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Biology and description of a new species of Laurella heraty (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) from Argentina PDF

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Preview Biology and description of a new species of Laurella heraty (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) from Argentina

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(1), 2007, pp. 45-51 BIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF LAURELLA HERATY (HYMENOPTERA: EUCHARITIDAE) FROM ARGENTINA Javier Torrens, John M. Heraty, and Patricio Fidalgo (JT, PF) CRILAR-CONICET, Entre Rios y Mendoza, 5301 Anillaco, La Rioja, Argentina (e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]); (JMH) Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Description ofthe adult, egg, and planidium ofa new species, Laurella rugosa Torrens, Heraty, and Fidalgo (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae), from Salta, Argentina, is provided, along with a new key for the species of the genus. Laurella rugosa deposits eggs on the underside of leaves of Serjania glabrata Kunth (Sapindaceae), a climbing plant that grows in the understory of Piptadenia macrocarpa Benth. (Leguminoceae). Key Words: Laurella rugosa, egg, planidium, host plant Laurella (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) but most development occurs on the host was initially described to include three pupa (Clausen 1940b). species, L. bonariensis (Gemignani), L. The biology ofLaurella was unknown, vianai (Gemignani), and L. guriana and its immature stages undescribed, Heraty (Heraty 2002). Two of these with the exception of a single planidium species were described by Gemignani taken from the body of an adult of L. (1947) as Lirata bonariensis and Para- vianaifrom Tucuman, Argentina (Heraty kapala vianai. Laurella belongs to the 2002). The larva was similar in morphol- largely Neotropical Kapala clade within ogy to that of a closely related genus, the Eucharitinae, which usually can be Thoracantha Latreille, with both genera recognized by the parallel elongate pro- sharing elongate channels on the crani- jections arising from the scutellum um (Heraty 2002). Attachment of larvae (Heraty 2002). Oviposition takes place to the adult host is relatively common in with the deposition of large numbers of eucharitids attacking poneromorph ants eggs, either in cavities in plant buds or and is associated with highly active with the eggs scattered over the un- larvae seeking an adult ant host for dersurface of the leaf (Clausen 1940a, phoretic transfer back to the brood in Heraty and Darling 1984, Heraty 2002). the ant nest. These active planidia may All members of the Kapala clade are attach accidentally to an adult eucharitid known to only attack the immature visiting oviposition sites used by other stages of large poneromorph ants in the females of the same species; thus, these subfamilies Ectatomminae, Ponerinae, attached planidia on the eucharitid adult and Paraponerinae (sensu Bolton 2003). are likely from the same species (Heraty, Larvae initially attach to the host larva. unpublished). 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-6. L Laiirella rugosa, head and antenna (female, sublateral). 2, L. giiriana, head and antenna (female, frontal). 3, L. rugosa, head and mesosoma (female, dorsal). 4, L. giiriana, head and mesosoma (female, dorsal). 5, L. rugosa, habitus (female). 6, L. guriana, habitus (female). LaureUa is known only from South UCRC, University of California, River- America, with scattered locahty records side, California, U.S.A. from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela. A new species, LaureUa LaureUa rugosa Torrens, Heraty, and rugosa, was discovered in northern Ar- Fidalgo, new species gentina, and information is included on (Figs. 1, 3, 5, 7,9, 11-20) — its life history and immature stages. Diagnosis. Distinguished from the Morphological terms used in the descrip- other species by a combination of semi- tions are from Heraty (2002) and Darling appressed setae on the head and meso- (1988), with details on sculpture from soma, darkened femora basally, and Eady (1968). thick scutellar spines that are slightly Type material is deposited