PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 101(1). 1999, pp. 143-148 BIOSYSTEMATIC STUDIES OF CEYLONESE WASPS, XXII: BETHSMYRMILLA, A NEW GENUS OF MUTILLID WASPS (HYMENOPTERA: MUTILLIDAE: MYRMILLINAE) Karl V. Krombein and Arkady S. Lelej (KVK) Department of Entomology, MRC 165, National Museum of Namral History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560-0165, U.S.A.; (ASL) Institute ofBiology and Pedology, Vladivostok-22, 690022, Russia (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Bethsmyrmilla alticola, new genus and new species is described from Sri Lanka. A key is given to the Oriental genera of Myrmillinae. The halictine bee Lasio- glossiim (Sudila) alphemim (Cameron) is the probable host of B. alticola. Key Words: Mutillid wasps, Bethsmyrmilla alticola, new genus and new species, Sri Lanka, Lasioglossmn (Sudila) alphenum (Cameron) Borge Petersen estimated that the mutil- gion: Spilomutilla Ashmead, Squamulotilla lid fauna of Sri Lanka was 74 species based sensu Mickel and Bethsmyrmilla, new ge- on the literature (in litt. to KVK, 1976). He nus. mentioned that he found 45-50 species The genus Squamulotilla Bischoff (type among the specimens that he had borrowed. species Squamulotilla denticollis Bischoff, The latter figure, however, does not incor- male. North Cameroon, Nigeria) includes porate a study of all of the rich mutillid seven Afrotropical species which are fauna collected during the later years, known from males only. For many years 1975-1981, of the Smithsonian's "Ceylon Guido Nonveiller has collected and studied Insect Project" and two visits in 1993 and the mutillid fauna ofCameroon. We support 1997 by K. V. Krombein and B. B. Norden. his opinion (1995) that true females of We anticipate that a study of these collec- Squamulotilla are probably described in the tions will result in a much more accurate Afrotropical genera Clinotilla Arnold inventory of the mutillid fauna. (males still unknown). Oriental species During the latest trip to Sri Lanka, Beth placed in Squamulotilla by Mickel (1933, Norden found two females of an unusual 1935) comprise several undescribed genera small mutillid wasp in the ground nests of of Myrmillinae which will be treated sep- the halictine bee Lasioglossum (Sudila) al- arately. phemim (Cameron). These wasps belong to Depositories for specimens listed are as a new genus and species that we place in follows: the Myrmillinae because the side ofthe tho- rax is evenly concave, the mesopleuron has IBPV Institute ofBiology and Pedology, a strong supracoxal carina and the pronotal- Vladivostok, Russia. mesopleural suture is lacking except a small USNM National Museum of Natural His- section above. The subfamily presently tory, Smithsonian Institution, comprises three genera in the Oriental re- Washington, D.C. U.S.A. — . 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Key TO THE Oriental Genera of Female. Head large, distinctly wider Subfamily Myrmillinae than thorax, viewed from above the sides 1 Female 2 gradually widened behind eyes (Fig. 14), - Male (unknown for Bethsniynnilla) 4 widened area forming a sharp tubercle as 2. Mandible widened apically, without subbasal tooth on inner margin (Fig. 8); gena dentate viewed from behind (Fig. 15); mandible not beneath; gastral lergum2posteriorly withthree widened apically, inner margin with sub- spots (Fig. 3) or a wide band of pale pubes- basal tooth (Fig. 6); medial clypeal lobe cence shallowly concave medially; gastral ster- with prominent lateral tooth (Fig. 10); fla- num 2 with median longitudinal carina ending usually in an acute tubercle gellomere I 1.8-1.9X its maximal width Spiloniiililla Ashniead and 1.8-2.Ox as long as flagellomere II - Mandible not widened apically, with subbasal (Fig. 1 1), the latter wider than its length. tooth on inner margin (Figs. 6, 7, 9); gena not Mesosoma dorsally more or less quad- dentate beneath; gastral tergum 2 posteriorly with a band of pale pubescence that widens rangular, laterally crenulated (Fig. 15); me- medially to an obtuse angle (Figs. 1, 2, 5) or sopleuron with trituberculate supracoxal ca- with a large median spot (Fig. 4); gastral ster- rina (Fig. 16, sc); propodeal dorsum pos- num 2 ifcarinate not ending in a tubercle ... 