Scopus18: 34-39,November1994 Bird observations on Wasini Island, Kenya ColinRyall During four visits of one to three days duration to Wasini Island in April 1985, November1985,March 1986andJuly 1987,birdsinhabitingthevarioushabitatswere noted. Someoftheseobservationsextendtherange ofspecies asdefinedbyLewis & PomeroyinihoirBirdatlasofKenya(1989,Rotterdam:Balkema);theislandoccupies QSD114C. Study site WasiniIslandliesat4°40S,39°20EatthesouthernextremeoftheKenyancoast,afew kilometresfromtheTanzanianborder, andisseparatedfromtheKenyanmainlandby the 1.5-km-wide Shimoni Channel—along its northern s—hore. It is a low-lying island, less than 20 m at its highest point ^Ras Zinza Mkono at the easternmost promon- tory.Itis430hainarea,measuringabout5kmeasttowestand0.8to 1.5kmnorthto south (Fig. 1). The southern shore of Wasini Island forms the northern extent of the Kisite/ Mpunguti Marine National Park. North, east and west coasts are mostly boundedby undercutcoralcliffs,whiletheremainingshoresareoflowerandlesssheerelevation. Th—e island has two small settlements, both facing the mainland, on the northern shore ^Wasini at the western end and Mkwiro close to the eastern end. The limited watersupply,intheformofaraincisternneareachvillage,whichbecomedryduring prolonged dry spells, and the thinness of the soil accounts for the small human populationonthe island. There are also scatteredgroves ofcoconutpalms, including manydeadtrunks. N RasZinzaMkono Wasinivillage RasMasuliniC km 1 Figure 1.MapofWasiniIsland [34] . Birdobservationson WasiniIsland,Kenya 35 Habitat types and avifauna Thoughadetailedbotanicalsurveywasnotcarriedout, somegeneralobservationson stand types were made so that several distinct habitats were discernible. These are presentedbelowalongwithselectedbirdobservationswhileafullspecieslistisgiven inTable 1 Tidalflats: All shoresexcepttheexposedeasternendhadwide areasofexposedand muddytidal flats whichprovidedfeedingareas forwaders andherons. Little EgretEgrettagarzettabothwhiteanddarkphases werecommon. Crab PloverDromasardeola observedon allvisits. Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus one was seen on 6 April 1985 feedingtothe southofthe island. W Mangrove swamp: the most sheltered shores, to SW, supported a zone ofdense mangrove swamp, sometreesbeingofconsiderable girth. Dwarf woodland: the exposed eastern end of the island was covered by a dense growthofrelatively intactbush anddry dwarfwoodland, containingPandanuskirkii andEuphorbianyikaeaswellasotherspeciesthatwere similartothose stillfoundin someparts ofthemainlandcoast. AshyFlycatcherMuscicapacaerulescenstwobirds seen on 21 July 1987. Little Purple-banded SunbirdsNectariniabifasciatanumerous. Secondary forestand baobabs: remnants ofpastforesttookthe form ofone ortwo smallpatchesofdegradedsecondarygrowthonthenorthedgeandbaobabtrees,larger specimensbeingconcentratedmainlyintheNandWandmorestuntedonesintheSE. Brown-headed ParrotPoicephalus cryptoxanthusbetweenten andtwenty were seenroostinginlargebaobabsatthewesternendnearWasiniVillage,onallvisits. Some were seen flying in at dusk from the mainland to the north. Breeding was suspectedas someparrots occupiedholes inbaobabs during April 1985. Mottle-throatedSpinetailTelacanthuraussheritwoseenfeedingnearbaobabsat SEofislandon22Nov 1985. Bohm's Spinetail Neafrapus boehmi one was observed flying along the edge of remnantforeston6April 1985. Broad-billed RollerEurystomusglaucurustwo were seenon23 Nov 1985. Silvery-cheeked Hornbill Bycanistes brevis seen in forest remnants and also flyingacrossthe Shimoni Channelfromthemainland. Green BarbetBuccanodon olivaceum a lonebird was seen on 6 April 1985 in a small patch of secondary growth, which certainly could not support a viable breedingpopulation.Eitherthiswasasurvivingremnantorhadflown 1.5kmfrom theforestpatchesonthemainlandwherethespecieswasstillfrequentatthattime. 