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Black-footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) survey and inventory PDF

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Preview Black-footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) survey and inventory

: . 5 5 n LEASE RETURN 308640010 08799 (2.1- 3 r JOB PROGRESS REPORT STATEDOCUMENTSCOLLECTION RESEARCH PROJECT JAN 1 .-^1985 MONTANASTATE-L,...aaRY 1515E.6thAVE. S+ete: Montani HELENA.MONTANA59620 Project No. $1^-1 Title: Statewide Endanyered Species Research Job. No. Title: Black-footed Ferref (Myc;t<=^l?^ nlorloes) Survey and jny^ntpry.. Period Covered: 1 September. 1983 - 1 Sept$rpt?^r ^9^4 Prepared by: Jo'n^nL-guD-.../Ca.da Approved by: Glenp Erfpkscpn Date December I, L2M. Since this Is a Progress Report only, results presented herein are not necessarily final and may be subject to change. For this reason, the Information contained In this report may not be published or used for other purposes without permission of the DIrector n INTRODUCTION: endanTgheerebdlabcyk-fboootthedstfaetreretand(Mjf^esdteerlaaln|lgarwI.pes)ReaIssocnlsasfsoirfietdheiars decline appears to have been related to the severe reduction of the ferrets principle prey, the prairie dog (Cy otnys liLSLsxi^ajiJis and £j.Isu£iJrii^). very ThheighbIarciks-kfoootfedexfteirrnecttioIsn greepelraatlilvye ctoonsiodtehreerd aesndfaancgienrgeda species. Discovery of a population In Wyoming (Clark et el. 19R2) has given new hope that the species can be saved. Clark (personal communication) feels that recovery of the species can be attained If a second population of similar viability can be located. Achieved recovery level may even be sufficient to reclassify the black-footed ferret from endangered to threatened. This action would allow a more flexible management approach, perhaps Including control of some prairie dogs within primary management zones^ or transplanting ferrets away from high con- flict" areas. Location of a second population would also provide research opportunities previously unavailable, as well as pro- viding an opportunity to develop a demonstration of land uses and landowner participation which Is compatible with endangered species conservation. Thus, there are two primary problems which need to he solved: a) existing ferret populations need to be located and defined; and b) management programs must be developed which will meet the needs of agricultural Interests while preserving or enhancing ferret populations In Montana. OBJECTIVES: To establish good working relationships with landowners v.'hose lands Include black-footed ferret habitat; and, to Iden- tify, define, and develop management actions for at least one viable black-footed ferret population In Montane. PROCEDURES: The public relations phase of the project began with a series of meetings with representatives from livestock/agricul- tural Interests, conservation organizations and affected govern- ment agencies. The purpose was to provide Information relative to the proposed ferret study, to Identify seme of the likely benefits, and to solicit recommendations, support and coopera- tion. Study areas