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& BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOENGINEERING INDEX TO VOLUMES 41 and 42 & BIOTECHN OLOGY BIOENGINEERING Editor Founding Editor Eleftherios T. Papoutsakis Elmer L. Gaden, Jr., University of Virginia, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Charlottesville, Virginia Associate Editors Editorial Board Douglas S. Clark, University of California James E. Bailey Berkeley, California Harvey W. Blanch Frank DiCosmo, University of Toronto Arnold L. Demain Toronto, Canada C.P. Leslie Grady, Jr. George Georgiou, University of Texas Jeffrey A. Hubbell Austin, Texas Isao Karube Maria-Regina Kula, Heinrich-Heine Universitat Diisseldorf Malcolm D. Lilly in der KFA Julich, Germany Michael L. Shuler Daniel |.C. Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Daniel Thomas Cambridge, Massachusetts Scope: The editors of B&B will consider for pub- © environmental biotechnology, including aerobic © mineral biotechnology, including coal biotech- lication original articles, reviews, and mini reviews anaerobic processes, systems involving bio- that deal with all aspects of applied biotechnology. films, algal systems, detoxification and bioreme- . biological aspects of biomass and renewable These include: diation, and genetic aspects; resources engineering; and applied genetics and metabolic engineering, in- * fundamental aspects of food biotechnology. wrmnsa spects of cellular physiology, metabo- cludingm odeling molecular processes of applied lism, and energetics of ia, fungi, animal, interest; The editors will consider papers for publications and plant cells; —— biotechnology; based on novelty, their immediate or future impact enzyme systems and their applications, includ- iochemical engineering, including transport on biotechnological processes, and their contribu- ing enzyme reactors, purification, and applied panes in bioreactors, bioreactor design, tion to the advancement of biotechnology and bio- aspects of protein engineering; inetics and modeling of biological systems, chemical engineering science. Submission of pa- animal-cell biotech , including media de- instrumentation and control, biological contain- pers dealing with routine aspects of bioprocessing, t, modeling, tissue engineering, and ment, and bioprocess design; description of established equipment, and routine ied aspects of cell interactions with their biosensors; applications of established ies (e.g. environment and other cells; pe and other instrumental techniques control strategies, modeling, experimenta methods) bioseparations and other downstream processes for biotechnological applications, including NMR are discouraged. Theoretical papers will be judged including cell disruption, chromatography, af- and flow based on the novelty of the approach and their finity purifications, extractions, and aiben ¢ thermodynamic aspects of cellular systems and potential impact, or on their novel capability to processing; their applications; predict and elucidate experimental observations. 3572)w eds and Bioengineering (ISSN:0006- to other kinds of copying, such as copying for Ave., New York, NY 10158; (212) 850-8832. 3592) is published 22 times per year, semi-monthly, general distribution, for ising or promotional Advertising Sales, European Contact: Michael except May, July, September, and November, when rposes, for creating new collective works, or Levermore, Advertising Manager, John Wiley & it is published monthly, and in March and April resale. 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Biotechnology and Bioengineering Subject Index to Volumes 41 and 42 Please note that A refers to Volume 41 and B refers to Volume 42 a-amylase, 1142B Antibody productivity, 185B, 247B, 601B, Biological acid transformation, 303A a-amylase production, 854A 1322B Biological solvent production, 1053B Acclimation, 79A Aphrons, 72A Bioluminescence, 945B, 1190B, 1337B Acetaldehyde, 24B, 667B Apricot seed extract, 465A Biomass, 785B Acetate production, 843B Aqueous two phase, 72A Biomass estimator, 1311B Acetic acid, 43A, 316A, 347A Arginine limitation, 1142B Biomass output, 1003A Acetoin, 791A Artificial liver, 194A, 579B Biomass productivity, 891B Acidogenesis kinetics, 479A Artificial seed, 449B Biomass yield, 1124B Acidogenic biofilm, 736A Ascophyllum nodosum, 819A Biomedical reactor, 1252B Acid phosphatase, 836B Aspergillus nidulans, recombinant, 273A Bio-oxidation, 1164B Activated sludge process, 315B Aspergillus niger, 1007A Biopolymer hydrolysis, 1082A Activity-temperature profile, 1245B ATP, 873B, 1337B Biopolymers, 755A Adaptation, 440B Attached film, 859B Bioprocess monitoring, 387B, 1190B Additive, 171A Autoselection, 801A, 95B Bioreactor, 25A, 118A, 194A, 357B, 724B Adhesion, 167B Avidin, 991A Bioreactor cultivation, 542B Adsorption, 280A, 401B, 469B, 503B, 899B Bioreactor model, 74B Adsorption-disorption, 1238B (-galactopyranoside, 657B Bioreactor, packed bed, 25A Adsorptive immobilization, 833A (-galactosidase, 211A, 333B, 657B, 1113B, Bioreactors, 295B, 909B Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, 215B 1245B Bioremediation, 625A Aerosol OT, 596B (-galactosidase assay, 708B Biosensor, 658A, 251B, 387B Affinity chromatography, 401B, 1331B G-glucosidase, 405A, 846A, 1019B Biosensors, 964A, 1037B Affinity partitioning, 1199B, 1209B (-lactamase, 937A, 557B Biosorbent, 826A, 785B Affinity precipitation, 405A, 991A Bacillus firmus, 43A Biosorption, 826A, 785B Affinity thermoprecipitation, 1101A Bacillus stearothermophilus, 125B Biosurfactant, 1175B Aggregate effects, 520B Bacillus subtilis, 791A, 686B, 1142B