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Biophysical Chemistry Biophysical Chemistry 53 (1995) 293-294 Author Index to Volume 53 (1995) Aguda, B.D., see Krylov, S.N. (53) 213 De Santis, P., see Cacchione, S. (53) 267 Andrews, A.P., see Krueger, S. (53) 85 Desmadril, M., see Calmettes, P. (53) 105 Di Cola, D., see Middendorf, H.D. (53) 145 Baldini, G., see Collini, M. (53) 227 Dufourc, E.J., see Pebay-Peyroula, E. (53) 45 Baron, M.H., see Fillaux, F. (53) 155 Durand, D., see Calmettes, P. (53) 105 Bellissent-Funel, M.-C., see Bradley, K.F. (53) 37 Bonneté, F. and Zaccai, G. Eisenberg, H. Small angle neutron scattering, total cross-sections and Protein and nucleic acid hydration and cosolvent interac- mass density measurements of concentrated NaCl and KCi tions: Establishment of reliable baseline values at high solutions in H,O or D,O (53) 69 cosolvent concentrations (53) 57 Bradley, K.F., Chen, S.-H., Bellissent-Funel, M.-C. and Crespi, HLL. Fillaux, F., Fontaine, J.P., Baron, M.H., Leygue, N., Kearley, The observation of structural transitions of a single pro- G.J. and Tomkinson, J. tein molecule (53) 37 Inelastic neutron-scattering study of the proton transfer Bunick, G.J., see Henderson, S.J. (53) 95 dynamics in polyglycine I at 20 K (53) 155 Burkhardt, N., see Nowotny, P. (53) 115 Fontaine, J.P., see Fillaux, F. (53) 155 Fujiwara, T., see Satoh, M. (53) 207 Cacchione, S., Cerone, M.A., De Santis, P. and Savino, M. Superstructural features of the upstream regulatory re- Gabriel, A., see Cipriani, F. (53) 5 gions of two pea rbcS genes and nucleosomes positioning: Gamble, T.R., Clauser, K.R. and Kossiakoff, A.A. theoretical prediction and experimental evaluation (53) The production and X-ray structure determination of 267 perdeuterated Staphylococcal nuclease (53) 15 Calmettes, P., Durand, D., Desmadril, M., Minard, P., Re- Gerhardt, B.S., see Henderson, S.J. (53) 95 ceveur, V. and Smith, J.C. Greijer, E., see Ibel, K. (53) 77 How random is a highly denatured protein? (53) 105 Carlile, C.J., see Middendorf, H.D. (53) 145 Cascante, M., see Kholodenko, B.N. (53) 247 Henderson, S.J., Serpersu, E.H., Gerhardt, B.S. and Bunick, Cavatorta, F., see Middendorf, H.D. (53) 145 GJ. Cerone, M.A., see Cacchione, S. (53) 267 Conformational changes in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase Chen, C.-H., see Pu, R.Y. (53) 283 upon substrate binding (53) 95 Chen, S.-H., see Bradley, K.F. (53) 37 Chirico, G., see Collini, M. (53) 227 Ibel, K., May, R.P., Sandberg, M., Mascher, E., Greijer, E. Cipriani, F., Dauvergne, F., Gabriel, A., Wilkinson, C. and and Lundahl, P. Lehmann, M.S. Structure of dodecyl sulfate—protein complexes at subsatu- Image plate detectors for macromolecular neutron diffrac- rating concentrations of free detergent (53) 77 tometry (53) 5 Ichimura, K., see Igarashi, Y. (53) 259 Clauser, K.R., see Gamble, T.R. (53) 15 Igarashi, Y., Kimura, K., Ichimura, K., Matsuzaki, S., Ikura, Collini, M., Chirico, G. and Baldini, G. T., Kuwajima, K. and Kihara, H. Influence of ligands on the fluorescence polarisation Solution X-ray scattering study on the chaperonin GroEL anisotropy of ethidium bound to DNA (53) 227 from Escherichia coli (53) 259 Crespi, H.L., see Bradley, K.F. (53) 37 lida, S. Interaction of calcium ion and maleic acid copolymer (53) Dauvergne, F., see Cipriani, F. (53) 5 219 Deriu, A., see