36 ColinRyall MosqueSwallowHirundosenegalensiscommonfeedingovermuchoftheisland andapairwere seennesting in ahole in aboughofabaobab on 22 Nov 1985. Red-cappedRobinChatCossyphanatalensisrecordedon 1 March 1985andJuly 1987. Scrub:mostofthecentralregionwascoveredinlowmixedLantana-domindlQdiscrub interspersed with patches ofhigher indigenous bush and small trees. This contained goodnumbers ofthevarious sunbird species recorded. White-browed Scrub Robin Cercothrichas hucophrys two seen on 20 and 21 July 1987 in the arid scrub on coral rag at the western end appeared to be ofthe white-wingedform, thoughthis is well southoftherecognisedrange ofthis race. Spectacled WeaverPloceus ocularis recordedon several visits plus anumberof unoccupiednests suggestedbreeding onthe island. Dry grassland: in the centre of the island is a disused landing strip which, though partially invadedbyLantana,providedthe only tractofdry grassland. Senegal Plover Vanellus lugubris agroupoffive were seenon22Nov 1985. Additions toA birdatlas ofKenya WasiniIslandis situatedinQSD 114C ofA birdatlasofKenyaofLewis & Pomeroy (1989). Theseobservationsextendtherangeorupdaterecords ofsomeofthe species seen. Revivalofold recordsRattlingCisticola(21 July 1987), Winding Cisticola(22Nov 1985, 21 July 1987), Tawny-flankedPrinia (6April 1985, 21 July 1987). ExtensionsofrangeBrownSnakeEagle(20July 1987),GreatSparrowhawk(23Nov 1985),HarlequinQuail(21 July 1985),Sanderling(6April 1985),LittleStint(6April 1985), Broad-billed Sandpiper (6 April 1985), Lesser Black-backed Gull (6 April 1985),EurasianBee-eater(23Nov 1985),White-browedScrubRobin(20and21 July 1987),Bare-eyedThrush(22Nov 1985),Richard'sPipit(21 July 1987),Red-cheeked Cordonbleu (6April 1985). Extension ofsuspected breedingrange Brown-headedParrot (innest-holes 6April 1985), SpectacledWeaver(empty nests 23 Nov 1985). Birdobservations on WasiniIsland,Kenya 37 Table 1. Speciesobsei-vedon WasiniIsland; habitats in which observedand estimate offrequency Habitats: CZ=coastalzone; MS=mangroveswamp;TF=tidalflats; DG=drygrassland;OF = overflying; SG = secondary growth/forestremnant; B = baobabs; SC = scrub; DW = dwarf woodland; ST=settlements. Frequency: S=Scarce (only 1 or2birds); O=occasional(smallnumbers); R=regular(moderatenumbers);F=frequent(common).Status:Palaearcticmigrantsmarked* Long-tailedCormorantPhalacrocoraxafricanus MS; R GreyHeronArdeacinerea TF; F Black-headedHeronA. melanocephala TF, DG; F Green-backedHeronButoridesstriatus MS; F GreatWhiteEgretEgrettaalba TF; R BlackHeronE. ardesiaca TF; O LittleEgretE. garzetta TF; F AfricanReefHeronE. gularis TF; O Woolly-neckedStorkCiconiaepiscopus MS; O Yellow-billedStorkMycteria ibis TF; R HadadaBostrychiahagedash TF,MS,DG; F SacredIbis Threskiornisaethiopica TF; F Palm-nutVultureGypohieraxangolensis SC/OF; R BrownSnakeEagleCircaetuscinereus SC,SG; S GreatSparrowhawkAccipitermelanoleucus SG; S AfricanGoshawkA. tachiro SG; O TawnyEagleAquilarapax SC; S LizardBuzzardKaupifalcomonogrammicus SC,SG; O FishEagleHaliaeetusvocifer CZ; F BlackKiteMilvusmigrans ST; F BatHawkMachieramphusalcinus SC/OF; S *OspreyPandion haliaetus CZ; S PeregrineFalconFalcoperegrinus CZ; S HarlequinQuailCoturnixdelegorguei DG; S CrestedFrancolinFrancolinussephaena SC, SG; F *RingedPloverCharadriushiaticula TF; F *GreatSandploverC. leschenaultii TF; F *Mongolian SandploverC. mongolus TF; F *GreyPloverPluvialussquatarola TF; F SenegalPloverVanelluslugubris DG; O *CommonSandpiperAcr/r/^hypoleucos RS; F *WhimbrelNumeniusphaeopus TF; F *GreenshankTringanebularia TF; F *MarshSandpiperT. stagnatilis TF; O *TerekSandpiperXe/iM^cinereus