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Bird Lore v16 1914 PDF

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RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIinillSNI NVINOSHIIWS S3lbVMan LI iiiSNi NviNOSHiiws S3iyvaan libraries Smithsonian institution ^RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI NVINOSHlllMS S3iaVdan_'-l en 2 ^ ^ ^ O _ _ _ — 2 illSNI NVINOSHimS S3IHVaan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION N( VRIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI NVINOSHlllNS S3iyvaan LI ^ ^ ^ Z » CO z ^ ^ 5 lIIliSNI NVIN0SH1I^MS^S3 I d Vd a ll^LI B RAR I ES SMITHSONIAN_INSTITUTlON N( ?o^^ -n /^^ ^§k-i\ ex: ^ v—_ i\-^j^^^FW—-j. . . v\^»<"'i <QC H xSa^ ^y CQ ^3 i&irti-lore AN ILLUSTRATED BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS EDITED BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN CONTRIBUTING EDITOR MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT Be, Bea.., C'fficial Organ of tfje ^ububon Societies; Audubon Department Edited By ALICE HALL WALTER AND . T. GILBERT PEARSON L VOLUME XVI—1914 D. APPLETON & COMPANY HARRISBURG, PA., AND NEW YORK CITY Copyright, 1914 By frank M. chapman INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME XVI BY AUTHORS Abbott, Clinton G., City Nighthawks, lo. Bruen, Frank, see Ford, Royal. Abel, Angie, The Bluebird, 212. Burdsall, E. Morris, see Burdsall, Richard L. Allen, Arthur A., At Home with a Hell- Burdsall, Richard L., see Maples, James C. Diver, 243; Photographs by, 264, 364, 420, Burdsall, Richard L., Samuel N. Comly, 450; On the Trail of the Evening Gros- James C. Maples, Paul Cecil Spofford, beak, 429. Bolton Cook and E. Morris Burdsall, Allen, Mary Pierson, Christmas Census, 36. Christmas Census, 34. Anderson, Hartley K., see Burleigh, Thos. D. Burleigh, Thomas D., and Hartley K. Ander- Anderson, S. D., Christmas Census, 44. son, Christmas Census, 38. Anthony, H. E., An Unsuspicious Family of Bushee, Bertha, Secretary, Report of, 511. Great Horned Owls, 115. Butler, Mrs. Jefferson, Burton Barns and Mr. Arnold, Clarence M., Christmas Census, 30. and Mrs. F. W. Robinson, Christmas Austin, Margaret, see Tramis, Sarah. Census, 46. Bailey, Guy A., The Electric Current in Caduc, Eugene E., and Horace W. Wright, Bird Photography, 85; Photographs by, Christmas Census, 28. 104, 137, 269. Calvert, J. F., see Watson, C. G. Baker, Myles P., and Henry M. Spelman, Calvert, S. W., Christmas Census, 48. Jr., Christmas Census, 28. Cameron, J. A., see Watson, C. G. Barker, Lulu, A Colony of Baltimore Orioles, Carlson, Arthur, see Ekblau, George E. 66. Carroll, John, The Bobolink, 212. Barns, Burton, see Butler, Mrs. Jefferson. Carson, Charles E., Christmas Census, 45; Barry, Anna Kingman, Lidian E. Bridge and A Turkey Buzzard's Nest, 66. Ruth D. Cole, Christmas Census, 28. Carter, John D., Arthur S. Maris, E. Leslie Baxter, Miss, see Coffin, P. B. Nicholson, J. Howard Mickle, Anna A. Baynard, O. E., Photograph by, 77; Photo- Mickle, William B. Evans, and George H. graphing Birds' Nests, 471. Hallett, Jr., Christmas Census, 36. Beall, Laura F., Poem by, loi. Case, Clifford M., Christmas Census, 31. Bean, Prof. A. M., and O. J. Murie, Christ- Case, Winthrop, Some Wrens' Nests, 189. mas Census, 49. Caskey, R. C, Christmas Census, 36. Beck, Herbert H., and Elmer E. Kautz, Chambers, W. M. and Stella, Christmas Christmas Census, 37. Census, 42. Beckwith, Constance, see Tramis, Sarah. Chapman, Frank M., Notes on the Plumage Beckwith, Mabel, see Tramis, Sarah. of North American Sparrows, 24, 107, 178, Beebe, Ralph, Evening Grosbeaks in Michi- 268, 352, 442. Bird-Lore's Fourteenth gan, 51. Christmas Census, 26; Notes on Winter Bell, W. B., President, Report of, 527. Birds, 51. Reviews by, 54, 55, 56, 198, Bennett, F. M., Christmas Census, 50. 