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METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF John N. Abelson Melvin .I Simon DIVISION OF BIOLOGY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA FOUNDING EDITORS Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan Methods ni Enzymology emuloV 191 senarbmemoiB Part V Cellular and Subcellular :tropsnarT Epithelial Cells EDITED BY Sidney Fleischer Becca Fleischer TNEMTRAPED FO RALUCELOM YGOLOIB TLIBREDNAV YTISREVINU ,ELLIVHSAN EESSENNET lairotidE yrosivdA draoB Ronald Kaback George Sachs Yasuo Kagawa Antonio Scarpa Martin Klingenberg Widmar Tanner Robert L. Post Karl Ullrich ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers San Diego New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto Contributors to Volume 191 elcitrA numbers are in parentheses gniwollof the names of contributors. snoitailiffA detsil are cur~nt. MYLES A. AKABAS (33), Department of DANIEL BUTLEN (17), Laboratoire de Phy- Medicine, College of Physicians & Sur- siologie Cellulaire, Coll~ge de France. geons, Columbia University, New York, ,13257 Paris Cedex ,50 France New York 23001 CATHERINE S. CHEW (36), Department of QAIS AL-AWQATI (14, 33), Department of ,ygoloisyhP Morehouse School of Medi- Medicine, College of Physicians & Sur- ,enic Atlanta, aigroeG 30310 geons, Columbia University, New York, DRAWDE J. CRA~OE, JR. (42), Department New York 23001 of Medicine, University of ,ainavlysnneP L. MARIO AMZEL (21), Department of Bio- ,aihpledalihP Pennsylvania 19104. and physics, Johns Hopkins University School Merck, Sharp and Dohme Research Labo- of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 50212 ,seirotar West Point, Pennsylvania 68491 DENNIS AUSIELLO (32), Renal Unit, Massa- WILLIAM H. DANTZLER (11), Department of chusetts General Hospital and Department ,ygoloisyhP University of Arizona egelloC of Medical Services, Harvard Medical of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona 85724 ,loohcS Boston, Massachusetts 02114 DONALD F. DIEDRICrt (43), Department "Jo SEMAJ R. SELTRAB (47), Department of ,IleC ygolocamrahP and Center for Membrane ,raluceloM and Structural ,ygoloiB North- ,secneicS University of Kentucky egelloC of western University Medical School, Chi- Medicine. Lexington, Kentucky 40506 ,ogac Illinois 11606 TREBOR W. DOMS (48), Laboratory of lariV MARK K. TTENNEB (46), Department of -oiB ,sesaesiD National Institute of Allergy and logical Sciences, Stanford University, Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of ,drofnatS ainrofilaC 50349 Health, Bethesda. Maryland 29802 KLAUS W. HCABNEYEB (11), Section of MICHAEL FIELD (44), Department of Medi- Physiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, cine and ,ygoloisyhP College of snaicisyhP ,weN York 35841 & Surgeons, Columbia University, New J. BmER (29), Institute of ,ygoloisyhP -revinU ,kroY New York, 23001 sity of Zftrich-Irchel, CH-8057 ,hcir2fZ E. FROMTER (2), Zentrum der ,eigoloisyhP Switzerland Johann Wolfgang ,tMisrevinU-ehteoG ANDR~ W. BP.ANDLI (46), Department of D-6000 Frankfurt~Main ,07 Federal Re- Biochemistry and Biophysics, University public of Germany of California-San Francisco, San Fran- JAN FRYKLUND (41), AB Hassle, Depart- ,ocsic ainrofilaC 34149 ment of ,ygoloiB S-431 83 ,ladnlOM Swe- D~NNIS BROWN (32), Renal Unit, Massa- den chusetts General Hospital, and Depart- YRREJ D. GARDNER (35), Digestive Diseases ment of Pathology, Harvard Medical ,hcnarB National Institutes of Health, -eB ,loohcS Boston, Massachusetts 02114 ,adseht Maryland 20892 GERHARD BURCKHARDT (30), Max-Plank- R. GREGER (16, 45), sehcsigoloisyhP lnsti- Institut ru°3 Biophysik, D-6000 Frankfurt/ rut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitdt, D-7800 Main ,07 Federal Republic of Germany ,grubierF Federal Republic of Germany M. B. BURG (12), Laboratory of Kidney and WALTER G. GUDER (18), Institute of -inilC Electrolyte Metabolism, National Insti- cal Chemistry, Bogenhausen City Hospi- tutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland tal D-8000 Mfinchen ,18 Federal Republic 41802 of Germany ix x CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 191 MAILLIW B. GUGOINO (21), Department of M. A. REPPENK (12), Laboratory of Kidney Physiology, Johns Hopkins University and Electrolyte Metabolism, National In- School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland stitutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 50212 41802 LRAC A. NESNAH (39), Department of Bio- H. LLESPEOK (25, 34), Max-Planck-lnstitut chemistry and Biophysics, University of far Biophysik, D-6000 niaM~trufknarF ,07 Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Phila- Federal Republic of Germany ,aihpled Pennsylvania 40191 G. KOTTRA (2), Zentrum der ,eigoloisyhP LBHCIM BL HIR (15), Zentrum far Lehre Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang -ehteoG und ,gnuhcsroF ,latipssnotnaK 4031 ,lesaB ,tdtisrevinU D-6000 Frankfurt~Main ,07 Switzerland Federal Republic of Germany LLBWOL E. HOT, NI (38), Department of J. I. OaBBSIE~IK (9), Departments of -lohtaP ,ygolocamrahP University of Wisconsin ygo and Medicine, The University of Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin Texas Health Science Center at San An- 60735 ,oinot San Antonio, Texas 48287 LBAHCIM F. HORSTER (23), Institute of D. J. RBDNAL (40), Institute of Animal Phys- ,ygoloisyhP University of Munich, D-8000 ygoloi and Genetics Research, Cambridge Munich, Federal Republic of Germany Research Station, Cambridge CB2 4AT, NNA L. DRABBUH (47), Department of Cell England Biology and Anatomy, Johns Hopkins DLANOD W. YRDNAL (33), Department of ytisrevinU School of Medicine, Baltimore, Medicine, College of Physicians & Sur- Maryland 50212 geons, Columbia University, New York, INUKBI AWAKIHCI (7), Pediatric ,ygolorhpeN New York 23001 tlibrednaV University, Nashville, Tennes- see 3 2327 SBLRAHC J. NBDSMUL (4), Membrane -loiB ogy Group and Department of ,enicideM IHSADAT INAGAMI (10), Department of -oiB University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario chemistry, Vanderbilt University School of M5S ,8A1 Canada Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee 53273 NIBOR F. BNIVRI (40), Institute of Animal SAMOHT MAACK (19), Department of -isyhP Physiology and Genetics Research, Cam- ,ygolo Cornell University Medical ,egelloC bridge Research Station, Cambridge CB2 New York, New York 12001 A4 ,T England K. MORTSMLAM (29), Institute of -loisyhP ETTIGIRB GNILSSIAK (15), Anatomisches In- ,ygo University of ,lehcrI-hciriiZ CH-8057 stitut der ,tdtisrevinU University of -hcir~fZ ,hcir~fZ Switzerland ,lehcrI CH-8057 Zfirich, Switzerland ENAID SdVAKRAM (21), Department of -syhP S. J. D. HSILRAK (27), Department of Bio- ,ygoloi Johns Hopkins University School of chemistry, Weizmann Institute, Rehovoth, Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 50212 Israel ROLF K. H. I(JNNB (22, 26), Max-Plank- ANAID RBVRAM (31), Department of -retnI Institut far ,eigoloisyhpmetsyS 4600 -troD nal Medicine, University of Texas South- mund, Federal Republic of Germany western Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 53257 EVAMARIA KINNE-SAFFRAN (26), Max- Plank-Institut j~r Systemphysiologie, NAHTANOJ R. MONCX (39), Department of Rheinlanddamm 201, 4600 Dortmund, Physiology and Biophysics, Mayo ,cinilC Federal Republic of Germany ,retsehcoR Minnesota 20955 SAMOHT R. NAMYELK (42), Department of SIO~(NARF LBROM (17), Laboratoire de Phy- Medicine, University of ,ainavlysnneP siologie Cellulaire, Coll~ge de France, ,aihpledalihP Pennsylvania 40191 ,13257 Paris Cedex ,50 France CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 191 xi E. Emc MUI~EAD (10), Department of -aP GERHARD RUM~CH (6), Max-Planck- ,ygoloht Baptist Memorial ,latipsoH Mem- lnstitut r~if Biophysik, D-6000 Frankfurt/ phis, eessenneT 38146 Main ,07 Federal Republic of ynamreG H. MURER (29), Institute of ,ygoloisyhP -inU IVAN 2(ILOBAS (30), Department of -loisyhP ytisrev of ,lehcrl-hcirtfZ CH-8057 Z~ich, ogy, ytisrevinU of ,bergaZ 41000 ,bergaZ Switzerland aivalsoguY MARX W. MUSCH (44), tnemtrapeD of Med- G. SACHS (27), Department of ygoloisyhP ,enici The ytisrevinU of ,ogacihC ,ogacihC and Medicine, University of -ainrofilaC Illinois 60637 Los Angeles, Wadsworth AV Medical SCOTT M. O'G~DY (44), Department of ,retneC Los ,selegnA ainrofilaC 37009 yranireteV Biology, University of Minne- SEMAJ A. SCHAFER (13, 20), ygolorhpeN Re- ,atos St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 hcraes and Training ,retneC stnemtrapeD H. OBERLEITHNER (25), Department of of ygoloisyhP and ,scisyhpoiB and Medi- Physiology, University of ,grubzr~W ,enic University of Alabama at Birming- 1)-8700 Wftrzburg, Federal Republic of ham, Birmingham, Alabama 35294 ynamreG DETLEF FFRODNOLHCS (8), Renal ,noisiviD tnemtrapeD of Medicine, Albert Einstein C. HYuNG PARt (19), Department of -isyhP egelloC of Medicine, Bronx, New York ,ygolo llenroC ytisrevinU Medical ,egelloC 16401 New York, New York 12001 B. SCHURlCHT (25), Department of -loisyhP SEMAJ A. I~TCOCK (10), Department of -aP ogy, University of W~rzburg, 1)-8700 ,ygoloht Baptist Memorial ,latipsoH Mem- ,grubzr~W Federal Republic of ynamreG phis, eessenneT 38146 A. BAWHCS (25), Department of ,ygoloisyhP B. POSCHEL (25), Max-Plank-Institut fur ytisrevinU of ,grubzr~fW D-8700 -zr~fW Biophysik, 1)-6000 Frankfurt/Main ,07 ,grub Federal Republic of ynamreG laredeF Republic of ynamreG GEORGE J. ZTRAWHCS (14), stnemtrapeD of GARY A. QUAMMr: (5), Division of -lorhpeN scirtaideP and ,scisyhpoiB~ygoloisyhP Al- ,ygo Department of Medicine, ytisrevinU treb Einstein egelloC of ,enicideM ,xnorB of British Columbia, ,revuocnaV British New York 26401 Columbia V6T ,51411 adanaC STEFAN SEIBlCr~ (34), Max-Planck-Institut E. RAaON (27), Department of ygoloisyhP far Biophysik, 0006-)1 niaM~trufknarF ,07 and Medicine, University of -ainrofilaC laredeF Republic of ynamreG Los Angeles, Wadsworth AV Medical IHAB M. SHAFIX (5), Division of ,ygolorhpeN ,retneC Los ,selegnA ainrofilaC 37009 Department of Medicine, University of HOWARD NESSUMSAR (37), Departments of British Columbia, ,revuocnaV British -oC Internal ,enicideM Cell ,ygoloiB and -syhP lumbia V6T 1 ,SW adanaC ,ygoloi Yale University School of Medi- PATRICIO SILVA (3), Department of Medi- ,enic New Haven, tucitcennoC 06510 ,enic Joslin setebaiD ,retneC New England REHPOTSIRHC REDHEAD (33), tnemtrapeD ssenocaeD Hospital and Harvard Medical of ,enicideM egelloC of snaicisyhP & Sur- ,loohcS Boston, sttesuhcassaM 51220 geons, Columbia ,ytisrevinU New York, MELVIN NAMREVLIS (4), Membrane ygoloiB New York 23001 puorG and Department of ,enicideM -inU S. RESHrdN (29), Institute of ,ygoloisyhP ytisrev of ,otnoroT ~otnoroT Ontario M5S ytisrevinU of ,lehcrI-hcir~Z CH-8057 Z~r- tAB, adanaC ,hci Switzerland N. L. SNOMMIS (24), tnemtrapeD of -oisyhP WILTON A. LESTHO1R (10), Department of lacigol ,secneicS The Medical ,loohcS -inU Patholog); Baptist Memorial Hospital, ytisrev of -nopu-eltsacweN ,enyT -eltsacweN Memphis, eessenneT 64183 upon-Tyne