Biophysical Chemistry R Biophysical Chemistry 65 (1997) 235-236 Author Index to Volume 65 Arata, Y., see Price, W.S. (65) 179 Jordan, P.C., see Duca, K.A. (65) 123 Juang, E. and Peacock-Lépez, E. Baginski, M., Gariboldi, P., Bruni, P. and Borowski, E. Steady state approximation in the minimal model of the Conformational analysis of Amphotericin B (65) 91 alternative pathway of complement (65) 143 Blagoi, Yu., see Zozulya, V. (65) 55 Boden, N., Cheng, Y. and Knowles, P.F. Kikuchi, T. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium conformations of peptides in Finite one-dimensional spin systems as models of biopolymers lipid bilayers (65) 205 (65) 109 Borowski, E., see Baginski, M. (65) 91 Kimura, S., see Kitano, K. (65) 157 Bruni, P., see Baginski, M. (65) 91 Kinoshita, K., see Hatanaka, Y. (65) 229 Kitano, K., Nam, K.-Y., Kimura, S., Fujiki, H. and Imanishi, Y. Chen, Y. and Wallace, B.A. Sealing effects of (—)-epigallocatechin gallate on protein ki- Secondary solvent effects on the circular dichroism spectra of nase C and protein phosphatase 2A (65) 157 polypeptides in non-aqueous environments: influence of polar- Knowles, P.F., see Boden, N. (65) 205 isation effects on the far ultraviolet spectra of alamethicin (65) Kurzynski, M. 65 Protein machine model of enzymatic reactions gated by en- Cheng, Y., see Boden, N. (65) 205 zyme internal dynamics (65) | Chrzumnicka, E., see Ptak, A. (65) 165 Claire, K., Pecora, R. and Highsmith, S. Lober, G., see Zozulya, V. (65) 55 Skeletal muscle myosin subfragment | dimers (65) 85 Makitruk, V., see Zozulya, V. (65) 55 Duca, K.A. and Jordan, P.C. Marangoni, A.G., Duplessis, P.M. and Yada, R.Y. Jon—water and water—water interactions in a gramicidinlike Kinetic model for carbon partitioning in Solanum tuberosum channel: effects due to group polarizability and backbone tubers stored at 2°C and the mechanism for low temperature flexibility (65) 123 stress-induced accumulation of reducing sugars (65) 211 Duplessis, P.M., see Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211 Miki, Y., see Soda, K. (65) 45 Mortensen, K., see Sjéberg, B. (65) 75 Edholm, O., see Sandberg, L. (65) 189 Nam, K.-Y., see Kitano, K. (65) 157 Flesner, C.S., see Peacock-Lépez, E. (65) 171 Nara, M., see Price, W.S. (65) 179 Frackowiak, D., see Ptak, A. (65) 165 Nishizawa, T., see Soda, K. (65) 45 Fujiki, H., see Kitano, K. (65) 157 Gariboldi, P., see Baginski, M. (65) 91 Peacock-Lépez, E., Radov, D.B. and Flesner, C.S. Guptasarma, P. Mixed-mode oscillations in a self-replicating dimerization Resolving multiple protein conformers in equilibrium unfold- mechanism (65) 171 ing reactions: A time-resolved emission spectroscopic (TRES) Peacock-Lépez, E., see Juang, E. (65) 143 study of Azurin (65) 221 Pecora, R., see Claire, K. (65) 85 Planner, A., see Ptak, A. (65) 165 Hatanaka, Y., Kinoshita, K. and Yamazaki, M. Price, W.S., Nara, M. and Arata, Y. Osmotic stress induces a phase transition from interdigitated A pulsed field gradient NMR study of the aggregation and gel phase to bilayer gel phase in multilamellar vesicles of hydration of parvalbumin (65) 179 dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine (65) 229 Ptak, A., Chrzumnicka, E., Planner, A. and Frackowiak, D. Highsmith, S., see Claire, K. (65) 85 Photoelectric properties of chlorophyll and carotene solutions in nematic liquid crystal located between semiconducting elec- Imanishi, Y., see Kitano, K. (65) 157 trodes (65) 165 236 Author Index to Volume 65 Radov, D.B., see Peacock-Lépez, E. (65) 171 Suezaki, Y. A theory on the instability of