were prioritized based upon known prairie dog distribution, previous ferret reports, and willingness of asso- ciated landowners to cooperate. Each study area was surveyed using modern survey techniques (Clark et al. 1984). Surveys were conducted once each during the summer and winter periods. RESULTS: Meetings In addition to the Inltiel meetings with representatives cafofrfmoemmcutnveiadtriieboysustthoipsguebsnlteuIrdcayt,eanpdluobcplarilicvIamnteteeetrieonsrgtgsaInwniezrtaehteihoepnlrdsojeIcIntn.ntienreesetaesdteronr apiorlitcThiheeeisrmaefnerdtuisrntegrgsautlipaortnoisvoindwsei.dthanHsotowapetpevoerrat,nudnibfyteydtehfreoarlensedonmdeoafnIgtnehdrieevdimdeucae^ltp^le,cnlaetsso mboesntefiatpspeawroeudldtorebseults.atisfied that this study was needed and th?t Some of the Input received Is summarized as follows: 1. Ranchers had few negative feelings toward the black- footed ferret, 2. Most ranchers were very concerned about the present expansion of prairie dog communities on public ard private rangeland In Montana, Nearly all those attending the meetings were receptive tfoerrheatvsi,ng our field crews Inventory their lends for 4. /pArgormiicsueltruergeardnienegdspraasisriuerandocgemtahnaatgemweentc,ananddo what we 5. SPpooepmcueelpatwtaIinvotenensdesosanlltroapngrmeaaliiarnnitdeaivdnaoirgnisgedrfegemrroervaeettldsywahanmedornepaarsariarsneicveheerrd'a.ol^q pIrnadiirciaeteddogsInatnedrefsetrreItns.maintaining some levels of Field Searches erfaiarslsttta,FofyoelwatlerhoreweoiftnsogtewhlnteehcoestftepudFudkyb.aalsliacpkramieoaerntiditnytghsearIeonatshDeerfcoermscbufetirhe,ldotfwsotehaaerrcehtaeossw,ntohncefe onpfoerrfipoodlsilsc^i^abfll,leysetfaherrrocruhegethspSrweeepsrteeenmcbeIenriwta1i9sa8t4.deidscTIohnveeJroaynnluyoafrpyopsoiartntidivoencsoenvtoifidneutnewcdoe to^cnfho.eu^lt'dhnleasnnpto%rtafiokbruei"re/dyed!etoaegrrsmc.ionmeFmdkuanilatalykthaowuhsgithcuhdtyhheaaydrebawe.eerneTIhlneoceaaxtgieesdtoefnInctehaeonpslokyr'utlifloosnr wfietrhretInnorapedopdsoiirtttiisvoenweftrloendwlfonoqrlskl.ionwgedonupthbeytvwaoriporuisoraia'teyncayreacso.oppee«r;-eaavticotrrraslb : ' Agency Cooperation vrtBswfFelhe^auolorasrrMLnrreerheise'ItndtSAtug;eecvreSrPovew'neefi"o^lpcrc?^rovloL'^ekriep/a^,tcse.'nse'da"d^Bs,c'u?stoVMr(Mioo'aeAgopannnpetuamtprheageeec^nneonto^tfamld^uMsnei^rD,gxnDIsFenteW+dp,a°PiIiano)art.f^Unath.^fsrmS^eaeAe.-rcqefTn^rtufth^eFiiaeptiociasonkrrfhwlstioynIAarisafgnktpnaerdoisdsritaericWelnelMpunltoDeltlsMFctipdsWoturarilPnerelob.tfepdclafoenever.b;detSIaionuISsnfireielodSeanrdcedvlcdpCiucuoyriocchpn'otneoeadoi^cnlnor°'ynnv'dLte'tu+-hher'htIee:eGoa rr(peAnpDnoDrre%tnsdl/fxrTo"lm')Mottnlo'tamnaa.intain a permanreenptortdiantga fboarsme wonasaldlevefiletortprrteeitd CONCLUSIONS AND RFCOMMENDAT ONS I aDpnoonrrottuiInoocn'enmoe^fn^t?fV,w+ti%l^lh'a^sbIe.b'ue^see'nd^yIinmcptalhmeepmaeninegtanerdhfutatosurdeba.eteen. plPaunbnIedIc,%seoenrrlvvyiIcreoa pcsroLimloeri'ct+hKiaeInssgjeb-aescm'eoa"dmy"m^eunpneoIdennedtdennettwshoiattioyncifcnaousrr1m9da8utw4iri-oit8nhn5garfbteiohgeuialtsrddpperafastfitoorriytteehsaedrob.geM-dcHuolodn^vrt/Viaelnvrbueruern-d rree-eevvaalnurart+eld^\^b°a's'eld"^u^pon^'^t'h^e findingsP'-o^fJ^^t^hedirfeicrtsitontwsohouvledarsbe