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Preview Bioscience Jan - Dec 2010: Vol 60 Index & Table of Contents

Index Index to Volume 60 January-December 2010 KEY [A] Article [ED] Education [RT] Roundtable [BB] BioBriefs [EOE] Eye on Education [SBA] Special Book Article [BH] Biology in History [F] Feature [SR] Special Report [BR] Book Review [FO] Forum [TOB] Thinking of Biology [BT] Biologist’s Toolbox [L] Letter [WW] Washington Watch I [E] Editorial [PB] Professional Biologist [V] Viewpoint Articles Perennial Biofuel Crops in the United States, Steven H. Strauss, Aerial Photography: A Rapidly Evolving Tool for Ecological Man¬ Drew L. Kershen, Joe H. Bouton, Thomas P. Redick, Huiman agement, lessica L. Morgan, Sarah E. Gergel, and Nicholas C. Tan, and Roger A. Sedjo, 9: 729. Coops, 1: 47. The Functional Genomics of Inbreeding Depression: A New Applications of Microarrays for Crop Improvement: Here, There, Approach to an Old Problem, Ken N. Paige, 4: 267. and Everywhere, David W. Calbraith and leremy Edwards, 5: A Global .A ssessment of Amphibian Taxonomic Effort and Exper¬ 337. tise, Ana S. L. Rodrigues, Claudia L. Gray, Ben J. Crowter, Robert Biodiversity Losses and Ecosystem Function in Freshwaters: Emerg¬ M. Ewers, Simon N. Stuart, Tony Whitten, and Andrea Manica, ing Conclusions and Research Directions, Caryn C. Vaughn, 1: 10: 798. 25. Global Decline of and Threats to Aegagropila linnaei, with Special Climate Change and Bark Beetles of the Western United States and Reference to the Lake Ball Habit, Christian Boedeker, Anja Canada: Direct and Indirect Effects, Barbara J. Bentz, Jacques Eggert, Anne Immers, and Erik Smets, 3: 187. Regniere, Christopher J. Fettig, E. Matthew Hansen, Jane L. Historical Accumulation of Nonindegenous Forest Pests in the Hayes, Jeffrey A. Hicke, Rick C. Kelsey, Jose F. Negron, and Ste¬ Continental United States, Juliann E. Aukema, Deborah G. ven J. Seybold, 8: 602. McCullough, Betsy Von Holle, Andrew M. Liebhold, Kerry Brit¬ Direct and Terrestrial Vegetation-mediated Effects of Environ¬ ton, and Susan J. Frankel, 11: 886. mental Change on Aquatic Ecosystem Processes, Becky A. Ball, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: The Dragon Awakens, Weidong John S. Kominoski, Heather E. Adams, Stuart E. Jones, Evan S. Han, Yali Zhao, and Xiaobing Fu, 4: 278. Kane, Terrance D. Loecke, Wendy M. Mahaney, Jason P. Martina, Invasion, Competition, and Biodiversity Loss in Urban Ecosystems, Chelse M. Prather, Todd M. P. Robinson, and Christopher T. Eyal Shochat, Susannah B. Lerman, John M. Anderies, Paige S. Solomon, 8: 590. Warren, Stanley H. Faeth, and Charles H. Nilon, 3: 199. Echohydrology of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Paolo D’Odorico, Fran¬ The Jungle of Methods for Evaluating Phenotypic and Phylogenetic cesco Laio, Amilcare Porporato, Luca Ridolfi, Andrea Rinaldo, Structure of Communities, Juli G. Pausas and Miguel Verdii, 8: and Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe, 11: 898. 614. Ecological Benefits of Reduced Hydrologic Connectivity in Inten¬ Land-use Pressure and a Transition to Forest-cover Loss in the sively Developed Landscapes, C. Rhett Jackson and Catherine Eastern United States, Mark A. Drummond and Thomas R. M. Pringle, 1: 37. Loveland, 4: 286. Ecological Complexity and Pest Control in Organic Coffee Pro¬ A Large Aggregation of Liparids at 7703 Meters and a Reappraisal duction: Uncovering an Autonomous Ecosystem Service, John of the Abundance and Diversity of Hadal Fish, Toyonobu Fujii, Vandermeer, Ivette Perfecto, and Stacy Philpott, 7: 527. Alan J. Jamieson, Martin Solan, Philip M. Bagley, and Imants G. Ecology and Management of the Spring Snowmelt Recession, Sarah Priede, 7: 506. M. Yarnell, Joshua H. Viers, and Jeffrey F. .VIount, 2: 114. Linking Top-down Forces to the Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinc¬ Estimation of Light-use Efficiency of Terrestrial Ecosystem from tions, William J. Ripple and Blaire Van Valkenburgh, 7: 516. Space: A Status Report, Nicholas C. Coops, Thomas Hilker, For¬ Livestock Protection Dogs in the 21st Century: Is an Ancient Tool rest Hall, Caroline Nichol, and Cuillaume Drolet, 10: 788. Relevant to Modern Con.servation Challenges? Thomas M. The Evolution of Cene Regulatory Interactions, David A. Carfield Gehring, Kurt C. VerCauteren, and Jean-Marc Landry, 4: 299. and Gregory A. Wray, 1:15. Managing Soils and Ecosystems for Mitigating Anthropogenic Evolutionary Origin of Recombination during Meiosis, Harris Carbon Emissions and Advancing Global Food Security, Rattan Bernstein and Carol Bernstein, 7: 498. Lai, 9: 708. Far-reaching Deleterious Impacts of Regulations on Research Metagenomics and the Units of Biological Organization, W. Ford and Environmental Studies of Recombinant DNA-modified Doolittle and Olga Zhax>’bayeva, 2: 102. www.biosciencemag.org December 2010 / Vol. 60 No. 11 • BioScience 963 Index i Microalgae: The Potential for Carbon Capture, Richard Sayre, 9: 2010 NESCent/AIBS Evolution Symposium: Molecular Insights 111. into “Classic” Examples of Evolution, 7: 558. Opportunities and Constraints for Forest Climate Mitigation, Rob¬ ActionBioscience.org Featured in Webinar, 3: 244. ert B. Jackson and Justin S. Baker, 9: 698. AIBS, 13 Other Science Organizations Ask Senate to Support Public Pest Risk Maps for Invasive Alien Species: A Roadmap for Improve¬ Access to Independent Scientific Research Assessments of the ment, Robert C. V^enette, Darren J. Kriticos, Roger D. Magarey, Gulf of Mexico, 11: 956. Frank H. Koch, Richard H. A. Baker, Susan P. Worner, Nadilia N. AIBS Accepting Applications for 2010 EPPLA, 1: 80. Gomez Raboteaux, Daniel VV. McKenney, Erhard J. Dobesberg- AIBS Asks EPA, NOAA to Elevate Science in Agency Planning, 9: er, Denys Yemshanov, Paul J. De Barro, W^illiam D. Hutchison, 766. Glenn Fowler, Tom M. Kalaris, and John Pedlar, 5: 349. AIBS at the White House, 1: 80. A Phylogenomic Perspective on the New Era of Ichthyology, Wei- AIBS Comments on federal K-12 Science Education Policy, 4: Jen Chen and Richard L. Mayden, 6: 421. 