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UC Santa Cruz UC Santa Cruz Previously Published Works Title Bird and bat predation services in tropical forests and agroforestry landscapes. Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6qh84772 Journal Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 91(4) ISSN 1464-7931 Authors Maas, Bea Karp, Daniel S Bumrungsri, Sara et al. Publication Date 2016-11-01 DOI 10.1111/brv.12211 Peer reviewed eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Biol.Rev.(2015),pp.000–000. 1 doi:10.1111/brv.12211 Bird and bat predation services in tropical forests and agroforestry landscapes Bea Maas1,2,∗, Daniel S. Karp3,4, Sara Bumrungsri5, Kevin Darras1, David Gonthier3,6, Joe C.-C. Huang7,8, Catherine A. Lindell9, Josiah J. Maine10, Laia Mestre11,12,13, Nicole L. Michel14, Emily B. Morrison9, Ivette Perfecto6, Stacy M. Philpott15, C¸agan H. S¸ekerciog˘lu16,17, Roberta M. Silva18, Peter J. Taylor19,20, Teja Tscharntke1, Sunshine A. Van Bael21,22, Christopher J. Whelan23 and Kimberly Williams-Guille´n6,24 1Agroecology,Georg–AugustUniversity,Grisebachstraße6,37077Goettingen,Germany 2DivisionofTropicalEcologyandAnimalBiodiversity,DepartmentofBotanyandBiodiversityResearch,UniversityofVienna,Rennweg14, 1030Vienna,Austria 3TheNatureConservancy,201MissionStreet,4thFloor,SanFrancisco,CA94105,U.S.A. 4DepartmentofEnvironmentalScience,Policy,andManagement,UniversityofCalifornia,MulfordHall,130HilgardWay,Berkeley,CA 94720,U.S.A. 5DepartmentofBiology,FacultyofScience,PrinceofSongklaUniversity,Thailand15KarnjanavanichRd.,HatYai,Songkhla90110,Thailand 6SchoolofNaturalResourcesandEnvironment,UniversityofMichigan,440ChurchStreet,AnnArbor,MI48109,U.S.A. 7DepartmentofBiologicalSciences,TexasTechUniversity,Box43131,Lubbock,TX79409,U.S.A. 8SoutheastAsianBatConservationandResearchUnit,DepartmentofBiologicalScience,Box43131,TexasTechUniversity,Lubbock,TX 79409-3131,U.S.A. 9IntegrativeBiologyDepartment,CenterforGlobalChangeandEarthObservations,MichiganStateUniversity,288FarmLaneRM203,East Lansing,MI48824,U.S.A. 10CooperativeWildlifeResearchLaboratory,DepartmentofZoology,CenterforEcology,SouthernIllinoisUniversity,1125LincolnDr., Carbondale,IL62901,U.S.A. 11CREAF,CarreteradeBellaterraal’Auto`noma,s/n,08193CerdanyoladelVall`es,Barcelona,Spain 12DepartamentdeBiologiaAnimal,deBiologiaVegetalid’Ecologia,UniversitatAuto`noma,CarreteradeBellaterraal’Auto`noma,s/n,08193 CerdanyoladelVall`es,Barcelona,Spain 13DepartmentofEcology,SwedishUniversityofAgriculturalSciences,Box7044,75007Uppsala,Sweden 14SchoolofEnvironmentandSustainability,UniversityofSaskatchewan,117SciencePlace,Saskatoon,SaskatchewanS7N5C8,Canada 15EnvironmentalStudiesDepartment,UniversityofCalifornia,SantaCruz,1156HighStreet,SantaCruz,CA95062,U.S.A. 16DepartmentofBiology,UniversityofUtah,257South1400East,Rm.201,SaltLakeCity,UT84112,U.S.A. 17CollegeofSciences,Ko¸cUniversity,Rumelifeneri,Sariyer34450,IstanbulTurkey 18ProgramadePo´s-Gradua¸ca˜oemEcologiaeConserva¸ca˜odaBiodiversidade,UniversidadeEstadualdeSantaCruz,RodoviaIlh´eus-Itabuna,km 16,45662-900Bahia,Brazil 19SchoolofLifeSciences,UniversityofKwaZulu-Natal,PrivateBagX54001,Durban4000,SouthAfrica 20SARChIChaironBiodiversityValue&ChangeandCentreforInvasionBiology,SchoolofMathematical&NaturalSciences,Universityof Venda,P.BagX5050,Thohoyandou0950,SouthAfrica 21DepartmentofEcologyandEvolutionaryBiology,TulaneUniversity,6823St.CharlesAvenue,NewOrleans,LA70118,U.S.A. 22SmithsonianTropicalResearchInstitute,ApartadoPostal0843-03092,Balboa,Ancon,RepublicofPanama 23IllinoisNaturalHistorySurvey,c/oBiologicalSciences,UniversityofIllinoisatChicago,845WestTaylorStreet,Chicago,IL60607,U.S.A. 24PasoPacífico,POBox1244,Ventura,CA94302,U.S.A. ABSTRACT Understanding distribution patterns and multitrophic interactions is critical for managing bat- and bird-mediated ecosystem services such as the suppression of pest and non-pest arthropods. Despite the ecological and economic importance of bats and birds in tropical forests, agroforestry systems, and agricultural systems mixed with natural * Addressforcorrespondence(Tel:+43(0)6504200494;E-mail:[email protected]). BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 2 BeaMaasandothers forest, a systematic review of their impact is still missing. A growing number of bird and bat exclosure experiments has improved our knowledge allowing new conclusions regarding their roles in food webs and associated ecosystem services.Here,wereviewthedistributionpatternsofinsectivorousbirdsandbats,theirlocalandlandscapedrivers,and theireffectsontrophiccascadesintropicalecosystems.Wereportthatforbirdsbutnotbatscommunitycomposition andrelativeimportanceoffunctionalgroupschangesconspicuouslyfromforeststohabitatsincludingbothagricultural areasandforests,heretermed‘forest-agri’habitats,withreducedrepresentationofinsectivoresinthelatter.Incontrast to previous theory regarding trophic cascade strength, we find that birds and bats reduce the density and biomass of arthropodsinthetropicswitheffectsizessimilartothoseintemperateandborealcommunities.Therelativeimportance ofbirdsversusbatsinregulatingpestabundancesvarieswithseason,geographyandmanagement.Birdsandbatsmay evensuppresstropicalarthropodoutbreaks,althoughpositiveeffectsonplantgrowtharenotalwaysreported.Asboth batsandbirdsaremajoragentsofpestsuppression,abetterunderstandingofthelocalandlandscapefactorsdriving thevariabilityoftheirimpactisneeded. Key words: agricultural landscapes, arthropod suppression, bird and bat ecology, cacao, coffee, ecosystem services, exclosureexperiments,flyingvertebrates,foodwebs,pestsuppression. CONTENTS I. Introduction ................................................................................................ 