Biosynthesis, 59B Aggregates, 179A Bacillus thuringiensis, 1107B Biotin, 991A Aggregation, 1061B Back-extraction, 488A Biotransformations, 1048A, 1057A Agrobacterium rhizogenes, 581A Bacteria, 1277B Biphasic systems, 603A Air-lift loop reactor, 429A Bacterial adhesion, 671A Bombyx mori, 245A Airlift tower loop reactor, 205B Bacterial contamination, 421B Bovine liver catalase, 231A Air slugs, 525A Bacterial cytochrome P-450.am, 411A Bovine serum albumin, 280A Ajmalicine production, 253A Bacterial leaching, 459A Brewer’s yeasts, 826A Albumin, 1039A Bacterial reduction, 129A Broad host range expression plasmids, 837A Alcohol dehydrogenase, 367B Bacterial suspensions, 525A Bubble-column reactor, 494B Alcoholic fermentation, 1352B Baculovirus, 104A Bubble oxygenation, 685A Alcohol oxidase, 667B Baculoviruses, 1293B Butanediol, 791A Algal biosorbent, 819A Baculovirus expression, 240B 2,3-butanediol, 1263B Alginate, 381B Baker’s yeasts, 617A, 826A 2,3-butanediol fermentation, 1270B Alkaline protease, 43A Batch culture, 974B Butyrate, 601B Alkaloid production, 503A, 494B Batch growth, 376B Amberlite LA-2, 527B Benzene, 1057A Cadmium biosorption, 819A, 826A Amidase activity, 309B Betula pendula Roth, 35A Calcium, 833A Amino acid addition, 556A Bilirubin oxidase, 887A, 894A Calcium alginate beads, 755A Amino acids, 59B, 697B Binding, 1019B Calcium alginate reactor, 43B 9-aminoacridine, 118A, 295B Biocatalyst, 465A, 267B Caldocellum saccharolyticum, 1019B Ammonia inhibition, 159B Biochemical oxygen demand sensor, 1107A Candida cylindracea lipase (CCL), 196B Amygdalin, 465A Bioconversion, 263A, 398B Candida guilliermondii, 1301B Anaerobic and aerobic, 509B Bioconversions, 1048A Cane bagasse, 1007A Anaerobic biofilm, 1360B Biodegradable polymers, 716B Carbon and nitrogen feeding, 793B Anaerobic digestion, 700A, 159B Biodegradation, 799A, 512A, 625A, 693A, Carbon dioxide inhibition, 459A Anaerobic reactor, 347A 643B, 859B Carbon dioxide uptake, 459A Analytical effectiveness factor, 267B Biodegradation chloronitrobenzene, 927A Carbon electrode, 535B Anchorage-dependent, 635B Biodegradation of phenol, 915A Carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus limitation, 43A Anchorage-dependent cells, 380A Biodegradation priority pollutants, 927A Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, 1075A Anchorage-independent cells, 1218B Bioenergetic growth yield, 1003A Carboxylic and amino acids, 287A Anchusa officinalis, 884B Bioenergetics, 873B Catalase, 474A Anhydrous media, 566A Biofilm, 111A, 211A, 479A, 728A, 111B Catalysis, 772B Animal cell bioreactor, 179A Biofilm detachment, 728A Catharanthus roseus, 253A, 581A, 771A Animal cell culture, 1287B Biofilm diffusion reaction, 915A CD, 156A Animal cells, 724B Biofilm void fraction, 736A Cell adhesion, 963B Anomeric specificity, 440B Biofilter, 693A Cell—cell adhesion, 188A Anoxia, 339B Biofilter modeling, 512A Cell concentration, 542B Antibiotics yield, 1068B Biofiltration, 512A Cell concentration monitoring, 1190B Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vols. 41 and 42, Pp. 1373-1378 (1993) Cell culture, 25A, 745A, 635B, 909B Continuous-flow 3>!P NMR, 647A E. coli protease, 675B Cell culture, mammalian, 25A Continuous sterilization, 900A Effective diffusivity, 736A Cell culture reactors, 296A Continuous zone electrophoresis, 829B Efficiency criterion, 1014A Cell cycle analysis, 1113B Controlled release, 480B Efficient growth medium, 697B Cell damage, 1181B Controlled substrate feed, 1092A Effiuents, 465A Cell death, 104A Copper binding, 755A Egg-white, 1086B Cell disruption, 987B Corynebacterium glutamicum, 633A Elasticities, 1027A Cell entrapment-liver, artificial, 194A Cosurfactant, 1209B Elastase inhibitor, 1331B Cell metabolism, 339B Critical membrane concentration, 747B Electrochemical biofilm process, 535B Cellobiose production, 405A Cross-flow filtration, 525A Electrochemical modulation, 836B Cell phase, 240B Crossflow filtration, 617A Electrodeposition, 1037B Cell residence time, 74B Cross-flow filtration, 525A Electronic particle counter, 1352B Cell retention, 185B Crosslinked biomass, 819A Electrophoretic mobility, 829B Cell shape, 963B C. thermocellum, 899B Electrostatic potentials, 37B Cell size, 429A C. thermosaccharolyticum, 873B Elicitation, 1075A Cell transplantation, 716B Cultivation, 295B Elution, 134A Cellular entropy, 422A Culture of extreme thermophiles, 970A Embryoid viability, 449B Cellulase, 405A, 401B, 469B, 611B, 899B Curve fitting, 133B Emulsion, 287A Cellulose, 846A, 394B, 401B, 469B, 1019B Cutinases, 326B Emulsion liquid membrane, 50B Cellulose-binding domain, 401B Cut-off, 381B Emulsion polymerization, 821B Cellulose hydrolysis, 611B, 737B Cyanidase, 465A Enantioselective esterification, 465B Cellulose hydrolysis kinetics, 145B Cyanide, 465A Enantioselectivity, 618B Cephalexin, 654A Cyanobacteria, 1014B Encapsulation, 449B Cephalexin synthesis, 800B Cyanogenic glycoside, 465A Endocellulase, 1002B Ceramic beads, 25A Cyclic voltammetry, 140B Energetics, 1263B, 1270B Cheese whey, 700A Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase), Energy balance, 549B Chelating peptide, 178B 88A Enterobacter cloacae, 129A Chemical induction, 205B Cyclodextrins, 88A Enterobactin, 237A Chemiluminescence, 658A Cyclopentanone, 367B Entropy change, 422A Chemostat, 221A, 325A, 589B, 1077B Cytomegalovirus promoter, 1113B Entropy of anabolism, 422A Chemotaxis, 1277B Entropy of formation, 422A Chemotrophic growth, 509B Datura stramonium, 1075A Entropy of formation of cells, 422A Chitosan, 405A, 449B, 854B Daucus carota, 811A Entropy of growth, 422A Chitosan microscapsules, 1157B