319. Phytosequestration: Carbon Biosequestration by Plants and the AIBS Comments on Open Access to Scientific Publications, 4: 319. Prospects of Genetic Engineering, Christer Jansson, Stan D. AIBS Cosponsors Climate Science Briefing, 7: 558. Wullschleger, Udaya C. Kalluri, and Gerald A. Tuskan, 9: 685. AIBS, ESa Issue Open Letter on Importance of Science Collections, Prairie Wetland Complexes as Landscape Functional Units in a 11:954. Changing Climate, W. Carter Johnson, Brett Werner, Glenn R. AIBS, ESA Review Federal R&D Priorities, 4: 319. Guntenspergen, Richard A. Voldseth, Bruce Millett, David E. AIBS Members Visit Congress, 7: 557. Naugle, Mirela Tulbure, Rosemary W. H. Carroll, John Tracy, AIBS Names Emerging Public Policy Leaders, 5: 394. and Craig Olawsky, 2: 128. AIBS Offices Have Moved, 8: 661. Process-based Principles for Restoring River Ecosystems, Timothy AIBS Participating in the Combined Federal Campaign, 11: 954. J. Beechie, David A. bear, Julian D. Olden, George R. Pess, John AIBS Policy Director Testifies before House Committee, 6: 474. M. Buffington, Hamish Moir, Philip Roni, and Michael M. Pol¬ AIBS Policy Office Conducts Faculty Training Program, 3: 244. lock, 3: 209. AIBS Writes to President, Congress in Support of Biological Sci¬ A Review of Ocean Acidification and America’s Response, Cheryl ences, 7: 558. A. Logan, 10: 819. APGA Joins Campaign for Collections, 1: 80. The River Discontinuum: Applying Beaver Modifications to Base¬ Apply Now for Cyberlearning at Community Colleges Project line Conditions for Restoration of forested Headwaters, Denise Workshop, 4: 320. Burchsted, Melinda Daniels, Robert Thorson, and Jason Vok- Biologists, Educators Recognize Excellence in Evolution Education, oun, 11: 908. 1:81. Self-organization, Natural Selection, and Evolution: Cellular Hard¬ Biologists Meet with Members of Congress, 9: 766. ware and Genetic Software, Brian R. Johnson and Sheung Kwan Biology Groups Partner to Advance Science Education Policy, 10: Lam, 11:879. 858. Societal Choice for Climate Change Futures: Trees, Biotechnology, BioSdence Welcomes Three New Editorial Board Members, 5: 394. and Clean Development, Emily Boyd, 9: 742. Blast Physics and Brain Injury Peer Review: Better Helmet Design, Species Turnover along Abiotic and Biotic Gradients: Patterns in 5: 394. Space Equals Patterns in Time? Janne Soininen, 6: 433. FAMRI-funded Research Helps Harness Cancer-killing Viruses, 7: Unfurling Fern Biology in the Genomics Age, Michael S. Barker 558. and Paul G. Wolf, 3: 177. Interior Includes Some Key AIBS Recommendations in Final Scien¬ Untangling the Environmentalist’s Paradox: Why Is Human tific Integrity Policy, 11: 955. Well-being Increasing as Ecosystem Services Degrade? Ciara National Survey of Natural History Collections Launched, 1: 80. Raudsepp-Hearne, Garry D. Peterson, Maria Tengb, Elena M. New BioSdence Editorial Board Member, 11: 954. Bennett, Tim Holland, Karina Benessaiah, Graham K. MacDon¬ New Online Group for Natural Science Collections Leaders, 4: 320. ald, and Laura Pfeifer, 8: 576. New Outreach Coordinator/Informal Educator Section Events at Using Landscape Limnology to Classify Freshwater Ecosystems for NABT Conference, 1:81. Multi-ecosystem Management and Conservation, Patricia A. Peer Review furthers Interdisciplinary Innovation in Army Regen¬ Soranno, Kendra Spence Cheruvelil, Katherine E. Webster, Mary erative Medicine, 10: 858. T. Bremigan, Tyler Wagner, and Craig A. Stow, 6: 440. Policy Office Publication Helps Biologists Follow the Money, 4: Very Large Protected Areas and Their Contribution to Terres¬ 319. trial Biological Conservation, Lisette Cantii-Salazar and Kevin Public Policy Office Hosts Student Intern, 4: 320. J. Gaston, 10: 808. Public Policy Office to Offer Two Graduate Student Programs in Why Are Daphnia in Some Lakes Sicker? Disease Ecology, Habitat 2011,11:956. Structure, and the Plankton, Spencer R. Hall, Robyn Smyth, Recent Articles Online at www.actionbiosdence.org, 1:81. Claes R. Becker, Meghan A. Duffy, Christine J. Knight, Sally Recent Articles Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 1: 160. MacIntyre, Alan J. Tessler, and Carla E. Caceres, 5: 363. Recent Articles Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 3: 244. Recent Articles Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 4: 320. Recent Article Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 5: 395. AiBS News Recent Articles Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 6: 474. 2009 AIBS Public Policy Office Annual Report Available Online, Recent Articles Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 7: 558. 4: 319. Recent Articles Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 8: 662. 2010 AIBS Board of Directors Takes Office, 2: 160. Recent Articles Online at www.actionbioscience.org, 9: 766. 964 BioScience • December 2010/Vol. 60 No. II www.biosciencemag. org Recent Articles Online at www.actwnbioscience.org, 10; 859. Frogs (Lithobates areolatus), Andrew S. Hoffman, Jennifer L. Recent Executive Director’s Blog Entries Online at http://blogs.aibs. Heemeyer, Perry J. Williams, Joseph R. Robb, Daryl R. Karns, org/richardogrady, 5: 395. Vanessa C. Kinney, Nathan J. Engbrecht, and Michael J. Lannoo, Recent Executive Director’s Blog Entries Online at http://blogs.aibs. 10; 829. org/richardogrady, 6: 474. Recent Executive Director’s Blog Entry Online at http://blogs.aibs. Book Reviews org/richardogrady, 8; 661. Animal Osmoregulation, by Timothy J. Bradley, reviewed by Dee Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- U. Silverthorn, 5; 391. reports, 1: 82. Bioinvasions and Globalization; Ecology, Economics, Management, Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/piiblic-policy- and Policy, edited by Charles Perrings, Harold Mooney, and reports,2: 160. Mark Williamson, reviewed by Mark A. Davis, 8; 651. Recent Public Policy Reports Online at wH’w.aibs.org/public-policy- The Biology of Alpine Habitats, by Laszlo Nagy and Georg Grab- reports, 3: 245. herr, reviewed by Alexander Milner, 8; 655. Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- Breeding Bio Insecurity; How U.S. Biodefense Is Exporting Fear, reports, 4: 321. Globalizing Risk, and Making Us All Less Secure, by Lynn Klotz Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- and Edward Sylvester, reviewed by Gerald L. Epstein, 9; 759. reports, 5: 396. Cognitive Ecology II, edited by Reuven Dukas and John M. Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- Ratcliffe, reviewed by Ken Yasukawa, 10; 851. reports, 6: 475. Conserving and Valuing Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity; Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- Economic, Institutional and Societal Challenges, edited by K. N. reports, 7: 559. Ninan, reviewed by Marc N. Conte, 9; 760. Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/puhlic-policy- Dazzled and Deceived; Mimicry and Camouflage, by Peter Forbes, reports, 8: 662. reviewed by Edmund D. Brodie Ill, 10; 850. Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- Defining Darwin; Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolu¬ reports, 9: 767. tionary Biology, by Michael Ruse, reviewed by Timothy Shana¬ Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- han, 7; 553. reports, 10; 859. Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Amphibians, by Stan¬ Recent Public Policy Reports Online at www.aibs.org/public-policy- ley S. Hillman, Philip C. Withers, Robert C. Drewes, and Stanley repons, 11; 956. D. Hillyard, reviewed by Benjamin A. Pierce, 2; 155. Register Now for the Second Annual Biological Sciences Congres¬ Ecology of Cities and Towns; A Comparative Approach, edited sional District Visits Event, 7; 557. by Mark J. McDonnell, Amy K. Hahs, and Jurgen H. Breuste, Research Finds Alaska Harbor Seal Stocks Too Depleted for Man¬ reviewed by Marc L. Imhoff, 10; 852. agement, 8; 661. Evolution; The Story of Life, by Douglas Palmer, reviewed by uses Coalition Hosts Capitol Hill Reception, Honors Members of Michael J. Benton, 8; 649. Congress, 11; 954. Experimental Evolution; Concepts, Methods, and Applications of Selection Experiments, edited by Theodore Garland Jr. and BioBriefs Michael R. Rose, reviewed by Daniel E. L. Promislow, 9; 762. Archaeopteryx: Do Feathers Make a Bird? Gareth Dyke, 8; 668. Extinction in Our Times; Global Amphibian Decline, by James P. Bacterial Communities in Arctic Rivers Display Predictable Seasonal Collins and Martha L. Crump, reviewed by Ronald Altig, 3; 241. Patterns, Elia Ben-Ari, 3; 252. Forms of Becoming; The Evolutionary Biology of Development, by Darwinian Dynamics, Edmund Blair Bolles, 2; 164. Alessandro Minelli, reviewed by Paula Mabee, 7; 555. Fish Vision, Cathy Lundmark, 1; 88. The Genial Gene; Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness, by Joan Insects Play Host to Bacteria, Elia Ben-Ari, 10; 862. Roughgarden, reviewed by Stephen Pruett-Jones, 1; 76. Long-distance Insect Migration, Cathy Lundmark, 5; 400. Glimpses of Creatures in Their Physical Worlds, by Steven Vogel, Made-to-measure Microbes, Marcia Stone, 4; 324. reviewed by Henry Bennet-Clark, 8; 654. Manipulating Senses, Cathy Lundmark, 7; 564. The Great Experiment in Conservation; Voices from the Adiron¬ Meting Out Water in Arizona, Jeffrey P. Cohn, 9; 772. dack Park, by William F. Porter, reviewed by Brian Donahue, A Narrow Path for Pronghorns, Jeffrey P. Cohn, 6; 478. 6; 471. Unusual Adaptations, Beth Baker, 11; 962. A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology, by Jim Endersby, reviewed by Joel B. Hagen, 5; 389. Biology in History Heatstroke; Nature in an Age of Global W'arming, by Anthony D. Forest History in East Africa’s Eastern Arc Mountains; Biological Barnosky, reviewed by Daniel B. Botkin, 7; 552. Science and the Uses of History, Christopher A. Conte, 4; 309. How We Live and Why We Die; The Secret Lives of Cells, by Lewis Was the Darwin/Wedgwood Dynasty .Adversely Affected by Con¬ Wolpert, reviewed by Robert L. DeHaan, 1; 75. sanguinity? Tim M. Berra, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Francisco C. Insect Species Conservation, by Tim R. New, reviewed by Edward Ceballos, 5; 376. M. Barrows, 5; 390. Invasion Biology, by Mark A. Davis, reviewed by Ryan A. Chisholm, Biologist’s Toolbox 4; 314. Strong Site Fidelity and a Variety of Imaging Techniques Reveal Laws, Theories, and Patterns in Ecology, by Walter K. Dodds, Around-the-clock and Extended Activity Patterns in Crawfish reviewed by Timothy F. H. Allen, 3; 238. WWW. biosciencemag. org December 2010 / Vol. 60 No. 11 • BioScience 965 Index Light and Video Microscopy, by Randy O. Wayne, reviewed by Eye on Education Carol Bayles, 4: 317. DNA Barcoding Investigations Bring Biology to Life, Susan The Lives of Ants, by Laurent Keller and Elisabeth Gordon, re¬ Musante, 1: 14. viewed by Michael Kaspari, 1: 78. Mobile Learning Anytime, Anywhere, Oksana Hlodan, 9: 682. Living at Microscale, by David B. Dusenberry, reviewed by Howard Update: Have B/O2010 Goals Been Achieved? Beth Baker, 7: 496. Stone, 11: 950. Learning How to Ask Research Questions, Susan Musante, 4: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree: Ecology and Adaptive Radiation of 266. Anoles, by Jonathan B. Losos, reviewed by Laurie J. Vitt, 8: 653. The Mermaid’s Tale: Four Billion Years of Cooperation in the Mak¬ Features ing of Living Things, by Kenneth M. Weiss and Anne V. Buch¬ Arrested Development: Using Technology to See Ancient Embryos, anan, reviewed by Marion ). Lamb, 2: 157. Myrna E. Watanabe, 7: 490. The Molecular Organography of Plants, by Quentin C. B. Cronk, Catch Shares Management, Sharon Levy, 10: 780. reviewed by Elena Kramer, 11: 951. Food, Hunger, and Insecurity, Fred Powledge, 4: 260. Multiplicity in Unity: Plant Subindividual Variation and Interac¬ High-seas Biodiversity and Genetic Resources: Science and Policy tions with Animals, by Carlos M. Herrera, reviewed by David Questions, Richard J. Blaustein, 6: 408. A. Wardle, 9: 764. The Once and Future Tiger, Cheryl Lyn Dybas, IT. 872. The New Foundations of Evolution: On the Tree of Life, by Jan Island Fox Paradox, Sharon Levy, 5: 332. Sapp, reviewed by Laura Katz, 11: 949. Making Sense of Mount St. Helens, Steve Nash, 8: 571. The Origiit Then and Now: An Interpretive Guide to the Origin Opening Doors to Research in Cuba, Jeffrey P. Cohn, 2: 96. of Species, by David N. Reznick, reviewed by James T. Costa, 8: The Origins Divide: Reconciling Views on How Life Began, Melissa 648. Lee Phillips, 9: 675. Resource Strategies of Wild Plants, by Joseph M. Craine, reviewed Phenology and Citizen Science, Amy Mayer, 3: 172. by Brian J. Enquist, 10: 854. Silence of the Pikas, Wendee Holtcamp, 1: 8. The Rise of Amphibians: 365 Million Years of Evolution, by Robert Carroll, reviewed by Miguel Vences, 6: 470. Forum Salt Marshes: A Natural and Unnatural History, by Judith S. Weis Challenges in Connecting Cumulative Effects Analysis to Effective and Carol A. Butler, Reviewed by Edwin D. Grosholz, 6: 469. Wildlife Conservation Planning, Courtney Schultz, 7: 545. Seasick: Ocean Change and the Extension of Life on Earth, by Effects of US Maize Ethanol on Global Land Use and Greenhouse Alanna Mitchell, reviewed by Steve Nash, 8: 657. Gas Emissions: Estimating Market-mediated Responses, Thom¬ Seasons of Life: The Biological Rhythms That Enable Living Things as W. Hertel, Alla A. Golub, Andrew D. Jones, Michael O’Hare, to Thrive and Survive, by Russell G. Foster and Leon Kreitzman, Richard J. Plevin, and Daniel M. Kammen, 3: 223. reviewed by Hugh Dingle, 8: 658. Enhancing the Multifunctionality of US Agriculture, Nicholas Jor¬ Snakes: Ecology and Conservation, edited by Stephen J. Mullin and dan and Keith Douglass Warner, 1: 60. Richard A. Seigel, reviewed by Harvey B. Lillywhite, 4:315. From Publication to Public Action: When Conservation Biolo¬ The Social Amoebae: The Biology of Cellular Slime