NBLITZDEFENCE - Your strategy against thugsN is the 12th specialist book written and/or pub lished by Keith R. Kernspecht. Its subject matter is the much neglected type of combat which occurs everywhere many thousands of times each year, with many serious injuries and even fatalities. In this form of ritual combat the typical martial artist almost always comes off se cond-best against the unscrupulous street thug. Kemspecht explains why, describes the ata vistic rituals and phases of these one-sided, five-second fights and shows how the situation can be defused by visual and verbal means or body language. He also explains, however, that there are certain people, e.g. acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who can only be stopped by even greater violence. As the ultimate response to such a threat he has developed a unique training programme which has been tried and tested by elite police units and con sists of just a few highly effective techniques which will rapidly put an attacker out of action. In developing this programme the author has drawn on the knowledge and experience of the most successful wrestlers, karateka, boxers, special police units, doormen and also convtcted thugs, combinmg these with his own 40 years of experience as a martial artist, police officer, bodyguard, head of a personal protection agency. Professor of philosophy and sports sdences at fore1gn univers1t1es and visiting instructor to-int. elite police units such as the FBI (USA)~ Noes SEK and GSG9 (Germany), RAID (France). {Italy), the Cantonal Police of Zurich (Switzerland), the Bulgarian anti-terrorist unit and GIP (Luxembourg). :1. Kernspecht himself began to study various western and eastern fighting arts at the end of the 1950s, e.g. freestyle wresthng, catching, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Kempo, Shaolin Kung Fu. These were followed by Shotokan and Wado Karate, Kobudo (weapons), Taekwon-Do, Aikido, Thai self defPnCP, I atoc;a-Fc;rnma (Philippine stick and knife-fighting), Bruce Lee's non-classical Kung Fu and the leungling system of WingTsun (WT), which experts acknowledge to be the most practical and effective self-defence system of aU: Today Kerth R. Kemspecht ts the highest-graduated WT-master in the world after his teacher Leung ling, the German national instructor and WT chief instructor for the remaining western world. He has introduced the WingTsun ~m in more than 53 countries. With more than 1500 schools in Germany, Austria and Switzerland alone, the European WingTsun Organisation (EWTO/IWTO) which he founded and runs is easily the world's largest profes sional martial arts organisation. In 1999, in recogmtion of his research and teaching activities at the Bulgarian State University, Kernspecht was awarded the world's first doctorate in the martial arts. Keith R. Kernpecht Blitzdefence The success strategy that enables you to defend yourself against thugs and sucker punchers after just 6 months of training. Learn the rituals of physical combat and put an end to the threat at a stroke if your attempts to defuse the situation prove unsuccessful. WU SHU-VERLAG KERNSPECHT e-mail (author): [email protected] WingTsun Books and Video Supplies K. Witt Tel. 0049 4371 45 81 Fax 0049 4371 18 03 e-mail (Sales): [email protected] Kantstr. 8 23769 Burg/Fehmarn Germany Keith R. Kernspecht Programme 2: Against a southpaw stance (=left-handed) Against Type A and B southpaws 114 Left arm against right arm 1 15 Let your hands do th<' talking 116 Drawmg back to slrlke without b<'ing obvious 117 What your left hand 1 18 do~s Your knockout blow: flow to pul him oul qfc!clion 1 19 Whal your tight foot does at the same lime 120 The role of the r<'ar (left) leg 121 lf the first blow doesn't produce a knockout 122 Training with focus-mitts 124 Whal can go wrong - Shit happells 125 Against an opponent who holds his leadinp; arm high (Type B) 132 Your knockout blow to tlJc liver: llou.1 lo pul I rim oul of a.cUon 133 What can wrong 134 ~o Training with focus mills 135 Scal: "J(an l{ei Fu" llip;h I low combination 136 uy Tht> mtth.or's Chinese n<1rne given to him his Si-Fu. Chain punches: 1\ burst front ct StLI;-machine DWI 1~ 37 Prof. Ting l...