Dead-ended tube, 125B Enzymatic activity, 887A Chloramphenicol acety! transferase, 1293B Dead-legs, 125B Enzymatic esterification, 9SA, 309B, 953B Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, 357B Deletion mutagenesis, 1293B Enzymatic hydrolysis, 846A Chloramphenicol-acetyl-transferase, 556A Denaturation, 1061B Enzymatic synthesis, 654A Chlorella pyrenoidosa, 1003A Denitrification, 535B Enzyme, 72A, 487B CHO, 480B, 1029B Density, 279B Enzyme catalysis, 390A CHO cells, 188A, 339B, 380A, 1077B Density-dependent growth, 380A Enzyme denaturation, 1245B Chromatography, 421B Deodorization, 693A Enzyme hydration, 772B Chymotrypsin, 1199B, 1209B DesPro(2)-Val15-Leu17-aprotinin, 1331B Enzyme immobilization, 118B, 1037B Chymotrypsin Sepharose, 1331B Desulfurization, 671A Enzyme induction, 836B Circulation time distribution, 666A Detachment, 111A Enzyme kinetics, 531A, 800B, 1121A Claviceps purpurea, 503A Detection, 421B Enzyme overproduction, 325A Cloned gene expression, 801A Detoxification industrial wastewater, 927A Enzymes in organic media, 938B Cloned gene expression control, 707A Development, 811A Enzymes in organic solvents, 566A, 87B Clostridium acetobutylicum, 1053B Diafiltration, 525A Enzymes, pressure on, 772B Cluster formation, 188A Dialysis membrane fermentor, 237A Enzyme stability in low-water systems, 894A CMC, shear rate, 162A Dialysis reactor, 1092A Enzyme stabilization, 171A Coal, 671A Dielectric constant, 390A Epoxide hydrolase, 240B Cocoa butter equivalent, 204A Diffusion/reaction model, 947A EPR, 156A Coffea arabica cells, 494B Dihydrofolate reductase, 1113B Equilibrium, 95A, 280A, 953B Cometabolism, 79A, 1048A, 1057A Dihydrogensulfide toxicity, 303A Escherichia coli, 3A, 14A, 211A, 221A, Comparative study of inactivation kinetics, Dimensionless number, 1014A 237A, 316A, 325A, 395A, 556A, 666A, 894A Diolein isomerization, 1021A 781A, 937A, 1092A, 30B, 59B, 215B, Competitive inhibition, 1057A Dipeptide ester, 309B 557B, 1190B Complement system, 862A Dipole moment, 390A Escherichia coli K-12, 422A Complex coacervation, 449B Direct sensing mechanism, 37B Esterase activity, 309B Computer coupled control system, 815B Disaccharides, 303B Esterification, 618B, 931B Conalbumin, 1086B Dispersion model, 315B Esterifications, 103B Concanavalin A, 957A, 1199B Displacement, 134A Ester synthesis, 326B Confocal microscopy, 179A Dissipation, 1124B, 1127B Estimation of state variables, 55A Conformational mobility, 87B Dissolved oxygen probe, 296A Ethanol, 846A, 538B, 667B, 873B Conjugate gradient optimization, 1066A Disulfide bond, 3A Ethanol control, 493A Continuous, 361A D-xylose, 1129A Ethyl acetate, 79A Continuous bioreactor, 667B Dynamics of lipolytic enzymes, 603A Eucaryotic cultures, 421B Continuous culture, 43A, 263A, 572A, 937A, Evaporative cooling, 149B 557B, 974B, 1046B E. coli, 843B EVOP, 67A Continuous ethanol fermentation, 677A E. coli JM103, 205B Exchange of steady states, 231A 1374 SUBJECT INDEX Exocellulase, 1002B Gluco-oligosaccharides, 303B Hydrogen peroxide, 1112A Expanded bed, 859B Glucose, 964A, 303B, 387B Hydrolysis, 821B, 1019B, 1142B Explosives, 79A Glucose binding, 957A Hydrophilic ligands, 1199B Expression system for Pseudomonas, 837A Glucose isomerase, 878A Hydrophobic interactions, 167B Expression vectors, 1293B Glucose limitation, 771A, 1077B Hydrophobicity, 654A Extended growth model, 188A Glucose oxidase, 1037B Hydrophobicity of solvents, 390A Extended Kalman filter, SSA Glucose transport, 354A Hypercholesteremia New Zealand white rab- Extracellular enzymes, 43A Glutaminase, 658A bits, 1252B Extracorporeal circuit, 1252B Glutamine, 658A Hypoxia, 339B Extraction, 722A, 596B Glutathione, 493A Glycidol, 465B Ibuprofen, 618B Facilitated transport, 287A, 527B Glycidyl butyrate, 979A IgG, 37B Facultative and methanogenic bacteria, 1360B Glycine, 316A Image analysis, 380A, 11B, 279B, 1352B Fatty acid inhibition, 759B Glycolysis, 1121A, 686B, 697B Immiscibility with water, 390A Fatty acid synthesis, 1151B Glycosylation, 974B, 1077B Immobilization, 171A, 204A, 330A, 647A, Fed batch, 781A gp41, 81B 833A, 255B, 267B, 394B, 854B, 1131B Fed-batch, 205B GPI anchor, 480B Immobilization—stabilization of penicillin G Fed-batch culture, 129A, 550A, 811A, 1142B Gram-negative bacteria, 747B acylase, 455B Feedback inhibition, 503B Gram-positive bacteria, 747B Immobilized biomass, 947A Fermentation, 148A, 361A, 503A, 781A, Grating coupler, 1287B Immobilized cell, 370A 830A, SOB, 133B, 538B, 625B, 843B, Gravitational sedimentation, 361A Immobilized cells, 494B 1175B, 1190B Ground water, 535B Immobilized enzyme, 979A, 178B, 821B, Fermentation medium, 900A Growth, 715A 854B Ferricyanide, 658A Growth arrest, 1029B Immobilized enzymes, 303B FIA, 1287B Growth kinetics, 273A, 771A Immobilized enzyme system, 410B Fiber, 394B Growth rate, 429A, 686B, 1277B Immobilized glucose isomerase, 451A Fiber optic, 658A, 30B, 1190B Immobilized metal affinity chromatography, Fibers, 635B Hairy roots, 581A 178B Field emission scanning electron microscopy Halocarbon degradation, 411A Immobilized papain, 309B (FESEM), 260B HBsAg expression, 55A Immobilized phospholipase Az, 1252B Filamentous microorganisms, 715A Heat of growth, 541A immunochemical sensor, 1287B Filter feeding, 284B Hematopoiesis, 909B Imprinting, 566A Filtration, 487B, 571B, 777B Hepatitis A, 635B Inactivation, 1061B Firefly luciferase, 30B Hepatitis B surface atigen, 1238B Inclusion body, 3A FITC-dextran, 381B Hepatocytes, 194A, 579B Indole alkaloids, 581A FITC-polylysine, 381B Heterogeneous enzyme kinetics, 145B Inducer, 67A Fixed-bed reactor, 303A Heterologous glipiated proteins, 480B