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Biological Oscillators: Their Mathematical Analysis THEODOSIOS PAVLIDIS Department of Electrical Engineering Princeton University Princeton^ New Jersey ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London 1973 A Subsidiary of Hat court Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1973, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Pavlidis, Theodosios. Biological oscillators. Bibliography: p. 1. Biology-Periodicity. 2. Biological control systems—Mathematical models. 3. Oscillations. I. Title. QH527.P38 574.1 72-13615 ISBN 0-12-547350-8 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Dedicated to the memory of my father PAUL Preface The goal of this monograph is to present the main features of the dynamic properties of biological oscillators and the mathematical techniques necessary for their investigation. It is not a comprehensive description of all known biological oscillators, since this would require a much bigger volume as well as a different type of expertise. Certain classes of biological oscillators are described and then only in as much detail as is required for the study of their dynamics. Biological oscillators present a host of problems which are peculiar to them. Whereas in most technical applications the important variables and equations of the system are well known, this is rarely, if ever, the case in biological systems. Thus one must use indirect means for their description. In many instances the usual problems are placed in a converse form. In technological applications one usually starts with the structural description of a system and then determines its behavior during, say, nonlinear resonance (entrainment). In a biological system one attempts to deduce its structure from experimentally obtained behavior. In other cases the whole problem might be peculiar to living systems. For example, there is strong evidence that many biological clocks consist of a population of mutually coupled oscillators. There are very few other applications where one deals with more than two or three coupled oscillators. This fact together with the intrinsic mathematical difficulty of the problem can explain the scarcity of the technical literature about such systems. The analysis of the various techniques emphasizes the use of mathe- matics as tools and it does not include rigorous proofs. A number of mathematical models of specific biological systems are presented together with results of computer simulations. Hopefully this will make the treatment accessible to anyone familiar with the basic concepts and the formalism of elementary differential equations and linear algebra. Most of the examples and many of the general questions discussed are from the area of low frequency biological rhythms reflecting my own personal interest in that subject. xi Acknowledgments I owe much to Colin S. Pittendrigh, now at Stanford University, who introduced me to the subject and helped me to start my research in this area. He has continued to be a constant inspiration in my work on biological rhythms. I also wish to thank his former students and associates at Princeton and, in particular, William F. Zimmerman, Arthur T. Winfree, and Victor G. Bruce for the many discussions I have had with them while developing the ideas which eventually resulted in this monograph. In this book I have used many examples from the literature and have included descriptions of experimental results in order to illustrate the various mathematical techniques discussed. I am grateful to J. A. Bourret (California State University, Long Beach), Britton Chance and E. Kendall Pye (University of Pennsylvania), Patricia DeCoursey (University of South Carolina), Jerry F. Feldman, Ruth Halaban, and Jon W. Jacklet (State University of New York, Albany), Klaus Hoffmann (Max-Planck-Institut für Verhaltenphysiologie), S. Jerebzoff (Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France), Colin S. Pittendrigh (Stanford University), Shepherd K. Roberts (Temple University), Richard H. Swade (San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California), and Arthur T. Winfree (Purdue University) for permitting me to reproduce figures and tables from their papers. I am thankful to Mrs. Pearl Bazel for her excellent typing of the manuscript and to Steven L. Horowitz for his help in some of the computer simulations. Last but not least I want to express my gratitude to my wife Marian and my children Paul, Karen, and Harry for their patience and understanding while this book was completed. xiii C H A P T ER 1 Fundamentals of the Mathematical Theory of Oscillators 1.1 Introduction This chapter contains a review of fundamental mathematical concepts and techniques which will be used in the remainder of the book. Most of this material is covered in courses on feedback theory and/or nonlinear systems of senior or first-year graduate level. Thus readers with strong technical backgrounds could skip this chapter. Others may find it necessary to read selected sections. The background necessary for its comprehension is calculus plus elementary linear algebra. This material is usually covered in the first two years of college courses. Since an increasing number of biologists attend such courses we felt that it was safe to assume it as reasonable background for the book. The next two sections deal with the phase plane techniques, including an example from the theory of population dynamics. The fourth section points out the salient features of the study of w-dimensional dynamical systems. Next the asymptotic techniques of Krylov, Bogoliubov, and Mitopolski are presented. These are based in approximating nonlinear systems by linear ones. The sixth section deals with another linearization technique, that of the describing function. Finally we review briefly certain aspects of conservative systems, a class which can be handled analytically easier than others and for this reason is often discussed in the literature. A number of references are listed for further reading at the end of each section. The following are some which we found particularly useful for an overall treatment of nonlinear oscillations: And-I (comprehensive), Bog-I, But-I, Dav-I (concise with many specific examples), Haa-I, Haj-I, Hal-I (rigorous and concise), Hay-I (many 1 2 1 THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF OSCILLATORS examples), Lef-I, Lef-II, Min-I (comprehensive), Min-II, Nem-I (abstract treatment), Oga-I, Oga-II, Pli-I, Saa-I, San-I, Ura-I. 1 .2 Phase Plane Techniques The dynamic behavior of many physical systems can often be described by a second-order differential equation or a