<.~ung Chain punches: lcleal ill em e111ergency 141 2nd progress check 144 Programme 3: Special Cases Against an unguarded aggressor approaching from the front 145 Agnin!:>l an aAArcssor with a double froJtlal guard 148 A southpaw blocks your pun<:11 149 Otthodox. opponent refuses to be p;rabbed and pulls away 150 This bo?k and all its contents are subject to copyright. Southpaw counters your punch with an inside punch 152 1\ny use outs1de the terms of copy1ight law is forbidden and ill<•gal It is also possible to advance Lh<" right leg ngainst an orthodox . .without the <~xprcss aqrcnnent of the publisher. opponent wiU1 his weight on the front k g 154 Th1s partlcularly applies to reproduction. translalicm. microfilming. storage and processing in eleC"lronic retrieval systems and transmission Part III: Methodology and Teaching in any form. res The· illust ratio11s in this bool< may not be sccUllll'd. stored in or 011 CD~ or .allcred or manipulated individually or together with other The u·aining nwU1od for the Blilzdcfencc programmes 155 graphics m PCs I computers without (he permission in writing of the Questions frequently asked of the author 156 publisher. I low do these new programmes differ rrom thc old ones? 162 Eberhard Schn<'ider rc•members .163 WU SHU-VERLAG KERNSPECHT A final word rrom the author 165 Copyright 2000 by l{eith R.. Kernspechl About the author 167 I st 8dition 2000 Blit%clefen.cc and other WT S<'lllh1a rs 174 Epilogue - Geoff Thompson 176 ISBN 3-927553- 11-5 The international branches of tl1e T\VTOIEWTO 178 The different sections or the lWI'OIEWl'O 179 5 Author's Preface in their homes. Slncc I b,egan studying Having recognised thai 95% of my Confucius I ha\'e been aware that if one recog In 1987 I published my book "VomZweikampp students and readers nises something; as correct and necessary. one f"011 Single Combat"}. at Uw lime probably the will almost cet·tainly must also translate it into practice as a logical world's first complex examlnalion of singll be confronted with a conclusion. llavJns.?; reeo~niscd that 95% of nw combat as a phenomenon. This book -which students and readers will almost certainly be ritual combat situ has since been published in En~lish. Italian. ation at some Lime. I confronted with a ritual combat situation at Spanish and Bulgarian translalions - wa~ cannot innocently some time. I cann9t ltmocently continue to enthusiastically received by both cxpats and continue to prepare prepare them for a n)c"rr duel. laymen and helped Leun~ Ting WingTsun to themfor a mere duel. In 1987 I already wrote that the real fight achieve recognition the world's major takes place beforehand, and that the victor amon~ elite police and military units. is already decided during the critical few To this day I have not been obliged to revise a seconds before the first blow is struck. single one of the views I put forward in this book. Writing this down and being aware of it for as r and the 12-stage training prog;raOJmc which I long as can remember is not enough. however based upon it. and whicli has been copied by As a totally commi!tt'd educationalist it has countless compeUtors. has required no amend always been my aim to make non-technical r ments between 1980 and tltc (;'lld of 1999. aspects teachable as w<?lL ,for tt!.is reason So why am I now following up with this new researched the conflict beh~wtour 01 animals nncl book nnd a newly-conceived ~elf-defence pro man. As a high school student and trainee gramme·? Because J want 10 utilise the findings pollee officer. and when others were visiting bars To my mind Geoff in. "On Single Combat' in proposing soluUons to to get dnmk or getlo know the oppposite sex. I Thompson wets the an att.ack situation which Is still more or tess would sit down in notoriously rough establish frrst English language l~norcd in martial arts circles. Allhough U1is ments with a glass of orange juice and a notepad author to concern spe<'lfi<: form of "combat" rertalnly takes place in order to study the terrllorial behaviour of the himself with this kind in our bars and streets thousand<> oftitnes each Preparation must not h11man male. At· that