Industrial wastewater, 915A Flat membrane reactor, 465A Heterologous protein production kinetics, Ingestion rate distribution, 284B Flotation, 671A 273A Inhibition, 316A, 24B Flow cytometry, 868A, 284B, 708B Hexavalent chromium, 129A Inhibitory products, removal of, 1092A Flow injection, 658A High cell density, SSOA, 781A Inner filter effect, 1190B Flow-injection analysis, 964A High cell density cultivation, 1092A Insect cell culture, 104A, 240B, 357B Fluorescence, 156A, 387B High-cell density cultures, 729B Insect cell metabolism, 240B Fluorination, 245A High cell density expression, 240B Insect cells, 235B Flux analysis, 633A High-cell-density perfusion cultivation, 430B In situ extraction, 503B Flux control coefficient, 1121A High-density cell culture, 677A, 357B, 1218B Instability, 247B, 1131B Fouling, 260B High density culture, 235B, 1229B Insulin derivatives, 957A Fractals, 571B High solids concentration, 1164B Integrated optics, 1287B Fructose, 387B High temperature fermentation, 970A Integrated product recovery, 974B Fructose diphosphate production, 398B HL60 cells, 868A Intensification, 72A Fumarate reductase, 140B Hollow fiber bioreactor, 1099B Interesterification, 204A Fungal elicitation, 503B Homogeneous immunoassay, 862A Interfacial activity, 196B Fungus, 1046B Horseradish peroxidase, 531A Interfacial cross-linking, 1157B Fusion protein, 205B HPLC, 237A, 815B Internal filter feedback system, 677A Fuzzy controller, 493A Human immunodeficiency virus, 81B Internal membrane filter, 1107B Humidity, 149B Intracellular pH, 118A, 647A, 215B, 295B GAL7 promoter, 854A Hybrid liquid membranes, 287A Intraparticle diffusion, 625A Gamma linolenic acid (GLA), 625B Hybridoma, 330A, 133B, 247B, 601B, Ion exchange, 280A, 333B Gas antisolvent process, 341A 1131B, 1229B Ion-exchange chromatography, 829B Gas composition, 253A Hybridoma cell, 429A, 1322B Ion-exchanger, 1086B Gas phase reaction, 667B Hybridoma cell culture, 974B Ion exchange resin, 1007A Gene expression, 211A Hybridoma cells, 685A Ionic equilibrium, 830A Gene expression, foreign, 1113B Hybridoma cultivation media, 964A Iron transport, 237A Genetically structured mathematical model, Hybridoma metabolism, 185B Iterative dynamic programming, 599A 707A Hydrocarbon fermentation, 411A Interferon-7, 1077B Germination, 11B Hydrodynamic injury, 868A Intracellular accumulation, 24B Gibbs energy dissipation, 1124B, 1127B Hydrodynamics, 963B, 994B Gibbs energy requirements, 509B Hydrodynamic shear, 430B Kinetic model, 1082A Glucoamylase expression, 273A Hydrogen, 1014B Kinetic parameters, 1129A Gluconolactone, 387B Hydrogenase, 1245B Kinetic resolution, 979A SUBJECT INDEX Kinetics, 370A, 133B, 247B, 315B, 469B, Metabolic fluxes, 59B, 686B Nutrient fortifications, 1229B 931B Metabolic pattern, 430B Nutrient limitation, 873B Kluyvera citrophila, 455B Metabolic sensitivity coefficients, 1027A Nutrients, 1218B Metal binding, 755A Lacl and lacl? regulated expression in Pseu- Metal biosorption, 819A On-line, 30B domonas, 837A Metal desorption, 819A On-line glucose analyzer, 854A Laccase, 1137B Metal ion biosensor, 945B On-line measurement, 118A Lactic acid, 5OB Metallothionein, 1293B On-line monitoring, 542B, 815B, 1287B Lactic acid bacteria, 1157B Metal uptake, 819A, 826A On-line NMR, 215B Lactococcus cremoris, 440B Methanogenic archaea, 970A Optimal control, 599A Lactose, 479A, 736A, 657B Methanol, 512A Optimal dilution rate, 737B LADH, 156A Methanothermus fervidus, 970A Optimization, 67A, 134A, 381B, 1301B Lead, 785B Methanotroph, 859B Optimum temperature, 149B L. erythrorhizon, 793B Methionine, 316A o-quinones, 938B Levoglucosan, 538B MFal, 95B Ore dressing, 671A L-glutamine, 964A Micelle-supported electroenzymology, 140B Organic acid recovery, SOB Light intensity, 494B Microbial calorimetry, 541A, 1068B Organic media, 171A Lignocellulose, 538B Microbial competition, 643B Organic solvent, 618B, 657B Linear optimization, 59B Microbial decay, 1048A Organic solvent choice, 9SA, 953B Lipase, 95A, 761A, 465B, 487B, 618B, 788B, Microbial kinetics, 1057A Organic solvents, 390A, 465B, 747B, 772B, 821B, 931B, 953B Microbial oil, 625B 788B Lipase purification, 196B Microcapsules, 381B Organ regeneration, 716B Lipases, 566A, 103B, 759B, 765B Microcarriers, 579B Oscillatory dynamic shear, 745A Lipolysis, 761A, 759B, 765B Microemulsion, 618B Osmolarity, 601B Lipolytic enzymes, 326B Microemulsions, 103B, 931B Overall yield, 165A Lipozyme, 1021A Microencapsulation, 351B, 1157B Oxidative and respirofermentative metabo- Liquid membrane, 527B Microfiltration, 617A, 998A lism, 729B Liquid/solid two-phase system, 887A Microfungi production, 1311B Oxygen, 579B Log P, 95A, 953B Micromanipulation, 987B Oxygen effect, 430B Luminescence, 1107A Microscopic parameters, 1B Oxygen fluctuations, 666A Luminol, 658A Migration, 1277B Oxygen-limited growth, 1263B, 1270B Luminol chemiluminescence, 1112A Mixing, 994B Oxygen toxicity, 1360B Lyoprotectants, 566A ML236B sodium salt, 815B Oxygen transfer, 724B Lysine, 633A Modal analysis, 603A Oxygen transfer control, 1263B Lysis of liposome, 862A Model, 111A, 376B Oxygen transfer efficiency, 1014A Lysozyme, 1086B Modeling, 395A, 549B, 759B, 765B, 994B Oxytetracycline, 1068B Model simulation, 380A MAb productivity, 430B Molasses, 617A Packed bed, 25A, 947A Machinevision, 35A Molecular/phase toxicity, 747B Packed bed reactor, 354A Macroscopic parameters, 1B Mole fraction, 1019B Papain, 309B Maintenance, 509B Monoclonal antibodies, 974B Particle, 111B Mammalian, 25A Monoclonal antibody, 1287B Particles, 900A Mammalian cell culture, 1218B Monoclonal antibody productivity, 330A, Particle uptake model, 