TF; O *SanderlingCalidrisalba TF; O *Curlew SandpiperC.ferruginea TF; F *LittleStintC. minuta TF; O *BrosLd-bil\&dSmdpipQTLimicolafalcinellus TF; S continued 38 ColinRyall *TumstoneArenariainterpres RS; R CrabPloverDromasardeola TF; R WaterThickneeBurhinusvermiculatus MS,SC; F *LesserBlack-backedGullLarusfuscus CZ,ST; O Sooty GullL. hemprichii CZ; F LittleTernSternaalbifrons CZ; O LesserCrestedTernS. bengalensis CZ; R *CaspianTernS. caspia CZ; O RoseateTernS. dougallii CZ; R SootyTernS.fuscata .....CZ; R *CommonTernS. hirundo CZ; R White-cheekedTernS. repressa CZ; O Ring-neckedDoveStreptopeliacapicola SC; F , Red-eyedDoveS. semitorquata SG; R Emerald-spottedWoodDoveTurturchalcospilos SC,DG; F TambourineDoveT. tympanistria SG; S GreenPigeon Treronaustralis SG,BB; O Brown-headedParrotPoicephaluscryptoxanthus BB; F DidricCuckooChrysococcyxcaprius SC; O ^EurasianCuckooCuculuscanorus SC; S Yellowbill Ceuthmocharesaereus SG; S White-browedCoucalCentropussuperciliosus SC; F Slender-tailedNightjarCaprimulgusclams SC; R Little SwiftApusaffinis SC,OF; R Palm SwiftCypsiurusparvus SC,SG,MS; F Bohm's S^intidiXNeafrapusboehmi SG; S Mottle-throatedSpinetail Telacanthuraussheri BB; S SpeckledMousebirdColiusstriatus SC; F PiedKingfisherCeryle rudis TF; R MangroveKingfisher//a/cyonsenegaloides ..MS; O *EurasianBee-eater apiaster SC; S CarmineBee-eaterM. nubicus SC; O LittleBee-eaterM.pusillus SC; R MagagascarBee-eaterM. superciliosus SC,MS; O Lilac-breastedRollerCoraciascaudata SC; R ^EurasianRollerC. garrulus SC; S Broad-billedRollerEurystomusglaucurus SG; S Hoopoe Upupaepops DG; S Silvery-cheekedHornbillBycanistesbrevis SG; F Crov/nedHornbill Tockusalboterminatus SC,SG; R GreenBarbetBuccanodonolivaceum SG; S Yellow-rumpedTinkerbirdPogoniulusbilineatus SG; S LesserHoneyguideIndicatorexilis SG; S FlappetLarkMirafrarufocinnamomea DG; R StripedSwallowHirundoabyssinica DG,SC; F EthiopianSwallowH. aethiopica SC,ST; R *EurasianSwallowH. rustica DG,SC,ST; R MosqueSwallowH. senegalensis SC,ST,BB; R DrongoDicrurusadsimilis SC,SG,ST; R Birdobservationson WasiniIsland,Kenya 39 AfricanGoldenOriole Oriolusauratus SG; S Black-headedOriole O. larvatus SG; O *GoldenOriole O. oriolus SG; S PiedCrow Corvusalbus SC,ST; O ZanzibarSombreGreenbulAndropadusimportunus SC; O CommonBulbulPycnonotusbarbatus SC,SG,ST; F White-browed ScrubRobinCercotrichas leucophrys SC; S White-browedRobinChatCossyphaheuglini SC; O Red-cappedRobinChatC. natalensis SG; O Bare-eyedThrush Turdus tephronotus SC; S Grey-backedCamaropteraCamaroptera brachyura SC,SG; F RattlingCisticolaCisticolachiniana SC; O WindingCisticolaC. galactotes SC; O Tawny-flankedPriniaPriniasubflava SC,DG; R PaleRycatcherBradornispallidus SC; R AshyFlycatcherMuscicapacaerulescens DW; S *SpottedFlycatcherM. striata SC; F ParadiseFlycatcherTerpsiphoneviridis SG; R Richard'sVvpiiAnthusnovaeseelandiae DG; R AfricanPiedWagtailMotacillaaguimp TF,ST; F Black-backedPuffbackDryoscopuscubla SG; S TropicalBoubouLanariusferrugineus SC; O *Red-backedShrikeLaniuscollurio SC; R *Red-tailedShrikeL. isabellinus SC; S Black-breastedGlossy StarlingLamprotorniscorruscus SG,BB CollaredSunbirdAnthreptescollaris SC,SG; R LittlePurple-bandedSunbirdA^manmabifasciata SC,SG,MS,DW; F OliveSunbirdN. olivacea SG; R Mouse-colouredSunbirdA^. veroxii SC,DW; O Pin-tailedWhydah Viduamacroura DG; O SpectacledWeaverPloceusocularis SC; R Grey-headedSparrowPassergriseus SC,DG; F Red-billedFirefinchLagonostictasenegala DG; O Red-cheekedCordonbleu Uraeginthusbengalus DG; O BronzeMannikinLonchuracucullata DG,SC; R Totalnumberofspecies=123 NumberofPalaearctics species= 26 DrColinRyall,EnvironmentalTechnology,Farnborough College,BoundaryRoad, GUM Farnborough,Hants 6SB,England Scopus 18: 34-39,November 1994 Received28 May 1993