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Birth and Evolution of Massive Stars and Stellar Groups: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, 24–26 September 1984 PDF

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Preview Birth and Evolution of Massive Stars and Stellar Groups: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, 24–26 September 1984

BIRTH AND EVOLUTION OF MASSIVE STARS AND STELLAR GROUPS ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE LIBRARY A SERIES OF BOOKS ON THE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF SPACE SCIENCE AND OF GENERAL GEOPHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS PUBLISHED IN CONNECTION WITH THE JOURNAL SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS Editorial Board R. L. F. BOYD, University College, London, England L. GOLDBERG, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Ariz., U.S.A. C. DE JAGER, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands J. KLECZEK, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondfejov, Czechoslovakia Z. KOPAL, University of Manchester, England L. I. SEDOV, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, U.S.S.R. Z. ~VESTKA, Laboratory for Space Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands VOLUME 120 PROCEEDINGS BIRTH AND EVOLUTION OF MASSIVE STARS AND STELLAR GROUPS PROCEEDINGS OF A SYMPOSIUM HELD IN DWINGELOO, THE NETHERLANDS, 24-26 SEPTEMBER 1984 In honour of ADRIAAN BLAAUW On the occasion of his 70th birthday Edited by WILFRIED BOLAND Netherlands Foundation for Astronomical Research, The Hague, The Netherlands and HUGO V AN WOERDEN Kapteyn Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY A MEMBER OF THE KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS GROUP DORDRECHT / BOSTON / LANCASTER / TOKYO library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Birth and evolution of massive stars and stellar groups. (Astrophysics and space science library; v. 120) "Bibliography of Adriaan Blaauw, 1939-1985": p. Includes indexes. 1. Supergiant stars-Congresses. 2. Stars-Evolution-Con gresses. I. Blaauw, Adriaan. II. Boland, Wilfried, 1953- III. Woerden, Hugo van. IV. Series. QB843.S9B57 1985 523.8 85-19341 ISBN-13: 978-94-010-8919-7 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-5478-6 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-5478-6 Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Holland Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 190 Old Derby Street, Hingham, MA 02043, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, Holland All Rights Reserved © 1985 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1985 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. TABLE OF CONTENTS (R Review, I = Invited Paper, P Poster Paper) Foreword ix List of Participants xi Group Photograph xiii Frontispiece: Adriaan Blaauw xiv Welcoming Address 1 Harry van der Laan CHAPTER 1: STRUCTURE OF STAR-FORMING REGIONS 3 The structure of star-forming regions 5 - the ages of subgroups and the progression of star formation (R) Annei1a I. Sargent The nearest molecular clouds (I) 23 L. Blitz and L. Magnani Gould's Belt and supershe11s (I) (Abstract) 31 Harold F. Weaver Distribution and motion of young nearby stars 33 as a function of age Per 010f Lindblad and Tor N.G. Westin CHAPTER 2: STELLAR CONTENT OF YOUNG GROUPS 39 Observable consequences of star formation in molecular clouds (R) 41 G.H. Herbig Near-infrared spectra of 11 T Tauri stars 49 Y. Andri11at The turn-on point of the Pleiades cluster 55 Floor van Leeuwen Two AOV stars on the zero-age main-sequence ~n 63 the association Cha I (P) P.R. Wesse1ius, P.S. The, H.R.E. Tjin A Djie and H. Steenman vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Stellar associations and the regions of 67 active star formation in them (R) V.A. Ambartsumian and L.V. Mirzoyan Evolution of massive stars: observational evidence (I) 79 C.D. Garmany Double stars in young stellar groups (I) 89 T.S. van A1bada Photometric age determination of OB-associations (I) 95 Tim de Zeeuw and Jan Brand CHAPTER 3: EVOLUTION OF MASSIVE STARS 105 Evolution of binary stars and the problem of the runaway stars (R) 107 E.P.J. van den Reuve1 Supernovae and pulsars (I) 125 Virginia Trimble The identification of massive supernova progenitors (I) 135 Corne1is de Jager A decade of photometric monitoring of n Carinae 153 and an interpretation of its variability A.M. van Genderen and P.S. The Stellar evolution in the Mage11anic Clouds 161 E. Py1yser, C. de Loore and C. Doom IRAS observations of Wo1f-Rayet Stars 167 K.A. van der Rucht, T.A. Jurriens, F.M. 01non, P.S. The, P.R. Wesse1ius and P.M. Williams The role of convective overshooting in the evolution 175 of intermediate mass stars C. Chiosi, G. Bertelli, A. Bressan and E. Nasi The evolution of massive close binaries with mass loss 183 and overshooting (P) C.R.B. Sybesma Formation mechanisms of various groups of luminous stars (P) 185 C. Doom, J.P. de Greve and C. de Loore The kinematics of pulsars (I) 189 A.G. Lyne Interaction of supernovae with the interstellar medium 195 R.G. Strom and R. Braun TABLE OF CONTENTS vii The kinematics and origin of the runaway O-type stars (I) 201 Ronald Stone Progenitor systems of two neutron-star binaries (P) 207 Jean-Pierre De Cuyper The progenitors of the local pulsar population (I) 211 A. Blaauw CHAPTER 4: EXTRAGALACTIC PERSPECTIVE ON STAR FORMATION 225 Formation of massive stars and the structure of galaxies (R) 227 Bruce G. Elmegreen Large-scale dissociation of molecular gas and 243 star formation in M83 (I) R.J. Allen, P.D. Atherton and R.P.J. Tilanus HI holes in the interstellar medium of Messier 31 253 E. Brinks Star formation in the Magellanic Clouds (I) 259 B.E. Westerlund Magellanic interstellar physics and star formation (I) 269 Michael A. Dopita The starburst phenomenon 285 T. de Jong Oscillations and bursts in star-formation rates 291 G. Bodifee and C. de Loore CHAPTER 5: A PROFILE OF ADRIAAN BLAAUW 293 Blaauw's scientific work (R) 295 