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Birds of the Cimarron National Grassland : Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Cimarron & Comanche National Grasslands PDF

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Preview Birds of the Cimarron National Grassland : Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Cimarron & Comanche National Grasslands

Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Reserve aQL67b .56 .K2B57 BIRDS OF THE 1992 CIMARRON NATIONAL GRASSLAND 10 FEB 199) PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FORESTS CIMARRON & COMANCHE NATIONAL GRASSLANDS U.S.D.A. FOREST SERVICE United States Birdw Department of ilarity. Certai Agriculture st that birdiri' s and all lev’ taken ▲ from ) s you travel, The f( Dunty, Karise within its bo and’s . i: 108 National Agricultural Library ir bird habite a bird check, ar this checklist as your invitation to discover the pleasures and rewards of getting to know the birds of our National Grassland. Bird records have been compiled by: Kansas Ornithological Society Record Committee Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Cimarron National Grassland Ted Cable, Charles Ely, Earl McHugh Sebastian Patti, Mike Rader, Marvin Schwilling Scott & Diane Seltman, Lawrence & Ruth Smith For additional information, please contact: Cimarron National Grassland 242 E. Highway 56, P.O. Box J Elkhart, KS 67950 316/697-4621 Additional sightings should be sent to: Kansas Ornithological Society Museum of Natural History University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 The following symbols and definitions are used: BREEDING STATUS * - Definite nesting records # - Probable nester HABITAT USED H - Hardlands (shortgrass) S - Sandylands (midgrass) R - Riparian SEASONAL ABUNDANCE S - Spring (March through May) S - Summer (June through August) F - Fall (September through November) W - Winter (December through February) RELATIVE ABUNDANCE a - abundant, easily observed c - common, certain to be seen in suitable habitat u - uncommon, usually seen in suitable habitat r - rare, has been recorded at intervals of 2-5 years x - accidental, has been recorded only once or twice SPECIES HABITAT S S F w LOONS Common Loon R X X GREBES Pied-billed Grebe R u u u Horned Grebe R r Eared Grebe R u u PELICANS American White Pelican H r CORMORANTS Double-crested Cormorant R r r BITTERNS & HERONS American Bittern R r Great Blue Heron R u u u r Great Egret R r Snowy Egret R,H r Cattle Egret R u u X *Green-backed Heron R u u u #Black-crowned Night-Heron R u u Yellow-crowned Night-Heron R X X IBISES White-faced Ibis R,H u r SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS Fulvous Whistling-Duck R X r Tundra Swan R r Greater White-fronted Goose R r r Snow Goose R r r Canada Goose R,H u u c Wood Duck R u u Green-winged Teal R c c *Mallard R c c c c Northern Pintail R u u Blue-winged Teal R c c c Cinnamon Teal R u u Northern Shoveler R c u c Gadwall R u u SPECIES HABITAT S S F W American Wigeon R u c u Canvasback R u u u Redhead R u u u Ring-necked Duck R u u Greater Scaup R r Lesser Scaup R u u Black Scoter R r Surf Scoter R r White-winged Scoter R r Common Goldeneye R r Bufflehead R u r r Common Merganser R r Red-breasted Merganser R X Ruddy Duck R c u c