NE2 4HH, England xii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 191 KAI SNOMIS (46), European Molecular Biol- ment of ,ygoloiB S-431 38 ,ladnlOM Swe- ygo ,yrotarobaL D-6900 ,grebledieH Fed- ned lare Republic of ynamreG ANGELA WANDINGER NESS (46), naeporuE KARL OrCEROKS (32), Toronto lareneG -soH Molecular Biology Laboratory, D-6900 pital Division of ,ygolorhpeN ,otnoroT ,grebledieH Federal Republic of ynamreG ,otnoroT Ontario M5G 1L7, adanaC H. -J. ELAHPTSEW (25), tnemtrapeD of -syhP 1HSOYASAM ZONE (23), The Fourth -trapeD ,ygoloi University of ,grubzrtfW 0078-)1 ment of ,enicideM Tokyo Women's Medi- ,grubzr~fW Federal Republic of ynamreG cal ,egelloC Tokyo, Japan JAMES C. ,SMAILLIW JR. (13, 20), -trapeD D. A. TROYER (9), tnemtrapeD of ,ygolohtaP ment of Anatomy and Cell ,ygoloiB Medi- The ytisrevinU of Texas Health Science lac ytisrevinU of South ,aniloraC -selrahC Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, ,not South aniloraC 52492 Texas 48287 JOHN R. WILLIAMSON (39), Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, ytisrevinU R. JAMES TURNER (28), Clinical -agitsevnI of ainavlysnneP School of ,enicideM -alihP tions and Patient Care Branch, National ,aihpled ainavlysnneP 40191 Institute of Dental ,hcraeseR National In- stitutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland ELEIRBAG NHOSNEHTRIW (18), Institute of 29802 Clinical Chemistry, Bogenhausen City ,latipsoH D-8000 M~nchen ,18 Federal KARL SUILUJ HCIRLLU (1, 6), Max-Planck- Republic of ynamreG lnstitut raJ Biophysik, D-6000 Frankfurt/ K. A. WrtE~6ETT (40), Institute of Animal Main ,07 Federal Republic of ynamreG ygoloisyhP and sciteneG ,hcraeseR Cam- ALAN VERKMAN (32), Department of Medi- egdirb hcraeseR Station, Cambridge 2BC cine and Division of ,ygolorhpeN -oidraC 4AT, England ralucsav hcraeseR ,tinU ytisrevinU of -ilaC P. A. W~Gnx (12), Laboratory of Kidney fornia, San Francisco, San ,ocsicnarF and etylortcelE Metabolism, National In- ainrofilaC 34149 stitutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland RAKESn V~AYEK (35), Digestive sesaesiD 41802 ,hcnarB National Institutes of Health, -eB AIDA DERAY (7), Division of cirtaideP -hpeN ,adseht Maryland 29802 ,ygolor Vanderbilt University School of NROJB WALLMARK (41), AB ,elssdH -trapeD ,enicideM ,ellivhsaN eessenneT 23273 Preface Biological transport is part of the Biomembranes series of Methods ni Enzymology. It is a continuation of methodology concerned with mem- brane function. This is a particularly good time to cover the topic of biological membrane transport because there is now a strong conceptual basis for its understanding. The field of transport has been subdivided into five topics. .1 Transport in Bacteria, Mitochondria, and Chloroplasts 2. ATP-Driven Pumps and Related Transport 3. General Methodology of Cellular and Subcellular Transport 4. Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Eukaryotic (Nonepithelial) Cells .5 Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Epithelial Cells Topic 1 covered in Volumes 521 and 621 initiated the series. Topic 2 is covered in Volumes 651 and 157, Topic 3 in Volumes 171 and 172, and Topic 4 in Volumes 371 and 174. The remaining topic 5 is now covered in Volumes 191 and 192. Topic 5 is divided into two parts: this volume (Part V) which covers transport in kidney, hormonal modulation, stimulus secretion coupling, pharmacological agents and targeting, and intraceUular trafficking in epi- thelial cells, and Volume 291 (Part W) which deals with gastrointestinal and a diversity of other epithelial cells. We are fortunate to have the good counsel of our Advisory Board. Their input insures the quality of these volumes. The