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Bionanotechnology ((David E. Reisner, Raj Bawa, Samuel Brauer, Jose Alvelo, Wenwei Zheng, Mariekie Gericke)) PDF

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Preview Bionanotechnology ((David E. Reisner, Raj Bawa, Samuel Brauer, Jose Alvelo, Wenwei Zheng, Mariekie Gericke))

Handbook of Research on Biomedical Engineering Education and Advanced Bioengineering Learning: Interdisciplinary Concepts Ziad O. Abu-Faraj American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon Volume I Managing Director: Lindsay Johnston Senior Editorial Director: Heather Probst Book Production Manager: Sean Woznicki Development Manager: Joel Gamon Acquisitions Editor: Erika Gallagher Typesetter: Jennifer Romanchak Cover Design: Nick Newcomer, Lisandro Gonzalez Published in the United States of America by Medical Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global) 701 E. Chocolate Avenue Hershey PA 17033 Tel: 717-533-8845 Fax: 717-533-8661 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.igi-global.com Copyright © 2012 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI Global of the trademark or registered trademark. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Biomedical engineering education and advanced bioengineering learning: interdisciplinary concepts / Ziad O. Abu-Faraj, editor. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: “This book explores how healthcare practices have been steered toward emerging frontiers, including, among others, functional medical imaging, regenerative medicine, nanobiomedicine, enzyme engineering, and artificial sensory substitution”-- Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-1-4666-0122-2 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-0123-9 (ebook) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-0124-6 (print & perpetual access) 1. Biomedical engineering--Study and teaching. I. Abu-Faraj, Ziad O., 1964- R856.3.B56 2012 610.28076--dc23 2011042007 British Cataloguing in Publication Data A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library. All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors, but not necessarily of the publisher. 436 Chapter 10 Bionanotechnology David E. Reisner Raj Bawa The Nano Group, Inc., USA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA & Bawa Biotech, LLC, USA Samuel Brauer Nanotech Plus, LLC, USA Jose Alvelo Vector Consulting Group, LLC, USA Wenwei Zheng University of California, Berkeley, USA Mariekie Gericke Mintek, South Africa Chris Vulpe University of California, Berkeley, USA ABSTRACT Bionanotechnology is multidisciplinary knowledge gained at the intersection of biology and nanotech- nology. Certainly, biology operates in the nanoscale regime, using natural processes that occur in the nanoscale, by convention, under 100 nm in dimension. Therefore, bionanotechnology relates to those subtopics in the biological life sciences that exploit the analytical and experimental tools of nanotechnol- ogy. This chapter makes no pretense of acting as a comprehensive treatise, but rather selects a mix of timely topics that span over a wide set of tools and applications. It is addressed to practitioners, research- ers, faculty, and university/college students within the field of bioengineering/biomedical engineering; it is also addressed to other closely-related governmental, non-governmental, and industrial entities. 10.1. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES of a monograph on bionanotechnology. A judicious choice has been made in this chapter to identify Bionanotechnology has the opportunity to exert areas of bionanotechnology that span a wide a dominant impact on nanotechnology products range of technological tools and form a basis for that are to be developed in the coming decades. the evolving art. Following the historical back- This is in no small part due to the compelling ground, the focus is on biosensors, drug delivery advances in nanomedicine. This chapter presents and nanomedicine, biotechnology templates for a comprehensive review that would form the basis electronic device architecture, and biosynthesis of nanoparticles. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0122-2.ch010 Copyright © 2012, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Bionanotechnology 10.2. INTRODUCTION ing, biology, etc. One can view it as an umbrella term used to define the products, processes and Innovations at the intersection of engineering, properties at the nano/micro scale. biotechnology, medicine, physical sciences and One of the major problems regulators and information technology are spurring new direc- lawyers face regarding nanotechnology is the tions in research, education, commercialization confusion and disagreement about its definition and technology transfer. It is at this intersection (Bawa 2007a-b; Bawa, 2011). There are numer- where nanotechnology operates. Anticipating a ous definitions of nanotechnology. One often robust market, there is enormous excitement and used – yet sometimes troublesome – definition of expectation surrounding this multidisciplinary nanotechnology was proposed by the US National phenomenon. In fact, the future of nanotechnology Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) – a federal R&D is likely to continue along this path, as significant program established by the U.S. government to technologic advances across multiple scientific coordinate the efforts of government agencies disciplines will continue to be proposed, validated, involved in nanotechnology. It simply limits patented and commercialized. nanotechnology to “… about 1 to 100 nanometers One of the greatest impacts of nanotechnology …” (NNI, 2011). Various government agencies, is taking place in the context of biology, biotech- including the Food and Drug Administration nology and medicine. This arena of nanotechnol- (FDA) and the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) ogy is generally referred to as bionanotechnology, continue to use this vague definition based on a with an evolving emphasis on nanomedicine. sub-100 nm size. Although the FDA is part of Commercial bionanotechnology, although at the NNI and had participated in the development a nascent stage of development, is already a real- of this narrow definition, it has yet to officially ity. However, most agree that its full potential is adopt the NNI’s definition for its own regulatory years or decades away. Obviously, development purposes, or establish a “formal” definition. is progressing more rapidly in certain sectors; The NNI nanotechnology definition presents the most active areas of product development are numerous difficulties. For example, although drug delivery, nanoelectronics, nanocoatings, and the sub-100 nm size range may be important to in vivo imaging. a nanophotonic company (e.g., a quantum dot’s size dictates the color of light emitted therefrom), this size limitation is not critical to a drug com- 10.3. DEFINITION OF pany from a formulation, delivery or efficacy BIONANOTECHNOLOGY perspective because the desired property (e.g., improved bioavailability, reduced toxicity, lower 10.3.1. What is Nanotechnology dose, enhanced solubility, etc.) may be achieved and Nanomedicine? in a size range greater than 100 nm. Moreover, this NNI definition excludes numerous devices Although the term “nanotechnology” is very and materials of micrometer dimensions (or of much in vogue, defining it is not simple. A nano- dimensions less than 1 nanometer), a scale that is meter (Greek, nanos, dwarf) is one billionth of a included within the definition of nanotechnology meter, or 1/75,000th the size of a human hair. An by many nanoscientists. Therefore, experts have atom is about one third of a nanometer in width. cautioned against an overly rigid definition, such Nanotechnology is not a well-defined field, but as this, based on a sub-100 nm size, emphasizing encompasses many technical and scientific fields instead the continuum of scale from the “nano” such as medicine, chemistry, physics, engineer- to “micro”. 437 Bionanotechnology Add to this confusion the fact that nanotechnol- …the science and technology of diagnosing, ogy is nothing new. For example, nanoscale carbon treating and preventing disease and traumatic particles – “high-tech soot nanoparticles” – have injury, of relieving pain, and of preserving and been used as a reinforcing additive in tires for improving human health, using molecular tools over a century. Another example is that of protein and molecular knowledge of the human body. vaccines – they squarely fall within the definition of nanotechnology. In fact, many biomolecules Hence, the size limitation imposed in NNI’s are in the nanoscale. Peptides are similar in size definition should be discounted, especially when to quantum dots and some viruses are in the size discussing nanopharmaceuticals or nanomedicine. range of nanoparticles. Hence, most of molecular The phrase “small technology” may be more medicine and biotechnology can be classified as appropriate in this context as it more accurately nanotechnology. encompasses both nanotechnologies and mi- Technically speaking, biologists have been crotechnologies. An internationally acceptable studying all these nanoscale biomolecules long definition and nomenclature of nanotechnology before the term “nanotechnology” became fash- should be promptly developed. ionable. Even though the National Institutes of Health (NIH) concurs that while much of biology is grounded in nanoscale phenomena, it has not 10.4. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND reclassified most of its basic research portfolio AND LITERATURE OVERVIEW as nanotechnology. In light of this confusion, the following defi- The combination of the disciplines of nanotechnol- nition of nanotechnology, unconstrained by an ogy and biology has led to some very important arbitrary size limitation, has been developed by theoretical and practical advances in both biology Bawa et al. (2005): and nanoengineered materials in a very short span of time. Some of the developments in biology that The design, characterization, production, and owe critical insights to nanotechnology include: application of structures, devices, and systems by controlled manipulation of size and shape 1. Cell adhesion – a fundamental process in at the nanometer scale (atomic, molecular, and cells, which can affect marine growth to macromolecular scale) that produces structures, tumor metastases. devices, and systems with at least one novel/ 2. Molecular or nanoparticle tags with a strong superior characteristic or property. enough signal to allow single molecule observation inside a living cell. Naturally, disagreements over the definition 3. Improved technology for reading DNA of nanotechnology carry over to the definition expression, allowing orders of magnitude of nanomedicine. At present, there is no uniform, increases in the number of genes spotted on internationally accepted definition for nanomedi- a microarray slide. cine either. One definition, not constrained by 4. Improvements in DNA sequencing, reducing size, yet correctly emphasizing that controlled the costs and increasing the practicality also manipulation at the nanoscale results in medical by orders of magnitude. improvements and/or significant medical changes, 5. The converse has also led to important comes from the European Science Foundation insights. Developments in nanotechnology (EMRAC, 2004): that owe inspiration to biology include: 438 Bionanotechnology a. Organic-inorganic hybrid polymers or 1. Structural information: molecular, organelle ceramics modeled on bone. and at a cellular level. b. Molecular self-assembly. 2. Deciphering the genetic code: for many c. Liposomes used in drug delivery, foods, years, the deciphering was focused on simply and cosmetics. unraveling the genetic sequences, but now d. Adhesives used in dentistry. has shifted to understanding the complex interplay among genes. Clearly, both nanotechnology and biology 3. Signaling: the transmission of information have had a very fertile cross-fertilization to date, using molecular signals to organelles within and there is much more progress to come. For the the cell as well as intercellular signaling. purposes of this section, however, let us focus on developments in biology that have their origins Nanotechnology has had a critical role in each in nanotechnology. of these areas. Using nanotechnology, it has been Physicists often point to the seminal lecture possible to greatly extend the knowledge of the given in 1959 by Richard Feynman “There’s structure of the cell far beyond what was avail- Plenty of Room at the Bottom”, at Caltech, to able with light microscopy. Nanotechnology has show that the theoretical concepts of nanotech- helped speed up the rate of determining genetic nology – of manipulating atoms directly – were sequences; in that, what was once an arduous valid. This lecture is often used as the starting task taking more than a decade to be completed, point for theoretical concepts of nanotechnology, can today be done in much shorter spans of time. while the development of the “high resolution” Nanotechnology has also helped develop critical electron microscope (Bogner et al., 2007) in the insights into cellular communication – insights 1980s showed the ability to image structures at that have proven to be extremely important in a nanometer scale resolution. number of fields. Unfortunately, there was no visionary lecture in biology comparable to that given by Feynman. 10.4.2. Determining While nanotechnology and physics was a match Structures in Biology of willing partners, the intersection of nano- technology and biology was considerably more Since the development of the first microscopes in tumultuous since biologists were slow to grasp the the 1600s, biologists such as Robert Hooke were import of nanotechnology to biological problems. fascinated by the contents of the cell. While cells Instead of Nobel laureates giving lectures, the are a hive of activity, biologists had to be content vision of nanotechnology in biology was often with static pictures of cellular structures, since the linked to ideas from movies or television. Tools staining process necessary to see cellular organ- for biologists were lacking as well. Surprisingly elles with light microscopy was fatal. though, nanotechnology has had a major impact However, biologists have not been restricted on some of the critical problems in biology today. to light microscopy for determining static cel- lular structures, since compounds such as DNA 10.4.1. Major Themes in Biology and proteins could be determined with X-ray crystallography. As long as a material could be The major themes in biology, over the past few crystallized, its structure could be elucidated. This decades, consist of the following: technique offered a snapshot of biological struc- tures, although there were always some underlying concerns of how representative crystal structures 439 Bionanotechnology were of the molecules in solution. In some cases, It is important to realize that it is often impos- by using a very powerful X-ray source, it was sible to