tubular membranes to the Sadana, A. and Sutaria, M. periodic conformation by laser tweezers (65) 101 Influence of diffusion to fractal surfaces on the binding kinet- Sutaria, M., see Sadana, A. (65) 29 ics for antibody—antigen, analyte—receptor, and analyte—recep- torless (protein) systems (65) 29 Voloshin, I., see Zozulya, V. (65) 55 Sandberg, L. and Edholm, O. pK, calculations along a bacteriorhodopsin molecular dynam- ics trajectory (65) 189 Wallace, B.A., see Chen, Y. (65) 65 Seki, Y., see Soda, K. (65) 45 Winter, S., see Zozulya, V. (65) 55 Shalamay, A., see Zozulya, V. (65) 55 Sj6berg, B. and Mortensen, K. Yada, R.Y., see Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211 Structure and thermodynamics of nonideal solutions of col- Yamazaki, M., see Hatanaka, Y. (65) 229 loidal particles: Investigation of salt-free solutions of human serum albumin by using small-angle neutron scattering and Monte Carlo simulation (65) 75 Zozulya, V., Blagoi, Yu., Lober, G., Voloshin, I., Winter, S., Soda, K., Miki, Y., Nishizawa, T. and Seki, Y. Makitruk, V. and Shalamay, A. New method for incorporating solvent influence into the eval- Fluorescence and binding properties of phenazine derivatives uation of X-ray scattering intensity of proteins in solution (65) in complexes with polynucleotides of various base composi- 45 tions and secondary structures (65) 55 Biophysical Chemistry vis wt ELSEVIER Biophysical Chemistry 65 (1997) 237-240 Subject Index to Volume 65 Aggregation B-carotene Diffusion; Hydration; Parvalbumin; Pulsed field gradient NMR Chlorophyll; Nematic liquid crystal; Photocurrent; Photopotential (Price, W.S. (65) 179) (Ptak, A. (65) 165) Alternative initiation pathway Chlorophyll Complement; Minimal model; Steady state approximation (Juang, B-carotene; Nematic liquid crystal; Photocurrent; Photopotential E. (65) 143) (Ptak, A. (65) 165) AMI Complement Amphotericin B; Conformational analysis; Molecular mechanics; Alternative initiation pathway; Minimal model; Steady state ap- MM2; NMR nuclear Overhauser effects (Baginski, M. (65) 91) proximation (Juang, E. (65) 143) Amphotericin B Conformational analysis Conformational analysis; Molecular mechanics; MM2; AMI; Amphotericin B; Molecular mechanics; MM2; AM1; NMR nu- NMR nuclear Overhauser effects (Baginski, M. (65) 91) clear Overhauser effects (Baginski, M. (65) 91) Antibody—antigen, analyte—receptor, and analyte—receptorless Conformational transition (protein) systems FT-IR spectroscopy; Secondary structure; Bilayers; Peptides Binding kinetics; Diffusion; Fractal surfaces (Sadana, A. (65) 29) (Boden, N. (65) 205) ATPase Conformational transitions ATP; Dimerization; Light scattering; Myosin subfragment 1 Reaction rate theory; Enzymatic catalysis; Protein dynamics; Pro- (Claire, K. (65) 85) tein machine model (Kurzyfski, M. (65) 1) ATP Dielectric constant ATPase; Dimerization; Light scattering; Myosin subfragment | Secondary structures; Membrane proteins; Non-aqueous solvents; (Claire, K. (65) 85) Solvent polarity; Spectroscopy (Chen, Y. (65) 65) Bending moduli Diffusion Tubular membrane; Peristaltic state; Pearling instability (Suezaki, Aggregation; Hydration; Parvalbumin; Pulsed field gradient NMR Y. (65) 101) (Price, W.S. (65) 179) Bilayers Antibody—antigen, analyte—receptor, and analyte—receptorless FT-IR spectroscopy; Secondary structure; Conformational transi- (protein) systems; Binding kinetics; Fractal surfaces (Sadana, A. tion; Peptides (Boden, N. (65) 205) (65) 29) Binding kinetics Dimerization Antibody—antigen, analyte-receptor, and analyte—receptorless