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— basement— Birding Africa’s the Cape to the Kalahari Keith Barnes Part I—Th—e Cape of Good Hope — longmass ofsandstone juts out intoone ofthe most CapeTown arguablyAfrica’smostbeautifulcity isa hostile oceans in the world, the southern Atlantic phenomenalbasefromwhichtobirdSouthAfrica.Two thisistheCapePeninsula. Thisrouteshouldtakeone weeksinthevicinityofthecitycouldyieldover400species, day, although it has been broken up into various including47 ofthe country's 58 endemics and near- subsectionsshouldonechoosetoproceedatamore endemics,and126ofsouthernAfrica’s180endemics, leisurely pace. makingitanindispensabledestinationforanyoneinter- Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens estedinthecontinent'sbirds.Thisarticleoutlinesthebest Thebestplacetobeginistheworld-renownedKirstenbosch birdingspotsandroutes,specificallytargetingendemics, BotanicalGardensonthehindridgeofTableMountain. bothSouthandsouthernAfrican.Theamountoftime Ideallysituatedclosetotown,onewillberewardedby requiredtobirdeachrouteissuggestedandthebirding, spendingaslittleasonehourinthegardens.Togetthere sceneryandgeneraltourismfeaturesareallrated.Pricesin fromtown,takeEasternBoulevard(M3)andproceed Rand(R)arequoted.Atthetimeofwriting(April1999) alongUnionAvenue.AttheRhodesDriveintersection,c USS1=R6.3,withtheRandfallingconstantly. 2kmbeyondthered-roofeduniversity,turnright.The Getting around gardens are a further 2 km along Rhodes Drive and BirdingaroundCapeTownbypublictransportispossible, are well signposted. Several fynbos specialities can butexceptionallydifficult. Themajorityofthesiteslisted be seen with remarkable ease in the cultivated erica herearenotaccessibleusingpublictransportandone and protea gardens (ask for a map at the entrance wouldhavetotakegeneralorspecialisttourstogetthere. point)includingtheskulkingGrassbirdSphenoeacus Ifyouwrantto“DIY”,thebestoptioniscarhire:themajor afer,energeticOrange-breastedSunbirdNectarinia agentsattheairportareBudget(27-21-9340216),Avis(27- violaceaandflamboyantCapeSugarbirdPromerops 21-934-0808/88)andHertz(27-21-386-1560),butsome cafer.OtherspecialitiesincludeCapeSiskinSerinus smalleroperatorswithcheaperoptionsincludeCapeCar totta Cape Bulbul Pycnonotus capensis and the , pHierremi(t2t7e-d21i-n6t8o3n-e2i4g4h1b)o,uSarfianrigrsetnattaelss2(74-x241s-6&4m4i-n8i9b5u)saensd, rcaepmeanrskisa.blAylstoamceomCmaopneinFrtahnecoglairdnenFsraanrceoloitnhuesr AffordableCarHire(27-21-439-1899)- Formoreinforma- South African endemics such as Lesser Double- tiononguidedtoursinthewesternCapeseeSugarbird’s collared Sunbird Nectarinia chalybea, Karoo HomePageathttp://home.mweb.co.za/kb/kbames. Prinia Prinia maculosa, Southern Boubou Laniariusferrugineus, Cape White-eye Zosterops Accommodation pallidas CapeSparrowPassermelanurusandGrey- Accommodation (and price andquality) optionsvary backed,Cisticola Cisticola subruficapillus. Keep dramaticallyinCapeTown;forafullreviewcheckout your eyes peeled skywards for Mountain (Forest) Sugarbirds’ Home Page; in particular, two excellent Buzzard Buteo oreophilus, which is regularly seen andveryaffordable guest houses exist on the penin- along with the more common (and potentially con- sula that cater principally for birders. Windy Ridge fusing) Steppe BuzzardButeo buteo vulpinus. The (Tel/Fax:27-21-786-1414;E-mail:[email protected]) tall avenue ofoak trees near the garden’s entrance, in Simonstown andAlton Grove (Tel: 785-2992; Fax: behindthe conservatory, hasregularlyheldabreed- 785-3456; E-mail: [email protected]; http:// ing pair of SpottedEagle OwlBubo africanus. www.afton.co.za)inNoordhoekarebothsuperb,run TheAfro-montaneforestpatches,particularlyinSkel- by birders and come highly recommended. etongorge, support ForestCanarySerinusscotops , Cape Peninsula (1-2 days)—The Cape of African DuskyAlseonakMuscicapa adusta. Afri- Storms! canParadiseFlycatcher Terpsiphoneviridis, Cape Batis Batis capensis Cinnamon Dove Columba •Birds:7/10•Scenery10/10•Generaltourismvalue:10/10 , Forced from the ocean bed by incomprehensible larvata,RameronPigeonC.arquatixandthenoisy tectonic forces, a spectacular 1 km high and 70 km Sombre Greenbul Andropadus importunus. The BirdingAfrica’sbasement—the Capeto theKalahari: Barnes BullABC Vol6No2-121 to the right immediately beyond the Kommetjie Hotel.Thisisthelastturnbeforetheroadascendsto asceniccoastaldrivetowardScarborough.Thisroad skirts the hotel parking area and continues past a large tidal pool to the wind-buffeted Kommetjie — promontory park here. Scan the rocks and tidal pool for Benguela-endemics such as Hartlaub's GullLarushaiilaubii.BankPbalacrocoraxneglectus. Crowned P. coronatus and Cape Cormorants P. capensis.AfricanBlackOystercatcherHaematopus moquini and other species such as White-fronted , Plover Charadrius marginatus and Whimbrel GvdssbkdSphenoeacmaferbyIanLewington Numeniusphaeopus. In winter, the sea should be main attraction is Knysna Warbler Bradypterus scannedforpelagicspeciesthatoccasionallyventure sylvaticus, a species more usually heard than seen. inshore. White-chinned Petrel Procellaria ChancesarebestinSeptember-Novemberwhenitis aequinoctialis, SootyShearwaterPuffinnsgriseus, most vociferous and responsive, at the top of the Cape Gannet Sula capensis (all year) and South gorge where the vegetation