determine a protein’s tertiary structure even possible to determine a protein structure in based solely on its primary sequence, for often, solution (Brunger, 1997). Furthermore, biologists very dissimilar primary sequences can have were determining structures at the angstrom (Å) remarkably similar tertiary structures. The con- level. A good crystal structure can yield a structure verse is also true. Similar primary sequences can with an accuracy of between 0.2-0.3 Å, while also have very different tertiary structures if key NMR spectroscopy can often yield structures with residues forming disulfide bonds are missing. In an accuracy between 0.5 and 1.0 angstroms. So, terms of the activity of a protein or its function structural biology was accustomed to examining inside its cell, its tertiary and quaternary struc- proteins, DNA and other molecules of interest at a tures are very important. Consequently, even a resolution of less than 1 nm. Not surprisingly, the lower resolution image of a protein structure, push from nanotechnology enthusiasts to examine especially a large protein, can often prove to be molecular structures in a cell at a scale of nanome- more informative than one might expect. One of ters was met with something less than wide-eyed the major concerns about crystallizing proteins for enthusiasm amongst all biologists. Nevertheless, X-ray crystallography is whether the crystallized the SEM, TEM, and STM that the physicists had proteins of tertiary structure is representative of developed to probe atoms and molecules, di- its tertiary structure in solution. rectly provided useful lower resolution structural information. There are a number of biological 10.4.3. Electron Microscopy compounds which cannot be crystallized yet can still be imaged albeit at lower resolution using Transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and electron microscopes. Furthermore, the electron scanning electron microscopes (SEM) worked microscopes were far more convenient than X- well for the dissection of cells – determining ray crystallography, yielding images without the cellular structures after the cell has been stained, laborious challenge of crystallization. frozen, sliced or has undergone some procedure A note about protein structure: Protein struc- which ensures that it is very far removed from a ture can be classified into four categories: living organism. Once suitably prepared, SEM samples could be used to gather information 1. Primary structure: the sequence of amino about the surfaces of cells, while TEM could acids which makes up a protein. probe the interior structures of the cell using 10 2. Secondary structure: the structures that nm slices. However, neither TEM nor SEM are two dozen or so amino acids form, such as well suited for studying living cells given their α-helices or β-pleated sheets. sample preparation requirements (plating with a 3. Tertiary structure: how the helices or sheets thin layer of gold atoms) and operating condi- are assembled into larger structures, such as tions (high vacuum). Nevertheless, these electron a barrel or helix turn helix. There are only microscopes did enable observation of organelles about two dozen common motifs in protein from cells at resolutions beyond the capabilities tertiary structure. of conventional light microscopy. By 1988, there 4. Quaternary structure: for larger proteins were a number of techniques available to image such as enzymes, this structure displays how organelles, bacteria, and viruses using either TEM various tertiary structures can be assembled or SEM (Tanaka, 1989). into a whole. 440 Bionanotechnology 10.4.4. Dynamic Cellular Probes the AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) developed in 1986 (Giessibl, 2005), finally gave biologists Biologists have also been busy probing cellular a high resolution microscope that could work processes dynamically. Given the complexity of on the insulated surfaces of cells as well as the cellular processes, a static snapshot of a cell and conductive surfaces. Like the STM used by Eigler its organelles has proven to be of limited utility. to produce his seminal picture of xenon atoms in Hence, even electron micrographs of cells, which 1989, the AFM is a mechanical, not an optical, showed some amazing details of organelles and microscope. Work in the early 1990s demonstrated other structures, were not really all that useful to the power of the technique for both probing cells study dynamic cellular processes. Better under- and monitoring their responses to various chal- standing of cellular processes requires following lenges and insults (Henderson, 1994; Chang et the reactions taking place in a living cell. Confo- al., 1993; Fritz et al., 1994). cal microscopy coupled with fluorescent probes There were still challenges to overcome, allowed the determination of the path of some notably the high vacuum requirements of all of molecules in the cell in real-time, including their these various microscopies1; but by 1991, the chemical changes. By 1990, the first images of first