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Biology and Fertility of Soils 1992: Vol 14 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Biology and Fertility of Soils 1992: Vol 14 Table of Contents

Contents Adams MA: Phosphatase activity and Eiland F — Asmar F McCarty GW, Bremner JM: Availability phosphorus fractions in Karri (Eucalyp- Elsas JD van, Trevors JT, Jain D, Wolters of organic carbon for denitrification of tus diversicolor F. Muell.) forest soils AC, Heijnen CE, Overbeek LS van: Sur- nitrate in subsoils 219 200 vival of, and root colonization by, algi- McCarty GW — DeLuca TH Aescht E — Wodarz D nate-encapsulated Pseudomonas fluores- Melendez G — Lavelle P Alstrom §: Saprophytic soil microflora in cens cells following introduction into Mosier A — Ambus P relation to yield reductions in soil re- soil 14 Mulongoy K — Osonubi O peatedly cropped with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 145 Fardeau JC — Guiraud G Nance EL — Staley TE Ambus P, Mosier A, Christensen S: Nitro- Favretto MR, Paoletti MG, Caporali F, Nannipieri P + Badalucco L gen turnover rates in a riparian fen de- Nannipieri P, Onnis A, Tomei PE: In- Nannipieri P > Favretto MR termined by ‘°N dilution 230 vertebrates and nutrients in a Mediter- Nguyen ML, Goh KM: Status and distribu- Artiola JF, Pepper IL: Longterm influence ranean vineyard mulched with subter- tion of soil sulphur fractions, total nitro- of liquid sewage sludge on the organic ranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum gen and organic carbon in camp and non- carbon and nitrogen content of a fur- L.) 151 camp soils of grazed pastures supplied row-irrigated desert soil 30 Foissner W — Wodarz D with long-term superphosphate 181 Asmar F, Eiland F, Nielsen NE: Interrela- Freckman DW — Virginia RA Nguyen ML, Goh KM: Sulphur mineral- tionship between extracellular enzyme Frenzel P, Rothfuss F, Conrad R: Oxygen ization and release of soluble organic activity, ATP content, total counts of profiles and methane turnover in a sulphur from camp and non-camp soils bacteria and CO, evolution 288 flooded rice microcosm 84 of grazed pastures receiving long-term superphosphate applications 272 Badalucco L, Grego S, Dell’Orco S, Gervasi R — Totaro EA Nielsen NE > Asmar F Nannipieri P: Effect of liming on some Glagolev MV — Panikov NS chemical, biochemical, and microbiologi- Goh KM — Nguyen ML Odum EP — Coleman DC cal properties of acid soils under spruce Grego S — Badalucco L Onnis A > Favretto MR (Picea abies L.) 76 Guiraud G, Marol C, Fardeau JC: Bal- Osonubi O, Bakare ON, Mulongoy K: In- Bakare ON — Osonubi O ance and immobilization of teractions between drought stress and Banerjee MR, Dey BK: Effects of differ- (‘°NH,),SO, in a soil after the addition vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza on the ent pesticides on microbial populations, of Didin as a nitrification inhibitor 23 growth of Faidherbia albida (syn. Acacia nitrogen mineralisation, and thiosul- albida) and Acacia nilotica in sterile and phate oxidation in the rhizosphere of Hassink J: Effects of soil texture and non-sterile soils 159 jute (Corchorus capsularis L. cv.) 213 structure on carbon and nitrogen miner- Overbeek LS van > Elsas JD van Basker A, Macgregor AN, Kirkman JH: alization in grassland soils 126 Influence of soil ingestion by earth- Heijnen CE —> Elsas JD van Panikov NS, Blagodatsky SA, Blago- worms on the availability of potassium datskaya JV, Glagolev MV: Determina- in soil: an incubation experiment 300 Jain D > Elsas JD van tion of microbial mineralization activity Baumgartner M, Conrad R: Effects of soil Jarrell WM — Virginia RA in soil by modified Wright and Hobbie variables and season on the production Jaw C-G — Wang Y-S method 280 and consumption of nitric oxide in oxic Jiang H, Sato K: Fluctuations in bacterial Paoletti MG — Favretto MR soils 166 populations on the root surface of Pashanasi B — Lavelle P Bekker RM = Stein A wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown un- Paula MA, Urquiaga S, Siqueira JO, Bernard EC: Soil nematode biodiversity der different soil conditions 246 D6bereiner J: Synergistic effects of 99 vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Bisht SPS > Kaushal BR Kaushal BR, Bisht SPS: Growth and co- and diazotrophic bacteria on nutrition Blagodatskaya JV > Panikov NS coon production of Drawidia nepalensis and growth of sweet potato (Ipomoea