is sparser. Polar Skua Catharacta maccormicki are regularly Farther up-slope, the gardens revert to natural seen and it would not be surprising to see a Shy fynbos vegetation and rocky outcrops, where Cape Diomedea cauta or Black-browed Albatross D. Siskin,GroundWoodpeckerGeocolaptesolivaceus melanophriseffortlessly dipping below the horizon. FamiliarChatCercomelafamiliaris,CommonKes-, Winter also brings Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata to trel Falco tinnunculus, Cape Rock Thrush the roost that regularly gathers in the tidal pool. Sift MonticolarupestrisandWhite-neckedRavenCorvus through the Swift S. bergiiand SandwichTerns S. albicollis are common, and overhead watch for sandvicensis and in summer Arctic S. paradisaea Peregrine Falcon Falcoperegrinus, Alpine Apus andCommo,nTernsS. hintndo insearch ofsome- A A , melba,Black barbatusandLittleSwifts affinis. thing rare. Check the tide tables as more birds roost Similarspecies canbe foundbytaking the cable car at low tide; weekends should also be avoided as tothetopofthemountain,whichholdsmorespecies fishermen and boat launching disturbs the roost. If, offlowering plant than the British Isles. atfirst,youdonotseeallthespeciesyouareseeking, takeawalknorthalongthebeachasbirdsroostthere Wildevoelvlei and Kommetjie also. An early morning walk here may reward the FromKirstenbosch, head south in the direction ofHout — vigilantobserverwithaCapeClawlessOtterAonyx Bay along the M63 which turns into the spectacular capensis capensis. ChapmansPeakdriveafterpassingthroughHoutBay.As this descends into Noordhoek, keep going straight until Cape Point Nature Reserve youreachSunValley;turnrightattheT-junction;soonyou Continue south along the M65, past Misty Cliffs and — reachanintersection turnrightontotheM65(Kommetjie Scarborough,totheCapePointNatureReserve.Forming Road). Afterc4 kmyou reach an industrial park, with a thesouthernportionofthepeninsula,thisreservecanalso — large wetland onyour right this is Wildevoelvlei. For bereachedfromMuizenbergandSimon’sTownviathe accesstothemarsh,turnintothehousingdevelopmentat M4.Youcanenjoythereserve’ssensationalandidyllic ImhofPsGift, andparkinRameronAvenue. scenerywhilelookingforadditionalfynbosspecialities, Someexcellentandunusualbirdsareregularlyseen includingthenumerousOrange-breastedSunbirdand here, including White-backed Duck Tbalassornis CapeSugarbird, aswellasseabirdsfromthesouth- leuconotus MaccoaDuckOxyuramaccoa Whiskered westernmostpointinAfrica. Don’tmisstheopportunity , , TernChlidoniashybridus,Black-neckedGrebePodiceps toscanforalbatrossesandtheoccasionalPeregrineFal- nigricollis,AfricanMarshHarrierCircusranivorusand conattheCapePointlighthouse.Theviewingsitesatthe Black-crownedNightHeronNycticoraxnycticorax.A pointalsoholdCapeSiskin.OtherspeciesincludeCape hostofmorecommonwaterfowlalsooccurs.Atthetime Bulbul,SpeckledMousebirdColiusstriatus,FiscalFly- of writing this wetland was suffering eutrophication catcher Melaenornis silens, Bokmakierie problemsanditwouldbewisetoobtainmoreinformation Malaconotus zeylonus, Southern Boubou, aboutitsstatusbeforeplanningavisit. NeddickyCisticolafulvicapillusandKarooPrinia. LeavingWildevoelvlei,continuesouth-westalong The reserve has attracted many rarities, including a Kommetjie Road. Once in Kommetjie, take the turn Red-tailed Tropicbird Pbaethon rubricauda that — 122-BullABC Vol6No2 BirdingAfrica’sbasement theCapeto theKalahari: Barnes established itself on the cliffs. The plains toward when your field guide offers more detail than the Sirkelsvlei support Black-rumped Button-Quail speckyou sawdippingunderthe horizon? InSouth Tumix hottentotta and Cloud Cisticola Cisticola Africa, a series of pelagic options exist so that you textrix. Malachite Sunbird Nectariniafamosa can may scoffin delight as these majestic oceanic wan- befound in certainLeonotispatches andthe ubiqui- derers approach too close for you to focus. Many tous Red-wingedStarling Onychognathusmoriois seabird specialists, unsurprisingly, regard the West- ever-present. ern Cape as one ofthe best pelagic birding spots in The reserve is also hometothe strange Bontebok the world, regularly supporting hundreds of thou- DamalisousdorcasandelegantElandTaurotragiisoryx. sands ofseabirds. Seabird abundance is particularly — Bewareofthe ChacmaBaboonsPapioursinm they high due to the highly productive, nutrient-rich — havebecomedecidedlycheek)’withinthereserve and upwelling Benguela current, derived from Antarcti- pleasedon’tfeedthem.AminimumentryfeeofR20(or ca’s icy waters. Very few places provide such R 10 perperson whicheveris more) is charged. world-classharboursandships,aplethoraofexciting species and the spectacle of 1,000s of seabirds Boulders Bay squabbling over scraps behind fishing boats. Leaving the reserve, return to Cape Town along the Sailing from Simonstown or Flout Bay, operating FalseBaycoastline, viatheM4.Asyouentersuburban trawlers are targeted specifically. As many as 5,000 Simonstown,lookforagolfcourseontheright(coastal) seabirds, of15-20differentspecies, couldbe awaiting side. Atthe northern perimeterofthe golfcourseturn yourarrival. Approachinganoperatingtrawlersetsone right onto Bellevue Road. Start looking for penguins amidstoneofthelargestseabirdfeedingfrenziesonthe immediately. Thecolonyisexpanding, andbirdshave