3 teriorly without denticles, posterior face of 3. M(Fiidg. t1r2o);chaponstteerrolwaittehralnaarnrgolwesaopfichaeladprtoucbeesrs- propodeum sloping gently downward; fore culate behind eyes (Figs. 14, 15); thorax gently tarsi with weak comb (Fig. 18); mid coxa sloping posteriorly, upper margin not dentate ventrally with blunt tubercle and mid tro- nor serrate (Figs. 15, 16); mandible apically chanter with narrow apical process (Fig. with a single tooth (Fig. 6) - M.i.dBettrhocshmaynntneirllwaitKhrouotmbperiocnesasn;dpLoesiteejr,olnateewraglenus 12)D.orsum of gaster with spots and bands angle of head not tuberculate but gena tuber- of golden pubescence (Fig. 1); basal halfof culate below eye in Squaimtlotilla lamellatci gastral sternum 2 with weak median carina Mickel and S. arunciiiuicea Pagden; thorax abruptly sloping posterorly, upper margin usu- that does—not terminate in a tubercle. ally serrateordentate,rarely withonlyan acute Male.- Unk—nown. median denticle, or if not dentate at all (S. Discussion. Differences ofthis new ge- piicrilisCameron and S. afghcmica Lelej) inner nus from other Oriental Myrmillinae are mandibular margin with two small preapical denticles (Fig. 9) and gastral tergum 2 with noted in the key. The female of Bethsmyr- large spot ofpale pubescence on posteriormar- milla is similar to those of Sqiiamulotilla gin (Fig. 4) lamellata Mickel and S. amndinacea Pag- Sc/uanuilotllla sensu Mickel den in having a lateral tubercle on the head, 4. Apterous; mandible extremely widened apical- ly, withdeeppreapicalemargination;hindcoxa similarly shaped mandibles (cf Figs. 6, 7) ventrally with small, sharp posterolateral den- and similar spots and bands of golden pu- ticle; gastral sternum 8 membranous laterally, bescence (cf Figs. 1, 2) on the gaster It is narrow median part with parallel lateral ridges easily separated from the latter species in Spiliinuililla Ashmead - Alate; mandible not widened apically, inner lacking a tubercle on the fore coxa, in hav- border with two small preapical denticles and ing a narrow apical process on the mid tro- largerbasal one (cfFig. 9); hindcoxa ventrally chanter and the position of the lateral tu- without denticles; gastral sternum 8 not mem- bercle on the head, behind the eye in Beths- branous laterally, with median carina or tuber- cle; ga.stral terga 2-5 very often with median myrmilla and beneath the eye in the latter longitudinal carina two species. Also, the propodeal dorsum in Scjiiciinuli>tllUi sensu Mickel the former is not denticulate posteriorly Bethsmyrmilla Krombein and Lelej, whereas the latter species have at least an new genus acute median denticle. (Figs. 1, 6, 10-18) The female of Bethsmyrmilla is superfi- Type species. Bethsmynnilla alticola cially similar to another larger group of Krombein and Lelej, new species. The ge- Squamiilotilla species in having spots and nus is monotypic. bands ofgolden pubescence on some ofthe VOLUME NUMBER 101. 1 145 Figs. 1-12. Females of Oriental Myrmillinae. 1-5, Patterns of pale pubescence on abdominal terga. 1, Bethsmyrmilla alticola holotype, Sri Lanka, terga 1-3 only. 2, Squamiilotilla lainellata. Vietnam. 3, Spilonnitilla consolidata (Cameron), Sri Lanka. 4, Sq. puerilis. South India. 5, Sq. strangulata (Smith), South China. 6-9, Mandible. 6, B. alticola. 7, Sq. lamellata. 8, S. consolidata. 9, Sq. puerilis. 10-12, B. alticola. 10. Clypeus, frontal view. 1 1, Antennal segments 1-5. 12, Coxa, trochanter, base of femur, mid leg above, hind leg below. 