Molds, by John gists Bridge the Gap between Research and Action, Raphael Tyler Bonner, reviewed by Randy Wayne, 2: 156. Arlettaz, Michael Schaub, Jerome Fournier, Thomas S. Re- The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution, by Carl Zimmer, ichlin, Antoine Sierro, James E. M. Watson, and Veronika reviewed by Marshall D. Sundberg, 3: 239. Braunisch, 10: 835. The Theory of Island Biogeography Revisited, edited by Jonathan Got Hybridization? A Multidisciplinary Approach for Informing B. Losos and Robert E. Ricklefs, reviewed by David J. Currie, Science Policy, Norman C. Ellstrand, David Biggs, Andrea Kaus, 11:952. Pesach Lubinsky, Lucinda A. McDade, Kristine Preston, Linda M. Prince, Helen M. Regan, Veronique Rorive, Oliver A. Ryder, Editorials and Kristina A. Schierenbeck, 5: 384. Biological Carbon Sequestration, Timothy M. Beardsley, 9: 671. Linking Ecosystem Services, Rehabilitation, and River Hydrogeo¬ The Biologist’s Burden, Timothy M. Beardsley, 7: 483. morphology, James H. Thorp, Joseph E. Flotemersch, Michael Broadening Biology, Timothy M. Beardsley, 2: 91. D. Delong, Andrew F. Casper, Martin C. Thoms, Ford Bal- Change is Constant, Joseph Travis, 11: 867. lantyne, Bradley S. Williams, Brian J. O’Neill, and C. Stephen Disentangling Complexity in Biology, Timothy M. Beardsley, 5:327. Haase, 1: 67. Emotions and Engagement, Timothy M. Beardsley, 10: 775. A Role for the Social Sciences in Endangered Species Listing Deter¬ The Environmentalist’s Paradox, Timothy M. Beardsley, 8: 567. minations: The Case of Gray Wolves in the Northern Rockies, Food for the Future, Timothy M. Beardsley, 4: 255. Jeremy T. Bruskotter, Eric Toman, Sherry A. EnzJer, and Robert Refining the Biologist’s Sense of Identity, Joseph Travis, 1: 3. H. Schmidt, 11: 941. Responses Under Pressure, Timothy M. Beardsley, 3: 167. Science, Policy, and Species at Risk in Canada, Arne O. Mooers, Dan F. Doak, C. Scott Findlay, David M. Green, Chris Grouios, Lisa Sustainability for Here and Now, Timothy M. Beardsley, 6: 403. L. Manne, Azadeh Rashvand, Murray A. Rudd, and Jeannete Whitton, 10: 843. Education Still Watching, from the Edge of Extinction, Beverly Peterson The Crossroads between Biology and Mathematics: The Scientific Stearns and Stephen C. Stearns, 2: 141. Method as the Basics of Scientific Literacy, Istvan Karsai and Time Horizons and Extinction Risk in Endangered Species Catego¬ George Kampis, 8: 632. rization Systems, Jesse D’Elia and Scott McCarthy, 9: 751. 966 BioScience • December 2010 / Vol. 60 No. II WWW. bioscieticemag. org Index Using Small Populations of Wolves for Ecosystem Restoration and Implementing the Organismal Agenda, Kurt Schwenk, 9: 673. Stewardship, Daniel S. Licht, Joshua ). Millspaugh, Kyran E. It’s the Water, Stupid! David M. Lodge, 1: 6. Kunkel, Christopher O. Kochanny, and Rolf O. Peterson, 2: 147. Landscapes Shaped by People and Place Institutions Require a New What Role Does Heritable Epigenetic Variation Play in Phenotypic Conservation Agenda, David J. Brunckhorst, 8: 569. Evolution? Christina L. Richards, Oliver Bossdorf, and Massimo The MAHB and the BioSdence Gang, Paul R. Ehrlich, 2: 170. Pigliucci, 3: 232. Open Data and the Social Contract of Scientific Publishing, Todd Wildlife and Management of Forests and Native Fishes: Conflict or J. Vision, 5: 330. Opportunity for Convergent Solutions? Bruce E. Rieman, Paul Organizing Teaching and Research to Address the Grand Chal¬ F. Hessburg, Charles Luce, and Matthew R. Dare, 6: 460. lenges of Sustainable Development, Michael M. Crow, 7: 488. Plant Conservation: Facing Tough Choices, Sara Oldfield, 10: 778. Letters Science and Sustainability: The Emerging Consensus, Roger N. All the Many Humans Ever: An Update, Arthur H. Westing, 10: 777. Beachy, 6: 406. Biofuels: The Devil in the Details, Werner Flueck, 4: 257. VertNet: Creating a Data-sharing Community, Robert Guralnick Fences are More than an Issue of Aesthetics, Morgan J. Trimble and and Heather Constable, 4: 258. Rudi J. van Aarde, 7: 486. Looking to the Past for the Future: Using Wolves to Restore Ecosystems Washington Watch (Response to Belant, Mech, and Trimble)-, Rolf O. Peterson, Joshua Congress Learns about 21st Century Biology, Robert E. Gropp, 9: J. Millspaugh, Daniel S. Licht, and Kyran E. Kunkel, 7:486. 684. Response from Simpson, Tom Simpson, 4: 257. Major Changes in Congress May Mean Major Changes for Science Restricting Wolves Risks Escapes, L. David Mech, Warren Ballard, Policy, Julie Palakovich Carr, 10: 786. Ed Bangs, Bob Ream, 7: 485. Science Advice in the States, Julie Palakovich Carr, 6: 420. Wolves Will Not Provide Small-scale Ecological Restoration, Jerrold Stimulating Science: One Year After the Recovery Act, Julie Palak¬ L. Belant and Layne G. Adams, 7: 485. ovich Carr, 2: 101. Professional Biologist The Culture of Conservation Biologists: Show Me the Hope! Ron¬ Ajuthors ald R. Swaisgood and James K. Sheppard, 8: 626. Atlams, H. E. see Ball, B. A. Evolution of Collaboration within the US Long Term Ecological Re¬ Adams, L. G. see Belant, J. L. search Network, Jeffrey C. Johnson, Robert R. Christian, James W. Allen, Timothy F. H. [BR] Laws, Theories, and Patterns in Ecology, Brunt, Caleb R. Hickman, and Robert B. Waide, 11: 931. 3: 238. Not So Fast: Inflation in Impact Factors Contributes to Apparent Altig, Ronald [BR] Extinction in Our Times: Global Amphibian Improvements in Journal Quality, Bryan D. Neff and Julian D. Decline, 3: 241. Olden, 6: 455. Alvarez, G. see Berra, T. M. Anderies, J. M. see Shochat, E. Roundtable Arlettaz, Raphael, Michael Schaub, Jerome Fournier, Thomas S. Empowering 21st Century Biology, Gene A. Robinson, Jody A. Reichlin, Antoine Sierro, James E. M. Watson, and Veronika Banks, Dianna K. Padilla, Warren W. Burggren, C. Sarah Cohen, Braunisch [FO] From Publication to Public Actions: When Charles F. Delwiche, Vicki Funk, Hopi E. Hoekstra, Erich D. Conservation Biologists Bridge the Gap between Research and Jarvis, Loretta Johnson, Mark Q. Martindale, Carlos Martinez Action, 10: 835. Aukema, Juliann E., Deborah G. McCullough, Betsy Von Holle, del Rio, Mon'ca Medina, David E. Salt, Saurabh Sinha, Chelsea Andrew M. Liebhold, Kerry Britton, and Susan J. Frankel [A] Specht, Kevin Strange, Joan E. Straussman, Billie J. Swalla, and Historical Accumulation of Nonindigenous Forest Pests in the Lars Tomanket, 11: 923. Continental United States, 11: 886. Bagley, P. M. see Fujii, T. Special Book Articles Baker, Beth [EOF,] Update: Have BIO20W Goals Been Achieved? Bug World: Myths and Marvels, George C. McGavin, 8: 646. 