globe.Oncetheinitialadrenalineaishisundercontrol, been recorded attempting to incubate golfballs! This andyou havefoughtoffthe cripplingviews ofBlack- idyllicspotconsistsofwhitebeaches,protectedbylarge browed,ShyoiYellow-nosedAlbatrossesDiomedea granite boulders, and permanently inhabited by the cblororhynchos White-chinned Petrel, Cape Gan- little black-and-white suited Jackass Penguin net, Sooty She,arwater and Wilson’s Storm-Petrel Spheniscusdemersus. A must-seevenue, the birdscan Oceanitesoceanicus,youcanbegintosiftthroughthe tbeeracpaptrcohearchaenddeCxatpreemealnydcClorsoelwyn.eAfdrCiocarnmoBrlaacnktsOyasr-e clouds ofbirds insearch ofless commonspecies. The compositionofthe flocks, andyourchances ofseeing regularlyseenontherocks. Thestrandveldvegetation various species, varies according to season. holdsWhite-backedMousebirdColiuscolius Lesser , Inwinter(May-August), onehasthebestchance Double-collared Sunbird and occasionally Cape offindingWanderingAlbatrossDiomedeaexulans, Sugarbird Northern Macronectes halli and Southern Giant Strandfontein Sewage Works Petrels M. giganteus, Pintado Petrel Daption TovisitthissiteonerequiresawaiverissuedbytheCape capense, Broad-billedPachyptilavittata, Antarctic BirdClub(Tel:27-21-686-8795)onbehalfoftheCape P.desolataandSalvin’sPrionsP.(v.)salvini South , MetropolitanCouncil.Pleaseensureyouhaveonebefore PolarSkua and rarely SouthernFulmarFulmarus visiting. FromSimonstownheadnorthalongthecoastal glacialoides. Spring (September-October) brings road. Beyond Clovelly, do not take Boyes Drive, passage migrants such as Soft-plumaged Petrel which heads up the mountainside, but continue Pterodroma mollisand GreatShearwater Puffinus along the coastal road to Muizenberg. From there gravis. In summer (November-February), the take Baden Powell Drive (R 310) and turn into BenguelaattractsPalearcticmigrantsincludingCory’s Strandfontein Road (Ml7) c 7 km from the circle. Shearwater Calonectris diomedea Manx , After 4 km turn left to Zeekoevlei and the sewage Shearwater Puffinuspuffinus, British Storm-Pet- worksareonthenorthernshoreofFalseBay. Oneof relHydrobatespelagicus, Arctic Skua Stercorarius the bestwetland sites in SouthAfrica, it holds up to parasiticus and Sabine’s Gull Lams sabini. Other 94speciesofwaterbird, 45breedingspecies, includ- summer visitors include Flesh-footed Shearwater ingthe endemic SouthAfricanShelduck Tadorna Puffinuscarneipes,Great-wingedPetrelPterodroma cana and Cape Shoveler Anas smithii and (in macroptera (awinterbreederon the Prince Edward summer) many waders and terns. Islands), Great Shearwater (which breeds on the Tristan group) and Leach’s Storm-Petrel Pelagic magic—sensational seabirdfrenzy Oceanodroma leucorhoa (which breeds on South (1 day) Africa’scoastalislands). Autumn(March-April)brings • Birds: 10/10 • Scenery: 6/10 • Generaltourismvalue: 4/10 the best chance of seeing Black-bellied Storm- Ever grimacedwhile ticking an albatross from land, PetrelFregettatropicaasitheadsforwarmertropical BirdingAfrica’sbasement—theCapeto theKalahari: Barnes BullABC Vol6No2-123 — ) climes. The Western Cape is known for its variety of vagrant pelagic species. Although unlikely, the fol- lowingaresomeofthemorespectacularspeciesthat are possible: Royal Diomedea epomophora, Grey- headedD. chrysostomaand(Dark-mantledSooty) Albatrosses Phoebetriafusca, Little Shearwater Puffinusassimilis,andoneofthebestchancesinthe world ofseeing the extremely rare and endangered Spectacled Petrel Procellaria (aequinoctialis) conspicillata (which breeds on the Tristan Group). ChecktheSugarbirdHomepageforlatestoptionson Cape Rockjumpers ChaetopsfrenatusbyMike Hodgson (courtesyofBirdQuest pelagic trips in the Western Cape. It is advisable to bring seasickness medicine as the waters can turn listen for the crescendo of their piping whistles! rough suddenly. Other species here include Ground Woodpecker. Cape Rock Thrush. Cape Siskin Black Eagle Sir Lowry’s Pass and Betty’s Bay (1 day)— Aquilaverreauxii.JackalBuzzardButeorufofuscus Traversing False Bay , Grey-backed Cisticola. Cape Bunting Emberiza •Birds:9/10•Scenery:8/10•Generaltourismvalue:6/10 ThenearestplacetoCapeTownholdingafullcompliment capensis,PeregrineFalcon,White-neckedRaven. Familiar Chat, and rarely Sentinel Rock Thrush ofthefynbosspecials,SirLowry’sPassintheHottentots Monticola explorator and Cape Eagle Owl Bubo HollandMountainsisnotbemissed.Togettherefollow theN2fromCapeTowntoSomersetWestandbegin capensis. Fromtheridge-top,lookingtowardSteenbrasDam. ascendingthepass.Atthesummit,aparkinglotwillappear suddenlyontheright-handsideoftheroad.Crosstothe onecanseearailway-line;thescarceStripedFlufftail sideoftheroadoppositetheparkinglot.Beyondtheditch, Sarothuraaffinishasbeenseenbelowit.Althoughthisbird clamberthroughthebrokenfencewhichisadisused canbealmostimpossibletosee,itseemstoshowitself entrance.Awidepath,formerlyanaccessroad,climbsto morefrequentlytoforeignvisitors!Thepineplantations the left. Walknorth-east, alongtheupperofthe two east ofthe canons and around Steenbras Dam hold breeding Black Accipiter melanoleucus and Red- tracks that lead from a cleared area adjacent to the road. Aftercl kmthereisexcellentfynboshabitat. If breastedSparrowhawksA. rufiventrisand Forest Buzzard the ericasareflowering, Orange-breastedSunbird willbeactive. Lookforproteatreeswithlargeyellow