Black Gold: Worm Farming 101
A Practical Guide to the Essentials of Vermiculture & Vermicomposting for Beginners
“Worm bins are now an essential part of my backyard homestead thanks to the advice in this book!” – J. C., Lincoln, NE
Did you know that earthworms are important to the health of a sustainable garden? Did you know that worm farming could be as easy as building a box? Pet stores and fishermen need worms – are you ready to make a cozy side hustle for little investment?
You can be a worm farmer in no time!
Oftentimes, people use the words vermiculture and vermicomposting interchangeably; however, you’ll see that they are not the same. Vermicomposting refers to the use of worms to convert ‘waste’ materials into humus-rich soil additives or natural fertilizers. Vermiculture is simply the ‘culture of worms.’ It’s the act of raising, hatching, and breeding earthworms.
My first gardening season in the southern region of the Midwest was disappointing, to say the least. After breaking ground, we could see how tan and dry the soil was. Upon further inspection of the soil, we noticed that there was a lack of something essential. The earth around the northeast, where we moved from, was rich, dark, and healthy worms could be found every few handfuls.
I did it, and you can, too!
No worms?!? We checked several areas, and to our dismay, we found zero worms. The drought had ended when we arrived, and the ground was too dry to sustain much life. I felt like I was on another planet. That, my friends, is where my worm farming journey began. I began looking into keeping and caring for worms, and I’m pleased to say that the soil conditions have since improved, and the worms are thriving.
“Black gold” is worth real money! I’ll show you how!
Follow along through this book for some knowledge, and you might learn a thing or three about raising worms for your gardens. I’ll also lead you down a path, including the basic info you need to turn your worm farm into a side hustle and generate income.
Not all folks who raise worms do it for the same reason. While some people utilize the final products for their gardens, others are generating a passive income. The bulk of my book is all about keeping, raising, and harvesting worms. At the end, I will discuss how you can sell your worms for an easy side hustle.
In my book, you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about worms!
Vocabulary Defined: Vermicomposting Glossary
The Basics of Worm Farming
A Brief History of Worm Farming
Why Have a Worm Farm?
Worm Biology: The Anatomy of an Earthworm
Types of Worms for Vermicomposting
The Basics of Worm Bins
How to Build a Worm Bin
Winterizing & Insulation
Feeding Your Worms
Worm Bedding 101
Tips and Tricks for Worm Health
The Do’s & Don’ts of Worm Farming
Common Mistakes of Vermicomposting
How to Maintain Worm Bins
Signs of a Healthy Bin Ecosystem
Extra Tips on Worm Bin Care
Troubleshooting Common Issues
How to Harvest a Worm Bin