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Biotechnology and Food Safety PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Jointly Sponsored by: The University of Maryland, The Agricultural Research Service, USDA, and E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Editorial Board Co-Editors-in-Chief: DONALD D. BILLS, USDA, ARS, Beltsvüle, MD SHAIN-DOW KUNG, University of Maryland Editors: DENNIS WESTHOFF, University of Maryland BRUNO QUEBEDEAUX, University of Maryland EDWARD RALEIGH, E, 1. du Pont de Nemours & Co. JOHN GOSS, Ĺ. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. ANTHONY KOTULA, USDA, ARS, BeltsviUe, MD ALLEY WATADA, USDA, ARS, Beltsvüle, MD Butterworth-Heinemann Boston London Singapore Sydney Toronto Wellington Copyright ©1990 by Butterworth-Heinemann, a division of Reed Publishing (USA) Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, it is the policy of Butterworth- Heinemann to have the books it publishes printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-82858 Butterworth-Heinemann 80 Montvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 Printed in the United States of America Acknowledgment We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of the other members of the Organizing Committee and the members of the Program Commit­ tee and the Local Arrangements Committee. Special appreciation is due to Dr. Dennis Westhoff, who chaired the Program Commit­ tee and to Mrs. Helen Phillips, who chaired the Local Arrangements Committee. Shain-dow Kung Donald Bills ORGANIZING PROGRAM COMMITTEE COMMITTEE Donald Bills, Chair, USDA Dennis Westhoff, Chair, UM K. Darwin Murrell, USDA Bruno Quebedeaux, UM Robert Kennedy, UM Ed Raleigh, DU PONT Shain-dow Kung, UM John Goss, DU PONT George Lorimer, DU PONT Anthony Kotula, USDA Richard Holsten, DU PONT AUey Watada, USDA LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE Helen Phülips, Chair, UM Patricia Moore, UM Marilyn Beckhardt, USDA PREFACE Most experts believe that the food supply is safer now than ever in history, but the emotional subject of food safety attracted even more than the usual amount of public attention in 1989. Pesticide residues, contaminants and food additives were the major concerns of consumers. On the other hand, scientists and regulatory agencies had less concern about these, and were most concerned about microbial contamination. Questioning the safety of food is not new; it began in prehistoric times and has contributed to the survival of Homo sapiens. The senses of taste and smell help us avoid the con­ sumption of some unsafe materials, such as plants that contain bit­ ter, toxic alkaloids, but we are not nearly as well-equipped as other species to reject unsafe food by sensory discrimination. A cat will approach an unfamiliar food and smell it carefully before it takes even a cautious taste. A cat can be poisoned, but not as easily as a man. Lacking such ability, we have devised other ways to try and tell if a material is safe to eat. Kings and emperors kept tasters who ate a little of each dish before the ruler had any. Because there have never been enough royal tasters to go around, we rely mainly on test animals to tell if a food is safe. Primitive people feed an animal a little of a suspect food and watch the result; advanced societies keep huge colonies of mice for the same purpose. But mice are not men, and animal studies yield results that require interpretation because of the physiological differences. The validity of extrapolating results from animals to man to determine the chronic effects of suspect carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens remains particularly controversial. Attitudes about risks and benefits depend upon circumstances. A starving person will readuy disregard the risk of consuming an agent that might induce cancer twenty years hence when the alter­ native is death from malnutrition in a few days. In affluent cir­ cumstances when food is plentiful, consumers become more con­ cerned about the quality and safety of food, but they often have dif­ ficulty discriminating between real and imaginary problems. Laws and regulations pertaining to food safety are based as much on public xii · BIOTECHNOLOGY attitudes as on current scientific knowledge. The Delaney Clause of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, which requires that no food additive may be used in any amount if it is found to be carcinogenic in man or animals when ingested at any level, remains as emotionally satisfying to much of the public and congress today as it was when enacted in the 1950's. But scientists believe the Delaney Clause paradigm is hopelessly flawed in the light of current knowledge. Considering the amount of information and misinformation being disseminated about food safety, it is a small wonder that the public, the lawmakers, and the scientists do not agree. Biotechnology introduces potential solutions and potential pro­ blems to the already complicated subject of food safety. Because the approaches are new and often involve manipulations of genetic material, the public may not be ready to accept the solutions, let alone the problems. Practical new biotechnological procedures for detecting and quantifying microbial and chemical contaminants of food provide new tests that were not previously available or replace tests that required excess time and labor. For example, gene probes have been developed for the rapid detection of foodborne parasitic, bacterial and viral pathogens. Such tests will revolutionize quality control and regulatory inspection of foods by yielding results that permit early action to correct deficiencies. The public will benefit from improved control of foodborne diseases with these new methods. Another approach to the problem of foodborne bacterial pathogens is the use of bacteriocins, natural proteins with bactericidal properties. Bacteriocins are produced by a number of bacteria and serve the organism by inhibiting the growth of competitive bacteria. Nisin, for example, is a bacteriocin produced by Streptococcus lactis, a bacterium used since antiquity to produce fermented dairy foods, such as cheese and sour cream. Nisin is a GRAS (generally recog­ nized as safe) food additive, but the key to broad application