TheWest Coast (1-2 days)—a taste of — pincushion flowers these mixed Leucospermum Namaqualand conocarpodendron and Protea neriifolia stands are • Birds: 8/10 • Scenery: 7/10 • General tourismvalue: 6/10 regularlyvisitedbythemagnificentCapeSugarbird. Located cl20 km north of Cape Town, in southern Ahigh-pitchedmonotonouszittingshouldgiveaway Namaqualand, thisarea’saridandratherbleakterrain Neddickyand inwettervegetation the Grassbird’s is broken by some ofSouthAfrica’s most impressive descending warble (easily confused with that of wetlands,particularlyLangebaanLagoonandtheBerg Victorin’s Warbler) is usually evident. River Estuary. In the austral summer, the Berg River Aftercl.5km,asedge-seepfilledwithlongreed- holdsthegreatestdensitiesofshorebirdsontheentire likeElegiacapensisandBerzeliaisevidentwherethe easternAtlanticflyway.HeadoutofCapeTownonthe power cables cross the path. The sedge beds hold R27 via Milnerton. Approximately 90 km from Cape several pairs of Victorin’s Warbler Bradypterus Town,theleftturntoWestCoastNationalPark(within — victorini asecretivebirdlikelyonlytobeglimpsed, whichLangebaanLagoonisenclosed)willbeseen. If as it keeps low inthe undergrowth. It is particularly choosing to continue to the Berg River mouth, pro- difficult to see in strong winds. Just beyond the ceed along the R27 to Laaiplek, where you cross the sedge,asmallandobscurepathleadstotheleft.After river mouth just before entering town. 150 m itleads to a shallowgully, where atleasttwo At Langebaan Lagoon, Palearctic waders abound parties of the effervescent Cape Rockjumper in summer, particularly Curlew Sandpiper Calidris Chaetopsfrenatusare regularly seen. Clamber onto ferruginea,GreyPloverPluvialissquatarola,Ruddy the rocksonthewestside, andif, atfirst, nosuccess Turnstone Arenaria interpres, Red Knot Calidris is had, he—adbacktothe parking lotalongthe top of canutusand Sanderling C. alba. Extremely healthy the ridge a party is bound to be seen or heard numbers of resident shorebirds including African — 124-BullABC Vol6No2 BirdingAfrica’s basement theCapeto theKalahari:Barnes — 1. Orange-breasted SunbirdNectariniaviolacecifeeding 3. Southern BoubouLaniariusferrugineus on erica nectar(PercyFitzPatrick Institute) (Sugarbird Images) 2. Cape SugarbirdPromeropscafer(Sugarbird Images) conspicillata (Sugarbird Images) Black Oystercatcher, White-fronted Plover, Lambert’s Bay, one of only six islands in the world Kittlitz’sPloverCharadriuspecuariusandthescarce where Cape Gannet breeds. Here you will be able Chestnut-banded Plover C. pallidus supplement to watch theircrazy antics at pointblank range. It is these. The marshes and sedge beds hold African anamazingspectaclethatenthrallsnotonlybirders MarshHarrieraswellasskulkingpalustrinespecial- particularly now that a new high-tech hide offers ists, including Red-chestedFlufftailSarothura rufa face-to-face encounters with the birds. The island and Kaffir Rail Rallus caerulescens. The best hides also holdsJackass Penguin, Bank, Crowned and are at Geelbek, where a walking trail to a series of Cape Cormorants. saltpansalsoexists.Visitatlowtidewhenthemudflats are exposed. Part II—the Garden Route The vegetation and open cultivated fields sur- Probablythe mostunder-ratedbirdingarea in South roundingthewetlandssupportaninterestingavifauna, Africa,theareabetweenCapeTownandTsitsikamma includingconspicuousspeciesnotalwayseasilyseen NationalPark, andthevirtuallyunbirded Outeniqua elsewhere. The most absorbing among these are the and Swartberg ranges inland, offersplendidscenery strikingBlackHarrierCircusmaurus,stridentSouth- andahigherconcentrationofSouthAfricanendemics ern Black Korhaan Eupodotis afra afra Capped than any other area in the country. , Wheatear Oenanthepileata, Thick-billed Galerida Overberg and De Hoop (1-2 days) magnirostris and Red-capped Larks Calandrella •Birds:8/10•Scenery:7/10•Generaltourismvalue:6/10 cinerea. Other common species include Pied Spreo Ifheading to the garden route from Cape Town, an bicolorandWattledStarlings Creatophoracinerea, excellent area to explore for a day is the Overberg Bokmakierie, Karoo Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas and De Hoop Nature Reserve. Follow the N2 from coryphaeus,YellowCanarySerinusflaviventrisand Cape Town, via Sir Lowry’s Pass (see part I) to White-backed Mousebird. Caledon; turn onto the R3l6 and continue to Ifadditionaltimeisavailable,headtoBirdIslandin Bredasdorp (c74 km). The R3l6 between Caledon BirdingAfrica’s basement—the Capeto theKalahari: Barnes BullABC Vo!6No2-125 and Bredasdorp is prime Overberg country, nestled inselberg,calledPotberg,risesabruptlyintheeastofthe on the coastal plain, and sheltered by the rugged reserve, surrounded by a sea ofwind-derived aeolian Langeberg Mountains to —the north, the Overberg sand. This small inselberg is the only home forseveral stretches to Cape Agulhas the southernmost point plantspecies, includingtwospectacularProteas. Italso inAfrica. Once a series ofplains oflowland fynbos, holds the last Cape Vulture Gyps copmtheres colony the majority of the original vegetation has been (c30 pairs) in the Western Cape as well as small but replacedbywheat. Itisnotallbadnewshowever,as significant populations ofStripedFlufftail and Black- many interesting birds, particularly some rare ones, rumpedButton-Quail. Other