in the bowed in dorsal view (Fig. 3). Addition- following collections: MACN, Museo ally, females have an elongate basal Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Ber- flagellomere that is lightly colored basal- nardino Rivadavia", Buenos Aires, Ar- ly, and the mesoscutum is strongly gentina; IFML, Instituto Fundacion rounded in profile (Fig. 5). The egg is Miguel Lillo, Tucuman, Argentina; stalked and similar to other Eucharitinae FSCA, Florida State Collections of as described by Heraty and Darling Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.; (1984). The planidium is almost identical VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 47 Figs. 7-10. 7, Laurella rugosa, head and mesosoma (female, lateral). 8, L. guriana, habitus (male). 9, L. rugosa, habitus (male). 10, L. bonariensis, habitus (male). to that of Thoracantha striata Perty median ocellus (Fig. 11). Eyes separated (Heraty 2002), with both planidia having by 2.4X their height. Labrum with five a distinct Hne extending laterally from digits, each digit with a terminal flat- anterior cranial sensilla and presense of tened seta (Fig. 12). Clypeus smooth; a seta ventrally on Tl. Laurella rugosa supraclypeal area swollen, slightly re- differs by having a seta ventrally on TI ticulate with a few weak transverse and no ventral or lateral seta on TIL As striae. Antenna with 11 segments well, the ventral posterior process on (Figs. 1, 13), scape swollen apically, not TIX is divided and developed laterally in reaching to ventral margin of median L. rugosa. — ocellus. Length of flagellum 1.5X height Holotype female. Length 3.6 mm. of head, basal flagellomere 6.2X as long Body completely black except light as basal width, 1.9X as long as following brown tegula; scape, pedicel, basal half segment; basal flagellomere flared api- of F2 light brown, rest offlagellum dark cally, following segments flared and brown; femora dark brown basally, weakly serrate apically, clava rounded; distal half of femora, tibiae, and tarsi all flagellar segments scabrous. yellow. Wings evenly infuscate with Mesosoma (Figs. 3, 5).- Mesoscutum venation dark brown. rounded anteriorly; midlobe with irregu- Head: 1.5X as broad as high (Figs. 1, lar transverse carinae, and with weak 11). Face with surface weakly scabrous longitudinal depression medially; side and with weak striae converging from lobe with similar carinae but less distinct; genae to clypeus, and from lower face to entire surface covered by semi-appressed 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 11-20. 11-14, Laurella rugosa (female). 11, Head (frontal). 12, Labrum. 13, Antenna. 14, Prosternum and propleura (ventral). 15-16, L. rugosa (male). 15, Antenna. 16, Genitalia and aedeagus. 17-20, Host plant and immature stages. 17, Underside of Serjania glabrata with eggs (white area). 18, Recently deposited egg. 19, Egg two days old with outline ofplanidium. 20, Planidium. Abbreviations: pli= propleura; sti= prosternum; adg= aedeagus; dig= digitus; phl= phallobase; tp= tergopleural line. setae; tegula with scattered setae. Notauli dinal striae, sculpture becoming rugose vaguely impressed anteriorly to strongly in posterior half of spine, spines slightly impressed posteriorly. Axilla, scutellum, bowed in dorsal view (Fig. 3); frenum and scutellar spine with strong longitu- glabrous and smooth, reflexed below — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 49 spines and with a medial carina. Propo- mesosoma with carinae more irregular; deal disc rounded and slightly rugose, scutellar spine almost completely rugous; with a broad medial depression. Mese- mesepisternum and mesepimeron with pisternum glabrous and smooth; upper carinae prominent and surface more mesepimeron weakly reticulate to evenly rugose-areolate; legs with same smooth dorsally, becoming more strong- coloration as female but darker; antenna ly rugose-areolate ventrally, femoral de- pectinate (Figs. 9, 15), with same color- pression deeply and narrowly impressed ation as female but darker, branch of and with strong tranverse carinae; pre- basal flagellomere equal or shorter than pectus triangular and separated from height of head and 3.5^.4x as long as tegula by mesoscutum and acropleuron scape; mesoscutum more vaulted in (Fig. 7). Prostemum(stl) trapezoidalwith lateral view; forewing hyaline; petiole two carina directed medially (Fig. 14). 