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 13-18. BethsDiynnilla alticola. female paratype uncoated. 13, 14, Head. 13, Frontal view (note genal tubercle extending laterad ofeach eye on lower margin). 14, Dorsal view. 15, 16, Thorax. 15, Dorsal view. 16, Oblique view, bracket and sc indicate supracoxal carina. 17, Head, posterolateral view, note sparse, long setae that margin eye. 18, Foretarsus, note that basal segment is angled, foreshortened. VOLUME 101, NUMBER 1 147 gastral terga but differs markedly in having tures (Figs. 13, 14, 17). Thorax viewed the lateral tubercle on the head, in lacking from above (Fig. 15) more or less quadran- denticles along the posterior margin of the gular with slightly widened pronotal and thoracic dorsum and in the gently rather propodeal areas; humeral angles developed, than abruptly sloping posterior surface of lateral margin of pronotum with vertical the thorax. — ridge (Fig. 16); thoracic dorsum noticeably Etymology. We take great pleasure in convex, weakly serrate laterally, with one naming this remarkable mutillid for Beth B. lateral tubercle on the middle of mesono- Norden, collector of the type series of B. tum, and with dense reticulate punctures; alticola and discoverer of its probable host propodeal dorsum posteriorly not dentate species. nor serrate; mesopleuron concave with su- pracoxal carina well developed, the latter Bethsmyrmilla alticola Krombein and with three blunt tubercles (Fig. 16, sc); mid Lelej, new species coxa ventrally with blunt tubercle and mid (Figs. 1,6, 10-18) trochanter with narrow apical process (Fig. — Female. Length (through gastral seg- 12); hind coxa carinate along posterior mar- ment 3) 5.0 mm. Red; gaster black except gin of ventral surface, carina ending in a sternum 1 totally and tergum 1 basally red; blunt tubercle. mandible red, brownish apically; palpi Gastral sternum 1 with well developed brownish; scape red, flagellomeres red, median carina; gastral tergum 2 with rather darkened above; legs red, mid and hind tib- short lateral felt line and dense small punc- iae with darker spines; mandible and clyp- tures; gastral sternum 2 with more or less eus with long pale erect setae, scape with flattened central disc and dense punctures shorter ones; frons and vertex with sparse which are much sparser and larger on disc; recumbent, short reddish setae, genae with gastral segments 4-6 lacking in holotype whitish ones; vertex and frons along eye or- and 3-6 in paratype (these parts acciden- bit with sparse, long, erect black setae (Fig. tally amputated and lost during nest dig- 17); thoracic dorsum with sparse, short, ging). — subappressed black setae mixed with long, Male. —Unknown. erect black ones; legs with subappressed Range. The species is known only from m and erect yellowish setae; pattern ofgolden a trail at about 1,950 altitude along the pubescence on gaster (Fig. 1); gastral sterna upper border of the Hakgala Botanic Gar- 2 and 3 posteriorly with whitish fascia; pro- den about 10 km S of Nuwara Eliya. We podeal hindface, gastral tergum 1 anterior- believe that it may be more widely distrib- ly, gastral sternum 2 and gastral terga 2 and uted. Its probable host has been collected 3 laterally with sparse, erect, whitish setae. only at high altitudes, 1,700-1,950 m, at Head parallel behind eyes, gena postero- various localities in the districts of Nuwara laterally with strong acute tubercle (Figs. Eliya (Nuwara Eliya, Hakgala, Horton 13-17); antennal scrobe well developed be- Plains) and Kand—y (Adam's Peak Trail). tween antennal tubercle and lower part of Type material. Holotype 9, Sri Lanka, eye (Fig. 13); clypeus delimited above by a Nuwara Eliya District, Hakgala Botanical weak convex carina with four small tuber- Garden, 6°55'N, 80°49'E, 21-22 April cles and ending laterally in a strong tooth 1997, B.B. Norden [USNM]. Paratype 9, (Figs. 10, 13); antenna with short flagello- same data as holotype but 24-26 February meres (Fig. 11), flagellomere I 1.8-1.9X its 1997 [IBPV].