284B Mammalian cells, 179A, 987B 1131B Pattern recognition, 35A Mannose -—phosphotransferase system, 440B Monod growth kinetics, 370A Peclet number, 315B Manure, 159B Monte-Carlo simulations, 807B Penicillin G, 527B Marine algae, 819A Morphology, 715A, 11B, 777B, 1046B Penicillin G acylase, 455B Mass balances, 589B Morphology effects, 520B Penicillin G amidase, 14A Mass spectrometry, 421B MRC-5, 635B Penicillium, 785B Mass transfer, 1181B Mucor miehei, 1021A Penicillium chrysogenum, 162A, 715A, 11B Mass transfer resistance, 479A Multigradient search, 1301B Penylhydrazide protecting group, 1137B Mathematical model, 593A, 1066A, 159B, Multiple air-lift loop reactor, 994B Peptide synthesis, 118B 469B Multiresponse regression, 1021A Perfusion culture, 685A, 185B, 339B, 884B Mathematical modeling, 503A Multistage tower aeration tank, 315B Perilla frutescens, 542B Mathematical model of cell growth, 557B Mycelial, 777B Permeability, 1007A Mechanical properties, 987B Mycelial kinstics, 1B Permeabilization, 387B Medium enrichment, 801A, 95B Mycelial morphology, 571B Peroxidase, 440A, 1112A, 1137B Medium exchange, 884B Myelin basic protein, 1199B Peroxidase-catalyzed polymerizations, 807B Medium optimization, 221A PGK promoter, 854A Melting curve, 1245B NADH regeneration, 43B Phanerochaete chrysosporium, 440A Membrane, 333B NADPH, 387B pH computation, 830A Membrane bioreactor, 915A, 927A, 737B, Neural network, 376B Phenol, 693A, 643B, 854B 1091B 'SN isotope labeling, 245A Phenol degradation, 572A, 267B Membrane filtration, 525A Nitrate treatment, 535B Phenolic polymers, 531A Membrane mass transfer, 915A, 927A Nitroglycerin, 79A Phenylhydrazide protecting group, 1137B Membrane reactor, 979A n-octane, 550A pH gradient, 410B Mercury, 945B Nongrowth substrate, 79A PHO gene, 836B Mer-—lux genetic construction, 945B Nucleotides, 59B Phosphate limitation, 771A Metabolic control analysis, 1121A Numerical modeling, 807B Phospholipase D, 833A Metabolic engineering, 633A, 59B, 1053B Numerical models, 963B Phosphorus-31 NMR, 215B 1376 SUBJECT INDEX Photobacterium phosphoreum, 1107A Protein A—fluorescein conjugate, 37B Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 361A, 617A, Photobioreactor, 891B Protein aggregates, 260B 801A, 826A, 1066A, 43B, 95B, 398B, Photocatalyst, 255B Protein dynamics, 87B 1352B Photografting, 474A, 255B Protein excretion, 937A, 557B Scaleup, 253A, 909B Photosynthesized enzymatic membranes, Protein extraction, 1199B, 1209B Schizosaccharomyces pombe, 729B 474A Protein hydration, 167B Secondary metabolism, 253A Physicochemical effects in immobilized cell Protein incorporation into vesicles, 196B Secondary metabolite, 1175B culture, 370A Protein powders, 341A Second-order model, 765B Physiology, 111A Protein purification, 991A Secretion, 95B, 351B Pichia stipitis, 1129A Protein recovery, 998A Sedimentation, 361A PI-PLC, 480B Proteins, 488A, 829B Segregated modeling, 222B Plant cell bioreactor, 1181B Protein stability, SS6A Segregated models, 1322B Plant cell culture, 542B Protein synthesis, 593A Segregational instability, 211A Plant cell suspension culture, 253A, 771A Pseudomonas, 1057A Selection, 351B Plasma separator reactor (PSR), 1252B Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 728A, 947A, Selectivity, 103B Plasmid amplification, 666A 111B Self-cycling fermentation, 1175B Plasmid copy number, 148A Pseudomonas oleovorans, 5SOA Semicontinuous, 1091B Plasmid distribution, 222B Pseudomonas putida, 572A, 693A Sensitivity coefficients, 1027A Plasmid loss, 395A Pulsatile flow, 998A Separation, 1039A, 333B, 1086B Plasmid retention, 211A Pulse bioreactor, 724B Separation process, 527B Plasmid stability, 148A, 325A, 801A, 95B, Purification, 1238B Sequencing batch reactors, 79A 222B Purification fusion, 333B Sequencing fed-batch reactor, 643B Plug flow, 994B Pyrite, 671A Sequential reactions, 410B Pluronic F68, 868A Pyrolysis, 538B Serum-free media, 240B Pneumatic bioreactors, 440A Serum-free medium, 1099B Poisson process model, 284B QAE dextran, 280A Shear, 429A, 1061B Pollution, 625A Quinoline, 589B Shear forces, 253A Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate), SSOA Shear measurement, 296A Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), 1101A Rate limitation, 1164B Shear sensitivity, 745A Poly(N-vinyl caprolactam), 1101A Rate properties, 284B Shear stress, 728A Polyclonal antibody, 862A Recombinant E. coli-alk system, 263A Shikonin, 793B Poly-p(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), 165A Reactivation of enzyme derivatives, 455B Silica, 488A Polyethylene glycol, 654A, 1039A Reactor analysis, 451A Silicone tubing oxygenation, 685A Polylysine, 381B Reactor series, 994B Silk production, 245A Polymer conjugates with affinity ligands, Reactor startup, 347A Simulation, 315B, 571B 1101A Realization, 493A Sizing, 279B Polymeric materials, 788B Recombinant, 781A, 1029B S-layers, 167B Polymerizable surfactant vesicles, 196B Recombinant bacterium, 395A Sludge solubilization, 1082A Polymer—metal binding, 755A Recombinant baculovirus, 357B Sodium alginate, 449B Polymer supports, 821B Recombinant CHO cells, 1113B Soil, 625A Polyphenol oxidase, 938B Recombinant E. coli, 675B, 708B Solids, 900A Polypyrrole films, 1037B Recombinant E. coli-alk system, 263A Solid state fermentation, 1007A Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), 625B Recombinant Escherichia coli, 74B Solid state NMR, 87B Poppy cultures, 520B Recombinant fermentation, 1053B Solid substrate fermentation, 149B Population balance, 284B Recombinant fusion protein, 81B Solubilization, 788B Porous pellet, 947A Recombinant /-galactosidase fusion