3 II. Methods .................................................................................................... 4 (1) Datasourceandpreparation ........................................................................... 4 (2) Birdandbatspeciesrichnessandendemismperbiogeographicregion ................................ 4 (3) Mappingfeeding-guilddistributionsofbirdsandbats ................................................. 4 (4) Birdandbatspeciesrichnessandfeedingguildsperhabitat ........................................... 5 (5) Effectsizesofbird/batexclosurestudiesondifferentarthropodgroups ................................ 5 III. Zoogeographyofbirdsandbats – speciesrichnessandfunctionaldiversity ................................ 5 (1) Zoogeographyofbirdsandbats – speciesrichness .................................................... 5 (2) Zoogeographyofbirdsandbats – feedingguilds ...................................................... 5 (3) Birdsandbatsindifferentland-usesystems ............................................................ 6 IV. Effectsonfoodwebs ........................................................................................ 7 (1) Birdandbateffectsonarthropodsandplantsintropicalcommunities ................................. 8 (2) Factorsinfluencingtropicaltrophiccascadestrength .................................................. 8 (a) Insectivoreidentity ................................................................................ 8 (b) Insectivoreforagingstrategy ....................................................................... 9 (c) Insectivorediversityandabundance ............................................................... 10 (d) Presenceofmigratorybirds ........................................................................ 10 (e) Intraguildpredation ............................................................................... 10 (f) Herbivorediversity ................................................................................ 11 (g) Productivity ....................................................................................... 11 (h) Plantontogenyanddefences ...................................................................... 11 (i) Naturalversusagriculturalsystems ................................................................ 11 V. Birdandbatservicesinagriculturalsystems ................................................................ 11 (1) Birdandbatpredationintropicalagroforestry ........................................................ 11 (2) Seasonaldifferences .................................................................................... 12 (3) Zoogeographicpatterns ................................................................................ 12 (4) Effectsonleafdamageandcropyield .................................................................. 12 (5) Pollinationservicesandcropyield ..................................................................... 13 VI. Localandlandscape-managementeffects .................................................................. 13 (1) Localeffectsonpredatoryfunction .................................................................... 13 (2) Landscapeeffectsonpredatoryfunction ............................................................... 13 (3) Driversoflocalandlandscapeeffects .................................................................. 14 VII. Knowledgegapsandneedforfurtherstudies ............................................................... 14 VIII. Managementofbirdandbatecosystemservices ........................................................... 16 IX. Conclusions ................................................................................................ 16 X. Acknowledgements ......................................................................................... 17 XI. References .................................................................................................. 17 XII. SupportingInformation .................................................................................... 21 BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Ecosystemservicesprovidedbytropicalbirdsandbats 3 I. INTRODUCTION precipitation; breeding cycles; presence of latitudinal effects and migrants) and the broader landscape context. Agricultural expansion and land-use intensification now Fortunately, community-wide manipulation experiments typify landscapes globally (Melo etal., 2013; Laurance, (e.g. experimental exclosures) can be readily used to Sayer & Cassman, 2014), representing a serious threat to identify the complex interactions between vertebrates and biodiversity and ecosystem processes (Flynn etal., 2009). invertebrates that affect ecosystem services. In such studies, Maintaining ecosystem services – the benefits that nature plants are enclosed in mesh nets that prevent access to provides to humanity – is more important than ever as foraging birds and bats while remaining accessible to demand for food, fuel, fibre and other biological products arthropods.Therelativeimpactsofbird-andbat-mediated grows (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005), and predation on arthropod communities can then be isolated Earth’s climate changes (McShane etal., 2011; Urban, through deploying exclosures either during the day (to Zarnetske&Skelly,2013). exclude only birds), at night (to exclude only bats and Birdsandbatsprovidemanyimportantecosystemservices night-active birds), or throughout the daily cycle to assess such as the suppression of insect