time. when e.g. my friend of comlxll. y<>ar. oft<.'n resulung in serious mjurics or e\·en be exclusively devoted Eberhard Schneider (author of "Power Training death. no German-speakin~ self-defence author to the physical aspect for J<ung Fu & Karate") excitedly reported that a has yet to my knowled~e concerned himself so of a coq{rontation. former German boxing champion had opened Intensively with U1is "nat11rnl phenomenon". Otlten.vise people who a bar somewhere in l<icl. and that he was in the Indeed to 1h e extent thai. I fl n<l myself obliged ure nol lr uir te<l ill II t<.: 1 egular habit of exercising his skills on his to lend a name to this phcnoll)cnon myself. I l'erbal and tactile "guests". we suddenly had nolhing better to do am speaking of ritual combat between men. pltases. and who than to go and watch him. After just a few which to begin with questions such as practice only minutes we were ti·eated to the spectacle of the t~nds -what ·s up? Have you got a problem?" or -Are ..p hysical" but not previously unbeaten boxing champion being you eyeballing me?" and incrcasin~ly often ends -mental- se!fdejimce. knocked out wjth a ~ln.l!lc ounch by a skinny with kicks to the head and serious or fatal will tx> obliged to but extremely angr~r-.vcal<.ling (in a fight over a injuries. resort lO even grec«er woman!). This also rockc<l my own view of the This tilua1 comlx.~.t forms part oft he wide-ranging violence to resolve world to its foundations. as I l~<ild prc)rlou!;JIY topic of single combat. Even t bough H is only a cortflict situations. for been a follower of the Asian philost>phy cxtoHilig '"!J parUal aspect of the whole. this is the type of "!/' only tool is a the "mind like water" and believed lhat U1c calnt combat I hal occurs most frequcnlly and will llamrner. then evert} unexcited man who keeps a cool head will beat threaten just about everybody at some time in problem looks like a the hothead in a fi~hl. After this experience I Trouble in the carpark thcir lives unless of course they stay locked up nail to me. .. began to see the sen~c in "psyching up" for a 6 7 Fear is d.angerous fight ("Count Dante" was beginning to spread Only if this is unsuccessful are the fight-stopp because it causes a this message in the I !SA at that lime). Before ing techniques which I recommend to be used mental block- this incident my a1fn was always an emotionless within the definition of reasonable force and part icul.arly when it fight. and excited. angry opponents always humaneness. so that we can always be sur<' of builds up slowty. disconcerted me as they ga\'C liSe lo feelings I acting within the law even when subjected to when you notice that was unable to identify. At that Ume my reartlon very severe stress. ··something's to an Impending physiral disagreement was In 20 years of work with the world's major elite cooking··. when you always: "Quit stalling and l.hrow a punch, Let's police and military units I have developed and hear footsteps get it ouer wilhr As a J<matcka. whose first coordinated de-escalating pre-fight behaviour approaching. walk technique was supposed to be a block. I often and combat techniques. down long corridors or had to wail for several minute'> as my opponent From all the c[fectiYe techniques. I selected those perceive implied buill up a good head of steam while my legs which can be learned and most variably threats vhere as a began to tremble because l was obliged to wait 1 combined with '"non-violent" restraint holds in result of association for his attack. Tlw author wilh his the shortest tim<:- by the avrrnge man or woman. and one's own During my studies J encountered I.iluals wnich Chinese WT teacher. Without exception thes<' come from the WT inwgination. what is go back thousands of years and arc instinrtivcly Grand Master Leung system. though in the lsl pro~ramme I have leji unsaid has a.far familiar to any streetfightcr. but which hardly Ting also used jdeas from the simplified Non-classi<:al srronger e_[{ecl than _anv sc1entists have so far considered to b<' Kung Fu of Bruce lA'<' with the addition of what is said. Jn suclt ~Qorthy of examination. fiow<'vcr. these atavistic advanced wr