Contents Cover Title page Copyright page Dedication Acknowledgements Foreword Preface My Life as a Sheep From Sheep to Strategist Introduction Part One: Why You Need a Purpose Chapter 1: Make Your Purpose a Matter of Life or Death Purpose Linked to Longevity The Connection Between Birth and Retirement Chapter 2: Make Your Purpose an Escape Plan Chapter 3: Ask Why Your Worst Pain is Your Strongest WHY Chapter 4: Know Your Needs Chapter 5: Energize Your Dreams Purpose provides energy and clarity Chapter 6: Start at the End All Great Stories are Created in Reverse Order All Great People are Ordinary People with Great Purposes Part Two: How to Find Your Purpose Chapter 7: Ruthlessly Evaluate Your Current Position Eliminate the Prejudice of Your Own Perspective Judge Past Actions Ruthlessly Own up to Your Current Place in Life Chapter 8: Create a Wish List of Actions Chapter 9: Name Your Future Position You Must Believe You can do Anything Chapter 10: Determine Your Core Priorities Make a List of all the Things You Currently Value Chapter 11: Define Your New Core Priorities Don’t be Afraid to Let Go of Your Old Priorities Adding New Priorities Chapter 12: Set Short-Term Benchmarks Chapter 13: Tell Yourself an Inspiring Story Program Your Mind with Positive Storytelling Recognize the Stories You Tell Yourself Chapter 14: Be the Hero of Your Story Know When to Change Your Story Chapter 15: Re-Write Your Story Chapter 16: Question Your Focus Questions Point You Towards Your Purpose Questions Become Obsessions Questions are Tools Chapter 17: Create a Personal Slogan Be a Player, Not a Pawn Make a Statement A Slogan is a Lyric, Not a Lecture Chapter 18: Start a Meme A Meme is a Virus Chapter 19: Put a Compelling Vision in Front of You Create a Compelling Vision How to Create a Vision Board Show Off Your Vision Chapter 20: Turn Your Vision into a Decision Mind Over Matter Decide What You Want and Your Mind will Find a Way to Get It Chapter 21: Move from Decision to Conviction Expectations are Your Ticket to a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy The Process of Superimposition Chapter 22: Celebrate Your Progress Motivate Yourself Daily Chapter 23: Run the Numbers Behind Your Vision Establish Your Destiny Without Considering Money Map Your Desired Daily Income with Short-Term Benchmarks Part Three: How to Fulfill Your Purpose Chapter 24: Pursue Mastery Greatness is Achieved by Applying Correct Principles Action is the Source of Mastery Chapter 25: Acknowledge the 10,000-Hour Rule, but Don’t Follow It Association Convergence Metamorphosis Ritualization Automation Adjustment Chapter 26: Avoid the Life Hack Lie Becoming Truly Great Doesn’t Come Easy Don’t Confuse Flakiness with Flexibility Chapter 27: Avoid Willpower Depletion Willpower Depletion Theory Cognitive Strain Inhibits Willpower Chapter 28: Develop a Can-Do Mindset Compulsive Planners Finish Last Patience is a Vice Chapter 29: Think Inside the Box and Move Laterally Realize You are the Box Turn Your Focus Inward and Sideways You are in Control of Your Focus Chapter 30: Manipulate Reality Be Flexible in Your Process and Perspective Attack Your Perspective Differentiate Knowledge from Useless Information Chapter 31: Build Rome Around Your Safety Net Keep Your Job as a Safety Net Chapter 32: Generate Me Capital You are Your Own Best Investment Chapter 33: Invest in People, Not Ideas Building Strong Relationships is Strategic, Not Tactical Chapter 34: Connect Without Getting Lost in the Crowd Soft Skills Nurture Hard Skills One Connection can Change Your Life Forever Differentiate Yourself in Five Seconds or Less Chapter 35: Develop a Personalized Escalator Pitch Chapter 36: The Only Three Skills that Will Matter in Five Years Ideas add Quality to Information Improve Oral Communication Take Physical Action Choose the Right Idea Conclusion Create a Powerful Purpose Fulfill Your New Purpose About the Author Notes Preface Part One Part Two Part Three Index “Isaiah Hankel has written an absurdly motivating book. In fact, it’s so motivational, I was constantly tempted to put the book down and start getting things done using Hankel’s strategies. It was put-down-able in the best possible way. But I