pests, seed dispersal, and jointimpactsofbirdsandbats.Untilrecently,onlythelatter pollination (Whelan, Wenny & Marquis, 2008; Kunz etal., method was used in exclosure studies, with investigators 2011; S¸ekerciog˘lu, Wenny & Whelan, 2016). It is hard to attributing changes in arthropod density and plant damage overstatetheeconomicimportanceoftheservicesrendered exclusively to birds (Marquis & Whelan, 1994; Greenberg by these taxa (e.g. Cleveland etal., 2006; Boyles etal., 2011, etal.,2000b;Johnson,Kellermann&Stercho,2010)andnot 2013). In particular, the suppression of pest insects by to bats (e.g. Kalka & Kalko, 2006; Williams-Guille´n etal., birds and bats in tropical agroforestry systems facilitates 2008;Kunzetal.,2011). substantialincreasesincrop yields(Karp etal.,2013; Maas, In recent years, however, several exclosure experiments Clough & Tscharntke, 2013) and may serve as a viable have demonstrated that both birds and bats significantly alternative to pesticides and other chemical compounds constrainarthropodpopulations,yetmajorknowledgegaps (e.g. Bianchi, Booij & Tscharntke, 2006; Clough, Faust persist.Forexample,fewstudieshaveaddressedtheinfluence & Tscharntke, 2009b). Biodiversity-friendly management oflocalandlandscapemanagementonpestcontrol,aswell of tropical farming landscapes thus provides a promising astheultimateeffectofbirdandbatpredationoncropyields conservation strategy while enhancing human well-being (Kellermann etal., 2008; Johnson etal., 2010; Karp etal., through support of food security and ecosystem resilience 2013; Maas etal., 2013), hampering the design of targeted (Fischer, Lindenmayer & Manning, 2006; Tscharntke etal., service management. In addition, study sites have been 2012a). biased, with the Paleotropics underrepresented (Maas etal., However, the impact of insectivorous birds and bats on 2013)comparedtotheNeotropics(e.g.VanBael&Brawn, arthropodcommunities,plantproductivityandyieldaswell 2005; Kalka, Smith & Kalko, 2008; Williams-Guille´n etal., as the underlying taxonomic and functional drivers, are 2008;Morrison&Lindell,2012;Karpetal.,2013). highlyvariableandtheexistingknowledgeisstillunbalanced Here, we compare arthropod suppression services of and limited. Insectivorous birds and bats consume a wide insectivorous birds and bats in tropical forest, agroforestry variety of arthropods: not only herbivorous pests (e.g. systems, and agricultural systems mixed with natural forest S¸ekerciog˘lu, 2006a; Whelan etal., 2008; Kunz etal., 2011; (herereferredtoasforest-agrisystems),focusingonagrowing Morrison & Lindell, 2012; Taylor etal., 2013a) but also numberoflandscape-scaleexclosureexperiments.Through predatoryarthropods,suchasantsandspiders(e.g.Mooney comprehensive review and discussion of previous results, &Linhart,2006;Gunnarsson,2007).Therefore,whilebirds we describe trophic interactions among birds, bats and and bats often improve crop yields directly by consuming arthropods, the importance of environmental factors and herbivorous insects, they may at times depress crop yields biogeographic patterns in relation to vertebrate ecosystem through feeding as intraguild predators (consuming both functions,andaddressexistingresearchgaps.Weconducted intermediate predators and herbivores). Whether birds and a comprehensive literature search as well as a focused bats will ultimately suppress herbivores and contribute to solicitationfromcolleaguesforstudiesfocusingontheroleof yieldproductivitylikelydependsonspecificfunctionaltraits birdsand/orbatsinregulatingarthropodcommunities.Our (Philpottetal.,2009)aswellasonfactorssuchasgeographic search yielded 32 publications in which exclusions of birds distribution (Olson etal., 2001), seasonality (e.g. Erickson andbatswereusedtoquantifytheeffectsofflyingvertebrate & West, 2002; Williams-Guille´n, Perfecto & Vandermeer, predationondifferentarthropodgroups.Thesepublications 2008;Singeretal.,2012;Taylor,Monadjem&Steyn,2013b), provide the basis for our discussions of birds and bats in landscapecontext(e.g.Fahrigetal.,2011),andlocalhabitat tropical agroforestry systems (i.e. coffee, cacao, and mixed structure or management regimes (e.g. Rice & Greenberg, fruit orchard) and forests, combining both prominent and 2000; Loeb & O’Keefe, 2006; Bhagwat etal., 2008; Maas newpublicationsonbirdandbatecosystemservices. etal.,2009). In Section III, we provide an overview of zoogeographic Managing bird- and bat-mediated ecosystem services patterns of bird and bat species and their functional thus requires thorough understanding of multitrophic diversity (feeding guilds, habitat affiliations). Section IV interactions, seasonal patterns (e.g. resource availability; unravels general effects of birds and bats on arthropod BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 4 BeaMaasandothers food webs and plants via trophic cascades and discusses the (3) Mappingfeeding-guilddistributionsofbirds factors modulating these top-down effects. The importance andbats of predation services in diversely managed agricultural Bird data were taken from a database with standardized landscapes and tropical communities, with particular entries on the ecology of the bird species of the world. See focus on the economic importance of birds and bats, is S¸ekerciog˘lu etal. (2004) and S¸ekerciog˘lu (2012) for further discussed in Section V. Existing evidence for local and details.BatdatawerebasedondietdatamainlyfromIUCN landscape-management effects on bird and bat predatory andtheAnimalDiversityWeb(bothretrievedinMay2014), functions is described in Section VI. Finally, in Sections except for 14 species whose diet was retrieved