foot and leg control for improved cases fear leads to rituals ~ovcrn the immutable processes that self-protection. paralysis and occur durinp; most physical conflicts. Knowing Nobody is abk to develop such a complex. clisrupls movement U1em meru1s knowing yourself and knowin~ your scienlltk method alone. and I too needed 40 seCJuences. so that enemy. According to Sun Tzu. the famous years as weU as the input and feedback provided one is temporarily Chinese stratelQst. this is an indispensable by and students. coJlea~ues depriued of one·s prereqUlsite for victory. For their conttibulioos I wish to thank Great skills. In fact wtnning is not the object where Chin.rsc Grand Mas1er Prof Leung Ting. my mentor Prof. Wu Shu ancll are concerned. but rather prevent Dr. Kailcov (National Sport Academy. Sofia). ing fights In the first plar<'. fights always mean Jesse Clouer. "Big·· Karl l<od1. GeqffThornpson. a loss. even If. like Pyrrhu~. you are victOJious. Sigi Wo{{. Jiirgen Kestner an.d Bill 'Th.e Sticks" The object must be to limit the damage. i.e. to Newman as well as my students C. Gejcke u. prevent violcnrc from escalating even further. Schadow. Peter Vilimck. S. Fiege. A. Wirtz. Preparation must not be exclusively devoted to D. Lipke. J>aul Hawkes. Kaspar Nielsen. Rainer the physical aspect of a confrontation. The author with his Grothe <:u1d I lubert Beit'/cr. frknd Bill Newmau. Othe!Wisc people who are not trained in the 1 am indebted to Sa.mPelllssier(NewYork/Cape European Chief verbal and tactile phases, and who practice only Instructor for Es('rlmn Town} and Poto-Renard (Kiel) for most of the '"physical'" but not seJf-defence, will be ~mentnl'" photos and to my Wf -student Ronald Butler for obliged to resort to even violence to ~realer translating Lhis book. resolve conflict situations. for -~[my only tool is Photof.{raphic models: a hammer. then every problem looks Like a nail to me.- Cape Town. South Afrira. 1/u'(' Kopplin (Berlin). Accordingly I teach my students to aim at 1·)-wrk Scllajer (1-Iol/cuu/}. lst January 2000 My Atudenl Ronald defusing the situation during every phase. be it More /(li/tl (Hamburg). Butler. the translator of the visual phase. the verbal phase or the begin Take 11 Ill [(! el: &11 &-lunc.>he. Carsten ning of the tart ile phase. this book Keith R. Kernspecht Bo!clt. Andreas lleillriclr. II Statement by a Jiu-Jitsu Big Karl Koch - Grand Master: A man who has been there The ..d ojojighter. . often hqs no op When Keith H. J((>rnsp<:.Tht asked nte to write a tion but judicious withilrdwal when prologttc for thic; book J was about enthusia~~ic things get heavy on the street. the idea but also in an inner turmoil as il broug,ht old memories and clemons back to life. This concliljon lasl<'d for 14 days. and its effects In my expe1ience there js jo reality no such thing spore which is what so were nlso ldt b-v m.v wife Mar~rct and my son a~ c1 ~martial mr~uy Vincent. mania) a1i.s ha\'e become. 1\t the very least the A mullitud<' of thoughh came jnto my head as lenTl Itself is unfortunate as a desciipt·ion of r rccalkd the mental pictures of rny fights and the complex phenomenon we are discussin~. my opponcnb. My hands wcot as cold as ice 1 belie\·e l11ere is only such a thing as the "mnrtral Karl Koch "To practice becaust' t.oo much blood was flowing to my nrts ~ with indiYidual aspects such as !:>port. realistic self heart. arsthelics. meditation and self-defence. Hm\ def ence one must First I fcl<:hed a number of hooks from the these aspects are weighted decides the very observe the spccW<: profile of a. martial art . t•upboard to obtain a few jdcas about writing a perpetrators in Once we turn to the concept of sdf-dl'fcnce. pre far~. Ho,v<·vcr it did not seem enough jusllo their territorial write n few words about the book without also aspects such as sporl. aesthetics or similar fade behaviour as the saying son1cthfng about the man behind il. the Into the background as U1e point cnn only be to author did.'' author. /\Her all. the written word is the n1atc win or at least to sell one·s slcJn ns dearly as rialised expression of an intellectual and spiri po~slblr:>. tual proc<:%. Everything is