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American Fern Journal 96[3j:75-79 (20()fi} Blechnum an Overlooked Fern from ludificans Herter, America South SOTA E. R. DE Ly\ Catudra do Morfologia Vegetal, Facultad dc Cicncias Naturales Museo, Univorsidad Nacional de y La Paseo Bosque 1900 La Argentina (Consejo Nacional dc Invcstigaciones Plata, del Plata, s/n"", Cientfficas Tec:nicas, Argentina] y G. E. GlUDTCE Cat(Klra de Morfologia Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Boscjue s/n\ 1900 La Plata, Argentina M. LiJNA L. Catedra de Morfologia Vegetal, Facidtad Ciencias Naturales Museo, Universidad Nacional de d(^ y La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n \ 19(]() La Plata, Argentina [Comision de Investigat:iones Cientfficas Buenos de Provincia de Aires) la — Blechnum ABSTRACT. In this paper the authors reconsidcjr the validity of the fern ludificans Herter. LM Herharium was studied using stereoscopic microscopy, and SEM, The main diagnostic material characters of 5. ludificans pinnate to pinnate- pinnatisect pinnae, 25 or fewer pinnae per blade, a.re: and the presence of glandular hairs on the pinnae, inframedial position of the cocnosori, entire ^/^ Blechnum ludificans Herter known only from the type specimen and is grows only in Repiiblica Oriental del Uruguay, South America. Its isotype known provides information on only locality: Durazno, Blanquillo, ''in its Gonwanicoum rupium expositis", fissuris (arenisca roja], locis sibsiccis, soli The Herter 1947, Herb. Hert. 99722, Pl.Ur.exs. 1985 (US 1917580]. IX. leg. isotype has two annotation labels: one by C.V.Morton 1964, ''Blechnum = Blechnum "Blechnum laevigatum Cav.", and the other, ludificans Herter anonymous by There an laevigatum Cav.?", E.R. de la Sota 1969:. is also observation by hand that makes reference to "abnormal form'\ its Blechnum auriculatum Cav. and auriculatum L niucronato-dentata Ros. B. difi / ms During Uruguay April 2004) the authors were unable to re- field trip to [in a by Durazno Department, probably due habitat alteration collect this fern in to human The aim study analyse the diagnostic characters of activity. of this is to difi Herter. Methods Material and Blechnum was The only material of ludificans studied the isotype mentioned compare specimen with australe subsp. above. In order to this B. AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 7G 90 [2U0G) 3 Blechnum Tahli-: Diagnostic characters of ludificaus and austrah suhsp auriculntum. 1. B. Charac:ters B. ludificans B. australe suhsp auricnlcituin Rhizome orientation creeping, ascending creeping, ascx^nding Rhizome scales basi fixed, delotid-lanceolate, basifixed. delotid, partially to tolally partially to totally sclerotic, sclerotic, entire to laciniatc; margin margin entire Blade architecUn'e pinnale pinnate- pinnatisect pinnate to Number pinna up of pairs 25 45 more to or Frond dimorphism subdimorphic subdimorphic Blade indumiMit glandidar on and liairs rachis scarcely glandular hairs on pinnae pinnae surface surface Pinna base mucronate auriculate- auriculate- attenuate Indusinm position inframedial intramarginal medial or Spore wall sculpture scarcely folded scarcely folded auriciikitum, material from was The this species also analysed. pinnae were diaphanized according the Foster techniqne and were to observations (1934], M5 made with a Willd stereoscope and Nikon Labophot-2 microscope. a light LM 3% For were the spores treated with hot sodium carbonate minutes for 2 and SEM acetolyzed according Erdtman For was to (1960). the material yc Observations were performed with JEOL JSMT- 100 scanning a electron microscope at the Facultad de Ciencias Natin^ales Museo, Universidad y Nacional de La Plata. The following characters were analysed: rhizome position, blade scales, architecture, fronds dimorphism, indument, indusinm and position margin, spore diameter and spore wall sculpture. Terms used to describe the indusinm imen study this are listed below. Blechnum australe L. siibsp. aun'culatum (Cav.) de Sola la ARGENTINA: Buenos Pcia Aires, Tandil, Cerro Leones, 2/3/1946, 300 msnm, Looser 2955 "Dos Hermanas", (LIL); Olavarrfa, Cerro 21/4/1947, msnm, 250 Krapovickas 3421 (LIL); Tornquist, Sierra de Ventana, 20/4/ la Krapovickas 2189 Pdo 1945, Ensenada, Punta (LP); Lara, 4/1/1940, Dawson 933 Meyer (LIE). Pcia. Salta: Tartagal, 916, 12-VI-1934 (BA). URUGUAY: Km Depto Durazno, Ruta 43 a 25 de San Gregorio de Polanco, Ramos & 31/3/2004, Giudice, Giacosa Luna 132 Depto Tacnarembo, (LP), & Grula de los Helechos, 30/3/2004, Giudice, Ramos Giacosa Luna 114 (LP). Rlecbnum icons Herter hi dif URUGUAY: Depto. Durazno, Blanqnillo, lX-1947, Herb. Herter 99722, (US 1917580). BLECHNUM SOUTH AMERICA DE LA SOTA ET LUDIFICANS IN 77 AL.: U I'M PLANTAC UBUOUAVCMSeS EXSICCATAE PI Jt N." a «U«S Dl W. HEBrCR. »ONTlYtD», UftUOtlAV tft 7Z' f ex lli:^:tl IIEItl. H. 1^ r • .itv * n ^ ^ >^'* '-'• HtfttAl. t^ fv>* r r J -*• UdTir M « M *4 ^* rL Brum ^i i^ Crf rtt Irriptoi Blfoh&uB Cbv^ / Ht. y D£ tiKF / 1;«4 i4^ •% 4m. C. V U t l^rr HkLKTKR I^F s >T r-^i'^i ' K mar •^f\ [HIT, I 1^ H'**S t MUSCUM WiTCD STATEb NATIONAL C*0O67431 Fig. 1. Isotype of Blechnum ludificans (Ilorb. Hort. 99722, Pl.Ur.exs. 1985 [US 1917580]) Results and Discussion Blechnum hetween The our morphological comparison ludificans results of and B.australe subsp auriculatum Cav., considered by Herter [1950) to be Blechnum summarized Table Although ludificans closely related, are in 1. is analysis lead us and infrequent species, the characters identified in this a rare and The appeared shape and spores regular in size consider a valid taxon. to it AMi^RICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 78 JOUKNy\L: 96 (2000) 3 V / Bluchnum Apex Fig. 2. hidijiains. A. of forlilc^ frond. B. D(?tail of pinnato-pinnatisoot portion of fertile i)ifiiiae. C. Infrannulial indiisiTim position. D. Auricuilato-muoronate segment bases; glandular on hairs the raohis indit:at(Ml arrow. Subimhrioato segments with l)y E. sterile anrionlate-inucronate l)asos. F. H3Tiathodos along sterile pinna margin. G. Rhizome scale showing an entire margin. H. Spore etjuatorial view, occasional folds [arrow] and globuh;s [arrowhead] are DE LA SOTA ET BLECHNUM LUDIFICANS SOUTH AMERICA AL.: IN 79 no spore abortion was observed. According our observations the diagnostic to Blechnum characters states for ludificans are found in blade architecture, the number of pinnae per blade, pinnae indument, indusium position and rhizome margins. scale The Blechnum presence of pinnate pinnate- pinnatisect fronds in to ludificans represent another example of blades with an additional degree of blade dissection, a character condition considered by Kramer et (1990) to be al. occurrence" genus Blechnum. rare in the ''of The following description of Blechnum ludificans based on the isotype is US specimen at [Figs. 1, 2]. Rhizome suberect, well developed and stoloniform, with scales attached by margins the base, deltoid-lanceolate, partially to totally sclerotic, entire. cm Fronds subdimorphic, up to 20 long; petioles light brown, adaxially grooved, with glandular, few-celled hairs and scattered ciliate scales with hair- brown like apices, attached by their bases; rachis light to pale yellow, adaxially grooved and with glandular blade subcoriaceous, pinnate with hairs; up pinnatisect pinnae. Pinnae linear-deltoid in outline, with to 25 pairs per and blade, attenuate the apex, with auriculate-mucronate bases hyaline at toothed margins; segments subimbricate, with veins simple once lateral to forked, ending in remarkable hydathodes, adaxial and abaxial surfaces with glandular, 2-4 celled hairs. Fertile pinnae narrower than the sterile ones; coenosori inframedial, continuous, or partially interrupted in the pinnatisect regions, indusia glabrous with erose margins. Spores monolete, polar diameter ca.19 equatorial diameter 31 perispore folded with granular |im, ca. |j,m; and ornamentation superficial globules of sporopolenin. Literature Cited Blechnum DurAn, M. 1997. Estudios morfologicos, taxonomicos y biosistematicos en genero L. el & Ph Universidad (Blechnaceae-Pteridophyta). D. dissert, (ined.), Fac. CA. Exact. Fis. Nat., Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, FoSTRR, A. 1934. The use of tannic acid and iron chloride for staining cell walls in meristematic Stain Technol. 9:91—92. tissue. Un Herter, G. 1950. nuevo Blechnum de Uruguay. Revista Sudamer. Bot. 8:162-163. Kramer, K. U., C. Chambers and E. Hennipman. 1990. Blechnaceac. Pp. 60-68, in K. Kubitzki, ed. (K. U. Kramer and P. S, Green, vol. eds.) The FamiUes and Genero of Vascular Plant, Springer- Verlag, Berlin. A modern Lelumcer, D. B. 2002. multilingual glossary for taxonomic. Pteridology 3:1-263. Morbelli, M. a. 1980. Morfologia de esporas de Pteridophyta presentes en region Fuogo- las las la Patagonica, Repriblica Argentina. Opera Lilloana 28:1-138. present [LM), Spore showing folded perispore with granidar ornamentation and a superficial I. D mm; mm; mm; globule (arrowhead) (SEMj. Bars: A: 1 cm; B, and E: 25 C: 2 F: 5 G: 35 jam; IT and 10 [rm I:

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