscilla- ing from the initial condition given by the ground state tions. Figure 2(b) shows the time evolution of the wave foundpreviously,takingintoaccounttheactionoftheac- vectork alongthewirewithcharacteristicreflectionson celeratingramppotentialfordifferentchemicalpotentials x the FBZ’s edges,which has anextensionZ =2π/d=4 µ (given by the energy of the ground state). To clarify, B µm−1, changing k into k . We emphasize that the we first assume an infinite lifetime of the particles. For x x − long polariton lifetime obtained in modern structures is a particular modulated barrier height of 4 meV, to re- crucial for the observation of polariton BOs. With the ducetheLZTprobability,whichdecreasesthenumberof realistic limitations on the ramp potential, it is difficult oscillating particles,we show different accessible regimes to reduce the period of oscillations below 20 ps. There- (described in the next paragraph). Figures 3 and 4 dis- fore, the polariton lifetime should exceed this value, for playtheprobabilitydensityofthephotonicwavefunction the phenomenon to be observable. versus time and momentum and the average velocity of 4 FIG. 3. (Color online) BOs in the presence of structural dis- FIG. 4. (Color online) (a)-(b) Unstable and (c)-(d) strong order. (left panel) Probability density of the photonic wave LZT regimes. Forµ=0.5 meV and 3 meV, respectively function versus time and momentum. (right panel) Average . velocity of the condensate versus time. (a) and (b) Non- interacting damped case (µ = 0) for Ud = 0.1 meV (solid blue curve) and Ud = 0.2 meV (dotted red curve). (c) and Figs.3(a) and 3(b) we present this non-interacting case, (d) Interaction-induced revival of the oscillations for µ=0.3 which corresponds to a zero chemical potential (N = 1 meV. particle). The dephasing is visible in Fig.3(a) where the creationofnewharmonicsblurstheoscillations,resulting ina dampinganddeformationofthe motioninFig.3(b). the condensate as a function of time. The latter is given Thesolidbluecurvecorrespondstotheparametersgiven by here while the dotted-red curve is for a disorder that is i~ Lx ψ(x,t) ψ∗(x,t) tcwilliacteiosntrso.nger, showing the total suppression of the os- v(t) = dx ∇ (4) h i 2m∗N(t)Z (cid:26) ψ∗(x,t) ψ(x,t)(cid:27) With the increase in the chemical potential, interac- − ∇ 0 tions drive the system toward superfluidity in the sense where N(t) the total number of particles. The latter is we used in Ref.43, that is, particles are no more affected time dependent to compensate for absorbing boundary bythepresenceofanin-planepotentialsotheycanfreely conditions or the lifetime of the particles. Indeed, v(t) propagate in space without being scattered, and the in- h i is relevant for imaging the global motion of the conden- teraction energy is able to efficiently screen the disor- sate, changing its sign v(t) > 0 (< 0) when particles der. This phenomenon is called a ”dynamical screening h i change propagation direction. ofdisorder”inRef.36. Asaresult,thedampingissignif- The groundstate ofa non-interactingor, equivalently, icantlyreduced. Thus,owingtotheinteractingnatureof a very dilute condensate in the presence of disorder is the particles involved, BOs of exciton-polaritons should mainly localized in the lowest well of the sample. As a be observable despite the presence of a structural disor- result, while the condensate is put into motion by the der. Such a situation is depicted in Fig.3(c) and3(d) for constant force, it is very sensitive to the disorder; the µ=0.3 meV. latter induces back scattering, which leads to a dephas- Nevertheless, interactions are not sufficient to re- ing andthus either to adamping of the oscillationsor to coverperfectoscillationsobtainedinlinearhomogeneous their total destruction if the inhomogeneity is strong. In regimes, as one can see in Fig.3(d), and they also have that latter case the system as a whole is insulating. In drawbacks: Indeed, while the condensate is accelerated real systems we can expect the disorder induced by the up to the FBZ, at a certain point, the velocity exceeds a sampleimperfectionstobeweakwithrespecttothetotal criticalvalue,andtheparticlesenterasupersonicregime periodic potential’samplitude. Inordertointroduceim- where they are no longer superfluid and are thus scat- perfections, we modulate the square-wave potential ran- tered on the disorder. Scattering results in a dephasing domly in amplitude along the wire with a standard de- of the oscillations while approaching the FBZ’s edges. viation U = 0.1 meV from the original potential. In Moreover, with a further increase in the density, para- d 5 and losses after a stabilization time. Then we