from other VII and VIII, we point out existing knowledge gaps scientificpublications. and highlight the potential for bird- and bat-mediated Feeding-guilddataforbirdsandbatswereadaptedtobe arthropod suppression to contribute to food security and comparablebetweenthetwogroups.Allbatdietdatawere improved landscape management in the tropics, with enteredintoanAccessdatabase.Forbatspecies-richgenera, important implications for future biodiversity conservation when diet was unequivocal and consistent for multiple and research. Together, our conclusions contribute to both species, the remaining species were assigned the same diet a practical and theoretical framework for the study and (e.g.Rhinolophusinsectivores).Forty-twospecieshadunknown management of tropical landscapes affected by ongoing diets. Each bat was then assigned to one feeding guild (see agriculturalexpansionandbiodiversityloss. below), depending on its main diet, which could comprise multiple items (e.g. insects and fruits). Bats were classified into the omnivorous guild whenever their diet comprised II. METHODS plantandanimalmatter. Bird feeding guilds from S¸ekerciog˘lu etal. (2004) were (1) Datasourceandpreparation adaptedtobecomparablewithbats:thevertebrate-feeding guild was obtained by merging vertebrate-, scavenger, and Quantum Gis 2.6 (QGis) was used for all Geographic fish-feeding guilds, the plant-feeding guild was obtained Information System (GIS) operations. Bird data were by merging the fruit- and plant-feeding guilds (see below). taken from a database with standardized entries on the Note that omnivorous birds only belonged to that guild ecology of the bird species of the world. See S¸ekerciog˘lu, when no clear main diet could be found, which is different Daily & Ehrlich (2004) and S¸ekerciog˘lu (2012) for further from bats. Therefore the omnivorous bird guild is slightly details. For bats, the terrestrial mammals shapefile was underestimated in birds – or the bat omnivorous guild downloadedfromtheInternationalUnionforConservation overestimated – andbotharenotdirectlycomparable. of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List website Feeding guilds were defined as follows: (i) (in May 2014); records not pertaining to Chiroptera were invertebrate-feeding guild (only arthropods for bats). deleted. Records with presence codes different from 1 (ii)Vertebrate-feedingguild(includingavianscavengers,fish and 2 (extant and probably extant, respectively), and with predators and blood-feeding bats). (iii) Omnivorous birds seasonalcodes differentfrom1, 2 and3 (resident,breeding andbats[seeS¸ekerciog˘luetal.(2004)andS¸ekerciog˘lu(2012) seasonandnon-breedingseason,respectively),weredeleted. fortheomnivorousguilddefinitionofbirds;omnivorousbats The separate bat distribution polygons were merged into were defined as feeding on both plant and animal matter]. multipart polygons for each species, to yield our bat (iv) Seed-feeding guild (only birds). (v) Fruit-, leaf-, flower- distributionlayer.Thelandmasspolygonlayerwasobtained and bark-feeding birds and bats. [This class was largely fromhttp://www.naturalearthdata.com.Thebiogeographic dominated by fruit-feeding species. Eighty percent of the realms were drawn by hand in QGis based on the realms world’splant-feeding(nectarandseedsexcluded)birdsfeed defined by Olson etal. (2001). The tabular IUCN Red List on fruit; the remaining 20% feed on plant parts other than dataonChiroptera,incorporatingfulltaxonomicdata,were seeds, fruit, or nectar. Ninety-two percent of plant-feeding downloadedandimportedintoaMicrosoftAccessdatabase. bats (nectar excluded) feed on fruit, the remaining 8% feed onleaves,flowers,andbark].(vi)Nectar-andpollen-feeding (2) Birdandbatspeciesrichnessandendemismper birdsandbats. biogeographicregion To generate the world map for both birds and bats (see Bird data were updated from S¸ekerciog˘lu etal. (2004) and Fig. 1), we calculated percentage proportions of feeding S¸ekerciog˘lu (2012), with new ornithological data published guildsandtotalrichnessnumbersforeachrealm.Forbirds, until 2014. For bats, spatial queries between the IUCN bat thelatterwereexportedfromthebirddatabase.Togenerate distributiondata(IUCN,2015)andthebiogeographicrealms these numbers for bats, the table from the bat database layers(followingOlsonetal.,2001)weremadetodetermine (containingfeedingguilddata)wasjoinedwiththeattribute batspeciesrichnessandnumberofendemicspeciesineach table of the terrestrial mammals shapefile (IUCN, 2015), region: each realm’s polygon was intersected with the bat linkedbySpeciesID.Thebatlayerwasthenspatiallyjoined distribution layer to find the total species richness, and the with the realms layer, and the sum was output, allowing us number of bat polygons contained exclusively within each tocountthenumberofbatspeciesperfeedingguildineach realmwascountedtoderivetheendemicspeciesrichness. realm. Finally, feeding guilds and total species richness of BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Ecosystemservicesprovidedbytropicalbirdsandbats 5 birdsandbatswererepresentedaspiechartswiththeirarea transport of nutrients and energy (Whelan etal., 2008; proportionaltothespeciesrichnessineachrealm. Kunz etal., 2011). Many studies of both birds and bats also demonstrate significant arthropod-suppression services in natural and human-modified habitats. Nevertheless, we (4) Birdandbatspeciesrichnessandfeedingguilds know substantially less about the ecological functions and perhabitat services of birds and bats in the tropics than we do in the Species lists of bats were downloaded from the IUCN Red