Middendorf, H.D. (53) 145 Ikura, T., see Igarashi, Y. (53) 259 294 Author Index / Biophysical Chemistry 53 (1995) 293-294 Kearley, G.J., see Fillaux, F. (53) 155 Direct shape determination of ribosomal proteins in solu- Kholodenko, B.N., Westerhoff, H.V., Puigjaner, J. and Cas- tion and within the ribosome by means of neutron scatter- cante, M. ing (53) 115 Control in channelled pathways. A matrix method calculat- Nowotny, V., see Nowotny, P. (53) 115 ing the enzyme control coefficients (53) 247 Kihara, H., see Igarashi, Y. (53) 259 Pavlov, M.Yu., see Serdyuk, I.N. (53) 123 Kimura, K., see Igarashi, Y. (53) 259 Pebay-Peyroula, E., Dufourc, E.J. and Szabo, A.G. Komiyama, J., see Satoh, M. (53) 207 Location of diphenyl-hexatriene and trimethylammonium- Kossiakoff, A.A., see Gamble, T.R. (53) 15 diphenyl-hexatriene in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bi- Kovach, I.S. layers by neutron diffraction (53) 45 The importance of polysaccharide configurational entropy Pebay-Peyroula, E., see Timmins, P. (53) 27 in determining the osmotic swelling pressure of concen- Pu, R.Y., Wang, Y. and Chen, C.-H. trated proteoglycan solution and the bulk compressive Enthalpy changes in the formation of the proton electro- modulus of articular cartilage (53) 181 chemical potential and its components (53) 283 Krueger, S., Andrews, A.P. and Nossal, R. Puigjaner, J., see Kholodenko, B.N. (53) 247 Small angle neutron scattering studies of structural char- Receveur, V., see Calmettes, P. (53) 105 acteristics of agarose gels (53) 85 Rodriguez, F., Tocanne, J.-F. and Lopez, A. Krylov, S.N., Aguda, B.D. and Ljubimova, M.L. Self-association processes involving anthracene labeled Bistability and reaction thresholds in the phenol-inhibited phosphatidylcholines in model membrane (53) 169 peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid (53) Rublevskaya, I.N., see Serdyuk, I.N. (53) 123 213 Riihl, M., see Nowotny, P. (53) 115 Kulkarni, B.D., see Nair, T.M. (53) 241 Kuwajima, K., see Igarashi, Y. (53) 259 Sandberg, M., see Ibel, K. (53) 77 Satoh, M., Fujiwara, T. and Komiyama, J. Leberman, R., see Serdyuk, I.N. (53) 123 Helix formation of poly (L-glutamic acid) in the presence Lehmann, M.S., see Cipriani, F. (53) 5 of alkaline earth metal cations in aqueous alcohol solu- Leuchtag, H.R. tions (53) 207 Fit of the dielectric anomaly of squid axon membrane near Savino, M., see Cacchione, S. (53) 267 heat-block temperature to the ferroelectric Curie-Weiss Serdyuk, I.N., Pavlov, M.Yu., Rublevskaya, I.N., Zaccai, G. law (53) 197 and Leberman, R. Leygue, N., see Fillaux, F. (53) 155 The triple isotopic substitution method in small angle Ljubimova, M.L., see Krylov, S.N. (53) 213 neutron scattering. Application to the study of the ternary Lopez, A., see Rodriguez, F. (53) 169 complex EF-Tu - GTP - aminoacyl-tRNA (53) 123 Lundahl, P., see Ibel, K. (53) 77 Serpersu, E.H., see Henderson, S.J. (53) 95 Mascher, E., see Ibel, K. (53) 77 Smith, J.C. Matsuzaki, S., see Igarashi, Y. (53) 259 Protein interactions and dynamics probed by quantum May, R.P., see Ibel, K. (53) 77 chemistry, computer simulations and neutron experiments May, R.P., see Nowotny, P. (53) 115 (53) 131 McMillin, D.R., see Miller, C. (53) 189 Smith, J.C., see Calmettes, P. (53) 105 Middendorf, H.D., Di Cola, D., Cavatorta, F., Deriu, A. and Szabo, A.G., see Pebay-Peyroula, E. (53) 45 Carlile, C.J. Timmins, P., Pebay-Peyroula, E. and Welte, W. Water dynamics in charged and uncharged polysaccharide Detergent organisation in solutions and in crystals of gels by quasi-elastic neutron scattering (53) 145 membrane proteins (53) 27 Miller, C. and McMillin, D.R. Tocanne, J.