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BI0TIC DIVERSITY IN AGROECOSYSTEMS Papers from a symposium on Agroecology and Conservation Issues in Tropical and Temperate Regions, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 26-29 September 1990 Edited by M.G. Paoletti Department of Biology, Padova University, Via Trieste 75, 35121 Padova, Italy and D. Pimentel Department of Entomology, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-0999, USA Reprinted from Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 40 Nos. 1-4 (1992) ELSEVIER Amsterdam — London — New York — Tokyo 1992 ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands ISBN 0-444-89390-3 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1992 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording o roth­ erwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Physical Sciences & Engineering Division, P.O. Box 330, 1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the USA - This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the USA. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the USA, should be referred to the publisher. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any meth­ ods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Printed in The Netherlands 1 Introduction The preservation of biodiversity (see the paper on number of living spe­ cies ) appears to be a high priority among biologists, ecologists, and environ­ mentalists. Although this group understands the impact that human activities have on biodiversity, few studies have focused on the importance of biodiv­ ersity in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Others, less familiar with the diverse interactions that occur among plants and animals, seem to have little appreciation or understanding of ecological principles and the benefits that diversity of natural biota have for humans and the environment. The reasons for the existing historical and philosophical perspective are many. For instance, when some agriculturalists assess pests, they generally focus their attention on the animal-plant food-web operating within the spe­ cific crop. Rarely do they examine the relationship of crop pest problems to the environments surrounding corn or soybean fields. Generally, crop breed­ ing, irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides, and machinery are considered as one problem with one solution centered on the crop. Although this approach has been successful in increasing many crop yields, it also has contributed to the development of several serious environmental and biodiversity problems in agriculture. These include: soil erosion; rapid water runoff; fertilizer and pest­ icide pollution of soil and water; salinization; loss of biodiversity; water-log­ ging, to mention but a few. Some agriculturalists, engineers and others appear to underestimate the degree of species richness in agroecosystems and the benefits these natural biota contribute to agriculture and a healthy nature. Clearly, agroecology and landscape ecology can play a major role in protect­ ing the environment and conserving biological diversity. Many of the practical opportunities for improving the sustainability of ag­ riculture and making it more environmentally sound were discussed at the International Symposium on Agroecology and Conservation Issues in Tem­ perate and Tropical Regions, held in September 1990 at the University of Padova. Of the large number of papers that were presented at the Sympo­ sium, a total of 22 papers have been assembled here. Several papers deal with strategies for increasing biodiversity in agricul­ tural landscapes. Other papers point out that agriculture must meet the grow­ ing need for food and will continue to spread into forests and other natural areas. Although some positive interactions may result from this, negative in­ teractions, with the 30-80 million species estimated to be on this planet, will increase. Although humans appear to recognize the value of crop and live­ stock species, few really appreciate the fact that agriculture and forestry can- 2 M.G. PAOLETTI AND D. PIMENTEL not function in a productive, sustainable way when significant numbers of species in natural biota are lost. Sustainable agricultural technologies, that improve the environment within and outside farms, offer many opportunities to increase biodiversity in the landscape (Paoletti et al.). Related to this, microbial biomass and diversity appear to depend on the amount of organic matter in soils (Dick). Also soil invertebrates (Crossleyetal.),microrizhes (RosemeyerandGleissman) and legume plants can be linked to improve agricultural and productive environ­ ments. Hedgerows on field margins are another important part of some agri­ cultural landscapes (Kromp; Dennis and Fry; Lagerlof et al.). Often improv­ ing the