7: 496. Documenting Disappearance, Beverly Peterson Stearns, 8: 642. -. [BB] Unusual Adaptations, 11: 962. Talking about the Weather, Dale Jamieson, 8: 639. Baker, J. S. see Jackson, R. B. Baker, R. H. A. see Venette, R. C. Special Reports Ball, Becky A., John S. Kominoski, Heather E. Adams, Stuart E. Evolution in Extreme Environments, Oksana Hlodan, 6: 414. Jones, Evan S. Kane, Terrance D. Loecke, Wendy M. Mahaney, Jason P. Martina, Chelse M. Prather, Todd M. P. Robinson, and Christopher T. Solomon [A] Direct and Terrestrial Vegetation- Thinking of Biology mediated Effects of Environmental Change on Aquatic Ecosys¬ Sustainability: Virtuous or Vulgar? John A. Vucetich and Michael tem Processes, 8: 590. P. Nelson, 7: 539. Ballantyne, F. see Thorp, J. H. Ballard, W. see Mech, L. D. Viewpoint Bangs, E. see Mech, L. D. The Biodiversity Blunder, George M. Woodwell, 11: 870. Banks, J.A. see Robinson, G. A. Environmental Science at the Tipping Point, Susan G. Stafford, Barker, Michael S. and Paul G. Wolf [A] Unfurling Fern Biology in 2:94. the Genomics Age, 3: 177. WWW.biosciencemag.org December 2010 / Vol. 60 No. 11 • BioScience 967 Index Barrows, Edward M. [BR] Insect Species Conservation, 5; 390. Bruskotter, Jeremy T., Eric Toman, Sherry A. Enzler, and Robert H. Bayles, Carol [BR] Light and Video Microscopy, 4: 315. Schmidt [FO] Are Gray Wolves Endangered in the Northern Beachy, Roger N. [V] Science and Sustainability; The Emerging Rocky Mountains? A Role for Social Science in Listing Deter¬ Consensus, 6: 406. minations, 11: 941. Beardsley, Timothy M. [E] Biological Carbon Sequestration, 9; 671. Buffington, J. M. see Beechie, T. J. -. [E] The Biologist’s Burden, 7: 483. Burchsted, Denise, Melinda Daniels, Robert Thorson, and Jason -. [E] Broadening Biology, 2: 91. Vokoun [A] The River Discontinuum; Applying Beaver Modi¬ -. [E] Disentangling Complexity in Biology, 5: 327. fications to Baseline Conditions for Restoration of Forested -. [E] Emotions and Engagement, 10: 775. Headwaters, 11: 908. -. [E] The Environmentalist’s Paradox, 8: 567. Burggren, W. W. see Robinson, G. A. -. [E] Food for the Future, 4: 255. Caceres, C. E. see Hall, S. R. -. [E] Responses Under Pressure, 3: 167. Cantu-Salazar, Lisette and Kevin Gaston [A] Very Large Protected -. [E] Sustainability for Here and Now, 6: 403. Areas and Their Contribution to Terrestrial Biological Conser¬ Becker, C. R. see Hall, S. R. vation, 10: 808. Beechie, Timothy J., David A. Sear, Julian D. Olden, George R. Pess, Carr, Julie Palakovich [WW] Major Changes in Congress May John M. Buffington, Hamish Moir, Philip Roni, and Michael Mean Major Changes for Science Policy, 10; 786. M. Pollock [A] Process-based Principles for Restoring River -. [WW] Science Advice in the States, 6: 420. Ecosystems, 3: 209. -. [WW] Stimulating Science: One Year After the Recovery Belant, Jerrold L. and Layne G. Adams [L] Wolves Will Not Provide Act, 2: 101. Small-scale Ecological Restoration, 7: 485. Carroll, R. W. H. see Johnson, W. C. Ben-Ari, Elia |BB] Bacterial Communities in Arctic Rivers Display Casper, A. F. see Thorp, J. H. Predictable Seasonal Patterns, 3: 252. Ceballos, F. C. see Berra, T. M. -. [BB] Insects Play Host to Bacteria, 10: 862. Chen, Wei-Jen and Richard L. Mayden [A] A Phylogenomic Benessaiah, K. see Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Perspective on the New Era of Ichthyology, 6: 421. Bennett, E. M. see Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Cheruvelil, K. S. see Soranno, P. A. Bennet-Clark, Henry [BR] Glimpses of Creatures in Their Chisholm, Ryan A. [BR] Invasion Biology, 4: 314. Physical Worlds, 8: 654. Christian, R. R. see Johnson, J. C. Benton, Michael J. [BR] Evolution: The Story of Life, 8; 649. Cohen, C. S. see Robinson, G. A. Bentz, Barbara J., Jacques Regniere, Christopher J. Fettig, E. Mat¬ Cohn, Jeffrey P. [BB] A Narrow Path for Pronghorns, 6: 478. thew Hansen, Jane L. Hayes, Jeffrey A. Hicke, Rick G. Kelsey, Jose -. [BB] Meting Out Water in Arizona, 9: 772. F. Negron, and Steven J. Seybold [A] Climate Change and Bark -. [F] Opening Doors to Research in Cuba, 2: 96. Beetles of the Western LInited States and Canada: Direct and Constable, H. see Guralnick, R. Indirect Effects, 8: 602. Conte, Christopher A. [BH] Forest History in East Africa’s Eastern Arc Bernstein, C. see Bernstein, H. Mountains; Biological Science and the Uses of History, 4: 309. Bernstein, Harris and Carol Bernstein [A] Evolutionary Origin of Conte, Marc N. [BR] Conserving and Valuing Ecosystem Services Recombination during Meiosis, 7; 498. and Biodiversity: Economic, Institutional and Societal Chal¬ Berra, Tim M., Gonzalo Alvarez, and Francisco C. Ceballos [BH] lenges, 9; 769. Was the Darwin/Wedgwood Dynasty Adversely Affected by Coops, N. C. see Morgan, J. L. Consanguinity? 5: 376. Coops, Nicholas C., Thomas Hilker, Forrest Hall, Caroline Nichol, Biggs, D. see Ellstrand, N. C. and Guillaume Drolet [A] Estimation of Light-use Efficiency Blaustein, Richard J. [F] High-seas Biodiversity and Genetic from Space: A Status Report, 10: 788. Resources: Science and Policy Questions, 6: 408. Costa, James T. [BR] The Origin Then and Now: An Interpretive Boedeker, Christian, Anja Eggert, Anne Immers, and Erik Smets Guide to the Origin of Species, 8: 648. [A] Global Decline of and Threats to Aegagropila linnaei; with Crow, Michael M. [V] Organizing Teaching and Research to Address Special Reference to the Lake Ball Habit, 3: 187. the Grand Challenges of Sustainable Development, 7: 488. Bolles, Edmund Blair [BB] Darwinian Dynamics, 2: 164. Crowter, B. J. see Rodrigues, A. S. L. Bossdorf, O. see Richards, C. L. Currie, David J. [BR] The Theory of Island Biogeography Revisited, Botkin, Daniel B. [BR] Heatstroke: Nature in an Age of Global 11:952. Warming, 7: 552. Daniels, M. see Burchsted, D. Bouton, J. H. see Strauss, S. H. Dare, M. R. see Rieman, B. E. Boyd, Emily [A] Societal Choice for Climate Change Futures: Trees, Davis, Mark A. [BR] Bioinvasions and Globalization: Ecology, Eco¬ Biotechnology, and Clean Development, 9: 742. nomics, Management, and Policy, 8: 651. Braunisch V. see Arlettaz, R. De Barro, P. J. see V'enette, R. C. Bremigan, M. T. see Soranno, P. A. DeHaan, Robert L. [BR] How We Live and Why We Die: The Secret Britton, K. see Aukema, J. E. Lives of Cells, 1: 75. Brodie, Edward D. Ill [BR] Dazzled and Deceived: Mimicry and D’Elia, Jesse and Scott McCarthy [FO] Time Horizons and Extinction Camouflage, 10; 850. Risk in Endangered Species Categorization Systems, 9: 751. Brunckhorst, David J. [V] Landscapes Shaped by People and Delong, M. D. see Thorp, J. H. Place Institutions Require a New Conservation Agenda, 8: Delwiche, C. F. see Robinson, G. A. 569. Dingle, Hugh [BR] Seasons of Life: The Biological Rhythms That Brunt, J. W. see Johnson, J. C. Enable Living Things to Thrive and Survive, 8: 658. 