protein, Soluble protein oligomer, 957A Power law, 162A 178B Somatic embryo, 811A P. pastoris, 1238B Recombinant HBsAg, 1238B Sorbitol, 303B, 387B PQQGDH, 251B Recombinant protein, 3A, 1142B Sorption/desorption, 625A Pravastatin, 815B Recombinant protein production, 235B Spirulina viscosity, 891B Preincubation, 998A Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 55A, Spodoptera frugiperda, 697B Preparative chromatography, 134A 854A Spore, 11B, 1107B Preparative separation, 829B Recombinant species, 1142B Spore viability, 11B Pressure drop, 1007A Recovery, 487B SSF, 846A Prevascularization, 716B Recycle, 487B Stability, 326B Primary substrate, 79A Recycle fermentor, 729B Stabilization, 833A Priority pollutants, 79A Renaturation, 3A Stabilization of multimeric enzymes, Product inhibition, 88A Reoxygenation, 339B 455B Production, 625B Repeated fed-batch culture, 1229B State diagnosis, 493A Production rate, 134A Reversed micelles, 531A, 761A, 326B, 759B, State properties, 284B Product separation, 761A 765B, 1199B, 1209B Steady shear, 745A Propionibacterium, 1091B Reverse micelles, 488A, 103B, 596B, 931B Steam-in-place sterilization, 125B Propionic acid, 1091B Review, 909B Steam sterilization, 125B Protease, 67A, 87B Reynolds stress, 1181B Step-fortifications, 1218B Protease inhibitor, 1331B Rheological property, 1181B Sterilization, sterilizer, 900A Proteases, 566A, 974B Rheology, 777B, 1046B Stimulus—response tracer methods, 354A Protein, 596B, 1061B Rhodotorula glutinis, 1151B Stoichiometry, 59B Protein A, 37B Root culture, 503B Streptomyces lividans, 148A Protein adhesion, 167B Rosmarinic acid, 884B Stress response, 556A Protein adsorption, 1099B Roughness, 111B Stringent response, 675B SUBJECT INDEX Structured growth model, 771A Thermotoga maritima, 878A UASB reactor, 700A Structured model, 715A Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, 459A, 612A, 671A Ultrafiltration, 1039A, 260B Substrate inhibition, 267B, 589B Thryrotrophin bioassay, 255B Ultrafiltration membrane bioreactor, 88A, Substrate loading, 728A Thyroid cells, 255B 761A Substrate protection, 451A Tissue cultures, 35A Ultrasonic scattering, 571B Substrate utilization kinetics, 370A Tissue engineering, 716B, 909B Unstable weather, 1003A Subzero temperature, 251B Tissue-type plasminogen activator, 339B Unsteady state, 1129A SUC2, 1066A Titanium oxide, 394B Uphill pumping, 287A SUC2 promoter, 854A Toluene, 1057A Urease, 410B Succinate dehydrogenation, 140B Toxicity, 1048A Sugar acylation, 788B tPA production rate, 339B Van der Waals forces, 167B Sugar transport, 440B tPA specific activity, 339B Viability, 30B Sulfate-reducing bacteria, 303A T7 polymerase, 837A Viability test, 1352B Sulfuric acid conversion, 303A T7 promoter, 837A, 74B Viable biomass, 1337B Sulfuric acid disposal, 303A Transcription, 593A Viable cell distribution, 494B Sulphur dissolution, 612A Transferrin, 1099B Vibration, 724B Supercritical fluids, 341A Transfer vectors, 1293B Vindoiine, 581A Support material, 171A Transformation capacity, 1048A, 10S57A Viscoelasticity, 745A Surface charge, 829B Translation, 593A Viscosity, 162A Surface proteins, 868A Transplantation, 909B Viscosity correlation, 520B Surfactant, 611B, 1014B Transport, 24B, 111B VOC emissions, 512A Surfactants, 156A Transport coefficients, 1277B Suspension culture, 185B Triacylglycerides, 821B Waste-activated sludge, 1082A Suspension feeding, 284B Trichloroethane, 859B Waste-water, 465A Symmetric branching tree, 1B Trichoderma reesei, 1002B, 1019B Wastewater treatment, 643B, 785B, 1360B Synergism, 1019B Triglyceride hydrolysis, 196B Water activity, 800B Synergy, 145B Tropane alkaloid production, 1075A Water solubilization, 596B Synthesis, 657B Tropane alkaloids, 1181B Wheat bran, 1007A Synthetic acetone operon, 1053B Tropine-to-tropic acid ratio, 1075A Whey, 398B trp operon, 707A Whey permeate, 1091B Tangential flow, 474A Trypsin, 781A Wood chips, 354A TCA cycle, 686B, 697B Trypsin kinetics, 118B Temperature induction, 205B T7 terminator, 837A XAD adsorbents, 1092A Temperature-sensitive mutants, 1029B Turbidimetric measurement, 542B Xanthan, 162A Tetracycline, 1068B Turbulent flow, 987B Xylene, 1057A Tetrahymena pyriformis, 284B Two-liquid-phase system, 263A Xylitol conversion, 1301B Theoretical yield, 165A Two-phase digestion, 1082A Thermal unfolding, 1245B Two-phase system, 95A Yeast, 118A, 647A, 24B, 43B, 295B, 351B, Thermoanaerobium brockii, 367B Two-stage chemostats, 74B 836B, 1151B Thermodynamic efficiency, 1124B, 1127B Two-stage continuous culture, 1107B Yield, 549B Thermomonospora fusca, 1002B, 1019B Tyrosinase, 854B, 938B Yield stress, 1181B Thermophile, 878A Thermophiles, 873B UASB digester granules, 279B Zymomonas mobilis, 387B SUBJECT INDEX Biotechnology and Bioengineering Author Index to Volumes 41 and 42 Please note that A refers to Volume 41 and B refers to Volume 42 Acosta, F. See Ming, F., 1086B Ataai, M. M. See Goel, A., 686B Beckman, E. J. See Almeida, N.F., 1037B Adlercreutz, P. See Wehtje, E., 171A —+; See Ferrance, J. P., 697B Beenackers, A. A.C. M. See van Ede, C. J., Agraz, A. —+; See Almeida, N.F., 1037B 267B —+; Quifiones, Y.; Expdsito, N.; Brefia, F.; Auria, R. Behie, L.A. See Zhang, J., 357B Madruga, J.; Pentén, E.; Herrera, L.: —,; Morales, M.; Villegas, E.; Revah, S.: Belair, C.D. See Walker, L. P., 1019B Adsorption-Desorption of Recombinant Influence of Mold Growth on the Belfort, G. See Tescione, L., 945B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (r-HBsAg) Pressure Drop in Aerated Solid State —; See Wu, D.