Blagodatsky SA > Panikov NS (Oligochaeta) 205 batatas) 61 Blom JHC — Stein A Keeney DR — DeLuca TH Pepper IL > Artiola JF Bremner JM — McCarty GW Kirkman JH — Basker A Perucci P: Enzyme activity and microbial Kosch K — Streit W biomass in a field soil amended with Caporali F > Favretto MR Kulasooriya SA > Seneviratne G municipal refuse 54 Chalupsky J + UrbaSek F Chen Y-L — Wang Y-S Lavelle P, Melendez G, Pashanasi B, Rai R: Effect of nitrogen levels and Rhizo- Christensen S ~ Ambus P Schaefer R: Nitrogen mineralization and bium strains on symbiotic N, fixation Cochran VL — Sparrow SD reorganization in casts of the geophagous and grain yield of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Coleman DC, Odum EP, Crossley DA Jr: tropical earthworm Pontoscolex genotypes in normal and saline-sodic Soil biology, soil ecology, and global corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae) 49 soils 293 change 104 Lawrence EG = Staley TE Reuter G > Schulten H-R Conrad R > Baumgartner M Leinweber P > Schulten H-R Rogaar H — Stein A Conrad R — Frenzel P Lou G, Warman PR: Enzymatic hydroly- Rossbach J — Scherer HW Coppa T > Totaro EA sis of ester sulphate in soil organic mat- Rosswall T — Seneviratne G Crossley DA Jr + Coleman DC ter extracts 112 Rothfuss F > Frenzel P Lou G, Warman PR: Labile ester sulphate Dell’Orco S > Badalucco L in organic matter extracted from pod- Sato K — Jiang H DeLuca TH, Keeney DR, McCarty GW: zolic soils 267 Schaefer R > Lavelle P Effect of freeze-thaw events on mineral- Lucadamo L — Totaro EA Scherer HW, Werner W, Rossbach J: Ef- ization of soil nitrogen 116 fects of pretreatment of soil samples on Dey BK — Banerjee MR Macgregor AN — Basker A N mineralization in incubation experi- Dobereiner J — Paula MA Marol C > Guiraud G ments 135 IV Schulten H-R, Leinweber P, Reuter G: tropici strains measured by glucuroni- in Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta): results Initial formation of soil organic matter dase (gus) gene fusion 140 of an ongoing study 67 from grass residues in a long-term ex- Urquiaga S -> Paula MA periment 237 Verhoef HA — Teuben A Seneviratne G, Kulasooriya SA, Weer- Teuben A, Verhoef HA: Direct contribu- Vinther FP: Measured and simulated deni- akoon WL, Rosswall T: N, fixation in tion by soil arthropods to nutrient trification activity in a cropped sandy two Sesbania species and its transfer to availability through body and faecal nu- and loamy soil 43 rice (Oryza sativa L.) as revealed by 1°N trient content 71 Virginia RA, Jarrell WM, Whitford WG, technology 37 Tomei PE > Favretto MR Freckman DW: Soil biota and soil Singh KP — Tripathi SK Totaro EA, Lucadamo L, Coppa T, properties in the surface rooting zone of Siqueira JO — Paula MA Turano C, Gervasi R: Effects of iron mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) in histori- Sparrow EB —> Sparrow SD pollution on macroinvertebrates promot- cal and recently desertified Chihuahuan Sparrow SD, Sparrow EB, Cochran VL: ing organic matter transformation in Desert habitats 90 Decomposition in forest and fallow sub- soils of Presila Cosentina (Italy) 223 arctic soils 253 Trevors JT + Elsas JD van Wang Y-S, Jaw C-G, Chen Y-L: Uptake Staley TE, Lawrence EG, Nance EL: In- Tripathi SK, Singh KP: Nutrient immobi- and metabolism of isouron in rice fluence of a plant growth-promoting lization and release patterns during (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings 1 pseudomonad and vesicular-arbuscular plant decomposition in a dry tropical Warman PR > Lou G mycorrhizal fungus on alfalfa and birds- bamboo savanna, India 191 Weerakoon WL = Seneviratne G foot trefoil growth and nodulation 175 Trolldenier G: Techniques for observing Werner D = Streit W Stein A, Bekker RM, Blom JHC, Rogaar phosphorus mobilization in the rhizo- Werner W — Scherer HW H: Spatial variability of earthworm pop- sphere 121 Whitford WG — Virginia RA ulations in a permanent polder grass- Turano C > Totaro EA Wodarz D, Aescht E, Foissner W: A land 260 Weighted Coenotic Index (WCI): de- Streit W, Kosch K, Werner D: Nodulation UrbaSek F, Chalupsky J: Effects of artifi- scription and application to soil animal competitiveness of Rhizobium legumi- cial acidification and liming on biomass assemblages 5 nosarum bv. phaseoli and Rhizobium and on the activity of digestive enzymes Wolters AC > Elsas JD van

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