suppose that the condensate is loaded by some means in the dis- orderedtiltedperiodicstructurewhilethepumpisturned off. The condensate will then oscillate a few times and exponentiallydie out. So we, ofcourse,expectthe inter- action energy to vanish with the particles; thus, a con- densate prepared with a sufficient chemical potential to screen the disorder will suffer from growing localization withdecreasingdensity,whichwilldamptheoscillations. So here the ratio between lifetime and oscillation period is even more crucial. Figure.5 illustrates such a situa- tion, where µ = 0.35 meV is taken slightly higher than in Figs.3(c) and 3(d) to compensate as much as possi- FIG.5. (Coloronline)Situationtakingintoaccountthefinite bleforthelocalizationforfirstoscillationperiods. While lifetime of the particles for µ = 0.35 meV. (a) Oscillations the damping remains significant as seen in 5(b), several remainvisible,but(b)theyaredampedduetothedecreasing interaction energy. oscillations should be observable as shown in 5(a). IV. CONCLUSIONS metric instability develops28,29,42. This kind of process is well known in the field of polaritons7,8 as the lower Inconclusion,wehaveproposedarealisticstructurein branch of their bare dispersion possesses an inflection whichBOsofexciton-polaritons,a phenomenonnotpre- point; thus abovesome density threshold,two polaritons viously reported, could be observed. We have analyzed can scatter at this point toward signal and idler states, both linear and non-linear behavior and found a regime conserving both momentum and energy. Here the same where oscillations are able to overcome the disorder ex- kindofphenomenoncantakeplace,independentlyofthe pectedinrealisticsystemsasaresultoftotheinteracting disorder, within the Bloch bands, which also possess in- natureoftheparticles. Athigherchemicalpotential,dy- flection points. We show in Fig.4(a) and 4(b) this kind namical instability switches on and destroysoscillations, of phenomenon appearing for µ = 0.5 meV; oscillations and at even higher density the massive Landau-Zener are completely deformed and no more quantifiable. It tunneling leads to a strong delocalization of the parti- is important to note that for strongerdisorders,it is not cles. possibleatalltofindascreenedregime[Fig.3(a)-(b)],be- Regardinga realexperimentalinvestigation,we would causethe systementers the parametricinstability region like to point outsome phenomena to be envisaged. First before recovering oscillations. of all, as we mentioned in Sec.I, metallic deposition will Finally, an even stronger density wipes out all the ef- tendtoreducethecavityphoton’slifetime;thusalateral fects mentioned above and puts the Landau-Zener tun- (along the x-axis) square-wave etching could be consid- neling into play. The interactions renormalizethe lowest eredasaseriousoption. Inarealtwo-dimensionalsystem Bloch band, closing the gap in the dispersion and in- one should expect transverse excitations to modify the creasing drastically the probability of the tunneling to instability threshold50. Finally, in a configuration where the second band49. As a result, BOs vanish, and parti- Landau-Zener tunneling is significant (for a weak lattice cles are almost uniformly accelerated. They practically or strong potential ramp) the wave function will split no longer feel the lattice. This regime is illustrated in and the non-oscillating part will be backscatteredat the Figs.4(c) and 4(d) for a very strong, although probably wire’s edges, which will slightly blur the motion. Nev- notexperimentallyaccessible,chemicalpotentialofµ=3 ertheless, the exceptional progress in growth and tech- meV. The condensate is accelerated to the edge of the nologyshouldleadverysoontoevenhigher-qualitysam- sample and disappears on the absorbing boundaries, as ples, in which the cavity photon lifetime could approach seen in 4(c). The particles are no longer reflected at the 100 ps. In such samples, Bloch-oscillations of exciton- FBZ edges. In 4(d), the mean velocity keeps increasing polaritons could be observed, perhaps even in the linear until particles reach the boundary, and then it decreases regime if the structural disorder is sufficiently low. because of the remaining trapped particles. To conclude, we will now take into account the finite V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lifetime of the particles to move to a realistic situation. We assume that the condensate is created by a quasi- resonant pumping close to the LPB at k =0 that mas- The authors acknowledge the support of the joint x sively populates the ground state of our system. 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