-F., see Rodriguez, F. (53) 169 Effect of subzero incubation on fluoride binding by laccase Tomkinson, J., see Fillaux, F. (53) 155 (53) 189 Minard, P., see Calmettes, P. (53) 105 Voss, H., see Nowotny, P. (53) 115 Nagaraja, V., see Nair, T.M. (53) 241 Wang, Y., see Pu, R.Y. (53) 283 Nair, T.M., Kulkarni, B.D. and Nagaraja, V. Welte, W., see Timmins, P. (53) 27 Differential binding of RNA polymerase to the wild type Westerhoff, H.V., see Kholodenko, B.N. (53) 247 Mu mom promoter and its C independent mutant: a Wilkinson, C., see Cipriani, F. (53) 5 theoretical analysis (53) 241 Nierhaus, K.H., see Nowotny, P. (53) 115 Zaccai, G. Nossal, R., see Krueger, S. (53) 85 Editor’s overview (53) 1 Nowotny, P., Riihl, M., Nowotny, V., May, R.P., Burkhardt, Zaccai, G., see Bonneté, F. (53) 69 N., Voss, H. and Nierhaus, K.H. Zaccai, G., see Serdyuk, I.N. (53) 123 Biophysical Chemistry ce! ELSEVIER Biophysical Chemistry 53 (1995) 295-299 Subject Index to Volume 53 (1995) Additivity rule Cold neutrons Maleic acid copolymer; Ca* activity; Counter ion condensa- Densimetry; Neutron scattering; Salt solutions; NaCl, KCl tion; Ca?* binding (lida, S. (53) 219) (Bonneté, F. (53) 69) Agarose Computer simulation Neutron scattering; Gels (Krueger, S. (53) 85) Oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid; Phenol inhibition mecha- nism; Reaction threshold; Bistability; Modelling (Krylov, S.N. Alcohols (53) 213) Poly (.-glutamic acid); Coil—helix transition; Contact ion-pair; Alkaline earth metal cations (Satoh, M. (53) 207) Configurational entropy Proteoglycan; Polysaccharide; Swelling pressure; Volume ex- Alkaline earth metal cations clusion; Mean field theory (Kovach, I.S. (53) 181) Poly (L-glutamic acid); Coil—helix transition; Contact ion-pair; Alcohols (Satoh, M. (53) 207) Conformational change Yeast phosphoglycerate kinase; Small-angle neutron scatter- Amphiphiles, small Membrane proteins; Detergents; Neutron crystallography; ing; Second virial coefficient; Radius of gyration (Henderson, Small angle scattering (Timmins, P. (53) 27) S.J. (53) 95) Anthracene Contact ion-pair Phospholipid probe; Self-association; Membrane model; Spec- Poly (.-glutamic acid); Coil—helix transition; Alkaline earth troscopy (light absorption) (Rodriguez, F. (53) 169) metal cations; Alcohols (Satoh, M. (53) 207) Bistability Cosolvent interaction Oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid; Phenol inhibition mecha- Protein hydration; Nucleic acid hydration; Guanidinium chlo- nism; Reaction threshold; Modelling; Computer simulation ride denaturation; Halophilic malate dehydrogenase (Eisen- (Krylov, S.N. (53) 213) berg, H. (53) 57) Ca?* activity Counter ion condensation Maleic acid copolymer; Counter ion condensation; Additivity Maleic acid copolymer; Ca?* activity; Additivity rule; Ca2* rule; Ca** binding (lida, S. (53) 219) binding (Iida, S. (53) 219) Ca?* binding C-phycocyanin protein Maleic acid copolymer; Ca?