968 BioScience • December 2010 / Vol. 60 No. 11 WWW.biosciencemag.org Index Doak, D. F. see Mooers, A. O. Grosholz, Edwin D. [BR] Salt Marshes: A Natural and Unnatural Dobesberger, E. J. see Venette, R. C. History, 6: 469. Donahue, Brian [BR] The Great Experiment in Conservation: Grouios, C. see Mooers, A. O. Voices from the Adirondack Park, 6: 471. Guntenspergen, G. R. see Johnson, W. C. Doolittle, W. Ford and Olga Zhax)'bayeva [A] Metagenomics and Guralnick, Robert and Heather Constable [V] VertNet: Creating a the Units of Biological Organization, 2: 102. Data-sharing Community, 4: 258. D’Odorico, Paolo, Francesco Laio, Amilcare Porporato, Luca Ridol- Haase, C. S. see Thorp, J. H. fi, Andrea Rinaldo, and Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe [A] Echohy- Hagen, Joel B. [BR] A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology, 5: 389. drology of Terrestrial Ecosystems, 11: 898. Hall, F. see Coops, N. C. Drolet, G. see Coops, N. C. Hall, Spencer R., Robyn Smith, Claes R. Becker, Meghan A, Duffy, Drummond, Mark A. and Thomas R. Loveland [A] Land-use Pres¬ Christine J. Knight, Sally MacIntyre, Alan J. Tessler, and Carla sure and a Transition to Forest-cover Loss in the Eastern United E. Caceres [A] Why Are Daphnia in Some Lakes Sicker? Disease States, 4: 286. Ecology, Habitat Structure, and the Plankton, 5: 363. Duffy, M. A. see Hall, S. R. Han, Weidong,Yali Zhao, and Xiaobing Fu [A] Induced Pluripotent Dybas, Cheryl Lyn [F] The Once and Future Tiger, 11: 872. Stem Cells: The Dragon Awakens, 4: 278. Dyke, Gareth [BB] Archaeopteryx: Do Feathers Make a Bird? 8:668. Hansen, E. M. see Bentz, B. J. Edwards,). see Galbraith, D. W. Hayes, J. L. see Bentz, B. J. Eggert, A. see Boedeker, C. Heemeyer, J. see Hoffman, A. Ehrlich, Paul R. [V] The MAHB and the B/oScience Gang, 2: 170. Hertel, Thomas W., Alla A. Golub, Andrew D. Jones, Michael Ellstrand, Norman C., David Biggs, Andrea Kaus, Pesach Lubinsky, O’Hare, Richard J. Plevin, and Daniel M. Kammen [EO] Effects Lucinda A. McDade, Kristine Preston, Linda M. Prince, Helen of US Maize Ethanol on Global Land Use and Greenhouse Gas M. Regan, Veronique Rorive, Oliver A. Ryder, and Kristina A. Emissions: Estimating Market-mediated Responses, 3: 223. Schierenbeck [FO] Got Hybridization? A Multidisciplinary Ap¬ Hessburg, P. F. see Rieman, B. E. proach for Informing Science Policy, 5: 384. Hicke, J. A. see Bentz, B. J. Engbrecht, N. see Hoffman, A. Hickman, C. R. see Johnson, J. C. Enquist, Brian ). [BR] Resource Strategies of Wild Plants, 10: 854. Hilker, T. see Coops, N. C. Enzler, S. A. see Bruskotter, J. T. Hlodan, Oksana [SR] Evolution in Extreme Environments, 6: 414. Epstein, Gerald L. [BR] Breeding Bio Insecurity: How U.S. Biode¬ -[EOE] Mobile Learning Anytime, Anywhere, 9: 682. fense Is Exporting Fear, Globalizing Risk, and Making Us All Hoekstra, H. E. see Robinson, G. A. Less Secure, 9: 759. Hoffman, Andrew, Jennifer Heemeyer, Perry Williams, Joseph Ewers, R. M. see Rodrigues, A. S. L. Robb, Daryl Karns, Vanessa Kinney, Nathaniel Engbrecht, and Faeth, S. H. see Shochat, E. Michael Lannoo [BT] Strong Site Eidelity and a Variety of Imag¬ Fettig, C. J. see Bentz, B. I. ing Techniques Reveal Around-the-clock and Extended Activity Findlay, C. S. see Mooers, A. O. Patterns in Crawfish Frogs (Lithobates areolatus), 10: 829. Flotemersch, J. E. see Thorp, J. H. Holland, T. see Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Flueck, Werner [L] Biofuels: The Devil in the Details, 4: 257. Holtcamp, Wendee [F] Silence of the Pikas, 1: 8. Fournier, J. see Arlettaz, R. Hutchison, W. D. see Venette, R. C. Fowler, G. see Venette, R. C. Imhoff, Marc L. [BR] Ecology of Cities and Towns: A Comparative Frankel, S. J. see Aukema, J. E. Approach, 10: 852. Fu, X. see Han, W. Immers, A. see Boedeker, C. Fujii, Toyonobu, Alan J. Jamieson, Martin Solan, Philip M. Bagley, Jackson, C. Rhett and Catherine M. Pringle [A] Ecological Benefits and Imants G. Priede [A] A Large Aggregation of Liparids at of Reduced Hydrologic Connectivity in Intensively Developed 7703 Meters and a Reappraisal of the Abundance and Diversity Landscapes, 1: 37. of Hadal Fish, 7: 506. Jackson, Robert B. and Justin S. Baker [A] Opportunities and Con¬ Funk, V. see Robinson, G. A. straints for Forest Climate Mitigation, 9: 698. Galbraith, David W. and Jeremy Edwards [A] Applications Jamieson, A. J. see Fujii, T. of Microarrays for Crop Improvement: Here, There, and Jamieson, Dale [SBA] Talking about the Weather, 8: 639. Everywhere, 5: 337. Jansson, Christer, Stan D. Wullschleger, Udaya C. Kalluri, and Ger¬ Garfield, David A. and Gregory A. Wray [A] The Evolution of Gene ald A. Tuskan [A] Phytosequestration: Carbon Biosequestration Regulatory Interactions, I: 15. by Plants and the Prospects of Genetic Engineering, 9: 685. Gaston, K. see Cantu-Salazar, L. Jarvis, E. D. see Robinson, G. A. Gehring, Thomas M., Kurt C. VerCauteren, and Jean-Marc Landry Johnson, Brian R. and Sheunk Kwan Lam [A] Self-organization, [A] Livestock Protection Dogs in the 21st Century: Is an Ancient Natural Selection, and Evolution: Cellular Hardware and Ge¬ Tool Relevant to Modern Conservation Challenges? 4: 299. netic Software, 11: 879. Gergel, S. E. see Morgan, J. L. Johnson, Jeffrey C., Robert R. Christian, James W. Brunt, Caleb R. Golub, A. A. see Hertel, T. W. Hickman, and Robert B. Waide [PB] Evolution of Collabora¬ Gomez Raboteaux, N. N. see Venette, R. C. tion within the US Long Term Ecological Research Network, Gray, C. L. see Rodrigues, A. S. L. 11:931. Green, D. M. see Mooers, A. O. Johnson, L. see Robinson, G. A. Gropp, Robert E. [WW] Congress Learns about 21st Century Biol¬ Johnson, W. Carter, Brett Werner, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Richard ogy, 9: 684. A. Voldseth, Bruce Millett, David E. Naugle, Mirela Tulbure, WWW. biosciencemag. org December 2010 / Vol. 60 No. 11 • BioScience 969 Index Rosemary W. H. Carroll, John Tracy, and Craig Olawsky [A] Mabee, Paula [BR] Forms of Becoming: The Evolutionary Biology Prairie Wetland Complexes as Landscape Functional Units in a of Development, 7: 555. Changing Climate, 2: 128. MacDonald, G. K. see Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Jones, A. D. see Hertel, T. W. MacIntyre, S. see Hall, S. R. Jones, S. E. see Ball, B. A. Magarey, R. D. see Venette, R. C. Jordan, Nicholas and Keith Douglass Warner [FO] Enhancing the Mahaney, W. M. see Ball, B. A. Multifunctionality of US Agriculture, i: 60. Manne, L. L. see Mooers, A. O. Kalaris, T. M. see Venette, R. C. Manica, A. see Rodrigues, A. S. L. Kalluri, U. C. see Jansson, C. Martina, J. P. see