always came back for more of Isaiah Hankel’s wisdom—and the wisdom he distills from Einstein, Ben Franklin and even The Shawshank Redemption.” AJ Jacobs, Author of Four New York Times Bestselling Books; Editor at Large, Esquire Magazine “Black Hole Focus is a wake up call for anyone who feels stuck, distracted, or lost in their own life. Isaiah lays out very actionable steps for taking control of your future and setting yourself up for certain victory. This book will show you how to think like an entrepreneur and develop the mindset necessary for achieving your biggest dreams.” Lewis Howes, Former Professional Football Player and Host of The School of Greatness “Be careful if you read this book. Through interesting stories, compelling case studies and his own inspiring journey, Hankel demolishes your excuses and lays out a plan to identify and fulfill your life’s purpose.” Clay Hebert, Founder of Crowdfunding Hacks and Spindows; The Mastermind Behind Over 35 Successful Kickstarters “Black Hole Focus is your road map to transformation in ways most have never even dared to dream. If you want to go from merely living a life to becoming the hero in your own adventure, start here. Hankel’s words jump off the page, swat you on the backside, pierce your heart, and take you on a ride into a magical journey of your own design! Brilliant in its brunt, dazzling in its denouement, triumphant in its precision, this is one of the most important books you will ever read. Prepare to be transformed!” Dr Gina Loudon, Fox News Contributor and Syndicated Host of SmartLife; Author of What Women REALLY Want “As a memory champion, I realize just how important it is to harness your mental energy and focus it in a way that helps you to achieve your goals. I’m very impressed with Black Hole Focus and strongly believe that it can help you learn to harness your mental energy and focus it like a laser in order to achieve incredible success in business and personal endeavors.” Chester Santos, US Memory Champion; “The International Man of Memory” “In fighting and in life, focus is what separates winners from losers. Focus is what helped me win the UFC TUF Championship. Any successful mixed martial artist will tell you that seeing yourself as a champion is the first step to becoming a champion. You have to start with a vision. You have to start at the end. That’s why I love this book, because it tells you to start at the end and work backwards. Black Hole Focus is an amazing read because it helps people create a vision for their lives and then it shows them how to achieve their vision. The book makes you see yourself at the top of the podium and then it gives you a detailed training plan to help you get there. If you want to be a champion, buy this book. Black Hole Focus will show you how to win.” Michael “Maverick” Chiesa, Mixed Martial Artist and UFC TUF Champion “Isaiah demonstrates a powerful lesson, that we are all masters of our own destiny. His book provides practical and, more importantly, actionable advice on how to reach our most important goals while consistently achieving lifelong career and personal satisfaction. Early career scientists would especially beneit from its stepwise, methodical approach to fearless self-examination and keen demonstration of an intensely focused purpose. The chapters on storytelling strike at the heart of the of the dilemma most scientists and professionals have, that they are impostors in their own field and are undeserving of happiness and accolades. As Isaiah explains, this couldn’t be further from the truth once you recognize the lessons to be learned from past incidents and begin to tell a new story of perseverance and accomplishment.” James Gould, PhD, Director of Harvard Medical School Office for Postdoctoral Fellows “A brilliantly written step-by-step process to help you learn what you really want in life and exactly how to get it. Read this book if you want to get focused, find your purpose and change your life.” Jacqueline Biggs, Author of the International Bestseller Marketing to Win “Black Hole Focus is exceptionally well written and the examples found throughout the book are terrific in showing the reader how to quickly implement