mosiac structure of landscape habitats improves the dynamics of predator/parasitoid-herbivore food chains while at the same time promoting species conservation in agroecosystems (Banaszak; Booij; Hassall et al.; Samways). Biodiversity should be monitored both in the crops and in soils because many natural species are essential to sustainable agricultural programs (Foissner; Koehler). Of course, the management of plant types in the agro- ecosystem are basic to effective biological resources management. Sound crop management systems will reduce the dependence of agriculture on fertilizers and pesticides (Garcia, Enache and Ilnicki). The inclusion of new crops into agricultural systems increases the diversity of agriculture, reduces soil erosion, and reduces fertilizer needs (Becker et al.). The prime source of new crop types still remains the tropics (Bjornda- len; Carpaneto and Germi; De Miranda and Mattos; Greenslade). Therefore, more investigations must be focused on the diversity of plants and animals in tropical as well as temperate regions. Humans need to protect and conserve all species, large and small. All play an important part in maintaining agricul­ ture and the environment, and enhancing the lives of human society. This publication has been made possible through the efforts of the follow­ ing institutions and persons: the European Economic Community; the Ve- neto Regional Board; Ente Svilnppo Agricolo del Veneto; Comitato Nazion- ale delle Ricerche; the Padova Chamber of Commerce. In particular we would like to thank the president of Padova University, M. Bonsembiante; A. Za- morani, D. Agostini and O. Ferro from the Faculty of Agriculture, Padova University; G.G. Lorenzoni, A.G. Levis and V. Albergoni from the Depart­ ment of Biology, Padova University. Mirella Soratroi and Brony Falinska helped with the editorial work. Hetty Verhagen helped to transform the man­ uscripts into a complete volume. M.G. PAOLETTI (Padova, Italy) D. PIMENTEL (Ithaca, NY, USA) 3 Agroecosystem biodiversity: matching production and conservation biology M.G. Paolettia, D. Pimentelb, B.R. Stinnerc and D. Stinnerc aDepartment of Biology, Padova University, Via Trieste 75, 35100 Padova, Italy bDepartment of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA ""Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, USA ABSTRACT Paoletti, M.G., Pimentel, D., Stinner, B.R. and Stinner, D., 1992. Agroecosystem biodiversity: match­ ing production and conservation biology. Agric. Ecosystems Environ., 40: 3-23. A review of the existing literature on biodiversity connected with agricultural activities has been developed, and the possible sustainable alternatives have been looked into. Following recent evaluations, only one-twentieth to one-sixtieth of the planet's species have yet been described and most of these will be lost if the destruction of the environment continues at its present rate. Most of the terrestrial environment (up to 95%) is affected by human activities includ­ ing agriculture and the terrestrial habitats provide up to 98% of human food on the planet. Sustainable strategies in food production in agriculture improve the existing biodiversity and include the follow­ ing items: increased porosity of the landscape through proper management of natural vegetation, bet­ ter use and recycling of organic residues, introduction of integrated farming systems, reduced tillage, rotation, biological control, increased number of biota involved in human food-webs. INTRODUCTION Why are we concerned about the biotic diversity in space, in time in the anthropized cultivated areas? Is the sufficient production of foods, fiber and meat reasonably consistent with the conservation of biodiversity? Biodivers­ ity is associated with terrestrial areas in which diversity of natural biota play the same social and economic roles as do "libraries, universities, museums, symphony halls, and newspapers. They must be integrated with the educa­ tional system in the same way as these other complex information storage and transfer systems" (Janzen, 1988). Most demographic, social, economic and environmental problems occur in tropical areas and it is difficult to convince the public about the 'library excellence' of natural biota when they are with- Correspondence to: M.G. Paoletti, Department of Biology, Padova University, Via Trieste 75, 35100 Padova, Italy 4 M.G. PAOLETTI ET AL. TABLE 1 Numbersof described species of living organisms (from Wilson, 1988) Kingdom and major Common name No. of described Totals subdivision species Virus Viruses 1000 1000 (order of magnitude only) Monera Bacteria Bacteria 3000 Myxoplasma Bacteria 60 Cyanophycota Blue-green algae 1700 4760 Fungi Zygomycota Zygomycete fungi 665 Ascomycota Cup fungi 28650 (including 18000 lichen fungi) Basidiomycota Basidiomycete fungi 16000 Oomycota Water molds 580 