int<'rconnectccl. ln order to practice realistic self-defence how(:'ver Too many p<:oplc have (orgotlen how to pay (lo lhc l'Xlent lhal practice i5 possible at all). il atlt'ntion lo tlH' "litlle" things. Whaten·r you do. i~ necessary to observe the pcrpetralor(s) in their refusing lo think things through. taking the temtonaJ behaviour (as the author did). their easy option and '>li<:king to old dogmas. rnolivcs and their aggressive potentiaJ- as well as in lheir warped moral sense. "Some 35 years Some ~{5 vears ago K. K Kernspecht used w sit ago the young high quielly in,\ corner of my small bar. the 'Tav<'rne·· The ~d~jo~[iglltc>r~ A bout in the dojo is noU1.ing compared to a ojien has 110 opt ion fi~ht in alien surroundings. which It is wise t·o school student K. in J<iel (Gcrmany). with a11 orange juice. do his Kernspecht used to homeworl< and study the rituals of terrilOiial but judicious leave when th)ngs become hopeless. Some don·t sit quietly in a conJ1kt. We h.1d no idea at the time that he was withdrawal wltc>11 like h~aring it. but this is ~cnerally known as corner of my small to become a renowned fi,gure. and not just in things get heavy 011 .. running mvay~. bar with an orange the mnrtial arls world. Krith was nol yel 20 the street. juice, do his yean; old then. hut already showed a very firm 28th December 1999 homework and ~-haract cr and observed everything that Klaus Hartel, Hanshi study the rituals of happened !u ow· rough dockside bar without 8lh Dan Jiu-Jitsu territorial conflict bcin~ challgt·d by il. He was courteous to 6th Dan Judo-Do with painstaking everyone and of the scene without renlly p<~rl 4th Dan Judo scien.tijic becoming involved himsrlf. He saw everything lsl Dan Knrate detachment." but ncvt>r: identified with anyone Loo closely. Like C'IHtirman of the German a scient lsl studying toe rutting behavtour of Martial Arts Federation slags without turning into a stag himself. I Karl Koch to the author already knew then that he is an extraordinmy man who has my respect and admiration. I could start talking about charisma now. but let me just say Dear l<clth, that he a Iovabl<' and trustworthy man of great knowledge. I k also has i~ my great esteem because he Is one of those rare people who never take the Havinp; nt.:1nap;ccl to write my preface l am after easy road. but always th.e thorny path of enlightenment. This book about all motivated to give.' you or rather your teadcrs the c1itical few seconds before. and after a is by a professional durin~ fi~ht the beneOl of a few thoughts and conclusions who has been there. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anybody who wants from my turbulent past. firstly so that to have a chance out there. your\_~ people understand that we know what we arc T can almost hear the catcalls from the back row: -How do you know. what talkinf,1; about and secondly so that they have gives you the riglu tojudge·r Well. you should know that my own journev no dnnp;erous illusions about the world out through life- has been hard too. that I have plumbed practically every depth. aod the victor after several hundred violent confrontations. Court thcr<'. cm<.'r~<.'d As you know 1 have worked in many establish records will provide ample testimony of this. though I wish to stress Lhat I ments during my almost 30 years in the bar bavc never been co1wictcd of any assault. grieviouslbQdily harm etc.! Having business. of which. 16 were in tJ1e coastal area said Umt. the fact thatl have never had time for'plinps deserves an emphatic around Kiel: mention at U1is point. Watcdront bars: "Seeleujel". ··see- Before every impending .Ogh.tl too experienced the symptoms of fear describ(•d ~Maxim··. pjerdchen ... "Orotte". ·Schloss/wile". "Alte Liebe". by U1e author. however il was preCisely this fear that made me so dangec-ou~ "La Masia ... "f<.lei..c;t Casino ... "Leuchlturm ··. WRio ... bccaust> it drove UIC forwards: opponent unconscious - no more fear. 'Borrarr.za ... "!