temperatezone.Thereisparticularurgencyinunderstanding List website (in May 2014), singly for each habitat type, howhuman-drivenchangesintherichness,abundanceand and imported into the Access database. Forest bats were proportionsofvariousspecieswillaffectecosystemfunctions. identified as species found in forest. Agricultural bats were Inthissection,wesummarizepatternsofbirdandbatspecies identifiedasspeciesfoundinagriculturalsystems(arableland, richness and functional diversity in different zoogeographic pastureland,andplantations).Forest-agribatsweredefined regionsandhabitats. asspeciesfoundbothinforestandagriculturalsystems.Bird data are from a database with standardized entries on the (1) Zoogeographyofbirdsandbats – species ecology of the bird species of the world, see S¸ekerciog˘lu richness etal. (2004) and S¸ekerciog˘lu (2012) for further details. We classified 6093 tropical bird species based on their most More than a third (3564) of the world’s approximately preferredthreehabitatslistedinpublishedspeciesaccounts. 10300birdspeciesarefoundonlyintheNeotropics,andan Thehabitatpreferencesconsideredforthisanalysiswere(i) additional320speciesmigratethereformostoftheyearafter only natural forest or woodland habitats (‘forest specialists’, breeding in the Nearctic region (S¸ekerciog˘lu etal., 2004). 4574 species), (ii) agricultural areas including agroforests The highest endemic species richness in the Neotropics but not natural forest or woodland habitats (‘agriculture is followed by the Afrotropics (1671 species), Indomalaya specialists’303species),and(iii)bothagriculturalareasand including Wallacea (1242 species), Australasia (Australia, forests/woodlands(‘forest-agribirds,’1216species). PapuaNewGuinea,andsurroundingislands:1019species), andtemperateandpolarregions(Nearctic,Palearctic,New Zealand,Antarctica,andsub-Antarcticislands:757species) (5) Effectsizesofbird/batexclosurestudieson (Table 1). Only 1% of the world’s bird species (98 species) differentarthropodgroups are truly cosmopolitan, found on all continents except We collected data from 32 exclosure studies on birds Antarctica. Another 150 species are found on most of the and bats from tropical agroforestry systems (i.e. cacao, continentsintheeasternhemisphere. coffee, mixed fruit orchard) and forests (seven tropical According to the IUCN Red List data on Chiroptera countries) to compare effects of predatory birds and bats (IUCN,2015),morethan80%oftheworld’s1232batspecies on the abundance of herbivorous insects, ants, spiders and (Kunz etal., 2011) are found in the tropics (Australasia, arthropods in general (see online Table S1). We compare Oceania, Afrotropics, Indomalaya, and Neotropics). Of mean arthropod abundances in unmanipulated control these, 785 [spatial data from IUCN (2015) for 1133 treatments to experimental exclosures of birds, bats and bat species] occur only in the tropics. The Neotropics birds+bats. Effect sizes were calculated as the logarithm harbourthemostbatspecies(337),followedbyIndomalaya of the ratio of insect abundance in the control versus (282), Australasia (270) and the Afrotropics (237, Table 1). the exclosure, then graphed in R (3.1) with the package No bat species is found in the Antarctic and no bat ggplot2. species is cosmopolitan (found in all biogeographic realms). Tropical realms have high percentages of endemic species (approximately 68–89%), though Indomalaya falls notably short (approximately 44%), as a consequence of being III. ZOOGEOGRAPHYOFBIRDSANDBATS – situatedattheconvergenceofmanyrealms. SPECIESRICHNESSANDFUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY (2) Zoogeographyofbirdsandbats – feedingguilds As flying vertebrates, bats and birds share several Most avian feeding guilds (often used as a proxy for characteristics that allow them to provide important functional groups; cf. Philpott etal., 2008) reach their peak ecosystem services (Fujita & Tuttle, 1991; S¸ekerciog˘lu, richness in the Neotropics (Kissling, S¸ekerciog˘lu & Jetz, 2006a,b; Muscarella & Fleming, 2007; Whelan etal., 2008; 2012; Fig. 1). However, proportionate representation of Kunz etal., 2011; S¸ekerciog˘lu etal., 2016). Many bat avian feeding guilds varies across biogeographic realms. and bird species, owing to their capacity for flight, are Insectivores and frugivores have the highest representation highly vagile and thus capable of moving across complex in the tropics, with frugivores and insectivores being landscapes, allowing both opportunistic tracking of shifting proportionally lower in the Afrotropics and in Australasia, food resources (Barber, Marquis & Tori, 2008; Richter & respectively. Seed-eaters are well-represented in drier parts Cumming, 2008; McCracken etal., 2012) and the linkage of the world, especially in Australasia, the Afrotropics and of distinct geographic areas through seed dispersal and temperate regions. Nectarivores, on the other hand, reach BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 6 BeaMaasandothers Fig.1. Birdandbatspecies’proportionsinthesixlargestfeedingguilds(seeSectionII.3)indifferentbiogeographicrealms(following Olsonetal.,2001).Thesizeofthepiechartsisproportionaltobird(right)andbat(left)speciesrichnessineachrealm. Table1. Totalandendemicspeciesrichnessofbirdsandbatslivingonlyinoneregion,foreachbiogeographicrealm(following Olsonetal.,2001) Biogeographic Totalbat Endemicbat Totalbird Endemicbird realm speciesrichness speciesrichness speciesrichness speciesrichness Afrotropics 237 211(89%) 2079 1671(80%) Australasia 270 185(68%) 1399 1019(73%) Indomalaya 282 124(44%) 1982 1242(63%) Neotropics 337 255(75%) 3996 3564(89%) Nearctic 94 12(13%) 689 173(25%) Oceania 14 10(71%) 375 261(70%) Palearctic 155 41(26%) 1160 349(30%) BirddatafromS¸ekerciog˘luetal.