Chytridiomycota Chytrids 575 Acrasiomycota Cellular slime molds 13 Myxomycota Plasmodial slime molds 500 46983 Algae Chlorophyta Green algae 7000 Phaeophyta Brown algae 1500 Rhodophyta Red algae 4000 Chrysophyta Chrysophyte algae 12500 Pyrrophyta Dinoflagellates 1100 Euglenophyta Euglenoids 800 26900 Plantae Bryophyta Mosses, liverworts, 16600 hornworts Psilophyta Psilopsids 9 Lycopodiophyta Lycophytes 1275 Equisetophyta Horsetails 15 Filicophyta Ferns 10000 Gymnosperma Gymnosperms 529 Dicotyledoneae Dicots 170000 Monocotyledoneae Monocots 50000 248428 Protozoa Protozoans: 30800 Sarcomastigophorans, ciliates, and smaller groups 30800 Animalia Porifera Sponges 5000 Cnidaria, Ctenophora Jellyfish, corals, comb 9000 jellies AGROECOSYSTEM BIODIVERSITY 5 Kingdom and major Common name No. of described Totals subdivision species Platyhelminthes Flatworms 12200 Nematoda Nematodes (roundworms) 12000 Annelida Annelids (earthworms and 12000 relatives) Mollusca Mollusks 50000 Echinodermata Echinoderms (starfish and 6100 relatives) Arthropoda Arthropods Insecta Insects 751000 Other arthropods 123161 Minor invertebrate phyla 9300 989761 Chordata Tunicata Tunicates 1250 Cephalochordata Acorn worms 23 Vertebrata Vertebrates Agnatha Lampreys and other jawless fishes 63 Chrondrichthyes Sharks and other cartilaginous fishes 843 Osteichthyes Bony fishes 18150 Amphibia Amphibians 4184 Reptilia Reptiles 6300 Aves Birds 9040 Mammalia Mammals 4000 43853 Total — all organisms 1392485 out enough food for their families and they live in absolute poverty (De Mi­ randa and Mattos, 1992). Organic material equivalent to 38.8% of the present net primary produc­ tion of the planet is today appropriated entirely by humans (Vitousek et al., 1986). One-third of the global land surface of the planet still is wilderness (48.069X 106 km2) (McCroskey and Spalding, 1989) but most of this area has humans living in the wilderness regions (Western, 1989). The amount of species on the planet (that means biological units, which are diverse genetically and ecologically) is estimated between 30 and 50 mil­ lion according to Erwin (1982, 1988). Only 1 392 485 (Table 1) species are scientifically described according to some inventories (Parker, 1982; Arnett, 1985; Kevan, 1985; Wilson, 1988; Minelli, 1989; Pimentel et al., 1992a) or something more, 1.7-1.8 million (Stork, 1988; May, 1990). Discrepancies between the amount forecasted and the described number of species implies defects in understanding our planet's structure, composition, diversity and 6 M.G. PAOLETTI ET AL. complexity. No matter that the number of biota in the planet is far larger than, for instance, the artefacts. The number of chemical compounds artifi­ cially created by our technology is difficult to quote but 60 000 chemicals are presently in use in the US (National Toxicology Program, 1981). However the US is home for an estimated 500 000 living species of which 95% are small organisms (Knutson, 1989). An inventory of the warehouse is needed before we can elaborate the strat­ egy for the use or manufacture of goods. On our planet, knowledge of biota is limited and scanty. For instance, there are only 3000 scientists who specialize in tropical biology and 1500 taxonomists who are devoted to the tropical areas (Raven, 1980; Myers, 1985). Can we use the existing biodiversity better and can we conserve it? Can we assign a real value to biotic diversity? It has been argued: "I cannot help thinking that when we finish assigning values to bio­ logical diversity we will find that we do not have very much biological diver­ sity left" (Erenfeld, 1988). On a global scale of ecology and brain-storming the Gaia Hypothesis re­ lated to the interactions of biotic activity and most climatic and abiotic fac­ tors (Lovelock, 1989; Hinkle and Margulis, 1990), we need efforts to inves­ tigate the composition and differentiation of the living biota. In particular, interactions between agriculture and biodiversity are important (Pimentel et al., 1992a). About 70% of the earth's ecosystems (50%, agriculture including pastures; 20%, forests) are manipulated to obtain 98% of the food fiber and wood used by humans (Food and Agriculture Organization, 1981; Vitousek et al., 1986; Western, 1989; Pimentel et al., 1992a). In addition, about 25% of the land is devoted to urbanization and human settlements. Thus, humans occupy and manage approximately 95% of the earth's terrestrial ecosystems (Western, 1989). We maintain that each species has intrinsic value. Earthworms, insects, herbs, fungi or bacteria are no less fascinating or less worthy of our interest and conservation than the larger 'Noah's Ark' organisms such as elephants, birds and sequoias (Pimentel et al., 1992a). Some questions that should be addressed are: which part of the existing biota is living in cultivated or human occupied areas which