* activity; Counter ion condensa- Neutron scattering; Structure factor; Transition (Bradley, K.F. tion; Additivity rule (lida, S. (53) 219) (53) 37) Channel gating Sodium channel; Ferroelectric Curie-Weiss law; Order-—dis- Critical micelle concentration order transition; Dielectric permittivity; Ferroelectric liquid SDS-protein complex; Neutron scattering; SDS binding; Pro- crystals (Leuchtag, H.R. (53) 197) tein-decorated micelle (Ibel, K. (53) 77) Coil—helix transition Denatured protein Poly (L-glutamic acid); Contact ion-pair; Alkaline earth metal Phosphoglycerate kinase; Small-angle neutron scattering; cations; Alcohols (Satoh, M. (53) 207) Polymer theory (Calmettes, P. (53) 105) 296 Subject Index / Biophysical Chemistry 53 (1995) 295-299 Densimetry Ethidium Neutron scattering; Salt solutions; NaCl, KCl; Cold neutrons Fluorescence polarisation anisotropy; Frequency modulation; (Bonneté, F. (53) 69) DNA torsional dynamics; Hoechst 33258 (Collini, M. (53) 227) Detergents Ferroelectric Curie-Weiss law Membrane proteins; Amphiphiles, small; Neutron crystallog- Sodium channel; Order—disorder transition; Dielectric per- raphy; Small angle scattering (Timmins, P. (53) 27) mittivity; Ferroelectric liquid crystals; Channel gating (Leuch- tag, H.R. (53) 197) Deuterated-probes DPH; TMA-DPH; Neutron-diffraction; Model membrane Ferroelectric liquid crystals (Pebay-Peyroula, E. (53) 45) Sodium channel; Ferroelectric Curie-Weiss law; Order-—dis- order transition; Dielectric permittivity; Channel gating Dielectric permittivity (Leuchtag, H.R. (53) 197) Sodium channel; Ferroelectric Curie-Weiss law; Order—dis- order transition; Ferroelectric liquid crystals; Channel gating Fluorescence polarisation anisotropy (Leuchtag, H.R. (53) 197) Frequency modulation; DNA torsional dynamics; Hoechst 33258; Ethidium (Collini, M. (53) 227) DNA curvature Promoter structure; RNA polymerase (Nair, T.M. (53) 241) Fluoride inhibitor EPR of type 2 copper; Freezing effects, Glycerol; Inhibitor; DNA superstructures Subzero incubation method; Tree laccase (Miller, C. (53) 189) Nucleosome positioning; rbcS genes; Theoretical prediction (Cacchione, S. (53) 267) Freezing effects, Glycerol EPR of type 2 copper; Fluoride inhibitor; Inhibitor; Subzero DNA torsional dynamics incubation method; Tree laccase (Miller, C. (53) 189) Fluorescence polarisation anisotropy; Frequency modulation; Hoechst 33258; Ethidium (Collini, M. (53) 227) Frequency modulation Fluorescence polarisation anisotropy; DNA torsional dynam- DPH ics; Hoechst 33258; Ethidium (Collini, M. (53) 227) TMA-DPH; Neutron-diffraction; Deuterated-probes; Model membrane (Pebay-Peyroula, E. (53) 45) Gels Neutron scattering; Agarose (Krueger, S. (53) 85) Dynamics Interactions in protein; Inelastic neutron scattering (Smith, J.C. (53) 131) GroEL Molecular chaperone; Escherichia coli; Model analysis; Solu- tion X-ray scattering (Igarashi, Y. (53) 259) EF-Tu - GTP - aminoacyl-tRNA complex Neutron scattering; Isotopic substitution (Serdyuk, I.N. (53) 123) Guanidinium chloride denaturation Protein hydration; Nucleic acid hydration; Cosolvent interac- Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry tion; Halophilic malate dehydrogenase (Eisenberg, H. (53) 57) Protein perdeuteration; Neutron diffraction; Staphylococcal nuclease (Gamble, T.R. (53) 15) Guinier approximation Neutron scattering; Ribosomal structure; Ribosomal proteins; Enzyme control coefficients Ribosomal assembly; Reconstitution of ribosomes (Nowotny, Metabolic channelling; Matrix method (Kholodenko, B.N. (53) P. (53) 115) 247) Halophilic malate dehydrogenase EPR of type 2 copper Protein hydration; Nucleic acid hydration; Cosolvent interac- Fiuoride inhibitor; Freezing effects, Glycerol; Inhibitor; Sub- tion; Guanidinium chloride denaturation (Eisenberg, H. (53) zero incubation method; Tree laccase (Miller, C. (53) 189) 57) Escherichia coli Hoechst 33258 Molecular chaperone; GroEL; Model analysis; Solution X-ray Fluorescence polarisation anisotropy; Frequency modulation; scattering (Igarashi, Y. (53) 259) DNA torsional dynamics; Ethidium (Collini, M. (53) 227) Subject Index / Biophysical Chemistry 53 (1995) 295-299 Hydrogen bond Microcalorimetry Inelastic neutron scattering; Infrared; Raman; Proton transfer Membrane potential; Thermodynamics (Pu, R.Y. (53) 283) (Fillaux, F. (53) 155) Model analysis Image plate Molecular chaperone; GroEL; Escherichia coli; Solution X-ray Protein crystallography; Neutron position-sensitive detection scattering (Igarashi, Y. (53) 259) (Cipriani, F. (53) 5) Modelling Inelastic neutron scattering Oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid; Phenol inhibition mecha- Interactions in protein; Dynamics (Smith, J.C. (53) 131) nism; Reaction threshold; Bistability; Computer simulation (Krylov, S.N. (53) 213) Infrared; Raman; Hydrogen bond; Proton transfer (Fillaux, F. (53) 155) Model membrane DPH; TMA-DPH; Neutron-diffraction; Deuterated-probes Infrared (Pebay-Peyroula, E. (53) 45) Inelastic neutron scattering; Raman; Hydrogen bond; Proton transfer (Fillaux, F. (53) 155) Molecular chaperone GroEL; Escherichia coli; Model analysis; Solution X-ray scat- tering (Igarashi, Y. (53) 259) Inhibitor EPR of type 2 copper; Fluoride inhibitor; Freezing effects, NaCl, KCI Glycerol; Subzero incubation method; Tree laccase (Miller, C. (53) 189) Densimetry; Neutron scattering; Salt solutions; Cold neutrons (Bonneté, F. (53) 69) Interactions in protein Neutron crystallography Dynamics; Inelastic neutron scattering (Smith, J.C. (53) 131) Membrane proteins; Detergents; Amphiphiles, small; Small angle scattering (Timmins, P. (53) 27) Isotopic substitution Neutron scattering; EF-Tu - GTP - aminoacyl-tRNA complex Neutron diffraction (Serdyuk, I.N. (53) 123) Protein perdeuteration; Staphylococcal nuclease; Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (Gamble, T.R. (53) 15) Maleic acid copolymer Ca** activity; Counter ion condensation; Additivity rule; Ca?* Neutron-diffraction binding (lida, S. (53) 219) DPH; TMA-DPH; Deuterated-probes; Model membrane (Pebay-Peyroula, E. (53) 45) Matrix method Metabolic channelling; Enzyme control coefficients (Kholo- Neutron position-sensitive detection denko, B.N. (53) 247) Protein crystallography; Image plate (Cipriani, F. (53) 5) Mean field theory Neutron scattering Proteoglycan; Polysaccharide; Swelling pressure; Configura- C-phycocyanin protein; Structure factor; Transition (Bradley, tional entropy; Volume exclusion (Kovach, I.S. (53) 181) K.F. (53) 37) Membrane model Densimetry; Salt solutions; NaCl, KCl; Cold neutrons (Bon- Anthracene; Phospholipid probe; Self-association; Spec- neté, F. (53) 69) troscopy (light absorption) (Rodriguez, F. (53) 169) SDS-protein complex; Critical micelle concentration; SDS Membrane potential binding; Protein-decorated micelle (Ibel, K. (53) 77) Microcalorimetry; Thermodynamics (Pu, R.Y. (53) 283) Gels; Agarose (Krueger, S. (53) 