special species among haveadaptedremarkablywell. PartiesofstatelyBlue thelistof260recordedatthereservearePiedStarling. Crane Anthropoidesparadisaea stride through the Orange-throated(Cape)Longclawllaawnwcapeiisis. area. Althoughoncerarehere, morethan30%ofthe Bokmakierie. Pearl-breasted Swallow Hiruudo global population now congregates in this area dimidiata.PiedBarbetTricholaemaleucomelas Black , annually. The fields are also home to Denham’s Harrier AfricanBlackOystercatcherandeightspe- BustardNeotis denhami Thick-billed Lark. Red- ciesofcanarySennasspp.CapeFrancolinisextremely , cappedLarkandthehighlyrange-restrictedAgulhas tame, particularlyatthecampsitewheretheywillforage Long-billed Lark Certhilauda (curvirostris) less than a metre away, while Fiery-neckedNightjar brevirostris. Occasionally Secretary Birds Sagitta- Caprimulguspectoralisiscommonaround thecottages rius serpentarius can be seen pulverising hapless at night, belting out its crescendo call. snakes near the road. These species are possible The Garden Route (3-4 days) anywhere along this road, and numerous stops to • Birds: 8 1" • Scenery: in 10 • Generaltourismvalue: 6 look and listen are advised. Stop also in the small 10 patches ofremaining renosterbos (Rhino-bush) and Locatedc450kmeastofCapeTown,thispicturesque strandveldtolookforthe stunningSouthernBlack and dainty mosaic of fynbos and forest gardens is Korhaan. scattered among a plethora of lakes, lagoons and FromBredasdorp,taketheSwellendamroad(R319). seasides. Knysna is the closest area to Cape Town After7kmturnrighttoWydgelee,29kmfurtherturnright holding large tracts ofCape temperate forest and it toDeHoopandcontinue 10kmtothegate. DeHoop, makesawonderfulbasetoexplorethisstrikingarea. in stark contrast to the wheatbelt, comprises a unique Several accommodation options are available in diversityofnaturalhabitats.Theseincludenaggedcoast- Knysna, check the Sugarbird Home page http: line, pristine beaches and sand dunes, a wide coastal home.mweb.co.za/kb/kbarnes for a full listing. The plainholdingremnantfragmentsofthehighlythreatened most notable option is the Bush Camp in Phantom lowlandfynbosandsomebizarreanduniquelimestone Forest Eco-reserve (Tel: 27-44-386-0046; Fax: 27-44- hills incised by the 15 km-long De Hoop Vlei. The 387-1944;e-mail:[email protected].).This Ramsar-designated vlei is actually a coastal lake, often luxuriouscamp islocatedwithintheforestonPhan- excellent for waterbirds; Cape Shoveler is one of 75 tom Pass and its fast-growing reputation as one of species of waterfowl regularly recorded here. The South Africa’s finest eco-tourism destinations is not Milkwoods surrounding the vlei support Southern unfounded. All the endemic forest specials have Tchagra Tchagra tchagra. An isolated sandstone been found on the property as has NarinaTrogon Apaloderma narina and other ‘most wanted' birds. Canopy towers are currently under construction, exclusively for the use of paying lodge-birders. To reach the reserve, take the first turn to the left on enteringKnysna(fromCapeTown),beforeyoucross thebridge. Do not peel roundunderthe bridge, but head straight along the shore of the lagoon on Phantom Pass Road for cl km. Follow the signs to Phantom Forest Eco-reserve. Manyotherforestpatchesexist;particularlygoodare thoseatDiepwalleandBigTree.FurtheralongtheN2(c80 km),thesmalltownofNature’sValleyhasmanycheap B&Bsandissurroundedbyexcellentforest.Aparticularly quaint spot here is called Tourist Lodge (Tel: 27- Blue CraneAnthropoidesparadisaeabyMike Hodgson 04457-6681). (courtesyofBirdQuest) — 126-BullABC Vol6No2 BirdingAfrica’sbasement theCapeto theKalahari: Barnes Spendmosttimeinthetallcathedral-typeforests. nificant population ofthese. Fareasierto find is the Sometimesdeathlysilent,thetwitteringofabirdpartycan seed-eatingendemicForestCanary, SweeWaxbill breakthelethargyoftheforest. Mixed-speciesflocks Estrilda melanotis and Greater Double Collared comprisingBar-throatedApalisApalisthoracica Blue- NectariniaafraandBlackSunbirdsN.amethystina. . mantledFlycatcherTrochocercuscycinomelas.Grey The rolling hills expose chunks of fynbos on their Cuckoo-ShrikeC(mci)incaesiaandYcllow-throatedWar- crests. When in flower, the red ericas are adorned blerPhylloscopusruficapillasally and glean insects withOrange-breastedSunbirds. CapeSugarbird, from the canopy of buttressed Yellowwood and vociferous Yictorin’s Warbler and other fynbos Ironwood trees. Be on the lookout for Knysna specialities are also easily seen here. WoodpeckerCampetheranotata, whichfrequently AlsovisitTsitsikammaNationalParkwhereSouth- utters its characteristic staccato scream. The cool ernRightWhalesEubalaenaaustraliscomeinshore mossyrocks, fungus-fleckedgroundandfernglades to breed and calve. In the park there is excellent are home to parties of chuckling Terrestrial forest, holdingmanyofthespecieslistedabove.The BrownbulPhyllastrephusterrestrisaswellasWhite- GrootRiverisknowntoholdseveralriver-dependent starredRobinPogonocichlastellataandChorister speciesmoretypicaloftropicalriversincludingHalf- Robin-Chat Cossypha dichroa. Track any raucous collared Kingfisher Alcedo semitorquata and the croaking which may herald a Knysna Turaco elusive African Finfoot Podica senegalensis and Tauraco(persa) corythaix. Look for fruiting trees as White-backedNightHeronGorsachiusleuconotus. they