-R., 979A from P. pastoris on a Diatomaceous Fermentors, 1007A Bell, S.L. See Bushell, M.E., 133B Earth Matrix: Optimization of Bellobono, I. R. See D’Ambrosio, A., 255B Parameters for Purification, 1238B Backlund, M. See Hedstrém, G., 618B —; See Selli, E., 474A Ahring, B. K. See Angelidaki, I., 159B Bae, Y.H. See Pai, C.M., 957A Bennett, G. N. See Mermelstein, L. D., Aimar, P. See Lentsch, S., 1039A Bailey, A. D. 1053B Aires-Barros, M.R. See Sebastido, M. J., —+; Hansford, G.S.: Factors Affecting Benthin, S. 326B Bio-Oxidation of Sulfide Minerals —+; Nielsen, J.; Villadsen, J.: Transport Aizawa, M. See Haruyama, T., 836B at High Concentrations of Solids: A of Sugars via Two Anomer-Specific Akkara, J. A. See Rao, A. M., 531A Review, 1164B Sites on Mannose—Phosphotransferase Alfafara, C.G. Bailey, J. E. See Chen, R., 215B System in Lactococcus cremoris: —+; Miura, K.; Shimizu, H.; Shioya, S.; —,; See Schlosser, P.M., 1027A In Vivo Study of Mechanism, Kinetics, Suga, K.; Suzuki, K.: Fuzzy Control Baines, A. J. See Hayter, P.M., 1077B and Adaptation, 440B of Ethanol Concentration and Its Bakker, R. See Vermué, M., 747B Bentley, W.E. Application to Maximum Glutathione Bakker, W.A. M. —+; Quiroga, O.E.: Investigation of Production in Yeast Fed-Batch Culture, —,; van Can, H.J.L.; Tramper, J.; de Subpopulation Heterogeneity and 493A Gooijer, C. D.: Hydrodynamics and Plasmid Stability in Recombinant Allsop, P. J. Mixing in a Multiple Air-Lift Loop Escherichia coli via a Simple —,; Chisti, Y.; Moo-Young, M.; Sullivan, Reactor, 994B Segregated Model, 222B G.R.: Dynamics of Phenol Degradation Ballica, R. See Shi, Y., 745A —,; See Ramirez, D.M., 557A by Pseudomonas putida, 572A —,; Ryu, D.D. Y.; Kado, C.I.: Tropane —,; See Wang, M.-Y., 240B Almeida, N. F. Alkaloid Production in Datura —; See Harcum, S. W., 675B —+; Beckman, E.J.; Ataai, M. M.: stramonium Suspension Cultures: —+; See Ko, Y.-F., 843B Immobilization of Glucose Oxidase in Elicitor and Precursor Effects, 1075A Berezin, V.I. See Semenov, A. N., 1137B Thin Polypyrrole Films: Influence of ; Ryu, D.D. Y.: Effects of Rheological Bernardez, T. D. Polymerization Conditions and Film Properties and Mass Transfer on —; Lyford, K.; Hogsett, D. A.; Lynd, L. R.: Thickness on the Activity and Stability Plant Cell Bioreactor Performance: Adsorption of Clostridium thermocellum of the Immobilized Enzyme, 1037B Production of Tropane Alkaloids, Cellulases onto Pretreated Mixed Al-Rubeai, M. See Zhang, Z., 987B 1181B Hardwood, Avicel, and Lignin, 899B Alvaro, G. See Guisan, J. M., 455B Baltzis, B.C. See Shareefdeen, Z., 512A Bernstein, H. See Yeo, S.-D., 341A Andrews, G.F. —,; See Dikshitulu, S., 643B Beronio, P.B., Jr. The Yield Equations in the Modeling and Banerjee, R. —,; Tsao, G. T.: Optimization of 2,3- Control of Bioprocesses, 549B —; Bhattacharyya, B.C.: Evolutionary Butanediol Production by Klebsiella Angelidaki, I. Operation (EVOP) to Optimize Three- oxytoca through Oxygen Transfer Rate —,; Ellegaard, L.; Ahring, B.K.: A Dimensional Biological Experiments, Control, 1263B Mathematical Model for Dynamic 67A —+; Tsao, G.T.: An Energetic Model for Simulation of Anaerobic Digestion Barreiros, S. See Martins, J. F., 465B Oxygen-Limited Metabolism, 1270B of Complex Substrates: Focusing on Barthel, R. See Shareefdeen, Z., 512A Beuvery, E.C. See Martens, D.E., 429A Ammonia Inhibition, 159B Bartha, T. Bhadra, R. Armenante, P.M. —+; Kula, M.-R.: Rapid Purification of —; Vani, S.; Shanks, J. V.: Production of —+; Li, Y.S.: Complete Design Analysis of DesPro(2)-Val 15—Leu 17—Aprotinin Indole Alkaloids by Selected Hairy a Continuous Sterilizer for Fermentation From the Culture Broth of a Root Lines of Catharanthus roseus, Media Containing Suspended Solids, Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 581A 900A 1331B Bhattacharyya, B.C. See Banerjee, R., Arnold, M.A. See Li, L., 1112A Basheer, S. 67A Asakura, T. —; Kut, OM.; Prenosil, J. E.; Bourne, Bhavaraju, S.R. See Shrihari, A., 612A —,; Sakaguchi, R.; Demura, M.; Manabe, J.R.: Development of an Enzyme Bhupathy, M. See Junker, B. H., 487B T.; Uyama, A.; Ogawa, K.; Osanai, Membrane Reactor for Treatment of Bibila, T. A. M.: In Vitro Production of Bombyx Cyanide-Containing Wastewaters from —, Flickinger, M.C.: Erratum: Use mori Silk Fibroin by Organ Culture the Food Industry, 465A of a Structured Kinetic Model of of the Posterior Silk Glands; Isotope Battley, E. H. Antibody Synthesis and Secretion for Labeling and Fluorination of the Silk Calculation of Entropy Change Optimization of Antibody Production Fibroin, 245A Accompanying Growth of Escherichia Systems: I. Steady-State Analysis, 682A Askins, K. J. See Ford, J. B., 367B coli K-12 on Succinic Acid, 422A —; Flickinger, M.C.: Erratum: Use Asther, M. See Bonnarme, P., 440A Bauer, K.D. See Lakhotia, S., 868A of a Structured Kinetic Model of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vols. 41 and 42, Pp. 1401-1412 (1993) Antibody Synthesis and Secretion for Byers, J.P. Choplin, L. See Lencki, R. W., 1061B Optimization of Antibody Production —+; Shah, M.B.; Fournier, R. L.; Varanasi, Chua, F. See Oh, S. K. W., 601B Systems: II. Transient Analysis, S.: Generation of a pH Gradient in an Chuck, A.S. See Lee, G.M., 330A 683A Immobilized Enzyme System, 410B Chung, G.