85) Membrane proteins Detergents; Amphiphiles, small; Neutron crystallography; Ribosomal structure; Ribosomal proteins; Ribosomal assem- Small angle scattering (Timmins, P. (53) 27) bly; Reconstitution of ribosomes; Guinier approximation (Nowotny, P. (53) 115) Metabolic channelling Matrix method; Enzyme control coefficients (Kholodenko, Isotopic substitution; EF-Tu - GTP - aminoacyl-tRNA complex B.N. (53) 247) (Serdyuk, I.N. (53) 123) 298 Subject Index / Biophysical Chemistry 53 (1995) 295-299 Nucleic acid hydration Protein perdeuteration Protein hydration; Cosolvent interaction; Guanidinium chlo- Neutron diffraction; Staphylococcal nuclease; Electrospray ride denaturation; Halophilic malate dehydrogenase (Eisen- ionization mass spectrometry (Gamble, T.R. (53) 15) berg, H. (53) 57) Proteoglycan Nucleosome positioning Polysaccharide; Swelling pressure; Configurational entropy; DNA superstructures; rbcS genes; Theoretical prediction Volume exclusion; Mean field theory (Kovach, I.S. (53) 181) (Cacchione, S. (53) 267) Proton transfer Order-disorder transition Inelastic neutron scattering; Infrared; Raman; Hydrogen bond Sodium channel; Ferroelectric Curie-Weiss law; Dielectric (Fillaux, F. (53) 155) permittivity; Ferroelectric liquid crystals; Channel gating (Leuchtag, H.R. (53) 197) Radius of gyration Yeast phosphoglycerate kinase; Small-angle neutron scatter- Oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid ing; Second virial coefficient; Conformational change Phenol inhibition mechanism; Reaction threshold; Bistability; (Henderson, S.J. (53) 95) Modelling; Computer simulation (Krylov, S.N. (53) 213) Raman Phenol inhibition mechanism Inelastic neutron scattering; Infrared; Hydrogen bond; Proton Oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid; Reaction threshold; Bista- transfer (Fillaux, F. (53) 155) bility; Modelling; Computer simulation (Krylov, S.N. (53) 213) Reaction threshold Phosphoglycerate kinase Oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid; Phenol inhibition mecha- Denatured protein; Small-angle neutron scattering; Polymer nism; Bistability; Modelling; Computer simulation (Krylov, theory (Calmettes, P. (53) 105) S.N. (53) 213) Phospholipid probe Reconstitution of ribosomes Anthracene; Self-association; Membrane model; Spectroscopy Neutron scattering; Ribosomal structure; Ribosomal proteins; (light absorption) (Rodriguez, F. (53) 169) Ribosomal assembly; Guinier approximation (Nowotny, P. (53) 115) Poly (.-glutamic acid) Coil—helix transition; Contact ion-pair; Alkaline earth metal Ribosomal assembly cations; Alcohols (Satoh, M. (53) 207) Neutron scattering; Ribosomal structure; Ribosomal proteins; Reconstitution of ribosomes; Guinier approximation Polymer theory (Nowotny, P. (53) 115) Denatured protein; Phosphoglycerate kinase; Small-angle neutron scattering (Calmettes, P. (53) 105) Ribosomal proteins Polysaccharide Neutron scattering; Ribosomal structure; Ribosomal assem- bly; Reconstitution of ribosomes; Guinier approximation Proteoglycan; Swelling pressure; Configurational entropy; (Nowotny, P. (53) 115) Volume exclusion; Mean field theory (Kovach, I.S. (53) 181) Promoter structure Ribosomal structure DNA curvature; RNA polymerase (Nair, T.M. (53) 241) Neutron scattering; Ribosomal proteins; Ribosomal assembly; Reconstitution of ribosomes; Guinier approximation (Nowotny, P. (53) 115) Protein