199, 284, 28s, 287, 36s, 366, 451- Edi- Bennett, Walter W., Christmas Census, 47. torials by 58, 124, 201, 288, 368, 454; A Bergtold, W. H., Christmas Census, 48. Cooperative Study of Bird Migration, Berlin, Mrs. C. D., A Bird-Study Class in 123; The Roseate Spoonbill, 214. North Dakota, 135. Childs, Helen P., Secretary, Report of, 512. Betts, Norman de W., Christmas Census, 46; Christie, Edward H., Christmas Census, 41. A Rat in a Swallow's Nest, 283. Clarke, Belle, Christmas Census, 46. Bewley, Anna, Christmas Census, 37. Cleaves, Howard H., see Tucker, C. R.; Blanchard, George G., Christmas Census, 28. Christmas Census, 34. Bodmer, Helen, The Value of Birds, 378. Coates, Anna, Christmas Census, 37. Bogardus, Charlotte, Christmas Census, 32. Cobb, Annie W., Alice O. Jump and Lidian Bourne, Thomas L., and Heath Van Duzee, E. Bridge, Christmas Census, 29. Christmas Census, 32. Coffin, P. B. and Mrs., Dr. Garro and Miss Bowdish, B. S., Photographs by, 53, 69, 70; Baxter, Christmas Census, 42. Secretary's Report, 525. Cole, Ruth D., see Barry, Anna Kingman. Bowen, Joseph B., A Study of a Whip-poor- Colman, B. H., A Syracuse Feeding Station, will Family, 296. 356. Boyle, Howarth S., Christmas Census, 33. Comly, Samuel N., see Burdsall, Richard L.; Bradford, Mrs. William H., see Ross, Dr. see Maples, James C. and Mrs. Lucretius H. Cook, Bolton, see Burdsall, Richard L.; see Brainerd, Barron, Christmas Census, 29. Maples, James C. Brewster, William, The Voice of the Tina- Cook, F. W., Christmas Census, 49. mou, 119. Cooke, W. W., The Migration of North Bridge, Lidian E., see Barry, Anna King- American Sparrows, 19, 105, 176, 267, 351, man; see Cobb, Annie W., Christmas 438. Census, 30. Cottrell, Herbert, Christmas Census, 36. Bridge, Lidian E., and Edmund, Christmas Cottrell, H. George, Observing Birds in Census, 29. Winter, 464. Brooks, Allan., colored plates by, facing 380, Cressy, Antoinette S., Christmas Census, 31. facing 466. Crosby, Maunsell S., see Goodell, Dr. and Brown, Donald E., see Walker, Alex. Mrs. J. F.; Occurrence of the Acadian Brown, Roy M., Christmas Census, 40. Chickadee in the Hudson Valley, 448. (iii) IV Index Culver, Delos E., Christmas Census, 37; Frazen, J. W., Secretary, Report of, 523. Birds and Windows, 275; see Potter, Freer, Ruskin S. and C. A., Christmas Cen- Julian K. sus, 43. Custer, C. C, A Nature-Study Class, 133. Freye, Rev. B. H., and Henry P. Severson, Christmas Census, 47. Dale, M., see Watson, C. G. Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, Impressions of the Daniels, Josephus, Letter from, 157. Voices of Tropical Birds, i, 96, 161, 342, Davis, Edwin Russell, Christmas Census, 421. Colored plates by, facing i, facing 29- 68, facing 85, facing 138, facing 161, facing Dawson, William Leon and William Oberlin, 243, facing 329, facing 409. Christmas Census, 49. Fuller, Wm., The Starling in Maine, 446. Debes, Paul E. and V. A., Christmas Census, 44. Garro, Dr., see Coffin, P. B. Desvernine, Edwin, and George E. Hix, Gee, Gertrude, see Perry, Edna M. Christmas Census, 33. Gibson, Hamilton, Winter Notes from Dill, Victoria M., The Chat in Minnesota, Massachusetts, 118. 359- Gibson, Hamilton, Paul Van Dyke and Dix, W. L., Christmas Census, 37. Tertius van Dyke, Christmas Census, 30. Diplock, Cecil, Starlings and Cows, 187. Gideon, Ross E., A Story About a Bluebird, Dodge, Victor K., Secretary, Report of, 518. 