ATP; ATPase; Light scattering; Myosin subfragment | (Claire, K. (protein) systems; Diffusion; Fractal surfaces (Sadana, A. (65) 29) (65) 85) Biopolymers Dye fluorescence lifetime Protein folding; Spin systems; Monte Carlo; Simulation; Frustra- Phenazines; Dye—nucleic acid interaction; Polarized fluorescence tion; Two-state transition (Kikuchi, T. (65) 109) (Zozulya, V. (65) 55) 238 Subject Index to Volume 65 Dye—nucleic acid interaction Human serum albumin Phenazines; Polarized fluorescence; Dye fluorescence lifetime Nonideal solutions; Small-angle neutron scattering; Monte Carlo (Zozulya, V. (65) 55) simulation (Sjéberg, B. (65) 75) Electrostatics Hydration Fluctuations; Internal water; Protonation; Poisson—Boltzmann; Aggregation; Diffusion; Parvalbumin; Pulsed field gradient NMR FDPB method (Sandberg, L. (65) 189) (Price, W.S. (65) 179) Enzymatic catalysis Interdigitated gel phase Reaction rate theory; Protein dynamics; Conformational transi- Phospholipid membranes; Phase transition; X-ray diffraction; Os- tions; Protein machine model (Kurzynski, M. (65) 1) motic stress; Poly(ethylene glycol) (Hatanaka, Y. (65) 229) (—)-Epigallocatechin gallate Internal water Protein kinase C; Protein phosphatase 2A; Lipid membrane; Tu- Electrostatics; Fluctuations; Protonation; Poisson—Boltzmann; mor promotion; 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate; Okadaic FDPB method (Sandberg, L. (65) 189) acid (Kitano, K. (65) 157) Invertase FDPB method Sucrose; Glucose; Fructose; Respiration; Glycolysis; Starch degra- Electrostatics; Fluctuations; Internal water; Protonation; Poisson— dation; Potatoes (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) Boltzmann (Sandberg, L. (65) 189) Fluctuations Light scattering Electrostatics; Internal water; Protonation; Poisson—Boltzmann: ATP; ATPase; Dimerization; Myosin subfragment | (Claire, K. (65) 85) FDPB method (Sandberg, L. (65) 189) Fluorescence decay time-resolved emission Lipid membrane Protein conformation; Protein folding; Structural intermediates (—)-Epigallocatechin gallate; Protein kinase C; Protein phos- (Guptasarma, P. (65) 221) phatase 2A; Tumor promotion; 12-O0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13- acetate; Okadaic acid (Kitano, K. (65) 157) Fractal surfaces Antibody—antigen, analyte—receptor, and analyte—receptorless Membrane fluidity (protein) systems; Binding kinetics; Diffusion (Sadana, A. (65) Model channel; Gramicidin; Polarizability (Duca, K.A. (65) 123) 29) Membrane proteins Fructose Secondary structures; Non-aqueous solvents; Dielectric constant; Sucrose; Glucose; Invertase; Respiration; Glycolysis; Starch Solvent polarity; Spectroscopy (Chen, Y. (65) 65) degradation; Potatoes (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) Minimal model Frustration Alternative initiation pathway; Complement; Steady state approxi- Biopolymers; Protein folding; Spin systems; Monte Carlo; Simula- mation (Juang, E. (65) 143) tion; Two-state transition (Kikuchi, T. (65) 109) Mixed-mode oscillations FT-IR spectroscopy Self-replicating dimerization mechanism (Peacock-Lépez, E. (65) Secondary structure; Conformational transition; Bilayers; Peptides 171) (Boden, N. (65) 205) Glucose MM2 Sucrose; Fructose; Invertase; Respiration; Glycolysis; Starch Amphotericin B; Conformational analysis; Molecular mechanics; degradation; Potatoes (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) AM1; NMR nuclear Overhauser effects (Baginski, M. (65) 91) Glycolysis Modei channel Sucrose; Glucose; Fructose; Invertase; Respiration; Starch degra- Gramicidin; Polarizability; Membrane