of bacteriocins to control the growth of microbial pathogens and spoilage organisms in food will be the manipulation of their pro­ duction by molecular biology. The use of chemical pesticides continues to become more restricted with fewer and fewer chemicals available for use in the production of crop plants. The current mandated review of pesticides by the Environmental Protection Agency will result in the loss of additional pesticides from use because of the expense of reregistra- tion to the manufacturer if not for reasons of safety. To maintain FOOD QUALITY · xiii agricultural productivity and product quality, other approaches are needed. One approach is the development of crop plants that have increased resistance to pathogens, nematodes, insects and weeds. The transfer of genes that confer resistance can be accomplished within a species by classical breeding, but recombinant DNA tech­ niques allow the introduction of genetic material from plants within or outside of the species. One consideration that must be kept in mind is that changes in plant or animal composition that confer resistance to pests or improve the quality of the product may also affect the safety of the food. The safety of fermentation microorganisms, enzymes and food ingredients derived from biotechnological processes must also be assured. Biotechnology will contribute to increasing the safety of food, but the full realization of its potential will require the participation of scientists with many different backgrounds. In organizing this symposium, our intent was to provide a forum for communication between molecular biologists, animal and plant physiologists and pathologists, microbiologists, parasitologists, toxicologists, food scien­ tists and others who are directly or indirectly involved in assuring the safety of food. We also wanted to provide an opportunity for scientists from universities, industry, and government to develop an understanding of each other's roles and the state-of-the-art appli­ cation of biotechnology to food safety. We believe that our inten­ tions were fulfilled, and most of the credit must be given to the excellent speakers who shared their diverse knowledge and exper­ ience with us. The remainder of the credit must be divided between the members of the Program Committee, who had the fine judg­ ment to assemble a panel of such well-qualified speakers, and the Arrangements Committee, who provided a favorable environment for our symposium. We are indebted to the University of Maryland, the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA, and the du Pont Company, who spon­ sored the symposium and provided financial support and other facilities and services that made the Second International Sym­ posium on Biotechnology and Food Safety a success. The symposium provides a continuing example of a successful and mutually beneficial cooperation between a pubUc university, a governmental agency, and private industry. Donald D. Bills, Agricultural Research Service, USDA Shain-dow Kung, University of Maryland Food Biotechnology S.K. Harlander Depanment of Food Science and Nutrition University of Minnesota St. Paul Minnesota 55108 Fundamental discoveries in molecular biology in the past two decades initiated a scientific revolution which will have a profound impact on food and agriculture systems in the next decade. The tools of biotechnology, including genetic engineering, DNA probe and monoclonal antibody technology, fermentation and bioprocessing, and plant and mammalian cell tissue cultiu-e, will have numerous applications throughout the food chain — from the planted seed, to the food processing plant, and all the way to the consumer's stomach. Examples of how each of these technologies can be used to ensure abundance, variety, utilization, and nutritional quality of the world's food supply will be provided. Specific techologies related to ensuring the safety of the food supply, and the challenges which must be addressed in order for biotechnology to be effectively and efficiently used in agriculture and food processing systems, will also be discussed. Introduction Biotechnology is not new to the food and agricultural sectors. Farmers have been applying classical breeding and selection techni­ ques for improving food-producing plants and animals for centuries. Food processors have relied on mutation and selection techniques for improving microorganisms which produce a vast array of fermented food products and high-value ingredients for processed foods. These traditional "trial and error" forms of biotechnology pro­ vide the foundation and experience for applications of emerging technologies which appear destined to have a major impact on the production and processing of the world's food supply. Fundamental discoveries in molecular biology over the last 20 years serve as the basis for the "new" biotechnology. These tools allow man to direct the genetic improvement of food-producing plants, animals, and microorganisms via mechanisms which are more predictable, controllable, and precise than classical breeding and selection methods. In addition, single traits can be modified in a 4 · BIOTECHNOLOGY much shorter time frame. Biotechnology has the potential to reduce the need for agricultural chemicals; improve the productivity, effi­ ciency, and profitability of food production and processing; open new markets for improved or unique processed food products; and, improve the quality, safety, cost, and convenience of consumer food products. The Food Chain The food chain begins with the planted seed and ends with the consumption of products by consumers. The food processing industry serves as a vital link between the farmer and the super­ market, as the food processor transforms perishable raw agricultural products into shelf-stable, convenient, and palatable foods and beverages. Other than fruits and vegetables, which are often consumed in the fresh or raw state, most agricultural products undergo some type of processing after leaving the farm gate. Biotechnology has the potential to impact the entire food chain — from the improvement of the seed prior to planting, to the genera­ tion of unique functional ingredients for processed foods, to the creation of biodegradable material for food