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BIOLOGICAL ELECTROCHEMISTRY VOLUME I GLENN DRYHURST Department of Chemistry University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma KARL M. KADISH Department of Chemistry University of Houston Houston, Texas FRIEDER SCHELLER REINHARD RENNEBERG Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Zentralinstitut fur Molekularbiologie Bereich Angewandte Enzymologie Berlin, German Democratic Republic 1982 ACADEMIC PRESS A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace jovanovich, Publishers New York London Paris San Diego San Francisco Sâo Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto COPYRIGHT © 1982, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Biological electrochemistry. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Bioelectrochemistry. I. Dryhurst, Glenn, Date. QP517.B53B56 574.19'283 82-1711 ISBN 0-12-222401-9 (v. 1) AACR2 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 82 83 84 85 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Alcron was a beginning. There will never be an end. PREFACE The genesis of this book began with an invitation from Professor A. Vlcek of the Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Czechoslovakia to me to organize a symposium on the Elucidation of Bio- logical Redox Mechanisms in Terms of Electrochemical Concepts as part of the J. Heyrovsky Memorial Congress on Polarography held in Prague in Au- gust 1980. Three keynote speakers, Karl Kadish, Frieder Scheller, and my- self, prepared talks designed to present an overview of the electrochemistry of small organic molecules, large organic molecules, and inorganic mole- cules, and how electrochemical information helps to understand some of the biological redox reactions of such systems. Anyone who has been called on to deliver such lectures will appreciate the time and effort required in preparation. It seemed logical, therefore, that this effort should be utilized and expanded by preparing a book concerned with the electrochemistry of biologically significant compounds. This is the first of two volumes which will be published. Volume I is largely concerned with the electrochemistry of small and macromolecular organic com- pounds. Volume II will deal with various inorganic and organometallic com- pounds of biological interest. The work reviewed in this book presents a reasonably complete summary of material published through 1980. We anticipate the material will be of use to electrochemists, biochemists and biologists, and other scientists working in various fields of biotechnology. I would like to acknowledge the help of Sushma Goyal who prepared most of the figures and Nancy Burnett who typed the entire manuscript and handled much of the extensive correspondence involved. Glenn Dryhurst xi 1 QUINONES I. INTRODUCTION Quinones occur extensively in nature and appear to play a variety of roles in the life cycles of living organisms. Thus, a basic interest in the biological role and function of these compounds has stimulated a significant amount of chemical and biochemical research into their properties and behavior. A very detailed and comprehensive review of the occurrence, structure, and properties of naturally occurring quinones has been prepared by Thom- son [7]. Bentley and Campbell [2] have comprehensively reviewed the bio- logical reactions of quinones in terms of their biosynthesis and functional significance. Most of the chemistry of quinones has been reviewed in the treatise edited by Patai [3]. The role of quinones in biological electron trans- port has been reviewed by Crane [4]. The quinones of particular interest in this chapter are those associated with the electron-transport or respiratory systems in living organisms. Such quinones are based on 1,4-benzoquinone (I) and 1,4-naphthoquinone (II). The naturally occurring benzoquinone ο ο ο ι II 1 2 1. Quinones or naphthoquinone derivatives are generally lipid-soluble, because of a long hydrocarbon chain attached to the quinone nucleus. There are four main groups of naturally occurring quinones of this type. These are the ubiqui- none or coenzyme Q, vitamin K, plastoquinone, and tocopherylquinone groups. All of these groups are thought to participate in electron-transport systems and/or energy coupling processes, which are supported by electron flow. Because