Ball, B. A. Kammen, D. M. see Hertel, T. W. Martindale, M. Q. see Robinson, G. A. Kampis, G. see Karsai, 1. Martinez del Rio, C. see Robinson, G. A. Kane, E. S. see Ball, B. A. Mayden, R. L. see Chen, W-J. Karns, D. see Hoffman, A. Mayer, Amy [F] Phenology and Citizen Science, 3: 172. Karsai, IsU'an and George Kampis [ED] The Crossroads between McCarthy, S. see D’Elia, J. Biology and Mathematics: The Scientific Method as the Basics McCullough, D. G. see Aukema, J. E. of Scientific Literacy, 8: 632. McDade, L. A. see Ellstrand, N. C. Kaspari, Michael [BRj The Lives of Ants, 1: 78. McGavin, George C. [SBA] Bug World: Myths and Marvels, 8: 646. Katz, Laura [BR] The New Foundations of Evolution: On the Tree McKenney, D. W. see Venette, R. C. of Life, 11: 949. Mech, L. David, Warren Ballard, Ed Bangs, Bob Ream [L] Kaus, A. see Ellstrand, N. C. Restricting Wolves Risks Escapes, 7: 485. Kelsey, R. G. see Bentz, B. J. Medina, M. see Robinson, G. A. Kershen, D. L. see Strauss, S. H. Millett, B. see Johnson, W. C. Kinney, V. C. see Hoffman, A. Millspaugh, J. J. see Licht, D. S. Knight, C. J. see Hall, S. R. -. [L] see Peterson, R. O. Koch, F. H. see Venette, R. C. Milner, Alexander [BR] The Biology of Alpine Habitats, 8: 655. Kochanny, C. O. see Licht, D. S. Moir, H. see Beechie, T. J. Kominoski, J. S. see Ball, B. A. Mooers, Arne O., Dan F. Doak, C. Scott Findlay, David M. Green, Kramer, Elena [BRj The Molecular Organography of Plants, 11: 951. Chris Grouious, Lisa L. Manne, Azadeh Rashvand, Murray A. Kriticos, D. J. see Venette, R. C. Rudd, and Jeanette WTiitton [FO] Science, Policy, and Species at Kunkel, K. E. see Licht, D. S. Risk in Canada, 10: 843. Kunkel, K. E. see Peterson, R. O. Morgan, Jessica L., Sarah E. Gergel, and Nicholas C. Coops [A] Laio, F. see D’Odorico, P. Aerial Photography: A Rapidly Evolving Tool for Ecological Lai, Rattan [A] Managing Soils and Ecosystems for Mitigating Management, 1: 47. Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions and Advancing Global Food Mount, J. F. see Yarnell, S. M. Security, 9: 708. Musante, Susan [EOE] DNA Barcoding Investigations Bring Lam, S. K. see Johnson, B. R. Biology to Life, 1: 14. Lamb, Marion J. [BR] The Mermaid’s Tale: Four Billion Years of -. [EOE] Learning How to Ask Research Questions, 4: 266. Cooperation in the Making of Living Things, 2: 157. Nash, Steve [F] Making Sense of Mount St. Helens, 8: 571. Landry, J-M. see Gehring, T. M. -. [BR] Seasick: Ocean Change the Extension of Life on Lannoo, M. see Hoffman, A. Earth, 8: 657. Lerman, S. B. see Shochat, E. Naugle, D. E. see Johnson, W. C. Levy, Sharon [F] Catch Shares Management, 10: 780. Neff, Bryan D. and Julian D. Olden [PB] Not So Fast: Inflation -. [F] Island Fox Paradox, 5: 332. in Impact Factors Contributes to Apparent Improvements in Licht, D. S. see Peterson, R. O. Journal Quality, 6: 455. Licht, Daniel S., Joshua J. Millspaugh, Kyran E. Kunkel, Christopher Negron, J. F. see Bentz, B. J. O. Kochanny, and Rolf O. Peterson [FO] Using Small Popula¬ Nelson, M. P. see Vucetich, J. A. tions of Wolves for Ecosystem Restoration and Stewardship, 2: Nichol, C. see Coops, N. C. 147. Nilon, C. H. see Shochat, E. Liebhold, A. M. see Aukema, J. E. Olawsky, C. see Johnson, W. C. Lillywhite, Harvey B. [BR] Snakes: Ecology and Conservation, 4: Olden, J. D. see Beechie, T. J. 315. -. see Neff, B. D. Lodge, David M. [V] It’s the Water, Stupid! 1: 6. Oldfield, Sara [V] Plant Conservation: Facing Tough Choices, 10: Loecke, T. D. see Ball, B. A. 778. Logan, Cheryl A. [A] A Review of Ocean Acidification and Ameri¬ O’Hare, M. see Hertel, T. W. ca’s Response, 10: 819. O’Neill, B. J. see Thorp, J. H. Loveland, T. R. see Drummond, M. A. Padilla, D. K. see Robinson, G. A. Lubinsky, P. see Ellstrand, N. C. Paige, Ken N. [A] The Functional Genomics of Inbreeding Depres¬ Luce, C. see Rieman, B. E. sion: A New Approach to an Old Problem, 4: 267. Lundmark, Cathy [BB] Fish Vision, 1: 88. Pausas, Juli G. and Miguel Verdii [A] The Jungle of Methods -. [BB] Long-distance Insect Migration, 5: 400. for Evaluating Phenotypic and Phylogenetic Structure of -. [BBJ Manipulating Senses, 7: 564. Communities, 8: 614. 970 BioScience • December 2010/Vol. 60 No. II WWW. biosciencemag. org m Index Pedlar, J. see Venette, R. C. [A] A Global Assessment of Amphibian Taxonomic Effort and Perfecto, I. see Vandermeer, J. Expertise, 10: 798. Pess, G. R. see Beechie, T. J. Rodriguez-Iturbe, 1. see D’Odorico, P. Peterson, G. D. see Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Roni, P. see Beechie, T. J. Peterson, R. O. see Licht, D. S. Rorive, V. see Ellstrand, N. C. Peterson, Rolf O., loshua J. Millspaugh, Daniel S. Light, and Kyran Rudd, M. A. see Mooers, A. O. E. Kunkel [L] Looking to the Past for the Future: Using Wolves Ryder, O. A. see Ellstrand, N. C. to Restore Ecosystems (Response to Belant, Mech, and Trimble), Salt, D. E. see Robinson, G. A. 7: 486. Sayre, Richard [A] Microalgae: The Potential for Carbon Capture, Pfeifer, L. see Raudsepp-Hearne, C. 9: 722. Phillips, Melissa Lee [F] The Origins Divide: Reconciling Views on Schaub, M. see Arlettaz, R. How Life Began, 9: 675. Schierenbeck, K. A. see Ellstrand, N. C. Philpott, S. see Vandermeer, J. Schmidt, R. H. see Bruskotter, J. T. Pierce, Benjamin A. [BR] Ecological and Environmental Physiology Schultz, Courtney [FO] Challenges in Connecting Cumulative of Amphibians, 2: 155. Effects Analysis to Effective Wildlife Conservation Planning, Pigliucci, M. see Richards, C. L. 7: 545. Plevin, R. J. see Hertel, T. W. Schwenk, Kurt [V] Implementing the Organismal Agenda, 9: 673. Pollock, M. M. see Beechie, T. J. Sear, D. A. see Beechie, T. J. Porporato, A. see D’Odorico, P. Sedjo, R. A. see Strauss, S. H. Powledge, Fred [F] Food, Hunger, and Insecurity, 4: 260. Seybold, S. J. see Bentz, B. J. Prather, C. M. see Ball, B. A. Shanahan, Timothy [BR] Defining Darwin: Essays on the History Preston, K. see Ellstrand, N. C. and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology, 7: 553. Priede, 1. G. see Fujii, T. Sheppard, J. K. see Swaisgood, R. R. Prince, L. M. see Ellstrand, N. C. Shochat, Eyal, Susannah B. Lerman, John M. Anderies, Paige S. Pringle, C. M. see lackson, C. R. Warren, Stanley H. Faeth, and Charles H. Nilon [A] Invasion, Promislow, Daniel E. L. [BR] Experimental Evolution: Concepts, Competition, and Biodiversity Loss in Urban Ecosystems, Methods, and Applications of Selection Experiments, 9: 762. 