(2004)andS¸ekerciog˘lu(2012),updatedwithnewornithologicaldatapublisheduntil2014.Batdatafrom IUCNRedListmammaldata(IUCN,2015). their highest proportions in the Neotropics (home of the Australasia. Overall, herbivorous bats, the great majority hummingbird radiation), the Pacific Ocean islands, and of which are frugivorous, outweigh nectar-feeding bats Australia. Scavengers (vertebrate-feeding guild) reach their in species number. The Neotropics represents the most highest species richness in the savannas of eastern Africa. speciose realm (Table 1), and harbours by far the majority Finally,piscivores(fish-eaters),carnivores(birdsofprey),and ofomnivorousbatspecies(56)andthelowestproportionof herbivoresarebetterrepresentedinthetemperatezonethan invertebrate-feedingbats(approximately56%,species-poor Oceania excluded). Bats overall have fewer feeding guilds inthetropics. thanbirds,withnoplant,seed,non-arthropodinvertebrate, All bat communities are dominated by the invertebrate- orcarrionspecialists. feeding guild, comprised almost exclusively by insectivores (Fig. 1). The Palearctic has the highest proportion of insectivores but not the highest number of insectivorous (3) Birdsandbatsindifferentland-usesystems species. As with birds, the species richness of fruit and Although few bird species prefer agricultural areas for nectar-feeding bats peaks in the tropics. Indomalaya and feeding, breeding, and other activities, nearly a third of all the Afrotropics have higher proportions of nectar and birdspeciesoccasionallyusesuchhabitats(S¸ekerciog˘luetal., fruit-feeding guilds than temperate realms, but distinctly 2007), especially in combination with forests (S¸ekerciog˘lu, belowtheproportionsfoundintheNeotropics,Oceania,and 2012;Fig.2).Comparedtoprimaryforests,speciesrichness BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Ecosystemservicesprovidedbytropicalbirdsandbats 7 reservesandforestfragmentsweredetectedatleastoncein agriculturalhabitats(Mendenhalletal.,2014). Across all habitat types, bat communities are dominated by insectivores (more than 60% of species) and frugivores (morethan20%).Itshouldbenoted,however,thatthereare very few agricultural-specialist bats (bats using agricultural habitatsbutnotforest;11species),makingitdifficulttodetect shiftsinfeeding-guildstructureacrosshabitatsanalogouslyto thoseweobservedforbirds.Apartfromthelossofvertebrate feeders, bat feeding guilds in forest-agri systems remain similartoforestbatfeedingguilds.Notethatevidencefrom the Paleotropics on the representation of different feeding Fig.2. Feeding-guildcompositionofbirdandbatcommunities guilds in forests and agricultural habitats is limited (e.g. indifferenthabitats.Totalnumberofspeciesineachhabitatis Furey, Mackie & Racey, 2010; Phommexay etal., 2011; in indicatedbelowthebars.Forestspecialistsarebirdsthatoccur this review: 26 reports from the Neotropics versus 6 reports only in forest or woodland habitats. Agriculture specialists are from the Paleotropics listed in Table S1), and additional birds that occur in agricultural areas including agroforests but investigations are needed to clarify if these results based notnaturalforestorwoodlandhabitats.Forest-agribirdsoccur largelyontheNeotropicscanbeappliedelsewhere. in both agricultural areas and forests/woodland. See Sections II.3 and II.4 for details of the classification of feeding guilds andhabitats.ThegraphforbirdsisadaptedfromS¸ekerciog˘lu (2012),withpermissionofSpringer-Verlag. IV. EFFECTSONFOODWEBS In temperate zones, predators affect plant communities oflargefrugivorousandinsectivorousbirdsoftendeclinesin by consuming herbivores, indirectly influencing plant agroforests (i.e. coffee, cacao, and mixed fruit orchard), communitycomposition,agestructure,diversity,cropyield, particularly among terrestrial and understorey species. productivity, and even nutrient cycling (Letourneau etal., By contrast, nectarivores, small-to-medium insectivores 2009). Such trophic cascades occur through a decrease in (especially migrants and canopy species), omnivores, and herbivorous arthropod abundance, reducing their negative some granivores and small frugivores have higher species effects on plants. Until recently, trophic cascades were richness in agroforests compared with forest habitats thought to be rare in tropical terrestrial communities as (S¸ekerciog˘lu,2012). a result of high species richness, including remarkable Theseglobaltrendsaresupportedbyfieldresearchresults densitiesofinsectivorousbirdsandbats(Polis&Holt,1992; from Afrotropical (Waltert etal., 2005), Indomalayan (Peh Strong, 1992; Polis & Strong, 1996). In theory, diverse and etal., 2006), Australasian (Marsden, Symes & Mack, 2006), complexpredator–preyinteractionnetworksshouldcontain and Neotropical (Leyequien, de Boer & Toledo, 2010) redundancysuchthatthelossofanyindividualpredatorguild regions. In general, these field studies suggest that the would be compensated by functionally redundant species, replacement of forests with agricultural systems results in thus preventing a trophic cascade. However, exclosure ashifttowardsless-specializedbirdcommunities,comprised experimentshavedocumentedthepresenceofinsectivorous of more-widespread and relatively common species, and bird-andbat-initiatedtrophiccascadesinbothnaturaland with altered proportions of functional groups (Karp etal., human-dominatedtropicallandscapes(VanBaeletal.,2008; 2011; S¸ekerciog˘lu, 2012; Fig. 2). Specifically, agricultural Mooneyetal.,2010;Ma¨ntyla¨,Klemola&Laaksonen,2011). systems harbour