same Advisory Board has served for the complete transport series. Valuable input on the outlines of the five topics was also provided by Qais A1-Awqati, Ernesto Carafoli, Halvor Christensen, Isadore Edelman, Joseph Hoffman, Phil Knauf, and Hermann Passow. Additional valuable input for Volumes 191 and 192 was obtained from Michael Berridge, Eberhard FrOmter, Ari Helenius, and Heine Murer. The names of our advisory board members were inadvertently omitted in Volumes 521 and 126. When we noted the omission, it was too late to rectify the problem. For volumes 521 and 126, we are also pleased to acknowledge the advice of Angelo Azzi, Youssef Hatefi, Dieter Oesterhelt, and Peter Pedersen. The enthusiasm and cooperation of the participants have enriched and made these volumes possible. The friendly cooperation of the staff of Academic Press is gratefully acknowledged. We are pleased to acknowledge Ms. Laura Taylor for her tireless efforts and secretarial skills. iiix ~V ECAFERP These volumes are dedicated to Professor Sidney Colowick, a dear friend and colleague, who died in 1985. We shall miss his wise counsel, encouragement, and friendship. YENDIS REHCSIELF ACCEB REHCSIELF METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EMULOV I. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by YENDIS P. KCIWOLOC DNA NAHTAN O. NALPAK EMULOV II. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by YENDIS P. KCIWOLOC DNA NAHTAN O. NALPAK EMULOV III. Preparation and Assay of Substrates Edited by YENDIS P. KCIWOLOC DNA NAHTAN O. NALPAK EMULOV IV. Special Techniques for the Enzymologist Edited by YENDIS P. KCIWOLOC DNA NAHTAN O. NALPAK EMULOV .V Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by YENDIS P. KCIWOLOC DNA NAHTAN O. NALPAK EMULOV VI. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes )deunitnoC( Preparation and Assay of Substrates Special Techniques by Edited YENDIS P. KClWOLOC DNA NAHTAN O. NALPAK EMULOV VII. Cumulative Subject Index by Edited YENDIS P. KCIWOLOC DNA NAHTAN O. NALPAK EMULOV VIII. Complex Carbohydrates Edited by HTEBAZILE F. DLEFUEN DNA ROTCIV GRUBSNIG EMULOV IX. Carbohydrate Metabolism Edited by SILLIW A. DOOW EMULOV X. Oxidation and Phosphorylation Edited by DLANOR W. KOORBATSE DNA DRANYAM .E NAMLLUP EMULOV XI. Enzyme Structure Edited by C. H. W. SRIH EMULOV XlI. Nucleic Aci(dPsa rts A and )B Edited by ECNERWAL NAMSSORG DNA K/VIE EVADLOM XV xvi METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EMULOV XIII. Citric Acid Cycle detidE yb J. M. NIETSNEWOL EMULOV XIV. Lipids detidE yb J. M. NIETSNEWOL EMULOV XV. Steroids and Terpenoids detidE yb DNOMYAR B. NOTYALC EMULOV XVI. Fast Reactions detidE yb HTENNEK NITSUK EMULOV XVII. Metabolism of Amino Acids and Amines (Parts A and B) detidE yb TREBREH ROBAT DNA CELIA WHITE ROBAT EMULOV XVIII. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Parts A, B, and C) detidE yb DLANOD B. KCIMROCCM DNA LEUMEL D. THGIRW EMULOV XIX. Proteolytic Enzymes detidE yb EDURTREG E. NNAMLREP DNA OLZSAL DNAROL EMULOV XX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part C) detidE yb EIVdY EVADLOM DNA ECNERWAL NAMSSORG EMULOV XXI. Nucleic Acids (Part D) detidE yb ECNERWAL NAMSSORG DNA KIVIE EVADLOM EMULOV XXII. Enzyme Purification and Related Techniques detidE yb WILLIAM B. JAKOBY EMULOV XXIII. Photosynthesis (Part A) detidE yb YNOHTNA NAS ORTEIP EMULOV XXIV. Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation (Part B) detidE yb YNOHTNA NAS ORTEIP EMULOV XXV. Enzyme Structure (Part B) detidE yb C. H. W. HIRS DNA EGRES N. FFEHSAMIT EMULOV XXVI. Enzyme Structure (Part C) detidE yb C. H. W. HIRS DNA EGRES N. FFEHSAMIT

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