-Y. Bier, F.F. See Polzius, R., 1287B —; McCoy, B.J.; Scow, K. M.: Criteria Bilitewski, U. See Polzius, R., 1287B Cabral, J. M.S. See Sebastiao, M.J., 326B to Assess When Biodegradation Is Blanch, H. W. See Creagh, A.L., 156A —; See Taipa, M.A., 647A Kinetically Limited by Intraparticle —+; See Hiller, G. W., 185B —+; See Prazeres, D. M. F., 759B Diffusion and Sorption, 625A —; See Yee, L., 221A —,; See Prazeres, D.M.F., 761A Clark, D.S. See Sears, P.S., 118B —,; See Yee, L., 781A —+; See Prazeres, D. M. F., 765B —; See Hiller, G. W., 185B Bode, J. See Brandes, L., 205B Calo, J. M. See Hradil, G., 354A —; See Hei, D.J., 1245B Boesch, B. W. See Varma, A., 59B Cardoso, J. P. Colomban, A. Bollen, A. M. See van Ede, C.J., 267B A Simple Model for the Optimization of —,; Roger, L.; Boyaval, P.: Production of Bonnarme, P. the Extraction Yield of Antibiotics Propionic Acid from Whey Permeate by —+; Delattre, M.; Drouet, H.; Corrieu, Isolated from Fermented Broths by Sequential Fermentation, Ultrafiltration, G.; Asther, M.: Toward a Control of Direct Crystallization, 1068B and Cell Recycling, 1091B Lignin and Manganese Peroxidases Carlozzi, P. See Torzillo, G., 891B Compagno, C. Hypersecretion by Phanerochaete Cattaneo, M. V. —,; Tura, A.; Ranzi, B. M.; Martegani, E.: chrysosporium in Agitated Vessels: —; Luong, J.H.T.: Monitoring Glutamine Bioconversion of Lactose/Whey to Evidence of the Superiority of in Animal Cell Cultures Using a Fructose Diphosphate with Recombinant Pneumatic Bioreactors on Mechanically Chemiluminescence Fiber Optic Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells, 398B Agitated Bioreactors, 440A Biosensor, 659A Converse, A. O. Boudrant, J. See Mosrati, R., 395A Cazzador, L. —,; Optekar, J.D.: A Synergistic Kinetics Bourne, J. R. See Basheer, S., 465A —+; Mariani, L.: Growth and Production Model for Enzymatic Cellulose Bowen, B.D. See Patkar, A. Y., 1099B Modeling in Hybridoma Continuous Hydrolysis Compared to Degree- Boyaval, P. See Colomban, A., 1091B Cultures, 1322B of-Synergism Experimental Results, Bradbeer, C. See Mercer, J.R., 1277B Cerra, F. B. See Nyberg, S.L., 194A 145B Brandes, L. Champagne, C. P. See Groboillot, A. F., Converti, A. See Zilli, M., 693A —; Wu, X.; Bode, J.; Rhee, J. 1.; Schiigerl, 1157B Cooke, T.J . See Huang, L.-C., 811A K.: Fed-Batch Cultivation of Chamy, R. See Dominguez, H., 1129A Cooper, D.G. See Helle, S.S., 611B Recombinant Escherichia coli JM103 Chang, H.N. —; See van Walsum, G. P., 1175B and Production of the Fusion Protein —+; Lee, W.G.; Kim, B.S.: Cell Retention Corrieu, G. See Bonnarme, P., 440A SPA::EcoRI in a 60-L Working Volume Culture with an Internal Filter Module: Corry, J.P. Airlift Tower Loop Reactor, 205B Continuous Ethanol Fermentation, 677A —,; Reed, W.L.; Curtis, W. R.: Enhanced Branlant, C. See Robas, N., 14A —,; See Kang, B.C., 1107B Recovery of Solavetivone from Branlant, G. See Robas, N., 14A Chang, M.-K. Agrobacterium Transformed Root Brefia, F. See Agraz, A., 1238B —+; Voice, T.C.; Criddle, C.S.: Kinetics Cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus Using Bressler, E. See Eyal, A.M., 287A of Competitive Inhibition and Integrated Product Extraction, 503B Brown, S. H. Cometabolism in the Biodegradation Cramer, S.M. See Wu, D.-R., 979A —+; Sjgholm, C.; Kelly, R. M.: Purification of Benzene, Toluene, and p-Xylene by Creagh, A. L. and Characterization of a Highly Two Pseudomonas Isolates, 1057A —,; Prausnitz, J.M.; Blanch, H. W.: The Thermostable Glucose Isomerase Chang, W.G. See Lee, C.-K., 525A Effect of Aqueous Surfactant Solutions Produced by the Extremely Characklis, W.G. See Drury, W.J., 111B on Alcohol Dehydrogenase (LADH), Thermophilic Eubacterium, Thermotoga —+; See Peyton, B.M., 728A 156A maritima, 878A Chaudhuri, J. B. See Schéller, C., 50B Criddle, C.S. Bruton, A. G. See Dudley, B.T., 279B Chen, D. —+; The Kinetics of Cometabolism, 1048A Bryers, J.D. See Huang, C.-T., 211A —+; Lewandowski, Z.; Roe, F.; Surapaneni, —,; Erratum: The Kinetics of Cometabolism, Buckland, B.C. See Junker, B. H., 487B P.: Diffusivity of Cu?* in Calcium 674B —; See Junker, B. H., 635B Alginate Gel Beads, 755A —; See Chang, M.-K., 1057A Bull, A. T. See Hayter, P.M., 1077B Chen, K.-C. See Houng, J.-Y., 451A Curling, E.M.A. See Hayter, P.M., 1077B Bundgaard-Nielsen, M. See Pedersen, Chen, R. Curtis, W.R. See Corry, J. P., 503B A.G., 162A —+; Bailey, J. E.: Observations of Aerobic, —,; Emery, A.H.: Plant Cell Suspension Burke, P. A. Growing Escherichia coli Metabolism Culture Rheology, 520B —+; Griffin, R.G.; Klibanov, A. M.: Solid- Using an On-Line Nuclear Magnetic Cyrus, W. See Ryu, K., 807B State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Resonance Spectroscopy System, Investigation of Solvent Dependence 215B Dabulis, K. of Tyrosy! Ring Motion in an Enzyme, Chen, V. See Kim, K.J., 260B —+,; Klibanov, A. M.: Dramatic Enhancement 87B Chen, Y.-L. See Leckband, D., 167B of Enzymatic Activity in Organic Burton, S.G. Chi, C.-M. See Huang, L.-C., 811A Solvents by Lyoprotectants, 566A —; Duncan, J.R.; Kaye, P.T.; Rose, P. D.: Chiang, C.-L. See Tsai, S.-W., 603A Dahistrom, D. See Nagpal, S., 459A Activity of Mushroom Polyphenol Chiou, T. See Junker, B. H., 635B Dale, B. E. See Wu, S.-C., 104A Oxidase in Organic Medium, 938B Chisti, Y. See Allsop, P.J., 572A D’Ambrosio, A. Bushell, M. E. Cho, M.H. See Kim, I.-H., 296A —+; Bellobono, I. R.; Marangoni, F.; —; Bell, S.L.; Scott, M. F.; Snell, K.; Spier, Cho, S.-W. Rebulla, P.; Sirchia, G.: A Bioassay R.E.; Wardell, J. N.; Sanders, P. G.: —+; Rhee, J.S.: Immobilization of Lipase for of Thyrotrophin by Photografted A Three-Phase Pattern in Growth, Effective Interesterification of Fats and Mammalian Cells onto Polymeric Monoclonal Antibody Production, and Oils in Organic Solvent, 204A Supports, 255B Metabolite Exchange in a Hybridoma Chohan, S.R. See Mohan, S. B., 974B —+; See Selli, E., 474A Bioreactor Culture, 133B Choi, J.H. See Hyun, C. K., 654A Darling, G. D. See Groboillot, A. F., 1157B 1402 AUTHOR INDEX

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