fewer insectivores and other invertebrate Most exclosure experiments have been conducted in pest consumers but more seed predators (Tscharntke etal., the Neotropics and the Caribbean (Van Bael etal., 2008), 2008;S¸ekerciog˘lu,2012). although top-down effects on arthropods by birds and bats Like birds, most bat species live in forests (Fig. 2), and have also been documented in Hawaii (Hooks, Pandey & about one quarter (246 species) occur exclusively there, yet Johnson,2003;Gruner,2004,2005;Gruner&Taylor,2006), batsarealsowelladaptedtohumanlandscapes.According Asia(Koh,2010;Maasetal.,2013),Australia(Loyn,Runnalls toIUCNRedListdata,almostaquarteroftheworld’sbats & Forward, 1983), and Africa (Dunham, 2008). Moreover, (271 species) use agricultural habitats such as arable land, tropicaltrophiccascadeshavesimilareffectsizesasthosein pastureland,andplantations(IUCN,2015).Forest–agribat temperateandborealsystems(Mooneyetal.,2010;Ma¨ntyla¨ communities(whichwedefineasbatsoccurringbothinforest etal.,2011;Morrison&Lindell,2012).However,thespecific andagriculturalhabitats)arealsowellrepresentedwith253 effects of birds and bats on arthropod communities might species,andhavepreviouslybeenshowntobesuccessfulin notbethesameindifferentregionsbecauseofdifferencesin coffeeandcacaoagroforestrysystems(Harvey&Villalobos, species richness and specialization, necessitating additional 2007; Williams-Guille´n & Perfecto, 2010). In Costa Rica, research from underrepresented tropical areas such as the for example, approximately 60% of bats surveyed in forest Paleotropics. BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 8 BeaMaasandothers (1) Birdandbateffectsonarthropodsandplantsin Through preventing outbreaks and consuming herbivo- tropicalcommunities rousarthropods,birdsandbatsoftenindirectlyaffectplants, although these effects on plants are generally weaker than Birds and bats generally reduce total arthropod abundance effectsonarthropodabundances(VanBaeletal.,2008).Plant and biomass in the tropics (Van Bael etal., 2008; Mooney damagegenerallyshowsastrongerresponsetobirdandbat etal.,2010;butseeVanBael,Brawn&Robinson,2003;Van exclusion than leaf biomass, plant growth, or reproductive Bael&Brawn,2005;Michel,2012;Fig.3),buttheygenerally output (e.g. fruit yield; Schmitz, Hamba¨ck & Beckerman, do not affect arthropod diversity (Mooney etal., 2010; but 2000; Van Bael etal., 2008; Mooney etal., 2010; Ma¨ntyla¨ seeGruner&Taylor,2006). etal., 2011; Morrison & Lindell, 2012). However, birds and Bird and bat top-down effects often differ by arthropod bats do not always protect plants, for reasons that remain size,withsomeindicationsthatbirds – particularlybreeding unclear(see,e.g.VanBael&Brawn,2005;Williams-Guille´n birds – consumelargerarthropodsthanbats.Threestudies etal., 2008; Morrison & Lindell, 2012; Maas etal., 2013). have found that the effects of birds and bats combined reduced large arthropods (>5 or ≥3mm) but not small Notably, leaf damage was actually greater in the presence of birds and bats outside experimental mammal exclosures arthropods (<2mm; Greenberg etal., 2000b; Borkhataria, at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica (Michel etal., Collazo & Groom, 2006; Van Bael, Bichier & Greenberg, 2014). 2007a). Conversely, Karp & Daily (2014) found that birds Apotentiallimitationofexclosureexperimentsisthatthey reducedlargeandsmallarthropodswhilebatsreducedonly likely underestimate bird and bat effects on arthropods, as small arthropods, which they attributed to consumption of many species capture insects in flight, distant from plants large arthropod larvae by birds but not bats. In Mexico, (orexclosures)(Kunzetal.,2011).Inaddition,theexclosure both birds and bats (separately and together) reduced both mesh size may potentially introduce a bias by hindering large and small arthropods (Williams-Guille´n etal., 2008). movement of larger arthropods (e.g. adult lepidopterans); In Jamaica, birds and bats reduced large arthropods in fewstudieshaveanalysedsuchcage-inducedsizebiases(Van summerandautumn,butonlyreducedsmallarthropodsin Bael & Brawn, 2005; Gunnarsson, 2007; Maas etal., 2013). thesummer(Johnsonetal.,2009).Thismaybeexplainedby Nevertheless, studies to date indicate that birds and bats thebreedingcurrencyhypothesis(Greenberg,1995),which have strong and pervasive – although variable – effects on states that breeding resident birds take large arthropods arthropodsandplantsintropicalcommunities. suitable for nestlings (‘breeding currency’) during the breedingseason(springandsummer),whereasintheautumn Nearcticmigrantsandnon-breedingresidentsconsumemore (2) Factorsinfluencingtropicaltrophiccascade smallprey. strength Birdsandbatsoftenreducetheabundanceofleaf-chewing Thestrengthoftop-downeffectsofbatsandbirdsontropical and phloem-feeding insects (Van Bael etal., 2008; Mooney arthropods and plants can vary substantially. Below, we etal., 2010), but the extent of limitation of these dominant review insectivore, arthropod, plant, and community traits pests often varies among study sites (Van Bael etal., 2003; thatcouldaffecttrophiccascadestrengthinthetropics. Van Bael & Brawn, 2005; Michel, 2012; Michel, Sherry & Carson, 2014) and insect orders (Van Bael etal., 2007a; (a) Insectivoreidentity Williams-Guille´n etal., 2008; Maas etal., 2013). Given the importance of herbivorous arthropod suppression for plant Early exclosure experiments in tropical communities communities, including crops, further research into the attributed arthropod suppression and plant effects to factorsunderlyingspatialandphylogeneticvariationinbird insectivorousbirds,overlookingorminimizingthepotential