may hold flocks ofBlack-belliedGlossyStar- Within the park, the Storms River Mouth restcamp, ling Lcunprotornis corruscus. Low hooting, with its—excellent cottages and facilities, is recom- particularly in spring (September-November), may mended contact SouthAfrican National Parks (Tel: bring, with luck, a view of the fabled Narina 27-12-343-1991; Fax: 27-12-343-0905; e-mail: Trogon.KeepscanningoverheadforbreedingMoun- [email protected]) for details. tainBuzzardwhichregularlyissueaplaintivekleeuw call. The constant churring of the Cape Batis will Swartberg Pass (1-2 days add-on to 7 or 8) •Birds:9/10•Scenery:10/10•Generaltourismvalue:7/10 give this pokey insectivore away, but the cryptic Thisrouteisonlypossibleifcombinedwithatriptothe Olive Bush-Shrike Malaconotus olivaceus is more Garden Route orKaroo National Park, orpreferably diimfiftiactuiltontso—soefe,itasltcahlol.ugOhnitdtoheesfroeressptonfdlotoro,whsiesvtelreadl dbeostthi,naatsionist.liNnokswhtehreeseistwthoedsrtarmiaktinigcavlalryiabdiilfifteyreontf skulkers the noisy Red-necked Spurfowl South Africa more evident than on the short drive Francolinusaferand Cinna—mon and Tambourine between Knysna and Prince Albert, taking in the Doves Turtur tympanistria are more frequently Outeniqua and Swartberg mountains. Temperate heard than seen. In summer, the piercing pretty evergreenforestscloaktheshadysouthernmountain georgie whistle of arguably Africa’s most dazzling slopes,well-wateredbycoastalmistsandyear-round cuckoo,theAfricanEmeraldCuckooChrysococcyx rainfall, while succulent desert plants cling to the cupreus,isblastedfromtreetopsalmostaslushasthe blistered northern valley floors, sweltering in the bird itself. Also common are African Goshawk rain-shadow of the mountains. From Knysna, one Accipitertachiro, Olive Woodpecker Dendropicos shouldheadbackontheN2towardsGeorge.Leaving griseocephalus, Black Saw-wing Psalidoprocne theN2attheGeorgeturn-off,headalongtheN9over pristoptera, Sombre Bulbul, Fork-tailed Drongo the Outeniqua Pass and then take the N12 to Dicrurus adsimilis, Bleating Bush Warbler Oudtshoorn. The many lay-byes are worth a stop, Camaropterabrachyura,SouthernBoubou,Dusky scan for fynbos specials and Black and Martial Flycatcher, EasternBlack-headedOriole Oriolus Eagles Polemaetus bellicosus, which are seen here larvatusandAfricanParadiseFlycatcher.Atnight, regularly. Once over the pass, the vegetation will the bubblingcall oftheWoodOwlStrixwoodfordii begintolookdecidedlyscrubby—youarenowinthe ipshannottomu-nlickoemmfoognhoarnnd hkoeoetpinganoefarthoepednimifnourtitvhee sLittrtaliegKhta—rotoh.eONn12reabcrhainncgheOsudttoshtohoernri,ghkte—epalhoenagditnhge Buff-spotted Flufftail Sarothura elegans, one of R328 to Prince Albert, following signs to Cango Africa’s hardest forest birds to see. Caves. TaketheSchoemanspoortPassandfollowall The forestedge alsohas its specialists, including signs to Prince Albert/Swartberg Pass—bypassing the bracken-dependent Knysna Warbler, a very theturn-offtotheCangoCaves.Theroadturnstodirt difficult bird to see, even when it is calling in shortlythereafter.Asoneascendsthepass,thescrub September-October. The Knysna Heads hold a sig- turns to fynbos, with the associated gamut of com- BirdingAfrica’sbasement—theCapeto theKalahari: Barnes BullABC Vol6No2-127 5. Namaqua SandgrousePteroclesnamaqua Red-cappedLarkCalandreUacinera,easilyidentified bythe (Sugarbird Images) rufousshoulder patch andcrown (Sugarbird Images) 6. Sclater’s LarkSpizocoryssclateriis best identifiedbyits 8. BarlowsLarkCetlhilaudabariowiisnowconsideredadistinct heavybill andtear-drop linebelowthe eye speciesfromthedoselyrelatedKarooLarkC.albescens,onthe (Sugarbird Images) basisofitsheavierbreaststreakingandnotabledifferencesin geneticcompositionandsongstructure(SugarbirdImages) mon fynbos birds. Higher up, the bushes become Stenostira scita White-throated Canary Sennits smaller and the proportion of exposed rock in- albogulans Whit,e-backedMousebird.Layard’sTit- creases. Pause at the top, called Die Top: on either Babbler Pa,risoma layardi Long-billed Crombec side ofthe roadagroup ofCapeRockjumpers can Sylvietta rufescens and Ka,roo Scrub-Robin. The befound. ThegratingkeaurghghofGroundWood- canyon ends abruptly, and c4 km beyond, a small pecker is not uncommon here. Cape and Sentinel picnic/campingspotis locatedontheleft, justbefore Rock Thrushes can also be seen. Two to three the Klaarstroom road intersection. Pause here, as kilometres further, the road to Die Hel branches off NamaquaWarblerPhragmaciasubstriataandPririt left.ThisjunctionisexcellentforCapeSiskin.Alittle Batis Batispriritare common in the grove oftrees. farther, a large stand of Protea trees hosts Cape Whether heading back to Cape Town, or on to Sugarbird, Orange-breasted Sunbird, Grassbird KarooNationalPark, itispossible(andadvisable)to and on occasion, the scarce ProteaCanarySerinus overnightinPrinceAlbert, asthekaroovegetationis leucopterus. Descending to Prince Albert, soaring mostproductive atdawn. TheHotel Swartberg(top- cliffswithspectacularrockformationslinethe20-km range), Rozie’s (mid-range) and Huis Adriaan or gravel road. At high altitude, search for soaring Hooggenoeg Holiday Houses (budget) are recom- Black, Booted Hieraaetuspennatus and Martial mended. Call the Prince Albert Tourism