crystallography Neutron position-sensitive detection; Image plate (Cipriani, F. (53) 5) RNA polymerase DNA curvature; Promoter structure (Nair, T.M. (53) 241) Protein-decorated micelle SDS-protein complex; Neutron scattering; Critical micelle Salt solutions concentration; SDS binding (Ibel, K. (53) 77) Densimetry; Neutron scattering; NaCl, KCl; Cold neutrons (Bonneté, F. (53) 69) Protein hydration Nucleic acid hydration; Cosolvent interaction; Guanidinium SDS binding chloride denaturation; Halophilic malate dehydrogenase (Ei- SDS-protein complex; Neutron scattering; Critical micelle senberg, H. (53) 57) concentration; Protein-decorated micelle (Ibel, K. (53) 77) Subject Index / Biophysical Chemistry 53 (1995) 295-299 SDS-protein complex Staphylococcal nuclease Neutron scattering; Critical micelle concentration; SDS bind- Protein perdeuteration; Neutron diffraction; Electrospray ion- ing; Protein-decorated micelle (Ibel, K. (53) 77) ization mass spectrometry (Gamble, T.R. (53) 15) Structure factor Second virial coefficient C-phycocyanin protein; Neutron scattering; Transition (Brad- Yeast phosphoglycerate kinase; Small-angle neutron scatter- ley, K.F. (53) 37) ing; Conformational change; Radius of gyration (Henderson, S.J. (53) 95) Subzero incubation method EPR of type 2 copper; Fluoride inhibitor; Freezing effects, Self-association Glycerol; Inhibitor; Tree laccase (Miller, C. (53) 189) Anthracene; Phospholipid probe; Membrane model; Spec- troscopy (light absorption) (Rodriguez, F. (53) 169) Swelling pressure Proteoglycan; Polysaccharide; Configurational entropy; Vol- rbcS genes ume exclusion; Mean field theory (Kovach, I.S. (53) 181) DNA superstructures; Nucleosome positioning; Theoretical prediction (Cacchione, S. (53) 267) Theoretical prediction DNA superstructures; Nucleosome positioning; rbcS genes (Cacchione, S. (53) 267) Small-angle neutron scattering Yeast phosphoglycerate kinase; Second virial coefficient; Con- Thermodynamics formational change; Radius of gyration (Henderson, S.J. (53) Membrane potential; Microcalorimetry (Pu, R.Y. (53) 283) 95) TMA-DPH Denatured protein; Phosphoglycerate kinase; Polymer theory DPH; Neutron-diffraction; Deuterated-probes; Model mem- (Calmettes, P. (53) 105) brane (Pebay-Peyroula, E. (53) 45) Transition Small angle scattering C-phycocyanin protein; Neutron scattering; Structure factor Membrane proteins; Detergents; Amphiphiles, small; Neutron (Bradley, K.F. (53) 37) crystallography (Timmins, P. (53) 27) Tree laccase Sodium channel EPR of type 2 copper; Fluoride inhibitor; Freezing effects, Ferroelectric Curie-Weiss law; Order—disorder transition; Glycerol; Inhibitor; Subzero incubation method (Miller, C. Dielectric permittivity; Ferroelectric liquid crystals; Channel (53) 189) gating (Leuchtag, H.R. (53) 197) Volume exclusion Proteoglycan; Polysaccharide; Swelling pressure; Configura- Solution X-ray scattering tional entropy; Mean field theory (Kovach, I.S. (53) 181) Molecular chaperone; GroEL; Escherichia coli; Model analy- sis (Igarashi, Y. (53) 259) Yeast phosphoglycerate kinase Small-angle neutron scattering; Second virial coefficient; Con- Spectroscopy (light absorption) formational change; Radius of gyration (Henderson, S.J. (53) Anthracene; Phospholipid probe; Self-association; Membrane 95) model (Rodriguez, F. (53) 169)

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