and bat predation is encouraged. Moreover, birds and bats effects of gleaning bats, which are abundant in tropical alsofrequentlylimitnumbersofarthropodpredatorssuchas areas and eat similar types of arthropod prey (Kalka ants and spiders (Van Bael etal., 2008; Mooney etal., 2010; & Kalko, 2006; Whelan etal., 2008; Kunz etal., 2011). Mestre etal., 2013; Karp & Daily, 2014; but see e.g. Hooks Nevertheless, the relative impact of birds versus bats on etal.,2003;Borkhatariaetal.,2006;Maasetal.,2013;Michel the densities of arthropods in general and of specific etal.,2014;Fig.3),potentiallyreducingtop-downeffectson arthropod groups could vary as a result of differences in herbivorousinsectdensities(Martinetal.,2013). anatomy,behaviour,andrelativeabundance.Forexample, While rarely reported, birds and bats may suppress manytropicalherbivorousarthropodsarelargelynocturnal, arthropodoutbreaksintropicalcommunities.Birdsandbats presumablymakingthemmorevulnerabletobatpredation inhibitedinvasionbyanintroducedspider(Achaearaneariparia) (Kalka & Kalko, 2006). In Panama, gleaning bats have a in Hawaii (Gruner, 2005), and were observed consuming larger impact on arthropod abundances and leaf damage largequantitiesofcaterpillarsduringanoutbreakinPanama than do birds, saving an estimated 52000kg of leaves from (VanBaeletal.,2004).Moreover,duringanexperimentally herbivoryannually(Kalka&Kalko,2006;Kalkaetal.,2008). simulatedoutbreak,birdsandbatssubstantiallyreducedthe Other studies have demonstrated broadly similar impacts abundanceoflepidopteranlarvaeinaMexicanshadedcoffee of birds and bats on arthropods and plants, although plantation(Perfectoetal.,2004).Theseisolatedexperiments with sometimes differing effects by arthropod clade and introducethepotentialforwidespreadoutbreaksuppression. season (Williams-Guille´n etal., 2008; Morrison & Lindell, BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Ecosystemservicesprovidedbytropicalbirdsandbats 9 Fig.3. Effectsizesofbirdandbatsuppressionofarthropodabundancefordifferentgroupsandstudiesincacaoandcoffeeplantations, tropical forests and mixed fruit orchards. Effects on arthropods were calculated using log response ratios [LRR=ln(control mean/exclosuremean)].AmorenegativeLRRindicatesastrongernegativeeffectofpredatoronpreyabundance.Notethatants werenotsampledinallstudies(nodatadisplayedforrespectivestudyID).Originaldata,studyIDnumbersandadditionaldetails aregiveninTableS1. 2012). In the Caribbean lowland forest of Costa Rica, Symondson, Sunderland & Greenstone, 2002; Borer etal., bat predation effects on herbivorous arthropods exceed the 2005). effects of birds in areas where insectivorous birds have Thus far we have discussed how birds and bats benefit declined, suggesting that bats may functionally compensate plants by reducing the density of herbivorous arthropods, fordecreasingtop-downlimitationofarthropodsprovidedby knownasdensity-mediatedeffects.However,birdsandbats birds(Michel,2012). may also benefit plants by inducing effects on phenotypic traits of prey such as mobility, dispersal propensity and feeding activity (trait-mediated effects; Werner & Peacor, (b) Insectivoreforagingstrategy 2003). Indeed, trait-mediated effects can involve changes Batsandbirdspossessuniqueforagingtraitsthatmayaffect in the foraging habits of herbivorous prey, potentially herbivore suppression, indirect effects on plants, and the causing host shifts that differentially affect plant species strength of trophic cascades in predator–herbivore food (Calcagno etal., 2011). Even though systematic research webs(Ke´fietal.,2012).Batstendtobegeneralistpredators, about trait-mediated effects of birds and bats on their although different foraging strategies (e.g. gleaners versus prey is lacking, it seems that both bats and birds impose hawkers) might result in different effects on arthropod trait-mediatedeffectsonarthropodswithvaryingimportance densities (e.g. Kunz etal., 2011). By contrast, gleaning forarthropodsuppressionindifferentsystems.Forexample, insectivorous birds often have specialized diets and/or ultrasonic bat calls invoke behavioural responses in insects foraging strategies (Sherry, 1984; Whelan etal., 2008). that alter insect infestation rates, mating behaviour, and For example, specialized guilds such as bark-probers, reproductivesuccess(Kunzetal.,2011),whilebirdscanaffect leaf tossers, and ant followers are found only among the foraging pattern of aphid-tending ants in tree canopies birds. These specialists can have important effects on (Mooney & Linhart, 2006). The relationship between bird limiting arthropods unavailable to generalist predators and bat foraging strategies and the abundance of certain (e.g. bark-probing birds such as woodpeckers suppress arthropodgroupsthatdifferinabundanceandoverallimpact wood-boring pests in temperate forest; see Fayt, Machmer on plant productivity might explain their different relative &Steeger,2005;Koenigetal.,2013;Floweretal.,2014).On impactsonpestcontrol,plantgrowthandcropyieldsinthe theotherhand,generalistpredatorssometimeshavestronger differentland-usesystemsandtropicallandscapesthathave top-downeffectsthanspecialists(Halaj&Wise,2001;butsee beeninvestigatedtodate. BiologicalReviews(2015)000–000©2015CambridgePhilosophicalSociety

importance of bats and birds in tropical forests, agroforestry systems, and agricultural systems mixed with natural. * Address for .. Antarctica. Another 150 species are found on most of the continents in the eastern hemisphere. According to the IUCN Red List data on Chiroptera. (IUCN, 2015), more
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