<.as/code ... Black belts. grades and certificates are of no to you whatever rn<~stcr u~c Top-class establishments: 'Delphin Bar" in Zer out there! When a rabid thug is coming at you with blind hale in his ey<>~ matt. Switzerland. "Siecllenbrau"-al Lhatlime you have only two oplions: to run away or to fight. a high-class restaurant run by Charly Bruhn. In a life-tnreatcning situallon like this you have to leave out everything who wns Chairman of the supcrOuous. Like being in a boat and throwing everything overboard to go Cerman ,Licen~ed faster. The few techniques shown in this book arc rnou,e:h lo slop lhis monster Victualler~ t\sso<·iatlon <.md l1irea me because he was experiencing more and more trouble in his track~. When you lie in bed that evening you will feel better than if there. you had mn away quakin.~ with fear. And if you trust youc- real nJ~hting Steinbnch owned restaurants: "Stranclschloss abilities to the cxt('l11 that you can appear unconcerned and avo•cl tht chen" and ·caleere" in Schonberg. "Ballhaus situation escalaling to Its biltcr conclusion. this is the greatest \'ictory. Eichltq/ in Kiel. the "Ostseehalle" chain. Mr. Sift• Kernspccht's Blit?.dcfencc shows you how. May it go out into the world Steinbach hired me because more and more and be read by those who need it. fights were also occurring in his establishments. (I also used to give his son A. English lessons). In all these places (including the "Eicllhof' when 5th January 2000. they held dances) there was plenty of trouble. so I fn:qucntly had to fight. Karl W. Koch My own bars: "Tcwerne· (Kiel). "Casino· disco (llusum) - I did not n<.'cd doormen - and the "Drop Inn·· (Hcndsbu rg). where Lhcrc were always Oghts. During lh!s time I held positions as a general mnnag<'r. barkeeper. doorman. bodygJJarfl./chcf de rnng, croupier. bookkeeper in a bron1e1 lOnly possible with no criminnJ record) a11d conference Eberhard Schnrlder. Marwcl. Karl Koch. Rolancl organlser. { have to menlion lhis in detail be Another murderer: cause I was notjusl a bannan all the time. In Karl Koch's This fellow was the manager of the "Kochli.?.flel" background my UmC' I have become acquainted with every in Rendsbur@: and a regular in the "Drop Inn". level of society and traded punches with plrnps. came to England CIS a His eyes were ie<'-c-old and his gaze so demonic child. \Vas Introduced butchers. special forces personnel. farmhnnrb. that they called the words of Hennes Trismcgisto to "hand artistic<;" <~nd properly developers. sailors and trawler skip to mind: ns niJove - so below. as inside- so anoballcs by Mtdwl pers. as well as with Americans. Englishmen Cht>C?:>ar and DeiSt/ outside. lie also had a habit of cheating at cards. and Australians durinp: the annual Kicl regatta .\1arlin. to boxin'g b.\ ' so I kicked him in the a .. and threw him out. hi~ English stepfather. week (U1e Japanese were the exception. they Some months laler he murdered the son of Rccei\'cd more bo.xln~ were always nice). Albert Sch. (who happened to be an acquain· instruction from his If you \Viii for~iYe my langua~e. l have n1bbcd 1 schoolteacher Mr. .\ fac lance of mine from the "Taverne} and laid the shoulders with the scum of U1e Earth and the Dermitl and at Pollers body outside Albert's door. Bar Boxin.~ Club. nicest people you cou lei l)lCet. I also had dealmgs with two other mm-derers. This is how Keith R. Lenrncd weight "' I<ernspechl looked in I have p:iven a good hiclin.~ to murderers. Juil· tr<unln~. acrobatic-, bul these were more complicated and would birds. dmg dealers. slm•c-traffickcrs and olher \'lc. from Ruben .\tor lake up too much space here. the laLe 70s an. the world's best trash. H II round a thlcte I drove the most fantastic cars and went through Dear 1\eith. allow me to come back to your (wrestler. boxer. han<! many. many personal crises. Everything I have acrobat. body-builder sccnarjo i.n "Some 11eople'::; idea of fun". You wi;llen is the truth. and every event· <'an be and wcighl-ufler) and describe a lypc of t ln~g who i~ all too common from Rey Borenger at confirmed. but would neve-r have· got a second jn cha~wP I he YMCA. 1.88 m tall. the places whue I worked. After lhis cowc:u·dly weighing 90 kg and The slave-trafficker "I". frorn Ki<?-1. c.:Hy·wldt• with a reach of 1.95 m act the fellow would have immediately received reputation. 