of the involvement of these molecules in biological electron- transport processes, it would seem natural that electrochemists would be in- timately involved in the elucidation of their redox mechanisms and in re- search to understand their biological role in electron transport. This, how- ever, is only true to a rather limited extent. II. STRUCTURES OF BIOLOGICALLY SIGNIFICANT QUINONES Only the four groups of naturally occurring quinones mentioned above will be discussed. Details on other naturally occurring quinones are given by Thomson [7 ]. Probably the most widely distributed quinones are those in the ubiqui- none or coenzyme Q group. The structure of these compounds is based on a 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methylbenzoquinone nucleus with an unsaturated terpe- noid sidechain (Fig. 1). Clearly, the terpenoid sidechain substituted^ the C(6)-position consists of a number of five-carbon methylbutenyl units. Indi- vidual ubiquinones are designated either by the number of methylbutenyl units in the sidechain or by the number of carbon atoms in the sidechain. Thus, ubiquinone-20 is the same compound as coenzyme Q , and ubiqui- 4 none-30 is the same compound as coenzyme Q . The most common ubi- 6 quinones are those that have a terpenoid chain that contains 30 to 50 carbon atoms, i.e., Q to Q . There are a few variations of the structure shown in 6 10 Fig. 1, but these are quite rare and have been discussed by Crane [4], Members of the vitamin Κ group of quinones are also found very extensively in nature and may occur even more commonly than the ubiquinone group [4]. The vitamin Κ group of compounds has a naphthoquinone nucleus and, ο L -In Fig. 1. Basic structure and numbering system for the ubiquinone or coenzyme Q group of quinones. II. Structures of Biologically Significant Quinones 3 ο Fig. 2. Structures of (A) vitamin Κ, ; (B) vitamin K ; (C) vitamin K (menadione). 2 3 usually, a methyl group at C(2) (Fig. 2). Vitamin K, (A, Fig. 2) is 2-methyl-3- phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone and hence possesses a monounsaturated phytyl sidechain or a 20-carbon chain. Sometimes this compound is designated as vitamin M20) for obvious reasons. Vitamin K-, is probably the most common form of this vitamin. Vitamin K (B, Fig. 2) has a terpenoid side chain that is 2 very similar to the coenzyme Q group. These compounds are often referred to as menaquinones and have sidechains ranging from π = 0 to 12 [2]. In certain instances, the vitamin K or menaquinones are designated MK-n, 2 where the η refers to the number of unsaturated isopentenyl units (B, Fig. 2). When η = 0, the resulting compound is usually referred to as vitamin K or 3 menadione (C, Fig. 2). This compound is obviously 2-methyl-1 ^-naphtho- quinone. The plastoquinones are a group of 2,3-dimethylbenzoquinones found in all oxygen-producing photosynthetic organisms. The basic structure of the plastoquinone group of quinones is shown in Fig. 3. The plastoquinones are ο Fig. 3. Basic structure of the plastoquinone group of quinones. 4 1. Quinones Fig. 4. Structure and numbering system for tocopherylquinones: a-tocopherylquinone, R3 = R5 = Re = CH3;0form, R3 = Re = CH3, R5 = H; y form, R5 = R6 = CH3, R3 = Η; δ form. = Re CH R = R = H. 3/ 3 5 often designated PQ-n where η is the number of isopentenyl units in the sidechain. The common values of η are 3, 4, 8, and 9 [/]. Detailed discus- sions of the origins of various plastoquinones and structural variations have been presented by Crane [4] and Thomson [/]. The fourth major group of naturally occurring quinones is the tocopheryl- quinones, which are structurally similar to the plastoquinones. Thus, the to- copherylquinones are a series of Ί ,4-benzoquinones with one, two, or three methyl groups substituted on the quinone nucleus and a hydroxylated phytyl sidechain substituted at the C(2) position. The most extensively studied com- pound is α-tocopherylquinone, 3,5,6-trimethyl-2-(3-hydroxy)phytyl-1,4- benzoquinone. The structures of the latter compound and of the β-, y-, and δ-tocopherylquinones are shown in Fig. 4. III. OCCURRENCE AND BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF QUINONES A. Ubiquinone or Coenzyme Q The coenzyme Q or ubiquinone group of quinones was discovered about 25 years ago [5,6]. Its members are found in bacteria and fungi, higher