fluidity (Duca, K.A. (65) dation; Potatoes (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) 123) Gramicidin Molecular mechanics Model channel; Polarizability; Membrane fluidity (Duca, K.A. Amphotericin B; Conformational analysis; MM2; AM1; NMR (65) 123) nuclear Overhauser effects (Baginski, M. (65) 91) Subject Index to Volume 65 Monte Carlo simulation Phase transition Nonideal solutions; Small-angle neutron scattering; Human serum Interdigitated gel phase; Phospholipid membranes; X-ray diffrac- albumin (Sjéberg, B. (65) 75) tion; Osmotic stress; Poly(ethylene glycol) (Hatanaka, Y. (65) 229) Monte Carlo Biopolymers; Protein folding; Spin systems; Simulation; Frustra- Phenazines tion; Two-state transition (Kikuchi, T. (65) 109) Dye—nucleic acid interaction; Polarized fluorescence; Dye fluores- cence lifetime (Zozulya, V. (65) 55) Myosin subfragment 1 ATP; ATPase; Dimerization; Light scattering (Claire, K. (65) 85) Phospholipid membranes Interdigitated gel phase; Phase transition; X-ray diffraction; Os- Nematic liquid crystal motic stress; Poly(ethylene glycol) (Hatanaka, Y. (65) 229) B-carotene; Chlorophyll; Photocurrent; Photopotential (Ptak, A. (65) 165) Photocurrent B-carotene; Chlorophyll; Nematic liquid crystal; Photopotential NMR nuclear Overhauser effects (Ptak, A. (65) 165) Amphotericin B; Conformational analysis; Molecular mechanics; MM2; AMI (Baginski, M. (65) 91) Photopotential B-carotene; Chlorophyll; Nematic liquid crystal; Photocurrent Non-aqueous solvents (Ptak, A. (65) 165) Secondary structures; Membrane proteins; Dielectric constant; Solvent polarity; Spectroscopy (Chen, Y. (65) 65) Poisson—Boltzmann Nonideal solutions Electrostatics; Fluctuations; Internal water; Protonation; FDPB Small-angle neutron scattering; Monte Carlo simulation; Human method (Sandberg, L. (65) 189) serum albumin (Sjéberg, B. (65) 75) Polarizability Okadaic acid Model channel; Gramicidin; Membrane fluidity (Duca, K.A. (65) (—)-Epigallocatechin gallate; Protein kinase C; Protein phos- 123) phatase 2A; Lipid membrane; Tumor promotion; 12-O-tetrade- canoylphorbol-13-acetate (Kitano, K. (65) 157) Polarized fluorescence Phenazines; Dye—nucleic acid interaction; Dye fluorescence life- Osmotic stress time (Zozulya, V. (65) 55) Interdigitated gel phase; Phospholipid membranes; Phase transi- tion; X-ray diffraction; Poly(ethylene glycol) (Hatanaka, Y. (65) Poly(ethylene glycol) 229) Interdigitated gel phase; Phospholipid membranes; Phase transi- tion; X-ray diffraction; Osmotic stress (Hatanaka, Y. (65) 229) 12-O0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (—)-Epigallocatechin gallate; Protein kinase C; Protein phos- Potatoes phatase 2A; Lipid membrane; Tumor promotion; Okadaic acid Sucrose; Glucose; Fructose; Invertase; Respiration; Glycolysis; (Kitano, K. (65) 157) Starch degradation (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) Parvalbumin Protein conformation Aggregation; Diffusion; Hydration; Pulsed field gradient NMR Fluorescence decay time-resolved emission; Protein folding: (Price, W.S. (65) 179) Structural intermediates (Guptasarma, P. (65) 221) Pearling instability Tubular membrane; Bending moduli; Peristaltic state (Suezaki, Y. Protein dynamics (65) 101) Reaction rate theory; Enzymatic catalysis; Conformational transi- tions; Protein machine model (Kurzyfiski, M. (65) 1) Peptides FT-IR spectroscopy; Secondary structure; Conformational transi- Protein folding tion; Bilayers (Boden, N. (65) 205) Biopolymers; Spin systems; Monte Carlo; Simulation; Frustration; Two-state transition (Kikuchi, T. (65) 