packages, to the development of novel and useful products from food processing waste streams. Plant Biotechnology The first impact of biotechnology on the food chain will be in the production agricuture sector. The primary goal of agricultural biotechnology is to increase the efficiency and profitability of producing raw agricultural commodities. This could be achieved by increasing crop yields and decreasing agricultural inputs (fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, etc.). Tremendous improvements in produc­ tivity have been achieved using traditional breeding and selection techinques; however, further increases in yield will be difficult to achieve using current technology. Current production agriculture techniques rely heavily on the use of chemicals to control pests and improve yields. With recent consumer concern regarding chemical residues in food products and possible contamination of the ground water, there will be increasing pressure to use more "environmentally friendly" chemicals and to adopt alternative farming practices that limit the use of chemicals. FOOD QUALITY · 5 A consumer group, recently announced that 200 regional super­ markets will phase out pesticide-treated produce by 1995. Although the larger chains have not joined the movement, this example illustrates the dilemma which farmers in this country will be forced to address. If weeds, insects, and microbial pathogens go uncon­ trolled, farmers can expect crop productivity to decrease dramatically and consumers can expect to pay substantially more for their food. Although we all agree that it is desirable to decrease the use of agricultural chemicals, at the present time there are few alternatives available. Biotechnology can provide the tools and alternative approaches for addressing this problem. Genetic engineering can be used to insert genes from unrelated organisms into plants. This technology has been used to transfer the gene which codes for an insecticidal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis, a microorganism which has been safely used as a biopesticide for many years, into several agronomi- cally important plant species including tomato, corn, and cotton. Engineered varieties have the ability to produce the natural pesticide within the plant (Dulmage, 1981). Similar technology has been used to develop disease-resistant varieties of corn and other important crops (Hall, 1987). Such technologies have the potential to dramati­ cally decrease our dependence on agricultural pesticides and fungicides to control insects and microbial pathogens which ravage crops and to foster a more sustainable agricultural system, and at the same time, provide a safe, abundant, and affordable food supply. Certain plant diseases caused by viruses are not amenable to chemical control. These viruses are frequently endemic in the plant and are extremely difficult to control using current technology. Cloning of the viral coat protein genes into a plant confers resistance to the virus and could have a significant impact on productivity (Cuozzo et aL, 1988). Other species which have been engineered to resist viruses include potato and alfalfa (Morris and Przybyla, 1989). Another class of chemicals used in production agriculture is herbicides which are used to control weeds. Using selection in cell culture or genetic engineering, several herbicide-tolerant plants have been developed and are currently being tested in the field (Shah et fl/., 1986). There is a common misconception that the use of herbicide-tolerant plants would allow farmers to use larger amounts of herbicide ("if a little is good, more must be better" approach). However, the goal is to develop varieties which are tolerant to some 6 · BIOTECHNOLOGY of the more "environmentally friendly" herbicides, such as glyphosate. This herbicide does not accumulate in the soil or con­ taminate ground water supplies, as it is rapidly degraded in the soil. In addition, it is non-toxic to birds, insects, fish, animals and man. The above examples of plant improvements usually involve transfer of single genes. Many of the traits of interest to the food processor, such as improved flavor, texture or aroma; enhanced nutri­ tional value; and improved functional or processing properties, in­ volve complex metabolic pathways regulated by several gene products. However, as we learn more about the regulation of plant genes, it should be possible to custom design raw agricultural commodities. Increasing the solids content of tomatoes could save the tomato processing industry as much as $80 million per year in reduced transportation and processing costs (Newell, 1986). Creating a tomato with a tougher skin would allow mechanical harvest of the fruit, thus decreasing the cost of labor-intensive harvesting by hand. Modification of pathways which control amino acid biosyn­ thesis could increase the level of specific amino acids which are deficient in cereal grains, thus improving the nutritional quality of the protein (Hibberd etaL, 1986). In the future, it may even be possi­ ble to eliminate the production of natural toxicants, such as cyanogenic glycosides in broccoli or trypsin inhibitors in soybeans. Insertion of a single gene for an enzyme, which is involved in ripening and softening of tomato fruit, in the opposite orientation ("anti-sense" technology), can specifically block expression of the enzyme (Roberts, 1988). Reduction in the level of this enzyme, called endopolygalacturonase, could have dramatic effects on post-harvest characteristics of the fruit. Tomatoes may be ripened on the vine and transported without refrigeration. In addition, shelf-life could be extended. Plant Tissue Culture Plants serve as the source of many ingredients used in processed foods, such as flavors, pigments, essential oils, stablizers, and enzymes. These compounds are normally extracted from plants; however, plant cell tissue culture offers an altemative to whole plants as biological sources of these ingredients. There are several advan­ tages to using plant tissue culture for ingredient production. Seasonal variations, unfavorable weather conditions, and epidemic diseases are not problems when plant tissue is grown under well-defined

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