plants and algae, invertebrates, and vertebrates, including man [7,8]. They are found in the liver, heart, spleen, pancreas, and other tissues. The name ubiquinone [9] was first used to indicate its wide occurrence in Nature. However, it is, in fact, not ubiquitous [/]. Ubiquinones have a major role in respiratory electron-transport processes [4,10,1 /]. They are normally found in mitochondria, the bulk of cellular ubi- quinones being found in the inner mitochondrial membrane, which is the subcellular site of electron transport. The ubiquinones appear to undergo cy- clic oxidation and reduction during the oxidation of substrates such as pyru- vate, isocitrate, α-ketoglutarate, and malate, i.e., substrates of the citric acid cycle. In support of its participation in the respiratory chain is the fact that the ubiquinones found in the mitochondrial membrane may be extracted III. Occurrence and Biological Significance of Quinones 5 with solvents such as acetone and chloroform. This results in the loss of en- zymatic activity, which may be restored on addition of ubiquinone. How- ever, as noted by Thomson [12], it can be shown that electron transport can still occur in mitochondrial particles from which all ubiquinone has been removed, suggesting that electron transfer proceeds through a branched- chain system: one pathway depending on ubiquinone, another in which ubiquinone does not participate. Ubiquinone also appears to function as an electron carrier in photosynthetic bacteria, taking the place occupied by plastoquinone in higher plants. It is, perhaps, worthwhile reviewing the respiratory or electron-transport chain so that the position and role of ubiquinone can be fully appreciated. In the electron-transport chain, a number of oxygen-dependent dehydrogena- tions (oxidations) occur that involve intermediate electron carriers, which intervene in the flow of electrons between the initial electron donor—e.g., pyruvate, malate—and the ultimate electron acceptor, which is molecular oxygen. The process of electron transport involves the successive interaction of carriers capable of undergoing a reversible conversion between its re- duced and oxidized states. Thus each intermediate carrier first participates in its oxidized state as an acceptor of electrons and is converted to its re- duced state. In the reduced state, the carrier then functions as a donor and transfers electrons to the next carrier in its oxidized state, and in doing so is reconverted back to the original oxidized state. The final carrier transfers electrons to oxygen, the ultimate acceptor, which is reduced to water. A moderately detailed schematic representation of the respiratory chain is presented in Fig. 5. The oxidized and reduced forms of the various electron carriers are presented in Fig. 6. The reduction potentials shown in Fig. 5 are those presented by Bohinski [13]. It should be noted that the system (redox couple) with the more positive potential (Ε°') will spontaneously tend to gain electrons and undergo reduction. It is clear in Fig. 5 that, with the exception of the CoQ/CoQH couple, the E°' values become progressively more posi- 2 tive from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to oxygen. Thus, the carriers are arranged in order of an increasing tendency to undergo reduc- tion. Oxidation of a substrate such as L-malate in the presence of NAD+ and a suitable NAD+-dependent dehydrogenase gives oxalacetate and NADH. The latter species primes the electron-transport chain, and a transfer of electrons to flavin mononucleotide (FMN) occurs, giving back NAD+ and forming FMNH . The FMNH then reduces coenzyme Q (CoQ) to the cor- 2 2 responding hydroquinone species, CoQH , etc., until ultimately a reduced 2 (Fe2+) cytochrome reduces molecular oxygen to give an oxidized (Fe3+) cytochrome and water (Fig. 5). Obviously coenzyme Q does not properly fit into the scheme shown in Fig. 5 because its £°' value is more positive than that for the cytochrome b couple. However, the quoted E°' was deter- 6 Oxalacetate NADH(H"r) 1/202 E°=-0.32V E°=+0.25V Y E°=+0.29V Y E°*=+0.82V H90 succinate fumarate Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the respiratory chain. E°' values are reduction potentials in volts vs. the standard hydrogen electrode at pH 7 and at 20-30°C [13].

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