3: 199. Pruett-Jones, Stephen [BR] The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Dar¬ Smets, E. see Boedeker, C. winian Selfishness, 1: 76. Sierro, A. see Arlettaz, R. Rashvand, A. see Mooers, A. O. Silverthorn, Dee U. [BR] Animal Osmoregulation, 5: 391. Raudsepp-Hearne, Ciara, Garry D. Peterson, Maria Tengo, Elena M. Simpson, Tom [L] Response from Simpson, 4: 257. Bennett, Tim Holland, Karina Benessaiah, Graham K. MacDon¬ Sinha, S. see Robinson, G. A. ald, and Laura Pfeifer [A] Untangling the Environmentalist’s Smith, R. see Hall, S. R. Paradox: Why Is Human Well-being Increasing as Ecosystem Soininen, Janne [A] Species Turnover along Abiotic and Biotic Gra¬ Services Degrade? 8: 576. dients: Patterns in Space Equals Patterns in Time? 6: 433. Regan, H. M. see Ellstrand, N. C. Solan, M. see Fujii, T. Ream, B. see Mech, L. D. Solomon, C. T. see Ball, B. A. Redick, T. P. see Strauss, S. H. Soranno, Patricia A., Kendra Spence Cheruvelil, Katherine E. Web¬ Regniere, J. see Bentz, B. J. ster, Mary T. Bremigan, Tyler Wagner, and Craig A. Stow [A] Reichlin, T. S. see Arlettaz, R. Using Landscape Limnology to Classify Freshwater Ecosystems Richards, Christina L., Oliver Bossdorf, and Massimo Pigliucci for Multi-ecosystem Management and Conservation, 6: 440. [FO] What Role Does Heritable Epigenetic Variation Play in Specht, C. see Robinson, G. A. Phenotypic Evolution? 3: 232. Stafford, Susan G. [V] Environmental Science at the Tipping Point, Ridolfi, L. see D’Odorico, P. 2: 94. Rieman, Bruce E., Paul F. Hessburg, Charles Luce, and Matthew R. Stearns, Beverly Peterson [SBA] Documenting Disappearance, 8:642. Dare [FO] Wildlife and Management of Forests and Native Fishes: Stearns, Beverly Peterson and Stephen C. Stearns [FO] Still Watch¬ Conflict or Opportunity for Convergent Solutions? 6:460. ing, from the Edge of Extinction, 2: 141. Rinaldo, A. see D’Odorico, P. Stearns, S. C. see Stearns, B. P. Ripple, William J. and Blaire Van Valkenburgh [A] Linking Top- Stone, Howard [BR] Living at Microscale, 11: 951. down Forces to the Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions, 7: 516. Stone, Marcia [BB] Made-to-measure Microbes, 4: 324. Robb, J. see Hoffman, A. Stow, C. A. see Soranno, P. A. Robinson, Gene A., Jody A. Banks, Dianna K. Padilla, Warren W. Strange, K. see Robinson, G. A. Burggren, C. Sarah Cohen, Charles F. Delwiche, Vicki Funk, Strauss, Steven H., Drew L. Kershen, Joe H. Bouton, Thomas P. Hopi E. Hoekstra, Erich D. Jarvis, Loretta Johnson, Mark Q. Redick, Huimin Tan, and Roger A. Sedjo [A] Far-reaching Del¬ Martindale, Carlos Martinez del Rio, Monica Medina, David eterious Impacts of Regulations on Research and Environmen¬ E. Salt, Saurabh Sinha, Chelsea Specht, Kevin Strange, Joan E. tal Studies of Recombinant DNA-modified Perennial Biofuel Straussman, Billie J. Swalla, and Lars Tomanket [RT] Empower¬ Crops in the United States, 9: 729. ing 21st Century Biology, 11: 923. Straussman, J. E. see Robinson, G. A. Robinson, T. M. P. see Ball, B. A. Stuart, S. N. see Rodrigues, A. S. L. Rodrigues, Ana S. L., Claudi L. Gray, Ben J. Crowter, Robert M. Sundberg, Marshall D. [BR] The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Ewers, Simon N. Stuart, Tony Whitten, and Andrea Manica Evolution, 3: 239. www.bio5ciencemag.org December 2010 / Vol. 60 No. I} • BioScience 971 Index Swaisgood, Ronald R. and James K. Sheppard [PB] The Culture of Viers, J. H. see Yarnell, S. M. Conservation Biologists: Show Me the Hope! 8: 626. Vision, Todd J. [V] Open Data and the Social Contract of Scientific Swalla, B. J. see Robinson, G. A. Publishing, 5: 330. Tan, H. see Strauss, S. H. \Ttt, Laurie J. [BR] Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree: Ecology and Tengo, M. see Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Adaptive Radiation of Anoles, 8: 653. Tessler, A. J. see Hall, S. R. Vokoun, J. see Burchsted, D. Thoms, M. C. see Thorp, J. H. Voldseth, R. A. see Johnson, W. C. Thorp, James H., Joseph E. Flotemersch, Michael D. Delong, An¬ Von Holle, B. see Aukema, J. E. drew F. Casper, Martin C. Thoms, Ford Ballantyne, Bradley S. Vucetich, John A. and Michael P. Nelson [TOB] Sustainability: Vir¬ Williams, Brian J. O’Neill, and C. Stephen Haase (FO] Linking tuous or V^ulgar? 7: 539. Ecosystem Services, Rehabilitation, and River Hydrogeomor¬ Wagner, T. see Soranno, P. A. phology, 1:67. Waide, R. B. see Johnson, J. C. Thorson, R. see Burchsted, D. Wardle, David A. [BR] Multiplicity in Unity: Plant Subindividual Toman, E. see Bruskotter, J. T. Variation and Interactions with Animals, 9: 764. Tomanket, L. see Robinson, G. A. Warner, K. D. see Jordan, N. Travis, Joseph [E] Change Is Constant, 11: 867. Warren, P. S. see Shochat, E. -. [E] Refining the Biologist’s Sense of Identity, 1: 3. Watanabe, Myrna E. [F] Arrested Development: Using Technology Tracy, J. see Johnson, W. C. to See Ancient Embryos, 7: 490. Trimble, Morgan J. and Rudi J. van Aarde [L] Fences Are More than Watson, J. E. M. see Arlettaz, R. an Issue of Aesthetics, 7: 486. Wayne, Randy [ BR] The Social Amoebae: The Biology of Cellular lulbure, M. see Johnson, W. C. Slime Molds, 2: 156. Tuskan, G. A. see Jansson, C. Webster, K. E. see Soranno, P. A. van Aarde, R. J. see Trimble, M. J. Werner, B. see Johnson, W. C. Van Valkenburgh, B. see Ripple, W. J. Westing, Arthur H. [V] All the Many Humans Ever: An update, Vandermeer, John, Ivette Perfecto, and Stacy Philpott [A] Ecologi¬ 10: 111. cal Complexity and Pest Control in Organic Coffee Production: Whitten, T. see Rodrigues, A. S. L. Uncovering an Autonomous Ecosystem Service, 7: 527. WTiitton, J. see Mooers, A. O. V'iences, Miguel [BR] The Rise of Amphibians: 365 Million Years of Williams, B. S. see Thorp, J. H. Evolution, 6: 470. Williams, P. see Hoffman, A. Venette, Robert C., Darren J. Icriticos, Roger D. Magarey, Frank H. Wolf, P. G. see Barker, M. S. Koch, Richard H. A. Baker, Susan P. Worner, Nadilia N. Gomez Woodwell, George M. [V] The Biodiversity Blunder, 11: 870 . Raboteaux, Daniel W. McKenney, Erhard J. Dobesberger, Denys Worner, S. P. see Venette, R. C. Yemshanov, Paul J. De Barro, William D. Hutchison, Glenn Fowler, Wray, G. A. see Garfield, D. A. Tom M. Kalaris, and John Pedlar [A] Pest Risk Maps for Invasive Wullschleger, S. D. see Jansson, C. Alien Species: A Roadmap for Improvement, 5: 349. Yarnell, Sarah M., Joshua H. Viers, and Jeffrey F. Mount [A] Ecology VerCauteren, K. C. see Gehring, T. M. and Management of the Spring Snowmelt Recession, 2: 114. Vaughn, Caryn C. [A] Biodiversity Losses and Ecosystem Function Yasukawa, Ken [BR] Cognitive Ecology II, 10: 851. in Freshwaters: Emerging Conclusions and Research Directions, Yemshanov, D. see Venette, R. C. 1:25. Zhao, Y. see Han, W. Verdii, M. see Pauses, J. G. Zhaxybayeva, O. see Doolittle, W. F. 972 BioScience • December 2010 / Voi 60 No. 11 H'unv. biosciencemag. org

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