r VULTURES Turkey Vulture H,S,R c c c KITES, HAWKS, EAGLES & ALLIES Osprey R u u *Mississippi Kite R c c u Bald Eagle H,S,R u u Northern Harrier H,S,R c u c c #Sharp-shinned Hawk H,R u u u Cooper’s Hawk H.S.R u u u Northern Goshawk R r Red-shouldered Hawk R X X Broad-winged Hawk H,S,R r r *Swainson’s Hawk H,S,R c c c _*Red-tailed Hawk H,S,R c c c c *Ferruginous Hawk H,S c u c c Rough-legged Hawk H,S,R u u c Golden Eagle H,S,R u r u u FALCONS *American Kestrel H,S,R c c c c Merlin H.S.R u u u Peregrine Falcon H,S,R r r r Prairie Falcon H.S.R u r u c SPECIES HABITAT S s F W PARTRIDGES, GROUSE, TURKEY, QUAIL *Ring-necked Pheasant H,S,R c c c c *Lesser Prairie-Chicken S u u u u *Wild Turkey R u u u u *Northern Bobwhite S,R c c c c *Scaled Quail H,S c c c c RAILS & COOTS Black Rail R X ^Virginia Rail H,S,R r r r *Sora H,S,R r r *American Coot R c u c CRANES Sandhill Crane S,R u u PLOVERS Black-bellied Plover H,S,R r r Snowy Plover H,S,R r Semipalmated Plover h,s,r r r *Killdeer H,S,R c c c Mountain Plover H,S,R r r r STILTS & AVOCETS Black-necked Stilt R r American Avocet R u u SANDPIPERS, PHALAROPES & ALLIES Greater Yellowlegs R u u Lesser Yellowlegs R u u Solitary Sandpiper R u u Spotted Sandpiper R u u #Upland Sandpiper H,S,R u u u Whimbrel *Long-billed Curlew H,S,R c c u Marbled Godwit H,S,R u u Ruddy Turnstone S,R r Sanderling R u u Semipalmated Sandpiper R u u Western Sandpiper R u u SPECIES HABITAT S S F W Least Sandpiper H,S,R u u White-rumped Sandpiper R r r Baird’s Sandpiper H.S.R u u Pectoral Sandpiper H,S,R u u Stilt Sandpiper R u u Buff-breasted Sandpiper H,S,R r r Long-billed Dowitcher R u u Common Snipe H,S,R u u r Wilson’s Phalarope R u u Red-necked Phalarope R r Red Phalarope R r GULLS & TERNS Franklin’s Gull H,S,R u u Bonaparte’s Gull H,S,R r Ring-billed Gull R u u u California Gull R X Herring Gull H,S,R r Sabine’s Gull H,S,R X Forster’s Tern H,S,R u u Black Tern R u u PIGEONS & DOVES *Rock Dove H,S,R c c c c *Mourning Dove H.S.R a a a u CUCKOOS & ROADRUNNERS Black-billed Cuckoo R r *Yellow-billed Cuckoo R c c u Greater Roadrunner H,S r r r r BARN OWLS *Barn Owl H.S.R u u u u TYPICAL OWLS *Eastern Screech-Owl R u u u u #Western Screech-Owl R X X X *Great Horned Owl H,S,R c c c c Snowy Owl H,S X ^Burrowing Owl H,S c c u r *Long-eared Owl R u r u u SPECIES HABITAT S S F W Short-eared Owl H,S u r u u Northern Saw-whet Owl GOATSUCKERS *Common Nighthawk H,S c c c Common Poorwill H,S u u u SWIFTS *Chimney Swift H,S u u u White-throated Swift H,S X HUMMINGBIRDS Ruby-throated Hummingbird S,R r r Black-chinned Hummingbird R X X Calliope Hummingbird R X X Broad-tailed Hummingbird S,R X X Rufous Hummingbird R r r KINGFISHERS #Belted Kingfisher R u u u WOODPECKERS & ALLIES Lewis’ Woodpecker R r r *Red-headed Woodpecker R c c c #Red-bellied Woodpecker R r r Yellow-bellied Sapsucker R r r r Red-naped Sapsucker R r *Ladder-backed Woodpecker R r r r r *Downy Woodpecker R c c c c *Hairy Woodpecker R u u u u *Northern Flicker R c c c u Red-shafted Yellow-shafted TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Olive-sided Flycatcher R u u Western Wood-Pewee R u u Eastern Wood-Pewee R u u Yellow-bellied Flycatcher R r Acadian Flycatcher R X Alder Flycatcher R r Willow Flycatcher R u u

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