system of two first-order differential equations. Such descriptions involve two variables, which if known at any given time t allow the prediction of the behavior of the 0 system for any time t > t on the basis of the solution of the differential 0 equation(s). For example, the position p(t ) and velocity v(t) of a mass m 0 0 suspended from a spring with constant k determine its further motion on the basis of the equation md2p/dt2 + kp = 0 (1.2.1) Indeed the solution to the above is p(t) = A cosf^/m)1'2 · t + φ] (1.2.2) for some constants A and φ. These can be determined uniquely from the conditions p(t) = A cos<£, v(t) = —(klm)1/2A ύηφ (1.2.3) 0 0 The two variables which characterize the behavior of the system are usually called the state of the system. They can be represented as coordinates in a plane and in this way the behavior of the systems can be described in terms of plane curves. Thus the derivative of Eq. (1.2.2) is v(t) = -(kjm)1'2 A sm[(kjmf'21 + φ] (1.2.4) Eliminating the time-dependent terms between this equation and Eq. (1.2.1) we obtain p2 + (m/k)v2 = A2 (1.2.5) which represents an ellipse in the plane with coordinates p and v. The curves which result by eliminating the time from the solution of the differential equation(s) are called the trajectories of the system and the plane where they are plotted the phase plane. This formalism is useful not so much in cases where the differential equation(s) can be solved explicitly as where they cannot. There exist graphoanalytical techniques which allow one to determine the trajec- 1.2 PHASE PLANE TECHNIQUES 3 tories or certain properties of them and in turn deduce the dynamic behavior of the system. We will study some of these techniques next. The general form of the mathematical equations describing a system which can be studied on the phase plane with (x, y) coordinates is idxldt=f(xy) (1.2.6) 9 \dyldt=g(xy) (1.2.7) t Such a system is often called one degree of freedom because its motion is along a plane curve. This term, unfortunately, is often misunderstood to imply that the dynamic behavior of the system can be described by a single variable, which is certainly not true. Another common term is second-order system, which does not leave room for misunderstanding and which has been motivated by the fact that in general any system of the form given by Eqs. (1.2.6) and (1.2.7) is equivalent to one described by a single second-order differential equation. Any such equation can be placed in the above form. Indeed consider the following: d2x\dt2 +/(*, dx\dt) = 0 (1.2.8) This is obviously equivalent to dxjdt=y (1.2.9) dyjdt = -f{x,y) (1.2.10) The converse is also usually true. If f(x>y) is differentiable with respect to both of its arguments, then differentiating Eq. (1.2.6) with respect to time we obtain d2x _ df dx df dy It2 ~ ~dx~dt + dy~dt or d2x dfdx df , x Λ / 1 η Λ ΐ If Eq. (1.2.6) can be solved with respect to y, then an expression of the form y = F(x, dx/dt) is obtained. Substituting this for y in Eq. (1.2.II) leaves an equation in x, dx/dt, and d2x/dt2. Although these transformations (differentiation and solution with respect to y) are not always possible, they are valid 4 1 THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF OSCILLATORS in most cases of practical interest. A similar reasoning can be used to obtain a second-order differential equation with respect to y. The points (x, y) for which the functions f(x, y) and g(x> y) take e e the value zero are called points of equilibrium or singularities or critical points of the system 5. If the initial values of (x, y) are equal to the coordinates of such a point then they will remain the same since both derivatives dx\dt and dyjdt are zero. What will happen if the point (x, y) is close but not exactly equal to a point of equilibrium ? Obviously there are only three possibilities: (1) The distance between (x,y) and (x ,y) increases with time. e e Then the point (x , y) is called unstable. e e (2) The distance decreases with time; (x , y) is called asymptotically e e stable. (3) The distance varies with time but it stays between an upper and a lower bound; (x ,y) is called neutrally stable. e e In (1) and (2) the changes are not necessarily monotonie. We can study the type of stability in the proximity of an equilibrium point by using a linearization of Eqs. (1.2.6) and (1.2.7). Let χ = xe + L y = y + η e Then substituting these quantities in the above equations and using a Taylor series expansion for f(x y) and g(x, y) we obtain 9 The partial derivatives are all computed at the point (x , y). The e e first term of each expansion is by definition equal to zero. For sufficiently small ξ and η the higher terms can be eliminated and we thus have d i l d t = f - i + f , - (1.2.12) e 1 v dvldt=g-i+g- (1.2.13) x yv where f stands for df/dx, etc. x This is a linear system and it can easily be transformed into an equation of the form d*(ldt* - (fx + gv) dW + (fxgv ~ g*fv)i = 0 (1.2.14) An identical equation can be obtained with respect to η. 1.2 PHASE PLANE TECHNIQUES 5 The solution of this differential equation is of the form ξ = AeXlt + Bex* (1.2.15) where A and Β depend on the initial conditions and λ , λ are the 1 2 two roots of the algebraic equation λ2 - (fx + gy)* + (fxgy - gxfy) = 0 (1.2.16) The solution for η is obtained by substituting Eq. (1.2.15) into (1.2.12): K - fx Ht K - fx x,t (1.2ΛΤ) η = A e + B e J y J y If one or both of the X and λ have positive real parts, then ξ and η 1 2 will increase with time and the point (x , y) will be unstable. e e If both λ and λ have negative real parts, then ξ and η will tend to 1 2 zero and the point will be asymptotically stable. If both λ and λ have zero real parts or one has zero and the other a χ 2 negative real part, the point will be neutrally stable. Note that the sum of the real parts of X and λ is f + g and thus an x 2 x y obvious necessary condition for stability is fx+gy<0 (1.2.18) The product A A equals f g — gf . For stability it is necessary X 2 x y xy that both roots have the same sign or that fxgy- gxfy >0 (1.2.19) It is easy to verify that (1.2.18) and (1.2.19) together are sufficient conditions for the stability of x , y. e e We may further verify that the roots will be real if (fx+gy)2-4(fxgy-g*fy) >0 or (Λ-^)2 + 4^Λ>0 (1.2.20) This analysis allows us to plot the trajectories of the system in the neighborhood of an equilibrium point (see Fig. 1.2.1). Table 1.2.1 is a list of the various types of possible configurations encountered together with their usual nomenclature. The behavior of the system away from an equilibrium point is more difficult to study.

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