109) Peristaltic state Tubular membrane; Bending moduli; Pearling instability (Suezaki, Fluorescence decay time-resolved emission; Protein conformation; Y. (65) 101) Structural intermediates (Guptasarma, P. (65) 221) 240 Subject Index to Volume 65 Protein kinase C Solvent polarity (—)-Epigallocatechin gallate; Protein phosphatase 2A; Lipid Secondary structures; Membrane proteins; Non-aqueous solvents; membrane; Tumor promotion; 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13- Dielectric constant; Spectroscopy (Chen, Y. (65) 65) acetate; Okadaic acid (Kitano, K. (65) 157) Spectroscopy Protein machine model Secondary structures; Membrane proteins; Non-aqueous solvents; Reaction rate theory; Enzymatic catalysis; Protein dynamics; Con- Dielectric constant; Solvent polarity (Chen, Y. (65) 65) formational transitions (Kurzyfski, M. (65) 1) Spin systems Protein phosphatase 2A Biopolymers; Protein folding; Monte Carlo; Simulation; Frustra- (—)-Epigallocatechin gallate; Protein kinase C; Lipid membrane; tion; Two-state transition (Kikuchi, T. (65) 109) Tumor promotion; 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-|3-acetate; Okadaic acid (Kitano, K. (65) 157) Starch degradation Sucrose; Glucose; Fructose; Invertase; Respiration; Glycolysis; Protonation Potatoes (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) Electrostatics; Fluctuations; Internal water; Poisson—Boltzmann; FDPB method (Sandberg, L. (65) 189) Steady state approximation Alternative initiation pathway; Complement; Minimal model (Juang, E. (65) 143) Pulsed field gradient NMR Aggregation; Diffusion; Hydration; Parvalbumin (Price, W.S. (65) Structural intermediates 179) Fluorescence decay time-resolved emission; Protein conformation; Protein folding (Guptasarma, P. (65) 221) Reaction rate theory Enzymatic catalysis; Protein dynamics; Conformational transi- Sucrose tions; Protein machine model (Kurzynski, M. (65) 1) Glucose; Fructose; Invertase; Respiration; Glycolysis; Starch degradation; Potatoes (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) Respiration Sucrose; Glucose; Fructose; Invertase; Glycolysis; Starch degrada- Surface integration tion; Potatoes (Marangoni, A.G. (65) 211) X-ray scattering; Solvent influence (Soda, K. (65) 45) Secondary structure Tubular membrane FT-IR spectroscopy; Conformational transition; Bilayers; Pep- Bending moduli; Peristaltic state; Pearling instability (Suezaki, Y. tides (Boden, N. (65) 205) (65) 101) Secondary structures Tumor promotion Membrane proteins; Non-aqueous solvents; Dielectric constant; (—)-Epigallocatechin gallate; Protein kinase C; Protein phos- Solvent polarity; Spectroscopy (Chen, Y. (65) 65) phatase 2A; Lipid membrane; 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13- acetate; Okadaic acid (Kitano, K. (65) 157) Self-replicating dimerization mechanism Mixed-mode oscillations (Peacock-Lépez, E. (65) 171) Two-state transition Biopolymers; Protein folding; Spin systems; Monte Carlo; Simula- Simulation tion; Frustration (Kikuchi, T. (65) 109) Biopolymers; Protein folding; Spin systems; Monte Carlo; Frustra- tion; Two-state transition (Kikuchi, T. (65) 109) X-ray diffraction Interdigitated gel phase; Phospholipid membranes; Phase transi- Small-angle neutron scattering tion; Osmotic stress; Poly(ethylene glycol) (Hatanaka, Y. (65) Nonideal solutions; Monte Carlo simulation; Human serum albu- 229) min (Sjoberg, B. (65) 75) X-ray scattering Solvent influence Solvent influence; Surface integration (Soda, K. (65) 45) X-ray scattering; Surface integration (Soda, K. (65) 45) Rates