1.95 m tall. 110 kg in weight unci lhts model athk1e also a ..srnack in the mouth from somebody. be it a trained In \\TCstlin!! pockmarked. My work coJJeague Conny C. carpenter. a biicklayer or a waiter. and been nnd boxinl.( (nwnt.or., warned me: "Look out. J<arl. /. anclltis henchman unceremoniously thrown out of the door. Bullies /(an Richmond and are q{ter you. ~ Michel Chcesa) and like this an· cowarclly and nasty-minded. but I. came towards me and prepared to deliver a Mvimmin~ after a hard your -Hlit~-:ckfcncc" is ideally suited for thugs of day's work as a ho<l punch. but I hiL him first and his head smashed n quite chffcn'nt order: I'm thinking of someone caOier on n building into a heavy oak table as he fell. His head injury who is hnrcl as grru1ite. fit and through site. As Koch already a~ lou~h was so serious that we had to call an atllbulance. had ·a punch like the heavy manual work and who doesn't lmow what kic-k of a horse· with For some reason there were no cou1·t procet• pain is. Someone who shows not lbe least slgn. c!Uwr llst at an early <h.ugs. of fear and who will challenge even the strongest ne,c and was unustwl· ly last. <'\'t'rymw ad~ loa D$l. The murderer .. K ... He was (unfortunately) one \1-,cd htm to spcclalio;;e E.g. "S. the Austrian": 1.90 m. 100 kg. of my regulars at the -Drop Inn ... I belted hirn In boxu~g. howl'Vc·r hl' Formerly a rnjucr. . hc wanted to sec daylight and ·rm wanted to rettlaltl <1 for bad behaviour and he responded with: be<·amc a punp. During a Kicl regatta week he jack of all trarle!i. In going to shoot you. you fat pig! .. l resorted to Germany he received stood in. frotH of a do:r.cn american sailors. while bluff: "Listen. I still have an old P 38 lucked away Ups from /{arl Dehnke and black: "You etre war criminals" (to the whites) (state \\'resWng cham and I'll be canying it .from now on. and !( 1 see and "You ure rnonkc>ys" (to the blacks). Then he pion). Walter EiJt{eld you wlllt et gwtjusl once ~Jou'll know what lo {German boxing' waded into the whole j>ui1eh. knocked several expect. .. <'hampton) and K R. out and Ih e rest took to their heels. When U1e Four weeks later "K." shot his ex-wife and hi~ Kc•rn.<;f)<'ch( (then J<a~. military police arrived S . had disappeared. rute. Jiu-Jitsu. l<.o· small son Sascha dead near AH-Duvcnstedf. S. was dangerous. J le had boxed and \vresUed 1:3udo). then robbed a bank. Amen! and was as as a horse. As they couldn't slron~ ' ' I<; get t.o him in any other way. several 111<'11 "I have given t'llese happy to learn the martial art you hav<' ambushed him in llamburg and bt•at him to examples lo show mal:;lercc.l. Wln!(l'su n (Wf). what type of people> I death. They stamped on his head until il was I well remember you showing me a few tricks consider dangerous. squashed flat. mor~ than 30 ycnrs a~o. and I am still proficient and ag<1insl wltornl Aflc·twanls his brother N. was seen running at tlwm. Tlwy have often proved very Hsrful (to would hew<' welcomed around vnnous an:as of I lamburg with.\ pump~ not to my opponents). llll'. your Blilzdefenee action shotgun. looking for the pet·pclrator~. 1 was very pleased to find that you advocate the method at the Lime. I have ~iven lhese e..xamplcs to show what typ(' vcrUcaJ (WingTsun) fist rather than the hori~:on Although //tcuw not of people I consider dan~cro11s. and al!,~lin:-;t tal (l<nr<\lt') fist. It was always wHh a vertical Ost bee11 JXlrl o.f tlw ~cc>ne whom I would have welc01:ned your Blilzdefc.·•wc th.HI knod<e:d out roughly 150 troublemaker~. for the last I 0 years. I method at the time. Sounds but that's the truth. Those cxajt~crated. know q{ at least :30 All hough I have not been part oft he scenc for of rnv t•olleagucs who arc still alive can t''\ fellows qflltis lciru.l 111 th<' last 10 y<'nrs. I know of nt lt•asl :30 fellow~ of coulinll H. Thr.y would alwa.y s l-5av: "Let Knrl this area. .. this kind In this area. handle it it won 'l lnl<e long. .. From many years of experience I know that it is Kurt R .. 