tdrruirervddaerilrrrtrececcodttmeemddiunnteeiommtnpi^phehuasabs'lip:isr!c.e"p'IanrfFif'onorgrmefaxotarmIoprnleeIa,nntdrmoowdrouerctkeIifnofngo"s^.rw"^titmhaythehaaavPqe'r^-tI'-coc"uuclb^-e- LITERATUPE CITED Clark198T.4W., HCaamnpdbbeolokI oTfM.m,etShcohrdosedfeorr, Ml.oHc.a,tiannda Lb.laRicckh-afrodostoend. pfpe.rrets. Wyoming PLM Wildlife Technical PuMetln. No. ; APPFNDIX I PROCEDURE TO FOLLOW UP FERRET REPORTS AND/OP VERIFIED SIGHTINPS orfesuelvtTeihnnetgspuIsrnopoatshesaptoefeedaytchhiasnpdaprrstomyco'eosdtuhrreecsoupIsrosntesoiobefisltaiactbtyliiosnIh.s aweflolrmdaleficnheadin' 1. TfheerreMtDFWrePpowritlsl/saicgthtaisngas caenndtrwailllclIenairtiinagtehotuhseerefosrponaslel procedure when ferret report/sIghtIngs have been made. ?. tAhlel MfDeFrWrPetrerseepaorrcth/sofIfgihcteInIgnsRoszheomualnd wbiethtirnanesifgehrtrehdourtso of receipt. Reports should be qlven to the following people In order of priority: '^^'"^ Office Number Home Number John Cada 994-6363 587-0507 Dennis Flath 994-6354 587-0866 Margaret MorelII 994-3285 586-5559 Dcounrtiancgtendonatoftfhiecier hroeusrisd,enctehse.se Individuals should be 3. Taogenecxyp.ediItte ItsrarnesfceormmoefndreedpotrhtatIntfhoermaftiirosnt wIintdhiivnideuaaclh obtaining the Information contact the MDFWP directly. 4. mIinnfiomrummattihoenftoolloowbitnagi:n and report should Include 3«= a a. Name, address and telephone number of the observer (and person reporting); b. Cwoelmlpleatsegdeeosgcrraipphtiicoanloflolcoactaitoinon(tofownobssheirpv,atriaonnoea^ sectIon); r, ^ , c. Date and time of observation; d. Number of animals observed; e. Distance of anlmal(s) observed In feet; f. Length of time observed; g. ActIVHy of anImaI(s) h. Proximity of nearest prairie dog community; I. Circumstances of observation. 5. One or more of the following Individuals will evaluate ; the validity of the report: Dennis Flath, John Cada TPhone Crreetpeo,rtWawyinlelBrbeewstsecro,redTimbaCsleedrkonandthTeomfCoalmlpobweilnlq! criteria: ^ a. O5bsptesr.v,eranrdelulnakbnlowInItoy.r qHuiegshtio=na1b0lepts=.,0Mpotdse.;rate b. Location. On prairie dog town or other prairie dog towns within 5 ml. = 10 pts., On or near -pptrsa5.i;rpites..dogNotopwrnaiarnidefedwogotthoewrnstowInnsvwiictihniinty5 -mi,0 c. Distance of observation. Within 50 yards or ?00 ?sya0cr-odp1se00t=hyr5dosupgthso.r.4+2O0vp0eorwetro100t4e0ly0edsscydoospre4t^0h0r+1o0uygpdhts<.=./.t+thWrpiootuwhqeihrn 4+ power scope = 0 pts.; d. Lptesn.g,th30ofsetcoinmdesotbose5rvmeldn.. =55oprtsm..oreLesmslnt.han= ^100 seconds = 0 pts., e. Dptess.c.riTpatlilonleonfgthaniomfalc.olorMa=sk2 =pts2..ptsB.o.dySiczoelor= =2 2 pts., and Leg color = 2 pts. The following categories would be determined based upon the above scoring system: a. High probable. 40-50 pts. with no zeros on any Item. ^ Action: Follow up recommended without delay; b. Likely. 30-40 pts. with no zeros or 40-50 pt^ with one zero. Action: Follow up within two days; c. oFnaier.zero2.2-30 pts. with no zeros or 40-50 pt^. with Arecptoirotns: havFeolcloomwe furpomifsamceonvviecniniietnyt. or If other d. Unlikely. AM ether point categories. Action: No action recommended.