1.6-1.8X as long as hind coxa. Gastral Forecoxa mostly smooth and bare, be- terga black and more slender. Genitalia coming reticulate with scattered setae (Fig. 16) typical of most Eucharitidae; anteriorly; midcoxa mostly smooth two volsellus with several small marginal lateral longitudinal carina; hind coxa spines, aedeagus subacuminate. smooth to slightly reticulated apically, Description ofimmatures. Eggs: Un- with few setae, hind coxa 1.8X as long developed eggs whitish and translucent asbroad. Forewing2.5X as longas broad; with a smooth chorion, slightly flattened stigmal vein rectangular, 2.4X as long as ventrally along egg body, and convex broad; postmarginal vein as long as dorsally (Figs. 18, 19). Within four days, stigmal vein. dark coloration of developing embryo Metasoma: Petiole 3.1x as long as noticed, giving egg a dark color broad and 1.3X as long as hind coxa, (Fig. 19); length of egg body about petiole mostly smooth with weak longi- 0.17 mm and caudal stalk 0.08 mm. In tudinal carinae. Gastral terga black to mature eggs, larva occupies almost entire brown, terga smooth; Gti with few egg body with head oriented to caudal scattered curved setae; hypopygium with stalk. Planidium (Fig. 20): Morphology cluster of den—se long hairs apically. and setal pattern is typical of most Variation. Length 3.5-3.8 mm. Head Eucharitinae. Described by following fea- 1.4-1.5X as broad as high; eyes separat- tures: length 0.10 mm; width 0.03 mm; ed by 1.9-2.6X their height. Length of pleurostomal spine present; three pairs of flagellum 1.5-1.6X height of head, basal placoid sensilla on cranium, anterior pair flagellomere 5-6.2X as long as basal connected to lateral margin by single line width and 1.5-1.9X as long as following ofweakness, dorsal cranial spines absent; segment. Labrum with 5-6 digits. De- hatchet-shaped sclerite present; pleuros- pression of midlobe weak to almost toma extending laterally as a distinct absent. Tegula whitish to light brown. spine; ventral transverse process ofcrani- Scutellar spine with variation in breadth, um fmgerlike and separated medially; and more than apical halfcan be rugose. tergopleural line (tp) separating pleural Frenum with 1-3 carinae in different and dorsal tergites present on tergitesTII- forms. Hind coxa 1.6-1.9X as long as VIII; TI and Til fused dorsally, with 1 broad. Forewing 2.4-2.6X as long as pair of small setae ventrally and dorsally broad. Petiole 2.7-3.2X as long as broad with one anterolateral pair ofsetae and 1 and 1.3-—1.5X as long as hind coxa. medial pair of placoid sensilla; Till with mm Male. Length 3.3-3.6 (Fig. 9). three pairs of setae; TIV with 1 setae Similar to female except for following: lateral to tp; TVI with one small pair of head with sculpture more prominent; dorsolateral setae and one pair of stout PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 50 seta medial to tp; TVII with minute seta were collected January 24, 2004. The ant on ventral margin; TIX entire and with host is unknown, however nests of two longlateral processesvenlrally, lateral Odontoniachus chelifer (Latreille) (For- process reaching beyond TXI; caudal cerci micidae: Ponerinae) were common near not quite as long—as TXI+XII and stiff. the host plant, S. glabrata. Odoutoma- Type material. Holotype female: Ar- clius Latreille is a common host for the gentina, SALTA: Termas de Rosario de Kapala clade (H—eraty 2002). la Frontera, 24/1/04, Coll. J. Torrens and Life history. In experimental trials, P. Fidalgo. Deposited in MACN. Para- females were offered leaves of S. glab- types: SALTA: Termas de Rosario de la rata, and oviposition observed with Frontera, Hotel Termal, 25°50'14"S a magnifying glass. Leaves with eggs 64°55'55"W, 899 m, 21/III/2003, P. Fi- were subsequently put in a glass contain- dalgo, H03-10b, sclerophyll forest, UCR er with dampened cotton. Females col- DNA voucher #1073 (1 2,8 S, UCRC lected in January and February of 2004 specimen numbers 91466, 91828-91834, that were provided the host plant, de- 92210); same data, collector J. Heraty, posited their eggs on the underside ofthe UCR DNA UCRC A voucher #1092 (2 2, leaves (Fig. 17). single