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This ebook licensed to GGGGaaaarrrryyyy KKKKaaaattttzzzz. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this ebook is illegal. Black &White World II 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 Black & White World II Editorial Cartoons by COX & FORKUM Nashville, Tennessee 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 ©2004 John Cox and Allen Forkum All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission from the publisher. ISBN 0-9724569-1-0 First published in November 2004 Digitally printed in the United States Published by COX& FORKUM 1121 Airport Center Drive Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 843-0697 www.CoxAndForkum.com Book design by Allen Forkum Illustrations by John Cox Cover illustration by John Cox from cartoon “Unfinished Business” on page 154. 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 Contents INTRODUCTION by Felix Grabowski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vi PREFACE by Allen Forkum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii EDITORIAL CARTOONS September 2002 to November 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 OTHER ART TIA: The Intellectual Activistcovers, comments by Robert W. Tracinski . . . . . . . . . . .212 LGF: Little Green Footballs weblog, comments by Charles Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 ETC.: T-Shirt designs, Buster Cartoons, & More . . .222 INTERVIEWS Dean’s World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 Eye on the Left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 EGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 About Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 APPENDIX “Anti-Bushites for Bush” by Robert W. Tracinski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 Introduction Uncle Sam Is No Wimp Sam is pissed. Unfortunately, there’s plen- their graphic opinions in a new way, link- ty to be pissed about. That’s what the best ing to news reports and blog posts from a Browse through the toons presented in political cartoonists point out. They want variety of sources to put their statements this book and pay attention to the treat- you to get pissed, too. This is no time to into context. But even when the cartoons ment Uncle Sam gets from Cox & be wishy-washy. Take a stand. Appease- stand alone in print publications like The Forkum. That will tell you a lot about ment be damned. This is a war in defense Detroit Newsand Investor’s Business Daily, where they stand on any number of issues. of common sense. they stand strong as the visual equivalent Uncle Sam is really a caricature of a carica- of a well-turned phrase. ture. Each political cartoonist since about Politicians, the press, economists, doom- 1834 has assigned certain values to him, sayers, jihadists—especially jihadists—are The cartoons here attack issues from reinforcing certain perceptions to match prime targets in that war. In Cox & Uncle Sam’s perspective. Not the don- whatever issue is at hand. He’s either a Forkum toons, the Right comes in for key’s, not the elephant’s—Uncle Sam’s. hero or a buffoon, wise or befuddled, sin- nearly as much criticism as the Left. But And Cox & Forkum make one thing per- ister or trustworthy. And the old man has when Allen Forkum points out failings in fectly clear: taken plenty of abuse over the years. In the foreign policy or a wavering in the support 1980s, Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist of Israel, it’s President Bush who takes the You don’t mess with Uncle Sam. Pat Oliphant even went so far as to make hit, not Uncle Sam. That’s a subtle, but his Uncle Sam a caricature of W.C. Fields, important, distinction. Put the blame complete with a bulbous nose and a bottle where it belongs. Politicians come and go, Felix Grabowski sticking out of his pocket. As a symbol for but Uncle Sam prevails. And it’s this October 2004 America, Uncle Sam is a useful cliché— Uncle Sam, not some transient politician, way too useful to be shelved. that jihadists are forced to face. Felix Grabowski is the creative director of detnews.com, The Detroit NewsWeb site. It’s no surprise then that John Cox draws That stance is worth noting as the sense of his own, different version of Uncle Sam. national unity that flourished immediately He’s also the author of Cartoons for the In Cox & Forkum toons, he’s younger, after 9/11 continues to fade. As the apolo- Classroom, a joint effort by the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) and more powerful, with bulging muscles and gists and appeasers regain their footing NIEonline that provides lesson plans based on a top hat cocked at a rakish angle. His and patriotic sentiment slips out of vogue, political cartoons to teachers through sleeves are rolled up and he’s getting down Cox & Forkum draw the line in defense of the Newspapers in Education programs to business. He deals from a position of The American’s Creed. The blogosphere (nieonline.com/niecftc/cftc.cfm). strength. And, quite frankly, this Uncle gives them the opportunity to present 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 Preface Black &White World II / vii A lot has happened for us in the two years are written by me unless otherwise noted. Another subsection in Other Art features since we published the first collection of To learn more about John and me, and cartoons we’ve created for Charles Cox & Forkum cartoons. Since launching how we work together, see the interviews Johnson at the Little Green Footballs blog our Web site in March 2003, our work in the back of the book. There’s also an (www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog). has been picked up by a number of publi- index for finding cartoons by people, Charles explains some of the inside jokes cations and Web sites, including The countries, characters, and organizations. associated with his blog, which is dedicat- Detroit News,The Washington Times, ed to fighting Islamists and their apolo- Investor’s Business Daily,and others in We’re honored to have additional com- gists. The site is a valuable resource for America and Europe. mentary in this book. In the Other Art keeping track of the latest news in the war section, you’ll find a subsection devoted to on terrorism. LGF was the first major The Web site (www.coxandforkum.com) a sampling of our cover art for The Web site to post C&F cartoons, which is has become an immediate outlet for our Intellectual Activist, an Objectivist review. why we’ve created a few custom cartoons cartoons, giving us an opportunity to Editor and Publisher Robert W. Tracinski for Charles and his “lizardoid minions.” comment on events as they happen. The introduces the subsection, discussing how site has generated over two million hits, abstract ideas contained inside the maga- The last Other Art subsection includes: and this volume contains virtually all of zine have to be essentialized and con- t-shirt designs, cartoons for the Buster the cartoons that have appeared there. But cretized on the magazine’s cover. In McNutt humor column published in there’s also work here that has not been November 2001, TIAwas the first publi- AutoGraphic’s Automotive Reportnewspa- seen before, including a few cartoons that cation to print a Cox & Forkum cartoon. pers, and a variety of other illustrations missed the mark. For anyone who wants to keep up with that didn’t fit elsewhere. world events from an individualist per- Black & White World IIdiffers from our spective, we highly recommend The John and I want to thank all of our regular first book in a number of ways. Besides Intellectual Activistand its e-mail counter- readers. We’re grateful to have an audi- having four times the cartoons, this book part, TIA Daily (www.tiadaily.com). ence and hope that we continue to enter- is also arranged chronologically, picking tain you with our drawn opinions. up where the last book left off— In the Appendix you’ll find an editorial by September 2002 to November 2004. That Robert titled “Anti-Bushites for Bush.” Allen Forkum means we have forgone categorizing the The philosophy and politics in the editori- November 2004 cartoons into thematic sections with al provide an indication of where our accompanying commentaries by me and cartoons are coming from and where they John Cox. Instead, comments here appear are going. as captions beside individual cartoons and 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 Editorial Cartoons September 2002 to November 2004 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 Memo to Arafat September 23, 2002 2 / Black &White World II Collateral Damage September 30, 2002 This cartoon was never pub- lished, so we used the mud- slinging motif again in a Kerry cartoon, “Preemptive Diplomacy,” on page 195. 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902 Pacifiers October 3, 2002 Black &White World II / 3 Hoodwink October 11, 2002 We were just as convinced as everyone else that Saddam was hiding large stockpiles of WMDs. And for all we know, he still is. But for now it looks like Leftists weren’t the only ones being hoodwinked by the Butcher of Baghdad. 6889F1EA-79E2-4A64-8D03-3825C2B8C902

Black & White World II is the second collection of editorial cartoons by Cox & Forkum, which have appeared in such publications as The Detroit News, The Washington Times, and Investor's Business Daily. It includes over 450 cartoons covering such topics as: the war on terrorism, the 2004 presidential
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