reports of AFM imaging of living blood living cells were available with confocal micros- cells was published by a group at IBM (Häberle copy and in a seminal paper, Cornell-Bell and et al., 1991). Of the microscopes associated with colleagues (1990) had shown that it was possible nanotechnology, only AFM had the ability to ob- to monitor glutamate and calcium levels in astro- serve molecular surfaces in living cells. Perhaps cytes to probe their interdependence. It would be more importantly, AFM can probe the physical rather disingenuous to claim that nanotechnology environment of a cell in a very unique manner, had much to do with this work, but it does have a which has led to remarkable insight into cellular role to play involving confocal microscopy that signaling, discussed in a subsequent section. While we will touch on shortly. confocal microscopy is an optical technique with resolution limited to optical wavelengths, AFM 10.4.5. Development of the AFM does not rely on photons for images and has a far finer theoretical resolution. In practice, AFM and As noted above, SEM and TEM did provide confocal microscopy are far more complementary some wonderful images of cellular structures by rather than competitive techniques – both imaging the mid-1980s, but these images were static and technologies are very useful at understanding the were far from physiological conditions. Dynamic living cell. cellular information was another story. Given the instruments’ requirements, SEM, TEM or STM 10.4.6. Other Advances in could not be used to solve many of the important Structural Biology: Quantum problems in biology which required dynamic inter- Dots and Nanoparticle Probes rogation of living cells. The scanning tunneling microscope (STM), first developed in 1981, did Quantum dots2, one of the poster children for not appear to be much of an improvement over nanotechnology, offer a number of advantages electron microscopes for biology since it required over fluorophores used as biological probe tags a conductive surface; although by 1989, it was in both microarrays and confocal microscopy possible, via this technique to image cellular (Alivisatos et al., 2005). Biological tags are membranes in aqueous solutions (Ruppersberg covalently linked to a probe that will bind to a et al., 1989). However, an offshoot of the STM, molecule of interest and give off a strong opti- 441 Bionanotechnology cal signal when the binding occurs. Since the could be initiated – a project which led to identi- signal from quantum dots is stronger than that fication of all the 20,000-25,000 genes in human from fluorophores as well as longer lived, a DNA in 13 years. single quantum dot provides a sufficiently strong Aimed at producing a genetic map of an in- signal where it was previously necessary to use dividual cheaply, Pacific Biosciences developed a number of fluorophores to generate adequate products that extensively use nanotechnology. signal to noise. As noted earlier, by using a confo- Combining the technology of handling zeptoliters cal microscope, it is now possible to follow the of fluids with zero mode waveguides, a hole with a path of a tagged molecule through the cellular diameter of tens of nanometers in a 100 nm metal machinery. In fact, different molecules can be film on a silicon dioxide substrate, Pacific Biosci- tagged with more than one type of fluorophore or ences is planning on very rapid and inexpensive quantum dot, thus allowing comparison of vari- DNA sequencing aimed at providing genetic ous cellular components or processes simultane- information to individuals. The key molecular ously over time. Fluorophores have been under component, DNA polymerase, reads DNA bases at development longer than quantum dots and thus a rate of tens of bases/second. Reading a sequence there are a much wider variety of synthesized thousands of bases long takes a few minutes, and fluorophore conjugates (fluorophore bound to algorithms to assemble the information into the a probe) available. With this variety of fluoro- full sequence have been developed. phores, a number of techniques have evolved for confocal microscopy (Dailey et al., 2006). 10.4.8. Determining Gene Expression Although quantum dots’ longer lived signal and more robust nature – with the development of For larger organisms, where expressed gene prod- core/shell quantum dots – has significant perfor- ucts could be collected from biological fluids, gen- mance advantages over the standard fluorophore erally blood, Pat Brown’s lab at UCSF developed chemistry, the existing fluorophore conjugate the microarray in the mid-1990s (Schena et al., catalog ensures their popularity. 