1.80 m. 100 k~. the eyes of a liget and possible to put a berserk thug out of act ion with a~ strong as an ox. There was hardly anyotle In V<'IY lfttlt' dlort. Just for fun. the pc.'opk who Kif'l who uol afraid of him. and orl on<' wa~ like.:' to go In swinging should have somebody o<"casion he had decked two colleagues of m inc ··r used a vertical fist hit them right on the chin from a distance of 40 from another b<1r. to knock out roughly cenllllletre~. then lhc~y would find out tltat tltclr One day he pnlcl Ma.rgret (my wifC') and nw .1 150 1/111[)$ ... stupid antics (upcndi11g tables. shoving cl1nirs visit in the "Alte Wacile". Ucing a notorious arouJtd. throwing botllcs at the wall) arc merC'ly skirlchascr. he made a pass at Margrct. l asl<cd u ridiculous attempt to impress. That sort of l<uti what he thought he was doing. pointln~ thing hns ct·rtafnly n<'V<'r Impressed me. anyway. "It WCI..S 1!0 fJOO<i tr~JlllfJ out that we had known each other for years and "1 cion 't beLieve in the Nt>lthc.>t do ll><.>lfew !;lorles about people with a to reason with this askinl!, him to be sensible. "Just IJeccwse rue granilejaw. "granltejaw". I have never experienced one. al ~ fellow. As soon as he known you a long time doesn't llnve to mewr I an.y ..-ate. for if .v ou hit the chin the ri~ht 01~ moved 1 gat•e him n like you.~ l<urt rrplfed. ll wa~ J)o good t1y1ng to "button" tlw oppom·nt goes down. Ify ou hnV<'n't leji hook to Ute lwer reason wiU1 this fellow. 1\::3 ~oon u~ lw nwvt•d I h1t It qllllC n!!,ht. you follow-up wnh a hook to and one on the chirt. gave him a left hook lo the liver and one on the the liver and that docs the job too. He went to sleep!~ c:hin. llc wcnt to sleep! Kid<ing Is not of much us<.> in a bar. There's Then l tdc.-phoncd his brothrr Walter. who was never t•nou~h room for kl<'ks to cause real pain. t•ven more dangerous than Kurt. lie ~ot In his and scoring a hH on the wedding tackle tends car and came over right away. Jle stood about to be a rare event. one metre in front of me and askl'd nw whnt An enormous Scotsman used to frequent my had happened. l explainrd the cfrcums1anct>s disco In llusum. lie was employed at the Iota! and Walter simply said: "Ciue me a llcmd .witlt. shipyard. The fellow had learned marlial arts llim please. Karl ... and we canied him lo the (high kid<s to the head and so on) and picked a cttr. Then Waller just said: 'Tm going to git•e /Jim fight wl tl1 Ir iend Hoi and Sch ul:r.. Roland is ~ny n uoocl talking 10 wlten rue get /tome. unci "Kicking is not q{ an arllst, used to be a bo<lybuilclcr nnd I rained tomorrow he'll be here to apologise to !JOlt cutd much use in a bar. .. with Reg Park Ln South Nt·jca for many years your wife. .. Walter was a real man. H would be (Reg is also a f1iend of mine. I oflcn trained with nice If there were more Ill<<' hlrn around! him In 8nglund). When Roland started talking If' 1 were a younger man I would be more than to hi'> wife. tlte St·otsman tl-iCd to kick him in Masterstudents of Keith R. Kernspecht Other national IWTO Instructors and holders 6th resp. 5th Practician Grade f)clrlknocl' Bello \ndrc~' Br;uJd,wu.r t•.,.,f~ Bu£111 I knru::: l>a'<·n... Sad;on h~lo;:r I'n un Rn11~f~. l>ah ( ir.a<k. (At!"C'~I tS +J\Cnto~l ''"" \l¥1nQI tl'lrnmu\1 t '"' J,lll;ll IL\ \. C1n.hl.t. \1t\1Cu) Ao<Jn:" ( 'Jmcron ,\n..tn:~•' fi,·lkr I 111m/ Cilllltiii.'IIUliU l'•ul tl.•"'''' t\llan l~n'o#n 1u r.m \,,,,c,·cn F oliprn { 'u,·mltu ll:n~l.dl<h 1 B1.t1d1 d. 1111 tln.l,mdl ( D..:lliii.H.,.' 1 hnl ryJ ((l,tl ~I lthnm1r KtJI:tr Ln1'1 1\:ro~w..c t Jo' l oml \IQh.unt.l \boh<•loto \1..·\~lh.lr.a \tJnan \ ldPT CiUIIt.'fr\'/ Oh\cr K Kug_ llmm01' \1,mne' P<l~r \!Jull ~ltNltJ.) I R. . IJ'IUD~ f k'"ml""' I lr>.·MUIIf'l '\1 lf'-""''' IIUnl"-1... I At- ( SJ'iiUI f'IIMtJt.tll 1 \a,uu,t ~..,,.,.,, ''"'.:11 1Tum-..1 l U Ju~t·n M'''''<hJuc' Sa\('fJQ \1~:-<.tln lith.Ulll~'' ()lh('f' Jt"d l'~·h hiPicJ honl, l>o.:u .. IJ \ l,otnagtutopuult" Hdn11d1 f'l,ofl Han,J R~mmd F-r;onk Sc h.tlt l il\l.ldl •<.'••m.tn l'lC''I 'l t,llt(('' t\l••i'l·'~'l'l! 'r\3.111t. '\I at ) :(;h."~~(~ I (k.ud 1 U\t'r>,.,Miffl '\C'lhc;-rl.uHh) J Jn1.hcn Sa.or~ \lochdc \l~ll,ou• J.\111. \hdd ~~"·'" \ hm,:d t\1 l.,h.tlo (, '\~hL'mhn Thurn~'' '\l hrdn 'lllu:had xh" ar1 Rounc.·1 'LJll'\.'lh.l fSt•LIIh Alt1~ ,1,\ '""•' tl.'tt:\NI t()ul.tll) '\loll -.rl hi I ~~'lt~r 11:'+11 \(~. ..... l.lfl•ll I Rdrrum \\ alloon tll\:l,lHd)