cover the majority of the terrestrial areas; how many are living in wild protected areas; are the two components interchangeable; are the biota living in the wilderness pos­ sible pests for crops; can the diversity of biota be used as a tool for develop­ ment and improve the well-being of humans? We are not capable of giving exhaustive responses to these questions but we hope to demonstrate that opportunities exist to conserve biodiversity in agriculture and forestry. THEORETICAL BASES OF BIODIVERSITY ESTIMATIONS At least three guidelines provide estimates of the biotic diversity on the planet. These include the following. AGROECOSYSTEM BIODIVERSITY 7 Food-web structures and dimensions The richness of a food-web and the length of food-chains are predicted to be higher in tropical areas than in temperate habitats (Pimm and Lawton, 1977; Kitching and Pimm, 1985; Kitching, 1990). Because of food-web com­ plexity and number, food-web abundance implies a large number of species. In tropical areas, food-webs are more numerous than in temperate areas (Pimm and Lawton, 1977; Cohen et al., 1990). In cultivated areas many food- webs are missing or unstable (Odum, 1984). For instance, pesticide residues affect soil detritivores and predators (Pimentel and Edwards, 1982; Paoletti etal., 1988, 1992; Pimenteletal., 1991). Body dimensions Data are projected from some regression figures obtained by plotting the mean body length and the number of species (May, 1986). Using the body length assumption for small organisms (0.5 mm) to be similar for all orga­ nisms the rate of known and unknown species is one to 10, that means 10 million species on the planet (May, 1986, 1988, 1990). Extrapolations following geographical endemism and host specificity Based on an examination of the geographic and host specificity, May (1988, 1990) stated that an estimate of animal species is possible. Based on the es­ timated 300 000 living plant species in the tropics and 10 insect species per tree, it is calculated that there are 3 000 000 species of associated insects. Erwin (1982) calculated that with 600 non-shared beetle species per tree and 50 000 tree species, the total beetle species is 30 million. More recently Erwin (1988) sorting the materials collected in the canopy of the Tambapora rain forest in Peru has estimated the value to be more than 50 million insect species. Based on this estimation and current deforestation, Erwin reported that several million species will be lost if forest destruction is not stopped. These estimates were discussed by Stork (1988), Adis (1990), May (1990), Hodkinson and Casson (1991) and Paoletti et al. (1990, 1991a). In partic­ ular Stork (1988) estimates between 7.3 and 81.4 million arthropod species in the tropical rain forests. Other estimations based on species-area curves have been given (Simberloff, 1986; Reid and Miller, 1989). DESTRUCTION RATE AND LOSS OF INFORMATION From 250 000 to 750 000 plant species are estimated to exist in the world, with 65% found in the tropics (Farnsworth, 1988; Wilson, 1988). Chemical, folklore and pharmaceutical data are found for as many as 25 000 plant spe- M.G. PAOLETTI ET AL. TABLE 2 Estimates of potential species extinction in the tropics Estimate Basis of estimate Source From 1950 to 1980 one half of Whittaker and Likens, 1975 previously living species One species day-' to one species Unknown Myers, 1979 hr"l between 1970s and 2000 33-50% of all species between A concave relationship Lovejoy, 1980 1970s and 2000 between percentage of forest area loss and % of species loss A million species or more by end If present land-use trends National Research Council, 1980 of this century continue As high as 20% of all species Unknown Lovejoy, 1981 50% of species by the year 2000 Different assumptions and Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1981 or by the beginning of next an exponential function century Several hundred thousand species Unknown Myers, 1982 in just a few decades 25-30% of all species, or from Unknown Myers, 1983 500000 to several million by the end of this century 500000-600000 species by the Unknown Oldfield, 1984 end of this century 33% or more of all species in the Present rates of forest loss Simberloff, 1983 21 st century will continue 20-25% of existing species by the Present trends will continue Norton, 1986 next quarter of century 15% of all plant species and 2% of Forest regression will Simberloff, 1986 all plant families by the end of proceed as predicted until this century 2000 and then stop completely 0.75 million species by the end of All tropical forests will Raven Missouri Botanical this century disappear and half their Gardens, (Lugo, 1988) species will become extinct 20-30 million species If 50% of rainforests are Erwin, 1988 destroyed by the year 2000

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