Bureau for Eagles. As you—enter the drier gorge the avifauna bookings and more information (Tel: 27-23-5411- changes rapidly keep your eyes peeled for Pale- 366).Thesmallseriesofhillseastoftownholdafew winged Starling Onychognathus nabouroup and parties of Karoo Eremomela Eremomelagregalis. Mountain Chat Oenanthe monticola on the cliffs, TheplainsnorthofPrinceAlbertarebestintheearly and Malachite Sunbird on the aloes. Just before morning. Although the R353 is productive (bird the exitingthecanyon,theriversupportssomeluxurious Gamka riverbed where it crosses the road c8 km Acaciakarooscrub; stop here forFairyFlycatcher before the Nl), ifyou have time available, take the 128-BullABC Vol6No2 BirdingAfrica’sbasement—the Capeto theKalahari: Barnes — dirtroadtoSeekoegat(theonlyroadheadingrighton Anthuscrenatus Pale-wingedStarlingandGround , leavingPrinceAlbert), 1 kmnorthoftown. Stopand Woodpeckeroccurinrockygorgesandkloofswhile bird extensively in the (usually dry) Oukloof river- Sickle-wingedChat Cercomelasinuatais found in bed. If any water is lying, look for the nomadic plateau scrub. The best area to find these species is Black-headedCanarySerinusalario.Whiledriving KlipspringerPass.Atthetopoftheplateau, thereare acrosstheplains, keepalookoutforthelow-density several stopping points to peer into a gorge that Ludwig’s Bustard Neotis ludwigii and Karoo holds most ofthese species. AfricanRockPipit is Korhaan Eupodotis vigorsii. Stop occasionally to often heard calling, and is occasionally seen, from lookandlistenforRufous-earedWarblerMalconis above the Fonteintjies walking trail. The newly pectoralis and a host of larks in this area (many described Karoo Long-billed Lark Certbilauda species are similar to those at Karoo National Park (icurvirostris)subcoronata(seeAuk 116: 194-208) is described below). Proceed to Karoo National Park, commonthroughout the park. Other arid-zone spe- on the Nl, South Africa’s premier highway; the cies occurring here are Dusky Sunbird Nectarinia entrance is 5 km south-west ofBeaufort West. fusca, which is a nomad, not seen elsewhere in the WesternCapeandPaleChantingGoshawkMelierax Karoo National Park (2-3 days) canorus Pririt Batis, Fairy Flycatcher, Cape •Birds:8/10•Scenery:7/10•Generaltourismvalue:6/10 Penduli,ne Tit Anthoscopus minutus and White- TheKhoisanhunter-gatherers,theoldestinhabitantsof throated Canary. SouthAfrica,calledthecentralplateauthe‘Karuu’,or GamkaDamontheGrootplaathastheonlyperma- “placeofgreatdryness”.Chalet—s,cottagesandcampingare availableintheNationalPark andthereisanair-condi- nentsurfacewaterintheparkandsupportsahostof tioned restaurant (to book tel: 27-201-5-2828/9 or wSahteelrbdiurcdks,ainndclYuedlilnogwC-abpilelSehdoDveulcekr,ASnoaustuhnAdfurliatcaa.n fax: 27-201-5-1671). Underlying its barren appear- ance,theKaroobiomeishometosome5,000species The cliffs near the dam have breeding Black and Booted Eagles, and Black Stork Ciconia nigra. ofplant morethanareinCanada.Itholdsonethird ofall the world’s succulent plant species. The park Beaufort West has several large Eucalyptus trees represents one ofthe more spectacular parts ofthe which supportupto 10,000roostingLesserKestrel Karoo, with the impressive Nuweveld escarpment, Falco naumanni in summer; the birds disperse during the day to forage on the plains surrounding whichrisesto 1,900m, formingthebackdropforthe the town. lower plains. Despite only 170 bird species having While hunting for birds, you may bump into been recorded in the park, it is extremely important forNamib-Karoobiome-restrictedspecies,aswellas otherkarroidbeastssuchasCloete’sGirdledLizard supportingahostofotherarid-zonespecialities.The Cordyluscloetei, Braack’s DwarfLeaf-toedGecko lowland plains have Ludwig’s Bustard. Karoo GoggiabraackiandThin-skinnedthick-toedGecko Korhaan, Spike-heeled Lark Chersomanes Pachydactylus kladeroderma; all of which have albofasciata, Karoo Lark Certhilauda albescens minuteglobalranges,restrictedtotinyportionsofthe , Nuweveld escarpment. Other endemics include Grey-backedSparrow-LarkEremopterixverticals, Grant’s Rock Mouse Aetbomyisgrand, Namaqua Tractrac Chat Cercomela tractrac Karoo Chat C. , ChameleonChamaeleonamaquensis KarooDwarf schlegelii Karoo Eremomela and Rufous-eared , , Chameleon Bracbypodion karroicum, Greater Warbler. Black-headed Canary occurs whenever HomopusfemoralisandBoulenger’sPadlopersH. thereisseedinggrassandwater.Thebeltsofriverine Acacia karoo woodland hold Namaqua Warbler boulengeri, Tent Tortoise Psammobates tentorius, Spotted House Snake Lampropbisguttatus Com- manadnyprootvhiedresfpoeocdi,es.sheTlhteertahnicdkebtreaenddinsgcrhuabbiotanttfhoer mon Long-tailed Seps Tetradactylus tetrad,actylus slopessupportLayard’sTit-BabblerandSouthern andahostofendemiclizardsandgeckos.Thepark Grey Tit Pams afer. In very wet years, nomadic holdsmanyspeciesthatonceroamedtheseplainsin Black-eared Sparrow-Lark Eremopterix australis greater numbers prior to human intervention. The threatenedBlackRhinocerosDicerosbicornis, and and Lark-like Bunting Emberiza impetuani arrive the endemic Cape Mountain Zebra Equus zebra tobreedinlarge numbers, andare then absentuntil the next heavy rains, which may be up to decades zebra (the second largest population in the world), BlackWildebeest Connocahetesgnouand Spring- apart. In exceptional rain years, Sclater’s