67. Doolittle, E. A., Notes from Ohio, 112; Gingrich, Wm. F., Young Turkey Vultures, European Widgeon. 280. Downhour, Elizabeth, Secretary, Report of, Goodell, Dr. and Mrs. J. F., and Maunsell 516; in Ohio, 1Q7. S. Crosby, Christmas Census, 34. Dunbar, Lulu, see Tramis, Sarah. Gormley, Liguori, and Charles Macnamara, D wight, Jonathan, Jr., Reviews by, 122, igg, Christmas Census, 27. 452. Gowanlock, J. Nelson. The Grackle as a Nest-robber, 187. Edson, Wm. L. G., Christmas Census, 35; Graves, Frances M., Christmas Census, 31. Notes from Rochester, N. Y., 444. Griscom, Ludlow, see Lenssen, Nicholas F.; Edson, Wm. L. G., Richard E. Horsey, see Hubbell, George W., Jr.; see Nichols, Brewster's Warbler Seen at Highland Park, John Treadwell. Rochester, N. Y., 283. Griswold, Geo. T., Evening Grosbeak and Ehinger, C. E., Christmas Census, 38. Acadian Chickadee at Hartford, Conn., Ekblau, George E., Harris's Sparrow at 52; Evening Grosbeaks and Other Winter Rantoul, Illinois, 446. Birds at Hartford, Conn., 113; Notes Ekblau, George E. and Eddie L., and Arthur from Hartford, Conn., 449. Carlson, Christmas Census, 45. Gross, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred O., Christmas Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. John V., Jr., Christmas Census, 38. Census, 48. Guggenheimer, Mrs. J. C, Miss Guggen- Ells, George P., see Smith, Wilbur F. heimer, and Joseph N. Ulman, Christmas Emmich, Maurice B., Notes from the South, Census, 39. 301. Erichsen, W. J., Christmas Census, 41. Hagerty, Dr. and Mrs. T. P., Mr. and Mrs. Esterly, Florence L. and Ethell A., Christ- J. H. Sprague, and Dr. and Mrs. G. H. mas Census, 47. Luedtke, Red Bird Days, no. Evans, William B., see Carter, John D. Hagerty, Mrs. Mary, Christmas Census, 47. Hallett, George H., Jr., see Carter, John D. Fair, Wm. W., Christmas Census, 36. Hall, James F., see Smith, Wilbur F. Ferguson, Gertrude B., The Starling at Hall, Lewis F., The Nighthawk in Connec- Glens Falls, N. Y., 187. cut, 173. Ferneyhough, J. Bowie, Summer Residents Handley, Charles O., Christmas Census, 40. Identified near the University of Virginia, Haney, Gladys, see Turner, Violet. 291. Harper, Francis, An Island Home of the Finley, William L., Field Agent, Annual American Merganser, 338; Photograph by, Report of, 502. 349- Fisher, Elizabeth Wilson, Secretary, Report Hathaway, Harry S., Christmas Census, 30. of, 530. Haulenbeck, R. F., Instincts of a Parrot, Fisher, G. Clyde, A Course in Bird-Study, 446; Little Blue Heron in New Jersey, 446. 196. Heaney, Anna M., Letter from, 159. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. G. Clyde, see Wiley, Heath, Harold, Photographs by, 74, 75. J. C. Hersey, F. Seymour, and Charles L. Phil- Fitzwater, Clarence, Home Bird-Study, 379. lips, Christmas Census, 29. Fleischer, Edward, Prospect Park Notes, 276. Hewlett, Charles A., Christmas Census, 35. Floyd, Charles B., Brookline Bird Club, 353. Hill, F. Blanche, Sussex County, N. J., Flynn, Thomas, A Walk in the Woods, 136. Notes, 277. Forbush, Edward Howe, The Sora Rail, 303; Hill, J. Irving, Christmas Census, 30. Photographs by, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, Hinds, Mary Gibbs, Food for the Birds, 355. 391- Hitchcock, Charles, see Ross, Dr. and Mrs. Ford, Royal W., and Frank Bruen, Christ- Lucretius H. mas Census, 30 Hitchcock, Harry D., Christmas Census, 31. Fordyce, George L., Volney Rogers, Willis Hitchcock, Margaret S., A Winter Pensioner, H. Warner, Mrs. Warner and C. A. Leedy, 358. Christmas Census, 44. Hix, George E., see Desvernine, Edwin.

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