gravid female specimen 91820-91821); Termas de Ro- oviposited about 25 eggs per 1 mm^ on sario de la Frontera, 15/IV/2003, J. one leaf. Eggs hatched within 6 days; Torrens and P. Fidalgo (1 ?, 3 S, however, many of the remaining eggs FSCA); lO/XI/03, J. Torrens and P. contained mature, darkened planidia Fidalgo (1 2, IFMU); 07/1/2004, J. that did not hatch. Torrens and P. Fidalgo (1 S, IFML); KeyTO Species of Laurella Heraty 24/1/04, J. Torrens and P. Fidalgo (72,4 $, MACN); 10/11/04, J. Torrens and P. I. Semi-erectsetaeonheadandmesosoma Fidalgo (32,1 S UCRC); 07/III/2004, (Figs. 2, 4, 6, 8) giiriana Heraty JT.UTCorUrMenAsNa:ndTPa.piFai,dal14g/o1/(1199S3,, ICFuMeUz)z;o -2 (I). AsSipodpmeraels(osFbieegdso.fs1e,mtea3es,o5os)ncuthuemadsmaonodthmedsoor-- 2 and Fidalgo (M—.T.) (1 c?, IFML). sally. Scape reaching ventral margin of Distribution. Argentina: Salta, Tu- medianocellus. Antennayellow. Petiole cuman. in female as long as hind coxa. Male unknown vianai (Gemigniani) Biology - Side lobe of mesoscutum carinate or — rugose. Scape not reaching ventral Location and habitat. Specimens margin of median ocellus. Antenna were collected in Los Banos, Rosario de dark brown or bicolored. Petiole in la Frontera (Salta: Argentina), within female longer than hind coxa 3 500 m of the Hotel Termas. The host 3 (2). Scutellum longitudinally carinate, cari- nae reaching to apex ofscutellar spine; plant, Serjania glabrata Kunth (Sapinda- carina twisted along scutellar spine. ceae), grows in the understory ofa forest Coxae black, rest of legs yellow. An- of "cebil Colorado," Piptadenia nuicro- tenna dark brown (Fig. 10); male with carpa Benth. (Leguminosae). The host branch of basal flagellomere 1.5-2.6X as long as scape; female funicle not p6l0anctm ahriegh,smdailslperssherdubbsetawpepernoxtihmeattreeleys saesrrhaitned. cPoetxiaole in fbeonmaarlieen2s.iOsx(Gaesmilgonnigani) . . in the collected place. Adults of L. - Scutellum with irregular longitudinal rugosa, S. glabrata, and the potential carinae, spines becoming rugoseapically host ants were collected in 2003 and (Fig. 3). Coxae and basal two-thirds of 2004. All of the adults ofL. rugosa were femora dark, distally yellow (Fig. 5). Antenna with scape, pedicel and basal collected in the same location, mainly half of basal flagellomere light brown, close to or on the host plant. Most adults rest of flagellum dark brown (Figs. 5, VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 51 15); male with branch ofbasal flagello- . 1940b. The immature stages of the mere 3.5-^.4x as long as scape; female Eucharidae. Proceeding of the Entomological funicleserrate(Fig. 13).Petioleinfemale Society ofWashington 42: 161-170. 1.3-1.5X as long as hind coxa Darling, D. C. 1988. Comparative morphology of nigosa, n. sp. the labrum in Hymenoptera: the digitate labrum of Perilampidae and Eucharitidae Acknowledgments (Chalcidoidea). Canadian Journal of Zoology 66: 2811-2835. This investigation was funded by Pro- Eady, R. D. 1968. Some illustrations of micro- ject PIP 702/8 of CONICET. We thank sculpture in the Hymenoptera. Proceedings of Dr. Fabiana Cuezzo for identifications the Royal Entomological Society of London of the ants. Lie. Alberto Slanis for (A) 43: 66-72. identifications of the plants, and Dr. Gemignani, E. V. 1947. Nuevas especies de la Familia "Eucharidae'" (Insecta, Hymenop. Arturo Roig who very kindly loaned the Chalcid.). Comunicaciones del Museo Argen- specimens in the Museo de Ciencias tino de Ciencias Naturales, Serie Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia." Zoologicas 1: 1-15. Heraty, J. M. 2002. A Revision of the genera of Literature Cited Eucharitidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of the World. Memoirs of the American Ento- Bolton, B. 2003. Synopsis and classification of mological Institute 68: 1-359. Formicidae. Memoirs of the American Ento- Heraty, J. M. and D. C. Darling. 1984. Compar- mological Institute 71: 1-370. ative morphology of the planidial larvae of Clausen, C. P. 1940a. The ovipositionhabits ofthe Eucharitidae and Perilampidae (Hymenoptera: Eucharidae (Hymenoptera). Journal of the Chalcidoidea). Systematic Entomology 9: Washington AcademyofSciences 12: 504—516. 309-328.

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