^ wpw^I'irhfIloi,alccehudfbouelroeflfr.ooVwr.tw^hauI'eprf®d"eni^asodgpeIftlmnooamclneiltdneohiewseadt,uaespblhtoyhovIeueslaUndppSdlaFarWbantSeni,gedeidesn,MciDbsFtytiWhhoePmen,alIlmfn.aafodnoledrlmoPaawItsiOoTtunApo Afolfloolwlso:w up search In response to a report will be as ; : One to three (maximum) of the Involved researchers twhilel sceoanrtcahctapnrdivaItnefolramndotwhneemrsofInotuhre vdiecsiinrietytoof follow up and solicit their support; Up to four field biologists will begin prearranqed surveys; The length of time spent In the area surveying will be dependent upon the Judgment of the field researchers. When a ferret sighting has been made, Immedlete confidentiality will be maintained and the followinc actIon will be taken a. The USFWS will be notified, consulted, and Impending procedure will be agreed upon; b. TepwfhoifelsolsriItbab;lneed,ocwontneotra/cwtoIeredkaseboeyutoMrDdFepWtuPabillwisicthoafignetnhc4e8y fhlooalunrld^oo,wwneuirdf*^ c. A low-key assessment of the black-footed ferret opfopulfaiteilodn wbiilollobgeisctosnduacntedd wbiylla mcionnitmiumnuenumbfeorr approximately 90 days; d. After four to six days the cooperatino aoencles will be notified of the preliminary status^of the sIghtIng; e. Public meetings and news releases will be coordinated by the MDFWP In cooperation with MDA within 14 to 21 days after verification had been made f. If a population of ferrets Is found, meetings with affected landowners and cooperating agencies will be held to develop an Interim management plan for each land ownership; and g. After 120 to 180 days a general plan with action groecaolvserfyorwilbllacbek-dfeovoetleodpedf.erret conservafIcn end > > APPENDIX II FERRFT OPSFRVATION REPORT FORM DATF RFPORT RFCFIVED: Mo> Da> Yr> PFPORTFD BY: First Name>. Last Name>_. Address> CIty> \ St>~ ZIp>. Phono OFSFRVFD BY: First Name>. Last Name> Address> rity> ] "St>~ ZIp>. Phone> LOCATION OF SIGHTING; UPTaMngeZ>one> TownsLhati>p>_ SecLtonIqo>n_>.. DATF OF OBSERVATION: Mo> Da> Yr> TIME OF DAY (Military) NIIMPFR OF AMNALS OPSEPVED> TELESCOPE USED {1=YES,2=N0) _ POWFR?> DISTANCE (In Yards) TO AN|MAL(S)> LENGTH OF TIME (In Minutes) OPSERVED> ACTIVITY OF AN|MAL(S)> DESCRIPTION> PROXIMITY OF NEAREST PRAIRIE DOG COMMUNITY (1=on or within 1/4tTiI, 2=between 1/2 & 5ml, 3=none within 5ml.)>_ CIRCUMSTANCE OF OBSERVATION RELIABILITY OF OBSERVER> CROEMLMIEANBTISLITY RATING (1=very good, 2=cood, 3=questlonabte) OBSERVATION NUMBER>0000 / PLEASE RETURN JOB PROGRESS REPORT STATEDOCUMENTSCOLLECTION RESEARCH PROJECT FEB 18 1QC(^ MONTANASTATELIBRARY 1515E.6thAVE. HELENA,MONTANA59620 State: Montana Project No, SE-1 Title: Statewide Endan^e'^£^_^£^£i££ Research Job. No. Title: Black-footed_Ferret (Mustela nigripes) Survey and Inventory Period Covered: 1 September, 1984- 1 September 1985 Prepared by Approved by: Glenn Erickson hn D. Cada Date: January 15. 1986 Since this is a Progress Report only, results presented herein are not necessarily final and may be subject to change. For this reason, the information contained in this report may not be published or used for other purposes without permission of the Director.

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