Lark bokAntidorcas marsupialisroam here. Threatened Spizocorys sclateri has also been recorded. The secretive and localised Cinnamon-breasted War- species such as Leopard Pantberapardus, Small blerEuryptilasubcinnamomea AfricanRockPipit SpottedCatFelisnigripes,AardwolfProtelescristata, , BirdingAfrica’s basement—tbeCapeto theKalahari: Barnes BullABC Vol6No2- 129 — — Aardvark Orycteropusafer Sclater’sGoldenMole the plains start looking for Karoo Chat. Yellow , Chlorotalpasclateri Melck’sSerotineBatEptesicus Canary. White-throated Canary' Southern .Ant- , melckorum, Lesuer’sHairyBatMyotislesueuriand eater-Chat.Mynnecocichlaiformicivora,Sickle-winged Spectacled Dormouse Graphiurus ocularis also Chat. PiedStarling Bokmakierie andJackal Buz- occurinthe park. Nightdrivescanbe arrangedwith zard and Pale Chanting Goshawk perching on staff and may prove spectacular, particularly if the telephone and electricity poles. mythical Aardvark is seen. Approximately5kmbeyondtheSutherlandturn-offa numberofsmalldamsappearontheright-handside,as Part III—the arid interior wellasalargerdamonafarmcalledInverdoom:allare SouthAfrica’saridinteriordoesnotofferthehighestbird privateproperty',sopleaserespectthis.Stopontheroad diversity,butbyfarthehighestproportionofendemics; andscopeforahostofwaterfowlincludingSouth.African everysecondbirdseenhereisnotseenanywhereelseinthe Shelduck.CapeShovelerandMaccoaDuck:occasion- world!TheclosestsitetoCapeTownofferingTeal'Karoo allyevenflamingoshavebeenseen. Inmidsummer birdsisTankwaKaroo.Largelyuntouchedbydevelop- the dam can be dry. mentandcriss-crossedwithdirtroads,onehastostayin Just north of Inverdoom two isolated glacial tillite Ceresorcampifwantingtospendmorethanadayinthis hillsrise(oneoneachsideofthe road). Anarrow road area. leadsofftotheeast(right-handside)hill.Parkatthebase Ceres &Tankwa Karoo (1-2 days)—the andlookforthemainprizehere KarooEremomela Generallyscarce inthe Karoo, thisfeistylittlewarbleris thirstlands not uncommon here. Rufous-earedWarbler. Sickle- •Birds:10/10•Scenery:9/10•Generaltourismvalue:5/10 FromCapeTowntheeasyrouteistofollowtheNational winged Chat. Southern Grey Tit. Cape Penduline Road(N1)tojustshortofWorcester,whereyouaimnorth Tit. Spike-heeled Lark and Karoo Lark are also ontotheR43towardWolseleyandCeres.Followsignposts common.Thesurroundingplainsarereliablef(>rKaroo to Ceres. Just before arriving in Ceres you traverse Korhaan.andoccasionally(inwinter>Ludwig'sBustard. Mitchell’s Pass and c5 km before town a small kiosk Northofthehills,TractracChatsandSouthernBlack onthe left-hand side, called DieTolhius, hasasmall Korhaan are more regular and the kelkieuyn call of parking lot. Occasionally ForestCanary and Swee Namaq—ua Sandgrouse Pteivcles namaqua is more Waxbill forage on the grass here. The thicket of evident althoughgettinggoodviewsis hard. It isbest pastel green Protea neriifolia on the hillside is to look forthe species atcl0.00 hrswhen they tend to exceptionally interesting. A small dirt path behind drink.Twentykilometresnorthofthetillites,asigntoOp- die-BergandKaggaKamma indicatesaroadleadingoff bDSeeisaeirTdcoehlhtfhuoiirssPblrueotatdbeseawtoCaraaen,raaritlrywaaiaynss. isItttiliilssrpfuorsnesqioubenlnetthtihosewrlaeinlek. tiontshpeikleyfta.lFooelplloawnttsh.eWmhmenforth2ekvmaltloeyaospmaelnlsguilntloydarsampaeldl kaletehpouignhmsionmdethtaitmeStmraeyakbye-hreeqaudierdedCtaonlaorcyatSeeirtiannuds Alecfta.cIitai-slpionsesdibrlievetroccoaurmspe,atatnhiasrsrmoawllrpoiacdnipceseiltse,obfufttkoetehpe gularisiscommonhere. Otherfynbosbirdsabound. in mind that facilities are basic. There is clean running Themountainsareexcellentforraptorsandthereis drinkable water and a long-drop toilet, and not much agoodchanceofseeingJackalBuzzard, Blackand else.Thisplace,knownasKatbakkies,isfamousasbeing Booted Eagles. themostaccessible—site inSouthAfricaforCinnamon- Once in Ceres fill upwith fuel—therewillbe no breastedWarbler thehardestkaroobirdofall.Dubbed morefuelstationsuntilyoureturntoCeres. Continue a “mini-rockjumper”, it often resembles a mouse more east along the R46 over Theronsberg Pass, shortly than a bird, hoppingabout in tinygapsbetween stone after which you traverse a small valley called slabs,itmayleapoutmomentarily,onlytoboundalong Karoopoort (45 km east of Ceres). Karoopoort is akoppieridgeathighspeed. Thereareseveralpairs in easilyrecognisedastheareawheretheroadchanges the gorges, andwalkingthe riverbed oroverthe ridge to dirt andaftera kilometre changes backto tarand oppositethecanyonentranceoffersthebestchance of thenfinallyreverts to dirtagain. The riverandreeds theseelusivebirds. TheAcaciawoodlandisproductive here hold NamaquaWarbler. Rocky crags around for Fairy Flycatcher, Long-billed Crombec. Pririt KaroopoortsupportPale-wingedStarling.Thearid Batis, CapeBunting and PiedBarbet. The cliffs and flatsareonly20kmbeyondKaroopoort. Therainfall rockyareas hold MountainChat, SouthernGreyTit mm andGroundWoodpecker. Atnight, FreckledNight- gradient drops from 1,200 p.a. in the Ceres mm jarCaprimulgustristigmahasbeenrecordedinthisarea Mountains to as little as 180 p.a. around andCapeEagleOwlhas beenfound onseveral occa- Katbakkies. As you emerge from Karoopoort onto 130-BullABC Vol6No2 BirdingAfrica’$basement—theCapeto theKalahari: Barnes

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