J .H. Oort Blaauw and the cosmic distance scale 305 \valter Fricke Professor A. Blaauw and the International Astronomical Union (I) 309 J.P. Swings Personal reminiscences of Adriaan Blaauw (I) 311 Edith A. MUller Blaauw and the European Southern Observatory (I) 315 L. Woltjer viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Adriaan Blaauw and the revival of Groningen Astronomy (I) 321 Hugo van·Woerden Bibliography of Adriaan Blaauw, 1939-1985 349 Subject Index 361 Object Index 365 Name Index 369 FOREWORD Adriaan Blaauw; Emeritus Professor of Astronomy at the Universities of Groningen and Leiden, former Directo.r of the Kapteyn Laboratory and of the European Southern Observatory, celebrated his 70th anniversary on 12 April 1984. To mark this event, an international Symposium was con vened on the subject "Birth and Evolution of Massive Stars and Stellar Groups", a subject which has played the leading role in Blaauw's scien tific research. The present volume contains the Scientific Proceedings of that Symposium. The meeting was organized by a Committee consisting of: W.H.W.M. Boland (Secretary), W.N. Brouw, W.B. Burton, E.P.J. van den Heuvel, H. van der Laan and H. van Woerden (Chairman). Together, these six persons represented the Executive Committees of the Netherlands Foundation for Astronomical Research (ASTRON) and the Netherlands Foundation for Radio Astronomy (RZM), two organizations in which Blaauw has held key offices. The scientific program was planned in full consultation with Adri aan Blaauw himself. Only section 5, "A profile of Adriaan Blaauw", was kept secret to him. The other four sections: Structure of star-forming regions, Stellar content of young groups, Evolution of massive stars, and Extragalactic perspective on star formation, each represent an im portant aspect of the overall theme of the Symposium. The program in cluded 6 major review papers, 18 invited papers, 17 contributed papers, some of which were given as posters, and ample time for discussion. At the invitation of RZM, the meeting was held at the Dwingeloo Radio Observatory. Limitations of space restricted the number of parti cipants to about 80: former colleagues, pupils, collaborators and other professional friends of Adriaan Blaauw, together with a number of ex perts in the subjects covered at the Symposium. The beautiful, quiet location and excellent facilities of the Dwingeloo Radio Observatory, together with the limited size of the audience and the festive occasion, provided for lively discussion in a relaxed, congenial atmosphere. These various factors greatly contributed to the scientific and social success of the meeting. The Symposium took place on 24 to 26 September, 1984, after an informal gathering on Sunday evening, 23 September, at Motel Hoogeveen. On Monday evening, participants were guests at a reception offered to Professor Blaauw by ASTRON and the Netherlands Foundation for Radio Astronomy. After a brief welcome by RZM Chairman van der Laan, Professor van den Heuvel spoke for the Board of ASTRON, outlining Blaauw's nation- ix x FOREWORD al importance and his outstanding merits as the first - and now retiring - Chairman of ASTRON. Then Maarten Schmidt recalled forty years of friendship and collaboration and, on behalf of participants and friends, presented Blaauw with a portrait painted by Matthijs R·oling (see page 320 of these Proceedings). The Mayor of Norg, Mr. O.G. de Boer, des cribed Blaauw's merits in astronomy as well as in studies of the history of Drenthe, and then announced that Her Majesty the Queen had appointed Adriaan Blaauw Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion. - On Tuesday evening, Atie and Adriaan Blaauw entertained participants at their old farmhouse in Zuidvelde, which features an interesting collection of old clocks; and after buffet supper at Hotel Karsten in Norg, the Blaauws offered a chamber music concert in the ancient church at Norg. The present Proceedings were edited from (sometimes) camera-ready manuscripts submitted by participants. Three papers given at the Sympo sium are unfortunately missing from this volume: "Cometary impacts, molecular clouds, and the Sun's motion perpendicular to the Galactic plane" by P. Thaddeus, "IRAS result s on s tar-f orming regions" by B • Baud, and "Gould's Belt and supershells" by H.F. Weaver (for which an Abstract only was available). For the poster papers, 2-page Abstracts are given. The Discussions following most contributions were written up by participants and speakers, and then edited by us. The papers in Chapter 5 were not followed by discussion. We have illustrated this volume with a number of photographs taken at the Symposium: during the scientific sessions, receptions or meals. These photographs are due to Harmen Meijer (HM) of Dwingeloo Radio Ob servatory and to Wim Brokaar (WB) of Leiden Observatory; we are grateful for their excellent work. We wish to thank Wim Brouw, Wia Hoogeveen, and Nico de Vries for the local arrangements; Ina van Esch, Wia Hoogeveen and Jeanet Millenaar for their work in the Symposium secretariat; and the Dwingeloo staff for lunches, refreshments and transportation. Various young astronomers from Groningen helped with projection and discussion recording. In our edi torial work, we have been ably assisted by Ina van Esch of ASTRON, Ina Greveling of Dwingeloo, and Joke Nunnink of the Kapteyn Institute at Groningen. The meeting was sponsored and supported by ASTRON and RZM. Finan cial support from the following institutions made it possible to provide a number of key speakers with travel grants: Astronomical Institute, University of Amsterdam; Department of Astronomy, University of Gronin gen; Space Research Laboratory, Groningen; and Leids Kerkhoven-Bosscha Fonds, Leiden. We gladly acknowledge this support, which was essential to the success of the Symposium. Grordngen/Den Haag, July 1985 The Editors: Hugo van Woerden, Symposium Chairman Wilfried Boland, Symposium Secretary

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