— apical width and 1.8-2.OX flagellomere II, Etymology. The specific name is from the latter 0.75X its width; hypostomal ca- the Latin altus, hi—gh, and -cola, dweller. rina without projection; gena below not car- Natural history. Beth Norden excavated inate; head above with dense large punc- two nests of Lasioglossum (Sudila) alphe- 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON mini one each on 26 February and 22 April natural history of B. alticola and preparing 1997. Each nest contained a single female specim.ens for SEM study, Susann G. Bra- mutillid. Both wasps were found at the ba- den for skillful preparation of the scanning ses of the nest tunnels and are presumed to electron micrographs and George L. Vena- have traveled to the farthest reaches of the ble for preparation of the plates. We are vertical shafts in an effort to avoid capture. grateful to P. Klimov (IBPV) for preparing The February nest shaft reached a depth Figures 1-12. ASL thanks the late Borge of 7 cm and also contained a female L. al- Petersen for generously providing valuable phenum and a female of the parasitic bee exchange material of Oriental mutillid Nomadampmriscilla Nurse that were captured wasps and V. Kuznetsov (IBPV) for the gift a few above the mutillid. The April KVK of material. thanks Bryan N. Dan- nest shaft reached a depth of 13 cm. In this forth, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, for nest, two female L. alphenum were collect- ed at depths of 12 and 12.5 cm respectively. identification of Lasioglosswn (Sudila) al- phenum and Maximilian Schwarz, Ansfel- The mutillids moved more vigorously than the bees and were more difficult to col- den, Austria, for identification of Nomada lect. Pollen and immature bees (larvae and priscilla. We are grateful to G. Nonveiller, pupae in various stages of development) Zemun, Yugoslavia, for critical reading of were found in cells located above the base the manuscript and valuable comments, and of the nest whe—re the wasps were retrieved. also an anonymous reviewer Discussion. Norden et al. (1994) found two females of the mutillid wasp Pseudo- Literature Cited methoca bethae Krombein within a com- munal nest of an Arizona bee Exomalopsis Mickel, C. E. 1933. The Mutillidae of Eastern Asia. (Phanamalopsis) solani Cockerell. One Lingnan Science Journal 12(3): 289-325. mutillid was within a provisioned cell pre- the. P1a9c3i5f.icThOeceMauntil(lHidymWeansopptseroaf:theMutIislllainddase)o.f sumably to feed on the pollen-nectar mass. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society Although neither specimen of B. alticola ofLondon 83(2): 177-312. was in a cell with provisions, we suspect Nonveiller, G. 1995. Recherches sur les Mutillides de that they would use this convenient source TAfrique XVII. Note pour servir a la connais- of food while they remained within the sance du genre Phstomiitilla Ashmead, 1903 nest. And when bee brood reached the ap- (male, femelle) avec description du male encore propriate developmental stage it would be diensconnonuuvdeuaugxensroeu,sd-'geesnrpeesceDinaocucvmetlhloetsildluag(efnermeele-t available for parasitism. Such cryptic be- les) et Acanthomutilla (femelles) (Hymenoptera, havior by the mutillid would greatly lessen Mutillidae). Entomofauna 16(5): 29-119. exposure to predators and may explain the Norden, B. B., K. V. Krombein, and S. W. T. Batra. rarity of this species in collections. 1994. Nests and Enemies of Exomalopsis (Phan- Acknowledgments amalopsis) solani Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apo- idea, Mutillidae; Diptera: Asilidae). Proceedings Within the Smithsonian Institution we of the Entomological Society of Washington thank Beth B. Norden for her notes on the 96(2): 350-356.