1995). The microarray allowed the simultaneous Quantum dots are not the only tag molecules characterization of multiple gene products – the developed by nanotechnology. Gold nanoparticles cellular signals emanating from genes. Although can also be used to provide an optical signal strong microarrays were originally developed to probe enough to detect single molecule binding events nucleotides, biologists are now using protein based using ordinary light microscopy. As is the case of microarrays as well, allowing for the concurrent all these tag technologies, toxicity of the tag mol- detection of multiple proteins. ecules remains a concern (Murphy et al., 2008). Microarrays make use of the same interrogative technology used in confocal microscopy; however, 10.4.7. Determining DNA Sequences instead of monitoring the binding of a probe mol- ecule in a cell, a short oligomer of nucleic acids Determination of the genetic content of an or- or protein fragment is bound to a slide. Then, ganism prior to the 1980s was a highly laborious samples containing potential molecules of inter- process – it could take years to find a single gene. est with high binding affinities for these probe But the technology to determine gene sequences molecules can be examined. If binding occurs, evolved dramatically in the 1980s (with some a tag molecule, such as a fluorophore, quantum assistance from physicists); and the speed of dot or other nanocrystal, emits an optical signal. characterization of DNA bases improved to the The development of microarrays to nanoarrays, point that by 1990, the Human Genome Project akin to the development of microelectronics to 442 Bionanotechnology nanoelectronics, has led to dramatic improve- cellular physical contacts also play a critical role. ments in the number of gene products that can be It is now possible to identify a single molecule measured on a single chip. Early microarrays from in a cell membrane that sticks to the surface of 1995 were limited to determining whether a few another cell’s membrane, and to measure the force dozen genes were being expressed or not; hence, that this molecule exerts using AFM. It is also and making the microarray an expensive, labori- possible to measure the forces of adhesion and de- ous process. Today’s microarrays (effectively adhesion between cells (Benoit et al., 2000; Pittet nanoarrays, but still called microarrays similar et al., 2007; Helenius et al., 2008) as well as the to the terminology in electronics) can determine elasticity of various types of cells (Kuznetsova et whether tens of thousands of genes are being al., 2007) with this technique. Adhesive forces are expressed. Biologists are now drowning in data, critical to understanding a plethora of phenomena as theory has not kept up with the vast amount from marine growth to the progression of cancer. of data generated. The miniaturization process of Understanding the importance of physical inter- microarrays to nanoarrays is due to advances in cellular forces has led to revolutionary advances handling smaller volumes of materials, whether in several areas including: it is coating glass beads at the nanometer range or applying DNA oligomers to these surfaces reli- 1. Proliferation of tumor cells. ably. Furthermore, the technology to synthesize 2. Organ growth and regeneration. these tens of thousands of oligomers cheaply and 3. Cellular repair. reliably has been dependent on inkjet printing 4. Implant technology (Emerson & Camesano, technology, which in turn owes a great deal to 2004). nanotechnology. 5. Multicellular growth. Like confocal microscopy, the improved tag technology of quantum dots and other nanocrystals The AFM has led to insights into the adhesion is having an impact on microarrays. The improved of tumor cells by showing that as the intermolecu- signal-to-noise of these technologies has allowed lar forces in solid tumor cells decrease, the tumor further reductions in the number of probes needed can spread far from its initial site of formation for both protein (Zajac et al., 2007) and nucleotide (Panorchan et al., 2006). Clearly, loss of cellular microarrays (Karlin-Neumann et al., 2007). adhesion is one key step in the metastases of tumor cells. 10.4.9. Cellular Signaling The field of organ regeneration has shown amazing progress in the last decade or so. Trans- Cells can signal using a variety of methods: chemi- plantation of human organs is still a difficult cal, electrical, and least understood, direct physical task, and rejection of the transplant makes many contact. Yet, direct physical contact is critical to operations essentially fruitless. Work going on control in vital cellular processes. Pressure on Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine a cell membrane or activation of a receptor can (Winston-Salem, NC, USA) has shown a great deal indicate whether it is time for a cell to divide or of promise in growing a replacement organ using undergo apoptosis - programmed cellular death. the host’s own cells, which avoids the problem Adhesive forces between cells are critical to of rejection. Already, young children with spina understanding cell function. While intercellular bifida have a far better prognosis with implanted chemical signals are critical for long distance bladders grown from their own cells than a trans- communication, on shorter distance scales, inter- plant from another human being. Other organs, 443

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